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Kristofer Hallfredsson - The Viking.

Ready for grading. 4974 words. First article, so double money.

Kristofer Hallfredsson is yet another prospect in the upcoming SMJHL draft, but no one really knows what can he put to the table. So who is this Latvian defenseman?

Family and early life

Kristofer’s name already tells that his family originally doesn’t come from Latvia. His father Hallfred is pure Icelander, and, in fact, his ancestors were found to be true vikings coming from Norway. Hallfred continued his father's business and was a fisherman from a young age in the Atlantic ocean near Reykjavik. Iceland’s capital was where Hallfred met Anna, a Latvian girl who had just come to work in Iceland. After few years they married and had their first daughter, then second daughter, but their third child finally was a son, which finally was a son. Parent’s named him Kristofer in honour of his great grandfather, who was a well known traveler in his time, with the most notable destinations of his being the North and South Poles. All this history of the family already tells that a great future was already placed in the cradle for the little boy.

Kristofer's family loved sports, they especially enjoyed skating and hockey and Hallfred eventually became a player for the local amateur team. Kristofer’s father was a big idol for him. He wasn’t the one who scored most of the goals, and, of course, it was just the amateur league, but working hard and never giving up were qualities he had in his genes. And those qualities have transferred to Kristofer, too. When his parents put Kris on the skates at the age of 3, they found it hard to get the little boy off the ice. Even though he fell a lot in his first days and weeks of skating, he always asked dad for help to get up and continued skating. Eventually, as Kris grew older, his skating improved and he got his first stick, he started to spend most of his evenings at the local ice rink. It was the mom who had to come and bring the little boy home, because he had to rest and go to school. But his dad saw something more in Kristofer. As he once told in an interview:
“I saw the same hard working and sturdy mentality that my father had and taught me, and which I wanted to teach my son as some of the greatest qualities a man could have. I have loved hockey since I was very little, but I just had to continue my dad’s work. Since Kristofer is our only son, in most similar families you would see him becoming a seaman, catching fish and travelling around Iceland. And I’m sure Kristofer would do that with all of his heart. But Kris is passionate about hockey. None of my relatives had become professional hockey players, and I want to see, if with Kristofer’s mentality he can achieve something in the professional hockey scene. That’s why we moved to Latvia.”

And really, when Kristofer was just about to go to school at the age of 7, the family had made a big decision. Strangely, Iceland as a nordic country hasn’t really established a solid infrastructure of ice hockey, and since the family wanted all the best for their son, they moved to their house near Riga, Latvia, where they would usually spend some of their summer holidays, but now they moved to there permanently. Just because Kristofer’s parents taught Icelandic and Latvian languages to each other, their children, and of course, Kristofer too, had no problem speaking both. And, because there already were the likes of Prikulis, Pettyfer, Birkavs and others coming from Latvia and playing at the highest level, parents had no doubt the Latvian youth system works pretty well.

Youth career

When Kristofer started to go to school, he was also taken to the local junior hockey school’s young player selection. Quote taken from an interview with Kristofer’s first coach:
“I just did my usual routine when looking at what these youngsters can do, and offered Kris to try goalkeeping just because of his size. It didn’t go as well as expected, after first few trainings I found it hard to see possible improvements for him as a goalkeeper, he also didn’t seem to be happy about staying in goal. He said to me that he always has enjoyed skating more. I respected that, because I find it essential that kids do what they really enjoy, because I believe it’s the only way of achieving the highest possible success. A year, maybe two went by, and we, of course started specializing kids in some roles when we found what are the strengths and weaknesses of the young player. Kris has tried everything, he was pretty physical for his age to be a good center and had the agility to become a good winger, but I saw that he didn’t have the soft hand for precise wrist shots, he wasn’t a puck handler, but he always wanted to pass a teammate and get back on defense. He liked to prevent opponents from scoring, to make them miss shots. And you know, he fitted in the defensive role pretty well. He seemed to enjoy it. When I asked him what he likes to do on the ice, he told me that his father was a defender and always worked as hard as he could, sacrificed himself to block shots, and that he wanted to do the same. And, to be honest, he did just that. He was a hard worker at a very young age, cause he knew that he doesn’t have the talent to be a point machine, but he can work as hard as he can to become the best he can be. That’s a very valuable mindset. Not many kids have that. They look at Crosby, Ovechkin, and want to be like them without much effort. But this kid’s idol was his dad. Kris was usually the one who came off the ice last. He wanted to get faster, more agile. I told him that he also needs to get stronger, because he naturally had a bigger frame, and that would help, and then if I couldn’t find him on the ice, he would be in the gym lifting weights. I saw that this kid has the necessary to become really good. When he grew older, his mentality started to have impact in the locker room, too. He would usually be the one who cheers up other kids, who told that we can get back on track even if we were 0-3 down, and other kids seemed to have respect for him. And although Kris was the strongest, he never used his strength on his teammates. He has a good heart. He never started a fight, but tried to talk. I saw that true captain's qualities and I can proudly say that Kris was the best captain I have ever had on my team.”

Kristofer's parents supported him in every way possible. They bought some weights that Kris could lift at home, took him to the ice rink an hour before training just because he wanted to get ready and start doing something before everyone else, attended every home game. Kris emerged as a young defender, showing high energy and physicality on the defensive end, getting in the way of the puck, hitting opponents and making a good pass to start out an attack. Kristofer's team became one of the strongest in the country, winning a championship in his last year playing for his first team, because scouts from the strongest junior team in Latvia, HK Rīga already showed interest in the 14 year old player. “It was time for him to move on,” says Kristofer's first coach, “and although I would loved if he stayed on my team, we only trained kids until they were 15, and after that they would either get offers from other teams, or move up to our junior team which plays professionally in the Baltics championship. But Kris had an offer when he was 14, and I told him that this is his chance and that he should keep on what he did with me, and that is working hard and being passionate about hockey.”

Kristofer's dad, Hallfred said:
“I knew that Kris would be great for his age. I am very proud of him. This is his chance to show himself to even wider range of people. And no, he won’t burn out. He loves hockey too much and will do everything to be as good as the older guys.”

It turned out to be pure truth. His HK Rīga coach has told:
“Scouts told me that this kid is something else. He has the hard working mentality that I haven’t seen for a long time. And you know what, when I arrived to the arena to get everything ready for the first training of the new season, I met our team’s leader who usually comes about hour and a half earlier, and he said to me: “He already was here.” while pointing to Kris who seemed in a fun mood and was practicing his backwards skating. I went to Kris and asked if he hasn’t misread our training schedule, and he said: “Not at all, coach. It was written 17:30 there, so I gotta arrive at 15:30.” Didn’t take much time for me to realize scouts were on point with their reports. He didn’t really get much playing time in the first season, because most of the opposition would be 17,18 years old, and I would let Kris on ice only against some younger and weaker opposition, but in trainings Kris was tough, and even though now he experienced what it’s like to get hit by bigger boys, he said that they shouldn't go easy on him. Kris was tough. Definitely the strongest and toughest of the kids his age in our group. The next season I already got him in our regular rotation in the third defensive pair. I was impressed by the level of energy he brought to the ice. He was pretty big, so he actually could be on par with guys that were 2 years older. Of course, the skill level here was higher than he had experienced before, but he never felt down, he continued to work to become better than those other guys. When he was 16, he already was our team’s first pair defender, and he’s been doing everything I have asked from him since then and more.”

The words from HK Rīga coach’s mouth tell everything. Kris was more of a raw prospect when they got him into their system, but his perseverance kept coaches believing that it will just take time for him to develop in a good asset to the team. In his second season with the new team he was already playing in the third defensive pair, slowly working on getting up the rotation. When Kris was 16, he was one of the team's most promising and best defenders even though there were some older defenders on the team.

Again a quote from the coach:
“Kristofer just seemed older for his age. He wasn’t eager for points, as many of the younger players are, his task is to make opponents lose the puck, make a good hit, and do everything to help the team not let the puck into the net, and only then he is focusing on the offense, by looking where to pass to start out the attack.”

In the past season Kris was a captain for the second time in his career. Also, he was leading the league in defensive deflections made and hits made. That surely didn’t go past the ears of overseas scouts, who attended some of the home games for HK Rīga, and talked with coaches about young kid’s mentality. Impressed with what they heard, Kristofer's agent received some information about teams showing interest as well, and here he is- Kristofer has applied for the draft and now is waiting for the time when he should fly to North America and participate in the prospect tournament and show himself from the best side. After that, hopefully, he gets drafted in the best possible situation for him. But he will speak about that himself in an interview below. Right now I offer you interviews with people that have influenced Kristofer’s life the most, and after that, with the Viking himself.

Interview with Kristofer's parents

Hello, and thanks for coming. I’m pleased to speak with parents of one of the most promising and upcoming prospects in the next SMJHL draft- Kristofer Hallfredsson. Hallfred and Anna are the people who have spent the most time with their son, and now he is just few weeks away of leaving home. What are your overall thoughts on that your son is about to take the next big step in his career?

H.: Of course, it won’t be easy to accept that Kris has to leave home, but everyone has to do that at some point of their lives. I’m really proud of him. When he was just a little child, I taught him that the only way to achieving the greatest success is by doing what you really love, and putting all your heart in that. Kristofer has been doing that for all of his career to this point, and I am sure that he will continue that for the rest of his life.

A.: I still cannot really believe that our son has this chance. I’ll probably believe only when he actually gets drafted. But I’m sure he will stay on the right path. We have raised him with all of our hearts and now he will have to be by himself. But, of course, we will always support Kris, even if something goes really wrong.

Will you continue to live in Latvia now that your child is most probably going to live in the other side of the Atlantic ocean?

H.: We still have our other two daughters, who already have their own families, one is living in Latvia, other in Iceland. We’ll have more time to visit them. Of course, we have jobs here, when I met Anna, I had already left the ocean and went to university to study programming, and I’m a programmer right now, so my job can mostly be done from both Iceland and Latvia.

A.: We are getting older, I secretly hope our children will take care about us, but we can easily travel from Latvia to Iceland and back. We have beautiful houses both here and in Iceland, so it’s just the matter of what is the current state of our mind, where do we want to live.

What do you think, now that Kristofer will receive much bigger paychecks, will he continue to be so hard working, I mean, won’t he go on the wrong path?

H.: Not at all. I’m sure that every dollar he earns is made with sheer hard work. He has been doing everything to be the best he can be, and some of that is going to pay off already. But he has bigger goals. He won’t stop when he receives his first paycheck. He wants to earn titles, championships, awards and not just one of them, he wants as many as possible. He has that winner attitude.

A.: Like Hallfred said, he has bigger goals than just receiving big money. We trust him and wish him all the best.

Alright. Now about your personal life. How does having one child achieving more than others impact relationship between…
(Continues interview about other things)

Kristofer’s linemate’s thoughts on him as a player and a person

Kris was one of the best players I’ve played with. Maybe not skill wise- as he didn’t get that many points, but on the other side, it requires a lot of skill to make right defensive plays. I’m a more offensively minded defender, so we blended together pretty well. Even if I made a mistake, Kris was always there behind me to make up for it.
He is first to arrive, and last to leave the arena. There won’t be any worries about his willingness to learn and work on his game. And he was just a great captain. Always cool-headed, he keeped us believing in ourselves when we had a bad game. He could find the right words in the locker room. You know, some guys our age have more expressive temperament, but he is laid-back and was never laid back or feeling down. He believed in us and we believed in him. I truly believe he was one of the major reasons we won the title last season. It will be much harder now when he leaves, but I wish him the best in the draft.

We have also got our hands on one of the scouting reports for Kristofer, here you can get to know a little bit more about him.

18 years old, HK Rīga, Latvia, defender
6’3, 210 lbs

Strengths: A defensive minded defender with a big frame. Willing to go in the way of the puck if needed. Can hit hard, yet does not get penalties often. Good on poke checks. Pretty agile, and seems to have focus on getting even faster. Has decent puck handling skills for a defender, can either skate with the puck or make a good pass to the forwards. Showing good mental qualities.

Weaknesses: Poor ability to shoot the puck, will need to improve his slapshot to provide his future team variety in power plays and positional attacks. Can’t play huge minutes yet, but that will be a temporary issue. Still pretty raw, but willing to improve as fast as possible.

You now know about Kristofer’s start in hockey, youth career successes, parents’, coaches’ and other peoples’ thoughts about him and how they think Kristofer would do in the place where the best hockey in the world is being played- the SHL. But what are Kristofer’s thoughts on those things? Read that in the interview.

Hello, and thanks for coming. Proud to be talking with a player who could be the next big thing in the SMJHL and the SHL.
Thanks for inviting, man. Yeah, people have been saying that, but I think some overhype it. Just look at how deep this draft class is. You got players who have potential to become great left and right. My priority might not be the glitz and glamour, I just want to get in a team which fits the best for me.
Alright. Does that mean you already have set a heart on a certain team?
No, not yet. I yet have to make contacts with all of the teams, to make sure I got as much info as possible. I’m also talking with some current and former SHL players that are helping me. Of course, the draft is not free agency, the teams decide if they want me in their system or not, it’s not me who is choosing. Although, I doubt that a team would take me if they clearly would knoe I don’t want to play for them, so I can make some impact. But we’ll see that at the draft night.
You also said that this draft class is very deep. Have you talked to some of your future teammates and opponents and know them personally?
Not yet, to be honest. But I’m looking forward to that as the prospect tournament comes closer, I like to meet new people and make friends, so, will see that when I get to North America.
When are you planning to leave Latvia?
Probably few days before the prospect tournament. I’ll have time to acclimatize, meet GMs of teams.
Going back to players in this draft, you probably know that this class is actually surprisingly filled enough with female players. What are your thoughts on that?
Do you want me to say that I would play softer on them or even make some closer relationships? (laughs) Of course, you can’t really be sure 100% about most of things, but I’d say no to both of those things. In my opinion, they know what are they signing up for and I think that they are willing to show that they can be tough enough to compete. I won’t play less physical or be more cautious about my hits just because it’s a woman. Off the ice, we can have a good talk and everything, but on ice everyone is even to me. I don’t make exceptions. And I hope they are ready for that. I’ll be only impressed if they can make it big. From what I have seen, they have some pretty good skill. Will be an interesting season for sure. Speaking about if I could make a closer relationship with one of those female players, I just don’t think that would work out. I personally wouldn’t mind having a hockey player as a girlfriend, but not if I have to play with or against her. That would make things more difficult.
There are relatively many defenders in this draft class. What do you think are your chances to be one of the top defensemen in this stacked draft class?
As far as I know, the absolute majority of other defenders are either offensively minded or they are jacks of all trades and are two-way players. My passion is defense. It will just come down to what will be the team needs. If they are in need of a defender who can score, then they will talk with others, cause the choice will be wide. But if they need a stopping force, I think they will contact me. That will probably be my strongest trade in this draft class filled with good defenders.
Playing in one of the biggest hockey league in the world means you will get some nice cash too. What are you going to do with your first paycheck?
I want to take care of people who are the main reason I have made it this far already, who have supported me in every situation- my family. I will buy my parents a new car, a big TV and a subscription of all my games. And to my sisters- I know they both are just trying to make money and areliving with their husbands in flats in the middle of big cities, so I’ll buy them houses just outside them, so they have a place where to build their families. But, of course, I will need something too, so I’m just looking to buy some real estate in the city where I’ll be playing, an okay car and some better gear.
You just sound so laid-back and seem to be a cool guy. Has someone taught you that?
My dad is the biggest idol to me. Many of the qualities he has you can see now in me. That’s just how he along with my mother have raised me.
You’re probably a great guy to have in a locker room.
I just like to maintain a fun, healthy and friendly relationships in the locker room. In my opinion, the way to success is to do what you really enjoy, and put in hard work. But if it’s a team work, then a thing which is just as important as those two is having a good chemistry. Those three things combined make every team able to contend for the highest awards.
Speaking about locker room, do you have a nickname?
Yeah, some guys just like to shorten my name to Kris, but the real locker room nickname for me is “The Viking”, because of my Icelandic roots, long hair, beard and my tough mentality.
You talked about what it takes to achieve success. But what is success to you? What are your ultimate goals as a player?
I just want to be the best that I can be. When it will be time to call it a career, I want to look back and say that I gave my everything. I don’t want to regret something just because I didn’t do enough. Also, I’m a loyal player. I take pride for playing in my team. If I really get in the right system, I might be the player who stays all of his career in one team. And, especially, I’m proud about playing in the national team. I want Latvia’s name to become louder and louder in the world.
Talking about national teams, why have you chosen to represent Latvia? You had a choice between Iceland and Latvia.
I love both of my home countries. But Latvia is just where I have started my hockey career, where I have become what I am now, where I have lived most of my life. That’s why.
Yeah, you have played in Latvia for all of your career until now. How do you think you will adapt to North America's style of play?
Adapt? They will need to adapt to me. (laughs) I am already playing very physical hockey, and now I will be allowed even more. That playstyle suits me. I will be able to play more physical. More narrow angles mean it should be easier to get in the puck’s way. Of course, I’ll need to adjust to the zone sizes and a different type of icing, but I think that will happen pretty quickly and I am ready for that.
Let’s talk about what you do before the game. Tell me what is a gameday in Kristofer’s life.
Alright, so, I wake up, go for a little run, then come home, take a shower and usually make good breakfast. Then, if I have time, I study my opponents’ play style and especially their offensive threats. I don’t arrive to gameday trainings as early as I do in other days, because we usually just get information from the coach on what will be our game plan, and then do our training. Some 4 hours before the game I go with my teammates to a cafe, and get a big meal to have energy for the game. I can’t go wrong with potatoes, cooked fish or some meat. I also love pasta or rice, but my potatoes are just my favourite. Then, when I have had a good talk with teammates and have something in my tummy, the mental preparation starts. Can’t do anything physical right after eating, so I get some little rest, and try to get all of my focus to the upcoming game. When I get to the arena and go to the locker room, I usually don’t participate in the talk that’s going on around, I have my headphones in and listen to some metalcore. The energy in metal just makes me pumped up for the game. Other guys listen to what our DJ plays, but it’s usually some hip hop or pop, and I can’t really get pumped up from that. Then, when we get ready, we get some final words from the coach before the game, and then finally go on the ice. I’m always singing our anthem with pride, and after that we get around our goalkeeper, and that’s when I’m finally starting to talk- we even have a little dance while I’m pumping everyone up. It helps to get a good mood and motivation plus energy before the game. And then it’s time to give 110% out of myself. After the game there isn’t really anything interesting, I either do an interview, or just get back to locker room, talk everything with teammates, take a shower and someone usually takes me home.
Seems pretty normal. What is the chemistry in the locker room?
It’s great, you know. I highly value good chemistry between every member of the team. It’s just a key to winning. If someone ever has an argument, they settle it down on the ice or in the gym, so even arguments are just turning out good.
Just by how you think and speak, I actually forgot for a moment that you’re only 18. You obviously still had to go to high school.
Yeah, my school is pretty close to my house, and I gotta say, me and the teachers are getting along pretty well, they agree to sometimes prolong due dates because of my game schedule and I am actually a pretty good student. I don’t have time to be excellent, but I’m doing everything responsibly. The last exam for me was about a month ago, and I have finished high school now.
You probably have earned some certain respect and fame in the school. How do you get along with that?
I’ve never liked being in the absolute center of the spotlight, so I’m just trying to be normal. Yeah, guys are friendly and always ask how was the game, how are we doing, and that’s cool. Of course, there are some girls always trying to get my attention, but I don’t have a girlfriend at the moment. I want a girlfriend who doesn’t want me just because of me being a fit hockey player, but who genuinely loves me. And I probably won’t get an American or Canadian girlfriend, I think girls here in Latvia and Iceland are much more beautiful.
Interesting. Alright, that’s it for today, thanks again for coming, and I hope that we can get another interview in the future.
Thank you, and for sure. Hit me up when you have some questions ready.
Good luck in the draft!

So there you have it, everything you need to know about Kristofer to this day. Looking forward to how will the career path turn for him- The Viking!

How much was the name of your thread inspired by the one posted 5 minutes before yours Wink

Quote:Originally posted by Thor@Jul 16 2016, 01:20 AM
How much was the name of your thread inspired by the one posted 5 minutes before yours Wink

Hahahahaha :D :D
It wasn't at all. I actually wrote this article on my mobile for the past few evenings. I had the name already in mind then. Now I was about posting it, and actually checked the Media to see if there isn't a new article or something. Nothing new there, and I just opened a new topic, pasted my work, checked the preview and read everything again, and then posted.

Now you said this, I was like "wtf is he talking about", checked, and lol'd. :D

May there be two vikings in this draft class then. B)

There can only be one Viking in this draft!

[Image: 4505802-7345230691-tumbl.gif]

[Image: ivanovamin.png]
Player Page - Update Thread


Deknegt would have loved all of these vikings


[Image: 46381_s.gif]
sigs by ToeDragon84
[Image: Jpcs9tG.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Darth_Invadeher@Jul 15 2016, 06:35 PM

Hahahahaha :D :D
It wasn't at all. I actually wrote this article on my mobile for the past few evenings. I had the name already in mind then. Now I was about posting it, and actually checked the Media to see if there isn't a new article or something. Nothing new there, and I just opened a new topic, pasted my work, checked the preview and read everything again, and then posted.

Now you said this, I was like "wtf is he talking about", checked, and lol'd. :D

May there be two vikings in this draft class then.  B)

S30 - The Viking Draft

Now we need to go 1st - 2nd OA to make the story complete.

Quote:Originally posted by Nereus@Jul 16 2016, 12:50 AM
Deknegt would have loved all of these vikings


I didn't know the Netherlands was known for vikings.

Quote:Originally posted by SethTrollins@Jul 15 2016, 04:01 PM

I didn't know the Netherlands was known for vikings.
The only 3 letters I need to know are U, S, and A.

[Image: 46381_s.gif]
sigs by ToeDragon84
[Image: Jpcs9tG.png]

[Image: 2RAnmTym.png]

[Image: 46381_s.gif]
sigs by ToeDragon84
[Image: Jpcs9tG.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Nereus@Jul 16 2016, 01:08 AM
The only 3 letters I need to know are U, S, and A.

[Image: tumblr_n86ampFIFw1sj4xr4o1_400.gif]

GM's, pick this viking slut. o:-)

[Image: 0OAAUwi.png]


Love to see more players from there! Should have chosen Norway, though, instead of Latvia, all the greatest Norwegian IIHF players are native-born Icelanders

fantastic article! Good luck this season!

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

Grizzlies      S76 SMJHL DRAFT 3RD OVERALL PICK      Grizzlies
Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
norway                     IIHF TEAM NORWAY                       norway


Quote:Originally posted by Wyatt Night Kez@Jul 16 2016, 10:02 AM

Love to see more players from there! Should have chosen Norway, though, instead of Latvia, all the greatest Norwegian IIHF players are native-born Icelanders

fantastic article! Good luck this season!
Curonian vikings > Nordic vikings

[Image: 0OAAUwi.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Wyatt Night Kez@Jul 16 2016, 10:02 AM

Love to see more players from there! Should have chosen Norway, though, instead of Latvia, all the greatest Norwegian IIHF players are native-born Icelanders

fantastic article! Good luck this season!

Latvian hockey>Norwegian hockey

Quote:Originally posted by Chewbacca@Jul 16 2016, 04:08 AM

Curonian vikings > Nordic vikings
Teutonic Order > Curonian Knights


MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
[Image: xuHy0EF.png]
[Image: Artermis.gif]

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