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Ludwig K Schroder - Captaincy Presser

(3700 - Ready to Grade)

Feel free to ask any questions, SHL, or Real life related, or plain out of far left field and I will do my best to answer them.

Looking forward to hopefully captain the Team for sometime, and lead the steelhawks back to the cup here again time and time again. But first lets focus on the playoffs.

New Jerseys, and a New Logo for a new look Steel hawks. Ask away!

Eichelele asks:

Best guess, who will lead the Steelhawks in goals this season?Assists? Blocked shots? +-? Memes? Puns?

Goal Leader: By seasons end I think that Luke Atmey will be our goals leader. Having the highest scoring on the team (next to myself, but we see how that's panning out after the first 7 games this year haha), and being a veteran player, I feel confident in <a href='index.php?showuser=701' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-63'>Velevra</a> 's ability to create a solid player. Being given the easier minutes away from teams top lines will help him in his rookie year and I feel as the year moves on (and his player improves) he will really start to find his game and step into his own.

Assists: I think it will come down to two players this year, with both <a href='index.php?showuser=283' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>ThatDamnMcJesus</a> and <a href='index.php?showuser=2182' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>JR95</a> both having the minutes and higher end players on the team it's really their race to lose. JR sporting the 2nd highest Passing on the team has the edge for me, but Ben Dover is out to such a hot start it might be hard to slow him down.

Blocked Shots: First guess, is most likely Ben Dover, but I feel like LKS could push him this year for most shot blocks on the team, with both players having close to comparable stats that help in aiding for that stat (DEF and PH). So we will have to see, but I think Dover will over take me soon enough.

Plus/ Minus: <a href='index.php?showuser=2292' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Eichelele</a> - Mostly cause I really dont know lol, I know that isn't really a great answer, but I feel like this team will have a few good lines, and some really bad ones as we are still fighting to pull out of the basement and the 2nd line seems to be finding themselves in positive situations more than negative ones.

Memes: I'd normally say <a href='index.php?showuser=1899' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>SethTrollins</a> but he has pretty much gone MIA on us sadly. Next would be <a href='index.php?showuser=2267' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Waters</a> but he has been lacking in the meme game lately, so at this point I don't even know who to elect?

Puns: Me all day long. Just ask <a href='index.php?showuser=2325' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-62'>Zoone16</a> or <a href='index.php?showuser=2327' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>ztevans</a>

Steelhawk MVP prediction?

Ben Dover

Playing way to well out of the gate, Being I believe the highest TPE on the team, the man behind the plan, he will have every opportunity to churn out the minutes, and his player seems to be responding well to it putting up the points, and all the other fun stats fantasy teams love.

What team are you most looking forward to dominating for the next 10 seasons?


Those smug bastards, with such heretics like <a href='index.php?showuser=1263' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-59'>kit</a> <a href='index.php?showuser=1245' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>ThatDamnWalrus</a> <a href='index.php?showuser=2285' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Tomen</a> <a href='index.php?showuser=1725' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Hoovuh</a> (<3) <a href='index.php?showuser=2059' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>MP7</a> how can you not want to dominate Muffalo 24/7? I look forward to hopefully both teams rises and the ensuing battles year after year, while we destroy team hopefully in due time, and I can fore go adding salt to my pasta water because it will be fueled by their tears. Suck it you bunch of Sock with Sandals wearing, milk drinking, Jabroni's.

Why are the Maple Leafs the worst team in the NHL?

They aren't. That's reserved for the likes of Columbus/ Buffalo/ Montreal/ Calgary/ Vancouver/ Boston. Being my 2nd fav team after the Oilers I can't hate. Yes their Retarded fans ratio is higher than most teams, but with so many fans, what did you expect? At least they have been humbled enough by their terrible last 40 years that they don't live in the past like some teams (COUGH MONTREAL COUGH).

SHL rookie of the year and why?

I'd be hard pressed to not pick someone from the Cheifs considering half of their roster is rookies, but I will have to go with Reed Laing in Portland. He has built a great power forward, and just seems to continually put up the points. I put Alex Light in the predictions to start the year, but with the slowish start I worry about his ability maybe this year to contend long term (He 100% could catch fire and prove me wrong and I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest). But as it stands it's Laings to lose.

Who has the 2nd best logo, after Hamilton?

LAP - Original. SICK colour scheme.

You could change one thing about SHL, what would it be and why?

82 game season sims.

The point of a SIM league in my personal opinion is to have it be relative to the thing it's simulating. Hockey. In this case, in my mind the NHL. It seems silly we can't just up the simmed games per day, and get this number up to a comparable/ realistic amounts. Bigger numbers means more fun for everyone, and being able to potentially compare your players numbers to maybe your heros in that position is more fun, and offers more player investment. I'd love to look back on my players 10-15 season career, and go "Hey I was way worse than Karlsson, but damn I destroyed Roman Polak's numbers".

What's the best thing you can cook?

Steak and Mushroom pie with Guiness Gravy.


Stewing Beef
1 Sweet Onion
Bag of Mushrooms
1 1/2 Can of Guiness (Tall cans)
Worchester sauce
Steak spice
Tenderflake Pastry Topping

Get onions and garlic, brown in pan with butter. Once ready place in Slow cooker. Take beef and toss in flour + Steak spice mixture to coat. Melt more butter in pan, sear the flour and beef together quickly. Toss into slow cooker. Dump Guiness in. Liberally shake some Worcester sauce into it. Beer should be a bit thicker than it initially was so can form gravy. If not add some additional flour or corn starch. Add Pepper to taste. Turn on High for 1 hr, Low for 2. Once ready, get 2 bread pans. Grease edge. Stretch out falkey pastry. Dump content into pans, and stretch pastry over the top/ lips. Push down to secure pastry and jab holes in top with a fork 5-7 times. Place in over @ 400 C til pastry pops and is turning golden brown. Pull out. Serve. Best served with Garlic Mashed Potatoes (once Potatoes are cooked, as a dollop of sour cream + cheddar cheese and mix in to bake beside pies) and baked beans.

Top 3 pizza toppings?

1.) German Forest Salami
2.) Cajun Turkey Sliced/ Parmesan
3.) REAL Bacon. Like from a butcher.

Favorite American beer? non-American beer?

I'll be honest I don't even know what beers are considered 'American'. So would be easier to just cover the favourites in general.

Top Get Crunked Beers
-Moosehead - From Bottle
-Mill st. Organic - Bottle (Shit makes me burp like crazy though)
-Keiths - From Tap

Top Enjoy it beers
-Guiness - Can't deny my Irish heritage
-Killkenny - Creamy Guiness
-Innis and Gunn (Rum finish) - Best beer hands down (shits dangerously good)

Why does anyone order a styrofoam cone, when sugar or waffle cones are available?

-Honestly? Because they dont want to afford the extra dollar or two for the clear upgrade, or are just dirty ice cream peasants who haven't experienced the total euphoria of a proper waffle cone. I must say, the next level of Ice cream is Gelato or Funnel Cake + ice cream. Do it if you haven't. It's bliss.

Favorite player not on the S'hawks?

This is a tough one with so many people I generally like from the same Draft class and former Whalers in General with a few none Whalers making the list as well.

Lets go with the honourable mentions first? Yeah that works.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2285' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Tomen</a> - Always easy to talk with for SHL related stuff, but I guess now that he's GM we can't chat anymore cause then it might be considered tampooning? Who else will we get mock drafts off of guys? Or ask about trades etc?

<a href='index.php?showuser=1245' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>ThatDamnWalrus</a> - Stop linking me that ugly white dog videos. Besides that, your normally cool beans. Also <a href='index.php?showuser=2261' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-63'>Gooney</a> is a god.

<a href='index.php?showuser=1725' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Hoovuh</a> - My first GM and probably one of the more cool/ chill guys on the site.

<a href='index.php?showuser=31' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>grimreaper</a> - Making a boss player. A boss guy in general. I'd trade myself to get him on steelhawks cause I know he'd make them that much better.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2309' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Toivo</a> - Prob the perfect d partner for me (wink wink) and genrally all around wicked brah.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2104' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>jjaybs</a> - Want your Doggos. Minus the random poopceptions they always seem to have

<a href='index.php?showuser=2325' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-62'>Zoone16</a> - He's a dirty dirty Kelowna alumni, and plays for the West Kendall Pootoon, but dudes still more than alright.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2310' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>JKortesi81</a> - This old man can help talk about the good ol days with me, now get off our lawns yah damn kids.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2297' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-54'>InciteHysteria</a> - Has dragged me into almost every other league at this point. Why not another team?

<a href='index.php?showuser=78' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Wasty</a> - Any time I've talk to him, he's been top class.

<a href='index.php?showuser=2206' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Phobospwns</a> - I won't forget you buddy, even if you do play for the Renelames.

<a href='index.php?showuser=1722' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Nereus</a> - Smells weird, but sort of pug ugly cute in a way. Don't ever change bb.

I will have to confess though the guy I'd love to be on the same team the most?

<a href='index.php?showuser=2262' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-10'>Kaisonious</a> - Hands down the player I'd want in Hamilton the most. Both Whalers alum. GoMHL, and always good for a chat and always had my back, it's really a shame we never got to end up in the same spot and a player I'd love to have on Hamilton in a heart beat.

McJesus asks:

If you didnt play for Hamilton, What team would you want to play for?

Did you not check my FA ranking, GAWD! (Totally a FA in S33 btw, they just bribing me with the C I think). My top teams honestly, would depend on A) Guarenteed top 4 minutes (20+ a game) and B) The team direction. Some teams have absolutely zero direction it seems, and I would not want to be part of an aging/ clinging core, with no plan thats clear. People who are present on teams plays a factor too....If I was forced to pick currently?

Buffa.....ahhhh I can't. Being an inter conference rival currently. I just couldn't. Don't dislike anyone on the team I just can't.

LAP/ CGY are two places that have my attention for sure with Maybe Winnipeg being a dark horse.

Why havent u signed an extension yet?

Have you seen the shit going down the last few seasons? MUTHA FOOKAS GETTIN PAID SON How can I not want to at least test the market? Moneys getting tossed around like it's 1 ply and easy to come by. Makes a young active player excited to maybe hit the FA market and get mad stacks just like that. No more media quotas. No more extra ciricular shit. Can just shit back, wait for that contract depo, and keep on trucking.

Who is the softest team in the league Muffalo Softpede or New England Sofpack?

To be honest. I was never witness to the Softpack stuff, so I can't really to much to that. Muffalo is pretty soft, with Commie Nazi's like Tomen at the helm. I mean he was born in the far east of German before the fall of the wall (trust me I have credible sources) so it's pretty much written in stone. I do find it a bit suspect that Softpack members have like half of the sites jobs.....but that's not questions for me to ask >_> <_<

Why is Tomen a Commie Nazi?

WOW It's almost like we have the same info on hand. See above for direct reasons. Also I have heard Tomen is the head of the 'Russian Bride' Ads I see on the top bar of the site when on mobile, so he obviously has some ties with that side of things....

Who is your ideal Linemates?

A Scoring Winger - Need someone to shoot when I pass, but take some focus away from my player who I intend to eventually be a shoot first D man.

A Two way Center - Help keep the other 2 players open with a mixed bag of skills to lend anywhere on the ice.

A Power Forward - Someone to open space for the other forwards and myself. All while having enough in the skill set to score.

A Two way D man - Someone who is balanced. With the ability to move the puck still, but shys away from the shoot a bit. Can play strong on the puck and be physical where I am not.
A Not Waters Goalie - Swiss Cheese

If I had this set up I feel like my player would pile up the points and be a dominant combination across the league.

Why does Star Wars Suck?

Legit reasons? Because George Lucas allowed himself to be surrounded with 'Yes Men/ Women' when working on the trilogy and writing that awful awful dialogue, to go with the overstuffed boring that was attack of the clones (worst movie) for a franchise that has amazing lore and depth. Replace that dialogue with something have decent you have a franchise that can't be touched for overall influence and loveability. I understand why Force awakens was, what it was, but hate the fact they needed to play it 'safe' in their minds with the weight of neck beards expectations weighing them down from trying to be more original than Death star 3. See Rogue one for top notch content with an original story (yes it had a slow wind up but last half of it was fantastic, Star wars needs more space battles, seriously).

With that aside. HOW DARE YOU. I can see the flaws the series has, but I'd be damned if I didnt defend it til my last breathe. I love everything about it. The Jedi (Space Wizards), the lore, the MUSIC (John williams you brilliant bastard) and especially the Space ships/ battles. I have a complete love for laser weapons, X wings (B wings are best btw), and everything space related, so this series speaks to my inner child and I hope to bring the joy that is Star wars into my kids lives some day when I have them.

If you could make one trade for the Hamilton Steelhawks, who would you play for?
That's a hard one for me cause there is still a few minor holes I feel the team needs to plug.

Forward Depth - We have what I see as a solid top 6-7 players, but would feel more comfortable with at least 1 more truly active forward in the mix.

Defensive Depth - With 'Generational' Talent Kornel Kasparek seemingly MIA at the moment there is a bit of a hole in the team top 4 defense. So grabbing someone to grow with the team as it hits it's prime would be Ideal

Goaltending Depth - Waters has the starters job and seems to be fairly active but the poor guy has been down on his luck lately and I'd truly hate to lose him, so I worry at times that life might get to much for him at times, and that would suck on more than an SHL basis. I mean there is always Harris??? But it wouldn't hurt having a goalie prospect to push for a starter spot too.

Putting on my GM hat.....

The Steelhawks are in a growth mode, and we need those final 1-2 pieces to form the core and grow togther. Having a lower overall TPE right now with all the S30-32 players gaining TPE together we will still be a bit challenged for pushing the top teams out for a season or two more I feel so our 1st and 2nd round picks still have lots of value for teams that may be seeking them. I'd be putting those on the table with maybe a higher end inactive (Burch) plus a high pick to nab a solid 2 way D man build to match up with myself on 2nd pairing, or with Foster so I can move up with Dover (we have worked together in the past, I just dont pair well with KK) to nab a player in the 30-32 window to again grow with the team to make a strong core. Goalie depth would be nice as a #2, with forwards, being nice, but not close to a need.

Bojo Asks:

How many hot dogs

Where abouts are we talking <a href='index.php?showuser=1157' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-13'>Bojo</a> ?

Toivo Asks:

Which SHL teams are the dark horses of their conference?

Current - 7 Games in

Calgary - How are they 1-6? Seriously. I don't think this will be a long time trend for the team. I'd be completely surprised if they go from Cup champs to Lotto pick in the SHL Draft. No way they stay this low.

West Kendall - How can a team I constantly see peoples pre season sims have pegged as fighting for 1st in the East be outside looking in. Again, Unsustainable, as is they are only 1 point out anyways, no way they miss the dance this year.

Realistically Overall

Texas - A team that is a victim of the strong West. I always have a thought they could put it all together and push deep into the playoffs season after season for them to fizzle. They HAVE to make a statement this year. They need to get over the hump.

Buffalo - Been knocking on the door for so long, this might be the year they make the dance. The conference is noticeably weaker, and nows the time to take it by the horns and cash in. How bout Dah?

Kaisonious Asks:

What do the Hawks need to do to complete the rebuild and make a serious run at the cup?

Maybe add some depth in the minors right now at the Forward Position - Defense and Goaltending. We have a solid core it looks like but no insurance incase anyone falls off to inactive levels. With KK sort of MIA at the moment, we only have an active top 3 D, and long term that isn't good. All good teams sport a solid top 4 at least. Same goes with our forwards. We looked to have a solid top 9, but now I wonder if we are around the 6-7 level with most of our current prospects being active, but more of a project than certain slam dunk.

What do you need to do personally to make this happen?

Nothing I can really do not having the great powers of a GM but what I can control I will. I got us some new swag to rock out there to draw maybe some 'cool' factor to the steelhawks for our Logo and Jerseys, and being named Captain was a huge honour, and whatever I can do to forge our team forward to success I will. I plan to not slow down with TPE growth and keep a damn cushy bank, so I can stay on top of the draft class, and make anyone who passed on me for 9 picks regret the massive opportunity they had to draft me. Positvity is what drives a high quality locker room and discord, and I will do my best to be an example of it. People complain about the league sometimes and all that shit, but it's still a cool pass time, and I want people to enjoy being here, especially as a Steel Hawk as long as I'm captain and am expected to lead. As many records I can break on any team I'm apart of, I'm going to try and do it.

Is hell going to freeze over? Can both the Oilers and Leafs make the playoffs this year?

-Dear lord. 10+ years of Sheer pain being a truly unfortunate double fan. The 1999 and 2001 conf finals + the "It was 4-1" all bundled with Roloson goes down hurt! Oh and F Chris Prongers Wife BS, I don;t know what to do with my hands right now. If the perfect storm happened and they both made it. I am petty sure I would dedicate my non shaven beard to their honour every day they made it to the next game. A finals between them? Dear lord. My head would explode, but the hate for Kadri would boil over as my true passion for the Oilers came to the front. It could happen. Will it? I don't think so. Oilers make. Leafs stumble at the end.

If you were to recreate today, what type of player would you build?

I was convinced it would be a power forward, but after my failed experiment that is my GoMHL player, I might change my tone. I think I'd go full on 2 Way D man next time. I'd love to pile on the hits and SB all while hopefully being a 25-30 PT regular. That would be solid and just as enjoyable as LKS has been so far (He needs to wake the F up this season though.)

What is your favourite Rick and Morty episode and why?

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jRuutu Asks:

If you would have to remove the hawk part out of Steelhawk´s and replace it with another animal, what animal would you pick?

Most likely something as equally canadien and is practically like hitting something that is made of steel with your car. Moose. Now hear me out. I know most people don't think Moose are that intimidating, but have you really seen one? Or what it can do? The mo fos shrug off cars all the time, and walk away with a slight limp while the occupants are dead on impact. They are some mean bros too. I would NEVER want to mess with a moose, and one that is comprised of steel? Dear lord, thats like the Wolverine level of super animal right there, that can mess up anything. Tigers? Or Lions? Pffft, they'd wreck their shit in an instant. Steelmoose. Book it as a top notch rebrand someday.

If I would like to score on Ben Waters, where should I aim?

Pretty much anywhere, there is roughly a what? 10% chances you'll score lately, so just take 10 shots on average and you'll probably score one of them.

If I would like to start a fight with you on the ice, what are some of the things I could say that might make you really mad?

Say something like "Volkova and Russia are better", or maybe even that, I should have been left on the soviet side of the wall. But the real stomach churner has to be if you say something like "Your countries beer sucks and your women are ugly". You best be ready to eat some knuckles ASAP after that.
What is your honest opinion about Beyonce´s song : Grown Woman?
[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Incite Hysteria Asks:

If you had to compare Igor Pychakov and Tino Moosman to any SHL players. Who would they be?
Most likely Theo Kane + Ivan Koroviev currently. They are scoring at a pretty crazy pace to start the year paired together, and if they can keep it up will make a lot of fantasy owners happy and put up some pretty crazy good numbers to end the year on.

Do you think any people on the SHL that you currently talk with would make a great coach for the Windsor Wendigo of the PHL?
Most of the people who are active and I would suggest are already crazy busy with so many sim leagues already I can't even suggest anyone at this point :(

Are you excited to defend German gold in the S33 IIHF? How does it feel taking home two medals so early in your career?
Pretty crazy to be honest. I didn't think we would push so hard for the silver last year with about half of the team being newbies, but this year I definetly felt like it was Gold or bust after winning Silver the year before. I was bugged quite a bit for not choosing my birth country of Canada as my nation to represent but I had a look at the program the Germans were developing and just had to be a part of it. Going with my fathers side (Father German - Mother Canadian) was ultimately the right choice, and I will have sometime before I crack the top pairing, I am more than happy to pitch in where needed if the team can continue to have such staggering success at the professional IIHF level.

Do you think the future of Germany is brighter than it's current state?

S22 - S27's
Bubba Nuck -1500+
Lord Pretty Flacko - 1500+
VLAD McZherl - 1600+
Klaus Wagner - 1500+
Patrick Brumm - 1300+
Nikolaus Scholz - 1300+
Jaxson Reynolds - 1100+

Dieter Dominique - 900+
Eduard Selich - 800+
Ludwig Kock Schroder - 800+
Timo Haas - 700+
Max Weber - 600+
Geronimo Otto - 650+
Tommy Salami - 350+
Viktor Vorkamper - 400+

I think that's all I really need to show to be honest. The top players for the team are TOP. Like look at that line up? Arguably 2 of the top forwards in the league in LPF and VLAD, mixed in with an elite defenseman in Wagner, you have a scary set of top lines to attempt to match up against as another team. Now mix in the crazy amount of great young talent developing behind them while they are still in their primes? You can't ask for more as a team/ GM. The Germany team has a rare gift with the team in that their great players are already great, and before they even start to regress the next crop of great players is already nipping at their heels to take over the roles they have. Unfair.

Does LKS have different taste in video games than RabidSponge?
LKS loves his Farming simulator.

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]

Everyone else must think ya got enough money, but you've been generous in sponsoring our uniform rebrand, so riddle me this:

Best guess, who will lead the Steelhawks in goals this season?Assists? Blocked shots? +-? Memes? Puns?

Steelhawk MVP prediction?

What team are you most looking forward to dominating for the next 10 seasons?

Why are the Maple Leafs the worst team in the NHL?

SHL rookie of the year and why?

Who has the 2nd best logo, after Hamilton?

You could change one thing about SHL, what would it be and why?

What's the best thing you can cook?

Top 3 pizza toppings?

Favorite American beer? non-American beer?

Why does anyone order a styrofoam cone, when sugar or waffle cones are available?

Favorite player not on the S'hawks?

If you didnt play for Hamilton, What team would you want to play for?

Why havent u signed an extension yet?

Who is the softest team in the league Muffalo Softpede or New England Sofpack?

Why is Tomen a Commie Nazi?

If you could make one trade for the Hamilton Steelhawks, who would you play for?

Who is your ideal Linemates?

Why does Star Wars Suck? Ninja

[Image: hallsy.png]

How dare you call Gabe an ugly dog.

Show some respect.

[Image: 6Xj1IWG.png]

Player Page || Update Thread || Signatures

[Image: PoQh1Wx.png] [Image: rmu9FS0.png][Image: VxdFjLy.png][Image: QKcW3J4.png] [Image: RoypPRF.png]

How many hot dogs

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

Which SHL teams are the dark horses of their conference?

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
Player Page- Update Page
Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
Player Page - Update Page
Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
Player PageUpdate Page
[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]

:-x :-x :-x

What do the Hawks need to do to complete the rebuild and make a serious run at the cup?

What do you need to do personally to make this happen?

If you were to recreate today, what type of player would you build?

Is hell going to freeze over? Can both the Oilers and Leafs make the playoffs this year?

What is your favourite Rick and Morty episode and why?

Quote:Originally posted by Rabidsponge21@Feb 17 2017, 08:12 AM
Where abouts are we talking Bojo ?

You know where. Ninja

[Image: JbAlQ9E.png]

Quote:Originally posted by ThatDamnWalrus@Feb 18 2017, 05:09 PM
How dare you call Gabe an ugly dog.

Show some respect.

Take back what you said about Gooney and I will consider changing my opinion. Yah Goomba

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]

If you would have to remove the hawk part out of Steelhawk´s and replace it with another animal, what animal would you pick?

If I would like to score on Ben Waters, where should I aim?

If I would like to start a fight with you on the ice, what are some of the things I could say that might make you really mad?

What is your honest opinion about Beyonce´s song : Grown Woman?

If you had to compare Igor Pychakov and Tino Moosman to any SHL players. Who would they be?

Do you think any people on the SHL that you currently talk with would make a great coach for the Windsor Wendigo of the PHL?

Are you excited to defend German gold in the S33 IIHF? How does it feel taking home two medals so early in your career?

Do you think the future of Germany is brighter than it's current state?

Does LKS have different taste in video games than RabidSponge?

[Image: 3GSD0dd.gif]
[Image: m1IMt5k.gif]


Renelames for life! Wink

[Image: tZTGSGj.png]
[Image: 2AFxw6o.png]

Updated to Current Questions. Last chance to ask. will be closing soon. Thanks!

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]

Quote:Originally posted by Rabidsponge21@Feb 17 2017, 05:12 AM

Best guess, who will lead the Steelhawks in goals this season?Assists? Blocked shots? +-? Memes? Puns?

Goal Leader: By seasons end I think that Luke Atmey will be our goals leader. Having the highest scoring on the team (next to myself, but we see how that's panning out after the first 7 games this year haha), and being a veteran player, I feel confident in <a href='index.php?showuser=701' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-63'>Velevra</a> 's ability to create a solid player. Being given the easier minutes away from teams top lines will help him in his rookie year and I feel as the year moves on (and his player improves) he will really start to find his game and step into his own.

[Image: 60354_s.gif  ]
[Image: 1yZYUXK.gif]
Sig Credits: Gorlab and Kylrad

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