With the draft looming, I wanted to take a look not only at the top TPE earners coming into the draft, but what kind of wallets they’re bringing with them. With more expensive options for earning TPE in the SHL, these rookies will have to make sure to keep those wallets up if they want to stay in the top 25 of their draft class throughout the next few seasons. Let’s first take a look at these players, sorted by TPE.
Monkey D. Luffy 305 TPE
Borromini Cannellini 304 TPE
Guy Zheng 300 TPE
Kit Smeb 300 TPE
Michael Scarn 300 TPE
Perry Morgan 300 TPE
Kalvins Zvejnieks 299 TPE
Karlstrabe Scholz 296 TPE
Brennan Kennedy Jr. 295 TPE
Gordie Boomhover 293 TPE
Bobby Sharp 291 TPE
Nick Brain 291 TPE
Jimmy Slothface 290 TPE
Matt Kholin 290 TPE
Kalevi Karhunen 289 TPE
Casimir Stevens 288 TPE
Knute Knurtsson 288 TPE
Mike McKorsy 283 TPE
Kristoffer Svensson 281 TPE
Michael Fox 279 TPE
Brock Emmerton 278 TPE
Mathias Seger 277 TPE
Nikolai Evans 277 TPE
Barry Batsbak 276 TPE
Olivier Cloutier 276 TPE
There are definitely some high earners here, with six players already breaking the 300 TPE mark. No doubt they hit some milestones this season, and they probably also made some good picks in Fantasy and with their season predictions. It’s also interesting to see that Kelowna and Halifax are leading the charge here, both with four players in the top 25.
Now let’s take a look at these same players sorted by what everyone currently has in their wallet, as of 2/11/2019 at 2:00PM EST
Borromini Cannellini $149,477,000 (304 TPE)
Nikolai Evans $97,459,010 (277 TPE)
Brennan Kennedy Jr. $62,200,000 (295 TPE)
Karlstrabe Scholz $54,099,500 (296 TPE)
Kalvins Zvejnieks $46,150,000 (299 TPE)
Olivier Cloutier $42,307,866 (276 TPE)
Kit Smeb $40,019,005 (300 TPE)
Guy Zheng $16,850,000 (300 TPE)
Perry Morgan $14,350,000 (300 TPE)
Nick Brain $14,227,000 (291 TPE)
Mike McKorsy $12,304,000 (283 TPE)
Bobby Sharp $8,054,000 (291 TPE)
Gordie Boomhover $6,552,000 (293 TPE)
Michael Scarn $6,400,000 (300 TPE)
Jimmy Slothface $6,245,000 (290 TPE)
Michael Fox $5,800,000 (279 TPE)
Mathias Seger $5,248,750 (277 TPE)
Knute Knurtsson $5,145,000 (288 TPE)
Casimir Stevens $4,000,000 (288 TPE)
Matt Kholin $3,650,000 (290 TPE)
Barry Batsbak $3,066,000 (276 TPE)
Kristoffer Svensson $2,700,000 (281 TPE)
Monkey D. Luffy $2,600,000 (305 TPE)
Kalevi Karhunen $1,230,000 (289 TPE)
Brock Emmerton $75,000 (278 TPE)
There are definitely some wealthy recreates in this draft, with Borromini Cannellini easily having the best balance of TPE and cash, ranking #2 and #1 on these lists. We also have some fresh faces with big chunks of change like Guy Zheng, who is currently sitting at over $16.8 million. Several players though are on the verge of missing one of their next training sessions. Fortunately getting drafted comes with a new season’s pay, but some of these high TPE earners will have to start taking their cash earning to the same level as their TPE if they want to keep up the pace.