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A long look at how i feel about my draft class +small info
(This post was last modified: 09-23-2019, 05:18 AM by JackHrīm.)

(5290 words before writing this) X2 draft media piece  +research i guess

Heyo kiddos Atlas Hunter here and I wanted to start to take a look at the incoming prospects so far for this seasons draft. I figured we would take a nice tour through my fellow center men sprinkle on the wingers and D men and round things off with a personal favorite of goalies so here we are allowed me to start presenting the draft class of S51 enjoy!

Starting up our glorified face off mechanic in the center position we have Strainer Petrović, Mitchell van der Heijden and Julien Villeneuve let's give em the rundown as I attempt to understand player builds (goalies were easy)

Julien Villeneuve will be our first as he was last on my copy and paste so what we have here. Aw shit wait what's this?!?!? A commissioner aw shit y'all better prepare to get the big fuck for tampering If you dont draft this man first. FORGET ABOUT ME SAVE Yourselves. An absolute unit he was recruited by and I quote "Me, Bitch" does he get recruitment tpe for this we dont even know but I'm sure he will make it happen! Standing up at a nice 160 TPE without even this weeks AC or training let alone equipment. It seems @adamantium has been planning this for a while and already signed up to get that sweet head start in TPE. Julien is an offensive forward focusing on positioning, taking control at the face off and having a wicked snapshot but you gotta have a good defense to carry this man his checking looking a little limp. Still, this absolute unit of a man is sure to get those much-needed goals on what ever team he is picked up on and good rest our souls on our misguided Hope's on beating this man for FOA.

Past 155TPE build so far
strength +5 =60
defense +4 = 67
pucks handling +1 = 51

Next up on the block Mitchell van der Heijden
Is this long name a ploy to squeeze a little more out of media posts by mentioning his name a lot? I dont know but its helping me out so thanks for being a team player @bluesfan55

So Mitchell van der Heijden a mad lad return with almost 100m in his bank account can his fat stacks carry him to the top? Let's take a look at his build. This man goes both ways...on the ice I mean of course. It seems he's gone for a pretty well-rounded build nothing passing 65 and only passing checking penalty shot and fighting looking near untouched. He's incredibly fantastically reliable. A teams always gonna need someone like him as a surefire way to do a solid job on the ice. Will he be able to compete in fame with the higher scoring inclined centers or will he forever be a second liner only time will tell but his current 176 TPE paints him in a pretty good light!

After 155 TPE build.

Defense: + 5 = 50
Scoring: + 4 = 67
Puck handling: + 4 = 67
Face offs: + 4 = 62
Skating: + 4 = 62
OA 176 TPE

Thus bringing us to this table leg loving wannabe orphan alcoholic Strainer Petrović
Despite the 6'5 Serbian stature he's some goody two shoes pass first support!? Well shit I mean props to you if you're into that sort of thing but come on this has gotta be some missed potential at the very least. You know I bet if he really tried he would have a mean and I mean straight up angry slap shot but I digress. Strainer has chosen his ways and it's to get rid of that puck and set up his teammates a true support on the front line a vehicle for your eventual glory my little winger cherubs. Sporting some nice positioning, quality face off skill and of course passing Strainer may be just the man to make you wangers look even better. Wink so bring him on! He'll get the puck and give it back again and again.

Post 155 TPE build.

N/A sitting on 25 points though so total 180?

From the glory of the center we I'll now take a look and some wings feel free to tune out or go grab some food actually some wings dont sound too bad right now just sayin.

First off in the I didn't want to allocate any points in my build to face offs is Right Winger Rajhad Al-Ghaffari. His expertise in passing, keeping hold of the puck and his great positioning is sure to make him an all star support for whomever drafts him. He knows exactly where to be and has the speed to get there you can always count on Rajhad a true friend on the ice. Hell he's so positioned he will probably make up for your god awful positioning taking that slap shot bank it off the bar two boreds and Rajhad will still be right there to tip it in what a fuckin guy am I right?

Post 155 TPE build.

N/A no update page hope he gets on it

Next of the poor bastards is John Forfeit. John no I know you're a winger and all but you dont have to give up already! D: Ah here it is a sniper okay john okay let's just get it over with.

John's a wonder taking them snap shots, keeping onto that puck and making sure he has just the right line to get it past the goaltender. However I would not say he's a mad lad, but he does hunger for the sweet sound of that buzzer. That's something I'm sure any team can get behind. I hope to see many goals from you Johnny boy nothing feels worse than a sniper who doesn't score all in all I do wish you luck. The rest of you be afraid John doesn't have a measly 70 in scoring oh no that would not fit ole John Forfeit THIS man has a whopping 71 in scoring that's right so get cucked all you.

Post 155 TPE build
Skating +2 =61
Strength +2 =57
Endurance +2=61
Puck handling +4 =62
Passing+4 =60
Scoring +8 =73
TPE total 178

Ooooo this is interesting introducing Jordan Mcann this right here this I would call a mad lad build. Starting off I'd like to say you might be thinking WhY ArNt YoU tAlKiNg AbOuT weaknesses AtlasHuNtEr ThOsE aRe Important Look heres the thing.....It's fucking checking okay they are all fucking checking dont ask cuz it's fucking checking and I'm not writing it for every one of these guys. Anyways sorry back to the up and coming mad lad legend Jordan McCain this mans 155 TPE build included 80 scoring and 71 skating and look that's all he needs okay he was bred for this. An extensive line of possible inbreeding but still bred for it nonetheless I really hope he makes an update page he seems like he will be great. He excels at that massive shot of course gotta work that right hand, flying down the ice at rookie mach 1, and keeping a decent handle on the puck.

Post 155 TPE build.

N/A no update page :c

We got Max Davidson here nothing really mad lad about him except his weight is 213 which i just think is weirdly specific. Anyway mans pretty solid sniper forward on the right wing. A real ripper excelling in strength, keeping a hold on that puck, and putting said puck deep into the net. Everything basically coming in around the 60 mark with scoring at a 70. Is a recreate but it doesn't seem like he ever got that far up i hope like me he can stick with it this time, and we can reach our first 1k together good luck man.

Post 155 TPE build.

Strength +4 = 62
endurance +1 =56
TPE total 160

oh shit sound the alarms boys we fucking got on we did it Alexander Wachter is weak as fuck thank the lord oh have mercy you know what fuck it not picking checking as a weakness automatic mad lad of the week straight up ez game. So Alexander why did you choose strength as a weakness tho sick of seeing checking everywhere you look hmm? Honestly after writing this im right there with you i have regrets. A respectable yet probably malnourished 6'4 198lbs Alexander weight Wachter mad lad of the night excels in keeping that puck and positioning solid as well as putting it in the net BUT no slap shots for him he might pull something. Nothing crazy going on nothing at 70 even all very rounded no points in strength though did he just do it so player building was less complicated no need for face offs strength or checking hol up he might be making some big brain plays.

Post 155 TPE build

Scoring +4 =70
Puck Handling +10 =70
Skating +6 =67
TPE total 175

Indigo Trevino is an absolute unit this man was building his character and legit went fuck passing if i never let go of the puck i won't lose points to my fucking team. A power forward and absolute Chad on the ice whom i must also celebrate for being one of 2 so far to not choose to check as a weakness so look at you go champ. He excels in being a strong af chad, zooming down the ice with thighs thicker than a MacDonald milkshake, and handling his pucks.

Strength +10 = 60
Endurance +5 =50
This man is also without any equipment TPE but im sorry only the first person i find gets mad hype none for you so yea get cucked sorry not sorry.

TPE total 170 tho

That finishes up the right wing prospects now we have the lefts these guys actually know what's up. These absolute units built a character and choose left knowing full well the Gms will put them on whichever wing they damn feel like it and y'all will be fucking pleased with it too ya nerds. Anyways what else can i say they chose left wing to be the cool kids on the ice. naturally just like cool kids there's not that many and the one with more money will be ranked number 1 cool kid (very important for drafting i promise)

Ruslan Zaporozhye the absolute Ukrainian gonk Adidas better give this bastard a sponsorship because his squat line that shit up perfectly a chad in the making or whatever the Russian chad would be Dmitri maybe? i dont know anyways a 6'1 200lb machine nailing goals into the net keeping great control on that puck and flying down the ice and snapping it in there. Sucks at taking out the other team though some good 60s to 50s in there a fair 70 on scoring as long as you lock up your vodka before the games he will reliably get your goals on the ice so keep a look out for him! Let's not forget his bank account is a whopping 18.5m which makes him the #1 cool kid confirmed!!!!!! Congrats Ruslan so far you are the official cool kid of the left wing! Everyone draft him i swear it means high rep for your team i swear.

Post 155 TPE build
Scoring +4 = 71 (as we know this is a mad lad number)
Passing +7 = 61
Strength +4 = 55
Puck Handling +4 =62
Endurance +4 = 62
Checking +2 = 41 (uping the weakness already seems pretty mad lad)

TPE total 180

Our second unit in the left wing is Kaarlo Kekkonen another well positioned shooter who really doesn't like this team. a two-way forward More likely to take a blocked shot than pass Kaarlo Kekkonen comes in at 6'4 220lbs. He specializes in flying down the keeping some great positioning lest he be forced to pass and sneaking long shots in between the legs. Hailing from Finland this mans started out with 70 defense and most 60s-50s ver very boring respectable but boring oh well. Not a cool kid with only 13 m in his acc but that being said is still far cooler then any rw well except maybe Alexander Wachter that strength weakness is still amazing.
Post 155 TPE build

N/A no update page, but we know how often he's on probs just holding out on me

Alright for those of you who tuned out for the wingers welcome back your men of culture did you enjoy your tea? What kind of tea was it? Now we move on to our beloved defacement everyone wants a trusted D watching their behind even inexperienced Ds are pretty good. We just can't help but love these guys i mean they put points in checking what would we do without them?? Yet at the same time we can all be mad at them for being too beloved the little bastards getting excited over blocked shots while we desperately hope for goals they are to damn happy i tell you its just wrong! We seem to have 8 of them this draft but im sure quite a few will be snatched up early in the draft. Out of these 8 we got 3 offensive Ds 3 two ways 1 enforcer and a single defensive D im personally excited to see how that poor enforcer do i hope its well but history says otherwise. let's start things off with the easy ones the and man do these guys offend.

So after looking through these there are not even a lot of points in checking is this stat just useless in the damn sims wtf i dont understand players one bit hell!? Please give information on just how bad checking is im curious.

Luciano Vessot the first of our utterly offensive Ds a 6'1 198lb recreate whom im sure is in a ton of minds for an early pick sporting a massive 1544 TPE before retiring you know this man is gonna be updating regularly and will be an amazing addition to any team. Checking as a weakness because even in the Ds we can't get away from that noise. A classic Defense sporting mean control over that puck and capitalizing on quick openings to allow some passes to connect most stats solidly around 60 he looks like he will do an amazing job and i have high hopes for him.

Post 155 TPE build

23 held points of TPE

TPE total 178

Abel Skinner a 6ft 195lb newbie always good to see some new blood around here i see an update page and some media already so yay. Shit i think we got another mad lad here starting build including a nice 80 dumps in defense Skinners gonna be so in position he was there 2 weeks ago like damn. this mans got it all done so far hell he even applied as a fantasy manager showing he has commitment and the drive to never do media again dont worry skinner i understand. Either way though getting some stable income is always desirable. Skinner might actually be diamond in the rough for a late draft steal. i look forward to seeing if he can get a job and stick around it would truly be a shame if he ended up inactive. Must be some sorta vet cuz he's got that checking weakness dont straight he also sports a wicked shot for a defense some excellent control and positioning.

Post 155 TPE build.

18 held points without equip stating (waiting on gm advice which is a great decision for a new player!!)

TPE total 173

Sporting another pretty reasonable 60s with a 70 build is Sydney Ma honey still haunt reached the part where ppl throws much of anything i check but ah well. Sydney Ma honey a 5'11 175lb defencewoman newbie recruited by clever pin checking weakness so once again must've had some good advice by the looks of it updates and some activity checks in their sadly no IP threads in there yet come on sydney you need that TPE!! Some media out there already though so that's looking wonderful. as long as she keeps going remembers those IP threads and all she could be quite high up in the TPE rankings for this draft class so good work keep it up.

Post 155 TPE build.

passing +5 =60
strength+10 =60
puck handing +6 =63

TPE total 176

Now on to some two-way i wanted to be in every possible points scale for leader board defacement. These dudes and duddettes are playing the numbers game and surely enough they gotta end up on something blocked shots or assists who know??

Coming in from Japan at 6ft and 200lbs is Nicholas Owens a new create and an absolute unit finally we finally did it guys!!! The first player to up checking rocking a solid 60 in checking man what a unit. Cant get pucks in the net very well much prefers giving it up to his fellow players. Has a great pass plays a solid game of defense and keeps a firm grip on the puck. Already has some media done for some sick cash hope they take advantage on the 2x media payout for draft oh shit but did use that first article 2x on a 8k word piece on teamwork Jesus really is an absolute unit. Just diving head first into the site is already in fantasy IP threads all done up dang another golden little new prospect i love this!!

Post 155 TPE build.

Checking +2 = 61
Skating +4 = 62
Strength +5 = 60
Puck Handling +4 = 62
Passing +4 = 62
Scoring +4 =42
Defense+20 = 75

TPE total 198

FUCKING George Co stanza what a guy im so glad to have him on the ice with us instant shl fame in my heart. He does it all because of course i live hockey legend like George Co stanza does it all he puts it in the net he keeps it from the net he sets up your perfect play buuuuut he's got a real bad handle on it maybe just keep on eye on how he's doing when you give him the puck Co stanza gets a little excited and hits it away from himself sometimes, but we love him anyway. He looked a little smaller on tv, but we all know he's a healthy 6'11 300lbs no fat shaming here turns out Seinfeld is actually a full 8ft little pop culture trivia in case you didn't know. He actually stopped by last season ans abruptly announced his retirement to go back to the show damn thing gets rebooted every year feels like but he's back again hopefully for real this time! and of course he goes both ways but do i even have to say it.

Post 155 TPE build.

N/A no update page for this one

TPE total 155

After that interesting but we got another solid recreate Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jr. 6'2 200lbs hailing from Sweden mans dumped some nice 70s with 70 in defense and in puck handling he will not let go of that puck if you give him a second to hold onto it he may not get it into the net, but he will get it out of that zone and to a forward who can get in deep into that net. An absurd 40 mils in his account. An attentive recreate of course he's all up to date on prospect threads fantasy the work because of course he is he's got 40m. he reached a peak 1448 before regression and stayed until going into the 900s where he retired i mean what more can i say the mans record speaks for itself you know he will be an amazing defense for your line up.

Post 155 TPE build

skating +16 =68
checking +4 =59

TPE total 175

special thanks for our only defensive D i look forward to you topping charts

Another lovely recreate and another Ukrainian for this draft surprisingly enough 6'3 220lbs comes in Danila Zhernov. The third recreate of obese sporting 32m in the account a weak shot excellent defense passing and the power to wrestle bears i imagine any team looking for a good defense will be looking to pick up Danila Zhernov as soon as possible of course with this level of experience IP threads all done in fantasy the whole 9 yards as expected not a shred of worry that they might become inactive recruited by some bloke named Karl who knows how many years ago. Anyways one more special thanks for being the only true support get 1 OA why dont ya.

Post 155 TPE build.

Checking +15 = 60

and just because they happened to put down how they want to build exactly ill put it up here in case anyone decides they need it

CK = Checking: 60 (Goal: 70)
FG = Fighting: 25 (Goal: 25)
SK = Skating: 60 (Goal: 70)
ST = Strength: 60 (Goal: 70)
EN = Endurance: 60 (Goal: 69)
PH = Puck Handling: 60 (Goal: 73)
FO = Face Offs: 40 (Goal: 40)
PA = Passing: 65 (Goal: 75)
SC = Scoring: 40 (Goal: 40)
DF = Defense: 70 (Goal: 80)
PS = Penalty Shot: 40 (Goal: 40)

Last but not least in any sense the maddest lad of them all we only get one every once in a while this is not your everyday draft that's right we did it we got ourselves an enforcer!! S51s very own Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette i dont even know what to say i mean 155 build fighting at 62 the hype man of the house beating asses for moral everyday this guys legit just some professional wrestler they brought in to make games interesting. A recreate who looks very poor like most of us with only 1m in the bank 6'2 209lbs absolute bully on the ice he will take your puck he will take your girl, and he will push you into lockers naked you nerd
an excellent fighter who uses brute force to take the buck from you one way or another also a recreate no IP threads done though he is making me worry.

Post 155 TPE build.

Endurance +1 TPE =60
Checking +4 =70
Strength +15 =67 1/2

Total TPE 175

Now on to the bois i got a little bit of a soft spot for and the position i know the most about we have 3 goalies this draft and were going to take a nice little look at them as far as i know goalies arnt that needed but also good updating goalies are still very much-needed. Hopefully we will have a very active draft class and everyone will be able to keep updating now style wise the 3 goalies we have been all hybrids. They are also all recreates who are rich as fuck we got zoone16, Evoke, and jearim fighting for goalie supremacy zoone has taken my preferred build and i think out of this draft class he will come out on top as far as goalies come.

Luca Del Vecchio manned by zoone 16 my choice for star goalie of this draft coming in with 80 style rebound and reaction and a 70 in hand speed is sure to take several shots to bring down. A trusted recreate with 60 m in the bank and of course as a recreate Ip threads and mock drafts already one of the most active on the forums in this draft class he is sure to satisfy and will . undoubtably work his way into starting quickly if not immediately god i love his starting build.

Post 155 TPE build.

Skating +4 = 52
Hand Speed +4 = 72
Rebounds control+5 = 81
Size +4 =69 ha gotten

TPE total 172

Elizabeth Doyle being manned by evoke another recreate elizabeth stops shots with excellent style an instant reaction time and a hand so fast she can catch a fly with chopsticks well if she learned how to use chopsticks anyway. An equally well-loved and respected recreate with a whopping 74m in the bank at that point why even write for 2x draft monies the build is good 80s in all the mains but as a former goaltender player i gotta say that rebound control means so much more than you think id work on getting that up 89% on 100 is far different from 89% on 399 either way it's not a hard fix and im sure by the time season starts elizabeth will be up to par if not better than Luca.

Post 155 TPE build.

oh based on the last post i think evoke has left us well im glad i didn't say trusted on this one :o i didn't even see a update page :O

TPE total doesn't matter

Last up we got White Goodman manned by jearim 6'3 220 pounds with a solid 26m in the account our last goalie whose build is right up with the rest of them it's gonna be a tough fight between these amazing goalies... the 2 of them that is sporting an excellent style a great grasp on those rebounds am excellent hand speed Wink Goodmans gonna put up one hell of a fight y'all need a little bit of endurance though no doubt. wtf man do ya damn IP threads you forget its TPE for em for smjhl get it together gees probably to busy getting ready a list of trash talking he can do in the draft once he gets picked over Luca or the other way around who knows how it will go down tbh these two look amazing that is of course as long as he does his fucking IP threads.

Post 155 TPE build
Style Control +6 = 78
Hand Speed + 6 = 78
Reaction Time + 5 = 77.5

TPE total 172

So now we are on to a very special part we've got the 3 that created while i was still writing this ya fucks.

one last left wing mad lad who knows he's gonna end up on the RW with a RW playing his left for no reason Kenny Cruller also known as MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK couldn't have done this sooner just wanted a special mention at the end goddammit mook ya snowflake. A two-way a whopping 61m in hand a lovable recreate 1145 TPE at his peak hopefully he will be able to find success on the wings this time around OWAH WOAH HOL UP THIS JUST IN MOOK IS A MAD LAD YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST FOLKS MAD LAD SCORING WEAKNESS HAVING ASS HE ALSO CLAIMS THE KOOL KID TITLE FROM CPTSQUALL FOR HAVING FAT STACKS IN THE BANKS LEGIT NOT EVEN IN A SAVING S Account HE DOES NOT CARE. Excelling in getting to puck to his teammates sureing up the defense and in excellent physical shape mook will be a wonderful support to feed the puck to those snipers!

Post 155 TPE build
Checking +2 (50 -> 52) Also to only forward to seem to have plans to up checking in the near future
Skating +4 (60 -> 62)
Strength +2 (50 -> 52)
Puck Handling +5 (55 -> 60)
Passing+4 (65 -> 67)
Scoring +4 (55 -> 57)

TPE total 180

Alright everyone tune out again i got some more right wing normies to pump out

Tanner Cadette a new reddit draftee we actually pulled a couple in bois 6'2 227lbs (oddly specific but ok) two-way forward more on the defensive side for once not solid at checking but excellent at making sure those passes connect excellent positioning and runs a strict regiment he knows when to move and when to wait it out still very poor with only 50k hopefully will take advantage of this 2x media not looking to good with no IP threads and no update page. Hopefully they will log back on and scurry to collect all the posts they need to have up by draft.

Post 155 TPE Build.

N/A no update page

TPE total 155

Last up we have Stan Hanson Jersey number 69!!! Nice a puck hog power forward excelling on plowing through opponents and stealing the puck not a fan of passing to teammates. A mad lad number of 70 into checking quite probably the highest of the entire draft class but broke as all hell with an amazing $0 in their bank. No update page No IP threads done its not looking too hot for Stan Hanson then again he's just gonna beat up whoever doesn't draft him so im sure he will be 1OA no doubt i really hope he gets it together with those IPs and shit though he needs more TPE to throw into checking!!

Post 155 TPE Build.

N/A no update page

TPE total 155


CK = Checking: 2
FG = Fighting: 1
DI = Discipline: 1
SK = Skating:5
ST = Strength: 6
EN = Endurance: 0
PH = Puck Handling:13
FO = Face Offs: 2
PA = Passing: 9
SC = Scoring:10
DF = Defense: 14
PS = Penalty Shot: 0


SK = Skating:0
EN = Endurance: 0
SZ = Size: 0
AG = Agility: 0
RB = Rebound Control: 1
SC = Style Control: 3
HS = Hand Speed: 3
RT = Reaction Time: 2
PH = Puck Handling: 0
PS = Penalty Shot: 0



CK = Checking:12
FG = Fighting: 0
DI = Discipline: 0
SK = Skating: 0
ST = Strength:1
EN = Endurance: 0
PH = Puck Handling: 1
FO = Face Offs: 0
PA = Passing:2
SC = Scoring: 4
DF = Defense: 0
PS = Penalty Shot:0


SK = Skating:3
EN = Endurance: 0
SZ = Size: 0
AG = Agility: 0
RB = Rebound Control: 0
SC = Style Control: 0
HS = Hand Speed: 0
RT = Reaction Time: 0
PH = Puck Handling: 0
PS = Penalty Shot: 0


Goalie — Elizabeth Doyle, @Evok 74 630 000$
Goalie — White Goodman, @Jearim 26 385 000$
Goalie — Luca Del Vecchio, @Zoone16 60 000 000$
Defense — Luciano Vessot, @NJBadApple 66 764 000$
Right Wing — John Forfeit, @Shmurph 28 035 000$
Left Wing — Ruslan Zaporozhye, @CptSquall 18 032 000$
Right Wing — Jordan McCain, @JM58 0$
Defense — Danila Zhernov, @iOBESE 32 880 000$
Defense — Abel Skinner, @KC Philip 2 700 000$
Defense — Nicholas Owens, @Grum 13 000 000$
Defense — Sydney Ma honey, SYD 6 500 000$
Right Wing — Max Davidson, @RippleLuck 13 950 000$
Right Wing — Alexander Wachter, @MP7 49 550 000$
Defense — Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebrunette, your Mothers Favorite Goalie 1 200 000$
Left Wing — Kenny Cruller, @Mook 41 600 000$
Right Wing — Tanner Cadette, @Tanner Cadette 50 000$
Right Wing — Stan Hanson, @LairdButler 0$
Right Wing — Rajhad Al-Ghaffari, @tajeem5 0$
Center — Strainer Petrović, @AtlasHunter 7 550 000$
Right Wing — Indigo Trevino, carbine 10 250 000$
Defense — George Co stanza, bronzing 0$
Center — Julien Villeneuve, @adamantium 111 309 998$
Left Wing — Kaarlo Kekkonen, @dankoa 13 189 000$
Defense — Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jr., @soulja 40 250 000$

[Image: il_fullxfull.2951208976_e3ir.jpg]

[Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

Great article and good luck in the draft man!

Good call on my player ill definitively be a disapointment

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

09-22-2019, 11:10 PMEvok Wrote: Good call on my player ill definitively be a disapointment

Are you going to be my rival in SHL for biggest disappointment too?

Cause I am the 2nd round flop!

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk
Finland S79 Goalie of the Season Award winner in WJC Finland

Now I am free <3

[Image: 41-2.png?ex=65d9e0d0&is=65c76bd0&hm=ada7...1aae5535a&]

@Grum thanks you too!

[Image: il_fullxfull.2951208976_e3ir.jpg]

[Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

Great article, nice money incoming and of course I am probably the only one who's players surname you not just misspelled, but totally changed.

Not sure who you were thinking about when writing the article, but it's not Danila Zhdanov, but Danila Zhernov. Smile

Knights - Player Page - Update Page - Knights

[Image: 47963_s.gif]


@iOBESE if im being honest alot of thing got messed up in a freak copy past accident when i transfered to my email to write at work i tried to peice it all back together ill change it now thanks for letting me know my bad for it getting messed up Smile

[Image: il_fullxfull.2951208976_e3ir.jpg]

[Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

yw for the long name

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

yeah weak as fuck, draft me last.

[Image: wachter3.png]
Alexander Wachter, RW, S51
Carolina Kraken - Texas Renegades - Winnipeg Aurora 
Player Page // Update Page

nah didnt pick checking weakness draft him 1 OA

[Image: il_fullxfull.2951208976_e3ir.jpg]

[Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: HKi05IH.png] [Image: KS8UYv9.png]

09-23-2019, 07:56 AMAtlasHunter Wrote: nah didnt pick checking weakness draft him 1 OA

Nah. Thats not what i want. Eyebrow

[Image: wachter3.png]
Alexander Wachter, RW, S51
Carolina Kraken - Texas Renegades - Winnipeg Aurora 
Player Page // Update Page

Nice article, good luck in the draft!

Falcons Canada

I love my starting build too. And my planned 350 build even more.

[Image: Zoone16.gif]

[Image: 9QVaMRC.png] [Image: canybyK.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

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