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PT 4 - Off Ice Feature

Cloud McCarthy has come into his rookie season with a quiet confidence that most teams look for in their rookies. Drafted in the 41st spot, higher than expected, he took the reigns offered to him by the Halifax Raiders and ran with them. Achieving a spot on the second defensive line at the start of the regular season, and along side his teammate Ted Glass on the same line, he's managed to put together an impressive five assists in eleven games, as well as keeping his plus minus at a solid -2 against some tough early opponents. Teammates say that he's easygoing in the locker room, and likes to have some fun to keep things lighthearted. On the ice, however, he can chirp and dish it out to his opponents mentally and physically, rattling them to make mistakes and take costly penalties to the Raiders advantage. Such a presence is a much needed acquisition to a rebuilding team such as the Raiders, and alongside many new faces on the team, it's good to see such a young defensive minded player grow the way he has already It's only a matter of time before other teams begin to take heed when McCarthy takes the ice, and who knows what the future might hold for this stout defenseman.

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Clint Eastwood has a very busy life on and off the ice. On the ice, he is a hitting, shut down, machine. However off the ice, he is very big into directing and casting in movies. Clint Eastwood is a movie star as per say. He's acted in movies such as A Fistful of Dollars, Dirty Harry, and Pale Rider. Some of the movies Clint Eastwood has directed is Absolute Power, and American Sniper. Clint Eastwood is known as the biggest badass movie star, and will forever be. He definitely tops John Wayne for sure. However, when Clint Eastwood has free time from hockey and movies, he enjoys video games. He isn't into sports games as EA has shat all over them. Some games Clint enjoy are Rocket League, Walking Dead Telltale, and a few others. He likes to play rocket league with friends, and is very good at defense (coincidence). Clint Eastwood also like watching Will Ferrel movies. Some include Talladega Nights, Step Brothers, and Semi Pro. Clint Eastwood also plays basketball in his free time. However, he usually gets destroyed by his friends in the sport. However, Clint Eastwood is big into cooking. He makes his own pancakes. He once combined waffles, sugar, and frosting all in one. It was delcious. Clint Eastwood is quite the character off the ice.

223 words

Chippy Chiclets is truly a sight to behold. Towering well above six feet, Chippy has a playful demeanor: he never seems to let small things bother him, he is always quick to crack a joke, and he takes a genuine interest in the parts of your own life that no one would find interesting.

During a recent interview I had with Chippy, I sat down and tried to unmask this charismatic and charming figure: figure out what makes him tick, what he likes to do on his own, and what thoughts keep him up at night. Take a look.

Dick Shivers: Chippy, it's great to see you again. Today, I don't want to talk about hockey, is that all right with you?

Chippy Chiclets: After the season I've been having, Dick, I'd love to talk about anything else for a moment.

DS: That's great to hear. Tell me, Chippy, what do you like to do in the off season?

CC: For the most part, anything relaxing. I love to sleep in, spend time with the family, and have a couple of drinks with the guys. But I don't think I could spend a whole lot of time doing nothing, so I keep myself busy. Outside of the workouts and training I do for the next season, I'm a huge music fan.

DS: What kind of music?

CC: All kinds, really. I'm very into free form jazz, I used to play as a kid.

DS: What instrument?

CC: I was a drummer. I really enjoyed it because it seemed the easiest out of everything I could play, and I really liked Jazz because they embraced... how do I word this... making the score your own.

DS: You mean playing the wrong notes?

CC: Yes I do, Dick.

laughter ensues

CC: But other than going to shows, I still like to stay competitive. I golf quite a bit, but recently my friends have been getting me into pickup basketball.

DS: Wow! What position do you play?

CC: I like to clog up the paint, be a center. The shots aren't too bad, plus everyone can hear my chirping from the middle of the court. I tend to run my mouth sometimes.

DS: I can imagine. Do you like to spend most of your time with others?

CC: I do, but I really recover and relax by myself. I've taken up painting recently, and I can almost paint something you'd recognize. I watch a lot of Bob Ross. I like the time it gives me to reflect and create something, instead of all that offense I create on the ice.

DS: Is creating something that comes natural to you?

CC: I think so. I like making something out of nothing. I mean, that's how the world was created, right? I think it helps me find my center; to contribute.

DS: What does it mean to contribute, Chippy?

CC: I've spent a lot of time thinking about that. I want to be known as someone who, off the ice, was a positive force in other's lives. I think people as a whole think to big: they want to change the world. If I can do that on the ice, great, but I think that my, and everyone else's, real value is bringing change to the people around them. The hundred or so people they interact with total. Making sure that your community is taken care of, and that your family and friends are loved. That's my true calling.

DS: This is turning into a lame interview.

CC: Yes it is.

DS: Are you on drugs?

CC: Acid, yes. I told you it's been a rough season so far.

Word Count: 602

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Man these are some good reads. Keep it up everybody!

Man these are some good reads. Keep it up everybody!

Mathias Victorsson is one of the lesser known prospects, drafted in the third round by the Detroit Falcons. It's not due to his skill set but more so due to his persona on and off the ice. It is rare hearing Mathias utter more than a couple of words to anyone. I believe the longest conversation he has ever held was just over two minutes long. A firm believer in actions speaking louder than words, Mathias Victorsson hopes to become a clutch time performer on the ice. His hobbies include painting, skiing and kayaking. His biggest hockey being hockey, scouts say if Mathias Victorsson were to talk more then he would have been drafted higher. Mathias prefers to take his chances instead of trying to change himself from who he really is to some one who he isn't. He loves to watch old thriller movies, actions movies and even comedies although he doesn't laugh much. He is an avid basketball fan, a fan of the lakers since he was 3 years old. He played back in Sweden but was never really skillful, he was taller than many opponents which definitely helped. Mathias is a young man with many interests, very little known to anyone around him.

Ruggeri is a simple man. He likes to stick with his two joys in life. The first of course being the great game of Hockey and the second being grilling good meats. Almost every night after practice or hell even a game. Ruggeri will crack open a cold one and cook up all sorts of good stuff. Kobe Beef, Chuck Eye Steak, simple stuff like burgers and hot dogs and, hell even shrimp here and there. One day he even hopes to open up his own pub and I can tell you for sure after trying some of his meat its a place I'd be sure to frequent. This guy may be absolutely killer on the ice but, I think hes gonna make a name for himself in more than one way in this lifetime. It might end up killing the guy one day but he's not gonna let that get in the way and he's going to continue to enjoy it while he can. Because that's the american way.

So lets all hope that Ruggeris long term wish comes true so that way people across the world can finally experience the greatness that is a nice thick piece of Ruggeri meat.

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For Ben Turska, life off the ice is not as exciting as fans may have hoped.

Turska's favorite activity is playing with his dog, Wrigley. Everyday after practice or before a game, Turska takes Wrigley on a walk around the block. On some days if Wrigley is in the mood, Turska will ride his bike alongside the dog.

When there is no game going on at night, Turska and his teammates like to go to the local bars and enjoy the night out. Usually, Turska and the boys will play darts or shoot pool and play for cash prizes.

If there is no one to go out with for the night, Turska will often hook up the ol' Nintendo 64 and replay some of his favorite games from when he was young. Without a doubt Turska's favorite game is Banjo-Kazooie. When we asked how many times he has beat in the game, Turska told us that it was too many to count.

Now, being on the ice so much one would not expect a player like Turska to cook much. But to the surprise of many, Turska prides himself on his cooking abilities. Sometimes in the locker room, Turska will bring in a large meal that he made the night from before. Whether it is lobster, steak, or a combination of many things, Turska believes he can cook with the best of them.

It may not be an exciting life off the ice for Ben Turska, but it is one he enjoys and he hopes that everyone enjoyed seeing this aspect of his life.

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Sport connects us. It allows to communicate in forms nothing else can. When my father first came to North America, it was for hockey, now I find myself doing the same thing, although my English is arguably much better than my father's when he was my age. Even so, he was accepted through hockey. I have a lot more experience and confidence in my interactions with other cultures, as my father's connections has allowed me to travel all over the world, and, once again, sports find a way. What's a more global language than football? Don't get me wrong, I love hockey to death, but hockey depends on what country you're in. Finding other to play ball hockey with in Mexico, my father's favorite vacation spot, is incredibly difficult, but say football and you have almost an entire village ready to play. My skills in soccer have been growing, but I was obviously not gifted with the skills necessary to play football, but I've enjoyed playing and competing in several countries with strangers and friends alike. Staying in the competitive nature I have,I also fiercely enjoy video games. Good competition on a good team in a good game almost gets me going as much as hockey does . . . almost.

MWHazard Wrote:i'll playwith anyone
playing with my teammates is part of the intangibles I bring to the table
i play with them a lot.
they didn't like it at first
but after a while, it just felt normal
Justice,Sep 18 2016, 02:09 PM Wrote:4-0 and 0-4 aren't that different tbh
McJesus - Today at 10:38 PM Wrote:FIRE EGGY
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[Image: Artermis.gif]

The following is a transcript of a recorded interview between SMJHL reporter Randy Dicknose and Detroit Falcons winger Kevin Marks during Marks' rookie season. The interview was never made public. Dicknose went missing the following off season.

Start Transcript

Wednesday night we sat down with the Falcons rookie winger, Kevin Marks, following a shootout loss to the Montreal Militia. Marks hasn't hit his stride yet i the SMJHL, only registering 1 goal in his first 12 games. Hailed for his passing and 200 foot game in before the draft, Marks has yet to register an assist, and has hardly made a defensive impact for the Falcons.

Randy Dicknose: Great to see you again Mr. Marks, thanks for agreeing to this interview. Great game tonight, tough loss for the Falcons though. How do mentally relax after a loss and prepare for the next game?

Kevin Marks: Well the first thing I do after every game, win or lose, is roll a fatty blunt with the boys.
RD: Kevin you're not in Vancouver anymore, that's not legal here in Detroit.

KM: What? Sheit isn't this Michigan? Don't we have medical or something? I can't keep up with the damn weed laws in this country, all I know is after you've been laid out on the ice for 3 straight periods the best feeling is lighting up.

RD: Well aint that something. Moving on, what is your go to off season activity?

KM: Well generally after the season ends me and a couple buddies from the juniors take a vacation to this island between the Maldives and Madagascar. My neighbor growing up was this friendly old guy, made a buck off of the coal industry back in the 70's. He was really into hunting and got himself a private island he could vacation to and hunt undisturbed. Well he's a lot older now, and he hasn't made the trip out to the island in several years. He lets us use it during the off season to relax and unwind.

RD: Do you do any hunting while you're there?

KM: Yeah, back in the day we did quite a bit. However there's only so many different animals on the island, and it gets pretty boring after a while. Our neighbor brought in some species' at some point to liven things up, but its still not much of a challenge.

RD: That sounds a bit unnatural and brutal.

KM: Eh, that's a pretty narrow viewpoint. As long as the ecosystem remains unaffected, we aren't really harming nature. Just participating in it. We aren't killing with guns, we use spears, arrows, and traps. We give our prey a fighting chance. What fun is just aiming and pulling a trigger for a kill? There's no challenge, no rush. We always look for ways to challenge ourselves, usually by putting restrictions on a hunt, or using a specific inefficient method. We are actually looking for a 5th person to help us a pull off a particularly difficult hunt. *Kmarko gives a slight nod toward Dicknose*

RD: Errrr... was that an invitation? Seems a little brutal for me, not really my lane.

KM: Come on Randy... a free vacation to a tropical island with some future star hockey players? All expenses paid? This is a no-brainer. We usually only do one hunt per trip anyway, and spend the rest of our time relaxing on the beach. We could really use your help.

RD: Eh why the hell not, sounds like a blast. What will we be hunting?

KM: The most dangerous game.

RD: Humans?!?

KM: Randy chill out, I'm just fucking with you. What kind of savages do you think we are? The only things I snipe are gorillas and top shelf.

RD: Huehuehue, well aren't you a charmer. You've convinced me, can't wait for next summer!

End transcript

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Joakim Lindqvist is a rookie for the Vancouver Whalers on the ice and a goofball off the ice. He is breaking the tradition of rookies being pranked and pranks his veteran teammates. He constantly tries to make teammates laugh when they are taking interviews with reporters, throws clear tape on the bottom of teammates' skates during practice, and always cracking jokes. His antics got him the nickname of “Joker” with his teammates and friends.

He also told us about his pregame rituals. He will never go black on black for stick tape. He says white on white is okay, but his ideal tape job is black bottom with white on top or vice versa. The reason he does this is because the one time he went black on black, his stick broke the first shift. Next, he listens to Africa by Toto when gearing up. He told us, “Africa is the greatest song [he has] ever heard and [he] genuinely thinks it is the greatest song ever created.” He said it gets him in the zone ready to play.

On a more serious note, we caught up with Lindqvist as he told us about his off-ice hobbies. He loves playing piano, saying Mozart and Chopin are his favorite composers. He plays for at least an hour every day. Lindqvist also gets out to his vegetable and herb garden when he can. He loves to grow his own veggies to add to his meals. He cooks almost all of his meals as he rarely eats at restaurants or at fast food locations.

Word Count: 261

If you've been following this season's crop of SMJHL rookies, you're probably familiar with Seth Paige. The young defender spends the bulk of his time manning the blue line for the St. Louis Scarecrows, but how does Seth spend his time away from the rink? We at TSN are here to bring you the answer.

Formerly a high school baseball standout, Paige left the diamond to pursue hockey full time after a disastrous senior year. But he hasn't dropped the sport completely. Since his arrival in St. Louis, Seth has been spotted joining in on several pick up games of baseball, as well as signing up for a local beer league, where he will pitch for the Budweiser Ballboys.

So does he have a life outside of sports? Sort of. With most of his time committed to athletic pursuits, and still more to sleeping, Paige has few waking hours for himself. When we asked what his pass times were, Seth replied that he splits the hours between his PS4 and a good book. His favorite games include MLB The Show, EA NHL (big surprise there), and Metal Gear. He also mentioned that he is currently reading Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and plans to pick up Jim Bouton's Ball Four after that.

So there you have it. When he's off the ice, Seth Paige generally spends his time playing other sports, playing sports video games, or reading athlete autobiographies. Seems like he should diversify his interests a little.

Word Count: 248

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