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S47 PT #4 - Naked and Afraid: SHL Edition

So this started pretty normally. Myself, Dank Bojia, and Cameron Carter 3 are standing here naked. 


I take the normal part back. Dank immediately starts to make a fire while I start fashioning a shelter. Cameron is just standing there.

"Carter!" Chirps Dank. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Participating." He replied.

"Well, can you look for some sticks? For a fire or maybe something to fish or hunt with?" I asked.

"Nah, im good. You guys have it under control." Cameron said. 

So Dank and I went to see if we could catch some fish. I found a nice long stick and Dank sharpened it with his teeth. All we were able to catch was about 8 fish about the size of a tennis ball. 

"I should get half of them." Said Cameron.

"Why?" We both answered. 

"Well, because theres a chance in the future while we are on this island, I will help."

"That's nice." I said. "But why would we give you half of them now?"

"Because I want them. And since that is what I want. That is what I will get." Carter said sternly.

"I dont think so." Said dank.

The producers saw some anger so they stepped in. 
"Ok. So. Heres the deal. At the end of the day, when the sun goes down, cameron can walk away from the island and you get nothing. Or, you can give is him now and we will give you 2 fish."

"We will take the fish." I said.

"You have not heard the end of me! I will get you jerks for not giving me all my fish!!!!!" Cameron yelled.

and there are still stories that os you go back to that island you can still hear the cries of cameron Carter 3.

[Image: Fantobens.gif]

05-18-2019, 06:16 PMFantobens Wrote: So this started pretty normally. Myself, Dank Bojia, and Cameron Carter 3 are standing here naked. 


I take the normal part back. Dank immediately starts to make a fire while I start fashioning a shelter. Cameron is just standing there.

"Carter!" Chirps Dank. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Participating." He replied.

"Well, can you look for some sticks? For a fire or maybe something to fish or hunt with?" I asked.

"Nah, im good. You guys have it under control." Cameron said. 

So Dank and I went to see if we could catch some fish. I found a nice long stick and Dank sharpened it with his teeth. All we were able to catch was about 8 fish about the size of a tennis ball. 

"I should get half of them." Said Cameron.

"Why?" We both answered. 

"Well, because theres a chance in the future while we are on this island, I will help."

"That's nice." I said. "But why would we give you half of them now?"

"Because I want them. And since that is what I want. That is what I will get." Carter said sternly.

"I dont think so." Said dank.

The producers saw some anger so they stepped in. 
"Ok. So. Heres the deal. At the end of the day, when the sun goes down, cameron can walk away from the island and you get nothing. Or, you can give is him now and we will give you 2 fish."

"We will take the fish." I said.

"You have not heard the end of me! I will get you jerks for not giving me all my fish!!!!!" Cameron yelled.

and there are still stories that os you go back to that island you can still hear the cries of cameron Carter 3.

This thread is about to get

s p i c y

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Oh boy. Were do I even begin? Was it the start where they tried to jump out of the plane naked and afraid? Or the part where they somehow forgot to bring the supplies that were promised. The camera crew abandoning us at points because they got bored. This was not a harmless competition that people participated in to make TV or prove their skills. This was purposeful and a tactical attempt by Austria to remove key competitors for Worlds so they would stop losing to the best Czechia. We may have been naked, we probably spooned more than we should have, but by our skates and souls, we were not afraid. We had heard horror stories of wild animals, but we poached everything that moved with our sticks we widdled to a violent point. Nature tried to put us in a corner, but that is were the best of us come through and deliver. Even if Vent does like getting handsy.

@ImShiny @"luketd"

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I was dropped off in small clearing. All around me was dense foliage; unwelcoming jungle trees were bunched together, and the sounds of wildlife drifted towards me as I wondered how I had gotten myself into this situation. A few foolish bets on a night out with the boys, and now I was here, a contestant on Naked and Afraid. Well I need I had to find food and water immediately. Picking a direction at random, I ventured into the jungle. The scenery was beautiful. The lush, verdant jungle floor was teeming with life, and there were even some small animals darting about, clearly frightened by this new visitor into their territory. It was also miserable. The oppressive heat was nearly intolerable. The jungle floor was uneven, making any sort of movement a challenge. I found myself dearly wishing for a pair of shoes. A couple of hours alone in the jungle, and I was already struggling. How would I ever last a few weeks?

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StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars
(This post was last modified: 05-19-2019, 01:57 AM by BDonini.)

Day 1: SMJHL stars Lallo Selman, Martijn Westbroek and Corey Kennedy are stripped naked and dropped off in North Sentinel Island, the stakes are particularly high in this episode as North Sentinel Island is a forbidden island in the Bay of Benegal. The island is mostly just jungle but a small part of the island is occupied by the Sentinelese, an ancient tribe who often violently reject outsiders. Each player was allowed to select one piece of hockey equipment as their survival item. Selman had the first pick and has selected a hockey stick, Westbroek's survival item is a pair of skates and Kennedy with the last pick will be going down with shoulder pads, probably a good source of protection from the spears of the Sentinelese.

Day 11: After 11 difficult days, first human contact has occurred between the contestants. Martijn Westbroek thought he had reached the dangerous part of the island when he heard what sounded like another human walking in the trees nearby. As the sound came closer, Westbroek prepared himself with his skates in hand, blades facing outward, ready for a fight. Just as he striked at the human emerging from the nearby vegetation he realized that he wasn't attacking a Sentinelese, he was attacking Lallo Selman. Thankfully Selman blocked the skate attack with his hockey stick and the two were glad to have found each other began working together to survive the last 10 days. Meanwhile, Kennedy made some human contact of his own, it was when a spear bounced right off his shoulder pad that he realized he had crossed into Sentinelese territory. Unable to mount an attack of his own, Kennedy tried running away to escape but the Sentinelese were faster, they caught up to him, pushed him onto the floor, and tied him up with a rope, carrying him back to their settlement.

Day 18: At this point with not many days to go, Selman and Westbroek found it strange that they had not seen any sign of Kennedy whatsoever. The two were surviving well on their own but were curious to find their teammate. It was on Day 18 that they would get their wish, Westbroek was scouting in the trees when he noticed the Sentinelese settlement and right there in the middle of it, tied to what looked like a sacrificial pole, was Corey Kennedy. The two got closer, determined to save their friend but with nothing more than a hockey stick and pair of skates they had to be smart about. They stayed on the down low in a nearby tree that they had climbed until most of the Sentinelese had gone out of their camp. With only two guards and a few children left at the settlement, the Outlaws duo saw their opportunity to make their move. With pinpoint precision, Westbroek threw one skate at the heads of each of the guards, catching them square in the skull with the skate blades and taking them out. Then just when the children realized they were being attacked, Selman swooped in and knocked all 3 of them out cold with the swing of his hockey stick, stopping them from warning the others. The two untied Kennedy, grabbed the guards' spears and all 3 Outlaws got out of the settlement, heading towards the other side of the island where they planned to set up camp for the remaining time.

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Dropped of in the middle of the jungle, my personal item is a tame lion called Bork. We set of to try and find @bilbo  and @ej27  who hopefully found each other through their intimate mind connection. Riding on Borks back through the jungle I sang swedish "dansbands" songs as loudly as I could, while Bork roared along.

It took us 7 days to find Monty and Leo but we finally did, they had bumped in to one another just a couple of hours after drop off. They had build a tree house abd were very happy. When it was time to be brought back to civilization they (Leo and Monty) dicided to stay in the jungle and the tame lion Bork stayed to cuddle with then in the treehouse. They lived happily and with great teeth due to Montys infinite toothpaste supply. Leo had chosen a hair brush as his personal item to take care of his perfect hairline.

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hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

As soon as I arrived I ditched the two players I came in with. I don't even know them and I figured I'd do better on my own. I found a body of water and tried to take a drink but the water was very stagnant so I got sick. I set up a shelter with sticks and leaves but I got poison ivy. I was ready to bail on the entire experience as I had stomach problems now and I was very itchy. I slept in the dark for the first night and got ate up by bugs. Honestly, I had no idea what I signed up for. When they said Naked and Afraid I thought I was going to a strip club with timid dancers. Boy was I wrong. I don't watch a lot of television but I'll be sure to do my research before I sign up for this nonsense again. 0/10, would not go again.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland
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(This post was last modified: 05-19-2019, 08:27 AM by Baelor Swift.)

So Poopity Scoop was joined by Eric Pelletier and Terrance Nova. They all got dropped on opposite ends of the island but managed to convene in the middle on Day 2, where Poopity Scoop managed to make a fire and some shelter. They had a great system going for many days. One person would guard the camp while the other two would go and hunt and gather together. It turned into a very easy existence where everything went well, they were successful, had many laughs, and they lived quite comfortable. They all even joked that they wished it wouldn't end after 21 days.

Then on Day 18, they started to encounter problems. It appeared that most of the animals had either been hunted or were getting smarter at avoiding their strategies for hunting. Terrance Nova complained and threatened to just stop hunting altogether. Eric Pelletier just kind of observed and took the situation in. Poopity Scoop tried to offer help but Nova wouldn't listen and Pelletier was afraid to instigate the situation so he stayed back. Terrance Nova became increasingly negative and Poopity Scoop grew irritated and told him that, with that attitude, the rest of their time on the island would be a living hell. It devolved into chaos... Scoop tried to reason with Nova and find out why communication had devolved between the two, who previously worked well together... Nova simply walked away and took Pelletier with him. Poopity Scoop finished the last two days alone, excommunicated from the team he once worked so well with but continued to thrive without them.

@Shmurph @sarmo

[Image: Marius_buffalo.png]

08-24-2018, 01:08 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Ah yes, the veteran meme player. A surefire bet for maybe 400 TPE Tongue
05-23-2020, 02:25 PMWannabeFinn Wrote: Scoop AINEC
[Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif] [Image: Skree.gif]

[Image: Poppity.png]
^^^^^ Thank you JSSSSS
[Image: Poopity_Scoop_1.png]
^^^^Credits to Snussu^^^^

[Image: Scoop.png]

S43 special, dropped in #1 #2 and #3 drafted players, me Leshaun King, and Oliver Kovacs. We were all given a knife and spread out by a couple miles. I landed and immediatly started to make my shelter, like when I was back home in the best country of Czechia. I was taught all of this by my uncle and my father and his father before him as it was of tradition to survive in the wilderness for a week. After shelter I got my food and water and started to scout some areas around me. Nothing really happened that much as I survived and got picked up fine. What really was the problem was that King and Kovacs were stuck out there with barely any food and water so I had to go back out there and search for them. What happened was that I couldnt find either of them and we had to give up our search and rescue. So thats how they ended up going inactive,

The End

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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Wait, how the fuck am I naked? Actually, I’m not that surprised... wait hold on? Where am I?

So there I was, stranded on some island without any clothes on some island, god only knows where the hell it is. I look to my right and I see someone else standing there, visibly confused. I run over there and see Aleister Cain, an old teammate.

“Cainer! How the hell did you get here too?”

“”Teddy, were in the remains of Nipple Nuggey bro.”

“Fuck you Tummy”, they said in unison.

They stand there for a little, wondering what they are going to do until they hear a voice in the distance, they are unsure who it is.

“Guys! Guys!! GUYS!!!!!” It’s Luke Thomason running over a hill with a leopard chasing him. Cuddles and Cain get ready to try to help their friend and defeat the leopard. Luke reaches them with the leopard not far behind. Cain stands in front of the leopard, beckoning it forwards. It pounces at him. Cuddles and Thomason shield their eyes as they fear for the worst. Luckily, Cain is the human embodiment of swiss cheese with plenty of holes. The leopard jumps right through his massive 5 hole, lands on his head and breaks his neck. Luke is saved!

@SlashACM @"luketd"

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Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

Chico Smeb was dropped off with two other unknown SHL players on a remote island around Indonesia. He was happy to be naked as he is the biggest player in the league if you know what I mean.

Instead of trying to find the other two players, Chico decided to hunt them for entertainment. Chico needed to eat meat and there weren't many animals on this island, just berries and fruit. It didn't take him long to find the other two members, who to no surprise were trying to work together. Chico stated hidden around them and started to plan his hunt. He crafted some spears out of rocks and sticks, as well daggers. When the sun fell, Chico started his attack. He ran into the shelter and quickly killed the first one but made too much noise and woke the other one. It was now a 1 vs 1 to the death. Player 2 desperately tried to fight Chico, but he was no match. Chico murdered him with a blow to the head and began eating them for protein.

Remains were never found of these two former SHL players.

SHL Head Commissioner S12ish-S27ish
GM Dragons S8 & S9 (Won cups both years)
2x GM Of The Year
5 Time Cup Winner
League MVP

Past Players
[Image: HOF2.png] D - Aidan Richan - [Image: HOF2.png] (S5 11th Overall) Dragons
[Image: HOF2.png] C - Chico Salmon - [Image: HOF2.png] (S17 1st overall)  Renegades

Current Player
D - Chico Smeb (S46)

SMJHL - Drafted 65th Overall by Raptors
SHL - Drafted 23rd Overall by Dragons

After their eventful outing in Ireland last offseason, it seemed only natural to partner up Gunnar Söderberg, Jax Duggan, and Corey Kennedy and toss them into the wild without a stitch of clothing. When interviewed prior to the challenge, Söderberg remarked, "well, I mean, I don't like to wear clothes unless I have to anyway, you can ask my roommates about that. So I'm sure it'll be fine." 

Gunnar, very much in line with his general brand aesthetic, did manage to befriend some woodland creatures, and made himself useful by teaching some kind of four-legged beast (a water buffalo? a wayward elk?) to help him bring firewood back to the primary campsite. But the nakedness turned out to be more uncomfortable than he anticipated, due to the many insects that were drawn to all the excess flesh. Always one to look on the bright side, Gunnar pointed out that after a week or two, it seemed like his whole body was just one giant bug bite, so there was nowhere left for the bugs to target. He did manage to get a tan throughout the course of the month, though, so that seems like a win. There were also some impressive beards as a result of the month spent in the wild with no amenities, and Gunnar seems determined to keep his for the time being.

"Yeah, it was a great time," he said, after returning from the adventure. "I mean, it's always fun to get to hang out with Jax and Corey, we don't get a lot of time to do that during the season, so I always look forward to seeing them. Even if that means seeing a little more of them than I usually would."

@SecondSucks22 @SDCore

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. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

My drop point is a frozen tundra. All I can see is white. The crew tells me it is time. I take off all my clothing, and try to hold onto my socks. They catch me cheating. It is -30. I'll be dead in minutes. Luckily the one item I brought should keep me warm and safe. I get in my 2019 Ford Raptor. The heated seats are AMAZING on my naked ass.

The goal is to make it from Alaska to Washington state. First I am suppose to find the other two. I don't bother. I turn on my GPS and start heading south.

My first stop is at a truck stop near Anchorage. I use the credit card in the glove box to buy clothing. I see news reports of some camera crews frozen, and some tv show getting sued for dropping them with bad batteries in a rescue beacon or something, but I don't care. I buy some funny hats for my teammates and continue south.

About halfway through I spilled my coffee in my cup holder. There goes my resale value!

I get to Winnipeg, forgetting that I was suppose to make it to Washington. I have been summoned to court for my negligence. However, I won't go to court, thanks to the great laywer @Bonk has for us.

But @Bonk hasn't answered his phone... ever since our trip to Alaska...

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!

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