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S50 PT #4 - Skills Competition

Option 3:

Mika would be invited to compete in the most accurate shot competition. With 20 goals in his rookie season, Mika has proven that he is an effective goal scorer at the SHL level. Now, it would be time to put his skills to the test to see if he could be one of the most accurate shooters in the league against some of the top players. In order to prepare, Mika would be out there after every team practice with a shooter tutor taking passes from a coach and practicing picking the corners. Training is one of Mika's favorite thing to do anyways, so giving him a specific task to compete in would really be able to focus him in on that.

When it comes time to compete Mika would have no problem hitting his targets and would hit the 5 targets in 6 shots. Of course, this would not be good enough to win as there are multiple others who could hit 5 for 5. Being that this is Mika's first time competing in such a competition, he knows he'll just have to keep training and come back next year to win the title of most accurate shooter.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

[Image: mika_kandinsky.gif]


I was not invited to the All star showcase as I am having a terribly shitty season but its ok as Williams invited me to be his +1 on the flight and hotel. It was fun hanging out the whole time and he got to be part of the accuracy competition which is awesome. I will quickly recap the Breakaway Challenge for y'all. First up is Mika Kandinsky on Robinson. Kandinsky skates in, cuts left, moves to the backhand... tucks it five hole! 0/1 for Robinson. Williams is next. Skates in from the right, toe drag, fakes the forehand shot and pulls to the backhand... Beats him clean! 0/2 for the big man. Lokitonov skates up. Skates wide and into the slot by the faceoff dot. Fakes a shot and Robinson goes down, Lokitonov shoots! Big blocker save by Robinson. 1/3 now. Kristaps Ball is the last skater Robinson will face. Ball skates straight on, Robinson skates far out of the crease to challenge. Ball skates up on him, shoots! PING! off the bar and scores low blocker side. 1/4 for Robinson and the skaters feel pretty good about themselves. I'd recap the other shots but im at 200 words already so nah. Robinson went 1/4, Blue went 3/4, and Hobbs and Partridge went 2/4. Blue wins the Breakaway challenge

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Written Option #2: For one of the above competitions, what one player would you bet on to win it? Why are you picking them - what makes you think they have the best chance to take home the hardware?

I am going to take the easy way out and say which SHL player would win the most accurate shot competition because it is very early on Monday morning and I don't feel like using my brain too much.  So let me pull up the SHL Season 50 index so I can see who has the best shooting percentage this season.  Right now the top 5 in shooting percentage are Mikkel Haugen, Tony Ford, Ostap Maksimov, Tor Tuk, and The Dude.  Haugen actually is shooting a full percentage point higher than Ford in second place, which is pretty significant. It doesn't look like any of these five are in the top 10 for shots on the season, so over to team stats I go.  Haugen has only taken 56 shots, so I am going to disqualify him for a small sample size.  Tony Ford has only 60 shots so maybe I was too hasty.  Ostap only has 44, Tuk has 72, and The Dude has 69 shots total so I guess the trick to having a good shooting percentage is to not shoot much?  Weak.  

Maxime Bouchard at 7th in shooting percentage has over 100 shots.  Austin Roenick at 9th also does... as do I in 10th place (most shots on the list at 122 actually).  Since I am less than a percentage point away from Maxime's shooting percentage, I crown Jimmy Slothface the most accurate shooter because I am hella biased.  But if I were to disqualify myself I would have to give it to Maxime then.  With 16 goals on the season for Bouchard, which is most on the Calgary Dragons, he has shown this season that he would definitely be worth of the most accurate shooter title.

I may just be rambling at this point because there was no word limit that I saw in the main post, so hopefully my discussion on the most accurate shooters has fit the bill.

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(This post was last modified: 10-21-2019, 11:59 AM by Otrebor13.)

The All-Star game and skills competition usually entails a lot of bias. People get to vote for their own favourite players, they want to see their team’s players succeed and win. So, that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Best Shootout goalie: Knox Booth @Tate. It’s gotta be him. Why? Well, at this point in the season, not only has Booth posted 3 shutouts, he’s also stopped 100% of all shootout attempts against him. Not to mention, he’s also a rookie. So he would definitely go there with a ton of energy and have fun with it. Most of the other goalies have been around, and they probably don’t care very much (If you want the NHL All-Star game, you’ll know). However, Booth is a competitor, and even in an event like this, he’s going to want to win. I’m taking him to be the winner.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a ton of talent there – after all, it is an all star game – but I don’t see how I can go against my own goaltender. He’s an absolute stud and I think if it comes down to this competition, I’m taking Booth to bring home the W.

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Written Option #2:

Mike Izzy, most accurate, hands down. Easiest question of my life. Honestly the dude is just gonna destroy everything and everyone in his way and shoot the puck right at whatever the SHL decides to put in front of him. Old school targets? Easily broken. Fancy light up rings? Shit's gonna get lit E-Z. Random slots on the ice? Saucers for days. The man can do it all, and he's going to destroy everything. Most accurate sharpshooter on the ice, the man is a myth, he's a legend, he's easily getting me this word count limit because of how great he can be on the ice. The league leader and Calgary legend is prepared to take on whatever shows up on the ice, the SHL All-Stars team could put a 50 foot tall Gritty covered in glitter on the ice and I don't doubt Izzy would find a way past him to get those pucks deep and pucks into the back of the net.

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S66 Damian Littleton

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All Star Weekend is supposed to be fun, right? It's pretty much just an excuse for the league to make some money and for the players to get drunk and have a nice time. Or complain because having to be at the weekend's activities means they don't get to take a nice, relaxing vacation. The skills competition is honestly the best part, but if Leo was selected to participate in one of the events, he wouldn't do much to prepare at all. He'd just show up and do the damn thing. Let's be real though, he'd never be selected to participate in any of those three events. He's not a goalie, so that one is out. And he only has two goals on the entire season so far, so he's obviously not hitting the back of the net with any accuracy, which leads me to believe he wouldn't be hitting any smaller targets either. He's a decent skater, but he's a pretty big guy, so there are probably some smaller dudes who can beat him there, too.

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In a move of complete bias and laziness, the goalie I am choosing to win the Best Shootout Goalie competition is Geezus Kryyst. This Hamilton goalie is maxed out at 95 skill points for the shootout category, so you literally can’t get any better than that. I am sure there are other goalies that are also maxed out, but why would I root for anyone else? In my SHL career I haven’t had much to brag about so this would be one of those areas I think I could shine in. One on one with a skater. Plus, if I stick to my on again off again roleplay as the literal son of a diety, I could totally use my divine powers to cause the other goalies to miss or to cause the shooters to make misstates. This of course opens up the criticism of why I wouldn’t do this in the game, but I’ll just claim “integrity”. The skills competitions are more for fun and for fan showing anyway, so I can justify cheating a bit.

Words: 177

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Written Option #3: Imagine that your player has been selected to participate in one of the above competitions. Tell us how you'd prepare and train for the challenge and/or tell us about how the competition went for you. (150+ words)
Ola Wagstrom was selected to participate in the most accurate shot competition, as he has developed as a strong scorer over the last few seasons. He trained relentlessly with shooting drills, often the last one off the ice at his team's morning skate. He would stay extra to just set up his own targets and just fire shot after shot, nailing down the accuracy and speed needed. He practiced from all angles just to have more composure and confidence, and he timed himself, trying to strike seconds off his time. The fateful day eventually arrived, and Wagstrom felt nervous but ready. He was among a bunch of strong competitors and well-known scorers, but he knew if he believed in himself, he could pull through. The crowd roared as he prepared to start, firing pucks with accuracy. He missed off the start, perhaps due to nerves, but then got his rhythm down and nailed the next five shots. With all the targets down, the final time on the clock read 12.8 seconds, and that would end up being good enough to win the event.


Quote:Written Option #1: For one of the above competitions, craft your ideal field of 4 contestants to compete in the challenge. Make your case as to why you're choosing these 4 to represent the elitest of the elite in this skill right now. (150+ words)

Skill Chosen: Most accurate shot

I think there are 4 easy choices for this competition in the current SHL season. We want to find the most accurate shot so the most obvious statistic to look at is Shooting Percentage. Be it coincidence or fate, the current leaderboard has 4 people on top above 18% and the next highest almost at 16%. With most teams 4/5ths of the way through the season these 4 have the stats to stand out from the rest of the pack.

Therefore my choices for the S50 SHL Most Accurate Shot are as follows.

1. Mikkel Haugen of the Chicago Syndicate who boasts a league leading 19.64%
2. Tony Ford of the Los Angeles Panthers who has an 18.33%
3. Ostap Maksimov of the Calgary Dragons who has an 18.18%
4. Tor Tuck of the Edmonton Blizzard who brings up the rear with an impressive 18.06%

I think this grouping of players will give us a great show as they prove why they are leading the league in Shooting Percentage this late into the season.

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[Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  [Image: PlcJv9V.png]

Shoot out competition:
We if there is one thing that I think Tibuk Soonika might not tank this season it's his shoot out performance! So far Tibuk has showed himself to be clutch so far this season for Chicago. Posting a pretty impressive 81% on 21 shots is really one of Tibuk's stand out achievements this season. Adding to that of the 6 Shoot out games Tibuk has participated in 5 have been victories with only 1 resulting in a loss. However these stats mean pretty much nothing when you take into account that Tibuk would likely NOT get a nod for any All Star game as all his other statistics are abysmal at the best (top 3 in losses, wooooooo!). But with all these All-Stars it would certainly be a nice feather in an otherwise disappointing season for Soonika if he could knock them off in a good old fashioned goalie battle. But if I am picking a Winner for this event going to have to hand it over to Benjamin Blue. Dude has been a stud all season.

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

Written Option #1: For one of the above competitions, craft your ideal field of 4 contestants to compete in the challenge. Make your case as to why you're choosing these 4 to represent the elitest of the elite in this skill right now. (150+ words)

Most Accurate Shot:
1) Robert Phelps - Currently leading the league in shots taken he's a huge volume shooter and isn't afraid to let one rip. Paired with 18 goals (tied for 6th in the league) it would be interesting to see how he'd fair.
2) Tor Tuck - The highest shooting percentage among all defenders, he also has 13 goals which is the second most among all blue liners. Put those ranks together and this guy is lethal.
3) Jimmy Slothface - He's the only guy to make an appearance in the top 10 in shooting percentage and goals currently. Much like Tuck those numbers would give him great odds to win this contest.
4) Austin Roenick - 9th in shooting percentage, the rookie has managed to collect 17 goals already this season. It would be interesting to see how the young fella would fair against the names above.

fun PT!

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10-20-2019, 09:59 PMhotdog Wrote:
Written Option #3: Imagine that your player has been selected to participate in one of the above competitions. Tell us how you'd prepare and train for the challenge and/or tell us about how the competition went for you. (150+ words)

With the all-star break right around the corner, Gylfi was delighted to be a part of the competitions this season. There were a couple of choice, but thought he would fair best in the shot accuracy competition. I mean shooting is just like passing really hard, could not be too difficult. How wrong he was, in his test trials he did not hit a single target. He needed help bad, not wanting to be embarrassed in front of national TV. Instead of going to another one of his teammates who have played hockey most of their lives. He enlisted his good friend Phillip J Fry, catcher for the Voyagers in the PBE.

He taught him how to properly aim and gun out a runner stealing second. Useless practice for Gylfi, however when his time to shine came up in the all-star game. He hit two targets. So maybe he did learn a thing or two from Fry.

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(This post was last modified: 10-21-2019, 06:46 PM by Ferda.)

Quote:Written Option #2: For one of the above competitions, what one player would you bet on to win it? Why are you picking them - what makes you think they have the best chance to take home the hardware? (150+ words)

Once again, I am dumbfounded by the need for individual awards, let alone an entire competition, when there is only one obvious winner for every category and competition. Cameron Carter II is, was and will always be, the best player to ever play the game of hockey. As stated in my last PT, the awards committee has been actively working against Cameron Carter II to prevent him from winning all of the awards, even the goalie ones. However, if any of you sheep had a brain, then you would realize that Cameron Carter II is the only worthy candidate of receiving all of the awards at the SHL Skills Competition. CC2 is the fastest skater in the league by a country mile and it isn't even close. Add on the sheer size and skill that Cameron Carter II possesses and you already have the foundation of a hockey GOD. There is no doubt in my mind that CC2 would have finished 10 laps before the next closest skater even finishes half a lap. Next, don't get me started on the most accurate shot because there has been constant controversy over the SHL secretly tampering with his equipment to prevent him from shooting at a 100% conversion rate. You already know that CC2 would tear everyone apart because he would only need to shoot one puck in order to hit ALL of the targets at once. Lastly, for best shootout goalie, the only fair option would be to have CC2 suit up as a goalie and clone himself taking the shot. Yes, Cameron Carter II's clone would have to shoot on Cameron Carter II himself, in order to prove that he is not only the best shootout goalie, but most importantly the best goalie to ever play the game. The only problem is that the world and all of space and time would be destroyed because there is simply no possible way for a person to be so perfect. CC2 can't score or save the puck from himself which means that there would be a transdimensional loop created from the paradox that is created. I know I was supposed to only write about one of the competitions, but you sheep will never accept the reality that is that Cameron Carter is the best player, athlete and person to ever live. The easiest way for the SHL would be to simply give every award to CC2 and prevent a tear in the space-time continuum.


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For my money I am going to go and bet on the fastest skater and the league and for that winner I am going to go with an Edmonton fan favorite, Teddy Cuddles. I know he may be an unconventional choice for this reward because he is an older player in the league but that has only made him a better skater. As a premier right winger in the league for his entire career he has really honed the ability to effortlessly move across the ice. However, the real secret to his success on the ice is definitely his unique size. Teddy Cuddles is like a gazelle out there on the ice measuring in at 6’5” and 220 lbs. His massive height is known but most people do not realize that Teddy Cuddles has legs that are 15% longer than average and an extra small torso, this means that his strides on the ice are massive and when he moves he makes it look slow and effortless as he out paces everyone. Put him down for an easy win.


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(This post was last modified: 10-22-2019, 02:24 AM by Carpy48.)

Quote:Written Option #3: Imagine that your player has been selected to participate in one of the above competitions. Tell us how you'd prepare and train for the challenge and/or tell us about how the competition went for you.

Despite the very small sample size this season Harry had a perfect shootout record this season so he would feel very confident going into the shootout competition. He can't complain about not having had enough shots this season either as he got more than any other goalie in the league. Who would need extra practice in this situation?! Harry’s competitive nature took over and in the end he decided to practise shootouts over and over again just to feel more prepared. Obviously he would feel both honored and still a little surprised to be chosen as one of the goalies for this Skills Competition. There are plenty of great goalies in the league and many of them are at the peak of their career. Yet only two of them (Knox Booth and himself, two of the youngest in the league) had a perfect record - which is likely why they were chosen this year. Eventually it would be a relatively close competition with Benjamin Blue winning it in the end.

@Tate @"BoucherFan12"

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