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Bilbo Guesses Things About SHLers, Part 4

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Bilbo Guesses Things About SHLers, Part 4
By: bilbo

Part 1 | Part 2  | Part 3

A little over two months ago, I posted a survey on Discord asking SHLers to fill out a survey that asked them questions that I thought would help me identify these key things: how old this SHLer is, what country they’re from, and then also how well I think we’d get along in real life based off JUST the answers to these questions. Now that everyone has forgotten (including me) that I was doing this, here is part 4 that I thought I already posted.

Note: In the event that an SHLer already thinks I know enough about them, the instruction was that they could leave the username section blank on the survey and I’d guess who they were. This next part includes two such people.

I’ve cut off responses to the survey for now until I can get the initial responses completed, but fear not, I will finish these before I die, hopefully. Thank you to everyone who has reached out about wanting to be included in the next round and thank you as always to everyone who participated. My bank account will thank you.


I am now going to attempt to guess the following: how old these SHLers are, what country they're from, and how well I think we'd get along in real life based off just the answers to these questions.

*Disclaimer: I’m sorry in advance if any of my guesses and assumptions offend you. This is meant to be kind of a joke and only taken seriously if it turns out I am too good at guessing.

SHLer #1: @Citizen of Adraa
Wow I can’t believe you don’t think I know things about you smh. Here I am thinking I might accidentally offend someone when really it is I who is now offended, COA.

Favorite NHL team and why (without saying "I grew up in *insert city*")?
Avs, honestly I think the closest I will get is I like their colours lol
Yeah I still don’t understand anyone liking the Avs, but if it makes you happy, COA, then that’s fine. Fun fact, I was over ambitious one year and painted all the NHL logos. The Avs logo was the hardest to do because they made me go to the store to get new paint colors. Spent way too long in the aisle at Michael’s debating on the blue and maroon-type colors to buy.

What bands or musical artists would you recommend me?
I actually don't know your music preferences...I personally would advise Pegboard Nerds or Stonebank, I love them
It’s okay, I didn’t know your music preferences either, but this is definitely what I expected them to be lol. I am listening to “Hero” by Pegboard Nerds. It is fun. Not exactly something I’d listen to on a daily basis unless I was doing an extremely timed task at work and needed to block out my thoughts lol, but this is fun for u and ty for sharing. If I already didn’t know you were in Europe, I would now think so based off your musical selections.

Also jsyk, based off your last two answers, I don’t remember anyone else who likes the Avs (who would take this survey quickly) and then would name these artists, so I would probably be thinking you.

What TV shows did you grow up watching? If you didn't watch TV, movies or books?
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Metro
Oh heck yeah. When someone says they like Harry Potter, I’m like, “all right, cool, this person is either a nerd or HP was the last series they read as a child so they named that series.” But the second you bring LOTR into the mix, I’m like, “okay, maybe I should get to know this person.” If that’s the only thing I ever learn about a person, that they like LOTR, I’ll always think fondly of them. Not sure if that’s a good thing, but it is what it is. I didn’t know what Metro was, but now I see it is post-apocalyptic fiction series, and yes, this all makes sense about you. Also, getting back to the point of this survey, I think I forgot how old you are, but this helps. I’d put you in the 24-27 age range, and if I didn’t know where you were from, I would start putting you in Russia/surrounding countries due to your Metro and music answers.

Do you cook? If yes, what's your favorite thing to make? If no, what's your favorite thing to order?
I cook very rarely, so all I can do is its pasta
COA, plz. But hey, at least you know how to make one thing. I can work with that. I’d make pasta with you. I also think you might be younger than I was previously thinking now, but then again, I know a lot of people in their late 20s who can’t cook for heck, but I’m dropping you between 21-25 for now. And from what I know about you, I’m pretty sure it’s actually like 21-23.

We're already best buds in real life. We've got the night free to do anything. What are we doing?
probably watching a documentary on environment
Yes, that is probably what we’d be doing. Eating pasta and watching a documentary. I’m chill with that.

How do you say, "I love you," in your first language?
Milujem ťa
So yes, if I didn’t already know you were from Slovakia, this would do it.

Rank these social media sites in order of which one you use the most (1 being the most, 5 being the least, 0 being you don't use it): Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, TikTok
Snapchat/Tik Tok/LinkedIn 0, Instagram 1, Twitter 3, Facebook 5
Okokok hmmm. I didn’t think you were a Snapchat or TikTok person anyway, but my personal judgemental data doesn’t know what to do with a 1 on Instagram and so on. Ahh I don’t want to get your age wrongggg.

Give the image url of a meme you'd send me.
[Image: hwv6tykb1mj01.jpg]
This never fails to make me laugh, ty.

SHLer #1 Guessing
Bilbo’s Guesses:
How old is Citizen of Adraa?
I’ve had it in my head for a while that you’re 26-27, but then I remembered things and the pasta thing made it click that you were 20 but your bday makes you 21 now. Yes, I have the best memory.
Where is COA from? Slovakia
How well would we get along in real life? This does not come as a shock to me, but just based off these answers, I’d say we’d get along v well. Chillin’ bois watching a doc, stressin’ about the environment, or you know, we could have a holiday LOTR marathon with snacks. Sounds like an amazing time.

Real Answers
This is the part where I asked COA for the truth. My answers have not been altered.
How old is COA? 21
Where is COA from? Slovakia

Bilbo’s Final Thoughts:
Well, it’s certainly less fun when I have an idea of where someone is from/how old they are, but I feel very good about myself that pasta jogged my bday memory. Ty, COA.

SHLer #2: Anonymous
Wewww I’m stressed. Hope I’m right. (Jk, I already looked at these answers and I know who it is, but pretend there’s suspense here.)

Favorite NHL team and why (without saying "I grew up in *insert city*")?
Montreal Canadiens. It was the team my dad would watch when I was a kid.
Upon first reading this, you could have been a couple people, mystery person. I would guess you lived in Canada by this or Europe, because idk who else would like the Habs.

What bands or musical artists would you recommend me?
Against the current.
I’m listening to “Gravity” right now. This video is from 2014 and sounds like off-brand Paramore (no offense to the singer, they are v good). Upon Googling, they are signed to Fueled by Ramen, so that checks out. This next song “Voices” is a fun, angsty jam. As far as getting along with you, I’d go to their show if you dragged me. Based off this music rec, I would place you around age 20-25 even though I know that’s wrong.

What TV shows did you grow up watching? If you didn't watch TV, movies or books?
Zoboomafoo was the shit.
If I didn’t know from viewing the answers below, I would guess @Kalakar here, because we talked about this recently. I have never seen this show, but since it’s an American-Canadian show, says Wikipedia, I would think you were from Canada now. Also if I didn’t know your age, I would say like 25-30 now.

Do you cook? If yes, what's your favorite thing to make? If no, what's your favorite thing to order?
No. Pizza.
Why do u do this 2 me? I have been on a pizza kick lately, so this is fine, I suppose. For a worldly traveler, you’d think you’d have fresher choices.

We're already best buds in real life. We've got the night free to do anything. What are we doing?
[Image: a98961495de32038759ee47235af782b.png&qua...&width=720]
Kala, plz. I love that this was submitted two months ago and we still haven’t finished it. I don’t want to be sad about reality, bro.

How do you say, "I love you," in your first language?
Je t'aime

Rank these social media sites in order of which one you use the most (1 being the most, 5 being the least, 0 being you don't use it): Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, TikTok
Twitter: 2. Facebook: 1. Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Tik Tok: -5.
If I didn’t know your age, I would probably put you around your age here based off the Facebook usage but lack of the others.

Give the image url of a meme you'd send me.
Kalakar didn’t put one here because Baby Yoda didn’t exist for our eyeballs yet and he was saving meme sharing energy.

SHLer #2 Guessing
Bilbo’s Guesses:
Who is this person?
How old is this person? 27
Where is this person from? Canada
How well would we get along in real life? Well based off just these answers like the task at hand says - him yelling at me about things I like makes me think we’d get along probably v well. We like being sad nature bois and I kinda want to watch Zoboomafoo now. I also haven’t exited out of Against the Current on YouTube, so maybe we should talk music more. Whom knew.

Real Answers
Who is this person? I’m not even asking, it’s Kalakar.
How old is this person? 27
Where is this person from? Canada

Bilbo’s Final Thoughts:
I’m correct. Kalakar is a homie and my source of Baby Yoda memes.


SHLer #3: Anonymous
I’m glad a decent number of people are confident that I know them well enough.

Favorite NHL team and why (without saying "I grew up in *insert city*")?
Since Kalakar is obviously Anonymous #2 here, I was already guessing between three other people here the first time I read the answers. I only know so many people well enough who like Montreal.

What bands or musical artists would you recommend me?
Yep, this checks out. This is somebody. For other people reading this, 10/10 check out this game or at least the soundtrack.

What TV shows did you grow up watching? If you didn't watch TV, movies or books?
Doctor who...
Still checks out. I’ve never watched more than an episode of Doctor Who, not because it seems bad, but because I need to re-watch Parks & Rec for the third time next year and read all the books I just bought.

Do you cook? If yes, what's your favorite thing to make? If no, what's your favorite thing to order?
Yes. Curry/Pasta
Also checks out. I still cut chicken too slow for your liking, but my chicken tikka masala ain’t bad.

We're already best buds in real life. We've got the night free to do anything. What are we doing?
Driving to the lake singing hamilton?
Idk if I’d sing Hamilton anymore since I’ve already sang it enough when everyone else did, but it’s definitely still a jam to nod along to. Each Great Lake is its own driving adventure.

How do you say, "I love you," in your first language?
I love you, ... Doesn't this narrow down the "what country you're from" question quite a bit.. You're cheating!

Rank these social media sites in order of which one you use the most (1 being the most, 5 being the least, 0 being you don't use it): Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, TikTok
twitter, and that's it..
Didn’t know or remember this about this person, but that checks out enough yes.

Give the image url of a meme you'd send me.
[Image: 29083-sometimes-i-just-remember-the-fact...-a-lot.jpg]
Can never go wrong with a good ole’ bread meme.

SHLer #3 Guessing
Bilbo’s Guesses:
Who is this? @Nobody
How old is this person? 21
Where is this person from? England
How well would we get along in real life? Based off the curry, meme, and specific hanging out scenario, very well, but idk, life is strange.

Real Answers
My answers haven’t been altered, because I’m correct.
Who is this? Nobody
How old is this person? 21
Where is this person from? England

Bilbo’s Final Thoughts:
4/4 on anonymous people so far if I can count. Cheers

Stay tuned for part 5 in probably 2020! Only 15,000 more parts to go and then I might open it back up if folks still want to submit answers.

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

wow u know a lot of people on the website thats crazy.

wow didn't expect my music taste to be such an European thing...also I totally didn't do the social media ranking the other way around

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
[Image: LSZLcjq.png]
thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

[Image: 8NuVFvj.png]

Do me! I am here since 8 years! Cry

Chris McZehrl III - Anchorage Armada
[Image: McZehrlIII.jpg?ex=667c5d3b&is=667b0bbb&h...3f94d487d&]

Challenge Cup Wins:
S18 - Riot Seattle Riot (with Chris McZehrl)*
S23 - Wolfpack New England Wolfpack (with Chris McZehrl)*
S27 - Dragons Calgary Dragons (with VLAD McZehrl)**
S34 - Rage Manhattan Rage (with VLAD McZehrl)
S37 - Jets Winnipeg Jets (with VLAD McZehrl)
S46 - Stampede Buffalo Stampede (with GOD McZehrl)*

*first ever Challenge Cup of Franchise History
**first ever Challenge Cup win after 0-3 in Finals Series

Four Star Cup Wins:
S24 - Whalers Vancouver Whalers (with VLAD McZehrl)
S39 - Scarecrows St. Louis Scarecrows (with GOD McZehrl)

SHL Hall of Fame Members:
S24 - Chris McZehrl Platoon Panthers Dragons Riot Wolfpack *
(GP: 764 | G: 322 | A: 461 | P: 783 | +/-: +109)
S40 - VLAD McZehrl Dragons Riot Rage Stampede Jets Wolfpack *
(GP: 653 | G: 333 | A: 361 | P: 694 | +/-: +141)

*1st Ballot Hall of Famer

small note: GOD McZehrl played at first as Defender and later as Forward!

You're too good and yes unfortunately we hadn't known about baby yoda back then :((

[Image: Kalakar1.gif]


More! More! MORE!

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

bro youve gotten really good at this
I miss u @bilbo

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

12-16-2019, 10:16 AMhhh81 Wrote: More! More! MORE!

[Image: Z21MZ56.jpg]
Highlanders Highlanders

Highlanders Specters Usa

12-16-2019, 11:29 AMGrapehead Wrote:
12-16-2019, 10:16 AMhhh81 Wrote: More! More! MORE!

Shoulda gone with Billy Idol instead!

Platoon Elk Elk Platoon
Argonauts Argonauts

[Image: AH23zKq.png]
Thank you karey, OrbitingDeath Ragnar, and sköldpaddor for sigs! 
[Image: BAL_Player_Page.png] [Image: BAL_Update.png]

12-16-2019, 12:59 AMefiug Wrote: wow u know a lot of people on the website thats crazy.

It'd be sad by now if I didn't lol. Don't worry, I'm about to heck up a couple ages for the next part, I'm pretty sure.

12-16-2019, 04:41 AMCitizen of Adraa Wrote: wow didn't expect my music taste to be such an European thing...also I totally didn't do the social media ranking the other way around
Not sure if others would classify it as much, but I do lol. And I'm glad I just got it right anyway!

12-16-2019, 04:57 AMChris-McZehrl Wrote: Do me! I am here since 8 years! Cry
The sign up might go back up once I'm up-to-date! Do not worry!

12-16-2019, 06:37 AMKalakar Wrote: You're too good and yes unfortunately we hadn't known about baby yoda back then :((
a life i don't want to go back to :((

12-16-2019, 10:16 AMhhh81 Wrote: More! More! MORE!
ty, yours is one at the end i think lol. gonna probably get your age wrong, so don't let me cheat.

12-16-2019, 10:36 AMbluesfan55 Wrote: bro youve gotten really good at this
I miss u @bilbo
miss u too bloos. ty for ur support.

[Image: 56791_s.gif]

sigs by sulovilen, slothfacekilla, Flareon
avatar by prettyburn
Current: Wolfpack raiders Uk | Alumni: Inferno pride Knights Germany

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