I believe my shooting range and accuracy combination would make me a legit sniper off the ice. If I ever get draftdd to the military to defend my country there is no question about where I will end up, I'll be one of the best sharp shooters in the military and be able to pick guys off quite reliably. Will I need any of those fancy high tech scopes or laser sights? No sir. Im going old school with iron sights and will still be at the top of my platoon for confirmed kills. Now, in saying this, ideally it will never happen as I would be scared as hell getting into an actual combat situation, I'd much prefer to keep my skills on the ice and not have to use them in the field. Plus, I've still got quite a career ahead of me and don't want to end it early.
Screening, Shot Blocking, Defensive Read, Acceleration, Agility, Reflexes and Speed would be great attributes if i ever decided that i had to use my body as a human shield to protect someone who is about to get shot. Great great attributes, would put points into again,
Mental Toughness is great to prevent having a mental breakdown, very nice attribute indeed and i'm happy that it can't go below 15 because i would be a literal mess.
Stamina is good for various reasons, both CLEAN and dirt. If i had more stamina perhaps i would go out for a run once in a while, oh well guess i need more tpe.
Strength, Fighting, Aggression and Bravery could be a great combination if i ever needed to fight someone, like at the bar or something, not that i ever go to the bar lmao. throw in some Blocker in the mix and i could probably protect myself from stabs as well. very nice.
Rebound could be fun for obvious reasons.
Poke Check would be a top tier stat if i wanted to mess with someone.
Granström has always been a player with a pretty decent offensive read. As he loves books and reading on his spare time this is certainly something that helps him. His ability with offensive read makes him able to quickly and offensively read what he wants so there is little time wasted. To complement this, Granströms good stamina makes him able to keep reading without tiring. To find the time to read, the ability to get open is helpful in many ways. Not only does it help with finding a free spot in his schedule but also it makes him able to find ways out of things that he would rather skip to stay home reading. Sometimes it takes a while to read a book and things get in the way that getting open can not even help with. That's when checking comes in handy as Granström checks with himself what he remembers from the book. His good ability with checking is without a doubt a necessary component in not needing to remind himself of what has happened every time he picks the book back up. Another important attribute for this is shot blocking. It protects Granström about spoilers (shots) from the book he is reading as he is able to see it coming and block it before it is said.
This off-season, Peter Ramsey has been working very hard in training with goalie coach Carrick Murray. Murray who played 121 games in the SMJHL with Vancouver and Montreal and 10 games with Edmonton in the SHL retired after Season 37 to pursue a career in teaching future upcoming goalies. Ramsey has caught his eye and has been training him. One of the main skills that the pair have been working on has been catching the puck with his glove hand. This paired with reflex training has helped Ramsey be able to read where the puck is going.
Ramsey has been able to utilize this training off the ice and in the real world when he attended a baseball game with his family. Just after the start of the 7th inning and while sitting just off to the side of 1st base, a player with arms the size of tree trunks managed to hit a fast ball to where the ball was flying out of the field towards where they were sitting. Ramsey thankfully was there to catch the ball as it was about to hit a 7 year old girl in the head while she was not paying attention. This 'heroic' save landed Ramsey in the local papers and also landed him an awesome sponsorship opportunity that his agent managed to come up with.
Stamina, if you namean ya feel. Good stamina is irreplaceable in real life. Connolly does a ton of partying so not only does he need his stamina up for the ladies, but he also needs it up to continuously be able to go on his weekly benders. The higher his stamina, the harder he can party. It also gives him the necessary energy to keep up with all the children he has with different women, both legitimate and illegitimate, as he does a ton of running around on the weekend visiting from place to place. Strength is another big factor that shouldn’t go overlooked. This allows him to deal with the crippling reality that he’ll never be the superstar he was once drafter and promised to be. He’ll forever be a third line power forward and never materialize into the first line winger that Chicago had hoped for. His strength gives him the ability to deal with mean twitter threats and the fact he cries himself to sleep each night.
The skill that would be the most helpful in my opinion is passing, because being able to give something to another person without having to leave the chair or couch is a vital skill in every day life. If one's passing skill is high enough some might even dare try the no look pass. Other skills that would probably be very helpful are the speed, acceleration, and agility stats. These would be most helpful getting stuff done in a faster fashion, allowing for more lounging around on said couch. Getting around the house faster is something that would allow for all the things needed to get done in a day go faster. Fighting and strength would also have some decent uses, as you never know when you are gonna have to fight a grandma over the last box of ice cream in the grocery store. Overall id say most of the FHM skills have good uses outside hockey.
It's nice to be a professional hockey player, but life ain't always about shredding ice and slapping shots. Here's how some of my on-ice skills help with my normal life.
- Passing: with my buns of steel, I'm an expert at passing gas, releasing it with a consistent rate of 60 cubic feet per minute. It's so consistent that if you measured my output you'd think your measuring device was broken because it would only show one number the entire time. I've also talked with a medium and they predicted I'd have a very easy time passing on when my time comes, so not to brag but I'm a predicted expert at dying.
- Offensive Read: I'm so good at predicting offense on the ice that I can find something to be offensive about in everything I read. Like, why the hell is Humpty Dumpty so fragile? They making fun of people who sit? And fiction or not, that caterpillar cannot be that hungry without it being a direct reference at the portion of America's obesity problem directly located in my household. #cancelchildrensstories
- Checking: I slam people so expertly on the ice that you will rue the day that you asked me to check your math homework and you screwed up your order of operations. PEMDAS BITCH!
- Acceleration: I accel at exceleration. I'm so good that I regularly beat super cars in street races with my Model T Ford. My deceleration can't even keep up with my acceleration, I end up having to accelerate in the opposite direction of my current acceleration vector just to stop.
The physical attributes are the ones that help you out in real life. Wagstrom has a high amount of strength, so he is always able to do heavy lifting, and balance helps him to avoid being clumsy or tripping over his own feet. And of course, Speed helps him to speed out on the road, flying past all the other slowpoke drivers; and then acceleration helps him to floor it as soon as a red light changes to green. Agility helps him to avoid obstacles and stamina allows him to work at a task or activity for a long time without tiring, and...other upsides that I won’t detail here. Having low aggression and fighting instincts is also helpful; it helps him keep a calm temperament, getting along with everyone and avoiding arguments. It is better to make lots of friends than lots of enemies off the ice, so that composure makes his life easier.
Freyja Hellstrom has many excellent skills that are praiseworthy. Some skills are obvious in their application. Speed for example is obviously useful, especially when combined with agility, as you can run and dart through the store on Black Friday largely unimpeded. Honestly, all hockey skills are useful in those Black Friday situations, whether you use the snatch and dodge technique, or if you prefer a more aggressive plan of attack. In terms of more unusual off the ice skills though, she has an excellent handle on checking. You see, the young Swede has an impeccably balanced checkbook, and never overspends or has her checks bounce. She's very financially responsible and has no problem keeping things neatly recorded. She even has friends who will come to her for banking help. She's able to give advice and help others balance their own checking accounts. She believes that one should always use skills to help others, so this is of course no exception.
Many attributes primarily thought to be "hockey skills" can be used in day to day life. An underrated daily ability is Puck Handling. Anytime you're taking a leak at the urinal, you've gotta be able to handle that puck scent that emanates from that round biscuit. Obviously it beats pee stank, but that weird stench can be a little much if you aren't prepared to handle it. Strength can be the most useful skill around, especially near the holidays when I need the strength to withstand my extended family visiting and asking for my professional athlete handouts. Also, friends from my youth asking for my professional athlete handouts. Speed is a good one to be able to quickly run down the aisles to buy as many last second gifts as I can. Works on all holidays, really. My most important skill to use outside of hockey is Offensive Awareness. Like many people, I often need to think before I speak, so I make sure I'm not going to offend someone with what I'm about to say. It only takes a split second, and usually it's fairly obvious if what you're going to say could be interpreted as hurtful, even if it isn't your intention. Crucial skill, folks. Learn it.
12-06-2020, 03:12 PM(This post was last modified: 12-06-2020, 03:12 PM by JR95.)
There are quite a few stats that Lucas Johansson can use in the real world when he isn't on the ice playing hockey. One of the most important ones is hitting....on chicks. see, during his free time Johansson likes prowling the local club scene trying to pick up a lady or two for the evening. But much like hitting, Johansson isn't very good with the ladies. this usually leads to a lot of insults being thrown his way, after which his Mental Toughness stat helps him recover and carry on with the night. Every once in a while though his shooting stat comes into pllay and he scores, but much like on the ice his shooting percentage often hovers bellow 10%. When he does score however, he knows how to make good use of his stamina and stick checking. When he wakes up in the morning and the lady has already left his place, he uses the rebound stat to get back up on his feet and go back out for another night.
rum_ham Registered
S24, S26 Challenge Cup Champion
Colin Lambert's dog's name is "Open". Every day before he trots off for a team workout, he needs to drop off Open at the Doggy Day Care Center so he doesn't return to a ransacked apartment. One day after a particular hard day at the rink, Colin forgot to pick up Open and went home alone! It scared the hell out of him. Ever since that day, Colin has been pumped up his "getting open" stat up as high as he could so he would never forget to get Open ever again. Another positive affect of this stat increase is that Colin now "gets" Open on an emotional level. The higher his getting Open stat increases, the more the emotional bond between the two strengthens. Colin no longer wonders what Open needs when he barks at him. They can see inside each other's soul have never been closer
Unfortunately this point task does not apply very well for Erben Kasius, because he is, in fact, never off the ice. He is so incredibly dedicated to his craft and to his career as a defenseman for the New England Wolfpack of the Simulation Hockey League that he never actually leaves the ice, and only takes his skates off when it's time to sleep or drive to the arena. How does he manage to live in this seemingly unnecessary and inconvenient manner? Not very easily, honestly. He spent his enormous rookie contract in it's entirety having a house built that both had floors, stairs, etc. made entirely of ice, and could also sustain the temperatures necessary to keep the ice in good condition. He had a custom-made Roomba zamboni that cleans off the ice after he skates around all day. Cooking is the biggest challenge, as using a stove or oven can create enough heat that the kitchen ice begins to melt, but that's fixed by a special pump that re-ices the kitchen as ice is melted. It's really a marvel of engineering. So, when he's not playing hockey, he's still practicing hockey, which means that when he's off the ice in the traditional sense, all of his same skills still apply.