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S58 PT #5 New Award

A new award I can see the SHL implimenting is our version of the lady byng trophy, that awards "player adjudged to have exhibited the best type of sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct combined with a high standard of playing ability". Which usually means lower amount of hits or PIMS, and someone that shows a lot of discipline in the game. I can see it come to the SHL as there are metrics that we have that can show how it can translate to the SHL. The person I would name it after is either Harry hans, or Elyk. Elyk is legendary for not having a lot of PIMs in the league, only having 86 PIMS in 1008 games, which is an amazing feat. Harry Hans also only had 55 PIMS in 653 games played. or we go memey and give it to cleo green because he had 876 games with 14 PIMS

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Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
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I think that we need an 'Old Man Who is Getting His Ass Carried by His Team of Young Studs Award'.

The OLMWGHACHTYS would be for the players who may be a little over the hill but still contribute in the best way they can, by filling a roster spot so that it doesn't need to be filled in by an inactive.

This can be anyone from your typical 4th line washed up player, to someone who is slotting in higher in a lineup than they should and making the young guns do all the work with the puck. This type of player excels at slowly back checking and directing the players on the ice so that they can commit to cherry picking, and standing in one place so as not to test their lungs too too much.

Keep an eye out for these players and their mediocre difference making as they start to reach those heftier regression penalties

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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I honestly think a not so bad idea for an award would be the ‘Most Underrated Player’ in the league. It would be a vote from the entire league. I think it would add to the diversity of awards in the SHL as it is really hard to win an award (rightfully so). I just think there are a lot of great players in the league that never win awards and are quietly effective throughout their careers. Criteria would be it goes towards a player who although never really being in the top scoring consistently still gets points and is one of the leaders on their respective team. It might require more thought than that and might need a healthy debate to get the criteria down. Another award could be the most consistent player. It would heavily favour players with great plus minus and dont have long pointless stretches throughout the season. Finally I think we should give a best forechecker award. KInd of an award for the spark plug like players who have a lot of takeaways and forced turnovers in the offensive zone.

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Thanks to @FlappyGiraffe and @ToeDragon84 for the making these sick sigs!

Quote:                            First Goal (3rd Game): Commander Shepard 1 (Nick Brain 1, Noah Gallagher 2) at 8:48


since the shl's partenership with the popular marketplace known as SHL Kush, the shl has decided to create a new award for the player who is able to smoke the most weed in a season. all of the weed provided to the players will be covered within the grounds of their partnership and the winner of the award will receive their own personal discount code on the site, similar to that of Buffalo Stampede's superstar defenseman Augustus Wang. Remember to try out his coupon code, WANG21, to save 21% on your first order at SHL Kush. the shl's desire to improve player recovery and the overall health of others will be satisfied by this award because they are hitting 2 birds with 1 stone by promoting the use of safe recovery methods with one of their biggest partners in the entire world. the name of the award is still being ironed out behind closed doors, but the first rumors that have leaked seem to be the "kush rocket award" or the "WANG20 award".

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

If I were to have an award that my player would be capable of winning, it might be the "good but unlucky" player award. Unfortunately for the young Jack Kanoff, this season had it's fair share of ups and downs where he had a decent year in terms of production but still suffered due to goalie problems where his starting goalie posted a sub .900 SV% and was hurt by it. He was among the bottom 3 in the league in PDO but despite all that, still managed to put up 45 points  and finishing his season with a -33, horrible. Despite the unfortunate year for the top line player for the Argos there is still a lot to look forward to and award noms he's sure. He had an incredible amount of hits and shots blocked for a forward and hopefully he can eventually be up there for a two way forward award down the road.

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Nour is pretty hot ngl

It's a fairly easy award for Joorgustrad DuBolk to win, and that's the "Best Cousin of a former SHL Player" Award, for being the best cousin of a former SHL player. In case you didn't know, Joorgustraad DuBolk is the taller, meaner, and more offensively competent cousin of defenseman Joln DuBolk, a winner of the Challenge Cup, a 4 Star Cup, and an IIHF Gold and Silver Medal, as well as being on the All-Rookie team in S49 and was a nominee for the Bojo Biscuit. Just by being so closely related, and the lack of cousins in the league, Joorgustraad wins the award easily. His first season might have been a disappointing mess ending in disappointment, but who really cares that much? Who cares that Joln was so much better than him in his first season, playing with current players like Gunnar Soderberg, JUST by being a cousin, he wins the award handily.

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The Intangibles Award

As a prime meat horse there is not enough value placed in the overall INTANGIBLES of a guy on the ice and that is a bit concerning as someone who has been CONSTANTLY abused by the awards committee and not given his due. Whether it comes down to all star games, Dar voting and now what will be the HOF induction where I have similar numbers with those in and was shafted by the sim engine change. There was no one with more grit and winning intangibles than CC2 and now CC3 has taken over, Cole Carter is the real deal and we need a trophy to show that. Much like TOES, Cole has all the little analytical edges that have him at the top. Once given minutes he has skyrocketed his numbers and is going straight for the moon, ready to win Anchorage a back to back title to take back to add to his case without sharing it. JODAN. His handling of the puck, the smoothness of his skating and that lethal stick checking. Ain't nobody better.

184 Words

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There should be an award for Least Valuable Player. I’m talking about the guy who doesn’t contribute at all. If your team is really bad, he or she is extra bad. If your team is good, he’s the guy who just takes up space. The kind of person who is just along for the ride but doesn’t really do anything. Kind of like a snail. What do they even do anyway? My other idea for an award would be the Vice President’s Trophy, or the Veep Trophy. It would be for the team with the second best overall record during the regular season. I think it is important to point out the accomplishments because sometimes the Presidents Trophy might go to a lesser worthy team, they may have had an easier schedule, and may have gotten their butts handed to them by the VP Trophy Winner. This actually happened this year. So it’s important to acknowledge these things.

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Renegades  raiders  Finland
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I feel like the award my player is most likely to get especially after this season is the new least improved award. After a very decent 2nd season ive managed to only decrease in skill and while not being a complete liability, there is not a single aspect of the game I have improved in. I think that this would be a very competitive award if not the most competitive in the league which is why it should be implemented. It would add a new goal to aim for instead of being the best, people could strive to be the most average like myself. Since I am stuck at my skill level, I will be on the mark to have another completely mediocre season, maybe by then this ward will be implemented so I at least get some kind of reward from my strife. If not for me then for the future mediocre players that come after me

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the award I have come up with that even my own simulation hockey league player can win is called the flappy giraffe award of excellence. the flappy giraffe award of excellence is awarded to the simulation hockey league or simulation major junior hockey league player that displays the most excellence according to flappy giraffe. Of course this season the flappy giraffe award of excellence of course would go to aleksander kozlov, who is currently playing in the simulaiton major junior hockey leauge on the simulation major junior hockey league team known as the carolina kraken who play in on the of the simulation hockey league divisions which is located in one of the simulaiton major junior hockey league conferences. Kozlov didn't have an amazing seaosn this eyar but that can be chalked up to him feeling ready for the simulation hockey league and not really foucsing too much on his play in his last year down there. for that reason i feel he is prime cantidate for the flappy giraffe award of excellence.

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Barracuda S56 1st Overall Barracuda

Gary Grease Career Stats: Click Here
Graphics Shop: Click Here

[Image: CsnVET2.png]  Barracuda Russia Barracuda  [Image: c8B2LE3.png]

We are creating a new award for the off season. The Simulation Hockey League has many awards, but they are all based on the on-ice, or mostly all based, on on-ice production. I would like to add an additional award, but base it on something completely arbitrary. Today I would like to introduce you to the 7th man award. This is the award given to the person or persons who exemplify the 7th man. What is the 7th man you say? Well this is the person whose team is best helped by not being on the ice. Does your team do worse with you on the ice? Do they do better when you are in the press box or on the bench? Then this award might be for you. The 7th man can be a person who leads in the worst plus/minus, or maybe who has the worst PDO or Corsi. It could be someone who literally does nothing but sit around and bullshit all day. Does your team have a player who doesn't do anything but always seems to be around? Then the 7th man award might just be for them. It could be for the most inactive active player. Someone who just can't seem to do tasks or PTs, but is on the forum or discord always talking. The 7th man award is just about for everyone, but also for nobody.

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My award is dedicated to my time in the SMJHL, and it would be the Adam Scianna award for who can share the puck with the other team the best award. The juniors is all about players learning the game of hockey so why not share the puck with them, it wouldn't be fair if only one team had the puck all game. Adam knew this and did his best during his time in Kelowna to share the puck with the opposing team, setting a record at the time of sharing the puck with the other team 6 whole times in one game, as well as leading the league in puck sharing during his final year of juniors with 56 puck sharing moments. It is undetermined how much of an impact this had on his team not winning the championship that year, but hopefully the other teams appreciated his efforts, and he hopes others will follow in his foot steps

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 Timber Steelhawks norway norway Steelhawks Timber  
Knights  Renegades norway   norway Renegades Knights

dee centerman iv was never known as a goal scoring forward, so he advocates for an award that best suits his strengths--not scoring at all. the dee centerman iv award is presented annually to the simulation hockey league center with the fewest points in the league. with 11 points in 66 games, centerman iv blew away the league in this award category by 4 points over the s58 season and looks primed to repeat for s59. when asked about his performance, centerman iv was of few words. "i do not like to score goals. i like to play defense. scoring goals is for wingers. hurting people is for me." centerman iv made solid contributions in other categories with over 110 hits and a net +2 takeaways on the season, but his point total was, in a word, woeful. centerman iv told us he plans to hold the award in perpetuity. "i score on accident. if i score against you, you deserve it. play better."


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Bojo Box (C. Knouse)

The Simulation Hockey League Most Dedicated To Fulfilling Their Role at Root Award is awarded to the Simulation Hockey League's player who is most dedicated at fulfilling the role and lore of the faction they play in the board game Root, the woodland game of might and right. No other player is more dedicated to drinking kool aid as the lizards, blowing things up as the corvid, selling things as the river folk, decreeing decrees as the Eyrie, or most of all, spreading sympathy and initiating revolts as the woodland alliance. Some may argue that this argument is inherently flawed as this has no real bearing on the player themselves. Those people should recognize that they are wrong solely for the fact that they are scarecrows made of straw. This award is the one that I myself am most deserving of and nobody else can truly come close to earning it over me, and only me, and nobody else.

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

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