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S59 PT #5 - An Unexpected Surprise

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[Image: outlaws2.png]  [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]  Mathias Seger #15 | Player page | Update page [Image: outlaws2.png] [Image: switzerland2.png] [Image: monarchs.png]
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Sigs by Donini, RainDelay, Fever and OrbitingDeath
(This post was last modified: 05-20-2021, 02:27 PM by Aephino.)

One of the most unexpected things that happened to Edward Williams was getting picked 11th in the SMJHL Draft. However, this was still a monumental moment in his career and he felt it shaped who he is today. He was a phenomenal player in his youth and was destined to do great things. His father pushed for him to go to America after being invited to the Prospect Tournament in New York City. Edward thought he did enough to be picked first round but was humbled that day. It was a blessing in disguise for the Englishman, as he fell to the rebuilding Falcons and played a part in winning the first Detroit cup in 16 years. Williams realized that if teams thought he wasn't good enough for the SMJHL, he would just have to show them. Williams' hunger for glory has continued into the SHL, where he was picked 4th in the S53 Draft. He has yet to win with Texas, but his hunger remains the same.

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I think a recent (from last season) unexpected event was when the St. Louis made a deal with the Anchorage Armada, sending over defenseman and former 1st-overall SMJHL pick Jean-Locke Zidane to the Anchorage Armada, in exchange for a 1st-round pick and soon to graduate defenseman Michael Withecheck. At the time, Zidane's agent had formerly managed the St. Louis Scarecrows, so a split away from that signified not only a surprise, but a culture shift in St. Louis, certainly establishing the team's new-era look.

While this came as a significant shock, on paper alone the deal makes sense for the parties involved. Anchorage was in a competitive window, and widened it by exchanging Withecheck for Zidane, who play similar defensively responsible games, but with Zidane being one season younger, it expanded Anchorage's competitive timeline. For St. Louis, they were at a transitionary point in their build, and this trade was a factor in cementing the direction to go down a more structured rebuild than a risky retool. Withecheck gave a great LR presence, veteran experience and solid defensive play for the rest of the season, and the Scarecrows gained a second 1st round pick. The pick they received from Anchorage would turn into LW stud prospect Maverick Seabrook, entering the SHL entry draft this season with high stock and a solid resume, as well as being a player who compliments St. Louis' competitive window with their impressive S58 and S59 core.

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Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland


The most surprising thing to come from Binder's life was honestly his first season in the SMJHL. He wasn't really sure what he was getting into, he just knew he wanted to play hockey for the rest of his life. What he walked into when the plane landed in Anchorage was a team full of ball-busting, GM-hating, Belle Delphine-simping, bozos that have evolved into great friendships over the years. While he was extremely confused as to how an entire team could berate the GM and call for his firing to his face and get away with it, he quickly learned that this was a good group of guys and was able to help the team achieve a championship season in his very first season playing professional hockey. On top of that, he was selected to represent team DACH his first season and every season since in the WJC!

WC: 153

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A shocking event that happened in Pasta the Turtle's short career was being drafted 10th in the SHL draft. A third round pick with an unassuming defensive role on his team, Pasta never really expected to go very high in the draft. There was a smattering of interest in the scouting process, but Pasta fully expected to maybe go in the second round. As draft day approached, there was a shocking trade that moved Edmonton Blizzard up a few spots, and to Pasta's delight, they picked him. Interviews with Keygan and Tommy had assured Pasta early on that the Blizzard would be the perfect destination for him to develop as a player, but he certainly never expected the co-GM's to manufacture such a move in order to ensure that he would be moving to Edmonton. To add to his delight, Edmonton followed up that pick, by selecting Pasta's team mate Slavakov Vladimirashenko later that round. Truly an unexpected day, but one that is surely foretelling of many great things in Pasta's SHL career

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The most and worst unexpected suprise is fellow players going ia it truly feels like losing a true friend and it hurts everytime. When I started I did not realise ia was a thing because most of my class stayed active and when it first happened with one of my core teammates it was like holy fuck this hurts bad. Now that I'm quite seasoned in the shl I know oh to well how real people going ia is and I'm not sure I ever really get over seeing such great personalltys leaving the site. I hope in the future not many people go ia because the league I feel like is on the cusp of being super extremly fun. These suprises are in my mind the worst we see on site being traded and your team being bad are definatly not as bad as losing such great characters. I hope you've enjoyed this reading of my feelings thank you.

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2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

The biggest surprise in JURT's life was finding out that he wasn't the only professionnal hockey player who is also a HUGE nerd. When he jokingly asked if people would listen to a podcast of hockey players playing Dungeons and Dragons, he had little hope that it would actually amount to anything and, for a while, it did seem like it would be the case. Then, Gunnar Soderberg just brought the idea back to life (trying to claim it as his own, but JURT wouldn't have any of it) and started a D&D group with some friends from across the league, mostly Chicago Syndicate players and/or Colorado Raptors alumni, like himself and JURT. Even better, and more surprising, Gunny offered to be the Dungeon Master himself. As an eternal DM, JURT was more than happy to finally take part in a game as a Player Character. Despite having already once run the module as DM himself, JURT also finds a lot of little surprises in the game in tweaks that Gunnar seems to have made to the original story.

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It is still hard to describe a lot of the history of the SHL for me since even though I am in my third season now I feel like I still do not know too many things about what happened before my time here, maybe I should start reading more about it. But for Finn von Murphenstein it is not that hard, since of all the things that happened in his career here being drafted that early was sure a big surprise. Even if Finn expected to go quite early going with the eighth pick surprised him, especially because he did not feel like the immediate need with the Tampa Bay Barracuda was there to pick him. In the end though it was a very positive surprise since ever since he was drafted there he felt super welcome and even if he has not had a single minute of ice time with them he can already see a bright future for himself in the team whenever he receives the callup.

[Image: gREvMiW.png] [Image: H3aFgmg.png]
Canada Timber  Jean-Jacques François Jacques-Jean || S74  Timber Canada
Austria Barracuda Kraken  Finn von Murphenstein || S57 - S72  Kraken Barracuda Austria 

Fileworker PT Pass

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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One time while playing youths hockey Zayne Rotzbua was abducted by aliens. How's that for unexpected, huh? Bet you didn't see that coming, There I was in the penalty box unfairly after a hit that just happened to leave some winger with a broken nose when all of the sudden everything went quiet and slowly eveything around me started to fade away being replaced by a color I have never seen before. It was bright and at first looked pink but then seemed more like a light blue but describing like that does it no justice. In a blink a lifeform that looked similar to a human but with an ungodly amount of arms. This being explained to me that together we would dominate the SMJHL and become the most feared defensive pairing in the league for the Vancouver Whalers. Who was I to deny such an amazing destiny, i gladly joined him on his spaceship and forgot all about my silly you team. Eventually i asked my new best friends name and he said some wild shit that is impossible for the human mouth to repeat. So he said to just call him @nyumbayangu and I said fuck that, I'm calling you Narboza.

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An unexpected surprise would be Grape Fruit being drafted by the Los Angeles Panthers. Over half  the league reached out to him prior to the draft and all were good conversations so he really had no idea where he would go. It came to light that both GMs of the Panthers were stepping down, leaving 7 to take the reigns as interim GM. Obviously I was excited to be selected and grateful for the interest from other teams but going to LA was great. It was an even bigger surprise to see Fuzz named full time GM, not because he doesn't deserve it but it just wasn't on my radar. Since then there has been a lot of changes to the LR and I've enjoyed my time here greatly. That whole process was full of surprises but since then it's been great. Another big surprise was winning the Most Underrated award after my second nomination in the SMJHL. A very cool moment in my experience here.


There are sometimes drafts that make you go WHAA!?!!? One of these occurred in the S56 SHL Entry Draft.

The struggling Toronto North Stars got semi-lucky during the lottery, and drew second overall. Im assuming Toronto's front office is one of those that are super competent, given their recent rise to the top - which is what makes this pick so odd to me.

The Toronto North Stars selected Evangelos Giannopolous 2nd overall.

Now, at face value - there is nothing wrong with this pick. However, what happened next perplexed me, as well as other SHL fans and associates.

The Toronto North Stars are proud to announce a trade

(D) Evangelos Giannopolous (#2 OVR PICK)

(D) Sarah Burke, (#10 OVR PICK)

I just don't understand - why would you select Giannopolous then trade him a day after? Perhaps he had some attitude issues, or maybe did not see eye to eye with management on the direction of the team. Maybe he was a real Lindros - or maybe Toronto Management had buyers remorse. This deal was very WTF at the time - they could have easily just drafted Burke with their 2nd pick. Was there perhaps communication between Hamilton and Toronto prior to the draft? Maybe Hamilton told Toronto to select Giannopolous at #2 since they knew he wouldn't sink to 10th, and perhaps Toronto agreed because they had their eyes on the first generation Burke anyhow, and figured that they would sink. Though I can speculate, I can't really see this as a realistic option, since TOR and HAM are in the same division. Either way, it wouldn't matter because ultimately the NorthStars would flip Burke, along with prospects and picks for one of the SHL's top Defensemen, Adam Barron.

Without even reading the other responses, there are three, massive "unexpected" trades that happened.

1st up I'd have to go with Mitchell van der Heidjen to New England. From an outside-looking in perspective, and as someone new to the league, seeing the guy who scored the cup clinching OT goal getting traded the same day was a shock, and as far as I can tell the reaction from the league followed suit. Really, if every single person on the site knew MvdH was on the move after the finals, the context of him scoring the cup clinching goal and then getting traded is still insane.

Next up I got FR Finn-Rhys. I don't know if this is a surprise to everyone, as I'm privy to some backroom stuff with Edmonton and knew this move was upcoming, but contextually it should still be surprising. In 3 years Edmonton has lost to Hamilton in g7 twice, and was reverse swept before having another crack at them. Things were primed for them to continue to make things tight as the clear 2nd best in the west but they defied expectations by trading the recent Stevens winner for a haul of younger players. While many pundits continually predict Edmontont to get stomped by Hamilton, a lot of their ability to push through to game 7 has come down to their elite top pairing, and taking that away makes their performance this year less guaranteed. Plus, FR going to New England was surely a surprise... well actually it feels like New England is at the centre of all these big trades.

Finally we have the Alexander Oscarsson trade. Again, due to backroom stuff and DMing some friends on interested teams that tried to trade for Zema, I was aware this was coming, but contextually, another huge surprise. New England is on the up, they have a great young defense core headlined by Yxskaft, FR, and Oscarsson, but suddenly Oscarsson is on the block? SFP makes a buyer-ish move for a high potential, young D-man in a league that is always clamouring for young talent, so this move is a surprise to me and has the potential to really change the landscape of the league in the next few years.

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I would say the story of Bork Lazer in the simulation hockey league in general has been a series of unexpected surprises. When I first joined Bork Lazer created the day of the smjhl draft. Ended up with the boat boys and we had a good ass time. The next unexpected surprise.was actually getting an offer sheet while. Restricted free agent. A lot of people doubted that I would get a good Contract but I have been getting them now. I think my third unexpected surprise will be being exposed for an expansion draft. Well that one is on me as well. I wanted to be exposed I won a championship with Hamilton. Now I am looking to be a big dog and hopefully win some awards in the very near future. I would like to think I am a hot commodity. So we will see how this goes. I am a free agent this upcoming season as well so if I'm not getting the right money from expansion I can always walk as well.

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Honestly, one of the most unexpected things to happen to Jon St. Ark's life is how he became a goalie in the first place. Growing up in Austria, Jon wasn't a goalie originally. He actually started out on on the right side for the defense for his local team growing up in Innsbruck. He was better than average, but not someone with significant enough talent to eventually go pro and make millions of dollars. Decent stick work, but the shot was inaccurate and he wasn't very fast on his skates. When he was 14 years old, however, there was an issue with both goalies for their young team. In a panic, the coach went to the squad and asked if anyone had experience at goal and might be able to fill in. With the rest of the locker room silent, Jon raised his hand as he had practiced a bit between the pipes. Borrowing some gear, Jon started in net that night and never looked back.

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