I totally blame @Steelhead77 for getting me into this damn thing. We've been playing fantasy hockey together for years and he got me into the SHL. My 2nd player he actually was able to draft to the Dragons where I've had quite a long run. We've become great friends and he is of course my sidekick for my wrestling articles. We also share the love of good food and I've dropped several of my recipes on him that he has in fact actually made lol. It would be totally cool to go out to a restaurant with him for sure. One member I have met in real life is @Wally. He came to my town for his son's hockey tourney and we went out to dinner at a local joint where we had beers and amazing steaks and other goodies, including the giant cinnamon roll of doom lol. Finally a shout out to my former co in Montreal @Jearim. He's really the one who kept that team going and he's been able to parlay that into several other successful GM stints. Without him I probably never would have done the GM gig on the site. Cheers boyos.
I've been in this league for.. I don't know a few months now, and I have to tell you that if it wasn't for the friends I've made on the Carolina Kraken I would have most likely IA'd a long time ago. This isn't because of the league at all, I just A) don't really understand hockey and B) am way too busy with my responsibilities in the ISFL. Everyone I've interacted with in the SHL has been an absolute treat, and has made the time I spend here very enjoyable.
Being drafted by @sve7en @FuzzSHL to Carolina was the best thing that could have happened for me. It also just so happened that in my J's class there were a ton of ISFL users that I was very familiar with, and the Kraken have quite the stable of great ISFL dual-leaguers, such as @Blasoon @r0tzbua @124715 @Exilate @slothfacekilla @Amidships @Negs @wumaduce Gumba (wtf is your forum name?) @overdoo and a whole hell of a lot more.
You all make what sparingly little time I can spend here great and I thank you greatly for it!
Ok I’ll try to keep it short and I know I’m going to miss people so I’m sorry
@"bdu754" Yosh you showed me what it means to be a Zerk in my first season and were the best first captain I could’ve asked for.
@Sopath Soap you stuck with me while I waited to get drafted, and then took over for Yosh wonderfully, and helped prepare me to be captain this year.
@lmao My co-captain! Love having you as a partner this season!
@visceralpotamus Pasta we came to NL at the same time, then got drafted to EDM together, and there’s no one I’d rather be on two teams with
@steveoiscool Sven you’re alright for being a Whaler
@taterswc Same as Sven but you're better than Sven
@"TapdancingNecrons" Zerg same but swap Whaler for Raptor
@Nokazoa @Julio Tokolosh @Mazatt @marco999 @"James Truong" @CrazyMojito @karlssens @Hordle Thank you all for making EDM Such a special place!
@"TommySalami" Sean thank you so much for scouting me and bringing me in to EDM, @Keygan Key thanks for listening to Sean
@JNH @SDCore J and Corey, the old married couple of NL, y’all have a huge impact on the LR and I’m glad you’re there to help us all out
@KlusteR Kluster I love each conversation we have and I’m glad we were able to bring Jannik to NL
@Emeril BAM
@Tylar Sad
@Lime Lime cheat
@ByrdeMan Burd we’ve had so many good conversations and I’m glad I could help you get a gold medal
@juke We both ride Ham’s coattails to success so go us lol. But I’m so glad you’re the Co in NL and you make Newfoundland what it is
@Patty Patty we’ve talked a lot, I’ve gone to you for advice multiple times, and even though you don’t have to help you always listen and I really appreciate everything you do not just for me but the league as a whole
What do I even say? You were the first person who reached out to me when I joined, drafted me to NL when everyone else passed, you encouraged me to apply for expansion GM, wrote a beautiful recommendation (So I’ve heard lol) when I applied for EDM Co, nominated me for the Armia award, named me captain of NL, and then when I told you I wanted to be Japan Fed Head, you partnered with me for us to lead it together, and we got Japan’s first gold in our first season. I really owe everything I have in the SHL to you, and I can’t express in words the thanks I have for you Ham.
hievements 5: Named Assistant Captain of Kelowna : Drafted 6 OA by Calgary : Named Captain of Kelowna
I arrived to SHL way back in 2014. This was my first player based simulation league and i was hesitant how the community was. I remember when i started, the Montreal Impact GM at that time helped me a lot. He went by the name of Four Byrde and i think he might still be here under another name. The man was instrumental in helping me and guiding me around the league. Once my SMJHL season came to an end, Wasty was the member that helped me a ton. The dude took a chance on me when i went inactive and helped me become active again. That Los Angeles Panthers era was one of my favorite and it is all because of Wasty. He taught me a lot of things about player builds and even helped me get started with graphics since he was a graphics god. The next person that helped me a ton is golden_apricot from Hamilton Steelhawks. He was the infamous Samuel Michaud and he was a guru when it came to player builds. For the first time and unfortunately the last season before regression, My player, Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jr. is having a pretty good season and that is because of him. I appreciate all those who i forgot to name in this list.
My view of the level of acceptance of this community has certainly changed with the passing of each calendar year. But I'm happy to report that, in 2020 and 2021, the league has been nothing short of all-inclusive. There are always going to be spats between a handful of users, but that's human nature - whether it's a virtual community or not. I wish a little more interaction happened on the forum, but that's irrelevant!
Since I've been in the Anaheim Outlaws discord for nearly its entire existence, I have the privilege of welcoming in new guys and cheering them on. I'm happy to have met newer guys like Valor and WildfireMicro there, as well as welcome back old guys like Merica and CampinKiller. Despite what the view of these users might be to the outside world, we have a very nice community. Additionally, I have to explicitly mention the guys who got me back into this game after I swore never to be seen again after Jerry Mander - @sve7en , @Faelax , @AgentSmith630 , and @hockeyiscool . It's a hilarious coincidence that I know you guys IRL, to varying extents, and I likely make a lot of newer SHL guys wicked jealous over that fact. Thanks for bringing me back so we could all enjoy this game together.
My first go around on the league, was definitely when I was the most invested in the league. I probably spent too much time on the site back then, from trying to keep up with the forum locker room posts before discord came along, to eventually trying to keep up with the daily discussion in the discord. It is crazy to think back in the day we would have a locker room thread with over 200 replies for a single season. Despite joining the league to create our sim players, and chase sim trophies, our team turned into a strong group of friends. From sharing our day to day lives, new jobs, people getting married - to just shooting the shit to kill time. To this date, my time spent with West Kendall, and all the members that I was lucky enough to share a team with @.bojo @enigmatic @Slappydoodle @Jogurtaa @LB. @Pandar @r1c3bowl22 @damienj10 @Schmidt and the many more I forgot - thank you for that experience.
I was here close enough to the start of the league that a lot of the names that come to mind are either legends or forgotten to time. It's strange to reflect on that time - I remember talking to my now deceased father on the phone during the SHL draft where Klose was selected my Minnesota, and being shocked that I was selected as early as I was. Minnesota had a strong group, with players like JP and Brodie Witzel. Others joined, like Wasty and HFFO, and others left. LA loaded up their team through the power of collusion and tampering and won a Cup, but guys like Munk were always fun to chat with.
When I became GM of Prince George, I really had an opportunity to meet new members early into their SHL careers. Guys like Ragnar, Merica, and BLEAK made names for themselves, for good or bad.
As Seattle GM, I had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of players like Andy, Cam Urbowicz, McZ, and what feels like countless others. The Riot teams in s19 -s22 were insane, and really fun to be a part of.
I guess long story short (too late) I have interacted with a lot of people here over the years. Some of them are unfortunately no longer with us - RIP 701, Mac, and anyone else I am unaware of - and for the most part, I feel like things in my life are better for having to get to know these people. I could go on and on and on - I haven't mentioned so many others, like Abdeezy, Gaia, Grim, Esa, Slappy, and probably 200 more - but I'm feeling my age as I type this.
Depicting three of my S55 classmates (plus me lurking in the background), @AgentSmith630, @Zema and @KaleSalad, all of whom did spend their junior career with me in Maine and eventually have also played together with me in San Francisco (Thomas sadly not anymore). All the three are great persons in their own right and very valuable members to the site. Thank you guys for being around!
Oh boy here we go, let's see who I forget this time
@FuzzSHL I already told you in DMs but with you and @trella drafting me and creating such a magnificent first experience, you two helped start me on the path to where I'm at now
@trella you're a trailblazer and firecracker in your own right, you gotta keep up the style and crazy shenanigans you guys pull off in Tampa
@slothfacekilla your constant knowledge and ability to keep things positive for Rookies is something I try to emulate in every interaction I have
@thedangazone Your constant maturity and focus is a testament to your character, and of course that sweet honey sounding voice is a plus
@sve7en you already know literally everything that I could say here because I and many others have already carried your deserving praises
@overdoo smh thanks for leaving the J, so rude, how dare you be accomplished and impressive in your career already
@hockeyiscool you and your hot takes get me every time, you and Trella are gonna kill it more than you already have with Tampa
@Gumbaman you came out of the gate swinging early in your time here and have yet to stop, let me enjoy my seat for a little while before you try to take this too
@Mazatt still so happy we could bring you to USA, it's been a blast and we're gonna keep getting better
@Steelhead77 thank you so much always for bringing me to Calgary. It's been a great time since day one and hope you're doing well
@Mike Izzy you've been a fantastic GM so far and I can't wait to see what you keep up with the job! Keep up the good work!
@Katth hope the family is giving you some time to breathe, super cool to see you go from Kelowna to Calgary!
@Off you have created a Root monster and I hope you know what you're responsible for
@Slappydoodle Hope you're doing well Slappy, gonna keep pestering you for a BSH till it happens again!
@Weretarantula Get those models painted, can't wait to see the Heldrake when it's done!
@retuperkele you've been a great pickup since day one with the Kraken, super happy to see what you can do for Calgary. Keep up the GOAT work!
@BarnabasCollins Been an absolute pleasure getting to share the ice with such a fantastic player as Vilde, thanks for being such a great rolemodel
@Wally My god you're such a key part of this franchise, how else can we show thanks besides endless amounts of beer? Thanks for being such a great coach
I don’t really have people that I would consider friends in the SHL, even if I am really enjoying my time here, because it’s not really what I am looking for into the league, I’m simply interested in seeing how my player’s progress and the team he plays on is doing. I think a lot of it is due to the fact that my participation in the discord locker room is basically inexistent, because I don’t really have the time to keep up with what is going on there. That’s all to say that I’m fine with not having any friends here, because it is the SHL experience that I decided to create for myself. Knowing that, I also never had any problem finding a team and I know most people are open to having me on their team. I’d rather spend the time I have to give to the SHL earning TPE and money for my player than getting deep into the social aspect of the league.