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S65 SMJHL Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 06-26-2022, 07:34 PM by Jayba1t. Edited 1 time in total.)

[Image: berserkers.png] NEWFOUNDLAND BERSERKERS [Image: berserkers.png]
The S65 SMJHL finals are upon us, and we will see the Newfoundland Berserkers face off against the Detroit Falcons for the Four-Star Cup. As is tradition, these finals will come with a bunch of TPE available for you guys, in the form of Championship Week!

Here's how this will work: there are several tasks, each of which is worth varying amounts of TPE for putting in a little effort, for a maximum of 16 possible TPE total. You can complete them in any order and do as few or as many as you would like.

ONLY S65 SMJHL ROOKIES (S66 SHL DRAFTEES) CAN EARN TPE FOR CW TASKS. If you signed after the trade deadline and are going into the S66 SMJHL Draft, that's not you.

You may claim affiliation from an (one, 1) WSBL, ISFL or PBE PT this season for a max of 3 TPE.

Task #1 - 3 TPE
If you weren't playing for your current team, which team would you most like to be playing for in the playoffs.  Explain why you chose that team and how you think you'd slot into their roster.  Would your player make a big impact on the team?  Would you improve their chances of winning a cup?
Requirements:  150+ words.

Task #2 - 3 TPE (graphic only)
The finals are always a great time for SHL hopefuls to get their name on the map. Make a hockey magazine cover regarding a specific player in the finals, either rookie or send-down, to hype them up.
Requirements: A player render, the SMJHL logo of the team the player plays for (and/or SHL if they're a senddown), the name of the hockey magazine and a tagline about the player in question.

Task #3 - 2 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)
- WRITTEN: Write a 100 word blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.
- GRAPHIC:  Include a picture of the item and at least one SMJHL logo; must look like you at least kinda tried.

Task #4 - 2 TPE
Write a magazine style article or make a magazine cover featuring a player comparison from any series matchup. You can compare player stats, etc. or get creative and compare their pregame superstitions or whatever.
- WRITTEN: 100+ words.
- GRAPHIC: Team logos and player renders plus an article blurb or tagline.

Task #5 - 3 TPE
Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Either write about a charity or event that your player helped out with, or create a flyer or invitation for your event, including team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event.
WRITTEN: 150+ words
GRAPHIC: Include team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event

Task #6 - 3 TPE
Make a dream team of players from the two teams in the four star cup finals (3F, 2D, 1G), and give a small explanation for each pick. Alternatively, make a graphic displaying your dream team.
WRITTEN: 150+ words
GRAPHIC: Include player renders and team logos

Task #7 - 3 TPE
How would round 1 have gone down if the team matchups had been different? Which teams would be advancing to round 2? Would it have been more evenly matched? Less? (If you're on a team that had a round 1 bye, you can talk about round 2 instead)
Requirements: 150+ words.

Task #8 - 3 TPE
You just played out your very first season in the SMJHL to start a new chapter in your career. Overall, how would you say you performed in your rookie season? Did you meet expectations you set for yourself individually? What do you need to improve on for next season?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Task #9 - 2 TPE
Which series of these playoffs up until the finals has been the best / most thrilling and why? Write a short recap of which series you personally enjoyed the best and talk about the key points of the series, along with what ultimately led to the final result of it.
Requirements: 100+ words.

Task #10 - 3 TPE
So your team got eliminated these playoffs, and have to look forward to next season where hopefully things go differently. What does your team have to be excited about for next season, where they'll have another go at the coveted 4-star cup?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Task #11 - 3 TPE
It's almost officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. In 150+ words, tell us how you're spending your time this offseason.
Requirements: 150+ words.

Task #12 - 3 TPE
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S66 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?
Requirements: 150+ words.

Task #13 - 1-3 TPE
Answer up to 3 of these prompts, each one being worth 1 TPE for 50+ words each.
A. Which player from either team has the best name in this series (just the name itself, nothing to do with the player themselves).
B.  You're in another timeline where Nevada and Quebec are the two cup finalists. What went right for them in this timeline's playoffs compared to ours where they lost in the semi finals?
C. We've been talking about the playoffs, but it's performance throughout the season that helped get our finalists into the playoffs. Who was the key player to success for either team (or both) during the regular season and why?

Task #14 - Latecomer Special - 2-3 TPE
So I see you waited until the end of the finals to complete your tasks! Well congrats to [TEAM] on winning the Four-Star! Reflecting back on the series, what were the keys to [TEAM] taking the finals? Name 3 key points that resulted in the series playing out the way it did.
WRITTEN: 100+ words for 2 TPE, 150+ for 3 TPE.
GRAPHIC: Includes a player render and a table with the 3 keys to the series results.

Task #15 - Podcast, 3-4 TPE
Record a mini-podcast on any of the below topics!
- Highlights of the S65 season (on or off the ice)
- S65 playoff round-up
- S66 predictions

Can be done solo or with a partner!
1 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 5 minutes or 4 TPE for 7 Minutes
2 person Mini-Pod: 3 TPE for 6 Minutes or 4 TPE for 8 Minutes
Post the direct link to your podcast.

Task #16 - Milestones - Up to 3 TPE
Like with the SHL, you will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW reply to claim.


[Image: jay2233.gif]
Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
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cw pass

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CW Pass

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[Image: vhY18i8.png]    [Image: DNLeeu0.png]


CW pass

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(This post was last modified: 06-27-2022, 03:59 PM by adamantium. Edited 1 time in total.)

Task 5 - 3 TPE

Long Island Crisis Center has long been a place that I’ve wanted to be able to give back to in any way I can. I’ve had friends go through mental health crises and LICC has been a reason that a lot of them are still walking around and breathing with us today. With that in mind, I’ve donated my end of season bonus to the organization with the goal of helping them continue to offer the services that have saved a lot of people--whether it’s suicidal ideation or drug abuse, they’re such an important resource for us to have. Recently, I worked with the organization to put together a small summer festival in Bellmore, where we had a big barbecue going on--burgers and dogs, as well as some vegan options--and some activities around the fairgrounds. There was a swap meet, some live music played by a bunch of local bands, and a few activities for the kids as well--even had a dunk tank! That was at my insistence though, I always said that if I made it big, I wanted to come back and let people have a go at dunking me in a vat of cold water. All of the money made from the barbecue and dunk tank, as well as donations, was given to LICC to help keep them staffed and running.

Task 8 - 3 TPE

How was the year? Well, as I described it to my buddies back in Nassau, it sure as shit wasn’t like playing in Jersey. I was the fucking king of the ring in that league. Here? Yeah, I looked and felt as absolutely amateur as I think most reasonable people expected me to be. That was a rough one, to say the least. Started to pick it up towards the midpoint of the season, but the first half was incredibly tough for me. The stats just weren’t there. Goals weren’t getting scored, apples weren’t getting dished, and in general things just weren’t happening the way I wanted them to be. It sucks! It’s tough. Next season, we come back stronger, we come back tougher, we come back more ready to put every goalie in the league on notice. My lineys are all ready to get back and get at it, and I’ve never been one to disappoint my lineys.

Task 10 - 3 TPE

So, things were definitely a bit bleak this year if you were on the outside looking in. I mean, for the most part, there were maybe six or seven of us that made up the active crew for the social media posting, for the outward appearances, for the pressers. If you weren’t paying attention, you might think that most of our roster was basically just robots made strictly for playing hockey and praying that we don’t get the shit kicked out of us. But next year, things are only looking up. The rookies among us are moving up as veterans in juniors and will have a year of experience under the belts. Our management team has already identified the issues we need to be able to cover here--more bodies, more scorers, and more saves. After a freak accident with goaltender Manny Vector and his trip on a whaling ship (not legal) and his getting harpooned by a stray Kelowna fan, we’re definitely going to need a backup for when B Jobin inevitably gets called up to the big boy league.

Task 11 - 3 TPE

We’re fucking partying in Nassau, baby! I dragged a few of the boys back to Long Island and we’re taking over the town. Kind of, anyway. I took Jobin out here last summer after my short stint with the team before the draft in my sawed off 1995 Ford Bronco2, and he loved it so much that he wanted to get a week in at the beach again. Besides, my mom absolutely took to him the last time he was in town, I swear to god, she feeds him like the little brother that I never had. Gallen came with us, it was good for him to see some relatively extended family again. Afterwards, we went out and hit up a couple of spots--spent a week back in Czechia with Gallen’s folks, it was nice to see my auntie again, probably been a few years since I did that last. Then we swung around to Sweden and spent some time enjoying the incredibly beautiful Swedish summertime. In all, a beauty of a party on the Island, some nice time spent in Czechia, and a week wrapped up in the Swedish countryside. Not a bad way to spend a fuckin, summer eh?

Task 12 - 3 TPE

From the Desk of Bastien Marchessault, Head of Scouting for the University of Michigan Men’s Hockey Team, for The Whaling Boat, the Vancouver Whalers SB Nation affiliate:

“Benson Fiorentini is a 5 foot, 10 inch left winger weighing 200 pounds. His statline for the S65 season reads as 13 goals and 20 assists for 33 total points, as well as 60 hits and 25 blocked shots. When we last saw Fiorentini, he had left the NAHL’s New Jersey Titans at a 29-32-61 statline. Obviously he hasn’t replicated that sort of success in the SMJHL but it’s a different league by a mile. What we did see from Fiorentini this season was a big step forward in his physical game. His NAHL tenure was not defined by his readiness to throw the body around, in part due to his generally smaller frame compared to his peers. However, after spending the offseason putting on muscle, Fiorentini made leaps in his willingness to play physically--60 hits is nearly three times his hit total from his last NAHL season. SHL scouts are surely looking at him both for the potential he has as an offensive threat, but also his newfound tendency to play as a physical, grindy pest.”

Task 13A - 1 TPE

I’m going with Holden Steady. Always nice to see a guy live up to the name that his parents gave him, no matter whether or not it was mean to name your kid “Holden” when your last name was already Steady. Did you intend for him to be a fucking mason? Was he supposed to be a civil engineer? Holden Steady. Fucking ludicrous.


16/16 TPE

[Image: MvfRxO2.png]
sigs by me bitch


Task #1 - 3 tpe

I would love to be playing for the Detroit Falcons right now. They have been an amazing team to watch all season long and I think it would be a lot of fun to be a part of their playoff run. They are in the final, after all. I chose the Falcons because I believe they have been the best team in the league this season and I think it would be a lot of fun to be a part of their playoff run. I think I would fit in well on their roster as a depth player and could contribute on both ends of the ice. I think that I could help the Falcons win the cup by providing some depth and energy on the bottom six. I think my speed and two-way game would be a valuable asset to their team. I wouldn’t be scoring a lot of goals and my main priority would be just bringing energy to the ice.

Task #5 - 3 tpe

I have been working with the Make a Wish Foundation for a few months now and it has been an amazing experience. I have had the opportunity to help out with various events and fundraisers and it has been a great way to give back to the Anchorage community. I have also had the chance to meet some incredible people who are involved with the organization.

I have had the privilege of volunteering with this organization multiple times and it has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing kids and their families and help make their wishes come true. One of the most memorable experiences was when I got to help grant a little girl's wish to score a goal for the Anchorage Armada. It was so amazing to see the joy that it brought her and her family. I am so grateful to have been able to be a part of that and I will always treasure the memories that helped make for that family.

Task #8 - 3 tpe

I would rate the season as a success. I learned that I need to be more aware of what is happening on the ice and be more aggressive. I think I performed well in my rookie season considering I was late to the party. I was able to put up some points, but I definitely need to improve on my defensive game. I need to be able to be more reliable in my own end and not make as many mistakes. I had some ups and downs but I think I improved as the season went on. I had a lot of expectations for myself personally and I think I met most of them. I just need to keep working hard and improving my game for next season.

Overall, I definitely improved a lot throughout the season, and I think I ended the season on a strong note, which is always important, even though Anchorage didn’t make the playoffs. I didn't really have any expectations for the team going into the season, so I'm happy with how we all performed with the tools we had, overall. I think I need to work on my skating and my shot a bit for next season and I’m excited for the SHL draft!

Task #10 - 3 tpe

We are all excited at Anchorage for next season because we believe we have the potential to be a great team. We have a lot of young talent and we are looking to add more pieces to our team. We'll have players who feel they have something to prove, and this time we won't have to deal with injuries. We'll have a full season of players that fit our system, and we'll hopefully have a better understanding of how to help our young players grow.

Anchorage also will have the first overall pick in the upcoming SMJHL entry draft, and they will be looking to add a talented player who can help them take the next step and compete for the 4-star cup. I fully believe that we will be able to add a key player with this pick as well. Anchorage are hoping to be back in the mix next season and, if things go our way, we'll make a deep run into the playoffs.

Task #11 - 3 tpe

This offseason, I'm spending my time focusing on the future. I'm looking at our team and figuring out what we need to do to get better. I'm also working on some personal goals, like improving my skating and strength. I'm also spending time with my family and friends, and enjoying the summer weather and catching up on sleep.

However, I will say that after a disappointing end to our season, all of us in Anchorage will be  taking some time to decompress, recharge, and refocus on our priorities as a team next season. For some of us, that means spending time with family and friends, for others it means traveling and exploring new places. Some of us are using the time to work on our game, either on the ice or in the gym. However we're spending our time, we're all looking forward to next season and a chance to redeem ourselves. That said, all of the rookies are excited for the draft!

Task #13 - 1 tpe

Question A

I think Bubba Tree has the best name in the final series between Detroit and Newfoundland, simply because I find it funny. Like, what is a Bubba Tree? Is it a really big, fat tree? Or is it possibly just a tree that someone named Bubba really enjoys? The world will never truly know.

Should total to 16 tpe unless something goes funky with grading or I'm bad at math!

[Image: cd6sM5U.gif]
arigato to everyone for the dope sigs <3

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CW pass

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

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Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty
(This post was last modified: 06-26-2022, 05:49 AM by Froste39. Edited 1 time in total.)

Task #1 - 3 TPE:
If you weren't playing for your current team, which team would you most like to be playing for in the playoffs.  Explain why you chose that team and how you think you'd slot into their roster.  Would your player make a big impact on the team?  Would you improve their chances of winning a cup?

Requirements:  150+ words.

I would enjoy playing for a bottom tier team to be honest and raise them to new heights. I didn't join this league to let myself be carried by strong Goalkeepers, shut-down defensemen or ace goalscorers. I want to make an name for myself and either stand out somewhere or even more preferable make a whole team better by playing for them. 
For that reason I would probably say the Vancouver Whalers would be my choice as they lack goalscorers and my rookie statline indicates that I could be very valuable for the team. But I also fit good into my Battleborn who were also kind of tight on Offense but still managed to climb into contender status. 

Task #3 - 2 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)
- WRITTEN: Write a 100 word blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.

My item of choice would be a bit boring, but it would be a standard baseball cap in our marine-blue colour, with a golden trim on the side. It is custom to throw your hats on the ice after a hattrick and we want to provide the fans with compensation for all those caps they donated so far as we cored a lot this season. Inside the cap would be a small text of appreciation and a random's players number and signature. This way you might also incite the urge to collect all the caps like stamps or trading cards which would be a cool thing to me. On the back of the cap there would be the slogan: "Not done yet" which we used for our surprinsingly deep playoff run which was only stopped by the former and maybe new? champions.

Task #5 - 3 TPE
Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such, many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations. Either write about a charity or event that your player helped out with, or create a flyer or invitation for your event, including team logo, a photo of your player render, and the charity/charities being supported by the event.
WRITTEN: 150+ words

The organization my player supports is actually one that I support myself in the real world. It is a german organization dedicated to fight leukemia through cell donations.
I underwent one of these operations before as a donor as an effort to save the life of a woman in the US that was a complete stranger to me. It was a tiresome process and included for example 8 injections that I had to give myself in 4 days prior to the donation procedure. I was notified that even with my donation the woman didn't pull through and died shortly after which still irks me today. But I would always undergo this procedure again, if it means I can potentially save a mother, daughter, husband, child with it. My player would host a ceremony with music and snacks and organize a small scale hockey torunament where he would play in an amateur team against other amateuers. The requirement for participating in the game and/or festivities would be to get sampled for a potential donation and giving the organization your contact information. Autograps and pictures are of course included and maybe there will be other German players who would be intersted to join in on the event.

Task #8 - 3 TPE
You just played out your very first season in the SMJHL to start a new chapter in your career. Overall, how would you say you performed in your rookie season? Did you meet expectations you set for yourself individually? What do you need to improve on for next season?
Requirements: 150+ words.

I am very happy with my rookie season! According to my research I was Top 3 in nearly every Offensive category for rookies and topped the charts for non-recreates. As my build is completely homebrewed and reflects how I would play in Real Life, I am amazed by how well it seems to have worked. I accomplished my aim of scoring a lot of goals and playcing high on assists. I knew that this would mean sacrifcing defensive capabilities and it showed in my overall DGR which in the 50's while I topped 70's on the OGR at several occasions. I am not sure if I want to work on it as my aim was definetely to become a star on the offense and I hope that potential SHL teams consider this when drafting me. I would be reluctant to allocate points elsewhere.
My GM considered me to be the steal of the draft as a late 2nd rounder and I am so happy that she thinks this way. I can only try to give as much of this confidence in me back by playing an even better season next split!

Task #11 - 3 TPE

It's almost officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. In 150+ words, tell us how you're spending your time this offseason.
Requirements: 150+ words.

So Offseason began rather late for me as we managed to reach the semifinals where we managed to take a game from Newfoundland. With my newly earned freedom I will first go on a long vacation in Europe after I visited friends and family back home. The rookie contract money will be put to good use on a cruise ship along the coasts on Italy, Greece and Croatia. Time to get some sunburns and overpriced coktails, people!
After returning the first priority will be to destroy the newly earned calories by some power workout. Whenever there is free time gaming sessions and some Pen and Paper/Tabletop game parties whill be held. But let's also not forget to relax a bit and read a couple of good books, also catch up on the armada of new streaming series that have aired in the last weeks. As a big Star Wars and Marvel nerd there is a lot of stuff that needs watching. 
When I am done with all of that there will already be a new season on the horizon and even more importantly a new SHL team will have drafted me. Looking very much forward to all of that happening!

Task #12 - 3 TPE
Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S66 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?
Requirements: 150+ words.

So, what can SHL teams expect from the young German Left Wing from Central Germany, Wolfsburg? Well, for once let's start with the obvious. You will get on of the highest scoring forwards of this rookie class in the regular season. Sitting at 46 points in the regular season, only few players are in the vicinity of Dominik. You will get on offensive powerhouse with a high game intelligence, as Offensive Read and Getting Open are key stats for Froste that will be expended on, Getting Open reaching 17 in the next update. But even if defensive is not his forte he still boasts a +16 statline and managed to reach the semifinals of this years Cup, only falling short to standing Champions Newfoundland. 
If the stats alone are not convincing enough how about the work attitude? Froste has exactly 300 (316 with Championship week) TPE farmed in his FIRST season while being a complete rookie, no recreate. So he obviously figured out tis whole system very fast for being completely new and as far as I have researched is in the TOP 5 of overall TPE for rookies (with 3 others being Goalies) and being sole first for TPE by a Non-Recreate. You, Ladies and Gentlemen, are bound to get a workhorse and very active locker room presence. 
Him not going Top 10, or even TOP 5 (depending on team needs) in the upcoming draft would be a huge surprise to me.
For further information also seek the Deep Dive of Froste39 which compares the forwards of the S66 SHL Rookie class.

All the tasks yield 17 points overall, so the cap of 16 is reached. Message me please, if I am mistaken.


CW Pass

[Image: SouthPaw.gif]
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2022, 01:28 AM by gordieboom. Edited 1 time in total.)

Task #1 - 3 TPE

I am currently playing for the Great Falls Grizzlies. If i would not be playing for them i would certainly have like to be playing for the St. Louis Scarecrows. The St.Louis Scarecrows where the first team that drafted my first player in this league. I also played with my second player in St.Louis. I consider them my most favorite team in the SMJHL, due to the history we have got together. We have won back to back four star cups in S45 and S46. They could have selected me in the draft but opted for another goalie, a new recruit named Anthony Dionne. If they selected me it would have given them a few more TPE as i am currently leading the TPE rank. I do not think it would have helped them much though since Anthony Dionne has been doing great aswell. I guess we will never know what would have happened Wink

Task #6 - 3 TPE

My dream team would be as follows:

F - Ivan Lacksamus
This right winger from Switzerland absolutely had a killer of a season. Playing for the Detroit Falcons he registered 46 goals and almost 100 points (94 points). Can you believe it? That is simply amazing.

F - Eddie Creller
Another right winger playing for the Detroit Falcons who had a great season. The 6ft 1in from Ireland endedthe regular season with 88 points. That alone deserves a spot on the dream team. The guy has been dominated on the powerplay and is leading the team in goals during the playoffs (7)

F - AJ Williams
The final forward making the dream team is another right winger. This player from Canada playing for Newfoundland Berserkers has been a key player for them making the playoffs finals. He is currently leading the playoffs in most points (19)

D - Rand Al’Thor
This left defender from Sweden can’t be left out of the dream team. This player playing for the Newfoundland Berserkers had a dominant season. He was their scoring leader which as a defender is an achievement on its own.

D - Moritz Seider
The defender from the Detroit Falcons making my dream team is Moritz Seider. Just after winning the Calder trophy he proves on a daily basis why is considered one of the best defenders in this league. Uhh i might have mixed this league with another well-known league..

G - Evert Jansson
My goalie of the year is Evert Jansson from the Detroit Falcons. True, he did have a lot of talent in front of him, but without a good goalie you can’t win that many games.

Task #8 - 3 TPE

Coming into this season i had little expectations what to expect. I was drafted 40th overall by the Great Falls Grizzlies out of 44 players that got drafted. To be honest that hurt a bit, especially if you know i am the highest TPE earner of the class. It didn’t put me off track as my goal is to become a HoF and nothing is going to stop me to reach that goal. As a freshman goalie behind a starter goalie i wasn’t expecting to play many games, but i ended up playing in 34 games, which is far more than i expected. I also think i did really well with a save percentage of 0.915 and 2 shutouts. It deserved me a spot on the all star team. For next season i hope to improve on all areas. There is still some room for improvement until the TPE cap of 350 kicks in. If the team gets a little bit stronger too we hopefully will have a much better season.

Task #11 - 3 TPE

I can’t believe it is already offseason. Time has flying by. My first season was over before i knew it. We have had a tough season as we did lack talent in our team. There is no time to be sad about it as the next season will start soon. I hope my team will have a good SMJHL draft. We need active players badly and i hope the management will be able to add a few. For myself, i am prepping hard to reach the 350 cap limit. I think i will be able to reach that before the first regular season game starts. I can’t do more than that. I will also be ready for interviewing with the SHL teams. So far, three teams have shown some interest, buti am expecting more interviews in the coming days. Although i am a goalie, which not all teams may be looking at, i should be gathering some interest as i am leading the S66 class in TPE. The offseason is also a time to relax a bit to start the season with a fresh mind.

Task #12 - 3 TPE

Alvin Towne is considered one of the top prospects going into the S66 SHL Draft. A future franchise goalkeeper you don’t see often. A 6'3 who maximizes coverage with his huge frame and is positionally very strong. Good stance mechanics, with active hands. Towne has a strong glove hand, who controls rebounds within his frame. Towne competes for rebound opportunities and is not afraid of “doing whatever it takes” to stop pucks. Towne doesn’t show poor body language after goals, which demonstrates maturity and mental toughness. Looks sharpe in every game. Average puck handler…could make stronger decisions when playing the puck. Not the best skater, but his positioning makes up for that. Has a high workrate, outcompeting teammates during training. Very wealthy, his bank balance reportedly being worth over 60 million. All in all a very versatile goalie who looks to have a promising future ahead of him. Any team that takes a chance on him will have gold in hand.

Task #16 - Milestones

+3 TPE - Milestones

18/16 TPE

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Task #1 (3 tpe)
If I was not playing for the St Louis Scarecrows, I would likely play for the Quebec Citadelles. It’s my hometown team and they’re also the team that eliminate us. In their roster, I would be the #2 goalie because Justin Time is clearly the #1 with so much experience and a 42 victory season. If I were with the team from the beginning, he wouldn’t have needed to play 59 of the 66 games. Yeah, he did have a great season, but physically it’s hard to play that much. I would have been a great #2 for the first year to get some experience and take the lead next season like I will in St Louis. My impact would be little because a #2 goalie don’t play that much. I would have not helped them win a cup this year, but with the progression I had this year, I would improve their chances in the upcoming season and beyond.
(160 words)

Task #3 (2 tpe)
The commemorative item for the St Louis Scarecrows his like a bubble head, but instead of being a player with his head moving, it’s a scarecrow, with a hockey jersey of one of the players of the team. Each year, the team gives it when we play against our rival, the Detroit Falcons. It’s a way to bring people to the rink and motivate the team and try to get inside the head of the opponent. This year, the figurine represent the four rookies who have been drafted by the club. This way the fans will get to know their next star players.
(103 words)

Task #4 (2 tpe)
The first matchup of St Louis in the playoff is Great Falls. In their team, they have also some rookies who wanted to beat Anthony Dionne to prove that they a better prospect for the S66 SHL Draft. The fans have hoped that Dionne will play against Alvin Towne, who is also one of top 10 prospects of the draft. The management decided to play Stopper, so it will be right wing Manny Calavera who can bump his draft stock by playing well. He was one of the six players to score against Dionne and one of the two to score more than one. Dionne have played well and beat them in four games with a shootout along the way.
(120 words)

Task #8 (3 tpe)
It’s been a great year overall for Anthony Dionne in his first year as a St Louis Scarecrows. The team had four rookies in the line-up (one forward, three defensemen and one goalie). After some not so great seasons, the team finally has a winning season and the performance of the rookie goalie (and the other too!) had helped the team. He did not have great statistics because with so many rookie, it was hard to compete against the top teams, but he did managed to have 13 wins and 13 defeat. I did meet my expectations because I knew that it will be difficult for a first season and I wanted to have at least the same number of victories than defeat. For next season, I will need to improve my stamina because I will be the #1 goalie and I will play more games. I also want to get better technically and be the star of our defense.
(160 words)

Task #11 (3 tpe)
After the 31 games that my player played, he needs some time to recover. He was the #2 goalie until the trade deadline. Playing in the playoff each game was challenging for him and even if things can have been better against Quebec, he proves to himself that he was ready and in the summer he will think about his first season and he will be proud of himself. That will also motivate him to get better and be ready physically for next season. He will play in the upcoming WJC with Team North America, but as a #2 goalie behind Isabella Bouchard. The tournament will not take all his summer time, so he will have the time to travel to his hometown and meet his family and friends. The off-season for a goalie is different because we need more rest to some part of our body to not get injuries during the season and the mental part is bigger than a player.
(163 words)

Task #12 (3 tpe)
When we look at Anthony Dionne, we see a big goalie with a stellar potential. He’s tall, have already his pro weight and move like a cat in his net. His puck control and skating ability are far from great and it will need a little bit of training to become an elite goaltender. He already knows this, but for the star of his career, he needed to put more effort on his technique to have success in the SMJHL. His hands are quick and probably one of the best of the draft (for the goalie of course), his positioning is good and when we look at when he received low shots, he’s excellent with a good control of the rebounds, his recovery after a shot is good too and his reflexes are one of his best assets. If we take a look at the goalie available in the draft, he’s one the best four goalies. They’re all in the top 10 of the draft so it will be hard for him to be the first one to be picked. For him, being a leftie from Quebec and playing with his first player, he wants to be as great as possible so for a team who want to be good in a couple of seasons, there is no good reason to pass him.
(233 words)

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(This post was last modified: 06-29-2022, 08:43 AM by jackkmart. Edited 3 times in total.)

Task 1 (3TPE)

Although knocked out early, just like my current team; the Grizzlies, I would have to say I would probably be playing for the Vancouver Whalers as they were the team I played for during my previous player’s J career. I still snoop around their LR every once in a while and have a quick chat. With regard to impact, Manny didn’t make too much of a splash on Great Falls as it is (on a team, which performed better overall this year, if only slightly). Still, I think I would’ve been a positive impact maybe helping them to get a game or two more in the season and perhaps a couple of points in the postseason. The cup? No, no I wouldn’t have changed their chances at all, they were up against a virtually insurmountable obstacle in Newfoundland, Manny can’t change that. Beyond that, Vancouver had a rough season and probably shouldn’t have been in the playoffs in the first place if not for the structure of the J (don’t hate me Whalers, GFG is in the same situation), and Manny, while a decent player, isn’t a miracle worker.

Task 8 (3TPE)

Manny’s first season in the J. Not the most notable or illustrious of seasons, not even a particularly notable first season. The totals are pretty mundane only 24 points from 66 regular-season games, of which 5 are goals. An ATOI of 17:03 and a final game rating of 55. Did I meet expectations for the season? Well, I didn’t really set out too many goals for myself but I am happy that I exceeded the 20-point mark and was primarily a playmaker. Also, I will reach 300 TPE before or during week 1 of season 66, if all goes to plan, will hit the cap not too far into season 2 of Manny’s career. All this to say, I think I will expect to see an improvement in output from Manny as Great Falls progresses as well. The plan is first to pour some more TPE into various offensive attributes before splashing a few remaining updates into physicals and one or two defensive attributes before what I hope to be a significant amount of season 2 being dedicated to banking (due to cap restrictions). In the immediate future though, I am really excited for the draft, I don’t have particularly high expectations but I’m pumped nonetheless. 

Task 10 (3TPE)

An early out this season, Great Falls actually had a surprisingly decent showing in the regular season. With only 4-6 active players throughout the season, and after trading away two of our most effective, highest TPE players (Shylo Moxii, and Ezra Wong), we still managed a respectable 46 points, good enough for 11th place in the overall standings. Next season will likely be better but probably not by too great a margin, it really depends on the outcome of our draft and waiver pickups in the early portions of 66. Not to mention we are moving to a new sim. Regardless, the next few years in Great Falls are hopeful, I don’t necessarily expect a cup or even a top 4 finish during my time with the Grizzlies in the coming seasons but I do believe we will become a better team and make significant strides toward competing in the playoffs, maybe I can leave the team in a good spot where they can challenge for the cup on the backs of talented younger players. I’m getting a little ahead of myself though. The few of us who are consistently active in the LR have been prepping for 66 since early 65 when it was clear we were in for a losing year, and with a few max earners in myself and Towne (who I believe is top of the draft class) I think we just need a few more pieces from this draft to be a fun and exciting team.

Task 11 (3TPE)

Well, seeing as Manny made an agreement with the gods of the underworld that forbids him from spending any time in the land of the living not related to hockey, he has been in the ninth underworld since his team bowed out of the postseason a week or two ago. There Manny has been doing what he always had prior to his return to Hockey, reading, drawing, meeting dead friends, et cetera. However, this break from the land of the living is the longest he has been subjected to since the beginning of the season and he finds himself missing his teammates and the ice dearly. Good news for Manny, time passes faster in the ninth underworld as compared to time on earth so he only has 4 days until he is allowed to attend the SHL draft for the upcoming season. For which, Manny has no expectations, will he go early, or late? Who will take him? It’s all up in the air, to be honest. Manny secretly hopes he will be a late pick so that he can spend more time amongst the living, the bread in the land of the dead is so much worse than it is on Earth. He really misses the bread.

SMJHL Milestones (3TPE)

PBE Affiliate (3TPE)


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The Venerable, Most Eloquent, Sir Aloyisius Hoglord The Third of House Zwijnjäger
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2022, 07:33 PM by The__Y-man__100. Edited 6 times in total.)

Task 1- if I was not the first ever drafted prospect for Yukon, I think I would have liked to play for the St. Louis Scarecrows. Why the scarecrows specifically? Well my most recent player, power forward sensation Boris “the Beast” Poroshenko, was on the St. Louis team that won me my first four star cup as a player (since I’ve won cups with Vancouver as a GM). Naturally there’s the desire to return to a familiar place with great people and continue the legacy that we stared. Looking at their current roster, I think I would immediately make them a significantly better team as I could slot in as their number two center, which means their top 2 centres would be above 300 tpe. In my opinion center depth is so underrated as this is what truly allows a team to utilize the entire ice in both the offensive and defensive zones of play. It’s a shame both Yukon and St. Louis lost a 4-1 series in the second round.

Task 3- so if I was in charge of coming up with an item for our fan appreciation night, I would go with a classic wolf pelt hat for each fan. But what would make these hats so special is that each fan could select what SMJHL Yukon player would have to go and kill the wolves, along with skinning it for the pelt. Personal gifts are way better then just some ordinary towel and I feel the fans would really understand how much the player care about them by performing this intense act of bravery. Not to mention it sure is cold in Yukon, so I’m sure every fan would find that hat very useful!

Task #5- Oles absolutely loves giving back to the community. He has been teaming up with the refugee Ukrainian's that are coming to Canada in search of a better life thanks the the pure evil that the Russian federation is inflicting upon Ukraine. He is not only funding construction crews to build them affordable housing units to live in. but he too is using this off season to help physically build the homes for his Slavic brothers and sisters. when asked in an interview, Oles said "You know this is what real strength training is. Putting whatever hopes and dreams these people have left into your hands and knowing you have the power to change their life forever is not only mentally training me, but all this physical labour of love is making my back the strongest it has ever been!". While Yukon is not the most desirable place for people, Oles is already making them feel at home and here's hoping Yukon can give these people something to cheer for when S66 begins

Task #8- So now that the first season jitters are goe, I would say Oles had a slightly above average rookie season in Yukon. Having 39 points (13 goals and 26 assists) and having the third best game rating on the team, I think it is more then fair to say a player who ended the regular season with 260tpe did quite well. Oles out performed 2nd overall pick Edge Rocks in almost every stat. The only real ugly stat Oles had was a -17, but in his defense Yukon was the only SMJHL team to not have a single 400+ TPE player on their roster. What was even more surprising is in the playoffs Yukon was able to defeat Regina in game 7, even though regina had 400+ TPE players! Yukon was also able to steal a game against Detroit and avoid the sweep, which shocked people at the casino as there was MILLLIONS of dollars on Detroit sweeping the underdogs. Oles did manage to have the 3rd most goals on the team in the playoffs, but unfortunately only finished with 5 points in 12 games. For a rooke not bad, but if Yukon was to beat Detroit they would need more then that.

Task #13A- Hodor on Newfound Land Bezerkers easily has the best last name out of anyone in the finals. I mean who does not Like Hordor from Game of Thrones? I tell you who does not like it, terrorists that's who. Everyone I know that is not a terrorist loves that name!

Task 13C- It is very clear that Ivan Lacksamus is the best player and the most important reason why Detroit had so much success this year. Leading the entire league in goals and points during the regular season, to also being one of 3 players on detroit to have 20+ playoff points
+3 for milestones


[Image: zcOwSzN.png] [Image: b1AwZLU.png]
First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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(This post was last modified: 06-28-2022, 02:23 AM by Katth. Edited 5 times in total.)

Task 1 (3 TPE)
If i wasn't drafted by the Kelowna Knights I think I would have loved to be drafted by the Nevada Battleborn. Simply because Jess is an awesome person and I'd love to be in a team she is the general manager of. I don't think my player would have made their team extremely better, besides for the fact that I bring a ton of experience and leadership to the locker room. My player is still developing and wouldn't get that many minutes on the ice. Which wouldn't be fair either to the sophmores and veterans on the team. Hopefully though it would have gotte Nevada further into the playoffs and into the finals instead of Newfoundland, who are there once again which is getting pretty boring by now. The SMJHL could use a little more diversity in teams that are competing for the Four Star Cup. Just like the SHL we need more parity.

Task 5 (3 TPE)
As a hockey player I can call myself extremely lucky, though getting here had nothing to do with luck. I worked very hard to get where I am today. Doesn't mean I can't do anything back for the community. I am in a rolemodel position and people tend to look up to me because of that. I selected a Dutch charity to give back to. It's called KiKa and they raise funding to battle cancer for young childeren. Losing a child at a young age on this horrible disease is heartbreaking and we need to do everything in our power to prevent this from happening. That's why I chose this charity and will do my upmost best to raise as much money as possible. I'm speaking at several events this summer and there is also a banquet with some of the elite around town in the near future. I will auction hockey gear and autographs and will even auction a date with yours truly.

Task 8 (3 TPE)
In my rookie season with the Kelowna Knights I scored 14 goals and I had 11 assists for a total of 25 points. Which in my eyes isn't bad at all considering the position the team is in right now. I was 6th in scoring on the team while I was a rookie. Though defensively we were horrible. I was a minus 40 on the season. I was fortunate to also get to play some special teams (power play) in my first season. I managed to score 1 power play goal. I blocked 51 shots and threw 85 hits. All in all not a bad first season on one of the worst teams in the league. Hopefully next season things will be better and we can compete for the cup again and I will see an increase in production and special teams ice time. I've been working hard to train and develop to improve myself.

Task 10 (3 TPE)
The Kelowna Knights got eliminated in the first round of the playoffs unfortunately. Even though this was to expected it still felt rough. Next season however we will be a stronger and better team. We're not losing that many guys to the SHL so we should be more competitive than we were this season. Also I hope that somehow a team finds a way to beat Newfoundland and stop them from reaching the finals for the next 10 seasons or so. Also this off season I've got a new personal trainer I'm working with to get my physicals a boost compared to last season. The jump from college to the SMJHL was rough on my physical condition and while I managed I can do better. I've also been studying a ton of video to improve on a strategic level as well and become a better leader for this team and hopefully lead us to another Four Star Cup.

Task 13 A (1 TPE)
Best player name on the Newfoundland Beserkers is obviously Hodor. As a fan of the series Game of Thrones I had to take this player name for this scribble. Hodor, hold the door. Not sure if he exactly did this in the 10 games he played, but that doesn't take away that his name is great.

Task 16 Milestones (3 TPE)


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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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(This post was last modified: 06-27-2022, 06:46 PM by tomtommen. Edited 7 times in total. Edit Reason: Adding tasks )

Task #3 - 2 TPE
The item we will create for fan appreciation night is a boxing action figure of Not Deadly. A very detailed figurine standing on a plate and with buttons on the back to make his arms lash out as he is hitting. This figurine shall come with a helmet and gloves which should be able to take off and on as the user pleases. Not Deadly actually requested that his pants should be undoable as well, but HR almost had a seizure at that idea. This figurine will work really well with wobble-head dolls of the most disliked player on the opposing team throughout the season. The slogan will be: You gotta attend all to whack them all.

Task #5 - 3 TPE
Once every year my player, Tom Pedersen, will make the Official Tom Pedersen Annual Food truck competition. The winners will be allowed to have a spot in Oslo street food market. The jury consists of thousand less fortunate souls that deserve an evening of posh food truck dining for free. The only less fortunate people that are not allowed to apply are gooners (The English football team Arsenal's fans for those that are lucky enough to never have seen that shit) They can only blame themselves for their poor choice.This competition will consist of food trucks, beverage, entertainment and revealing of the winners. All commercial income will go towards charity as well.

Task #6 - 3 TPE
It is not easy to choose players for a dream team. Especially two good teams like Detroit and Newfoundland. If I were to choose my dream team from the players from the four star cup finals I feel like I need almost the same numbers from each team. Detroit rocked the regular season and made it to the finals as foreseen. Newfoundland has stepped up a notch in the playoffs and their players may look better stat wise, but they have also played more games. Over half as many games actually. So after a lot of thinking these are the players on MY dream team.

As center we have Mrs McSaves. Another great season from a great player. I think the best performances will be in the finals. On the left and right of McSaves we find Ivan Lacksamus and Buck Keithley. Both have been performing really well points wise this season.

The defense will consist of Rand al’Thor and Holden Steady on the left and right side.

In goal we find Nina Tucker. What an incredible playoff. And what an incredible team this would have been.

Task #8 - 3 TPE
The first season has been OK I guess. It was a great start with a goal in the first match and some good play, but then the team hit a snag and lost a lot on the road. In the second half of the season the team played better and Tom Pedersen also played better. The +/- rating went from -16 to -5, but at the end of the season a lot of goals were conceded with Tom Pedersen on the ice. He ended up with -13 in the +/- category. After 66 regular season games Tom Pedersen managed to get 28 points of which 8 were goals and 20 were assists. 28 penalty minutes. 10 of them were from misconduct in one abysmal game. He also managed to block 76 shots and make 120 hits.In the playoffs he played 8 games making 3 assists, blocking 13 shots and hitting 15 times. The +/- was 0. So from being a defensive liability in the regular season to being better in the playoffs is a step in the right direction. But he needs to up the offensive production. Even though everybody says it has been a good season Tom Pedersen is not happy at all. He had higher expectations of himself.

Task #11 - 3 TPE
Finally time for some well deserved vacation. It has been a long year which ended in a dreadful sweep by the Cattleborn. After some time to reflect on the loss it does feel better. We will return stronger next year. As soon as the draft has taken place and I have talked to my SHL team about everything that we need to talk about. I will be ready to take some time off. There will be a lot of training during the summer. No skipping leg day just because it is summer. But there will also be time to travel and have a good time. The plan is first to travel back to Norway. Going to visit TrondheimAfter a few days there the trip will go north to Andøya in Vesterålen. Training and nature will be the main focus. Then it is off to Billund in Denmark. Time for some fun in Legoland and Lalandia. Might even top it with a day at the zoo. Next in line is Copenhagen for a weekend in the city before returning to Oslo and starting training really hard to get ready for the new season. Planning on returning to Colorado in due time for preseason workout.

Task #13 - 2 TPE
A: The player with the best name in this series is Mrs. McSaves. I really like that name and I was mindblown when I found out she wasn’t a goalie. I did not read her position until quite recently due to me believing she was a goalie. But an awesome name and there have been some blocked shots over the years.

C: The player with the best performance during both the regular season and the playoff is Ivan Lacksamus. He could have won the price for best name as well. But I’d like to give him the best player award due to his stunning 46 goals and 48 assists for a total of 94 points in 66 regular matches. And in the playoffs he has followed up with another 4 goals and 12 assists for 16 points in 12 matches. Well done.

TPE: 16/16

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