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S66 PT #0: Passion Project

Written Task:  You've got 8 weeks of uninterrupted training time where you can work on whatever you want without your coach telling you what to do. What's a skill or ability that you'd like to add to your players arsenal over the summer? For example if your player is known as a big passer, maybe next season they want to be more of a shooting threat. Maybe you've joined a new team or just been called up to the SHL and you want to build a new identity. What skills or talents are you going to develop to make a big impression and surprise some folks next season? (150+ words)

Manhattan has a young core, so there's a lot of room for Aksel to explore and really figure out his strengths and weaknesses. When asked, the Coaches tasked him with playing outside of his wheelhouse during the offseason, so Aksel sat down to really think about what that meant. He'd been offensively-focused his entire career, so maybe that meant trying to be a Two-Way Forward, and seeing what life was like closer to the blue line. But no, that seemed a little too simple. So instead, Aksel spent the entire offseason becoming ambidextrous. It took a lot of extra training, but now he can wield a stick with his left hand just as well as he can right-handed. It caused a bit of confusion for the equipment managers, who asked if he wanted to switch sticks completely, have a couple of each, or something else entirely. Aksel holds the opinion that it was worth it though, and looks forward to see how it will improve his game in the coming season.

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gay heghog

Firstly, golf is boring. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise! All those hockey players that play golf in the offseason? Their minds are numbed from the early playoff exit. How else would you explain them playing such a boring, time-wasting, MIND-NUMBING game? Needless to say, Vlastislav Malik does NOT play golf in his offseason. And boy, have we had long offseasons for the past several seasons in NOLA. Malik usually takes the time to rest first off, since he goes HARD during the season. After that, its time for passion projects! A major passion project of Malik is pranking other people! The offseason is the time to hone his craft so that NOLA players will fear him even more during the upcoming season! There's always new ideas to test, timing to perfect, kinks to work out. How many balls does it take to fill out Kauppinen's new car? What new snacks have made their way into NOLA's repertoire and how can they be exploited? So on and so forth. Lots of fun to be had!

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Well, Patya am tell you about 8-week offseason passion. See, Patya try for find new hobby every offseason, and try for incorporate Kristen Landry because Patya am loving her and wanting for her to have fun when we am having much times together. Patya want for show Kristen why Patya like for go fast, so this offseason, Patya am take up kart racing! Is expensive for not rich peoples who am like Patya, but is many funs! Can go much fast around track and learn for overtake other drives! Is like F1 since F1 drivers am come original from kart racing but is not as scary because not going so much fast as F1 car, they many fasts! Go zoom! Patya am want for go to F1 race soon! Anyway, this much fun for Patya and Kristen. Have been doing it quite much lately. Patya even make sure for get really cool helmets for maximum safeness! Remember for always be safe!

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Player Prompt:

After a long season, and the most successful in GK’s career he wants nothing more than to relax in his hometown of Reykjavik. Effectively GK would be spending alot of his time out on the ocean fishing with his father and brothers. This is one of GK’s favourite past times, and coming from a fisherman family it was initially expected that GK would take on the family business as he is the oldest of his siblings however ended up finding hockey.

When he is not fishing GK will go for a relaxing dip in the hotsprings to clear his mind, and go for hikes in the beautiful nature Iceland has to offer. GK is an avid hiker and really likes to ensure he is keeping active during the offseason, however tries to clear his mind of hockey. Will it hamper his ability to play the coming season, maybe? But GK really likes to enjoy the time he has in the world doing things he wants to do.

(167 words)

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Oh, this is pretty simple! I love racing! So in my day to day free time i spend a lot time on my simrig racing different racing games. Its a lot of fun and it also helps me with playing ice hockey. It keeps my focus up, it improves my reaction time and my reactions. Most importantly, it helps me mentally and it helps me with being more conistent in my game! If you learn to hit the same braking markers over and over and over you pick up small tricks that can help you. Those tricks will help you in your hockey game. But now to the actualy topic.... In those 8 weeks i would take part in some of the bigger races like 24h of Daytona, Spa or Le Mans. Those Events actually take time to prepare. Get your set up right, learn the ins and outs of the track. How to deal with traffic, etc. You also need to prepare your strategy for the race. Every single mistake could cost you big time.

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(This post was last modified: 07-17-2022, 09:30 AM by kenvald. Edited 1 time in total.)

Player Prompt

One of Sven's non-hockey hobbies has always been cooking and baking. He has a library-ish kind of room in his house with multiple bookshelves filled with a little bit of everything. One of these shelves are dedicated to cookbooks. So what Sven does during the offseason when he doesn't have to exercise is work on getting through every single recipe in each cookbook he owns.

Most of the recipes are pretty straightforward, but others require more exotic ingredients. One specific recipe that Sven wants to try and tackle this offseason is calamari. He loves fried calamari and would love to be able to make something decent of his own. Only problem is where to get a good piece of squid. There aren't many stores in the area that has an extensive enough seafood section to also include squid. The search continues.

One of Sven's dreams is to publish his own cookbook. He hasn't made it too far in that area yet, but this is also something he works on during his free time.

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Past Players

Duncan Mackenzie is a man of many interests, but he did not get too much of a chance to partake this summer as he was forced to move across the country. Even though he plays his hockey in Calgary, he has moved to a city that is several hours away belonging to a hated rival team. Duncan will act as a spy behind enemy lines, trying to find out everything about what this team is doing and providing the Dragons with the counters required to defeat their hated enemy. So, I guess you could say spycraft is his hobby that he participated in this summer. Well, that and LARPing as a larger than life barbarian named Grenthor who speaks only in grunts and hits people with a warhammer named Susan. Its just a real good group of people out there in Calgary. After they LARP, they all head to the local diner for Chicken Parm sandwiches and chocolate milkshakes.

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

My player has been focusing on two things in the off-season that are actually polar opposites: Charity work and the stock market. Maybe it's the fact that one has to make up for the moral bankruptcy of the other but in my experience, the two go well together. Make money being cold and calculative, then use those gains to do actual good and make a difference in peoples lifes. Also, both those things are actually quite fun and rewarding to do, doing good and helping people is just inherently satisfying, you can directly feel the impact you have if you do it right and improve or even save lifes very directly, while also inspiring other people to do good as well. There a few things more rewarding that a professional athlete can use his fame for. And lets face it, making money by being smart, thinking ahead and beating the rest of the market can be very fun as well, if you are the type for it...

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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Well this season Red Kirkby is making the jump from the SMJHL with the Anchorage Armada to the SHL with the Philadelphia Forge. Despite training a lot he seemed to stall in progression not long after starting his second season in the smjhl. However by some trick of magic it appears that during the offseason he is able to channel all that past work into one mighty training session that bolstered just about all of his abilities. If there was a tv crew following him around you would be sure to have gotten a Rocky Balboa style montage where he went from having Gabe Johnson like pencil arms and legs in the beginning to having massive Ragnar like bulging biceps and imperious quads. It is not only strength and power that Kirkby developed but also many other parts of his game too, specifically he became much more accurate with his shooting as well as mastering the face off dot.

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Credit to Ml002, King, Wasty, Carpy, Bruins10, Rum_Ham, Turd Ferguson, Ragnar and Enigmatic for the sigs.
Forge Stampede Inferno Specters Wolfpack Platoon Armada Scarecrows Uk

Player page | Player updates
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What's your player's non-hockey passion?

In the few instances where Dominik is not training his hockey skills, sharpening his shots and skating routes he prefers to have some alone time and retret to a special room in the basement of the house. In this he accumulated a bunch of shelfs and a worktable to do something that always de-stresses him:
Miniature painting. 

Mostly this means assembling and painting Warhammer 40k - Figurines, tanks, flightcraft, you name it. Dominik always enjoyed the painting and basing aspect of it and strives to perfect this craft. Playing with the figurines happens rarely.
Now that he has a SHL contract from the Minnesota Monarchs he can finally afford some more models as that stuff is more expensive than hockey tickets (honestly it is downright robbery). 
Dominik thoroughly cuts the figurines out of the grate and primes them with spraycan-paint. After having them dried, the magic happens and the colours start to flow from the brushes onto the miniature.
Too bad Dominik forgot to thin his paints again. What a goddamn moron.

Oh man I have a lot of passions honestly. I love board games and always meet up with people to play board games, often times like once a week. We also do dungeons and dragons which obviously takes a long time and needs a lot of setup so it has gone on for years too. Though I don't do that every week. I also love pub quizzes and trivia nights and we used to go to one once a week and it was awesome that way. I really enjoyed that greatly. Besides that I love nature and I enjoy going on hikes often and regularly. I also love to travel and see new places and different cultures and that really lets me learn about the world a lot. I just love learning new things and new skills and just making sure that I am plugged into the world as a whole. I enjoy life!

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Sconnie McHits's non-hockey off-season hobby is fishing! While he casually fished on occasion as a young child with his father and other relatives, he never really took the activity beyond that. McHits recently got his fishing license and is raring to go. Being naturally competitive, it has been a bit of a learning curve for the hockey star, as he strives for that dopamine hit of hooking a big one and hauling it in, but fishing has also shown McHits a different side of enjoyment. Simply being in the outdoors, something Sconnie typically isn't all too fond of, has been a relaxing and worthwhile endeavour, and one he has really been cherishing. He has also taken his two young children out to fish with him on numerous occasions, and while they usually are quite good at distracting from the task at hand, it is worthwhile for the memories it creates, and there is no doubt they will be able to reflect upon it when they get older.

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player prompt

You could say that Archie is a bit of a gamer. He enjoys his free evenings behind the screen of a PC, playing whichever game at the time he enjoys the most, and obviously, with the big gamer energy comes the interest to share his endeavours with the rest of the internet. So, Archie has been streaming on, and hockey fans have been very happy to see that happen! He has enjoyed healthy viewership even when he was playing some of the more boring game styles, as he is not too much of a fan of very aggresive, fast paced games, and more enjoyes the simple joys of stuff like Minecraft. So, to have 1500 people watch a random hockey player dig a few digital pixels out of the ground and shape them to his liking, very funny experience indeed. The team even did some behind the scenes streams with Archie, so he has had some very interesting content to show the fans and it has been very much appreciated by them.

Manhattan Rage | General Manager
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thanks Sulovilen for the sig!
D | Manhattan Rage | Czechia

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There is truly only one thing that interests Melvin when it comes to appearing off the ice, and that is baking and decorating cakes. During this past offseason, Melvin started experimenting with new cake flavors, colors, as well as trying to make hidden surprise cakes. His goal was to have a cake reveal when it came down to announcing his team decision in free agency, but see, there's a problem when it comes to decorating cakes. Melvin is a moose, and he doesn't exactly have the dexterity needed to make some of these outstanding cake decorations. When he went to reveal that Chicago was his destination of choice, instead of it appearing as a hello hat in a black cake, it well, blended together, and became a swirling poop colored blob. The unappetizing cake made Melvin see red a little bit, but he was able to calm down, toss the cake to the birds and start again. Eventually, he went and paid a bakery to make his reveal cake, but he'll never tell anyone that secret.

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Written Task: What's your player's non-hockey passion? What kind of project would they take on with 8 weeks off and nothing else to do? Is it something related to another sport, like trying to golf under par on 18 holes for the first time? Something with your hands, like building a whole dining set from scratch? Maybe you want to catalogue every bird in McMillan Marsh, WI? Heck if I know! You tell me! (150+ words)

Few people know this, but Kawashima is actually a pretty avid stamp collector. Something about how stamps capture the there and then. Stamps get made of all kinds of events of the current day they were made in. They are like little paintings. During the offseason Kawashima likes to travel around the country visiting old pawn shops and the likes to try and find the most unique stamps. He also holds many pen pals around the world, of course he collects all the stamps that get sent to him this way. One of Kawashima's favourite stamps is a 1978 Faroese stamp depicting a Puffin. Just something about the cheeky little bird brightens up Kawashima's day. He received this stamp by actually visiting the Faroe Islands. He got in contact with an elderly gentlemen who still had a few in his collection and was willing to swap with Kawashima for one of his stamps. The hobby has gotten Kawashima very close to people and that is something he treassures, maybe even more than the stamps.

[174 words]

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Thank you Fever, sköldpaddor and OD for the amazing sigs!
Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

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