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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Fileworker PT pass

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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Player Prompt
I've scored like 20 goals my whole SHL career, I need this. Is this my first career breakaway? Probably. Will I have a guarantee of a goal? absolutely not. The net isn't empty so my chances are slim that my breakaway attempt will go in so I need every chance that I can get. Of course I'll be mad at the ref, what kind of player just sits there and lets such a bad call happen to them? First I'm going to go up the the ref and yell at him, stuff like "what kind of call is that" or "I didn't even touch him" with some obvious F-bombs thrown in. Then I'll skate around him and yell as he completely ignore me and will be have to get teammates and the coach to yell too. Can you challenge penalties like this? Seems unlikely since but I'll ask for one anyway. The key is not to openly insult the ref, just swear at him a bunch and then eventually skate into the box.

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Swift: "Oh come on! Are you kidding me? I never even touched him!!"

Ref 1: "That's two for tripping!"

Swift: "Two for tripping? How about two to the other guy for being clumsy? Seriously, I didn't lay a hand on him!"

Ref 1: "You heard the call, let's go!"

Swift: "Come on man, ask your partner, he had a better view of it than you did. Ask him if I made any contact at all!"

Just then, the second referee skated over for a conference in front of the penalty box. As the two officials began to huddle, the first ref turned his head toward me and pointed indignantly for me to back out of their red circle. Not wishing to further antagonize the situation, I dutifully backed up to let them speak.

Ref 2: "Yeah no, I had a good look at it and there was a gap between them the whole time."

Ref 1: "Are you sure?"

Ref 2: "Positive, there was no infraction on the play."

Ref 1: "All right, the kid got lucky this time."

With that the first ref skated to center ice and turned on his mic.

Ref 1: "After further review, it's been determined there was no penalty on the play."

Swift: "Hey! Where's my breakaway?!"  Wink

Quote:224 Words

A proud member of the Season 67 [Image: 4star.png] Four Star Cup champion Maine Timber!!  Timber

[Image: swift.png]

Maine Timber Alternate Captain!  Timber

Thanks to @Merica for the sig!

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hockey prompt
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[Image: fm4oNHu.png]    Aurora  norway  Raptors     [Image: YHC5qMO.png]
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Hockey Prompt

I think video review is a crucial part in multiple areas of hockey. There's always gonna be some missed calls, but any ruling involving crossing a line needs to always be 100% accurate, namely offsides calls and whether a puck crosses the line for a goal. I've got 0 issue with long reviews regarding these calls, as they can make or break a game and a camera can do a far better job at determining these calls than the human eye can. Automating these calls sounds awesome in theory, but I think it's important to still have linesmen and refs out there to make these calls in the event of faulty tech. I think both should exist to be able to check each other. Tripping is another call that I think could benefit from cameras. Calls like interference, though, shouldn't really need a review and should be up to the discretion of refs, as some rules can be pretty open ended and need a human eye's judgement.

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Hockey Prompt: Written

I have a very wishy washy and hypocritical opinion on the matter. At the moment, I feel that while long reviews bother me, that I do want the calls to have maximum accuracy. If calls are going to be missed, they should probably be so close to "on the line" that it is incidental whether the infraction even occurred. Maybe if a stick got caught up in someone, which hooked them, but it had an extremely minimal impact, or a high stick that grazed a visor. Things that probably could be called if one is interpreting the rules correctly, though aren't actually having an impact. These sort of things are usually called when a "make-up call" is due, which I find to be garbage in most cases. Ref the game not the score. Anyway, goals and offside calls could be automated by this point. I'd like to see maybe one less ref on the ice, and maybe a couple more in a booth watching the footage. Making calls from up high. Could be interesting and clear some room on the old playing field. Of course, all of these things would require review, and time to be taken. Which as I said, annoys me, like anyone else. Probably worth it though based on how I'd like the game to be called. I can't really have it both ways, so maybe tomorrow I'd like them to let everything go. We'll see.

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Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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Sean Davies is a pretty chill guy, but also wicked competitive so his reaction really depends on the timing. In a game where the Armada are cruising, or in an even contest where nothing’s too intense he’d probably get a little upset but would prefer to just let it slide.  Mistakes happen, and there’s no sense going off on a ref for a mistake. On the other hand, if it’s a close game and the ref takes away Davies chance to break through and help his team win, he may snap a little. He’s not normally one to get too peeved about things, but in an important moment like that his competitiveness might take over and he might go off on the ref. Not just a one of complaint, but really laying into them. Hopefully he would have the good sense to shut up and not get ejected, but who really knows. Either way, Davies would likely try to apologize to the ref once he cooled down a little bit. Unless it cost them the cup. Then the ref can kick rocks.


Player Prompt

Management: Okay so tell me what happened from the beginning.

Dave Heinrich: So Generic Name tried to hit from a ridiculous enough range that I was able to get between them and the net. Puck bounced off my stick behind Name and I pounced on it before they could stop me. They realize too late what I am about to do and in their scramble to intercept end up eating ice. Before I can go score though the referee blows the whistle and calls me for tripping Name despite me not coming within a foot of the guy.

Management: That all checks out and sometimes referees make bad calls. What happened next?

Dave Heinrich: That is when my agent got involved and proceeded to start shouting so loud they could be heard from the press box. Probably could be heard by people in the parking lot if I am being honest. Entire game ground to a halt with what was being shouted and I just ducked my head down in the hopes everyone would forget about my potential penalty.

Management: Do you remember anything specific about what they shouted?

Dave Heinrich: They called him a ruder word for lady of the night of Babylon, threatened to go back in time to talk both sets of his great grandparents into getting divorced before they could conceive his grandparents , and then proceeded to rattle off what I believe to be a string of curses in a language that I am not sure humans could properly replicate. Think it may have been a hybrid of Shyriiwook and Klingon, but I am not an experienced linguist.

Management: So you understand why you have been called in here today then?

Dave Heinrich: No actually I have no idea why I am the one being reprimanded for this rather than my agent.

Management: Oh! You're not being reprimanded you did the right thing just trying to disappear. No why I called you here today is I want your agent to teach me some of these otherworldly curse words.

Dave Heinrich: I'm in the clear then for not fighting the ref?

Management: Leave that to your agent they're scary enough for it.

Dave Heinrich: Deal!

Word Count: 369

The first prompt and honestly if this bullshit happened to Isaac I think we would see old Jon Forty-One since I technically made them the same. Just no-one has fucked over Isaac yet like other old teams did. If it was the ref that did that? Yeah, I think Isaac is going to beat the fuck out of the ref. Maybe not instantly but after the game I reckon he would. The ref can even try to apologise if he thinks he can persuade him and maybe Isaac will even forgive him but that in the words of that 1 Simpsons character: "That's a paddling."

It does not really matter cause if he is stopping him from potentially getting points he will beat the ever living fuck out of him afterwards. No mercy. Just cause this version has yet to unlock wanting revenge or be angry with anyone does not mean he will not just bring the wrath that most of my characters cannot bring.

I kinda feel bad for the ref now.

[176 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Player Prompt:

By now, if you have been reading my prompts you would realize that GK is pretty soft spoken, and not one to really speak out against referees even if he gets a bad call against him. Although, he may feel that the situation is unfair, or bullshit he knows that arguing with a ref doesnt really amount to anything in the end, and could likely get him dinged with an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

As such, GK tends to have a friendly relationship with the refs in the league, as he will typically chat them up during the game, and will banter or joke with them after a play, or if they make a bad call against him. There is no arguing, only love. As such the refs tend to look upon GK favourably at times, and as such GK doesnt tend to take many penalties even if at times it can be questionable. Overall GK will let other players stand up for him if needed, and is more a lead by example type of player.

(175 words)

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pt pass

Pass Forfeit (D) ● Player Profile
Kraken Rage Panthers

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Special thanks to Blitz, jhockey, Ragnarr, and sulo for the gorgeous sigs <3

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Two forwards came deep into the zone to backcheck a clean entry, Egli noticed that there was already a defender down low so he moved up to take away a shooting lane from an opposing defender who was streaking down the wing looking for a pass. 

The pass came from below the goal line and was tape-to-tape, the defenceman ripped a one timer on goal. Egli slid over on his side and took the shot in the shin pads, the puck bounced out past the defender and Egli shot up in chase. As he took control of the puck the defender caught an edge and fell head over feet, sucks to suck. Egli scooped up that puck and turned on the jets!
Two strides into a clean breakaway the whistle goes and Egli mediately ships around to see who took a penalty at such a shit time - that's when he sees the red point directly at him "that's you 54!" he said as he skates toward the timekeepers box. 

Egli. Saw. Red.

"Is this some sort of fucking wildlife sanctuary? There are blind fucking zebras running around... 
Buddy if you had one more eye you'd be a good damn cyclops
Does your wife know you came to work today just to fuck me?
Get on your fucking knees if you're going to blow the game"
... All the way to the box, then down the tunnel after he got 10 and a game.

Fucking refs, man.

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I am usually one of the least penalized defenseman in the league, so I would definitely go over to the ref (respectfully, of course) and begin a polite, gentleman's discourse with him. I would explain that he is blind as a bat and dumb as a dodo (respectfully, of course). I would then proceed to ask him how his wife and children are (in a non-threatening manner of course) and remind him that I know where he lives (so I can drop off dessert after the game, of course). From here, the ref will start shaking in his boots (he's anxious when realizing his mistake, not feeling threatened). He will likely have a discussion with the other refs to save face and make it look like they did the proper thing and got the call correct. It will have nothing to do with my conversation with them. It's something they decided all on their own because referees are great and they will continue to be great as long as they don't mess up...

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pbe pt

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Kyle Sux Lmap

PLAYER PROMPT - As you skillfully block a shot, the puck takes a lucky bounce and ends up behind the defender that shot it, giving you a perfect opening for a breakaway. As you take off to get past them, the defender turns to chase you but trips on their own feet and goes down in a heap. You get a brief moment of excitement as you realize you're on a clean break when suddenly-- the whistle blows. You're called for tripping. From the ref's angle it looked like you knocked their feet out.

Written Task: Are you going to fight with the ref? Or do you resign yourself to taking an undeserved penalty? Write some dialogue! Are you hot-headed or respectful? Is your player a veteran that has a long relationship with some of the leagues refs? Are they a young player that's not afraid to tell it like it is? IF YOU'RE A GOALIE: same question but different scenario: how do you talk to the ref about players hacking at you after the whistle? (150+ words)

In this case Tom Pedersen would definitely be a hothead.He would be absolutely fuming furious and say a lot of words in his native tongue that the ref probably wouldn't know the meaning of, but he would probably understand that Tom Pedersen is not happy. Some of the words that would be used are: “Røsk mæ i skinnfletta di gorrhysa av en rottpung”, “Slogfetta”, “Hysetryne”, "Røsk mæ i rævskjegget din gattjeger. Du e så shtugg at æ har løst tel å kjøre en piggtråd inn i kjeften på dæ og riv det ut av ræva på dæ og tanntråd dæ til døde", "Ka i nasen!", "Gattjeger", "knoksekk", "isterball", "Fader i luggan", "Kjøss katta te ho revna i to", "Dæven han røkksailti! ", "E e marodersk så førbainna.", "vess ikke du dømme bedre fra nu av så blir æ maroder på dæ din satans hæstkuk" or “Satan i svarteste helvete kor dårlig du e di forbanna sauræv.” Tom Pedersen would not be listening to the ref and just spew out his words in absolute rage. No dialogue would exist beyond Tom Pedersens swearing.

Words 182

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