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S69 PT #0: City Planner January 22nd @ 11:59 PM (PST)

I think that the area surrounding an arena should be an attraction for visitors who support other teams. Of course the hockey game will be the main attraction though.

Firstly, there should be easy transit options I. From the city to converge and exit the game. Allow everyone a nice easy route in so they can enjoy themselves and not have to worry about driving.

The first bit of the surrounding area should be walking streets filled with bars and restaurants. This will allow people a place to come party before, during, and after the game, and get.some great food. During the playoffs, some of the walking streets can be portioned off for game viewing areas with big screens.

Secondly, we will need some nearby entertainment venues. Having a movie theatre, casino, market and park nearby for people to be able take in some non-hockey things and attract more people to the area.

Lastly, nearby, I would want there to be an amusement park. A great way in to fill the day full of excitement, and get those kids exhausted before they get home

Battleborn  Finland     [Image: QwTZD8C.png]   [Image: uJXrVDL.png]  [Image: iemKOIk.png]     Finland  Battleborn

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In the actual season accommodations have to be even better than in the offseason since the players need to be in the right space mentally. As for my player hans graf, he has bought a penthouse apartment in downtown philly. What not a lot of people know is that half of the apartment is actually skateable! Thats right, half of the apartment has a clean purified sheet of ice so that he can practice and relax whenever he doesnt want to leave the place. This came in very handy during the pandemic where he would train for hours when the facilities were closed. There is also a fully stocked bar by the ice so one can make a couple of drinks while taking some shots. The shocking part is that he still gets one hella view since he uses bulletproof glass for the walls of the rink, making if the 2nd best hockey spot in town! (Behind his teams arena!)

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

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Sophie Bordeleau's place in San Francisco is a condo, just a place for her and her partner to live in while they find something more permanent. Compared to what some players live in, it's a fairly modest place, just the usual stuff that would be found in an apartment. The perks come from the location, as it's close to the arena and has a really pretty view of the sea from the balcony, so there's a lot to like about the space since it's very sunny and spacious. Sophie's favourite part of the apartment would be the kitchen - she's always really liked to cook and having a modern and clean space to cook with all the furnishings. For a space that's meant to be a temporary home for the pair, this apartment is nonetheless a very comfortable space that they will be able to enjoy until things come together and Sophie can finally start working towards getting into the house of her dreams.

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This is the job that Slip McScruff is weirdly the most overconfident about because he watches lots of urban planning youtube videos.  He's got a handful of important aspects to bring to the table.

First of all, we are going to promote the absolute hell out of public transit.  As much as possible, we don't want people driving or parking their cars near the arena.  Nothing kills the mood like gridlock traffic mixed with people pouring out of a building, not to mention the high emotions and blood alcohol content.  We will start with a bus line immediately and then work up to a rail line if we can connect out to the network.  Every ticket comes with a transit pass good for hours before and after the game.  Ride share is geo-fenced away from picking up or dropping off within a half hour of game time, so people are encouraged to disperse vehicle traffic around a walking distance area from the arena.

Second, we want this to be a living neighborhood, not just a ghost town that fills and empties with events.  We want people to live literally as close as across the street.  There should be a big outdoor space for other events and just hanging out.  There should be a wide variety of places to exist.  Of course we want to lean into some sports bars for pre-gaming and watching away games.  However, we want to cater to all ages and non-drinkers.  There should be a couple art and science museums in the district which can be a pre-game attraction for families making a day of their visit.  There should be book stores, tabletop game stores, arcades, and small music venues.

Third and finally, the arena is going to be super cool and everyone is going to love it forever.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

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Seattle's greatest strength is the gorgeous scenery. Forests and mountain combine on the coastline to create the incredible natural views of the pacific northwest. With the team's thematic ties to the seas, naval exploration, and sailors, it seems natural that a district built around the arena would consist of restaurants, shops, and touristy activities tying into those themes. Promotional whale watching tours given out as prizes during games, free burgers at a harbourside joint when the team scores 6 goals, player meet and greets on the sea walk are all examples of ways the team could tie themselves to local attractions and the themes of life in Seattle and the Pacific northwest in general. An entire game day setup in the blocks surrounding the arena could see fans compete in rowing competitions in scaled down triremes, hardest shot competitions against the team mascot Jason, or giveaways along the boardwalk. It should be lots of fun for all involved

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Hodor's city would be named Hodor. There would be lots of parks and petting zoos so citizens can see pretty birds and frolic with animals. There would be a city sponsored circus that come through every week to put on shows in a central activity area like a amphitheater. Of course the amphitheater would be called Hodor, but it's still being speculated whether it was named after the city or after Hodor himself. In one section would be multiple ice rinks because one is great so many would be greater! The ice rink section will have year-long ice formed and maintained on all the sidewalks and roads, too, so everyone can share in the ice fun. It goes without saying that everyone in the city would need to sign waivers and have them on file to commute through town. Plus it would be illegal to harm animals so no putting out traps or even roadkill.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
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Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

e e is a cities skylines FIEND and letting him design any part of any city is a tremendous mistake that should result in people being FIRED fired. Like, out of a cannon type fired. Into the sun. However, e e's newfound stewardship over the city is likely to see huge gains in the religion district, with e e constructing new statues, churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, and everything else to spread the glory of e. Rumour has it that he shall install a great figure, a great glyph of the chosen letter, that it shall be five hundred feet tall and yet awe inspiring in its simple yet beautiful curves. plans for this great and magnificent statue remain kept under tight wraps, however word has it that it shall be lowered directly onto centre ice at whatever arena atlanta plays in. the players wil play around it. they can shoot the puck through the statue itll be fun

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I think in Hamilton we have some of the best accommodations, attractions, restaurants, stores, homes, and parks. We got a poop store that sells poop. Sometimes you just need some poop to prank a friend or prank a teammate. We also have A pig store for pigs, where you get a pig to get a pet for your friends or family. Pigs make really good pets as they are cute little guys. Our arena is big for the shl and it's a good place to play and there are a lot of restaurants and hotels that one could go to after or before the game, to get a good burger or good a good milkshake. Honestly, the arena is the center of hamilton as we were making national headlines regarding our cup runs and how we were able to so successful year after year, I know we have been in a rebuild for a bit but things should be getting better.

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I've been recently traded. Like really recently traded. Traded just a couple days before the season starts. Now with all the other season starting tasks and duties I need to do to properly be in the zone and game ready, I also have to find a place to live. Thankfully the distance between the two teams is minimal. Honestly if I wasn't a professional hockey player I would probably just stay where I live now (the drive between Hamilton and Toronto is maybe 45 mins to an hour, not a huge commute for a reg person, and probably an avg commute for someone living close to Toronto anyway) but I am a pro hockey player and so for the time being, maybe a week or so, maybe a month I will stay in a hotel across from the rink while I look for a more permanent condo to rent from. I'm renting and not buying, because as I am so late in my career, I don't know if this is the only season I'll play for Toronto or if I'll keep going.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

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Sean Davies rents a nice little apartment near the outskirts of Anchorage. He doesn’t like the hustle and bustle of downtown, so even though it is a bit inconvenient to have to travel to/from practices he stays there. It also keeps him closer to the Alaskan wilderness, which he enjoys spending time in in his free time. Currently, he’s looking for a place in Boston, as this is his last year in the SMJHL before getting called up to join the New England Wolfpack. In the past he’s just stayed at hotels in Boston for training camp and such, but he needs to find something permanent. While he’s not big on the hustle and bustle of big cities, he’s looking to try to find something nearish the city center so he can enjoy the city and experience the history. He is also dead set on finding an apartment that allows pets, so he can get himself a cat to keep him company. It’s the little things.

Creative Prompt

Around the Toronto North Stars home arena, I definitely want there to be a plentiful amount of quick eats and a wide variety of them. This will allow people to grab the food that they want to have before the game, without having to either spend the crazy amounts of money for concession food (sorry owners) and the fans get to eat what they want. Ideally, there would be a street fair-esque set up around the arena that has a rotating cast of local food places and fun fair games for the fans to enjoy themselves before games and find some amazing food too. As for aesthetics, ideally the surrounding area would be a waterfront area for the fans to have a scenic view of the water before and after games, providing a beautiful drone angle of the arena. Lastly, to facilitate fans in and out, there must be plenty of subway lines leading into the arena from all around the city.

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Thanks to @DELIRIVM, @Moreorless89 and @ValorX77 for the sigs!

If I was able to redesign my home arena, I’d want it to be festive and with the theme of the team. I myself am someone who likes to game, but also have a good sit down with friends. I’d want to have a gaming area, arcades games and what not for younger fans, maybe even create some games based on our team. Another half of the arena would be for leisure time, spending time with other fans, getting a drink and what not. As for around the arena, the neighborhood would be homely, but with the same game spirit feel for Baltimore. We’d have restaurants of all kinds, arcades, and still some leisure time spaces. We’d also have to have libraries and little book crannies for a quiet time (obviously sports books would be included, along with Baltimore history). I’d want to have a mix of everything that would make the neighborhood and arena itself homely, yet still have a wild spirit for the team and game nights.

During the season, Leon stays at an apartment in Outer Richmond, San Francisco. After a couple seasons with the Pride, Leon decided to upgrade his living conditions to something a bit nicer, a bit more fit for a hockey veteran making decent money. Just a block away from Golden Gate Park, the apartment has a great view of the Pacific Ocean and is just across the beach, where Leon will invite teammates to work out and also just hang out. 

Before moving to a nicer place, Leon spent a couple seasons further south-east in Excelsior, in a smaller place to the south of the city and its downtown area. It was close to another park there, or two I suppose between Balboa Park and McLaren Park. This apartment was more affordable for Leon, but much further from the team's facilities and the stadium than the current apartment. However, Leon is looking to move back to the east coast permanently to be closer to his family. Right now, he's thinking about the Boston area, or anywhere in Pennsylvania.

I would build like 25 identical Key Bank Centers in the surrounding area. They game would be hosted at random in one of the arenas but they would not announce which one before the game. You would just have to show up to one of them and hope you picked correctly. This is an easy way to sell more seats, as you can sell up to 25 times more than you normally would be able to. You could also host other events in the other arenas at the same time so you could make back the billions of dollars you spent on arenas. There would be no noise complaints because the neighbors would just be more noise. The city would have a hard time approving this, but I would sweeten the deal by giving them all lifetime season passes to one of the arenas. Then I would completely abandon that arena forever and just use the other 24 arenas but it would be too late for them to back out.

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Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
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Kezia Mackenzie just got called up from the Regina Elk of the simulation major junior hockey league to the Atlanta Inferno of the simulation hockey league before the start of the S68 season, and as such they've been taking the time to settle in to their new surroundings. Needless to say, the difference between Regina, Saskatchewan and Atlanta, Georgia is a staggering one, night and day even, and as such it took most of Kezia's first season to truly settle in and unpack everything inside their modern apartment in downtown Atlanta, only a couple blocks from the arena and practice space.

Luckily, Kezia knew seasons in advance that they wouldn't be called up until the S68 season thanks to the sublime organizational depth that thew inferno was blessed with. Armed with this knowledge, Kezia went house hunting on multiple occasions during the offseasons leading up to their first year playing in the show.  (153 words)

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sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno

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