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S69 PT #2: Contract Talks February 5th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Luc Blouin has an agent but when it comes time to talk contract he actually does not really trust his agent, instead he opens his walk in closet door, heads on in and talks to... Himself? No one really knows who he talks to but in reality he is actually talking to his imaginary friend, gerald. Luc runs all his plans by Gerald before doing anything. He does not trust anyone else, even his agent. In fact his agent gets really annoyed when he tells him he has to confer with his partner. At first he thought it was Luc wanting to talk to his girlfriend but when he found out it was some imaginary friend in the closet he almost lost his mind, but he didn't want to lose his best client so he bit his tongue and just goes along with Luc and his little fantasy land closet friend.

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

When it comes to special stipulations, I certainly have a few that I insist on for my contracts.  My first one is that a percentage of my salary goes to a list of my charities and that my team matches my donations, to the dollar.  Next, that on all the flights on the team plane that I get a window seat.  There's just something lucky about that spot that I have to keep having.  Third, that our locker room has an ice cream machine, no matter which franchise I sign with.  We had one installed in Hamilton and Toronto, but thankfully Calgary already had one so that was a nice, welcomed sight.  And last, that there is a constant flow of canned, Diet Cokes in the refrigerators in the locker room.  I just can't get enough of that stuff, but I make sure to couple it when plenty of water and Powerade, per the team's training staff.  Other than those demands, I'm a pretty easy going player when it comes to contract stipulations - certainly nothing about only certain colors of M&Ms!

181 words

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When I try to negotiate my player's contracts, I tend to not use any agent for the sole reason of I want to deal with everything myself. As much as it's great to have agents to figure out what's going on. sometimes the agents have interests that aren't mine in mind. I obviously would like a contract to the best of my interests and I don't need an agent inserting his own opinions and interests into the mix. In addition, I feel like I'm smart enough to figure out the minutiae involved with contracts and so I won't get too lost when trying to figure out a contract. In addition, I (strangely enough, I know) love figuring out a contract with teams including the specific dollars per year, stipulations, options, and whether I'm tamperable or not. Having an agent would definitely help me figure things out but it would remove a lot of the fun in dealing with the contract myself. Thus, I would negotiate my own contracts and let other people deal with agents instead.

176 words

Player prompt

Edžus Ozolins has had an agent since he left Latvia, to be represented by a professional who knows what he’s doing. This person, however, is his best friend Valdis, a math genius who has his client’s and childhood friend’s interest at heart. He knows Edžus better than anyone else, and always keeps in mind the fact that Ozolins does not want a mountain of cash, but rather a place where he’s wanted and where he can play. He’s always down for discussions with the Maine forward, and it’s been like that for the past 13 years. Of course, Edžus fully trusts him and will rarely, if not never, ignore the advices Valdis gives him, as they are precious, precise and genuine. Without him, Ozolins would not be able to fully focus on hockey, so he’s very glad to have someone as close to him as Valdis take care of all the paperwork.

152 words

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Thank you to @Revontulete!

PLAYER PROMPT - This is one for all you back-story writers out there! I want to hear about your players agent, if they have one! 

Sven Pandas agent is Jimjon Jonjim. From the humble town of Mölle Sweden. He was raised on a farm doing simple tasks. However he felt that he was due for more. He played hockey up the street at Jonstorp. He grew pretty skilled there and started to take the notice of local scouts. He started playing in some ametuer leagues until he finally got his shot. However during showcases for the pro teams, there was a freak accident. He slipped on the ice taking his glove off and a teammate ran over his fingers. Now with no fingers on his left hand he had no hope of properly gripping a hockey stick. So he decided to turn his talents toward something much less athletic while still being a part of the hockey scene. He spent much of his time finding small local talent that he really felt would make a splash at the pro scene, and that’s how he found Juni Panda. Eventually as a favor to his father he became an agent to his son Sven Panda and the rest is history.

[b]CREATIVE PROMPT[/b] - It's everyone's favourite time of year! Contract negotiations! We're not going to worry about the actual hard numbers here, let the agents sort that out! Let's worry about the important stuff!

[b]Written Task:[/b] What special conditions do you want in your players contract? Is there a special snack that has to be in your locker stall every morning? A specific type of coffee stocked in the machine? A certain way the trainer must tape your stick or you'll throw a tantrum and quit? Tell me about what special requirements if any your player wants in their contract and why. (150+ words)

Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk has very few demands, but they are important demands for any team to follow. The demands are as such:

1. Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk will be referred to as Jølñgüštrâädæviñçh DuBølk at all times. He is not to be compared to the late Jöörgüštrâäd DuBølk at all. Any similarities are coincidental and anyone that says he is Jöörgüštrâäd DuBølk shall be escorted off the premises.

2. All teammates and coaches must pay a visit to DuBølkLand at least once a season in his backyard (visiting more times will be appreciated). All attendees will be provided a free ice cream sandwich with the purchase of a season pass (while supplies last).

3. There will be a full-height mirror in front of DuBølk's locker, where he will stare at his own reflection in the empty room for at least 35 minutes. Any disruptions are punishable by fines and will be enforced by the SHLPA

4. Full no-trade clause for the first 5 seasons of the contract

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Creative Prompt:

Ethan Duncan has started up negotiations with the Aurora and he is going to be making significant demands. In his contract, he is requiring that the team provide on a regular basis Blue Bell mint chocolate chip ice cream and a random flavored donut from Krispy Kreme, not the inferior donuts at Dunkin’. Oh and when he asks for either of them, they need to be in his hands within ten minutes or he can avoid practicing with the team that day.

Next, he wants the team to finally give away a bobblehead already. He’s been on the team for years now, it’s time! Lastly, Duncan is getting old and workouts are tough on him so he will put in his demands that he wants a personal masseuse to be on hand when necessary including up to ten years after his retirement. He plans on continuing to stay in shape after retirement and would need a nice relaxing massage afterwards.

[Image: CAu3g3c.png]

[Image: zS2lCMp.png]  [Image: oMh09WY.png]  [Image: 1DL5JDX.png]  [Image: wu5MVvy.png]  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

My contract certainly is lucrative in the monatary aspect of things but the fine print reads like the rider for a band or a famous singer. Every game either home or away have a different set of rules that need to be followed otherwise the contract is null and void and the money is guaranteed right then and there. That's why the Rage are very good at reading contracts and have kept me around so long.

Home games:

* Therapy cat to support me after a win or a loss
* Access to Ping Pong Tabel 24/7
* Allowed to listen to headphones during team meeting
* Skate shiner

Away games:

* $100 to Stadium merch
* Access to Ping Pong Table Postgame
* Private High speed access and tv with HDMI/streaming capabilities
* Therapy cat that looks like the cat I.keep at home stadium

Sure I'm a little crazy with my contract. But it's New York City baby, it's gotta be to make it in this town!

167 Words

Did Ya Get It?

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Minamino has rarely been the type of player to demand any sort of special treatment, aiming to be the typical hockey culture player where the betterment of the team comes before the individual. Especially when it came to the salary, especially in the prime of his career, he would regularly take pay cuts for the sake of the organization fielding the most competitive roster possible.

However as he continues to age, he realizes that mayhap the best thing to do is find security in his spot on the team. In the past maybe that would be in the form of a no trade clause. However seeing younger players take more and more of the spotlight, it may be necessary for something as simple as a multiple year deal to ensure that he can have a spot as long as ideal to finish out his career as a syndicate is the way to go.

Also having the ability to dictate what games are played on games night is huge too.

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When Pablo Salvatici of the Atlanta Inferno is looking to sign a new contract he is demanding one thing and one thing only. As he is a penguin he wants a wing and beak massage from his general manager @hotdog before and after every game. He claims that it helps him to relax and play better and score more points which sure was true in previous seasons but now he's an old scrub and is barely even point per game anymore who knows he might not even be point per game now I haven't looked at the index yet so maybe he's just old and bad. Anyways this massage has helped him in the past and it will now help him going forward into the future because as mentioned earlier he's no spring chicken (duh he's a penguin not a chicken) so this massage will help his career longevity hopefully and keep him in elite fitness and form as he enters the twilight of his career.

166 words

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So when General Manager Rex Kirkby and Cale Salad approached Igor Victory's agent, the one and only Man Tatum, about resigning, it was an easy tap it in kind of goal that all sides we're hoping for. Igor victory loves playing for the Philly forge of the simulation hockey league. However, there is always a caveat. This time though, it wasn't money that dragged out the discussions. It was what Igor Victory, native of Tampere, Finland, left forward for the Philly Forge of the Simulation Hockey League, wanted to see in his locker every day, and across the locker room. Firstly, the team had to only use Igor Victory brand cups for the next season. He has an abundance after a crabs breakout at the manufacturing facility many seasons ago, and he's trying to rebrand it. So the cups needed to be hung every day with his face on them, in both locker rooms. And then, he wanted only to drink sparkling waters that have PFAs in them. Micro plastics for everyone!

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render cred: @rum_ham, @Rangerjase @Ragnar @supertardis101 @Jogurtaa @Drokeep @evilallbran @Carpy48 @enigmatic
Player Page | Update Page
Armada  Forge  Finland

Quote:CREATIVE PROMPT - It's everyone's favourite time of year! Contract negotiations! We're not going to worry about the actual hard numbers here, let the agents sort that out! Let's worry about the important stuff!

Written Task: What special conditions do you want in your players contract? Is there a special snack that has to be in your locker stall every morning? A specific type of coffee stocked in the machine? A certain way the trainer must tape your stick or you'll throw a tantrum and quit? Tell me about what special requirements if any your player wants in their contract and why. (150+ words)

Every contract is similar and different at the same time. Similar regarding having to have a length and price. Different because of a different length and price. Every good player wants a No Move Clause (NMC) or No Trade Clause (NTC), while Bnana NWaffles has not reached that status he has other things he would like to include in his contract. First and foremost, the one thing that Bnana is putting in his contract is to make sure that his locker is near an outlet or to have an outlet installed in or next to his locker or space. This is for multiple reason, like charging his phone or tablet or whatever electronic, but the main reason is so he may plug in his state of the art toaster. The next thing in the contract will be said state of the art toaster and weekly supply of waffles when home and away of his choosing, and also maple syrup and fresh bananas, you get the point! All the rest of the stuff like tapping the stick, tying his skates, etc. he will handle and no one else.

(187 words)

[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
[Image: lIYTYDN.png]  [Image: qtbn8zh.png]  [Image: wu5MVvy.png]

Graj Virrok is a very simple man. He is a man who plays hockey for a living, and what better drink is there for a hockey player than beer? Graj has written some very clear stipulations into his contract that give him free beer, and he loves it. Firstly, Graj gets one case of beer per assist, and 2 cases per goal. If Graj scores over 30 total points in a season, he gets an extra 10 cases. Secondly, if Graj scores higher than a 70 DGR on the season, Graj gets 15 cases of beer. Third, if Graj is named to the allstar team, he gets 50 cases of beer. Fourth, if Graj blocks more shots than anyone else on the Forge, he gets 25 cases of beer. And fifth, if Graj finishes in the top 5 in shots blocked in the entire league, he gets 25 cases of beer. This is an agreement that Graj is very pleased with and keeps everyone happy, including Graj's beer belly.

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[Image: Virrok.png]
Thanks to EAB and sulovien for the sigs!

Firstly, I would like to have a Protein Bar in my locker stall every morning before games and practices. Extra protein would be a source of energy and nutrition that I have found helps me perform at my best. I would also like to have a Starbucks coffee ready for me in the locker room, as I believe it helps me stay alert and focused during games.

In addition to food and beverage requirements, I would also like my hockey stick is taped from the toe to the heel. I have found that this helps me handle the puck better and gives me better control on the ice. I would request that the trainer tapes my stick in this manner before each game and practice.

These special conditions in my player contract are important to me because they help me perform at my best and feel comfortable during games in the simulation hockey league. Having my Protein Bars and Starbucks coffee available, and my stick taped in a specific way, allows me to focus on my game and give 100% on the ice.

[Image: hallsy.png]


Slip McScruff's contract negotiations are very simple.  He is barely worth the minimum contract so he gets paid the minimum contract.  The extra conditions are what makes things spicy.  For example, he must be provided with spicy wings after every game.  Really, that's it.  After game time, he gets extra spicy because his contract says so.

Well, it's not exclusively it, but that is really the only condition that gets activated.  There is a super secret clause that has never been triggered which he has carried for his whole career.  If he could get 35 points in a season, he will get a super sweet high five from the GM.  The closest he got was in season 48 when he scored 32 points for the Winnipeg Jets.  After a pretty garbage 8 point season with New Orleans in season 61, he set the new bar at 25 and came close in season 64 and 67 with 22 points for Los Angeles and New Orleans again.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Platoon Steelhawks Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]

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