For the Edward Elric Hockey School TM, Edward would love to help younger kids improve their hockey skills and become an effective all-around player like himself as he looks to win the Rookie of The Year award in the SHL. In order to help the younger players enjoy the experience and be able to show it off they will get special Edward Elric jerseys with a commemorative patch, autographs from special guests like Wolfpack legend Sven Yxskaft and Makrus "The Tater" Jager. Throughout the week of the hockey school going on, there will also be plenty of giveaways and prizes provided for the participants to help keep them engaged.
Throughout the week Elric will help the players develop their fundamental skating skills, stickchecking and dangling ability. He knows that it is important to teach players how to get the puck and keep the puck before learning how to shoot it and that is what he would like to focus on entering the camp.
At least where I grew up, hockey was a pretty accessible and well played sport. A lot of the regions schools put a lot of funding into equipment and programs for any kid to access rentable equipment if they could not afford new. I'd like to help fund those programs to keep the spirits of hockey alive and maybe forge new great players down the line. Things would include new equipment every year or so, depending on how worn down it is, quality coaches and plenty of practice time. For those who are more hard core and getting to the big leagues, additional classes or sessions can be purchased to get one on one time with SHL pros and learn their secrets! It's important to fund sports centres and give kids the escape they may need from home life, school, etc. If there are any great school programs I'd like to find those as well.
Jagrs was one of the many doppelgangers of Jaromir Jagr born, and he instantly felt a calling towards hockey. Some say he was born with a '98 Penguins jersey already on him, some speculate if he was the birth of one of the Czech models who found themselves with Jagr occasionally. Everyone knows he was born to play, though. We played hockey his whole life, and while he was leaps ahead of his age group when younger, the work ethic was never fully there. He's still a skilled goal scorer for the Kelowna Knights now, but it looks as though he might not have the skill to make his SHL team, the Patriotes. A life with good media coverage, and always having success and at least a little fame didn't lead to much motivation for Wonada to really live up to his potential.
Fortunately, he's probably still got a lot in store when he retires. Jaromir Jagr will likely still be playing hockey, so joining the Travelling Jagrs might not be a bad gig. Or, hockey coaching is always in the cards.
I think there is a fundamental question you have to ask yourself first before starting to set up such a school. Do you want to try to meet kids halfway and incorporate elements from their daily lives and stuff they enjoy, like video games, at the risk of coming off like a cringey camp counselor type on a turned around chair who is desparately trying and failing to seem young and hip? Or do you want to go oldschool, focus on the fundamentals, the values, skills and methods that have proven the test of time over decades, but risk losing lots of kids along the way because things just aren't very interesting, or, even worse, helping in cementing and preserving a harmful culture and system that is actually in dire need of modernization and fresh perspectives? At the end of the day I think it has to be a mix of both, with sound fundamentals and tested and proven drills and excersises, but supported by a modern system of pedagogical methods that take kids needs, limitations and frustrations into account and take them seriously. If you do that then there are many things you can incorporate from the modern world as well, like treating one of your drills as a battle royale Fortnite-style, where the last team standing wins.
The ice hockey school that John Hopoate, who is the best centre skater at the New Foundland Bezerkeres who are an ice hockey team in the juniors of the Simulation Hockey League but he has also been drafted to a seniors team which is the Atlanta Inferno, will be running is one that will be free and mostly based around having fun and not a hardcore experience. The best way to get kids involved in if they are having fun and then they will want to play ice hockey more. On top of this John Hopoate really just wnats to be someone that will give back to the community and see some of the little kids growing up to become superstars and play the game that he loves himself. He just wants to be there and have helped someone be the next 1oa draft pick and become a superstar much like he was helped when he was a younger lad.
Aleksandr Iskandrov, the young hockey sensation, has always been passionate about the sport of hockey. Born and raised in a small town in Russia, Iskandrov was introduced to the game at a young age by his father, Aleksandr Aleksandrov, who was a big hockey fan himself, formerly playing for the Colorado Mammoths, Prince George Firebirds, and Winnipeg Jets. Iskandrov's father used to take him to the ice rink every weekend to watch local games. Iskandrov was fascinated by the speed, agility, and physicality of the sport, and he knew from a young age that he wanted to be a part of it. When Iskandrov was six years old, his father took him to a local hockey school, where he had his first experience on the ice. Despite being a novice, Iskandrov's natural talent and enthusiasm for the game stood out, and he quickly became a regular at the rink. As he grew older, Iskandrov's skills on the ice continued to improve. He played on various local teams and eventually joined a more competitive youth league, where he quickly made a name for himself as a top player.
Jaska Seppala who plays for the Buffalo Stampede grew up in Finland which is where he first learned what hockey was and how to play the game. Jaska Seppala was too cool and too much of a natural to belong to some hockey school. He thought it would not help out his game. He instead learned how to play hockey by playing with some Finland legends of hockey at a local rink. He would play there all day and night improving his game. The legends would help him improve his game by giving him pointers and tips. He would then go off on his own to do some weight lifting and improving his game. This is how Jaska Seppala became a legend in Finland and was able to get noticed by the Simulation Hockey League scouts. In a way it was kind of like a school but Jaska Seppala was too good to be taught by any instructor in any Finland school.
Thank you Brandon, Fish, GeckoeyGecko, Karey, Kit, takethehorizon, and Ragnar for the sigs!
The school consists of nothing but pure sweat blood and tears. I scream at them a lot in Japanese of course no one understands me but obviously my angry red face tells the whole tale and well the parents of course hate my teaching method. So for that I take revenge on the parents wallets. The cost of my school of hockey the Japanese way is a low low price of 1000 per week. I take in a class of 30 so I’m absolutely bussing when the 10 week course is done. If they learn anything that’s cool but I’m in it for the dough. All I do is make them skate backwards the entire time and make them eat as many Tim it’s as possible. A real hockey diet if you know what I mean. At the end of the day I’ll probably only run 1 session of this hockey school as Hirano hates children. 160 words
My hockey school will be more of a short term hockey camp and just have a bunch of things to keep things fun, but still something that keeps a bit of competition alive. Maybe we'll set up little competitions all-star game style where the kids get trophies for fastest skater, most accurate shooter, most accurate passer.. and just for fun best goal celebration. Would also probably try to work in some different games to help kids with their skating. We could work in some games involving soccer balls and dodge balls and that kind of thing instead of pucks to get kids moving quick on their feet and moving on the ice in less predictable ways. This definitely wouldn't be something hardcore and be open to any kid who has an interest in hockey and wants to meet new friends and give the whole thing a go. That said, some of the more traditional practice things would be weaved in for the kids who are a little more serious about the whole experience.
My player got started thanks to his parents who pushed for him to pick up a sport to make some friends and increase some skills like hand-eye coordination and balancing, along with good exercise. His parents did not expect for hockey to became his life. It took a while before his parents realized that hockey could be his future. The SHL was always the goal for my player from a young age. Here about all the stars of hockey battling for the challenge cup every season, it was natural for my player to want to reach for those heights. It took my player a lot of practice. Everyday after school, my player was heading to the rink to work on something to make him a better player. With all the hard work put into hockey, my player began to attract some attention as a serious prospect rising through youth hockey. Watching stars as a kid is what really inspired my player to go after his dream of making the SHL.
The Meta Knights School of Glorious Hockey Skill Training will be the premier hockey academy in the twin cities and will be staffed by only the best Minnesota talent to help teach the young ones the glorious game of hockey. The fees will be out of this world insane, as we all know ice time is expensive, and this isn't a charity after all! But really, I think it would be a good idea to make it a charitable organization, where I will personally run classes in the offseason and get some local coaches and skills coaches on payroll to help run classes, as well as summer camps etc. I think it would be a good idea to help me have something to do in the city in the offseason, as well as set me up in the community for a post-career project to keep busy with. Also it would be another thing to help use relationship with the team and equipment companies to maybe get some affordable equipment deals with suppliers and team merch. Lots of options, will be difficult to do, but as long as you have good, dedicated help being given the resources they need to help run it, it should be able to work!
The objective of my school would be two-fold.
First, it would be designed in a way that would allow for hockey to be for everyone, made in a way that it would give a taste of the hockey life and how fun this great sport of ours can be. There would be various levels of skill lessons from first time to advanced. The cost would be minimal, only the price to participate. The equipment would be offered to the kids as an incentive to try our sport considering how expensive gearing up can be. Meet and greet sessions with some SHL players, including Bastien Primeau, would be part of the experience as well as the players showing up would be there to sign autographs but also share stories and experiences about their careers as well as give a few lessons and play with the kids. To have fun and to learn are the core concepts behind my school.
Say his name and he appears!
Believe In the Whalers!
Believe In the Team Canada Red
Believe In the the Specters Believe In Joe Primeau!
Okay, so Patya am wanting for teach childrens how to play the hockeys. This much important to Patya because all players who am loving game start young, and Patya no exception. Patya also knowing childrens cannot be drilled on hockey all the time. Patya having ideas like maybe have video game stations set up. Patya knowing peoples am saying "Patya, this part of the problem!" But, Patya am play video games for improve reactions and hand-eye coordination. These skills am much important for the hockeys. Patya also want teach practical skills, like how for shoot good and pass good, and also how for skate good. But, most important thing for Patya is for show childrens that hockey much fun! Not everyone have to have drive for play professionally like Patya, is okay for just wanting to have fun like this! Patya want to do this for free to give back to community because this important. Patya not sure of structure yet, but maybe can get whole teams involved!
Written Task: Tell me a bit about how your player got started in the game. Where did they hear of it? Who did they learn it from? Did they know that they wanted to be in the SHL right away, or was a long road to finding hockey? Were they a natural or did it take a lot of practice? (150+ words)
Growing up in Japan, ice hockey is not a big commodity. The big sports there are Baseball, Sumo Wrestling and Football (SoCcEr). However Kawashima and his family would regularly spend their holidays in their second house in Hokkaido. Specifically during the winter when possible. This led to Kawashima growing up with winter sports. Besides skiiing, this meant he was also introduced to ice hockey. First it was on the frozen lakes with other kids, playing more for fun than anything else, however Kawashima quickly became good at the game, so much so that he was starting to catch eyes. Specifically from the Hokkaido based professional ice hockey teams. Where he would start training along and be able to keep developping his ice hockey skills. At first making it to the big time of the SHL was a dream for Kawashima. However he was dedicated to keep putting in the effort to grow as a player and one day make the big league.