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S70 PT #0: Otherworldly Forecheck Due: March 26th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

As Ralph Ryan finds himself reincarnated in a new world where hockey doesn't exist, he realizes he can't give up his love for the game. Determined to introduce and grow the sport in this alternate dimension, he begins to explain the game to his friends.
Ralph explains that hockey is a sport played on ice, with two teams of six players each. The players use sticks to maneuver a puck across the ice and score goals in the opponent's net. He explains that the game is fast-paced and physical, and requires a combination of speed, skill, and strategy.
As there are no ice rinks in this world, Ralph improvises by using a flat, hard surface to simulate the ice. He outfits his friends with rollerblades or sneakers and teaches them to skate and play the game. For gear, they use modified versions of lacrosse or field hockey equipment, including sticks, gloves, and helmets.
At first, the game catches on slowly, but as Ralph and his friends continue to play and spread the word, more and more people become interested. Ralph starts teaching the game to local schools and community centers, and before long, the game of hockey becomes a popular pastime in this new world.

[Image: BtI4G9Q.png]

PROMPT 1 : Written task

When I red that PT, I knew that there was just one correct answer... One Piece. There is nothing more I need to say here. That's the whole PT.

Nan, I'm just joking, because I want those 3 TPE. One piece would be perfect for many differents reasons which I'll explain below. To begin with, there wouldn't be a lot of need to explains the rules in details since most people would either be too dumb to understand them or they just wouldn't care to respect them. Basicaly, the only rule would be to place a cannonball (in replacement of the puck) trought the other team ship (in replacement of the goal) while using any weapons you wish to use (including fists and legs) while staying on an icy surface made by Aokiji in the middle of the ocean. I would still put the old marines (Garp, Sengoku,etc.) as refs since they would be the only people to be able to enforce the few rules there would be.

Getting ready because there is only 364 days before the next hockey team selection   Renegades

[Image: Ggpmsvy.png]

PROMPT 1: It Would be quite difficult to try and explain hockey to a new dimension of people. Assuming all other sports exist in this reality it would help out a ton. I would relate it the most to soccer in terms of a team sport. Except everyone plays it on ice and they all have knives stopped to their feet. Everyone also has heavy wooden sticks that they slap each other with if they are close enough. Also, there legally there had to be one boxing match per game between the teams. I would probably try to steal most of the equipment from lacrosse since most of it crosses over. I may embellish some of the rules as well. In my alternate dimension hockey, there would be a ramp behind each goal so the players could ride up the wall. Shooting from behind the blue line would also count for 2 points if it went in. And if a shot was in motion before the final horn it counts as being in play.


[Image: Chocula22.gif]
Berserkers Wolfpack France

Prompt 1:
Lias is going to wake up after dying and he's going to spend a good 24 hours dealing with the crisis of his existence. He's been reincarnated into the universe of the animated series The Venture Bros. In the Venture universe, Lias discovers that everybody is too busy arching each other to play any good organized sports, certainly not hockey, so he enlists the help of some of the wealthy people of the world to achieve this goal. He quickly makes friends with Brock Samson, who he talks into being the most terrifying enforcer hockey has ever seen. Lias convinces everyone that hockey rivalries are more fun than arching one another, and rivalries quickly form between the Team Venture Clones and the Monarch City Monarchs. Lias explains to them that hockey is more about the skills than trying to murder other players, and he manages to convince Hank and Dean of this fact, but the other teams don't really seem to pick up on it, and a lot of murder happens anyway. Eventually, Lias is murdered himself by a bunch of Monarchs, and finds himself reincarnated again, this time back into his own universe. Thank goodness.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: U66t7Jy.png] : .

Written Prompt #2:

Just like in the world of the living - Egli is giving it everything he possibly can to hold on to the last remaining threads of his mortal consciousness. As he teeters on the brink of light and dark, he looks death in eye... err, uh, all black void, and challenges him for it all. One last risk it for the biscuit. If Egli can beat death in a hockey skills comp, he lives.

Before he could even take his next breath Egli and Death are standing at the top of a mountain in the Swiss Alps. Egli recognizes this place as the shadow this mountain casts is enveloping his childhood home of Lumnezia. Egli looks down and noticed they are both standing on a frozen stream, wearing ice skates. Death glares over to Egli and gives a slight nod before galloping down the ice. Egli follows, bounding after Death - Red Bull crushed ice style. This epic deathmatch was like roller derby and speed skating wrapped up into one. 

And who won, you may ask. Emil Egli is still lacing up his skates for the Blizzard this season.

[Image: FG1uDPY.png][Image: QAcQptc.png]

After being transported to a world without hockey, I struggle to explain my favorite sport to my new humanoid companions.  It's a cruel world where I now live, filled with monsters, demons, and horrors the likes of which I've never seen.  The only place we can play is on the smooth lava pools that have hardened next to the many volcanoes that spring up around this new land.  For gear, we use human skeletons.  Whether it's our pads, our sticks, or our helmets, everything comes from the corpses of vanquished foes.  And because there are no skates, we unfortunately have to play barefoot which changes all of the dynamics of the game.  I tried to explain that it was once played on frozen water with a sliding puck, but that didn't register with these new people.  So now, I tell them that we have to use our makeshift sticks to try and hit the rocks (instead of a puck) past a heavily armored goalie who protects the goal.  A lot of the rules are still applicable, so that part of it hasn't been too hard.  The worst part is the heat!

[Image: pkHEmu9.png]

PROMPT 2: Death loves races, the idea that you can somehow outrun death itself, he is likely faster than anything or anyone. But does that apply to going backwards? I think not, therefore I would challenge death a skating race, but the stipulation is you have to skate backwards the whole way. This would throw death off, seeing as he doesn't have to look back or go backwards, as usually, his targets are outrunning him or standing still. It puts me in the most advantageous position to beat death, by racing him using my speed going backwards, which is fairly strong and competes with my ability to go forwards. I don't doubt that I am a fast skater, but obviously, no one is fast enough to cheat death going forwards, but I do have to say no one has ever tried a race with death on other stipulations like mine.

(This post was last modified: 03-26-2023, 09:38 PM by goldenglutes. Edited 1 time in total.)

prompt 2

first of all i would just like to give a huge bigly gigantic big massive congratulations to our new point task director mr @Zerg of nem fame i think you are going to do a fantastic job stepping into the shoes of the wonderful goat mr burloogie i think you will have great success in your new role! now onto the point task itself (the zeroth point task of the 70th season of the sim hockey league). binko would challenge the grim reaper (in binko's head canon the grim reaper is actually just a reaper from starcraft 2) to a game of who can kill as many scvs as possible in the timespan of 2 minutes. now this seems like quite a foolish task to be challenging the reaper to however binko really has a lot of confidence in his slapshot and thinks that he could get a few collaterals with it and maybe even get 3 scvs with one shot! it's really possible he just has to believe in himself and the power of his ability to grip it and rip it. however the reaper from starcraft 2 is really good at killing workers so binko may really have his work cut out for him! i don't envy him at all and i think he should have picked another task to challenge the reaper in! good luck binko!

[Image: glutes2.gif]
Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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[Image: tkMQzhf.png] [Image: tdKmZA0.png]

In a skills competition, I definitely think that I could win in a passing competition.  While death works to decay every human being, death really struggles in a cooperative sense.  In a game involving a lot of passing, I would be at a great advantage firstly by learning how to develop chemistry with my teammates.  This chemistry would allow us to get open, pick the open lanes to pass to, and make reads allowing us to get ahead of the play.  Death also doesn't really have a chance to practice, so the countless hours spent chucking pucks at teammates and stickhandling will give my player a huge advantage.  By practicing my skating, I will also have another advantage.  Death and father time are always undefeated, but usually over a much larger time frame.  Over a short period where I am tasked with completing the most passes in a time frame or maintaining the highest passing accuracy, I think I would be set.

[Image: lutz-first-sig-shl.png]

Quote:What skills competition do you think you can beat Death at? Why? Would you try to cheat, or just give it your best shot?
If I were to go against the ACTUAL EMBODIMENT OF DEATH, well then I think I would easily beat them in a skills competition. I am STRONG, stronger thna most and one of the stronger players out there! Death is weak and embodies like no strength since people die of like weakness, therefore there is no way that death would even be able to compete against the man, the myth, the legend SVEN PANDA. I am strong and if I lost I would beat them to a pulp so that they wouldn’t be able to beat me again. I’m not scared to cheat at all. Death is often known to be cheated and life isn’t a Final Destination movie. Death wouldn’t be able to stop me from cheating using some special puck becuase Death is scared of me and wouldn’t DREAM of ever bringing that up. It would only look on as I won the trophy and held it above it’s poor weak head as a show of dominance. They do give a trophy for these right?

Prompt #1

Oh noes! Patya am died! This not very good for Patya friends and family, and mostly for Kristen Landry, but Patya am teach hockey in new dimension that not having the hockey. Patya explain very much simple: is game with ball and stick...except ball not ball, is puck! Patya get into other rules laters but this probably where Patya start. Maybe this world am having other sports that use stick and ball, like how Earth am having baseball! This would make more familiar. For gear, probably am using whatever armor this world am having. Hopefully this not too heavy and made of metals! Patya not sure what for use as rink, but maybe can find spot that look shaped sort of like rink, or construct one with various material of this world. Patya am sure it would catch on, because is much fun and Patya very enthusiastic teacher! Patya probably not change rules since most seem pretty good, but maybe this also depend on the race of peoples on this new world. If they many bigs and strong, maybe allow for something like crosscheck. Patya not too sure.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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If I have to challenge death to a skills competition like Johnny playing fiddle against the devil in the famous song by the Charlie Daniels Band, there's only one skill I trust in my old age. It would be a 1 on 1 takeaway challenge. As one of the most prolific puck stealers in the history of the league this would be my only shot at cheating death. Tho if you ask around the league, many would say Collin Gibbles is already doing that to still be playing in his 24th season in the SHL. Even tho my skills are not as sharp as when I was younger, I think I still have the instinct and knowledge to steal from the inevitable end. There is no way Collin Gibbles would even dream of trying to cheat in the competition. He got this far on his own skill and drive and if it's finally the end, he will graciously accept the cold embrace of regression as it drags him down for the last time.

[Image: spartangibbles.gif]
Outlungus   Usa Monarchs  Grizzlies  

Upon arrival to the great afterlife, Seamus immediately finds that his biggest regret is not being able to play hockey again. To this cause he now bends his immense amount of found free time. In this new afterlife world, the residents of this land are ice as only something they eat or avoid at all costs. Seamus finds that the task at hand may be one for Sisyphus but in order slack his desired for the game he has no choice but to pursue a team. He first starts with sourcing blades. More difficult that he thought as he had to describe what he wanted to a local blacksmith and then have him actually make a crude set as a prototype. The entire time the blacksmith was just confused but somehow willing to try it out as Seamus described this invention as something that would revolutionize winter travel. After getting the skates he immediately put on demonstrations and gained interest in making it a sport in time. The rest was hockey baby!

[Image: seamsu_500.png?ex=66b438d3&is=66b2e753&h...96a382d50&]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
[Image: gXlAFBa.png]|| [Image: 8CbZQAJ.png]

Reincarnated and there’s no puck anywhere in sight? Oh lord, that’s going to be a big problem. However, its more than likely that the even larger problem is that I have been reincarnated in a world that doesn’t have gravity. It’s pretty challenging for a puck to stay on an ice surface when there is no gravitational pull holding it down. Instead, we have to swap from an ice surface to a completely encircled bubble with two goals on each end. And instead of hockey sticks, we have swapped over to a lacrosse like stick that each player can use to throw and catch. However, differently from lacrosse, in space hockey you are required for the puck to bounce off the floor, the ceiling or the wall before another member of your team can touch it. This ensures the game remains true to its “ice” roots. Despite all of the flexibility to create a game that somewhat resembles hockey, its still not really the same sport but I’m having a lot of fun playing. Probably more so because I was reincarnated as a 6’5” alien with an impressive aptitude for sport…but that’s a story for another time.

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig


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