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S70 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2023, 01:39 AM by Kyamprac. Edited 2 times in total.)

One (1) affiliate claim from either PBE,  WSBL, SSL, or the ISFL will be accepted for 3 TPE! *if you’re claiming this and have a different username on the affiliate's site then you need to state that in your post to get credit.*

ISFL Affiliate

5. Written, 3 TPE, Blood on the Ice (150 words min)
Continuing with the branding wars: this year's final features the return of the glowing bear god against a fresh opponent - a mighty wolfpack! This one seems slanted in the bear god's favor, but don't count the wolves out so easily! Tell me who wins and why! The arena and the rules of the fight can be whatever you desire. Get creative!

I think for this one it probably depends on how big a wolf pack you've got. Assuming you've got 15-20 wolves, I think they would stand a pretty good chance against an average grizzly bear or something. They could apply pack tactics and lunge from multiple sides, making it tough for the bear to ward them off. Whether they'd have the same luck against a glowing bear god though is maybe more debatable since it's.. well.. a glowing bear god.. and probably super overpowered for most opponents. I imagine a glowing bear god could just kind of swipe its paw and wipe out like hundreds of wolves, in which case maybe the wolf pack doesn't really stand much of a chance after all. That said, sometimes I just like to root for the underdogs so I'm gonna say the wolves will find a way and take out the bear god, ending the evening with a nice victory howl or something majestic like that.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 TPE

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2023, 01:21 AM by Carpy48. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Trivia verification: redcarpet

+3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, History Repeating (150 words min.)
Tell me about something good that happened in your SHL career which you hope will happen again! What is it, what will it look like? Did it happen to your current player or one of your former players? What can you do to stack the odds in your favor?

My current player isn't even in the SHL yet, so I'll write about my former player in this case. Overall my player's career was okay, but not outstanding. The one aspect I'm proud of was the longevity and that I played my entire career just for one team. I did win a few awards in the SHL and ended up breaking several league records, but the real success only came in IIHF. So what am I hoping for with my current player? It would be nice to play my entire career with just one team again, but I'm not making plans like this. I also don't think I could break my old records, but just being on a team with nice people is good enough. I'm already repeating one step that I did with my previous player and that's a Toronto rebuild. I think I might've even had two of them last time. Hopefully this time around it'll actually work out better.

162 words

4. Written, 3 TPE, Dream Series (150 words min.)
Many teams have rivals they'd love to trounce in a playoff series. Maybe you as a player have another specific player you'd love to beat to win the cup and lord it over them for the rest of their lives. Tell me who you'd love to play in a playoff series and why! Why would you love to beat this team or player? What would it mean to you or your team? Keep it friendly.

There are several teams I'd play to play against and for different reasons. Let's start with our old rivals. In the first round I'd like to beat Hamilton (alternatively Buffalo is a good choice here as well, first one, then the other). Whether you've been around during the old Great Lakes times or not, they're both teams that didn't make it very easy for Toronto in the past and sweeping them would feel so great. Another team I'd like to play for different reasons would be Atlanta. Ever since they joined the league as an expansion team I've liked the team for some reason. Not only because their GM hotdog was one of my old S47 friends, but also because I like their whole branding a lot. After our new Toronto logo refresh it's my probably second favorite in the east. As far as the west goes it can really only be Chicago. A lot of my friends in the league have either played for Chicago or still play for them (or have even GMed there). On top of that they were part of the Great Lakes and some late revenge here would be nice too.

196 words

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

Be the team's starter.
Hopefully don't suck at it.
Maybe win a cup?


14. Written, 3 TPE, IIHF Analysis (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Tell me about your team! How far do you realistically expect to go this year? What nations do you want to match up against, and which do you dread? What are your expectations for your player?

I'll start with the last part and word myself backwards through this prompt. Expectations for my player. Well, given the fact that I'm still playing with my 350 TPE SMJHL build at IIHF I can't really expect all that much. Shaggy will be the backup goalie in the tournament for Finland (first time playing with the seniors!) and we'll just hope that Matty can play some decent games and get us through round robin. In the medal rounds, in case we make it that far, my player won't play anyway. Perhaps FHM is nice to us this time and will give Shaggy some random wins too, we'll see. Expectations for Finland in general are the same as the previous years - more medals, hopefully a gold medal again. We're not afraid of anyone and I think we have a strong enough roster to beat any of the other teams. Especially our S62 players should be pretty good and we have many of them.

162 words

SMJHL Milestones


[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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(This post was last modified: 05-10-2023, 03:44 PM by gurbs. Edited 4 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE – verification word: word

3. Written, 3 TPE, 212 words
One player Tony Soprano looks up to is First-Name Last-Name. First-Name Last-Name had a successful 20-year career in the SHL. During his career, he developed his skills, which lead him to become one of the league's top players. One of the highlights of his career was scoring the cup-winning goal in the finals in OT, securing the championship for his team- Philadelphia Forge. IF there is anything I hope to happen again, I hope Tony can score the OT cup-winner for his team also. Looking back at that experience, I hope to recreate the feeling of having a long, successful career in the SHL. I also want to see my current player, Tony Soprano, use "First-Name Last-Name" as a mentor and strive to become even better than him. Overall, by using "First-Name Last-Name" as a mentor and striving for a long, successful career in the SHL, Tony Soprano achieves his full potential and become one of the league's top players. In terms of recreating the cup-winning goal in the finals, that may be more difficult to achieve. Winning a championship requires a combination of skill, hard work, and a bit of luck. However, by focusing on the process rather than the outcome, I can give myself the best possible chance of success.

5. Written, 3 TPE, 284 words
Let's say the arena for this fight is a massive, open-air stadium located in the middle of a dense forest. The stadium itself is built around a massive, ancient tree, which towers high above the canopy of the surrounding forest.
The rules of the fight are simple: it's a battle of strength, speed, and endurance between the glowing bear god and the mighty wolfpack. The winner is the first to knock their opponent out of the ring, which is a circular area located in the center of the stadium.
At the start of the match, the bear god lumbers into the ring, its fur glowing brightly in the dim light of the forest. The wolfpack, in contrast, enters the arena in a blur of motion, their muscles rippling beneath their fur. The bear god seems to have the advantage, with its massive size and strength. However, the wolfpack is incredibly nimble and quick, darting around the bear god and nipping at its heels.
As the match wears on, the bear god becomes increasingly frustrated, swiping its massive paws at the wolves as they dart in and out of its reach. The wolves, meanwhile, are careful not to get too close, always staying just out of range of the bear god's powerful blows.
Finally, in a burst of speed, one of the wolves manages to get behind the bear god and delivers a powerful blow to the back of its head. The bear god staggers, dazed, and the wolves seize the opportunity to knock it out of the ring. In the end, the mighty wolfpack emerges victorious, having used their speed, agility, and teamwork to overcome the seemingly insurmountable strength of the glowing bear god.

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku
With Season 71,
I aim to learn and grow strong,
Victory awaits.

7. Milestones, 3 TPE

17. Written, 2 TPE – 128 words
Congratulations to the Wolfpack on their championship win! As for the playoffs, there were certainly some surprises along the way. The Wolfpack being a fresh face in the finals is certainly exciting, as it adds an element of unpredictability and new energy to the playoffs. It's always interesting to see new teams make a deep run and challenge the established powers in the league.
In terms of surprises in the playoffs, there are always a few upsets and unexpected twists and turns. Perhaps the most surprising thing this year was the Wolfpack's comeback victory against the Forge after being down 3-2 in the series. That kind of resilience and determination is a hallmark of championship teams, and it's clear that the Wolfpack have what it takes to win.


[Image: gurbs.gif]


HO CW pass

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[Image: VGl3CB4.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2023, 02:34 PM by Valpix. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1.5 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

All-Star is nice but
You know what I desire more?
A deep playoff run

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


15. Written, 3 TPE, Teams Can Be Rivers Now? (150 words min.)
Since Team Rhine is now a thing in the Juniors wing of the IIHF, name a geographical feature, such as a river, mountain, plateau, or your mother, that should be the next to have a team! Why does this feature deserve a team, like the Rhine? How good would this team be? Would you transfer to it?

I feel like this is opening the door to way too controversial shit, haha. Instead of making some sort of United Ireland comment as my ancestry demands and having the wrath of a thousand suns be directed at me from Britain, I'm going to go in a different direction. In real life, the Netherlands and Belgium share a top flight league, the BeNe League. Six teams in the Netherlands (Heerenveen Flyers, Hijs Den Haag, Geleen Eaters, Nijmegen Devils, Zoetermeer Panthers, and the Tilburg Trappers reserve team), five in Belgium (Antwerp Phantoms, Leuven, Herentals, current holders Liège Bulldogs, and Mechelen Golden Sharks). If they share a top flight league, why not combine resources for a Low Countries national team? Much of the Belgium teams tend to come from the Flemish side, which is Dutch-speaking, and this way Belgium can make up for getting beaten to promotion by a bunch of ringers by out-cheating the UAE at its own game. Remind me sometime to rant about the UAE hockey team, which flatly is a disgrace.

16. Written, 3 TPE, Home Turf (150 words min.)
Rotating host countries is expensive and politically challenging. Local governments have to maintain sufficient arenas to host an event that comes around once a decade and popular sentiment is changing against olympic-style sports in general. We may have to pick a permanent home for the IIHF! Naturally, this should be your country, so state your case as to why your country is the best candidate to permanently host IIHF!

Once again I am drawing from real life for this choice, and honestly it's not too overly difficult to make the argument for Switzerland as a permanent host for the IIHF tournaments. The easiest thing is that the IIHF in real life, like many other sports governing bodies, is headquartered in the nation, in Zürich. Switzerland's perennial neutrality also means that politics will usually not affect players' or coaches' path to doing their job (something that came up in real life - Kazakhstan's head coach, a Belarusian, had to be let go less than two weeks before the start of the tournament as Latvia wouldn't allow him a visa). Oh yeah, and actual hockey culture too. Switzerland is perennially a top flight team with occasional moments of brilliance, and the National League has the best attendance - and some of the best fan culture - in all of Europe. Yes, ahead of leagues like the KHL, Liiga, SHL.

17. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through my most gracious scheduling error, you’ve won a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Who were you hoping would take it - Winnipeg's redemption tour or the fresh-faced Wolfpack? What did you like or not like about this season?

I'm actually choosing to write this BEFORE the final is over, which Winnipeg currently leads two games to none. Honestly, the playoffs have been pretty much as expected, and I am hoping for Winnipeg just because they've been so close for ages now. Louise St. Martin had a lot of personal success this season, including her first All-Star Game at the SHL level. The Blizzard ended up getting goalied in the playoffs by Strom Chamberlain and the Dragons, which leaves a bit of a foul taste in my mouth, but it's only going to motivate us more next year. Our team is nearing its prime and we have started to see teams like New England and Montreal rise in recent seasons; why not us?


[Image: valpix.gif][Image: 20XRTsR.png]
Thanks to @Ragnar, @Symmetrik, @Merica, @enigmatic, and @sulovilen for the sigs! 
Avi courtesy of @MN_Moosey
[Image: kcP9WEd.png]
Citadelles Stampede
Citadelles Switzerland Stars Blizzard
[Image: VGl3CB4.png]

a. Well, their lines have gotten them this far, right? The Winny Lights are on an absolute postseason tear and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. Who needs an actual break from ice time when you can just get really far ahead and then coast, right? Besides, a line is only as good as its worst player. So just don't have any bad players and then profit. (67 words) +1
d. The Bears (unlike the Bruins) are just too good to be stopped this postseason. Lines, tactics, double teams, it doesn't matter. You can't stop the best line in the SHL right now. My only regret is that I'm still in the SMJHL and not called up to get this trophy in my cabinet )-: (53 words) +1

3. Well, one thing that happened that I absolutely loved with my current player, James Ward-Prowse, was that he was drafted to the Winnipeg Aurora (or, as I endearingly refer to them as, the Winny Lights). I mean, just look at the people on the team already! Who wouldn't want to be in that locker room? I was ecstatic to be able to join a team where I already had friends from other leagues. Even though I love to meet new people and make new friends, I sincerely hope that my next player ends up sharing the locker room with several of these same users. How often is it that you get to be on a dominating team and get to be with people you enjoy? Probably more often than I think, but still, there is a lot of value in enjoying your co-workers. (159 words) +3

4. Oh without doubt I have a rival in the SHL. It's less a team and more a certain user. A certain...French user (or so he claims). Our rivalry started out like any great rivalry does: a formal rival application process. I submitted my impressive resumé as well as a handful of glowing references to the Frenchman, to which he promptly approved and filed in the appropriate official annals of rivalries. So, naturally, the team that I rival against is any team that has ties to the Frenchman. In the most recent case, it was the Krackens. I mean, come on. Who would win in a fight, a dinosaur or a silly little fish thing? Therefore, As simple as they come, the most obvious choice for a rival in my case is that of the wicked Frenchman who accepted the challenge. And you know what's worse? He's on the heccin HO (do you guys do that here?) (173 words) +3

5. Question. Which bear is best? The answer is undoubtedly the bears in Winnipeg. They have to survive extremely harsh terrain and other territorial mammals calleed "Canadians." Survival isn't just something they have to do for fun, it's something they have had to do for hundreds of generations. Who knows how many bear habitats have been disrupted by the building of a new Timmy Horton's. But throughout all of these obstacles, the bears have stayed true to themselves, learned how to work as a team, and became as tough as nails. Oh, and like extremely good at ice skating. Like, really really good. So if the question is who will win a fight, a group of ice skating bears who have been thriving in harsh conditions for generations or a pack of doggies, then my answer is quite obviously the bears. (156 words) +3

Max earn TPE
Make new friends along the way
Gonna win the cup

7. S70 Milestones +3

[Image: jwpshl.png]

Fileworker CW Pass

[Image: RichSHL.gif]
Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
Adam Prpich Portal Link

Check out past episodes of Rich and Luke!
(This post was last modified: 05-05-2023, 08:31 PM by tomtommen.)

Fileworker CW Pass

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[Image: cgv4vCv.png][Image: 3Kip7R0.png][Image: ivBf7yq.png][Image: cEbgUph.png]

CW Pass

[Image: FG1uDPY.png][Image: QAcQptc.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2023, 04:29 PM by bjkman. Edited 6 times in total.)

Task 0. Affiliate PT +3 =3

Task 1. CW TRIVIA  +3 =6


Task 2-C. Grab Bag - c. Olof Karsikko has made 823 saves in these playoffs, nearly twice the number of saves made by Winnipeg's Rebecca Montagne. What can New England do to help their tendie out? Or should they settle on a strategy of allowing their goalie to face a high volume of low-danger shots to get in the zone and stay hot? Alternatively, how can they rattle Montagne?=7

Olof Karsikko has nearly double the amount of the opposing star goalkeeper. Their ability to keep their team in the position to win will be the main reason they have a chance to win the Championship if they can do something as simple as shoot a ton of shots to wear the other keeper down, it will be the way they can win.

63 Words

Task 6. Haiku +2 =9

A First Round Exit

Four to Zero Series Sweep

I've Seen This Before

Task 7. Milestones +2 =11


Task 16. Home Turf +3 =14

Anchor: The IIHF polled countries this year asking if they should move the tournament to a permanent home,  our sports reporter has the story.

Reporter: Great Britain has put together a committee of some of their best players to talk to the IIHF about making the UK it's permanent tournament home for years to come, we spoke with Greg Davies who is the spokesperson for the country.

Davies: Yeah, we have the infrastructure and the facilities to house this tournament and it would be a really big boost to our Hockey team, and fans of the sport around the country. And with us being in a pretty central spot, I think it's a perfect idea to be brought up to discussion.

Reporter: They said they would work on a portfolio to bring to the IIHF before the next tournament.

Anchor: While the idea is still being discussed in the preliminary stages of the IIHF committee, Great Britain is one of the front runners if this idea comes to fruition.

169 Words

Task 17. Procrastinator Special +2 =16

After Philadelphia lost in a 7 game slobberknocker of a series against the New England Wolfpack, I knew they certainly had a shot to win it all against the Winnipeg Aroura. I just didn't expect it to only go 6 games, and end in a pretty decisive one at that. Winnipeg came out swinging with a 6-goal game 1 victory, and a 3 goal game 2 victory, and if you would have asked me, I figured this one would have been over by then. But the Wolfpack "clawed" (pun intended) back to a commanding 3-2 series lead with a 9 goal game followed by a shut-out. I changed my team to root for to New England, and with a 3-goal victory in game six, they were champions. I didn't expect it at the start of the playoffs but good for them!

141 Words

Did Ya Get It?

[Image: OwNf3O9.gif]
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2023, 02:59 PM by Otrebor13. Edited 1 time in total.)

Task 1


Task 2

a. I think it’s important to have a balanced offense, especially come playoff time. The game gets tighter and it’s hard to find space, so having multiple players who contribute makes your team that much harder to play against. Having multiple guys contributing definitely makes Winnipeg stronger, but they are going to need their depth to step up to really pose problems in the finals.
b. You really have to play tight on him all game. Don’t give him any room to move on the ice, force him to make quick decisions and move the puck, that will likely lead to more mistakes and you can counterattack and go on offense quicker. When someone is that hot you have to try and contain them, because stopping them outright is almost impossible.
c. If these are low quality chances, then it doesn’t really matter too much. You keep your opponent to the outside and minimize any dangerous chances. That being said, for New England to get to Montagne, you have to get in front of the net. Do whatever you can to get into her space and just cause problems. You may not score, but you need to rattle her and make every save difficult.
d. I’m going to take Winnipeg. New England has had to go 7 games in each of their previous 3 series while Winnipeg has only lost 3 games going into the finals. It may not mean anything, but if I had to take one team, give me the team that’s more rested and has played fewer playoff games. Those games take a toll on you and your team, the rest is important.

Task 3

It’s gotta be getting inducted into the Hall of Fame. With my first player, Roberto Martucci, I was able to get inducted into the Hall of Fame after my career was over, and it was such an honor to join such legends of the league. I do believe my previous player, Theo Morgan, will also get inducted into the Hall of Fame, and that’s something that I would love to replicate with Kirby.

I think the league is getting much more difficult to play in, so having a Hall of Fame career is something exceptionally difficult to accomplish, but that would definitely be one great thing that has happened in my career that I would love to replicate with my current player. I have just started my SHL career, so I have a long way to go to be considered at that level, but let’s hope the development to a great career happens sooner rather than later.

Task 4

I think this would be more of a friendly rivalry than anything, but I would love to face off against Tampa in the finals. It might seem a little odd to some, but my brother plays with the Barracuda and to get the opportunity to play against him at that level would be great. We’re both competitive people and would really want to win. Now of course in this scenario I can say what I want and I would win so holding that win over his head would be sweet.

I do apologize to any of the great people in Tampa for this, it has nothing to do with any of you but you all just happen to be collateral damage to me wanting to one up my brother. Besides that, I really wouldn’t know because I don’t pay attention to the league enough to have an actual rival. I’m sure my team does, but I’ll get on board with it once the time comes.

Task 5

It’s the bear without a shadow of a doubt. Already a bear is tough enough to beat in a fight on it’s own, now he’s some glowing god bear? I chose the bear in my previous iteration of this prompt, and I think there was a little bit of pushback depending on where the battle took place (like if it were underwater as I believe it was against Seattle). However in this year’s match up, I think a god like bear takes a wolfpack any day of the week.

I will give one little stipulation in which it may be possible for the wolfpack to win: And open field and endless supply of wolves. This MAY be the only situation where the wolfpack may be able to take down the god bear. Even at that, I can’t see a god powered bear losing, and a wolfpack representing the team would be finite, so tough matchup for those wolves.

[Image: Otrebor13.gif]

[Image: 7MO9RpC.png]  [Image: gdppv5N.png]


CW pass




cw pass

[Image: jay2233.gif]
Thanks to @Ragnar, @High Stick King and @Maxy for the sigs!

Raptors Argonauts 
[Image: m59RPb7.png][Image: FcWmVTl.png]


Drafted 2nd round 21st Pick by the Winnipeg Jets in S55 SHL Entry Draft 
GM of the UCORCAL in the WJC S55
S55 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for UCORCAL
Management Role for Russia in the IIHF
Recent Management Role / Head Coach for Winnipeg Aurora in SHL 
CO-GM St. Louis Scarecrows S57-S60
GM of the St. Louis Scarecrows S61-S72
S72 Challenge Cup Champion
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[Image: image0.png]
[Image: IMG_0301.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2023, 04:25 PM by Crunk. Edited 1 time in total.)

ISFL Affiliate +3

6. Written, 2 TPE, Hopeful Haiku  (5 words min.)
Write a haiku telling me what you hope to accomplish in Season 71! A haiku is a three line poem where the first line is five syllables, the second is seven, and the third line is five again. None of your lines may rhyme with each other.

We should win the cup
But it will be hard for us
As hotdog sucks ass


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 7 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Link +3

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