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S73 PT#0: sus.jpg

If i could change one rule in hockey it would be the number of players on the ice, i would make it so rather than being limited to 5 skaters and a goalie it would be a weight limit. every game players would weigh in before the game and the coach would have to make sure the players on the ice do not exceed the given limit, for example 1500 lbs. so if a coach wanted to put 15 children on the ice he could as long as they did not weigh more than 100 lbs each. on the other hand the opposing teams coach could play 5 grown men who each weigh 300 lbs. there would definitely be safety issues because of how much bigger and stronger some players would be but it would add a lot of strategy for the coaches and it would make any fights that happen during the game very interesting.

I think there are a couple options to punish someone for using chatgpt, the first one is obviously to burn them at the stake, they did that to witches back in the day and chatgpt is kinda like a modern day witch so it makes sense in my opinion. the second option is to ship them 10 cubic metres of granite. now you may be asking, empol, how the hell are we gonna ship 10 cubic metres of granite to a guys house? fear not SHL, for i have the answer, on sites such as alibaba, they will sell you 10 cubic metres of granite for about 100 dollars before shipping. but the reason we want to send them that much granite is because that much granite weighs about 60 thousand pounds, good luck getting 60 thousand pounds of granite off your driveway before work, that will teach them for using ai for an online sim league

[157 words]

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The funniest rule change in hockey would be with regards to injuries and other absences. We already have emergency goalies, let's make emergency players and emergency coaches as well, maybe even emergency referees. If a player gets injured or ejected, you could have the chance to replace them with a player pulled out of the stands on standby. Sure, it would mean that you wouldn't have to double-shift your players more to cover the loss, but it's also entirely possible that the opposing team just cooks that defender's side and blows past them for easy chances. Emergency fan coaches in case a coach gets kicked out too, the fans would get the chance to finally bench their own team's designated whipping boy that they scream at their TV about every game. Finally, we had player emergency refs that one time, how about fan emergency refs? Absolutely no way that it could ever go wrong, especially in the playoffs.

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So you want to be a lazy schmuck and use chatGPT to write your silly little point tasks? When you got caught (and trust me, you will), you get to be the SHL's human chatGPT for a season. I am not a monster, as much as I would love to be, so rather than writing hundreds of 150 word blurbs in your own words for each user you only have to do one user for each PT. It won't be a requirement to write your own as well, so you could probably get away with just doing everyone else's, but you're already going to have a lot of catching up to do with all the TPE that gets confiscated once you're caught. Retirement won't save you from being the resident writing machine, but I suppose it could help slow down the inevitable onset of hand cramps. All that said, we don't currently have a rule against using chatGPT, so...

159 words

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I have been given the power to make one silly rule change in hockey. It took me some time to come up with this one, but I think it is hilarious and just works pretty well. To start off, any time a player wants to move forward, backward or even just side to side. Basically any time that the player is not stationary they will need to have their hockey stick between their legs in a way where it looks like they are riding it like a broomstick. You know, like how witches would ride their brooms when flying. Additionally, when two players decide that they would like to fight it out, instead of using their fists, grabbing punching and all that, they would go the route of having a Jedi light saber battle and their light sabers of course would be their hockey sticks. First person to get hit, or the person whose light saber (hockey stick) does not break, will get a free shot to spear the other player. If the player remains conscience, they can continue play, but if they get knocked out then the player would be sitting in the penalty box for as long as the winner of the fight would be.

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Option 2: Graphic

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PT Pass

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Thank you hewasajazzman, Slothfacekilla, Sulo, Frenchie, and Raymond for the sigs Smile

Option 2 – Written Task - 154 Words
Should someone elect to use an AI Generative Text tool, such as ChatGPT, to do their point tasks, they should be publicly flogged and permanently banned from the community. These rules are very clear, and we will reactivate the thunderdome for just this reason. First, a thread will be created, and it will be titled as follows: “X User Cheated for X Amount of TPE by Using Generative Text”. The community will then be able to see said user, and pelt text-based stones at them and judge them accordingly. Should the community find their infraction to not be too severe, they will likely be spared from too much humiliation. However, if this obscene behavior earned the user a large sum of TPE, I can only imagine that the crowd will want blood. I do not envy this person that made this choice, and I hope that God has mercy on their simulation league soul.

Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights Aurora Knights
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RIP Dangel. See you on the other side, brother

I know this has already been used in ea games but I really like the idea of a money puck or other types of puck variables. I just dont like ones that remove points.. no one wants to score a goal to end up in a worst position than they were in before scoring. But things like next goal counts for 2 could be a lot of fun. And theyd be implemented sporadically thrkughout the game so you cant really plan for them. That said itd make it pretty interesting if you were down 3 to 1 lets say with 5 minutes peft and all of a sudden the money puck comes goal counts for two goals instead of one. Will the winning team make the gap unreachable at 5-1 with a single goal or will the team behind be able to cut the 2 goal deficit and make it a tie game? Even if the gap was bigger, 5-1 lets say. The losing team may not feel like they have much of a chance but a money puck at the start of the 3rd period, bringing the game to 5-3 all of a sudden would at least make the game interesting again.

Affiliate ISFL PT

Option 1 - Hockey has one of the most unique ways of punishing players for infractions of all the sports with the penalty box. Creating situations where a team must play while outnumbered has created all sorts of nuances in hockey that simply do not have parallels in other major sports. But hockey does have rules in place to limit things from getting too out of hand. For example, a team cannot be forced to ice fewer than 3 skaters. In this case, either the penalty time is extended or the opposing team gets an extra skater instead (in the case of 3v3 overtime). Goalies also are allowed to have a surrogate player serve the penalty for them. I say we get rid of all of these restrictions. Can't keep your team disciplined? Too bad, now you have to kill off a 5v1 power play. Your goalie is a jerkface who keeps trying to high stick guys that skate too close too him (cough, Binnington)? Too bad, now you have to kill off a "5v5" powerplay with no goalie. Good luck! (179 words)

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

Prompt Rules as Rules?

I would personally Change Rule 637 in the NHL Throwing Stick/Object. I think it would be funny to see everyone throw there stick at anyone who gets a breakaway. If you have ever played the game Tape to Tape you would know this is a power up and its hilarious to throw your stick at a opposing player as they get away from you, or to see yourself miss horribly and get scored on. I think we should also allow people to throw the puck but not into the net. It would be funny to see a player get knocked down and just throw the puck down the ice. Who knows maybe people could through the puck to set up a breakaway. I would also think it would be funny to see people throw water bottles from the bench and just create so much chaos on the ice. Yes this would be unsafe and a terrible idea but most terrible ideas are the best and most fun.

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From here on out in the Simulation Hockey League, the wonderful HO of WBF, Jess and Nash's dad have come up with the appropriate response to players caught using CHatGPT to write their PTs. ChatGPT will from henceforth make the punishments as well. This is what is known as an appropriate response. So, what does ChatGPT do? It first takes a sip of it's Chai Tea and eats a few Chaats to get the process going. It then takes the GDP of the country of the player's birth and divides that number by a factor of 8.89423 and that is what the original fine is. Why that number? That's hte number that Chris Paul Third has decdied is the most appropriate to divide a country's GDP by to come up with the fine. It then makes the user, and the player, yes both, go on a through hike on the PCT and the CDT. Once the through hike is done, they are then forced to sit two minutes in the box and feel shame.

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The appropriate punishment for using ChatGPT to do point tasks would be to flip the roles: the person who broke the rules will be made the ChatGPT for the next week's PT. This means that every other user can just give a prompt, as detailed as they wish, and the person has to generate the responses for each and every one who sent a prompt. Once they are done, the real ChatGPT will be evaluating their creations. ChatGPT will be determining a) is the prompt being followed accurately b) would this response be accepted by the PT graders. If ChatGPT find ANYTHING that does not pass, the person has to redo it all. During this punishment process, the user can obviously also just give up, they won't be killed or anything. But obviously, that will be the end of their career in the SHL. Not just the current player, but they also could not recreate. I think this would be an appropriate punishment, that should prevent people from being naughty. This was written by me, not ChatGPT, by the way. I promise.

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(This post was last modified: 09-28-2023, 03:21 PM by tomtommen. Edited 3 times in total. Edit Reason: editing )

Option 2:

For the creative and light-hearted penalty of using chatgpt for point tasks, the mischievous "Sock Puppet SHL hockey Show" will be created. The guilty party would be required to wear socks on both hands, transforming them into known sock puppets version of SHL players and make a YouTube video. In the video they must use with these sock puppets to show a storu from SHL. To make it silly, they will need to craft intricate backstories for their sock puppet SHL players, complete with names, quirks, and elaborate life tales. At some point during the video, they will live perform a simulation of SHL with the sock puppets and commentary. Bonus TPE will be added for dramatic sock puppet monologues and cliffhangers. This delightful punishment serves as a gentle reminder that chatgpt is a tool for knowledge, creativity, and collaboration, rather than a shortcut for point tasks. It encourages users to embrace a playful spirit while emphasizing responsible and imaginative use of technology.

Words: 163

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