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S73 PT#2: Who's on First?

option 2
Aaron Wilson may be past his prime, but he still knows what works on the ice. One thing he's always tried to emphasize with his defensemen is the importance of tape-to-tape passes for smooth zone entries. Look, it's not rocket science, the cleaner the pass, the easier it is for forwards like Wilson to gain the offensive zone and set up scoring chances. Bad passes? Well, those can easily lead to turnovers, and turnovers in the neutral zone are a fast track to a counter-attack, something you really want to avoid.
Now, in the twilight of his career, Wilson doesn't have the legs he used to, so he relies even more on those crisp passes from the D-men to get the puck in the offensive zone effectively. Nothing kills momentum faster than having to circle back to collect a sloppy pass, right? So, Wilson always tries to have a chat with his defensemen, offering them some advice here and there on the best ways to deliver the puck. It might seem like a small thing, but getting this right can really make a difference over the course of a game or a season.

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Prompt 2

Goalies are pretty thankless in fhm so as a defender I gotta do what I can to help them out. Some dude getting in their face? Cross-check them out of the way, no screening allowed in our defensive zone. A big slap shot coming from the point? Get in front of it for the block, you guys sacrifice the body sometimes. Someone spray ice into their face? Drop the gloves and fight them, the five minutes can be with it to show the other team who they are messing with. The goalie is the most important player on the ice and we got to do what we can to make sure that they stay at the top of their game. We don't want our goalie to be too busy and potentially let something in but we also don't want them falling asleep on the ice. As a defender, our goalie is our best friend because of how many times they bail us out, protect our goalies.

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Plain and simple, the defensemen need to stop hogging the puck from Tiberius Kane. I swear every time we send the puck back to the blue line, they're carrying it 2, 3, even 4 seconds trying to make a pass. Lets be absolutely clear what the defenseman's job is: You're a pinball bumper. Just fuckin send 'er back towards the net and I'll do the rest. Don't be a hero. Scoring is for forwards. The only time you need to actually defend is when you've done a bad job at keeping the puck in the O-zone. Then we gotta wait at the blue line for you to get back. it's exhausting. Then I get an earfull from the coach about back checking yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah. That ain't my job. I'm here to score, baby. I cant be skating AWAY from the net I'm supposed to score on. Tell you what, you let me take shots at our net too and I'll enter that zone.

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Fuck the penaltys
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Option 1
It’s funny because Willow is not really a fan of children or offering up extracurricular activities in regards to off the ice activities, she was somehow convinced to partake in this activity. The first game that she would most likely pick for the kids is a nice rivalry game against Los Angeles in the famed battle of California. The interstate rivalry is pretty serious now with San Francisco entering into their prime and the winning team gets a trophy that all the players on both teams chipped in for so it’s pretty awesome. For the seats they’re getting only the best of the best, because while Willow isn’t a fan of children she’s not a monster. It would be easy to stick them up in the 400s and whatnot, but she’ll give the extra effort for the cause. Unfortunately Willow doesn’t have a ton of things to do outside of the game afterwards because she’s a bit of a hermit who doesn’t really go out and do exciting things.

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Option 2

Well, not to toot my own horn but Pork Tenderloin is one of the finest defensive defensemen in the entire league. He parks his ass in front of his goalie and makes sure that any puck sent his way is either blocked or shrugged off in such a manner that enables his goaltender to easily make a stop. There's a reason that the Wolfpack are so good and half of it is the stellar defense that they're able to play day in and day out without missing a beat. It's incredible what these guys have been able to accomplish and how stellar they've been on both ends of the ice. Tenderloin lives up to his name by blocking shot after shot and getting absolutely tenderized by the opposing team on a nightly basis and he wouldn't have it any other way. He exists to be a literal meat shield for the team and that's what he intends to do.

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Barracuda Chomp Chomp Water Dog Barracuda
Scarecrows Scarecrow Noises Scarecrows
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Option 2

This is what Toasty specialises in since he has focused on trying to be a good defensive player his entire career. While it may not being going to plan this season it is something that Toasty tries to do with all of his skillset. He parks the bus in front of the opposition when they enter the zone to either block the shot for his goalie or to lay out a massive hit. The thing Toasty strives for is making sure the other team knows that he is not to be messed with and hopefully intimidate them into making mistakes before they even think to take a shot on the net or anything else. This way he can help out his friend between the pipes and leave it to the forwards to get the squad on the board and hopefully a nice W on the record. Toasty wants to do whatever he can to make sure the Pride win and he can do that by blocking shots for his goalie. Or send him chus on discord @scudmuffin19


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ISFL affillmeit -

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OPTION TWO: I would like it if the defensemen on our team could start carrying their weight when it comes to the team potluck dinners. Honestly it feels like the forwards are kind of carrying these events. Every time, the forwards bring exciting, complex dishes, and it feels like the defense is just phoning it in, bringing a liter of soda or a bag of chips or something like that. We recently had to sit down and have a conversation with them about contributing to the team but I think they just thought we were talking about hockey? They all seemed to really put a lot more effort into blocking shots for the next couple of weeks, but lo and behold, come potluck time, it was the same old thing. One of them even brought an already-opened bag of baby carrots. This kind of laziness just can’t continue but I don’t know how to fix it or address it with them.

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As a defensive defenseman, Hodor helps out as much as he can in his team's zone to stop shots getting to the goalie. His greatest attribute is his enormous size, so he utilizes it by always being in the way of shots his opponents take. He's essentially another goalie that is farther away from the net, can't use his hands, and doesn't have large pads and a stick to aid in blocking. He's done lots of training to help this endeavour, one of which is agility training to help keep his large bulk in between the puck and the net. Other training is studying defensive and offensive formations to better position himself where he needs to be to prevent shots, but not totally blocking the goalie's view and hindering their situational awareness. One thing Hodor could work on is increasing his ability to steal the puck and remove the opponent's ability to score completely before a shot is taken.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

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[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget

I think we need to go all out for them kids. First, only the winning team? That's sad. We're gonna hook up all the kids with tickets and the works. We're gonna put them front row in the upper bowl so that they can see all the action. We're going to let them come onto the ice in the morning before the game and get some skating in with some of the superstars of the team. We'll have them come out during an intermission so that they can see the crowd too. And after the game, we should give them an opportunity to come into the locker room and take a tour of the arena. These kids love hockey, and we've got an obligation to make sure they have the best day possible. When we were kids, the hockey community did the same for us. And this kind of work makes lifelong fans of the team and the sport. I can't think of a better way to give back than this.

(This post was last modified: 10-15-2023, 01:11 PM by CrazyMojito.)


Well something I've been trying to improve on but still plagues my game is give aways. Some say its a sign you're carrying the puck a lot and they are bound to happen, I'm more in the camp of I'm a defensive liability. So from my defensemen, the biggest thing I need from them is to be ready to transition back to defense at any moment while I am involved in the play. They can expect to have to recover the puck that I just turned over and if they act quick enough hopefully we can maintain more offensive zone time. One part of my game that is finally getting to where I want it is my offense. I like to keep the defensemen involved in the play and encourage them to get shots on net, so please get open and be ready to receive a pass and already know what you're going to do. So I guess to summarize the defencemen need to be prepared for any situation at any given moment. Good luck!

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 

Another day another boring 150 word PT. More of the same as last PT, the defensemen can help out me as a center more in the offensive side. Of course I also want them to be as defensive as possible but being a forward and not thinking about the whole team, the defense has to be way more offensively minded not just scoring goals but I think what's more important is the defense giving the puck to me a sniper. It's their job to defend the puck from getting into the red line, but it's also their job to score goals and get assists to help the team win. What I've seen so far in the playoffs is that how defensive the defense matters but there has to be a mix of offense and defense such as the Winnipeg and St. Louis wins in the J and SHL.

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                               Canada Knights Monarchs Thank you Enigmatic and Jaypc8237 for the sigs!  Monarchs Knights Canada
                                                                      [Image: qGhUIfY.png]  Monarchs Knights [Image: YADp0uU.png] 

Michael fitted, it becomes the guy that also defends the guy because the guy wasn't ever a guy. Then you have a guy and also a starfish still won't bad around me. And you know what we make pumpkin patches over this stuff it's time to get a pack of newports and I'll always need a bottle of vladdy. So in the meantime just have trella come watch the kids because this is a pg 13 movie and we get to say fuck one time. Without windows media player no one would have had likewise so we gotta start somewhere when it comes to fuckomg the league. Napster sucked and no one used it because toads were on the show Doug. Also buy kaspa crypto if u wanna get rich cuz like ur boy. Someone please call trella he's ignoring me these days cuz he didn't come walk my cat and tortoise also somewhere out there keep on rocking in the free world is playing.

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Prompt #1
I'm going to suggest center ice but up high. I prefer watching the game up top. Gives a better view of the whole space, and the environment is just electric up there. Nevada has some of the best fans in the SMJHL. Now I am gonna push for either a game against QCC or Maine. QCC is one of our rivals, and I personally hate Maine and want the kids to see Tommy Saws chop down some trees. Now Nevada Battleborn being based in Las Vegas kinda of puts us in a pickle on what to do next. After a win, the guys like to get together and go go-carting and whatnot, but I know those kids will want to do some more adult things. Of course no strip clubs and gambling, but it will be a fight. However, it's a fight Tommy can take, and they will see how the Battleborn dominate on and off the field.

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Well for us Kelowna players and fans we came out the gate alot worse than initially expected... Well for most of us I think there may of been of few who expected but certainly not Daniel Durkburg and his brothers and everyone he knew. Daniel Durkburg thought he would come out of the gate roaring which he did but the rest of the team sort of failed too follow and gel as a group. Too get back too the original question I don't think it matters what team you put us against when u let the kids come watch let's just give them all front row seats let them play a little mini game during intermission loaded them up with little goodies like team Hockey cards some signatures catch too meet the players and honestly we will invite them for some training with are team a session later on after or before the game .


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