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S73 All Star Week


[Image: ekovanotter.gif]
thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno norway

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

Benson Fiorentini represents Seattle Argonauts this season in the All-Star game. He was a number one center of the franchise (before his recent trade) and led the team in points. He is a very versatile forward who can score points but also kill penalties. He is also Challenge Cup winner from this early days so he also knows what it takes to win championships. Fiorentini had duties on the past season both in the first power-play unit but also in the first penalty kill unit. He was playing his prime years in the Seattle which is in a rebuild mode but I admired Fiorentini's attitude every year. He wanted to lead by his example and also seems to love the game. You can see it everyday from his face in the rink. He loves ice-hockey and that's why he waswilling to spend some of his best years as an Argonaut because he knows he gets a lot of ice-time here. So yeah, Benson Fiorentini is a man to watch in the ASG game.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Go Team! (150 words min.)
Which player(s) should your teammate in the all star game be on a line or pairing with? Why? Is it because the all-stars you chose are similar to the ones they play with on your team, or different? What combination will really unlock your teammate's game? (If you are the only player on your team who made the all star list so far, write this task about your team's candidate for last man in!)

Well, Benson Fiorentini is a center so he would need to play with two wingers. But because there are a lot of centers selected to the All-Star game, everyone can't have two winger's in the same line. But if the think about what kind of players gets the best out of Fiorentini, I have some answers because myself and Podcalzone played with him in the same line whole last season. I would describe myself as an reliable two-way winger who plays defence first. Of course I like to score points too but being good at the own end is the most important aspect in my game. I can also handle the puck well and pass it to my linemates so they can score. On the other hand, Podcalzone is a power forward who hits a lot but also score some goals. He likes to make room for Fiorentini so Benson can shine in front of net and score from there. So, if you want to get best out Fiorentini, you need to give him to the same line a power forward and a two-way winger. So my picks would be Sophie Bordeleau and Evan Winter.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Last Men In (150 words min.)
Argue for one of your teammates (not yourself!) to be the last man in for your conference!

The last in from the Seattle Argonauts should be mr. Wendolene Ramsbottom who was nominated one of the best defensive defencemen of the whole league last season. He had a solid season also this year. 26 points in 66 games was a good production from a player like him because Seattle isn't nowadays anymore a top tier team. And what was more impressive? Ramsbottom's plus-minus was only -15 despite playing almost 24 minutes per night. That tells a lot about his defensive game which is still elite among all defenders and skaters in this tough adults's league. Kids don't celebrate in the SHL. Especially when they will face Wendolene on the ice. That -15 was the team best ratio. Fischermann had -20 and he would be another good D candidate to be a last man in from the Argonauts. But if we return to Ramsbottom, he had 15 EV strength points so he wasn't PP wizard and it rises his stock even more.

[Image: salming.png]

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The presumable top forward line of both conference teams this season is two teammates plus one from a division rival. For the East, Lacksamus and Svoboda of New England will have their line completed by either Shoyo Hinata of Atlanta or Ricky Koivu of Philadelphia. In the West, Edmonton's Winter and Surkhi-Ze'ev teaming up with an old nemesis in Ekholm-Gunnarsson gives me the shivers as a goalie. Which of these top lines do you think will score more this ASG?
b. Both conferences also have two pairs each that played together all season. The East has the top pairings of the Wolfpack and Forge, while the West has those of Edmonton and Winnipeg. If you were coaching these games, would you keep those pairs together, or would you mix them up?
c. Goalie picks were intersting this year; only one cup finalist will suit up for this allstar game. Which goalie tandem - Time and Brzęczyszczykiewicz or Fantobens and Karsikko, would you pick to play in front of? Remember that in the All Star Game, the backup will get minutes!
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

A - Both of those lines are scary as hell, but if i was a goalie, looking at the line of Winter, Surkhi-Ze'ev and Eckholm-Gunnarsson, barring down on me would make me physically sick. The absolute scoring prowess of this trio would be the things that nightmares are made from. Now this is nothing against the East, who also have a great chance to put up a lot of goals, but I think the West has this. WINNER: WEST

B - I think you need to keep the pairs together. Why at this point in the season would you even ponder breaking up a pair that has been together. All of that chemistry that has been built all season would just go out of the door. You want as much of an advantage as humanly possible if you are really trying to win. 

C - How can you even pick between the two tandems. This is the All-Star game remember not the game pretty good. Either pair would be an honor to play in front of.  But if I had to choose one I think I would prefer to play in front of the Eastern conference tandem.

D - Why shouldn't Dan have made the All-Star game? He honestly probably shouldn't have. He is a solid defensive defenseman, but he is never going to wow anyone with numbers. The fact is he did put up a pretty good +/- number this year, but only managed 3 Goals and 30 Points total, so not really All-Star numbers, but thanks for hurting my feelings. Haha

The Teammate One (150 words min.)

Well it was an amazing year in Anchorage this year, at least during the season. The playoffs were a different animal, but enough about that. Lets discuss the amazing accomplishments of my fellow Armada teammates that made the All-Star game. First off we have our amazing Rookie Goalie, Stun Gun. What more can we say about Gun, the guy shows up and absolutely dominates, 1st in Wins, 3rd in GAA, 1st in GSAA, 4th in SV%, and 1st SO. If he didn't get selected it would have been a gross injustice. Then we have Joseph Reed, who continues to shock the world. The third round pick of the Armada managed to put up another amazing year with 37 goals and 52 assists for 89 points. Finally but not last in our hearts we have the one, the only Cheeks Klapanen. The defense man put up another amazing season, 21 goals, 31 assists for 52 points from the back end. When you look at those numbers who wouldn't want that type of production from a dman.


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[Image: Q9Ii17g.png]
Credit to Ragnar and Enigmatic for the great Signatures
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 12:50 PM by soevil. Edited 1 time in total.)

ISFL affiliate (3 TPE)

2a - 1TPE. I think that it is obvious that the trio of Winter, Surkhi-Ze'ev, and Ekholm-Gunnarsson will be the line that scores the most points during the all star game. It honestly doesn't have to do with the opposing first line, but the Eastern conferences defense is significantly worse than the Western defense. (51 words)

2c - 1TPE. Personally, Morley would pick to play in front of the goalie tandem of Time and Brzęczyszczykiewicz. Time has been a best for several seasons and I think it is just fun to (try to) say the name Brzęczyszczykiewicz. Honestly I think Justin Time is the best goalie in the league and it would be a privilege to play with him. (60 words)

2d - 1TPE. I don't think that there is any reason that my player, Austin Morley, should have made the All Star game. He was an early callup on the worst team in the league and honestly didn't do much of note in his rookie season. He is mostly just happy that his teammate Fiske was the last man in. (57)

3 - 3TPE. The only teammate of mine that made the All Star game this season is Askel Fiske. Fiske made thier SHL debut in S65 and has been a staple of the Manhattan Rage ever since. Although they are passed their prime, to the Manhattan locker room, they were an obvious choice for the All Star game. Although they were one of the last-men-in, their contributions to the Rage were evident. They were the second best player on the team next to our only other ASG representative Thomas Lind. This season, Fiske was 2nd on the team with 52 points... and I guess that's about all they did. They shot a pretty horrible 9.3%, and also terrible 28.2% face off win percentage. Huh, maybe they shouldn't have made the ASG. I suppose they did a commendable job of the defense with the 4th most blocks on the team (107) and 3rd most hits (90). Maybe the voters recognized the poor shape the team was in and commended Fiske on their effort. (169)

[Image: Morleyhockey.gif]
(This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 02:52 AM by tomtommen. Edited 5 times in total. Edit Reason: typo and added some milestones )

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones S73

Goals: 36. Requirement: 30 or more.
Assists: 49. Requirement: 46 or more.
Hits: 131. Requirement: 128 or more.
GWG: 4 Requirement: 4 or more.
Special Points: 18 PP points and 3 shorthanded for a total of 21. Requirement: 19 or more.
Take Aways (TkA): 55. Requirement: 39 or more.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. I do believe that the lineup consisting of the Edmonton Blizzard’s Evan Winter and that perky Durkhi Surkhi-Ze’ev would be really good with Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson in the middle. This is all-star material and I do believe that they will score the most goals in the ALL-star match. If not most goals ever in an all-star match. If we are going to translate this line into an animal it would be an eagle. Fast predator with good wings.
b. If I was the coach I would split them up against poorer opponents to divide the playing time among those not as good and then against top notch rivals I’d stack them together and not play the others at all. With that sexy TPE in stamina on those there wouldn’t be any need for any other players.
c. I would definitely be picking Fantobens and Karsikko. I can’t even phatom trying to call for Brzęczyszczykiewicz to get him to swap with Justin Time. You would probably need to send him a letter in the mail just to get the swap done. I have been trying to come up with a nickname for Brzęczyszczykiewicz as well, but it is quite hard. I am unsure what people think if I make A10 Warthog gun noises from the bench. Much easier with Fantobens and Karsikko.
d. My player wasn’t among those that got invited to the All-Star match even if he had a record year on one of the baddest teams in the SHL. With 36 goals, 49 assists and a total of 85 points he was only 3 points behind Sophie Bordeleau and a shitload of points ahead of Aksel Fiske who got the last spot. Very disappointed to be honest.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Go Team! (150 words min.)

So my teammate is Sophie Bordeleau and as one of the best centers in the game it would be awesome to link her up with some top notch talent on the wings. My first thought was Matsmith Söderberg-Tremblay and we even had some high hopes of that becoming a reality next season, but someone went to Winnipeg instead. Evan Winter and Durkhi Surkhi-Ze'ev are playing with Lias Ekholm-Gunnarsson as I have already written about. Derek Martin is french. Meta Knight has like all Kirbys the power to take the opponent's skills and toghether with Atticus Hale they seem like a perfect fourth line. Viktor Hargreeves is actually one of my favourites. Even if Hargreeves is also a center I do believe they would be awesome together. They probably have had a lot of chemistry since their pride days. Benson Fiorentini would also be a great fit. Classic goal scorer who would highly benefit from Sophie Bordeleau’s playmaking skills. David-Arturri Donskoi and Reed Kobo would do well as well. Hard working players with a nose for goals. I do believe Sophie Bordeleau would be a great fit with anyone. She would carry a line no matter what. She would carry a line no matter what. But all in all I’d go for Viktor Hargreeves and Benson Fioerntioni as line-mates.

(Words: 210)

3+4+3=8 TPE

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GM pass

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a. The West is, without doubt, the fiercest front line in recent memory. To imagine trying to stop the high-scoring duo from Edmonton as well as LEG, who exists to make everyone around them a better haunts my dreams. Best of luck to the East. They will need every rabbit's foot and four leaf clover in the tri-state area. 
d. James Ward-Prowse had a solid rookie campaign in one of the best forward rooms of the entire league. His shot% was through the roof and he was averaging nearly a point per game in the playoffs. Maybe that's not "All-Star" material, but it should absolutely be considered for a rookie all-star line :triumph:

3. The most obvious choice for the West for the All-Star roster was LEG. There are very few players who have had both the longevity of success and the high level of success as LEG. Not only have they been in the running for the league's MVP award for 3 seasons in a row, they also are one of the most instrumental players to blame for keeping the Winny Lights as a powerhouse dynasty for the last calendar year. Time moves forward and new youngblood prospects come to take up the mantle, but LEG has stayed the same. Consistently consistent from year to year. The season that LEG misses the All-Star roster is the season that the entire league's landscape changes. Imagine LEG as the royal soldier outside of Buckingham Palace. They are rock solid, not bothered by distractions, and the entire world will watch at the eventual changing of the guard. 

4. One thing about LEG's game which is truly inspiring: they are better when they have trusted teammates. LEG's stats were astronomical just a season ago with the support of fellow winger Mikko Rashford there to cause chaos on the front ice, too. So, now that the All-Star rosters have been announced, there are several candidates from other teams that can take Rashford's place opposite LEG to help the West secure victory. While it might be pretty obvious which forwards performed the best in the regular season (Evan Winter and Benjamin Surkhi-Ze'ev), they are already a power duo and will likely take up the 1st line by themselves. So moving on from them, I believe that the forward that would work best with LEG would be Matsmith Söderberg-Tremblay. The Winny Lights made a move for Söderberg-Tremblay this offseason so LEG and MST have already spent some solid time on the ice together. What better way to increase their chemistry than by beating up the Eastern conference in an All-Star matchup?

[Image: jwpshl.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-20-2023, 06:31 PM by st4rface. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

c. Goalie picks were intersting this year; only one cup finalist will suit up for this allstar game. Which goalie tandem - Time and Brzęczyszczykiewicz or Fantobens and Karsikko, would you pick to play in front of? Remember that in the All Star Game, the backup will get minutes!
I'm definitely sticking with Fantobens and Karsikko duo. They are both top five goalies this season. Time might be the best goalie this season, but I don't think that his back-up is so good. Fantobens and Karsikko had 78 victories combined, while other duo had only 72 wins. Karsikko had the best save percentage too. I'm rooting for them, because Fantobens plays for Buffalo "Stampede" which my previous player played for too.
72 words

d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)
My player had got snubbed three seasons in a row for being an All-Star in SMJHL, so I'm used to it now. He had 62 and 70 points in the past two seasons and now 64 points. Meanwhile there are multiple duded in an All-Star Game with much less points and any type of impact on the game. It's like some fourth line player of Pittsburgh "Penguins" would've been chosen for All-Star game instead of Sidney Crosby. It's weird, but it is what it is. I don't know how the system works here. My player worked his ass of in SMJHL and was in multiple tops. Got almost maximum of all possible TPE that a player this old can get.
120 words

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
I started the season as a player from Carolina "Kraken" and late in the season got traded to Vancouver "Whalers", so I can try to win a Four Star Cup with them. Went from a bottom team to a contender. However, it didn't go as planned and I still think that "Kraken" is my junior team no matter what. Understandable that I regret going to Vancouver now. So I will talk about the only player from Carolina who made the All-Star game of SMJHL instead. Center Betzee Nickelback. Congratulations to him! Well, I wouldn't say that he was a clear All-Star, but he was one, so the topic is closed. Yes, he had only 46 points and his team finished in 11th place in an entire league. This decision might be discussable, but it's okay. My player with 64 points didn't get included and it was his fourth season getting snubbed, but I'm cool with it. I'm happy to see there at least one player from "Kraken". I think he deserved it anyway, because he worked hard.
177 words


Stars Stars Stars

Milestones - 1 TPE

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The presumable top forward line of both conference teams this season is two teammates plus one from a division rival. For the East, Lacksamus and Svoboda of New England will have their line completed by either Shoyo Hinata of Atlanta or Ricky Koivu of Philadelphia. In the West, Edmonton's Winter and Surkhi-Ze'ev teaming up with an old nemesis in Ekholm-Gunnarsson gives me the shivers as a goalie. Which of these top lines do you think will score more this ASG?
b. Both conferences also have two pairs each that played together all season. The East has the top pairings of the Wolfpack and Forge, while the West has those of Edmonton and Winnipeg. If you were coaching these games, would you keep those pairs together, or would you mix them up?
c. Goalie picks were intersting this year; only one cup finalist will suit up for this allstar game. Which goalie tandem - Time and Brzęczyszczykiewicz or Fantobens and Karsikko, would you pick to play in front of? Remember that in the All Star Game, the backup will get minutes!
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

a) Well it is always hard when you have two powerful top lines likes this, and no disrespect to the west but look at that top line on the East. Ivan has been all word for the past couple of seasons and it is truly hard to bet against him. Specially when you give him one of his linemates, and another top player from the east. My vote is for the east.
b) Well I guess the real question is are we going for a win, or are we going for a good time and entertainment value. I think if we are going for the win you have to keep them together to play some lock down defence. But the true fan in all of us would want us to split them up to see what it is like having superstars play on the same line from different teams.
c) I think you have to go for the tandem from the West. These goalies have been great, through the regular season and the playoffs. Now dont get me wrong the east have some great goalies as well, and in past seasons it may have been them. But for this season it is hard to ignore the west and not run the hot hands in net.
d) Well i dont think my player should have made the game in itself. I did not have a good season, but if I was to make the season I think it would have been as a player coach. I've been around long enough and I think sharing some of my experiences with the younger players would be good for them. I also think it would be fun for me.


3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on

Larry or DAD, man what a great season he had. Texas was not a power house team by any means, and still lacking offensively by DAD stepped up each game, to make sure we stayed in from an offensive point of view, but also from a defensive point of view. Dad joined the league as a defensive center, but has truly brought his offensive game forward and it is growing more and more each season. At this all star game I think Dad will truly shine getting to play with some other top end talent. I think this tournament will bring a lot of new fans to DAD and truly showcase his game and the talent he is in this league as he often flies under the radar. I look forward to Dad playing in the skills competition, he has some great hands and passing. The fans will truly be loud when he takes the rink, and showcases his skill. I think I might even get a DAD all star jersey myself.
172 words

Total 8 TPE

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(This post was last modified: 11-22-2023, 08:20 PM by slothfacekilla. Edited 1 time in total.)

+2 TPE - milestonez

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The presumable top forward line of both conference teams this season is two teammates plus one from a division rival. For the East, Lacksamus and Svoboda of New England will have their line completed by either Shoyo Hinata of Atlanta or Ricky Koivu of Philadelphia. In the West, Edmonton's Winter and Surkhi-Ze'ev teaming up with an old nemesis in Ekholm-Gunnarsson gives me the shivers as a goalie. Which of these top lines do you think will score more this ASG?
b. Both conferences also have two pairs each that played together all season. The East has the top pairings of the Wolfpack and Forge, while the West has those of Edmonton and Winnipeg. If you were coaching these games, would you keep those pairs together, or would you mix them up?
c. Goalie picks were intersting this year; only one cup finalist will suit up for this allstar game. Which goalie tandem - Time and Brzęczyszczykiewicz or Fantobens and Karsikko, would you pick to play in front of? Remember that in the All Star Game, the backup will get minutes!
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

a. For me it has to be the East's line of Lacksamus and Svoboda of the Wolfpack who would be joined by the Forge's Ricky Koivu. There is a lot of talent on that line and it packs a really big scoring punch that the west will have to deal with. It is all anchored by Koivu's Philadelphia grit, how could they lose?
62 words
b. If I were on the coaching staff for some odd reason I would definitely keep these pairs playing together in the all star game. You really can't beat the chemistry you build up over an entire season on one team so it seems foolish to me to break them up even for an exhibition game like the All Star Game.
60 words
c. I would want to play in front of Fantobens and Karsikko because it provides the perfect combination of a young and older goaltender, both who have had a lot of success in the SHL in their careers. They both would provide quality minutes especially in crunch time due to their depth of experience in net. Plus that B name on the other side would be a pain to type out so I have to stick with my East goalies.
79 words
d. I honestly do not think my player should be the last player in but I guess if I had to argue it I would say I won a fair few amount of games during the regular season so I am used to playing with a good team in front of me so I shouldn't be fazed by having an all star team playing in front of me. I have won some awards too so I guess I can provide some veteran experience?
82 words

+4 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

I am going to have to write about my teammate Ricky Koivu who was the forward who made the All Star team from the Philadelphia Forge. He had the most points on our team at 114 so I think he was an ideal choice for a forward from our squad, though Rex Kirkby was right behind him with 112 points on the season too. Ricky played a tiny bit less power play time as Rex though, so the nod went to Ricky for All Star. Ricky really did it all for the Forge last season, as he averaged over a minute of time per game on the penalty kill so Philadelphia was really relying on Koivu to come through in all situations for them. I expect him to keep doing the same for the East squad in the all star game as he's shown that he has the skills to play with anyone and do anything on the ice that a coach could need him to do. I wouldn't be shocked if he makes big plays all during the game and comes out as the MVP of it.

188 words

+3 TPE

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1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The presumable top forward line of both conference teams this season is two teammates plus one from a division rival. For the East, Lacksamus and Svoboda of New England will have their line completed by either Shoyo Hinata of Atlanta or Ricky Koivu of Philadelphia. In the West, Edmonton's Winter and Surkhi-Ze'ev teaming up with an old nemesis in Ekholm-Gunnarsson gives me the shivers as a goalie. Which of these top lines do you think will score more this ASG?
b. Both conferences also have two pairs each that played together all season. The East has the top pairings of the Wolfpack and Forge, while the West has those of Edmonton and Winnipeg. If you were coaching these games, would you keep those pairs together, or would you mix them up?
c. Goalie picks were intersting this year; only one cup finalist will suit up for this allstar game. Which goalie tandem - Time and Brzęczyszczykiewicz or Fantobens and Karsikko, would you pick to play in front of? Remember that in the All Star Game, the backup will get minutes!
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

b. I would keep the Philly pairing together at all costs (as you’ll read again, here in a second). Emerson and Flusso had monster seasons with 20 plus goals each. If you want an entertaining product at the all star game, look no further than those two mutants who are going to give it 110% even though it’s a friendly game with no one else trying to hurt each other.

d. Red Kirkby is a freak and in no way should not be on an all star roster. You can’t name one player who is better, let alone however many it takes to fill up a roster. How did I make it? There’s a guy on my team infinitely better in every regard. Biggest snub I’ve ever seen, unless I missed his name on the roster page. Replace me with any defender in the league and give him my spot.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Go Team! (150 words min.)

Which player(s) should your teammate in the all star game be on a line or pairing with? Why? Is it because the all-stars you chose are similar to the ones they play with on your team, or different? What combination will really unlock your teammate's game? (If you are the only player on your team who made the all star list so far, write this task about your team's candidate for last man in!)

My teammate San-Sam Emerson made the all star game, which is no surprise whatsoever because Emerson is one of the best dmen in the entire league and probably of all time, which I’m the best judge of seeing as I’m on that d pairing and get to see it first hand. And fortunately, Emerson was so good that I managed to get carried to the all star game. And speaking of that exact pairing, that’s what I’d go with in the all star game. I’m not saying I’m doing anything special to unlock Emerson’s elite play, but we can’t confirm that I’m NOT doing exactly that. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Putting a real pairing out there with established chemistry and success is the way to go in a one off game. The unspoken game sense to know where your teammate is can be easy to utilize, provided that it exists, and in this case, it does. Emerson - Flusso can’t be stopped (unless it’s in game 7 of the finals).



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Sig by @Evil_AllBran

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Milestones +3 TPE

Class S55
Reincarnated- Class S71

[Image: x17WALp.png][Image: uNh8ZtE.png]

GM Pass

[Image: SouthPaw.gif]

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)

Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they,
why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do
you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made
the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the
only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write
about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)
David Arturri-Donskoi is the Texas Renegades teammate that made the all-star game this season. Simply put, this was an obvious choice for the Renegades representative. Donskoi had an excellent season for Texas, leading all Renegades in goals (39), assists (59) and points (98). Donskoi was an absolute force on offense, and opposing defenses always had to be on their toes to prepare for his playmaking and scoring ability this season. Along with the offensive statistics, Donskoi was also a sound defender with 54 takeaways and a +/- of 6. It was not just the on-ice play either, as Donskoi was named the captain of the Renegades this season and he led by both example on the ice, as well as personally through the connections he made with the team. Because of Donskoi's ability to score, take away the puck, and lead a group of players, it was an extremely decision for the committee to select Donskoi for the all-star team for the Western conference.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Last Men In (150 words min.)

Argue for one of your teammates (not yourself!) to be the last man in for your conference!
The last man in for the Western conference should be my Texas teammate, Hodor. I get it, most defenseman in the all-star game and winning awards are the ones who are lighting up the offensive stat sheet with goals and assist, and that is not Hodor. Do not let that fool you, though, as Hodor is one of, if not the best, defensive defenseman in the SHL. Hodor finished the season with a team leading +/- of 33. Hodor also easily led the entire SHL in shots blocked with an incredible, and painful, 363 blocked shots. I should add too, Hodor is no slouch on the offensive side. He was able to tally a solid 6 goals and 21 assists. For being the best defensive defenseman in the league, any points, especially 27, are a massive bonus for the Renegades. Because of his world class defensive play, along with an ability to tally assists on the offensive side, I truly believe Hodor should be playing in the all-star game for the Western conference team.

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics
related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE.
Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. The presumable top forward line of both conference teams this season
is two teammates plus one from a division rival. For the East, Lacksamus
and Svoboda of New England will have their line completed by either
Shoyo Hinata of Atlanta or Ricky Koivu of Philadelphia. In the West,
Edmonton's Winter and Surkhi-Ze'ev teaming up with an old nemesis in
Ekholm-Gunnarsson gives me the shivers as a goalie. Which of these top
lines do you think will score more this ASG?

b. Both conferences also have two pairs each that played together all
season. The East has the top pairings of the Wolfpack and Forge, while
the West has those of Edmonton and Winnipeg. If you were coaching these
games, would you keep those pairs together, or would you mix them up?
a. While the east had the SHL's top scorer, I will have to give the each to the west forwards in this one. This is because the west, with Winter, Surkhi-Ze'ev and Ekholm-Gunnarsson are the number 2-4 scorers this SHL season. I believe that elite ability to put up points, and those three all being together, makes this an incredibly dangerous line and one I expect to score at will.

b. If I was coaching these conference teams, I would keep these pairs together. These are talented groups, but on top of that talent, they also have a chemistry that inter-team pairs would not be able to match. I believe that combination of talent, as well as line chemistry, would allow for the team I am coaching to win the big game.

[Image: 51LSJnR.png]

Milestone +3

2A) The East is pretty stacked looking at the numbers Ivan Lacksamus and Petr Svoboda put up for New England with their 65 and 37 goals along with their 77 and 76 assists respectively, that is a nice start of a line. Then you add Shoyo Hinata 57 goals and his 59 assists. With that line it does not matter what the west will do.
Words ~64
2D) Hugh Manius totally deserved to be in the Season 73 All-star game, it is a crime that he did not make the team. His number were not were not the greatest but respectable but it is those intangibles that make Hugh Manius what should have been a shoe in for the all-star game.

3.) When you have to write about a teammate who made the all-star team and you play for the New Orleans Specters you pool of topics is a bit limited. When looking over the rooster it did not appear that I had many choices for me to write about. So, you probably guessed I will be writing about the one and only Atticus Hale. Atticus Hale had a very good season, he racked up 71 points consisting of 33 goals and 38 assists. In addition to those offensive numbers, he was able to have 77 blocked shots and put up some good physical numbers with 116 hits. Although all his number were not wonderful as he did have 95 give away compared 36 take aways that is not great ratio but you have to take the good with the bad. Hopefully next year there will be a big pool for the players for the New Orleans Specters to write about next season.
Words ~161

[Image: bonk.gif]
Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius

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