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S74 All Star Week

1. Milestones 2 TPE

2. 4 TPE
2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?
b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?
c. While there aren't any new faces in net this season, which pair of goalies do you think is going to have more fun?
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

A. Unfortunately, I think that having that many layers from the two same teams is killing the all star game. Yes, this game is for the best of the bests. But I think that it is important to have a certain heterogeneity. Every teams deserve to have players represented in the all star game. Having five players from two teams kill the chances for some team to have a player or two in the all star game.
B. Definitely the east defence. They have the best defensemans of this season and also the rising star John Brown. The east core is also younger and more impressive. Emerson is a solid player who proved that he is an all star every season and the Koivu are also really impressive. Not that the West défense is not solid, but I tHink that overall, the West défense is more balanced.
C. As I played against Time and Gregor more often, I prefer this tandem. Gregor is a rising star in net for Los Angeles and he already proved that he is among the best in the league by playing his second all star game after being in the league for only 3 seasons. Justin Time also proved that he’s still rock solid years after years and he did not stole his spot.
D. I think Hodor deserved more than everyone else a spot. He is a great leader for Texas and he is well respected across the league. He is currently Texas’ leader for shot blocked and he will definitely be one of the greatest defensive défense man to ever play for Texas. I hoped he would be a slighter better offensively so he would be an all star. I hope he will get the chance to be on the roster one day.

4. 3 TPE
4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)
How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?

I don’t think that TPE has to be an argument to select a player for an all star nod, but there is definitely a correlation. I mean, the more TPE you have, better you will perform on the ice. I'm not sure that a 1000 TPE player will have the same stats as a 1700 TPE one. But, sometimes, if a player is well build and he’s used on a line with a great strategy, a player with less TPE could perform well on the ice. Performance should be the only criteria to be able to be selected for the all star game. Individual performance, but also team performance. If a player's presence on a team is crucial for their success or their playoff spot, they definitely need to be part of the discussion by the committee. Also, if a is his team’s top scorer, he needs to be discussed too. It’s relative, but noT for The amount of TPE.


[Image: dad.png]

David-Arturri Donskoi
Regina Elk
Hey I'm DAD can I adopt you?
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2024, 12:53 AM by natedoeshockey. Edited 2 times in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestone Claim

+3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)

Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

Let Patya telling you about Lester Oiduser. This am fantastic defenseman who am play for our team! This player am blocking so many shots, is much unreal! Shot after shot after shot, he am lay body out for soak up puck! Is much unselfish! And somehow, Lester am still bring much offense! He also am play so much icetime and even much big on power play! WOWIE! Patya definitely think this much obvious all-star choice. Patya just expecting for see more of the same from Oiduser because that am just how he am playing game and he will show all peoples why he am such great player! Patya excited for peoples to get to see him out of market! Patya expecting same thing he expect from every all-star game: much flashes of skill but still for all players to be having so much fun with such great event! Patya always love when all-star time is come around because is chance for celebrate the best of the best of the game of the ice hockey!

+3 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)

How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?

Patya thinking there is small correlation, but is not much main source of success. Patya am experience this because when Patya am at top of game, Patya am have much great season and be all-star! But, Patya not having such great seasons like this all the time. Some peoples am have much repeat success. This game has couple 5-time all-stars! WOWIE! That is such many times! Patya think part of it is TPE, but a lot of it being coaching and how players am utilized for team. Patya getting older, so Patya less so for skill and more so for solid veteran presence. Patya still put up points, but Patya no longer such fast. Patya now have play more possession game and focus on where am on ice and how for hit opponent. This just how things being when you have to change game. Patya thinking right now, correlation is probably pretty good. Also, Patya want for say that sometimes, invisible hand am just decide that some peoples is more better than others.

+3 TPE


Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]

S74 Milestones
+3 TPE

I'd definitely say that having this many players from two teams is an advantage for the West. After all those players know each other and know how each other play. On top of that they've got good chemistry with each other which allows them to perform better. Rather than playing with someone they don't know and need to get used to they can thus play with someone they already know a lot.
(72 words)
It's pretty much the same situation here as it was in the earlier question. By that i mean that both Edmonton's and Los Angeles' goalies got the opportunity to play with many of their teammates. Which is good for both the chemistry and also great for the fact they are gonna be surrounded by familiar faces and can have much more fun with people they already know.
(67 words)

One could easily argue that Sophie Bordeleau is a pretty obvious pick for the SHL all-star roster. On one hand she has constantly been in the SHL All-star team for many many seasons now and is very much still on the top of her game. On the other hand she has been constantly improving season after season. In fact this season is Sophie's best one yet as she has earned 93 points, 5 points more than the previous season where she earned 88 points in total. She by far was the top earner in her team when it comes to not just points but also goals and assists as well. Of course she was not only competing with her teammates for the All-star roster nomination but i'd say when someone is this important for her own team not to mention the fact that she is also the captain of the team, then she is certainly got a place in the All-star team.
(162 words)

" Maybe someones er... they don't like me but... because i'm too good, i don't know why. "

[Image: Tsunny_New_Sig.png?ex=66d56cfd&is=66d41b...e0f6dde96&]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Link: 2 TPE's

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)

To be honest with you, I don't think there is much correlation between the amount of TPEs on a character and the All-Star Nod considering that the season and playoff stats are what matters. With that said, if a player has a high amount of TPEs but has a poor season, chances are they won't get the nod as opposed to a lower TPE player who dominates the league. At least, that is how I see it. Getting an All-Star nod is based on merit and the production of a player. Production however doesn't always mean being the top scorer or points producer, other factors can be considered that would allow for someone to get the All-Star nod such as one's defensive abilities and of course, the selection process is different when it comes to goaltenders. So no, to resume, TPEs and the Nod should not correlate with each other.

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)

My first pick was Alexi Piastri for this, but he was traded to another team thus I will do this about Minnesota's top Center instead, none other than Meta Knight! With 66 goals, 52 assists for a total of 104 points for the Monarch's Knight in Shining Armor. For Season 74, Knight was our first-line centermen and was pivotal to the rise of the team considering we were at the bottom of the standings the previous season and has always given everything he's had to try and have us go where we think we can be which is not only in the playoffs but able to make it far. It didn't work as intended this season, but this takes nothing away from Meta's contribution to the team which gave us a fighting chance at victory every single night. I expect a good strong solid performance from him at the ASG either by putting some rubber behind the opposing netminder or feeding the team's other shooters so they can have a shot at marking the scoreboard.

Shl - = - Falcons - = - Aurora - = - Canada - = - Shl
[Image: eqsu1WN.png]
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2024, 01:01 AM by dogwoodmaple. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. Milestones


PBE affiliate, +3 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)

How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?
I'm legitimately torn on this one. I think players should be rewarded with the TPE grind, but I do think there should be an aspect of randomness to this league. If I had to say, I would think there should be a closer TPE correlation just because it can be very frustrating to work for years to improve your player, only to be unlucky during your prime and miss out on accolades like the All Star team.  I think it would help user retention, recruitment, and bring some much needed balance to the league.  A lot of players lose their will to go above and beyond when they realize their player is on the wrong side of the dice roll, so to speak. Being able to guarantee at least some level of success if you reach a certain TPE threshhold would be good for players, good for the league, and it would improve a lot of the saltiness that we have that tends to cause problems around here.

8. Written, 3 TPE, Lazy Reaction Content (150 words min.)

The Last Men In are now decided and the rosters are finalized. Who was a good pick? Who got snubbed?

The best pick for Last Men In has to be Erik Bergmark from the Baltimore Platoon. It's a fitting reward not just for this season, but for a great career so far for Bergmark.  Eclipsing the 100 point mark in a season is an incredible accomplishment and something Bergmark should be proud of. It's nice to have those stats, but getting the nod for being in the All-Star Game is all the more special for him and his family. I tip my cap to him on this wonderful season and much-earned All-Star selection. 49 goals, 51 assists, and 120 hits is probably the stat line that gets you into the All Star Game without having to go through the Last Men In, but the league has gotten so competitive lately that it's not a huge surprise.  A few years ago, he might've been in the running for player of the year, but point inflation has become a bit of a thing in recent times.  But this was absolutely a no doubter.

[Image: pkHEmu9.png]

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Claim 2

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?
b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

a. I think it's only an advantage if these players are used to playing with each other to have the chemistry.  Los Angeles is kind of a mixed bag as the skaters comes from all around the lineup.  Edmonton is a bit more advantageous because they come in a couple pairs.  I think it makes the game only slightly worse.  Every team has their skater in the game to cheer for, but if a huge chunk of your roster comes from the same team, or two teams in this case, it kind of feels like cheering for that team instead of your all star.  In this case, I would prefer a captain's draft to mix it up.

b. I think the East has an advantage during the game, but the West is more interesting.  The best part of the all-star game is watching players mix it up and play with the best of the best.  It's not the worst thing for a defensive pair to show off why they are the best, but it's definitely more fun to see a dream pair come together and break the game open.

d. Slip McScruff should have made the all star game because he has charismatic star power.  I think that locker room quality is lost in the selection process as we focus on the on-ice performance.  Any all star team would be happy to tap sticks with the big dog, but the committee is too afraid to make it happen.  The fans won't like the choice, but think of the players and the experience they should be allowed to have.

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)
How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?

I'm not going to sit here and crunch the numbers about the average TPE of all-star players.  I think there must be some correlation because I generally expect the more active and successful to get the nod while also tending to be higher earners.  Another key aspect is having the support of a great team.  The highest earners on mediocre to bad teams will probably stand out, but being in a solid system will result in more players and more opportunities.

However, if there is a correlation, it definitelyy does not imply causation.  Slip McScruff has lost more TPE than most skaters have earned and he has never made an all-star team.  Seeing Dick Clapper get his first all-star appearance this season as a member of the S46 class gives me hope that I might make the cut some day.  However, if that ever happens, it will be in spite of, not because of, my current levels of TPE.

[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]

ISFL Affiliate (Username Nathan)

[Image: 1wgIGr9.png]
[Image: MEAGHER.png]
Credit Maxy and Merica for sigs
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2024, 02:45 AM by damienj10. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your ASW submission. This is done because the person who grades ASW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.


2a. Personally, I think the homogeneity of the west’s all star team roster is both a blessing and a curse for them. On one hand, all of these players are used to playing with each other and there’s going to be a lot of chemistry there and developing plays and tactics should be a lot easier. On the other hand, by having so many people from those two teams kind of goes against the spirit of the all star game to a degree. A lot of the fun of the ASG is watching players that never will be on the same team coming together for one game and all of the interesting interactions that can come from that. The west mostly being on the same couple teams diminishes that a lot.

2b. Unquestionably I am more interested in watching the west’s defensemen. As I said in my previous answer, I love watching players play together that otherwise wouldn’t and all of the wackiness that goes with that. The west is… probably not going to do that judging from composition. The one thing I’m secretly hoping for is LA’s defensemen being split up so the west can roll 3 completely new pairings just for shits and giggles. 

2c. The western goalies are gonna have more fun for sure. They’re a younger tandem on average than the east’s, and there should still be some leftover playoff hangover lethargy to shake off on Base Pack’s end. Plus, the west is stereotypically more chill than the east in America, so Justin can do some surfer bro shit. Hell yeah duuuuude. 

2d. I should make the all star team because… who the hell am I kidding, no I shouldn’t. I have another 2 years in the J left. That being said I’ll use this space to make a case for… what’s this? The entire Panthers roster! They should have all made it because everybody else smells bad. 

4. From a cursory glance at the all star roster, there’s definitely a correlation between TPE and an all-star nod. I mean, minus FHM random what have you for the most part higher TPE players are just… better. You’re not really seeing players at like 1100 TPE (or 500 if you’re a goalie because goalies are weiiiiird) on the list because they probably aren’t putting up the numbers to be picked. If this question is asking the completely different question of whether or not TPE the actual number is being used to pick the players… ehh probably not? With the exception of, say, likable veterans and fan vote candidates, the ideal real life all star picks usually are determined on their stats. That’s what I think the SHL all star team’s criteria should be for the most part unless you mean to award a player with a sort of “lifetime achievement award” selection as previously mentioned.

Total: 8 TPE

1. Milestones, up to 3 TPE.

Milestones are folded in with All-Star Week.

Link your Milestone claim as task 1 for up to 3 TPE towards your 8 total.

2 Milestones + 2 TPE

4. Written, 3 TPE, TPE TPE TPE (150 words min.)
How much of a correlation do you think there is between TPE and an all-star nod? Should there be more, or less, than there is?

I think that there's a big correlation between Total Points Earned aka TPE and getting an all-star nod in this day and age of the Simulation Hockey League. The league wants to reward those who put in lots of effort and what better way of seeing how much effort someone has put in than looking at the amount of TPE they've got. I'm not sure exactly what the totals for every player look like but in my opinion that seems to be the trend based off of names I've seen. The best teams usually have the best players and the best players usually get the most points so it makes total sense that the all-stars have more TPE than the non-allstars. I think if we were to change we should go to less to reward some of the more casual earners but it seems like a decent system right now anyways.

151 words 3 TPE

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

Shoyo Hinata is going to be an absolute stud out there on the all-star roster for our beloved Eastern Conference of the Simulation Hockey League. He represents my very own team of the Atlanta Inferno and is just a total beast with the puck. I mean come on look at those stats, he had 61 goals in 66 games. Almost a tuck per game! Just an absolute specimen out there and don't even get me started on the 54 assists he put up this season. If we can all do a bit of math here that's 115 points on the board for this SHL season, the guy is a total animal on the ice and I'm expecting no less than 4 or 5 tucks from him as lets be real nobody plays defense in these things. Total weapon out there on ice all season long and we're all glad to see him being rewarded for it.

156 words 3 tpe


[Image: Jepox.gif]

1. Milestone
Milestone Here (3 TPE)

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics
related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE.
Each answer must be 50+ words. (Total 4 TPE)

a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each.
Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think
it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large
number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star
game better or worse when this happens?

Thinking of this from the perspective of the other team's there is less attention paid to this because other teams may be less invested, but for the actual game itself having these players all come from the same team means that there is some level of cohesion and setup that may really benefit the west. (1 TPE)

b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this
year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with
only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new
partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?

Definitely the west, with these new pairings that haven't played together before it will be interesting to see how they do, it's risky but it could work out really well and it is exciting having no idea how this is going to go. Hopefully we will see some new comraderie between different teams. (53 Words 1 TPE)

c. While there aren't any new faces in net this season, which pair of goalies do you think is going to have more fun?

I really like a goalie pairing with a wider age gap, see the old guard vet with the new blood in the league so I have to say the West, 5 years apart hopefully we will see them really perform and show off what the rising generation of players can do. (51 words, 1 TPE)

d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should
you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game,
argue for one of your teammates instead!)

Uhhh... If you look at Jerry's stats you will see he... *looks at +/- of -29* He really excels at... *looks at 5% shooting* uhhhh.... He has above average faceoff percentage at 52%! and that is why he should be in the all-star game. So he can win slightly more than average faceoffs. (1TPE)

Total 7 TPE

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Shiny Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 topics related to the All Star Game to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Two teams, Edmonton and Los Angeles, tie with five total nods each. Both of those teams are in the West. Playoff rivalry aside, do you think it's to the West's advantage or disadvantage to have a relatively large number of players from the same two teams? Does it make the all-star game better or worse when this happens?
b. While the East rolled it back with two top defensive pairings - this year that means Philadelphia and Hamilton - the West mixed it up with only Los Angeles having two defensemen present. Everyone else has a new partner. Which side's defense are you more interested in watching?
c. While there aren't any new faces in net this season, which pair of goalies do you think is going to have more fun?
d. Why should YOUR player have made the all star game, and why should you be the last man in? (If your player did make the all star game, argue for one of your teammates instead!)

a. I think that the chemistry of these players especially from the good teams that they are is very helpful to the West trying to win that all star game. I think its tough if you are a fan of a different team in the west not to see your guys in there but when the couple you do have get to win thats pretty nice to see.
c. I think that Buffalo has always been about having a good time and from experience Fantobens is one of those guys so even though I think its gonna be tough for the east I think that he's the guy you want in net and he's not gonna feel any pressure just go out there and be that top level goalie you know.

3. Written, 3 TPE, The Teammate One (150 words min.)
Tell me about your teammate who made the all star game! Who are they, why were they an obvious choice to make the All Star roster, and what do you expect from them this ASG? (If more than one of your teammates made the game, pick one of those players other than yourself. If you are the only player on your team selected for the all star game so far, write about your team's candidate for last man in instead.)

Johnny Wagner-Svenson were the two picks from Tampa Bay which is where I played last season even though I'm not there anymore. Johnny had a real big deal season this time having over 100 points which is something I never done and hes proof that the Barracuda are poised to be real powerhouses in the playoffs again. He managed 113 hits while he was scoring those 60 goals so he was definitely doing it all for the team and a major piece of why they performed better than hoped this season. Johnny did all this on the second line, and while his mates were no slouches, he was able to be incredibly efficient with the time he had on the ice.
Tampa might look to put him on the first line this season to see what he can do with the team fully backing him up. Look for Johnny to make an impact in the ASG and to be back as an all-star next season.

8. Written, 3 TPE, Lazy Reaction Content (150 words min.)

The Last Men In are now decided and the rosters are finalized. Who was a good pick? Who got snubbed?

Its crazy to see Jimmy Wagner make it in as the last pick in the west for the Panthers. Seeing S53 get one last laugh is great this late in the game and it's a nice moment for him going into his last season. On the note though, the Panthers had a pretty good season but they didn't really need 5 whole players in the all star game. There were certainly a couple more deserving players in the west. In the east though its bonkers to see Dick Clapper as well? Guy has been in the league since before I was born and he took a spot on the way out as well. Lots of love for the old guys getting thrown around. They just don't make em like they used to I guess. Game is a lot softer these days. Nice to see my old teammates Selich, Fantobens, and Lakemore representing Buffalo. Shame that Tomen dweeb had to ruin things or I'd still be there! Sad!

[Image: arTbD7O.png]

Germany Berserkers Stampede Stars Barracuda syndicate Blizzard
[Image: PuANRuu.png]

1. Milestones

Milestones = 3 TPE

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