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S76 PT #5: Push it to the limit Due: Sunday, May 12th @ 11:59 PM PST

Prompt 2

Willow performs the best when the pressure is the highest, that’s just a scientific fact at this point. With how hard she works both on and off the rink she’s built for this moment. All those post practice sessions of just skating until she felt like she was going to puke, this is where it shows up now. While her talent is pretty on par with the elite of the elite defenders, her conditioning is what puts her miles above the rest. Think about the scenes in Miracle with the USA team training – it doesn’t matter if you have all the talent in the world if you don’t have the energy to maintain it for a full 60 minutes. In an effort to keep it up for the rest of the playoffs, Willow will continue to skate herself sick during her off days and continue to watch her film intensely, as one slip up can give the opponent a chance to win you can’t take back.

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No one is injured in the SHL because they're like the X-Men of hockey. All were genetically tested to play in the SHL due to their super healing abilities and inability to take injures. Most found out during their youth upon their first boarding, or in an incident unrelated to hockey, and switched gears in order to train for the SHL. It doesn't stop them from aging though, which is kind of bogus, but they still lose skills as they age despite retaining healing properties. It's definitely useful outside of hockey, and all players usually do their own home improvement and aren't afraid to take risks for any reason, even during playoffs. Some are into skydiving, cliff jumping, and other extreme sports. Still, getting hit hard hurts and most try to avoid the biggest bruisers anyway, even if it won't take them out of the game or season. Better to play smart than play to get hurt and hurt others.

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gay heghog

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Written Option 2:

In order to elevate his game to the next level for the playoffs we are seeing Literally Wizard take a lot of personal time to himself including missing some practices which has caused some controversy in the organization as they worry he will not be well prepped for the games. Wizard has proven them wrong in this thinking though as he has absolutely decimated the Tidal one game after another and now we must wonder what was Wizard doing that allowed him to elevate himself. Well he sat on his couch and watched himself play on the big screen to see how he could improve and watch what routes he should have taken to best avoid a Giveaway. This ended up working like a charm as he decimated the Tidal Defense like no other breaking through lines at an unusual rate. He also had done a lot of exercises involving fitting into small spaces so that he is more easily able to thread the needle.

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P1: Firstly, the SHL, like many top-tier sports leagues, has significantly invested in player health and safety over the years. This includes advanced training methods, better protective equipment, and comprehensive medical support. Teams likely have access to top sports medicine professionals and physiotherapists who specialize in rapid recovery and injury prevention techniques.

Moreover, the league could is employing cutting-edge technology in monitoring and data analytics to predict and prevent injuries. Wearable technology can track player vitals and biomechanics in real time, potentially alerting medical staff to issues before they become serious injuries.

Another aspect is the rigorous conditioning and nutrition programs that optimize player health and resilience. Sports science has evolved to tailor fitness and diet regimes specifically to enhance durability and endurance, reducing the likelihood of injury.

It's also worth considering the culture of the sport and the league. Hockey players are often celebrated for their toughness and ability to play through pain. This cultural aspect might lead to underreporting of injuries or players choosing to continue playing despite minor ailments, which could skew public perception of injury rates.

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The most obvious answer is we live in a simulation. Our players must have been thrown into a simulation of sorts and those in charge have determined that no injuries provide a better product. Even with the best medicine and a ton of money, there’s no way a sport could prevent injuries quite like the SHL and SMJHL have managed to do so far. For crying out loud, the league has been in business for 76 individual seasons. You’re telling me there hasn’t been 1 leak or controversy related to medical care in 76 total seasons? For that reason alone I completely dismiss anyone saying that the SHL has managed this feat because of modern medicine. You’re telling me that S1 players had the same access to a miracle drug that rookies in S76 now use? I don’t buy it. To me it makes much more sense that the simulation works in a much faster way than the modern world and because of that we’ve seen so many seasons. In addition, players have managed to dodge any injuries that plague other leagues. What about non-sport injuries and illnesses? Sure, we’ve seen players go inactive out of the blue but what about deaths? Simulation or bust.

200+ Words


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So, the reason that no one ever gets injured is actually pretty simple, it's because this is all a simulation played out in Franchise Hockey Manager. See, when we used to play on STHS we had a different simulator, but even way back then injuries were turned off. Every now and then there would be a discussion about whether that should change or not, and typically it came down to most people agreeing that having your career cut short by an undue injury that you could do nothing about was a pretty shitty feeling, so when we swapped game systems it was a pretty solid consensus that the status quo shouldn't change. As such, we've had injuries turned off for as long as I've been here and basically forever as far as I know? While I think it would be interesting to see them turned on for a season or two, ultimately I do understand that it's probably better in the long run to have them turned off

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

Well....CGY is out of the playoffs now, but I think the Dragons did their best to put it into the next gear. We managed to take a game off of one of the top teams in the league, and showed some flashes here and there to show how we'll improve over the next couple seasons and hopefully become a serious competitor. Cheeks in specific has really developed his all around game, especially with improvements defensively after a promotion to the top defense pairing. While he's still got a ways to go until he's a true top defenseman in the league, his development has been coming along pretty nicely. He was consistently one of the best defensive players on the team, and managed to improve his points total to hit a new career high of 54 points. In the playoffs, he only managed 2 points in 5 games with a minus rating, but had the best defensive rating on the team with 75, and was second on the team in blocked shots with 16. It's steps in the right direction, but he'll need to keep working throughout the offseason and next season to continue to take steps forward.

I actually have the answer to the first written prompt, but I’m afraid to share for fear of my life… but here goes nothing. In case people did not know, the SHL is actually controlled by overlords, yes, AI overloads that are convinced that only exist to watch us play SHL. They don’t sleep, eat or nothing, just live to control us.. a simulation so to speak. That’s the secret reason why nobody gets tired, hurt, and seemingly the league never ends, stops, or gets interrupted. It’s all on a schedule and they keep us going on this hamster wheel until our player retired or cannot play anymore.. and then guess what bucko? You get to make a new character and do it all again! It’s the illusion of choice — you think you are playing in the SHL and having a good time, but the overlords are pumping you full of dopamine hits!! It’s a mirage!

“I thought I was a goalie, but STA told me forget being a goalie they make nothing, and no one cares about them.  Guess what I was a center all along and I had no idea. Now I am the toast of the town, and I am getting offers from all the GMs and Scouts.”

– Spidey Talent Agency, on Activity Check

How does Holmberg up his game to the next level for the following hockey season? Well it is easy, all he needs to do is stay focused and train even harder during the off season. Work with skills coaches and power skating coaches to improve his on ice ability, and it the gym focus on explosiveness and keeping the body in prime condition. Making sure that the mind is also right, scheduling days where no thoughts are put towards hockey or training. Just enjoying life and focusing on different hobbies that aren't related to hockey. At the end of the day, you can only progress so much in a short time. It's good to try and improve and become the best, but you can't let it spiral and consume you. Also cocaine, tons of cocaine. The best hockey players ever have done cocaine, name any hockey player that is a legend in most fans eyes and their success can be attributed to copious amounts of cocaine.

Sven Holmberg

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Written Option 1

The durability of players in the Simulation Hockey League is incredible, not one contracted player has missed a game in the SHL or the J, ever, and that is quite the feat, especially in a league like the J where players are moving in and out of eligibility so frequently. Team staffs really go above and beyond in making sure that these players are on the ice for 66 games a season.

But there may be a more sinister answer to what is happening in our league. It might not be expert medical care keeping all of these players healthy. There might be far more nefarious, supernatural, unapproved methods of preventing injury. I believe that every player in the league is using Plot Armor - that they're considered a main character to something is giving them all supernatural abilities. How else can you explain the durability and longevity that's so consistent among the league?

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The league has made massive advancements in the area of injury prevention and treatment over the last almost century. The real advancements started when they decided to just use human test subjects rather than using normal medical study processes which has resulted jn a few deaths. But has also saved the fans hours of shit hickey so it is a good trade for everyone. In addition some of the things this new process found for the league, it also helped them find a few more things about regular injury prevention. In thr shl universe, no one ever gets nagging injuries anymore because everyone uses the prevention methods doacovered by the shl medics. In the event of a major injury, the shl has also developed the ability to use robots to perform mi imally.invasove and highly successful treatments which require mi small healing due to so.e of the creams and ointlemtns used around the incisions. These surgeries take only a few minutes and can be done on the bench some times to ensure not a shift is missed

Written Option 2: Playoffs are here and it is time to put in the next gear. Do you think your player can up their game to next level and how do they do it? If they were already playing their best hockey during the regular season, how do they ensure they can keep up the level of play through all of the playoffs?

Elly is already playing her "best" in theory. And her best is hopefully continuing to update. Her best and her teams best got us into the playoffs! The idea being that a player is constantly seeking to improve in areas and sustain their best stats along the way as well. Training throughout the season. Resting and evaluation and focusing on week areas as well as examining other teams is the key to continue playing and improving this best. Now before playoffs this is a perfect time to rest and maintain equipment. Trying to rush any last minute practice outside of normal range could over-exert or lead to injury before playoffs. In Elly's case. Her claws and coat and muscles need maintenance. claws need to be maintained to not be dangerous and not be sharp to dig into the ice, but at the same time allow her to adjust her angle/direction and allow for proper skating. She prunes her coat to make sure she is aerodynamic and pretty. And makes sure to stretch, rest, and protein! Lastly. One of the most important things before any game is to headpat everyone on the team and get pats back. 125% assurance to morale and victory. 

(209 words). 

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