Patya tell you of new post-game celebration that Ghostmans am doing. There is many fireworks! WOWIE! Patya not sure how setting off many fireworks in arena without causing fire hazard but it is happening so Patya just enjoy it! Then, Ghostmans mascot am come out and chase several players from team around ice to spooky musics! This probably sounding like it not making sense, and trust Patya when he say it not make sense at all, but is okay because is fun! Patya pitch idea for maybe put beach balls around ice for players for picking up to throw at ghost and make it much like Pac-Man game. Patya think this not bad idea. Maybe that can be change up for one evening for team celebration is play Pac-Man game like this! PATYA SO SMART! Anyway, Patya also having other ideas like maybe invite special fans to ice for play games with Patya! It would be much fun because Patya so fast and strong! If person am catching Patya first, they win monies! Everyone love monies!