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S50 PT#2 - Phobias

Many in the Manhattan media were eager to learn and write about the Rage's newest star. Most questions are always about 'How will you help the team?' 'Will Manhattan contend for the Cup?'. or 'How in the hell are YOU worth a $20.0M contract??!!??' Every once in a while, a more fun question comes up. When asked during an interview, 'What is your biggest fear/phobia?', Goku Muerto pondered for a moment, and then replied, "I have to say the one thing I which truly terrifies me is scorpions! I mean, first of all, they are creep-looking things with those claws and stinger tails ... and they are poisonous too! Imagine that you wake up, yawn, stretch, swing your legs over the side of the bed into your fuzzy slippers when, BAM! there's a scorpion in them and it stings you and you die painfully, paralyzed and unable to even scream for help!" He shudders visibly, and continues, "So I always have to make sure I use one of those reacher thingies to pick my slippers up off the floor and shake them out before I put them on because I don't want to go out like that!"

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Argonauts        S77 SHL DRAFT 4TH OVERALL PICK          Argonauts
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There are some fears Player Daniel Kuster has, but a few of them he overcomes, but one thing is still present and sometime the bad feeling overcomes he. The hight. Always when he goes hikking in the mountens of switzerland he is scared, if they are small an hight routes thrue the mountains but he go thrue, because he loves the mountains, the view and to be with friends out in the nature. He attend a therapy the last summer to work on his phobia, it helps a bit, but not to recovery full of this phobia. Last Off-Season he went to the Aescher with a few friends, a Restaurant up in the Mountains and directly on the rocks, a small route you have to take to get there, it was a horror for him looking down next to the small routes up to the restaurants, he need some help to walk sometimes from his friends. But! He did it up to the Restaurant and there where some great Food. Rösti with a Bratwurst. All good, and he was proud to get there and spend some time with his friends.

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Thank you @ToeDragon84
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Björn Leppänen's has every now and then feeling that his life and whole world is just a simulation and that is the thing that scares him the most. He has always been bad at remembering when things happened and often it feels that days and years just pass by and there is no other records than some box scores from games he had played, but every now and then even those seem to be missing after some 500 game regular season that h must have been dreams after training too hard. He has had this feeling since his childhood which he does barely remember, there are flashes here and there.

Björn's friends and family assure him that everything is real and it is just his determination and unbreakable focus on hockey that makes you forgot about your day to day life. Still Björn is pretty sure he finds world pretty inconsistent and we he sees things that seem unnatural or illogical he is pretty sure it is a bug in a code.

To escape that feeling he has always resorted to something that gets his heart pumping and blood running, like hunting, racing or some pretty regular manual labor.

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Sigs by @Carpy48, @Nokazoa and me


Barry Batsbak is affraid of missing out. It's called fear of missing out or FOMO in short. Barry needs to know everything about the news, peoples personal lifes etc. He just can't stand it that people are talking about something that he knows nothing about. Because of this he never leaves his cellphone out of sight so he can read all of his group chats and stay on top of the news. But it doesn't stop there. If there's any event going on in Calgary he wants to be there. "What if something awesome happens and I wasn't there? I would never be able to forgive myself." He's been going to some talking groups to overcome this fear of missing out. It has helped a little, but he and his phone still look like they are married. I'm not sure what we can do to stop him, but I think we need to put his phone beneath the ice in the rink or something.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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While hockey players are normally tough and people generally don’t think they fear anything, Theo Morgan has a fear. That fear is simple: His +/-. Such a controversial stat line, so many arguments over whether or not this is important. People have told him the stat is meaningless, it is not a true testament to a player’s performance as unlucky bounces can impact this greatly.

While that may be true, Theo Morgan panics at the sight of his +/-. Every game, he’s worried about it. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t affect his play. Whenever the opposition looks like they’re going to get a scoring chance, he immediately darts for the bench, trying to get off the ice as quickly as possible. In the event they do score it’s on someone else. His -17 rookie season haunted him. He tried to get better, worked on his defense, but just can’t escape it. He’s currently a -9 through the team’s first 13 games. And this phobia has impacted his offensive abilities as well, as Morgan has not been able to get anything going, putting up just 3 goals in that span.

It hasn’t been easy for Morgan or is team, but he’s trying to be better. Maybe at some point in his career he can fight off this phobia and get back in to pre-season form.

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184 words

Jack Kennedy hates snakes. Not much else scares him, but snakes he can not handle. If he sees a snake of any type he will hit the floor and curl up in the fetal position. This crippling fear has not always been dormant within the Chicago forward, however. This phobia was indeed learned, as he lived all through his childhood unperplexed by the existence of the slimy reptiles. Jack Kennedy learned to fear snakes through literal submission. As a high schooler, young Kennedy was something of a boy scout--particularly interested in archeology. On the faithful day, he was out riding in Arches National Park in Utah. While exploring a cave he stumbled upon a troupe of grave robbers in the midst of stealing a golden crucifix. Kennedy felt very strongly that the antique treasure belonged in a museum. He proceeded to bungle their thievery, but in the process, he was forced to traverse across a moving circus train. Well, he ended up falling through the roof of one car directly into a pit of snakes, and thus the phobia of snakes is born.

Klaus's biggest phobia is never living to be someone amazing. Working his entire life at hockey, he has goven everything he has to the sport and wants to go down as one of the greatest players to ever play. With an exceptional career already underway, Klaus now only has to continue to grow as a player and improve year to year. Already one of the most consistently dependable scorers in the game, we'd be surprised to see him fail to overcome his fear. Despite the emblazoned halls of the SHL Hall of Fame being one of the most coveted prized in the world, Klaus has big dreams of someday seeing his name on the list of the greatest players to ever play. Now heading into his fourth season in the league, Klaus is looking to put up career numbers as he currently leads the Tampa Bay Barracuda in scoring.

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Arachnophobia is one of the more common phobias as it affects 1 out of 3 females and 1 out of 4 males and rightfully so. Have you seen these suckers? Their big ass eyes and legs and they way they crawl. Nothing is worse than a thicc ass spider too. Like it's one thing to be seeing these small skinny spiders that are creepy. You get a little scared but you can manage to pull yourself together to grab a shoe and fuck that bitch up but if you see a thicc ass spider your ass ain't killing it. What if that bitch jumps at you? Or catches the shoe and throws it back at your ass? You're only left with one option and that is to pack your shit and leave. That house now belongs to that spider. So yeah I guess you could say Kane's phobia is spiders and honestly if you aren't scared of spiders that just means you're fucked in the head.

Falcons Canada

If you were to look at any SHL player as they skate to the penalty box, there are many emotions you would expect to see on a player's face. You might see anger at a bad call, shame in taking a bad penalty at a key time, or maybe even laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of getting called for goalie interference when the goalie was out on the blueline playing the puck. But if one were to look at the face of Jack Wilson when he skates to the box, fear. Ever since he was a little kid Wilson has been incredibly claustrophobic. The idea of having to sit in a small box with no way out makes his skin crawl. Now you might say, "how are you scared of a box with glass walls and an open door?", he would respond that if you are as claustrophobic as he is, you would know that you can not exactly be rational in those situations. This is the reason that Wilson tries to play as clean a game as possible, not only so he does not hurt his team, but so he does not have to deal with the pit of his stomach feeling when that penalty box door swings open.

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Peter is afraid of venomous animals, mostly spiders and snakes. Has he ever seen one in real life? Like not in a zoo or a display. No! But that is hardly the point. Denmark is not exactly home to a large array of venomous animals, but you know what it has (had - well maybe it still has reruns).. crocodile hunter. And on that Peter saw all the poisonous animals of the world.. and while it was cool watching sitting on a couch in Denmark, moving to another part of the world has triggered all these phobias.

Alaska wasn't too bad.. bears and orcas are impressive not really frightening. But when I moved to Texas for my off-season football career… shiiiiiit.. I still have yet to see a rattlesnake or a scorpion despite now living there for 4 months a year for the last three years. But every day on the practice field I stamp my feet before getting set, I empty every shoe I ever pull on my foot ( did I mention that scorpions are a thing!!!!), and I even keep a pet ferret in villa to keep the yard free of snakes (my neighbours laugh that my yard is the only one with a pest in it).

When I am walking around the northwest forests on a free day during the hockey season, I always wear high top leather hiking boots and I have never yet stayed overnight to camp. Waking up with snakes in the tent? No thank you

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Player Page

Tig Murphy's phobia is definitely the fear of being abducted by aliens. As a kid, his teacher allowed the class to watch Signs (the M Night Shyamalan movie about aliens). The class was much too young to be watching this movie but the teacher didn't seem to particularly give a shit. Murphy was subsequently traumatized at the thought of creepy aliens and developed a sense of dread anytime he was in the dark alone. This fear has not really subsided into his adult life, and to this day he struggles with watching anything related to aliens unless it's in broad daylight. This phobia has even extended itself to the horror genre at large, as he cannot sit through almost any horror movies as jumpscares cause him to shit his pants. Of Murphy's many strange neuroses, his need to sleep without so much as a finger or toe outside a blanket is particularly noteworthy as something that can be traced back to his grade 3 trauma.

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Ola Wagstrom is terribly acrophobic, or afraid of heights. He had a recurring nightmare as a child of falling out of an airplane, so planes tend to be the setting which cause the most apprehension for him. This fear was only reinforced when he was flying with his father on a vacation and was on a plane that was forced to make an emergency landing in Denmark. He's basically been afraid of heights since he was very young, but as a hockey player, it's not something he can avoid; he has to fly from city to city every day with the team. He has learned some breathing exercises and takes some sleeping pills any time he boards a plane to try to keep his composure. The first time he boarded a team hockey plane in the SMJHL, for the Detroit Falcons, he practically had a panic attack, but his teammates were very nice about it and reassured him. Since then, he's gotten a bit better at ignoring it, but it's always nagging at the back of his mind.


Parker Smeb has always had deep-rooted phobia of Asians stemming from a non-sexual incident when he was younger. This has led to some discomfort at home as he and all of his brothers are Asian. Growing up in Korea it made it especially tough to find places to go without having to run into other Asians, even worse his favorite kind of food is Korean food, whenever they went out to eat Parker had to wear a mask on his head to block his view of others and their view of him just so he could eat his favourite meal. He also committed to play for Japan internationally which has led to even more awkwardness in the locker room. Parker has attempted immersion therapy to get over his phobia and it has worked to some degree as he no longer needs to wear his mask around his brother Khan Smeb.

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

David “Pinto” Fantobens is afraid of what everyone is afraid of. Failure.

But at everything.

Afraid of failing on the ice. At home with his children. In bed with his wife. Walking the dog at night. At the store, maybe he will forget something that isn’t on the list. Remembering birthdays. Remembering his atm pin. Remembering peoples names.

Failing to read between the lines. To see people for who they really are. Failing to get his son and dogs name straight.

He’s afraid of failing his parents. Of failing himself. Failing to get to get to one hundred and fifty words. I guess you can say he’s afraid of failing everything in general. Which is what I kind of said at the beginning but needed more words so now I will tell you a story about one time Fantobens was afraid he was going to fail.

In high school, he had a test. He studied a little, but was afraid he was going to fail. And he did. Seems like a justifiable fear to me.

One time in second grade, his desk was really messy and packed with all kinds of garbage. He knew there was an inspection that day. He was so afraid he was going to fail and get in trouble that he threw himself down the stairs in an attempt to break his own arm so he didn’t have to go to school.

True story. What a pussy.

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