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S50 PT#2 - Phobias

Eko van Otter is afraid of several things - mostly bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions - but these are highly rational fears and phobias are irrational. Eko van Otter's irrational fear would have to be peladophobia - the fear of baldness. He's not exactly sure what it is, but having hair seems to be an extremely important part of his body. It doesn't necessarily have to be head hair either - Eko van Otter has a fear of any body hair baldness as well. It's mostly internally-directed and a fear of his own prospects of one day becoming bald, but he does get uncomfortable around bald people. One time back in Anchorage, his teammate Stavros Halkias came in with a nice, freshly shaved bald head and Otter got freaked out. Halkias was so... smooth... and shiny... it weirded him out. The source of this phobia must be something more deeply rooted and innate, as he's always been this way and his family members seem to share the phobia.

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thanks @Carpy48 and @frithjofr and @rum_ham and @Julio Tokolosh and @Briedaqueduc for the sigs
Armada Inferno Norway

Nick Brain's phobias are relatively minor compared to the average population. However, there are a few that give "Big Dick Nick" a case of the night terrors. One is fear of paralysis. In certain dreams there are moments where you see bad things happen in front of you, but can't run forward or do anything physically to prevent it from happening. Not to mention, Nick has a general fear of being paralyzed for real and being rendered unable to do the athletic stuff hes come to be known for in the world of hockey (let alone living a "normal" life being able to sit, stand, or do whatever mundane physical activity you want.)

Another sorta weird Nick Brain phobia is fear of sitting on animals. Nick takes great care whenever going to the house of a teammate or friend who has a pet not to accidentally sit on it, especially if its something like a cat that can burrow into a couch and be inconspicuous when you go to sit down without really looking.

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Former Agent of Nick Brain: Center/Right Winger -  Aurora  Stars

My name is michael fitted and my phobia is no doubt being alone in on a breakaway its the most nauseating feeling ever it terrifies me it gives me nightmares this whole fear/phobia goes back to grade school when i was bot even able to handle the puck let alone take a shot it still lives with me to this day. Other than that michael fitted has no phobias michael fitted is that dude at least until its interview time michael fitted hates intverviews like how do you handle them if i tell them the truth i look like an a-hole if i tell them something they dont wanna hear im not giving them enough. Interviews can eff off ever since my first one last season i knew it wasnt my kind of thing i try to keep away from them now but just like breakaways every once in a while they just come back around. Maybe one day if i actually cash in on a breakaway these fears will finnaly subside.

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

One of the very first classes of Ninjitsu, as taught by Yoshiharu McCloud (Yoshimitsu's father) is to lose any kind of fears in order to fully master oneself's potential at anything. Phobias are obstacles one is supposed to face and eventually conquer, although the timing of such conquest depends from person to person. Yoshi never really had phobias as a result, his parents often making sure that any sort of phobia he could ever have would be fought off as soon as possible. There's a reason his Draft preparation was spent mostly by facing near-death situations with loose correlation with the teams themselves... Well, two, but we're not exactly including the fact that Yoshimitsu is more naive than the humanly acceptable standards but he's also pretty much fearless, for better or for worse. That said, when he was six, he did fear ghosts. Nowadays, the ghosts would probably be more scared of him than the other way around, but that must count for something, right?

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
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Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

Vorian Atreides has lived through all phases of human history, as a son of the Titan Agamemnon he gained immortality. After splitting ways with his father he fought in the Butlerian Jihad, the battle of mankind against the self-thinking machines. They had won that war, but humanity does not learn from mistakes in the past. More and more we see technology going the same route as it did in ancient history. Self thinking machines are becoming more and more reality again. This feeds Vorian’s biggest fear. He first handed seen what this can lead to as the machines actually tried to take over from mankind. In day to day life Vorian tries to avoid as much thinking machines as possible and he even refuses to ask anything to Siri on his phone. If he had the chance he would destroy all self thinking machines himself if he had the chance, but alas, google and co. are already way to powerful and it will just be a matter of time before Vorian his biggest phobia becomes reality…. Again.

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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


PBE Welfare

Dieselj123 on pbe

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You might think it strange for a hockey player to be afraid of ice, but such is reality for Halifax's Adam Barron. In fact, his fear of ice is so great that you might say his skating ability comes from an intense need to get a way from it. Falling on the ice was a nightmare, so he worked on his balance. He needed to get clear of the ice as quickly as possible when being knocked down, so he worked on his strength, so as to lift himself up with greater ease. If you're ever lucky enough to attend a Raiders practice, you'll be treated to a strange sight: a player punching the ice while yelling. This is normal... at least for a hockey player afraid of ice.

Where did this fear come from? "When I was young, I slipped on some ice on the porch and knocked a tooth out on our porch railing. I've hated it ever since, but my parents taught me from a young age to face your fears, so... here I am."

[182 words]

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Canada | Player (index) | Grizzlies | Player (portal) | Inferno

If it's one thing that Henrik Lekberg Osterman really, really hates its spiders. There is just something unnatural about the way they move, especially the bigger ones. He is not entirely sure where the fear came from as he is the only one in his family who finds spiders so terrifying. When asked about it, its the way the spiders move that really makes him unhinged. He thinks its probably got something to do with the fact that him and his family spent a year travelling in Australia when he was a child, seeing those really big spiders really had a lingering effect on him.

"It's the legs, those disgusting long legs. The skinny ones are fine, the daddy longlegs or whatever you call them... But as soon as there is a little thickness to them.. ugh. Makes me shudder every damn time. Doesn't matter if they move fast or slow. Its equally disgusting. Have you ever had a Huntsman spider the size of a dinner plate run towards you? Its terrifying. I'd rather be catapulted into the sun than be within 10 feet of one of those things. Plus, have you ever seen one of those nature documentaries where a spider catches a mammal? That is amongst the most unnatural things you will ever see. It feels do wrong... I just do my best to avoid them. At any cost. Can we please talk about something else?"

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Max Mauldin is really scared of Spiders. Like he fucking hates them a lot but he also hates them enough to learn about that poisonous and venomous ones native to California where he lives. While he lives in Pacific Palisades and he's customized his home to be spider proof he does encounter them outside of his home and found out that there are only THREE poisonous spiders native to California and they are the Desert Recluse, Chilean Recluse and the Black Widow. While the Black Widow is extremely native to the world the Desert Recluse can only be found well in the Desert and the Chilean Recluse is known to be found in the desert as well. Now most people can say well "Max, all of Los Angeles and the surrounding cities are actually in a Desert so wouldn't that mean you can find both near your home?" Yes that is true voice in my head but it also means they are known to be native to the proper Mojave Desert which is about 194 miles east of where Max lives and you'd have to be rummaging around under the bushes and cacti blindly like a fool to encounter them. Hell no.

202 Words

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#40 Niclas Wastlund - W - VANCOUVER WHALERS Whalers / TORONTO NORTH STARS Stars
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Fear is a useful tool in maintaining and perpetuating life.. It is there for a reason and should not be dismissed easily. It helps to keep us safe physically, insulates us from social awkwardness and protects our fragile psyches from trauma and soul crushing failure.

Otis B. Driftwood is human. Thus he knows fear like anyone else. Most of these fears are somewhat trivial and overcome without difficulty. The reckless abandon Otis shows on the ice coupled with some of the questionable life choices he makes off of it show this is a man not too afraid to take chances. However, there is one thing that makes Driftwood’s stomach twist, bowels grow loose and cause sweat upon his brow. Running out of gin.

Otis would not describe himself as an alcoholic. Most who know him would, but he would not. He, rather, considers gin to be a gift from God and would not easily spurn such divine largesse. Otis likes to smoke El Cheapo brand cigars regularly. He likes to drop an occasional hit of acid. He greatly enjoys, if only rarely, smoking opium. These things are simple vices to be engaged with in the moment. Gin and more specifically martinis are a way of life for the hulking defenseman.

Otis B. Driftwood knows fear is good. He respects it and it’s ability to keep him in the zone when he needs to be. Therefore, if the fear of being without gin is so incredibly great in him, it must be of vital importance to his health and safety. This is not a sign of addiction. It is a sign of sound thinking and a healthy lifestyle. Ah yes, Otis B. Driftwood is so very, very wise.

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Tor Tuck has an irrational fear of water. This has made Edmonton a great place for him due to the harsh winters water is not present for much of the year. The trauma comes from an incident when he was a child where he thought he was going to practice his skating on the ice, but after an unusually warm winter he got to the center of the lake and found it to be heavily melted. Tor Tuck fell through said ice and nearly drowned. This phobia creates many issues when the Edmonton Blizzard go on road games during the warmer period of the season to teams in more moderate climate or with less funding and fan bases than the Blizzard. For example, a few games in Seattle in the old days left Tor Tuck sweating bullets because he could see they were failing to maintain great temperatures of the ice and in the pre-game there were small pools of water….just nasty stuff.

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Lyle just recently found out that this was actually a phobia, it is scriptophobia, the fear of writing in public. Lyle grew up in Montreal, a bilingual city where French and English are the two languages. Lyle's family were English speaking, with a limited knowledge of the French language, but they enrolled Lyle into a bilingual school as a kid and he quickly realized that he was far behind his fellow classmates when it came to his second language. Lyle was asked the first day of school to write his favourite words (in French) on the board, Lyle not knowing many french words just wrote words in English on the board and added a couple of accents over some of the letters. His classmates found this hilarious and all had a good laugh. Lyle did not laugh, and since then he has been afraid to write anything in public. Now playing in the SHL, he was worried about the day that some hockey fan may ask for his autograph, so he has recently been practicing. He has been seen signing autographs for random people on the street, all of which have no idea who Lyle is and end up very confused at the end of the encounter. But has been steadily improving, and will hopefully be ready if anyone ever actually ask for his autograph.

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 


Tibuk Soonika has a huge phobia of turtle neck sweaters. But this has not always been the case, in fact there was once a time when he enjoyed them! They would keep young Tibuk quite warm in the winter and during his minor hockey he often had an Under Armour shirt that could be described as a turtle neck which he always wore. But one day it all changed, there was Tibuk on his way to the grocery store rosy cheeked and carrying a smile. When out of nowhere jumped out 4 men wearing masks of the Beatles and wearing black turtle neck sweaters. They demanded his jacket and winter boots, which he was wearing at the time, and despite the fact he offered them the money he was carrying they were not interested in it. They simply wanted the warm clothes that Tibuk had despite the fact they were all clearly wearing turtle neck sweaters. It was a cold walk home for Tibuk and one he could never forget. He immediately threw out his own Turtle Neck sweaters and swore on all that he believed in that he would never trust another human being wearing a turtle neck sweater.

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

Jean-Paul Boivin has only one phobia. I'm not sure what the actual word is, but he is afraid of dying alone. Jean-Paul has lived his entire life surrounded by others. The thought of dying alone with no one who would care, that sends him shivers down his spine. Jean-Paul avoids this scenario by being a positive person to be around. He also always wants to be around someone. Don't get me wrong, he has moments he wants to be alone, just most of the time, he likes to have people around. Now doing something out of fear may cheapen the relationship to some people, but Jean-Paul isn't overly conscious of the situation. It started when he was around eight. His granfather was found dead in his home. He had passed days prior, but the grandfather had alienated himself. The remarks his father made afterwards always stuck with him. To answer the later questions, Jean-Paul has never had to die, so he has never confronted the fear. He'll probably work through it in his 30s.

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Atlas Rush is one of the most feared players in the SMJHL over the past 4 season as he lead the league in hits the past three seasons and was fourth on that list in his rookie year. While the thought of Rush barreling towards them brings fear to the league Atlas Rush also has some fears he has to cope with. One of his biggests fears while not very plausible is for another Prohibition to happen banning alcohol. This would severly hurt Atlas Rush’s side Business as a successful Restauranteur and Cocktail Bar Owner and enthusiast. Rush Currently has two locations across Canada with one in Halifax where he plays for the Raiders and One in Calgary his hometown and his SHL team aswell. Another Fear that Atlas has to cope with is spiders. There is just something about something so small and quick… Atlas is Unsure if he prefers seeing the spider or not but knowing its there. Either way this brings a chill down his spine just thinking about it. A word of caution however as he doesn’t take well to being pranked with them. He usually gets more physical then people are ready for when that happens.

S52 "A" Alternate Captain of the Calgary Dragons
"GM" - Former Prince George Firebirds and Regina Force General Manager
"C" - Former Captain of the Halifax Raiders
S48 Brandon Holmes Trophy Recipient - Top Defensive Forward

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