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S50 PT#2 - Phobias

Elijah Jones’ biggest phobia is turtles, commonly known as chelonaphobia. These guys are basically dinosaurs. The fear stems from a young age where Elijah Jones came across a turtle in the wild. He stood looking at the turtle as it crawled by and it was so hideous that Jones couldn’t stand it. Then, trying to grow in life, Elijah Jones attended a sea-turtle conservation meeting and led to disaster. While learning about how to protect sea-turtles, the group was shown a live one. Jones kicked it out of fight-or-flight reactions. The gathering looked at what Jones did as if he was some kind of monster. But the true monster was the sea-turtle that was kicked in the face. Nowadays, Jones keeps his distance from turtles. He doesn’t associate with them and if traded to a team with a turtle mascot, he would promptly retire. No cause is worth putting up with turtles.

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Martijn Westbroek is deathly afraid of having to rely on Selman’s production. He’s terrified that one day he’ll wake up and have his production be dependent on the play of Lallo and he’s not ready for that to be at a reality. It keeps him working hard every day to keep being better than Lallo and ensure that Lallo is never in a position where he can say he’s the one who drives their line. He also thinks about Anaheim last year and about how that team relied on Selman’s production and it went terribly. A world where Lallo’s production is a centrepiece of a team is not a world that Martijn would like to live in. It’s nothing personal for Martijn: “They say sometimes you’ve got it and sometimes you just don’t. Lallo is a guy that just doesn’t and never will, and I don’t want to have to count on him for my points.”

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Lavelles biggest phobia no doubt is finishing his SHL career without a single 50 point season. He has had a pretty good career which must would be proud of, winning the challenge cup twice, four star cup once and the IIHF championships a record 5 times while also nearing in on the career 400 points mark for Buffalo but he has yet to get a single season above 50 points. Is it because Stampede is too stacked? Probably.

Lavelles biggest phobia might be able to be taken care of this offseason when his contract ends with Buffalo and he seeks greener pastures elsewhere in an attempt to escape from his sub 50 point season nightmares. This might just about be the only possible way in the whole wide green and blue world to escape from his biggest phobia because his GM's wont let him feast by draining the swamp of the stampede.


Dick Clapper is afraid of acronyms. If you ever want to see him quake in his boots, or skates, or even moccasins, just call him DC. Chills down his spine, even just typing it out. Now there may be some people out there that say, "how can you be afraid of acronyms?" Just slide into my IG dm's and I'll send you a video explaining just how. How did this fear materialize you may ask? Well it all started from eons of people mispronouncing his name, and young DC being too timid to correct them. Now anytime DC hears his name incorrectly pronounced, he immediately throws his gloves down (gloves he is always wearing for moments like these) and starts to brawl. What is the scariest thing you've ever seen? A bull chasing towards you? Your plane falling from the sky? No. It's Dick Clapper, barreling towards you, throwing his gloves down to the ground.

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Thanks to JSS for the signature

Lallo Selman has aibohphobia, this means that his biggest fear is the irrational fear of palindromes. This is somewhat funny and ironic since the word to describe his fear is a palindrome in itself. It makes life very difficult for Lallo as he's scared of even describing his fear to others, he walks around dreading being asked about his biggest fear knowing that he'd have to use a palindrome to tell others about his fear of palindromes. This makes Lallo wish that the person who invented this word lives a long, painful death since this person obviously loves seeing others suffer. Speaking of suffering, Lallo has another equally big fear which is his fear of needles. Lallo is terrified of needles and passes out whenever he needs a blood test or vaccination. This fear also has its advantages as it means Lallo would never do drugs like heroine and so he has less risk of becoming the next celebrity to spiral out of control with some heroine addiction. As much as Lallo would love his own post rehab TV show, he much prefers being a hockey player.

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There are a few things that scare Gylfi like not being good enough, losing but most of all horses. When he was a young child he had a few bad experiences with horses on his farm house compared to the other animals they had.

The first bad experience he had was horseback riding as a child. He was on a horse about to leave and the horse bended over to eat and Gylfi flipped the fuck out thinking it was going to buck him off.

Then when he was a teenager he though he had finally conquered his fear of horses. He went to feed them out in the field one day and walked behind a horse and kicked out behind him because of a loud noise he made. A few of the horses went crazy. Luckily, he did not get hit but it was extremely close to hitting him in the head. Ever since then Gylfi refuses to do anything horse related now, thank god there are not too many in Los Angeles.

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Left Winger - Gylfi Eriksson
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Aaron Wilson has an irrational fear of getting hit with the puck. One day in his early childhood when he was shooting at the net in his backyard, the puck took a funny bounce off the wall and hit him right in the face, breaking his nose.
It took young Aaron almost 1 year and multiple therapy sessions until he picked up a hockey stick again but he went on to become a professional hockey player and is currently one of the young stars in SHL.
Deep down he still has that fear however. He played with a full cage helmet until last season, longer than most players, and if you look at his stats he has 36 blocks in 200 games which is low even for a forward. Most of these shot blocks were accidental too as he never goes down/slides to block a shot. Usually the puck just hits his stick and it's counted as a blocked shot.

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Brennan Kennedy Jr has 2 fears in this world, snakes and horses. A fear of snakes is normal so we wont touch on that one. We'll take a look at the fear of horses. It all started when he was young, maybe 10 or so and got on a horse at a county fair for a ride. Next thing you know the mighty beast was spooked, reared up on its hind legs and bucked young Brennan off. From that point on, the fear of horses was instilled in him. The idea of riding an animal with a mind of it's own that can push 2000 pounds has never appealed to me after that situation. Unfortunately it all came to a head when Brennan and his fiance took a trip down south and she wanted to go for a horseback ride on the beach. Knowing his fear for these kill machines, his fiance still insisted. After pumping himself up, Brennan finally conquered his fear and rode the horse. Just kidding. Yes he did ride the horse, but he swore that would be the last time he ever gets on one of those terrifying animals. A pact that he kept since.

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Quote:Written task: Tell us about your player's main phobia - what are they most afraid of in the world? Where does this fear come from? Was there a traumatic experience? Have they always been afraid of it? How does your player go about avoiding this source or handling this phobia in day-to-day life? Maybe tell us about a specific instance in which your player was forced to confront this phobia head-on - how did they fare? (150+ words)

Rafe Ulrich has a big fear, something he just cannot face without clenching up, sweat breaking out and the feeling of having to get the heck out of where this something is.

This something, are socks. You might think this is a bit of a weird phobia to have, but Rafe has his reasons for sure.

Back when Rafe was a young lad living in Svalbard, there was a sock puppet thearer in the local library. Something Rafe was very interesting in, so he asked his parents and they gave him some extra allowance to be able to go to the sock puppet show.

He went and had the time of his life. The story telling was great, the acting was supurb and it was just a good time overall.

However after the show, when all the other kids were making their way back home, Rafe stayed behind and there he witnessed something terrifying. He saw one of the socks hit the sock other, over and over and over again. Until the one the sock just didnt get up anymore. Rafe yelled, cried and ran home. After witnessing this he just couldn't look at the socks the same one anymore. This is when the sock phobia started and he was never able to get over it.

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Heart  Militia Montreal Impact/Militia Militia-Old Heart

The important thing to remember about phobias is that they are irrational. That being said Nat Emerson's phobia is eye injuries in general but most terrifyingly getting a paper cut in the eye. This all stems from his high school days. As in most high schools, Emerson's high school had fliers covering every wall in every hallway in the school. Most of these papers would only be taped at the top. When students walked by the draft they created would cause the bottom part of the paper to fly up. Nothing ever happened to Nat but the mere thought of it happening was enough to spark the phobia in his brain. This has led to him being unable to even use contacts. This has had a bit of an effect on his hockey career. Emerson has had to talk to sports psychologists in order to overcome the nagging fear of high sticks or a puck up high. Luckily blunt force trauma to the eyes seems to not be as frightening as fucking PAPER CUTS IN THE EYE.

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                                           Finland Update Page  Interview  Player Page  Wolfpack

                                           [Image: Snussu.gif]
                                                 Thanks to everyone made sigs to me!!!! (Gif made by myself)
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2019, 12:49 PM by ArGarBarGar.)

Borromini Cannellini has interviewaphobia: the fear of awkward interviews. The SHL has plenty of crazy personalities that SHL players have to deal with, so Cannellini has to deal with those personalities which he cannot stand. So basically when he his asked to do an interview with one of those characters he tries to make up an excuse to not do it. Does it work? Not always, but he has been able to get out of 3 out of 4 interviews that is given, so he only has to deal with them a handful of times. So far he has not been able to break the phobia, but hopefully with age that will change. Either way he hasn't really given people any reason to do an interview with him since he has been so bad, so at the moment he is safe from awkward interviews and may play poorly on purpose just to keep from being interviewed.

Alonzo Garbanzo Final Tallies (Among Defensemen):
2nd in Goals (208), All-Time Assists Leader (765)*, All-Time Points Leader (973), 3rd in Hits (2587), All-Time Blocked Shots Leader (1882)*
*All-Time Leader Among All Skaters
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Hariken has emetophobia - fear of vomiting. It's exactly what it sounds like, and there are dozens of them.

"It started when I was really young. I remember eating some curry rice before bed, and then waking up in the middle of the night immediately sick to my stomach. I've always stayed up very late since then."

Incredibly, Hariken hasn't thrown up in over 13 years, and he's 19 now.

"I've just been able to fight it off. There have been times where I've felt sick, but I have some weird tics that help me, like pressing certain pressure points on my wrists and stuff.

"I used to be way worse about it when going out and stuff, because if I feel sick it ruins my night, but I've gotten a pretty good handle on it and don't think about it much now. I'm still going to always be kind of neurotic if I feel sick though."

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Special thanks to @Sleepy for the signature

For AB2, he has a real phobia of the dark. For some reason, ever since he was a child, darkness was something that he feared. He always had to have some sort of light on whether it was a hallway light or bathroom light. Keeping a light on allowed him to feel safe or secured. As he got older, it became apparent that this was still a phobia of his. AB2 would still leave a light on before bed, sometimes when rooming with friends or teammates, he’d leave his laptop light on until he could sleep. It has always been more of a comfort thing then anything, but still you would not catch AB2 out on the street without any type of streetlights. It has progressively become less and less over the years, but it is something he just manages. Every night he has to confront it, but again just by making sure there is some source of light, somewhere, he is able to get a full nights rest.

169 words

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