luke SHL GM
Admiral of the Data Seas
06-26-2021, 11:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2021, 11:33 AM by luke .)
It me, Luketd. After a long grind, I was able to reach 400 mil, which I am pretty sure the first SHL user to reach it. Specifically because the only other person to come close was Wasty, as no other period of time in the SHL enabled this type of growth. I am say that I am happy grinding this hard, specifically almost 3 years coming up on July 5th. Now 400 mil isnt a specific goal in mind I wanted to hit, but since it is a major milestone to me it is something that I feel like it would be a cool AMA. That plus it is only about a week or so away from 3 years on the site, almost 3 years on Thomason. As a user side I did a lot, Updater, Mentor, SMJHL Co-GM and GM, historian, head historian, PT grader, SHL Co-GM, SMJHL HO, and finally SHL Co-Commish. Felt like I have my hands in many pies throughout my career on the site, coming in at 19, a sophmore in college to now just recently graduated and landing a job. From having all the time in the world, to having to managing my time better, throughout all of that I increased my bank account. Whether that was at the beginning of my media career making shitty list media, or doing more thoughtful pieces like my prospect rankings, or my trade histories. I went from manually tracking TPE the S43 class got each week, to getting Blastmeaway to doing it for me with the updater sheet lmao. The SHL Changed a lot in the past 3 years being on the site. The site is almost doubled from since I joined the SHL, and I am proud to be apart of the community.
So ask away, about anything of my time in the SHL. From GMing juniors, to being a SHL Gm, or now being co-commish with Nour.
06-26-2021, 11:04 PM Fitted2106 Wrote: What's it like using your wealth to run smear campaigns against FITTED HOCKEY NETWORK
Why wouldnt I? SHN is clearly better. FITTED HOCKEY NETWORK CAN DIE
06-26-2021, 11:06 PM hockeyiscool Wrote: Of all of the projects that you've been part of: what's been your most favorite? What's been the thing that you're the most proud of? What are some things that you would have done differently with the power of hindsight?
My most favorite project to work on was Trade Histories, when I did that around S46 ish. I vividly remember watching the flyers on the TV and on my laptop going through each trade in the processed transactions in order to get every trade ever. Through Arty he showed me the old website(Tapatalk), so I was able to get those trades as well. It was a major resource that was lacking, and I dont know any other sim league that has all of their trades tracked. That being said there are probably a couple dozens that I dont have, either through them only showing up in draft threads that I couldnt find, or them getting deleted idk. But having almost all of them, hundreds of trades over a decade + of the league is a good resource to have. Being able to go back and see the trade and click on the actual thread too. Its something that will be even more important as we start to get 12,13,14 years ahead of the original start date.
The thing I am most proud of is recovering the S2 stats. S1 stats I recovered too but that was through the wayback machine so it was easy to copy and paste the player stats. With S2, I had to go into each Play by Player, find the box score, and turn it into something I could use to recover those player stats. It was a lot of hard work and tedious work going through 100+ play by plays, but in the end it was worth it. It showed players like Karpotsov in a better light, Jay McDonald, Ron Mexico's early seasons, and the list can go on and on. From that I also recovered the S1-S4 playoff player stats as well, which is also important as well.
If I had to do something differently is in trade histories I would have asked someone if I could see the official trade section in the SHL GM subforum so I didnt have to comb through the processed transactions, that had thousands of signings. It would have saved me hours of time.
06-26-2021, 11:10 PM Zoone16 Wrote: what's the eta on passing the half-billion mark?
Oh god, I dont know. 400 mil was a grind, specifically because I didnt write that much media. Having a podcast helps because its a 1 mil in profit each week. The big thing is jobs where I get like 28 mil from all the different jobs I have (Commish, PT grader, head historian, and then former jobs like Mentor, SHL GM). it will probably be reached, but maybe by carpy? I thought he was going to catch up on me soon
06-26-2021, 11:17 PM ImShiny Wrote: when will you finally get off the site
when I get bored probably
06-26-2021, 11:24 PM PremierBromanov Wrote: What that booty do?
booty do work. So that I dont have to worry about my future players
06-26-2021, 11:26 PM trella Wrote: Aren’t u so happy I was the one to get you over 400m?
What are your best memories from GMing Manhattan?
Why do you love the J?
I am
My best memory is of course winning the challenge cup. Thats the my favorite moment of the site, its great to win with good friends that have been grinding to win. Winning in the last season of STHS was memorable as well. I am happy that I was able to get my team a cup because its hard to win a cup. It was a team effort, everyone pitching in, getting the players in free agency, getting a great locker room, and winning it with friends. Getting wuma his first cup on the site which was 3 years in the making. Getting Symmetrik his 2nd cup. Calling up Z0rem that season and him getting his first cup as his first taste in SHL as well. And then a lot of the old guys that won their first cup, hewasajazzman, gooner, crawfling, finley, and everyone else.
I love the J in a way that its a developmental league. I gmed there, I know how much the GMs want to win. I wanted to win it all because its great to win with the team you created. But at the end of the day everyone is suppose to have fun there, so if winning is being prioritized over fun there then its not worth it.
06-26-2021, 11:31 PM Mike Izzy Wrote: How much of that 400 million was from money laundering?
I plead the 6th
06-26-2021, 11:40 PM PremierBromanov Wrote: Also
What's the most rep anyone has ever had
probably higher than you. I know in Jcink there are people with way more because you had someone like Fitted that just upreps someoen everyday or whatever
06-27-2021, 01:07 AM Geekusoid Wrote: How does one get to 400M so that they can do a max earn on a couple players without lifting a finger for media?
Write a lot of media, be lucky enough that you hit on the casino a couple of times. Have some jobs help too. I feel like the first 7 seasons of me being in the SHL almost all the money came from media, the last however many seasons I am at probably coming from the jobs I have/had
06-27-2021, 02:22 AM Carpy48 Wrote: Do you think you could possibly spend all of that money?
Do you remember when I was richer than you and are you afraid that might happen again?
all on the trading cards I hope. Gotta collect them all.
I do remember and I am surprised how much higher than you are right now. I know it will happen again. Your graphics are top tier and you just produced so much that you will catch up. Just like wasty, when you are a graphics god then its easy and fun to earn money. As well as supply the SHL sick sigs.
06-27-2021, 02:34 AM hockeyiscool Wrote: Why is Juni Panda a hero of the people? With all of your knowledge of history in the league is there anyone that did not make the hall of fame that you think should have made it?
Juni Panda will crush everyone, so he is getting back to the old style of hockey of just hitting everything that moves. Anyone that should be in the HOF but not in the HOF..... thats an interesting one. Probably Danny "bananas" Foster. if Turd Ferguson is in it then Foster 100% should be in it. Not through points or anything like that, but through straight hitting and pims.
06-27-2021, 07:06 AM Leppish Wrote: Can i get a small loan of 50 million?
06-27-2021, 07:48 AM ztevans Wrote: How does it feel knowing that, even with 400m, you're still the third-best podcast co-host @Rich has ever had?
TRUE, I was always recycling co-hosts(King, Evan, you), until Rich hit me up one day and we did it. Now we are 50+ weeks in and still going strong. Still the best podcast around right now
06-27-2021, 10:38 AM mastersheep Wrote: When are you just going to buy your own team already?
If wasty can't I cant. I would like to buy a juniors team. but other than that buying a SHL franchise would just be like hiring a manager. Doesn't really have a purpose. Unless you want to do it in the J where things are less permanent.
06-27-2021, 10:51 AM CementHands Wrote: Why do gritty pfp make the best players?
Hasn't worked for me so far lmao.
06-27-2021, 11:36 AM Zema Wrote: What's been the toughest time for you on the site? Where you just want to turn it all off and walk away?
This one is a good question. Toughest time I don't really have that bad of a time. I luckily have a good SHL Career so there isn't really anything to complain about. I never was involved in drama where I got hate so not really tough. I guess the toughest time for me is that S45-S47 time when I was vancouvers Co-Gm/GM. I approached SMJHL Gming in a bad way, and each season's lost really took a toll on me where I didn't want to do it anymore. So then I became SHL GM in S49 so there is that.
As for turning it all off and walk away I never thought about it. I do get burnout though, there has been a couple of times(5 or 6) over the 19 seasons I've been in the SHL that I just didnt have the energy to do much. But I usually take a week or 2 to not doing much but like PT's, and then I am back in it. Luckily for me I have drive to do a bunch of different things, so if I feel burnout in one area I can switch to another area. Like I got burnt out of media so I just didnt focus on that and focused on doing historian things. SHL GMing was always fun so I couldn't really get burned out by that. But I could switch around and find area's of interest that finds the drive again.
But burnout is real, take a week off and relax, dont think about the SHL too much and come back invigorated. Or dont come back at all, your choice lmao.
06-27-2021, 01:52 PM Pingy Pingu Wrote: @"luketd" i think the proper grammar is first "user" to get to 400 million agabab
I disagree
06-28-2021, 04:18 PM Patty Wrote: Kinda shameful to make Nour pay us when you're sittin on that kind of stack.
Would you say you've accomplished what you set out to when you took the Co-Commish spot?
kinda, my main goal was to increase parity. That was my day 1 priority, and it is still an issue, but we have taken a lot of steps in the right direction. The job is difficult but rewarding. Especially when implementing a lot of good things into the SHL. Active Backup Goalie, Increase in twitter, update scale, expansion, creating the events team, chaning milestones, creating an audit team, etc
06-30-2021, 02:41 AM Duff101 Wrote: What is the longest continuous amount of time you have spent on a toilet
Probably like 40 minutes? maybe an hour but idk. If I have my phone and im watching something I could spend some time. Especially when its like winter time and there is a vent right next to the toilet so it gets warm
06-30-2021, 10:04 AM TheFlash Wrote: What does the td in Luketd stand for?
The Dog, Thunderdome, Touchdown, etc
Luke Thomason || LW || Manhattan Rage || 2143 Max TPE
Born: 1/10/98
Height: 6'0
Weight 185 Lbs
Regular season
S42 | Van | GP: 50| G: 4| A: 8|P: 12|+/-: -10|MP: 457|
S43 | Van | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 19|P: 35|+/-: 3|MP: 951|
S44 | Van | GP: 50| G: 22| A: 31|P: 53|+/-: 9|MP: 1033|
S45 | SFP | GP: 50| G: 18| A: 19|P: 37|+/-: -5|MP: 1041|
S46 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 19| A: 24|P: 43|+/-: -3|MP: 1156|
S47 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 28|P: 44|+/-: -15|MP: 1184|
S48 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 16| A: 24|P: 40|+/-: -13|MP: 1137|
S49 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 21| A: 28|P: 49| +/-: 13|MP: 1099
S50 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 21| A: 23|P: 44| +/-: 10|MP: 1157
S51 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 17| A: 22|P: 39| +/-: 5|MP: 1232
S52 | MAN | GP: 50| G: 24| A: 29|P: 54| +/-: 17|MP: 1193
S42 Playoffs | Van| GP: 11 | G: 1| A: 2 |P:3|+/-: +3| MP: 101
S43 Playoffs | Van| GP: 10 | G: 4| A: 1 |P:5|+/-: -3| MP: 206
S44 Playoffs | Van| GP: 14 | G: 7| A:6 |P:13|+/-:-1 | MP:228
S46 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 12 | G: 3 | A:2 |P:5|+/-:-14 | MP:289
S47 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 5 | G: 3 | A:4 |P:7|+/-:2 | MP:119
S49 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 11| G: 6| A: 11|P:16|+/-: 5| MP:248
S50 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 6| G: 5| A: 5|P:10|+/-: 7| MP:137
S51 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 12| G: 7| A: 9|P:16|+/-: 4| MP:293
S52 Playoffs | MAN| GP: 19| G: 9| A: 13|P:22|+/-: 0| MP:438
S43 Named Assistant Captain for VAN Whalers
Drafted 3rd OA by San Fransisco Pride
S43 4 Star Cup Champion
S44 Zach Miller Award for Most Dedicated
S44 nominee for the Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S45 WJC Gold Medalist
S45 SHL Rookie All-Star Team
S46 Named Captain for Czechoslovakia
S45 Winner of the Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S46 Nominee for Damien Littleton award for most dedicated
S49 Bronze Medal for Czechia
S52 Nominee for Anton Razov Trophy
S52 SHL 3rd Team
Arnost Holub || Vancouver Whalers GM/ Manhattan Rage Co-GM
S44 | W:27 | L:18 | OTL: 5 | P:59 | 3rd in League
S45 | W:29 | L:17 | OTL: 4 | P:62 | 4th in League
S46 | W:23 | L:21 | OTL: 6 | P:52 | 8th in League
S47 | W:30 | L:17 | OTL: 3 | P:63 | 3rd in League
S48 | W:28 | L:16 | OTL: 6 | P:62 | 4th in League
Total | W:137 | L: 89 | OTL: 24
Manhattan Rage
S49 | W:33 | L:15 | OTL: 2 | P:68 | 3rd in League
S50 | W:26 | L:20 | OTL: 4 | P:56 | 8th in League
S51 | W:26 | L:18 | OTL: 6 | P:56 | 5th in League
S52 | W:28 | L:21 | OTL: 1 | P:57 | 6th in League
Totals | W:113 | L:74 | OTL: 13
S49 Lance Uppercut Award
S51 Lance Uppercut Award Nomination
S52 Lance Uppercut Award Nomination
Vancouver Whalers
S44 | W: 7 | L: 7 | CF Round Exit
S45 | W: 6 | L: 6 | CF Round Exit
S46 | W: 1 | L: 4 | 1st Round Exit
S47 | W: 6 | L: 4 | CF Round Exit
S48 | W: 12 | L: 7 | 4 Star Cup Champions
Total| W: 32 | L: 28 | 4 Star Cup Champions
Manhattan Rage
S49 | W: 6 | L: 5 | CF Round Exit
S50 | W: 2 | L: 4 | Wildcard Exit
S51 | W: 5 | L: 7 | CF Exit
S52 | W: 12 | L: 7 | Challenge Cup Champions
Total | W: 25 | L:23 | 1 Challenge Cup
What's it like using your wealth to run smear campaigns against FITTED HOCKEY NETWORK
2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50
1x commissioners excellence award s 50
Of all of the projects that you've been part of: what's been your most favorite? What's been the thing that you're the most proud of? What are some things that you would have done differently with the power of hindsight?
Zoone16 Media Graders
Loveable Buttnugget
what's the eta on passing the half-billion mark?
when will you finally get off the site
David Vent || Vancouver Whalers/Czechia || Defensemen
David Vent||Manhattan Rage/Kelowna Knights/Czechia||Retired
Birthplace: Czech Republic
49 Career Fights. Record 19:wins|6:losses|24:ties
S52 Challenger Cup Champion
SHL Total Stats
SHLTotal Playoff Stats
SMJHL Total Stats
International Play
WJC Career (G:8|A:46|Points:54|Hits:164|SB:148)
IIHF Career (G:7|A:32|Points:39|Hits:107|SB:122)
Awards and Records
S59 IIHF Silver Medal
S53 Named Captain for the Manhattan Rage
S52 Challenger Cup Winner
S52 Named Assistant Captain for the Czechia IIHF Team
S50 Named Assistant Captain for the Manhattan Rage
S50 IIHF Bronze Medal
S49 Named Assistant Captain for the UCORCAL WJC Team
S48 Named Assistant Captain for the Kelowna Knights
S47 Named Captain of the Czech WJC Team
S46 WJC Gold Medal Winner
S46 Laurifier Trophy
S44 WJC Gold Medal Winner
Czech WJC Career Major Penalties: 5
Czech WJC Career Fights: 5
Czech WJC Career Fight Ties: 2
Czech WJC Career Fight Wins: 2
What that booty do?
[S69] Tiberius Kane | Left Wing | GFG | 473 TPE
S67: WJC Silver
S68: Drafted 3rd Overall to GFG
S68: Drafted 14th Overall to TEX
S69: WJC Bronze
[S67] Nichael Fitted + [S64] Backup Goaltender
[S50] Tom Fiddler | Two-Way Center | Peak 2006 TPE | RETIRED
Drafted 4th round, 34th overall in S49 SMJHL Entry Draft
Drafted 2nd round, 24th overall in S50 SHL Entry Draft
Traded to Tampa Bay for a ham sandwich in S52
* = First Place
Career Stats | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Hit | SB | Sh | GA | TK
SHL Regular | 657 | 144 | 284 | 428 | -213 | 777 | 1013 | 1520 | 292 | 393
SHL Playoffs | 39 | 5 | 14 | 19 | -16 | 63 | 52 | | |
IIHF Regular | 168 | 19 | 45 | 64 | 7 | 153 | 90 | | |
SHL Regular Season Stats
Szn |Team| GP | G | A | P | +/- | TOI | Hit | SB | Sh | PIM
S53 | TBB | 50 | 5 | 15 | 20| -24| 17:16 | 46 | 77 | 56 | 10
S54 | TBB | 45 | 1 | 10 | 11 | -80 | 18:35 | 60 | 171 | 55 | 17
S55 | TBB | 50 | 1 | 19 | 20 | -56 | 18:37 | 31 | 86 | 82 | 14
S56 | TBB | 50 | 5 | 15 | 20 | -35 | 19:22 | 34 | 112 | 101| 20
S57 | TBB | 66 | 14 | 32 | 46 | -26 | 24:48 | 64 |100 |152 | 20
S58 | TBB | 66 | 29 | 40 | 69 | -2 | 25:59 |100| 74 |180 | 20
S59 | TBB | 66 | 19 | 39 | 58 | -3 | 25:33 |105| 95 |188 | 14
S60 | TBB | 66 | 23 | 23 | 46 | 4 | 22:33 | 66 | 50 |159 | 26
S61 | TBB | 66 | 10 | 35 | 45 | 12 | 22:17 | 98 | 72 |182 | 20
S62 | TBB | 66 | 16 | 23 | 39 | -2 | 20:23 |104 | 57 |183 | 4
S63 | TOR | 66 | 21 | 33 | 54 | -1 | 20:29 | 69 |119 |182 | 39
SHL Playoff Stats
Szn |Team| GP | G | A | P | +/- | TOI | Hit | SB | Sh | PIM
S59 | TBB | 5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -6 | 22:11 | 10 | 5 | 12 | 0
S60 | TBB | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -6 | 22:49 | 8 | 1 | 7 | 0
S61 | TBB | 13 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 0 | 21:06 | 17 | 13 | 29 | 0
S62 | TBB | 12 | 1 | 3 | 4 | -4 | 20:01 | 20 | 18 | 24 | 2
S63 | TOR | 5 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 21:16 | 8 | 15 | 15 |0
SMJHL Career | GP: 200| G: 36 | A: 102 | P: 138 | +/-: 42
SMJHL Playoff Career | GP: 52| G: 9 | A: 23 | P: 32 | +/-: 5
SMJHL Regular Season Stats
S49 | MTL | GP: 50 | G: 3 | A: 16 | P: 19 | +/-: 2 | FO%: 42.43% | FOT: 898
S50 | CAR | GP: 50 | G: 6 | A: 15 | P: 21 | +/-: -6 | FO%: 50.93% | FOT: 1237
S51*| CAR | GP: 50 | G: 11 | A: 38 | P: 49 | +/-: 24 | FO%: 53.08% | FOT: 1313
S52 | CAR | GP: 50 | G: 16 | A: 33 | P: 49 | +/-: 22 | FO%: 53.33% | FOT: 1202
SMJHL Playoff Stats
S49*| MTL | GP: 17 | G: 2 | A: 7 | P: 9 | +/-: 5 | FO%: 51.96% | FOT: 433
S50*| CAR | GP: 18 | G: 4 | A: 5 | P: 9 | +/-: 5 | FO%: 50.28% | FOT: 356
S51 | CAR | GP: 6 | G: 2 | A: 2 | P: 4 | +/-: -1| FO%: 47.68% | FOT: 151
S52 | CAR | GP: 11 | G: 1 | A: 9| P: 10 | +/-: -4| FO%: 51.34% | FOT: 261
S49 Four Star Cup
S50 Four Star Cup
S51 Laurifer Trophy
S51 Petr Klimek Award for the Best Two-Way Player with Joseph Weston
S52 Honorary 3-way Laurifer Paricipation Trophy
S52 Alternate Captain of Carolina
S52 Petr Klimek Award for the Best Two-Way Player with Joseph Weston
S52 Kurtis Hunter Award for Team's Choice MVP
S52 IIHF Gold Medal
S53 IIHF Bronze Medal
S54 The Winless Season
S54 IIHF Silver Medal
S55 IIHF Gold Medal
S56 IIHF Silver Medal
S57 IIHF Silver Medal
S58 IIHF Silver Medal
S60 IIHF Silver Medal
S61 IIHF GoldMedal
IIHF Federation Head - Great Britain
S56: Silver
S57: Silver
S58: Silver
S59: DNQ
S60: Silver
S61: Gold
S62: DNQ
S68: Lost 1st Round
S69: Bronze
Fuck the penaltys
Aren’t u so happy I was the one to get you over 400m?
What are your best memories from GMing Manhattan?
Why do you love the J?
Thanks to @
karey and @
JSS for the sigs!
Teddy Cuddles | RW | Edmonton Blizzard | Hall of Fame
Player Type : Two Way Forward
Height: 6'5" | Weight: 220 lbs | Age: 19
Number: 79
Birthplace: Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Regular Season Stats :
S35 | STL | GP:28 | G:2 | A:1 | P:3 | PIMs:5 | HIT:7 | Shots:25 | +/-:-4
S36 | STL | GP:50 | G:10 | A:10 | P:20 | PIMs:5 | HIT:97 | Shots:88 | +/-:-1
S37 | STL | GP:50 | G:13 | A:27 | P:40 | PIMs:56 | HIT:120| Shots:146 | +/-:+10
S38 | EDM | GP:50 | G:6 | A:7 | P:13 | PIMs:62 | HIT:114 | Shots:83 | +/-:-18
S39 | EDM | GP:50 | G:7 | A:15 | P:22 | PIMs:36 | HIT:161 | Shots:78 | +/-:-10
S40 | EDM | GP:50 | G:13 | A:29 | P:42 | PIMs:46 | HIT:197 | Shots:109 | +/-:+7
S41 | EDM | GP:50 | G:17 | A:17 | P:34 | PIMs:49 | HIT:143 | Shots:121 | +/-:-4
S42 | EDM | GP:50 | G:17 | A:24 | P:41 | PIMs:52 | HIT:135 | Shots:132 | +/-:+9
S43 | EDM | GP:50 | G:14 | A:23 | P:37 | PIMs:24 | HIT:121 | Shots:121 | +/-:-2
S44 | EDM | GP:50 | G:21 | A:32 | P:53 | PIMs:28 | HIT:131 | Shots:214 | +/-:+19
S45 | EDM | GP:50 | G:13 | A:24 | P:37 | PIMs:51 | HIT:170 | Shots:185 | +/-:+9
S46 | EDM | GP:50 | G:29 | A:31 | P:60 | PIMs:53 | HIT:152 | Shots:195 | +/-:+9
S47 | EDM | GP:50 | G:17 | A:33 | P:50 | PIMs:46 | HIT:182 | Shots:199 | +/-:+8
S48 | EDM | GP:50 | G:22 | A:23 | P:45 | PIMs:26 | HIT:182 | Shots:210 | +/-:+7
S49 | EDM | GP:50 | G:20 | A:25 | P:45 | PIMs:36 | HIT:149 | Shots:208 | +/-:+1
Post Season Stats :
S35 | STL | GP:7 | G:0 | A:0 | P:0 | PIMs:0 | HIT:2 | Shots:4 | +/-:+1
S36 | STL | GP:6 | G:1 | A:1 | P:2 | PIMs:7 | HIT:14 | Shots:12 | +/-:+3
S37 | STL | GP:13 | G:4 | A:5 | P:9 | PIMs:26 | HIT:26 | Shots:30 | +/-:+7
S38 | EDM | Did not qualify
S39 | EDM | GP:7 | G:3 | A:3 | P:6 | PIMs:4 | HIT:18 | Shots:10 | +/-:+1
S40 | EDM | GP:7 | G:1 | A:6 | P:7 | PIMs:4 | HIT:33 | Shots:15 | +/-:+2
S41 | EDM | GP:7 | G:2 | A:3 | P:5 | PIMs:12 | HIT:15 | Shots:15 | +/-:+1
S42 | EDM | GP:11 | G:5 | A:8 | P:13 | PIMs:10 | HIT:25 | Shots:38 | +/-:+1
S43 | EDM | Did not Qualify
S44 | EDM | GP:11 | G:4 | A:7 | P:11 | PIMs:12 | HIT:31 | Shots:42 | +/-:+3
S45 | EDM | GP:18 | G:7 | A:11 | P:18 | PIMs:24 | HIT:56 | Shots:68 | +/-:+8
S46 | EDM | GP:4 | G:0 | A:0 | P:0 | PIMs:2 | HIT:9 | Shots:11 | +/-:-5
S47 | EDM | GP:6 | G:3 | A:2 | P:5 | PIMs:6 | HIT:24 | Shots:25 | +/-:+2
S48 | EDM | GP:5 | G:2 | A:2 | P:4 | PIMs:0 | HIT:11 | Shots:19 | +/-:0
S49 | EDM | GP:23 | G:7 | A:17 | P:24 | PIMs:18 | HIT:76 | Shots:89 | +/-:-2
Awards and Achievements:
S37 | STL Kanye Summers Award for Regular Season Team MVP
S37 | STL Bradley Wingels Award for Best Forward
S40 | Gold Medal Winner
S40 | Aidan Richan Trophy Winner
S44 | Became 4th player in Edmonton Blizzard History to reach 1000 Hits
S45 | Challenge Cup Champion
S45 | Anton Razov Trophy for Playoff MVP
S45 | Silver Medal Winner
S46 | 1st Team All Star
S46 | Sarmad Kahn Nominee
S46 | Jef Darr Nominee
S47 | Jef Darr Nominee
S49 | Challenge Cup Champion
S49 | Anton Razov Nominee
Draft/Signing/Trade History:
S35 | Signed to STL
S36 | Drafted to Calgary 26th overall
S36 | Traded to Edmonton
Ambacas “Femboy Hooters” Cuddles | D | Tampa Bay Barracuda
Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM
How much of that 400 million was from money laundering?
[S58] #A-Rye Izzy || D || CGY || #Killowna || 1438 TPE
Born: S39
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 188 lbs
Number: 86
Position: Hybrid Defender
Birth Place: Vienna, Austria
Residence: Toronto, Canada
SHL Regular Season Statistics:
S60| CGY | GP 66| G: 11| A: 15| P: 26| H: 57 | BK: 85| +15 | PPP: 00
S61| CGY | GP 66| G: 05| A: 15| P: 20| H: 64 | BK: 96| +06 | PPP: 00
SMJHL Regular Season Statistics:
S57| KEL| GP 66| G: 05| A: 13| P: 18| H: 57| BK: 27| -01| PPP: 00
S58| KEL| GP 63| G: 08| A: 23| P: 31| H: 51| BK: 30| +20| PPP: 02
S59| KEL| GP 66| G: 13| A: 22| P: 35| H: 74| BK: 64| +30| PPP: 01
SMJHL Post Season Statistics:
S57| KEL| GP 07| G: 00| A: 00| P: 00| H: 03| BK: 02| -01| PPP: 00
S58| KEL| GP 12| G: 01| A: 04| P: 05| H: 05| BK: 04| -04| PPP: 00
S59| KEL| GP 17| G: 06| A: 05| P: 11| H: 22| BK: 10| +11| PPP: 01
S34 - SMJHL: Drafted 5th overall by Kelowna
S35 - SHL: Auto Drafted by Calgary
S57 - Youngest player drafted in league history.
S58 - Named Alternate Captain of the Kelowna Knights
S58 - Won Silver Medal with DACH in the WJC
S59 - Named Captain of the Kelowna Knights
S59 - Won Gold Medal with DACH in the WJC
S59 - Kelowna wins 4-Star Cup Championship
Mike Izzy || S34-55 || HOF || TPE Max: 2207 || Cups: 3
Alias: the Augment
Born: 9/4/1995
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 228 lbs
Number: 19
Birth Place: Whitby, Ontario
SHL Regular Season Statistics:
S55| CGY| GP 50| G: 14| A: 12| P: 26| H: 154| BK: 28| +23| SHT: 149
S54| CGY| GP 50| G: 21| A: 19| P: 40| H: 108| BK: 28| -05 | SHT: 144
S53| CGY| GP 50| G: 17| A: 23| P: 40| H: 185| BK: 13| +11| SHT: 152
S52| CGY| GP 50| G: 17| A: 21| P: 38| H: 196| BK: 19| +11| SHT: 199
S51| CGY| GP 50| G: 14| A: 23| P: 37| H: 227| BK: 18| -05| SHT: 166
S50| CGY| GP 50| G: 18| A: 33| P: 51| H: 186| BK: 20| +16| SHT: 185
S49| CGY| GP 50| G: 29| A: 24| P: 53| H: 174| BK: 11| +24| SHT: 177
S48| CGY| GP 50| G: 21| A: 29| P: 50| H: 220| BK: 15| +10| SHT: 196
S47| CGY| GP 50| G: 20| A: 30| P: 50| H: 208| BK: 26| +18| SHT: 193
S46| CGY| GP 50| G: 22| A: 28| P: 50| H: 218| BK: 19| +05| SHT: 252
S45| CGY| GP 50| G: 15| A: 26| P: 41| H: 216| BK: 14| -03| SHT: 216
S44| CGY| GP 50| G: 19| A: 33| P: 52| H: 180| BK: 10| +15| SHT: 206
S43| CGY| GP 50| G: 21| A: 27| P: 48| H: 198| BK: 10| +04| SHT: 214
S42| CGY| GP 50| G: 26| A: 26| P: 52| H: 176| BK: 17| +11| SHT: 213
S41| CGY| GP 50| G: 20| A: 25| P: 45| H: 190| BK: 13| - 05| SHT: 208
S40| CGY| GP 50| G: 20| A: 20| P: 40| H: 200| BK: 16| +10| SHT: 193
S39| CGY| GP 50| G: 24| A: 24| P: 48| H: 209| BK: 05| +23| SHT: 178
S38| CGY| GP 50| G: 15| A: 16| P: 31| H: 192| BK: 07| +09| SHT: 124
S37| CGY| GP 50| G: 07| A: 09| P: 16| H: 149| BK: 04| +06| SHT: 071
SHL Playoff Statistics:
S37| CGY| GP 07| G: 00| A: 00| P: 00| H: 17|: -07| SHT: 40| PIM: 02
S38| CGY| GP 18| G: 06| A: 01| P: 07| H: 65|: -04| SHT: 67| PIM: 28
S39| CGY| GP 04| G: 00| A: 00| P: 00| H: 11|: -04| SHT: 08| PIM: 06
S40| CGY| GP 19| G: 06| A: 11| P: 17| H: 50|: +02|SHT: 37| PIM: 12
S41| CGY| GP 06| G: 01| A: 03| P: 04| H: 32|: -04| SHT: 12| PIM: 16
S42| CGY| GP 14| G: 14| A: 10| P: 24| H: 70|: +11|SHT: 85| PIM: 19
S43| CGY| GP 06| G: 02| A: 00| P: 02| H: 18|: +01|SHT: 24| PIM: 00
S44| CGY| GP 05| G: 01| A: 03| P: 04| H: 21|: -02|SHT: 23| PIM: 04
S46| CGY| GP 10| G: 06| A: 06| P: 12| H: 49|: +03|SHT: 35| PIM: 27
S47| CGY| GP 10| G: 06| A: 06| P: 12| H: 49|: +03|SHT: 35| PIM: 27
S48| CGY| GP 11| G: 04| A: 06| P: 10| H: 47|: +01|SHT: 55| PIM: 10
S49| CGY| GP 07| G: 03| A: 06| P: 09| H: 29| : -01| SHT: 32| PIM: 04
S50| CGY| GP 20| G: 16| A: 16| P: 32| H: 68| :+21| SHT: 88| PIM: 28
SMJHL Regular Season Statistics:
S34| KEL| GP 50| G: 10| A: 09| P: 19| : +19| PIM: 38| H: 107|
S35| KEL| GP 50| G: 17| A: 16| P: 33| : -10| PIM: 58| H: 145|
S36| KEL| GP 50| G: 18| A: 17| P: 35| : +04| PIM: 58| H: 130|
SMJHL Playoff Statistics:
S34| KEL| GP: 06| G: 2| A: 4| P: 6| : +5| PIM: 02| H: 17|
S35| KEL| GP: 12| G: 5| A: 3| P: 8| : +2| PIM: 12| H: 31|
International Hockey Statistics (IIHF):
S36| AUT| GP 11| G: 2| A: 2| P: 04| : +1| PIM: 12| H: 22| SOG: 16
S37| AUT| GP 11| G: 3| A: 1| P: 04| : -6| PIM: 06| H: 51| SOG: 25
S38| AUT| GP 10| G: 3| A: 4| P: 07| : +7| PIM: 06| H: 40| SOG: 32
S39| AUT| GP 11| G: 2| A: 3| P: 05| : -04| PIM: 06| H: 36|SOG: 38
S40| AUT| GP 12| G: 4| A: 2| P: 05| : -04| PIM: 14| H: 43|SOG: 47
S41| AUT| GP 10| G: 5| A: 2| P: 07| : -03| PIM: 06| H: 24|SOG: 44
S42| AUT| GP 13| G: 3| A: 5| P: 08| : -01| PIM: 12| H: 26|SOG: 51
S43| AUT| GP 12| G: 6| A: 7| P: 13| : -02| PIM: 12| H: 56|SOG: 42
S44| AUT| GP 11| G: 6| A: 8| P: 14| :+06| PIM: 06| H: 48|SOG: 36
S45| AUT| GP 13| G: 7| A: 3| P: 10| :+01| PIM: 16| H: 45|SOG: 61
S46| AUT| GP 15| G:10| A:10| P:20| :+11| PIM :08| H: 58|SOG: 61
S47| AUT| GP 15| G:08| A:08| P:16| :+09| PIM :10| H: 36|SOG: 56
S47| AUT| GP 12| G:04| A:10| P:14| :+00| PIM :04| H: 33|SOG: 51
S34 - SMJHL: Drafted 22nd overall by Kelowna
S35 - SHL: Drafted 4th overall by Edmonton
S34 - Signed 1-yr/$2mil entry deal with Kelowna
S35 - Signed 3-yr/$1mil contract with Edmonton
S38 - Signed 2-yr/$4mil contract with Calgary
S39 - Signed 5-yr/$21mil contract extension with Calgary
S45 - Signed 2-yr/$4mil contract with Calgary
S47 - Signed 2-yr/$4mil contract with Calgary
S49 - Signed 2-yr/$6mil contract with Calgary
S51 - Signed 2-yr/$6mil contract with Calgary
S53 - Signed 2-yr/$6mil contract with Calgary
S55 - Signed 1-yr/$4mill contract with Calgary
S34 - Maxim Horvat Award for Kelowna's Top Rookie
S35 - Elias Armia Award for Kelowna MVP
S36 - Saku Perhonen Award for Most Exciting Player
S39 - Jesster Award for Calgary Dragons MVP
S42 - Jesster Award for Calgary Dragons MVP
S43 - Damian Littleton Trophy - Most Dedicated User
S45 - Jesster Award for Calgary Dragons MVP
S46 - IIHF’s Top Forward Award
S47 - Jeff Dar Trophy - Best 2 Way Forward
S49 - Jay McDonald Trophy - Most Goals (29)
S50 - Jesster Award for Calgary Dragons MVP
S35 - Named Alternate Captain of the Kelowna Knights
S35 - Named Media Director/Head Scout of Edmonton
S36 - Named Media Director of the Calgary Dragons
S36 - Transfered from Team Canada to Team Austria
S37 - Named GM of Team Austria of the IIHF
S38 - Calgary: Western Conference Champions
S39 - Named Alternate Captain of the Calgary Dragons
S39 - SHL All Star ‘3rd Team’
S40 - Calgary: Western Conference Champions
S40 - Calgary: Challenge Cup Champions!
S41 - Named Head of the SHL Awards Committee
S42 - Calgary: Western Conference Champions
S42 - Calgary: Challenge Cup Champions!
S42 - Jeff Dar Nomination (Best 2 way forward)
S42 - Anton Razov Nomination (Playoff MVP)
S43 - Named head of the Player Progression Department
S43 - Jeff Dar Nomination (Best 2 way forward)
S43 - Damian Littleton Trophy (Most Dedicated User)
S43 - IIHF Bronze Medal Winner
S44 - SHL All Star ‘2nd Team’
S44 - Jeff Dar Nomination (Best 2 way forward)
S45 - #1 in the SHL in hits (216)
S45 - IIHF Bronze Medal Winner
S45 - Damian Littleton Nomination (Most Dedicated User)
S46 - Jeff Dar Nomination (Best 2 way forward)
S46 - Damian Littleton Nomination (Most Dedicated User)
S47 - #1 in the SHL in hits (208)
S47 - Calgary: Western Conference Champions
S47 - IIHF Bronze Medal Winner
S47 - Ranked #1 in the top 100 list for S47
S48 - 1st player ever to add 50p/200h is 3 straight years
S48 - SHL All Star ‘2nd Team’
S48 - Ranked #1 in the top 100 list for S48
S48 - Jeff Dar Nomination (Best 2 way forward)
S48 - 6 Jeff Dar noms is the most in SHL history for that award
S49 - Calgary: Presidents Trophy
S49 - SHL All Star ‘3rd Team’
S49 - Jeff Dar Nomination (Best 2 way forward)
S49 - Ron Mexico Nomination (Leagues Most valuable Player)
S49 - Calgary creates the Mike Izzy Award for (Team Sportsmanship)
S50 - Calgary: Western Conference Champions
S50 - Calgary: Challenge Cup Champions!
S50 - SHL All Star ‘3rd’ Team’
S50 - Jeff Dar Nomination (Best 2 way forward)
S50 - Anton Razov Nomination (Playoff MVP)
S51 - Named Co-GM of the Calgary Dragons
S55 - Mike Izzy became the SHL’s all time hits leader (3585)
S55 - Mike Izzy retires from the SHL
S36 - Traded to the Calgary Dragons
TPE at the start of each season:
S37 - 751 TPE
S38 - 937 TPE
S39 - 1,114 TPE
S40 - 1,298 TPE
S41 - 1,465 TPE
S42 - 1,646 TPE
S42 - 1,858 TPE
S43 - 2,041 TPE
S44 - 2,109 TPE
S45 - 2,204 TPE (Final)
Coach Izzy || General Manager || CGY || S59-Present
Overall Record: 148W, 90L, 24OTL +114
Seasons: 4
Playoffs: 4
Series Wins: 3
Challenge Cups: 0
Regular Season Record:
S59 - 42W, 20L, 4OTL, 88 PTS, +44
- Division Winner
- 1st Round Bye
- Lost to Chicago in quarterfinals
S60 - 38W, 21L, 7OTL, 83 PTS, +62
- Division Winner
- Wins against: Seattle, Edmonton
- Western Conference Championship Series
S61 - 34W, 26L, 6OTL, 74 PTS, +5
- 2nd Place, Pacific Division
- Wins against: Los Angeles
- Lost to Edmonton in quarterfinals
S62 - 36W, 23L, 7OTL, 79 PTS, +03
- 2nd Place, Pacific Division
- Lost to Seatlle in round 1
What's the most rep anyone has ever had
[S69] Tiberius Kane | Left Wing | GFG | 473 TPE
S67: WJC Silver
S68: Drafted 3rd Overall to GFG
S68: Drafted 14th Overall to TEX
S69: WJC Bronze
[S67] Nichael Fitted + [S64] Backup Goaltender
[S50] Tom Fiddler | Two-Way Center | Peak 2006 TPE | RETIRED
Drafted 4th round, 34th overall in S49 SMJHL Entry Draft
Drafted 2nd round, 24th overall in S50 SHL Entry Draft
Traded to Tampa Bay for a ham sandwich in S52
* = First Place
Career Stats | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Hit | SB | Sh | GA | TK
SHL Regular | 657 | 144 | 284 | 428 | -213 | 777 | 1013 | 1520 | 292 | 393
SHL Playoffs | 39 | 5 | 14 | 19 | -16 | 63 | 52 | | |
IIHF Regular | 168 | 19 | 45 | 64 | 7 | 153 | 90 | | |
SHL Regular Season Stats
Szn |Team| GP | G | A | P | +/- | TOI | Hit | SB | Sh | PIM
S53 | TBB | 50 | 5 | 15 | 20| -24| 17:16 | 46 | 77 | 56 | 10
S54 | TBB | 45 | 1 | 10 | 11 | -80 | 18:35 | 60 | 171 | 55 | 17
S55 | TBB | 50 | 1 | 19 | 20 | -56 | 18:37 | 31 | 86 | 82 | 14
S56 | TBB | 50 | 5 | 15 | 20 | -35 | 19:22 | 34 | 112 | 101| 20
S57 | TBB | 66 | 14 | 32 | 46 | -26 | 24:48 | 64 |100 |152 | 20
S58 | TBB | 66 | 29 | 40 | 69 | -2 | 25:59 |100| 74 |180 | 20
S59 | TBB | 66 | 19 | 39 | 58 | -3 | 25:33 |105| 95 |188 | 14
S60 | TBB | 66 | 23 | 23 | 46 | 4 | 22:33 | 66 | 50 |159 | 26
S61 | TBB | 66 | 10 | 35 | 45 | 12 | 22:17 | 98 | 72 |182 | 20
S62 | TBB | 66 | 16 | 23 | 39 | -2 | 20:23 |104 | 57 |183 | 4
S63 | TOR | 66 | 21 | 33 | 54 | -1 | 20:29 | 69 |119 |182 | 39
SHL Playoff Stats
Szn |Team| GP | G | A | P | +/- | TOI | Hit | SB | Sh | PIM
S59 | TBB | 5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -6 | 22:11 | 10 | 5 | 12 | 0
S60 | TBB | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -6 | 22:49 | 8 | 1 | 7 | 0
S61 | TBB | 13 | 1 | 9 | 10 | 0 | 21:06 | 17 | 13 | 29 | 0
S62 | TBB | 12 | 1 | 3 | 4 | -4 | 20:01 | 20 | 18 | 24 | 2
S63 | TOR | 5 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 21:16 | 8 | 15 | 15 |0
SMJHL Career | GP: 200| G: 36 | A: 102 | P: 138 | +/-: 42
SMJHL Playoff Career | GP: 52| G: 9 | A: 23 | P: 32 | +/-: 5
SMJHL Regular Season Stats
S49 | MTL | GP: 50 | G: 3 | A: 16 | P: 19 | +/-: 2 | FO%: 42.43% | FOT: 898
S50 | CAR | GP: 50 | G: 6 | A: 15 | P: 21 | +/-: -6 | FO%: 50.93% | FOT: 1237
S51*| CAR | GP: 50 | G: 11 | A: 38 | P: 49 | +/-: 24 | FO%: 53.08% | FOT: 1313
S52 | CAR | GP: 50 | G: 16 | A: 33 | P: 49 | +/-: 22 | FO%: 53.33% | FOT: 1202
SMJHL Playoff Stats
S49*| MTL | GP: 17 | G: 2 | A: 7 | P: 9 | +/-: 5 | FO%: 51.96% | FOT: 433
S50*| CAR | GP: 18 | G: 4 | A: 5 | P: 9 | +/-: 5 | FO%: 50.28% | FOT: 356
S51 | CAR | GP: 6 | G: 2 | A: 2 | P: 4 | +/-: -1| FO%: 47.68% | FOT: 151
S52 | CAR | GP: 11 | G: 1 | A: 9| P: 10 | +/-: -4| FO%: 51.34% | FOT: 261
S49 Four Star Cup
S50 Four Star Cup
S51 Laurifer Trophy
S51 Petr Klimek Award for the Best Two-Way Player with Joseph Weston
S52 Honorary 3-way Laurifer Paricipation Trophy
S52 Alternate Captain of Carolina
S52 Petr Klimek Award for the Best Two-Way Player with Joseph Weston
S52 Kurtis Hunter Award for Team's Choice MVP
S52 IIHF Gold Medal
S53 IIHF Bronze Medal
S54 The Winless Season
S54 IIHF Silver Medal
S55 IIHF Gold Medal
S56 IIHF Silver Medal
S57 IIHF Silver Medal
S58 IIHF Silver Medal
S60 IIHF Silver Medal
S61 IIHF GoldMedal
IIHF Federation Head - Great Britain
S56: Silver
S57: Silver
S58: Silver
S59: DNQ
S60: Silver
S61: Gold
S62: DNQ
S68: Lost 1st Round
S69: Bronze
Fuck the penaltys
How does one get to 400M so that they can do a max earn on a couple players without lifting a finger for media?
Hi Luke
Do u know how to get the beeg yoshi
Teddy Bloos | Centre | TBW |
S78 SMJHL Draft: Round 2, 32nd overall (TBW)
S79 SHL Draft: Round 1, 19th overall (TBB)
SMJHL Regular Season Stats
S78 | TBW | 66GP | 13G | 21A | 34P | 89 Hits | 68 DGR
S79 | TBW | 66GP | 12G | 40A | 52P | 71 Hits | 70 DGR
S80 | TBW | 66GP | 13G | 24A| 37P | 102 Hits | 73 DGR
S81 | TBW |
SMJHL Playoff Stats
S78 | TBW | 7GP | 1G | 6A | 7P | 10 Hits | 65 DGR
S79 | TBW | 5GP | 1G | 1A | 2P | 7 Hits | 69 DGR
S80 | TBW | 4GP | 0G | 1A | 1P | 4 Hits | 76 DGR
Vaseline Podcalzone | Winger | SEA "C" |
S55 SMJHL Draft: Round 3, 31st overall (NL)
S56 SHL Draft: Round 2, 23rd overall (SEA)
SMJHL Regular Season Stats
S55 | NL | 50GP | 2G | 6A | 8P | 6PIM | 33 Hits
S56 | NL | 50GP | 11G | 17A | 28P | 8PIM | 109 Hits
S57 | NL "A"| 66GP | 16G | 29A | 45P | 32PIM | 153 Hits
S58 | NL "C"| 66GP | 21G | 20A | 41P | 8PIM | 119 Hits
TOTAL | 232GP | 50G | 72A | 122 P | 54PIM | 414 Hits
SMJHL Playoffs Stats
S55 | NL | 17GP | 0G | 4A | 4P | 12PIM | 20 Hits
S56 | NL | 17GP | 3G | 1A | 4P | 2PIM | 32 Hits
S57 | NL "A"| 11GP | 1G | 8A | 9P | 0PIM | 40 Hits
S58 | NL "C" | 15GP | 5G | 10A | 15P | 10PIM | 33 Hits
TOTAL | 60GP | 9G | 23A | 32P | 24PIM | 125 Hits
SHL Regular Season Stats
S59 | SEA | 66GP | 17G | 19A | 36P | 18PIM | 107 Hits
S60 | SEA "A"| 66GP | 14G | 16A | 30P | 30PIM | 117 Hits
S61 | SEA "A"| 66GP | 22G | 20A | 42P | 23PIM | 117 Hits
S62 | SEA "A"| 66GP | 17G | 25A | 42P | 6PIM | 141 Hits
S63 | SEA "A"| 66GP | 27G | 20A | 47P | 22PIM | 143 Hits
S64 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 19G | 52A | 71P | 10PIM | 157 Hits
S65 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 40G | 44A | 84P | 27PIM | 147 Hits
S66 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 21G | 36A | 57P | 38PIM | 146 Hits
S67 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 29G | 50A | 79P | 38PIM | 133 Hits
S68 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 30G | 56A | 86P | 36PIM | 152 Hits
S69 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 29G | 50A | 79P | 42PIM | 151 Hits
S70 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 15G | 59A | 74P | 36PIM | 162 Hits
S71 | SEA “C”| 66GP | 25G | 36A | 61P | 62PIM | 150 Hits
S72 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 15G | 34A | 49P | 39PIM | 87 Hits
S73 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 24G | 28A | 52P | 28PIM | 97 Hits
S74 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 19G | 20A | 39P | 54PIM | 121 Hits
S75 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 21G | 22A | 43P | 52PIM | 107 Hits
S76 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 15G | 18A | 33P | 62PIM | 92 Hits
S77 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 13G | 26A | 39P | 20PIM | 97 Hits
S78 | SEA "C"| 66GP | 12G | 17A | 29P | 15PIM | 90 Hits
TOTAL | 1254GP | 424G | 648A | 1072P | 658PIM | 2514 Hits
SHL Playoff Stats
S59 | SEA | 10GP | 1G | 2A | 3P | 0PIM | 11 Hits
S60 | SEA "A"| 7GP | 0G | 5A | 5P | 0PIM | 14 Hits
S61 | SEA "A"| 5GP | 1G | 1A | 2P | 0PIM | 9 Hits
S62 | SEA "A"| 12GP | 3G | 3A | 6P | 0PIM | 32 Hits
S63 | SEA "A"| 12GP | 6G | 6A | 12P | 0PIM | 24 Hits
S64 | SEA "C"| 7GP | 2G | 1A | 3P | 2PIM | 15 Hits
S65 | SEA "C"| 6GP | 1G | 2A | 3P | 2PIM | 13 Hits
S66 | SEA "C"| 22GP | 5G | 19A | 24P | 10PIM | 56 Hits
S67 | SEA "C"| 23GP | 10G | 18A | 28P | 4PIM | 45 Hits
S68 | SEA "C"| 21GP | 12G | 15A | 27P | 10PIM | 52 Hits
S69 | SEA "C"| 16GP | 6G | 16A | 22P | 10PIM | 47 Hits
S70 | SEA "C"| 13GP | 5G | 11A | 16P | 6PIM | 28 Hits
S71 | SEA "C"| 7GP | 1G | 3A | 4P | 2 PIM | 15 Hits
S72 | SEA "C"| 5GP | 2G | 4A | 6P | 6 PIM | 3 Hits
S78 | SEA "C"| 4GP | 0G | 0A | 0P | 0 PIM | 6 Hits
TOTAL | 170GP | 57G | 104A | 161P | 52PIM | 370 Hits
S55 Four Star Cup
S58 Volsungr Award
S58 Vaseline Podcalzone Award
S58 Berserker of the Year
SHL S59 All-Rookie
S59 Jesster Finalist
S64 Richan Finalist
SEA Franchise Points Leader
S67 Challenge Cup
5x SHL All-Star (S60, S64, S65, S67, S75)
S68 Challenge Cup
S68 Dar Finalist
1000 Career SHL Regular Season Points
Beeg Yoshi | Management | TBW GM |
NL Scout S58
NL Coach S59-S61
S60 Four Star Cup (Coach)
NL Co-GM S62-S64
S62 Four Star Cup (Co-GM)
S63 Four Star Cup (Co-GM)
S63 Nour Harrak Award (GM Duo)
S64 Nour Harrak Award (GM Duo)
S64 Four Star Cup (Co-GM)
REG Co-GM S72-S75
REG Interim Head GM S75
REG/TBW Head GM S75-
Do you think you could possibly spend all of that money?
Do you remember when I was richer than you and are you afraid that might happen again?
Rhett "Shaggy" Carpet | G | Winnipeg Aurora | Team Finland
Height: 6'4" | Weight: 215 lbs
Birthplace: Helsinki, Finland
Number: 70
SHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S73 | TOR | GP: 51 (18-23-5) | 0.895 SV% | 4.40 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 73
S74 | WPG | GP: 26 (13-8-2) | 0.890 SV% | 3.29 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 65
S75 | WPG | GP: 28 (18-5-0) | 0.917 SV% | 2.24 GAA | SO: 6 | GR: 73
S76 | WPG | GP: 57 (32-20-2) | 0.910 SV% | 3.19 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 77
S77 | WPG | GP: 56 (22-29-3) | 0.901 SV% | 3.78 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 75
S78 | WPG | GP: 56 (24-22-5) | 0.904 SV% | 3.71 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 76
S79 | WPG | GP: 56 (22-32-4) | 0.879 SV% | 4.37 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 66
S80 | WPG | GP: 58 (21-29-3) | 0.895 SV% | 4.25 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 73
SHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S73 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-3-1) | 0.885 SV% | 6.60 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 70
S74 | WPG | GP: 3 (1-0-0) | 0.950 SV% | 1.43 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 56 (backup)
S75 | WPG | backup goalie during playoffs, didn't play games
S76 | WPG | GP: 15 (9-6-0) | 0.913 SV% | 3.15 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 79
S77 | WPG | GP: 5 (1-4-0) | 0.852 SV% | 6.50 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 57
S78 | WPG | GP: 4 (0-3-1) | 0.864 SV% | 5.73 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 64
S79 | WPG | GP: 4 (0-3-1) | 0.885 SV% | 5.13 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S80 | WPG | GP: 4 (0-4-0) | 0.900 SV% | 4.79 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 81
SMJHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S69 | NL | GP: 22 (14-6-2) | 0.897 SV% | 2.15 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 66
S70 | NL | GP: 32 (14-15-1) | 0.883 SV% | 3.69 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 65
S71 | NL | GP: 48 (30-13-2) | 0.903 SV% | 3.20 GAA | SO: 5 | GR: 73
S72 | NL | GP: 51 (26-18-3) | 0.883 SV% | 4.02 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 66
SMJHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S69 | NL | backup goalie during playoffs (lost in 3rd round)
S70 | NL | GP: 2 (0-0-0) | 0.868 SV% | 4.02 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 57 (won cup)
S71 | NL | GP: 16 (8-6-2) | 0.916 SV% | 2.73 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 76 (lost in final)
S72 | NL | GP: 12 (6-6-0) | 0.918 SV% | 3.14 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 84
International Statistics (with Team Finland):
S69 | WJC | GP: 9 (3-5-0) | 0.902 SV% | 3.84 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 74
S70 | WJC | GP: 9 (4-4-0) | 0.907 SV% | 2.91 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 76
S70 | IIHF | GP: 3 (1-1-1) | 0.913 SV% | 2.33 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 76
S71 | WJC | GP: 9 (5-2-1) | 0.919 SV% | 2.29 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 74
S71 | IIHF | GP: 4 (3-1-0) | 0.911 SV% | 2.00 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 70
S72 | WJC | GP: 7 (2-4-1) | 0.902 SV% | 3.69 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 77
S72 | IIHF | GP: 5 (3-1-0) | 0.847 SV% | 4.95 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 54
S73 | IIHF | GP: 5 (1-4-0) | 0.874 SV% | 4.87 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 65
S74 | IIHF | GP: 8 (2-5-0) | 0.890 SV% | 3.96 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 68
S75 | IIHF | GP: 10 (6-1-2) | 0.913 SV% | 2.90 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 76
S76 | IIHF | GP: 9 (7-1-0) | 0.898 SV% | 3.14 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 69
S77 | IIHF | GP: 9 (4-5-0) | 0.892 SV% | 3.78 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 72
S78 | IIHF | GP: 10 (4-5-0) | 0.897 SV% | 3.03 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 67
S79 | IIHF | GP: 8 (2-6-0) | 0.869 SV% | 4.10 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 61
S80 | IIHF | GP: 9 (8-1-0) | 0.929 SV% | 1.89 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 78
International Statistics Medal Rounds (with Team Finland):
S70 | WJC | GP: 2 (1-1-0) | 0.922 SV% | 2.51 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 80
S71 | WJC | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.874 SV% | 3.67 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 62
S73 | IIHF | backup goalie during medal round - won bronze
S74 | IIHF | GP: 3 (1-2-0) | 0.893 SV% | 3.72 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 74
S75 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.945 SV% | 3.02 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 98
S76 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.891 SV% | 5.02 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 81
S77 | IIHF | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.935 SV% | 2.00 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 87
S78 | IIHF | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.899 SV% | 3.35 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 72
S80 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.739 SV% | 8.80 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 27
S69: Drafted #5 overall by Newfoundland (SMJHL)
S69: Signed contract with Newfoundland: 1 year/$2M (+$2M bonus)
S70: Drafted #23 overall by Toronto (SHL)
S70: Signed ELC contract with Toronto: 1 year/$3M
S71: Signed extension with Toronto: 3 years/$9M (NTC)
S72: Signed extension with Toronto: 3 years/$9M (NTC)
S74: Traded to Winnipeg Aurora
S76: Signed extension with Winnipeg: 3 years/$18M (NTC)
S79: Signed extension with Winnipeg: 2 years/$8M (NTC, HTD)
Zach Miller Award (Most Dedicated User) - Nomination (S69)
Won Four Star Cup with Newfoundland (S70)
Named Alternate Captain for Newfoundland (S71-S72)
Cedric Robinson Trophy (Best Goalie) - Nomination (S71, S72)
SMJHL All-Star (1st team): S71
SMJHL All-Star (All Defense team): S71
Won WJC Bronze Medal with Finland (S71)
Peter Larson Award (Best WJC Goalie) - Nomination (S71)
Won IIHF Bronze Medal with Finland (S73, S77)
Won IIHF Silver Medal with Finland (S78)
Won Cole Reinhart Trophy with Winnipeg (S74)
2x Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) (nomination S75, S77)
Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) Winner (S78)
Best IIHF Goalie - Nomination (S75)
All-Star Skills Competition (S76)
2nd All-Star Team (S76)
John McBride Trophy (Best Goalie) Nomination (S76)
Team Captain (Winnipeg Aurora) (S78-79)
Assistant Captain (Winnipeg Aurora) (S80-)
League Jobs/Positions:
Graphic Grader (S46-S50)
SMJHL Lethbridge/Newfoundland Team Advisor/Coach (since S49)
IIHF Finland Co-Fed Head (S50-S60)
Graphic Graders Department Head (since S51)
IIHF Finland Fed Head (since S61)
Trading Card Team Management Advisor (since S68)
sigs either by @Wasty , @Nokazoa , @sulovilen , @"Capt_Blitzkrieg", @sköldpaddor , @Ragnar , @enigmatic , @Lime or myself
Harry Carpet | Toronto North Stars | Team Finland | Goalie S46-S69 | SHL HOF
Height: 6'3" | Weight: 208 lbs
Birthplace: Turku, Finland
Player Type: Hybrid Goalie
Number: 48
Peak TPE: 2138 (first 2k+ goalie in SHL history)
SHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S47 | TOR | GP: 1 (1-0-0) | 0.897 SV% | 3.00 GAA | SO: 0
S48 | TOR | GP: 5 (4-1-0) | 0.893 SV% | 3.16 GAA | SO: 0
S49 | TOR | GP: 44 (18-24-2) | 0.904 SV% | 3.34 GAA | SO: 2
S50 | TOR | GP: 44 (23-19-2) | 0.907 SV% | 3.29 GAA | SO: 1
S51 | TOR | GP: 44 (18-23-3) | 0.914 SV% | 3.03 GAA | SO: 3
S52 | TOR | GP: 44 (19-18-7) | 0.915 SV% | 3.08 GAA | SO: 2
---change from STHS to FHM6---
S53 | TOR | GP: 46 (5-34-3) | 0.906 SV% | 4.84 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 73
S54 | TOR | GP: 46 (10-30-2) | 0.922 SV% | 3.47 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 78
S55 | TOR | GP: 48 (10-33-1) | 0.916 SV% | 3.98 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 77
S56 | TOR | GP: 45 (19-23-2) | 0.917 SV% | 2.95 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 75
S57 | TOR | GP: 50 (26-17-4) | 0.918 SV% | 2.57 GAA | SO: 6 | GR: 73
S58 | TOR | GP: 48 (33-10-5) | 0.918 SV% | 2.38 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 73
S59 | TOR | GP: 54 (38-13-3) | 0.925 SV% | 2.40 GAA | SO: 8 | GR: 79
S60 | TOR | GP: 54 (34-14-6) | 0.919 SV% | 2.60 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 78
S61 | TOR | GP: 58 (30-21-3) | 0.916 SV% | 2.59 GAA | SO: 8 | GR: 71
S62 | TOR | GP: 55 (28-22-5) | 0.928 SV% | 2.49 GAA | SO: 9 | GR: 79
S63 | TOR | GP: 54 (31-19-4) | 0.926 SV% | 2.67 GAA | SO: 5 | GR: 80
S64 | TOR | GP: 56 (18-33-2) | 0.917 SV% | 3.79 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 79
S65 | TOR | GP: 51 (27-21-3) | 0.913 SV% | 3.19 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 75
---change from FHM6 to FHM8---
S66 | TOR | GP: 52 (29-21-2) | 0.891 SV% | 3.29 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 68
S67 | TOR | GP: 40 (27-11-2) | 0.918 SV% | 2.30 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 75
S68 | TOR | GP: 31 (22-6-1) | 0.884 SV% | 3.60 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 66
S69 | TOR | GP: 36 (9-24-0) | 0.896 SV% | 4.85 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 73
SHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S49 | TOR | did not qualify
S50 | TOR | GP: 12 (6-6-0) | 0.912 SV% | 3.34 GAA | SO: 0
S51 | TOR | did not qualify
S52 | TOR | GP: 4 (0-4-0) | 0.883 SV% | 5.25 GAA | SO: 0
---change from STHS to FHM6---
S53 | TOR | did not qualify
S54 | TOR | did not qualify
S55 | TOR | did not qualify
S56 | TOR | did not qualify
S57 | TOR | did not qualify
S58 | TOR | GP: 19 (11-6-2) | 0.912 SV% | 2.35 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 70
S59 | TOR | did not qualify
S60 | TOR | GP: 4 (0-3-1) | 0.912 SV% | 4.03 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S61 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-2-2) | 0.939 SV% | 2.33 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 87
S62 | TOR | GP: 4 (0-4-0) | 0.911 SV% | 4.51 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 84
S63 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-2-2) | 0.920 SV% | 3.39 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 82
S64 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-4-0) | 0.916 SV% | 5.11 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 77
S65 | TOR | GP: 6 (2-4-0) | 0.905 SV% | 4.19 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 73
---change from FHM6 to FHM8---
S66 | TOR | GP: 10 (4-5-1) | 0.902 SV% | 3.34 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S67 | TOR | GP: 11 (6-5-0) | 0.880 SV% | 3.82 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 66
S68 | TOR | GP: 6 (2-3-0) | 0.872 SV% | 5.32 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 62
S69 | TOR | did not qualify
SMJHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S46 | LET | GP: 14 (5-6-2) | 0.891 SV% | 2.59 GAA | SO: 1
S47 | LET | GP: 22 (7-6-3) | 0.879 SV% | 2.87 GAA | SO: 1
S48 | LET | GP: 44 (22-21-1) | 0.886 SV% | 3.05 GAA | SO: 1
SMJHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S48 | LET | GP: 12 (6-5-1) | 0.880 SV% | 2.66 GAA | SO: 0
International Statistics (with Team Finland):
S46 | WJC | GP: 27 (6-19-2) | 0.894 SV% | 3.04 GAA | SO: 1
S46 | IIHF | GP: 2 (1-0-0) | 0.976 SV% | 0.74 GAA | SO: 0
S47 | WJC | GP: 27 (13-13-1) | 0.890 SV% | 2.89 GAA | SO: 2
S48 | WJC | GP: 14 (7-7-0) | 0.905 SV% | 2.36 GAA | SO: 2
S48 | IIHF | GP: 9 (1-6-0) | 0.882 SV% | 3.51 GAA | SO: 0
S49 | IIHF | GP: 12 (6-6-0) | 0.914 SV% | 3.02 GAA | SO: 0
S50 | IIHF | GP: 12 (2-8-2) | 0.889 SV% | 3.62 GAA | SO: 0
S51 | IIHF | GP: 12 (3-7-2) | 0.893 SV% | 3.27 GAA | SO: 0
S52 | IIHF | GP: 12 (5-7-0) | 0.889 SV% | 4.13 GAA | SO: 1
---change from STHS to FHM6---
S53 | IIHF | GP: 12 (4-8-0) | 0.894 SV% | 4.18 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 69
S54 | IIHF | GP: 12 (4-5-3) | 0.914 SV% | 3.27 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S55 | IIHF | GP: 12 (2-8-2) | 0.894 SV% | 4.51 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 68
S56 | IIHF | GP: 6 (2-3-1) | 0.922 SV% | 3.28 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 80
S57 | IIHF | GP: 10 (4-5-0) | 0.911 SV% | 3.87 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 75
S58 | IIHF | GP: 7 (2-5-0) | 0.900 SV% | 3.82 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 73
S59 | IIHF | GP: 9 (4-4-1) | 0.932 SV% | 2.41 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 83
S60 | IIHF | GP: 8 (5-3-0) | 0.941 SV% | 2.00 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 87
S61 | IIHF | GP: 8 (6-1-1) | 0.909 SV% | 2.92 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 70
S62 | IIHF | GP: 9 (5-2-2) | 0.901 SV% | 2.40 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 62
S63 | IIHF | GP: 5 (0-4-0) | 0.875 SV% | 3.90 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 57
S64 | IIHF | GP: 5 (3-1-1) | 0.915 SV% | 2.91 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 74
S65 | IIHF | GP: 7 (7-0-0) | 0.888 SV% | 2.49 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 61
S66 | IIHF | GP: 4 (2-1-1) | 0.880 SV% | 3.67 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 64
S67 | IIHF | GP: 4 (3-1-0) | 0.896 SV% | 2.46 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 67
S68 | IIHF | GP: 4 (4-0-0) | 0.930 SV% | 1.75 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 77
S69 | IIHF | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.876 SV% | 4.00 GAA | SO: 0| GR: 66
International Statistics Medal Round (with Team Finland):
S47 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-0-0) | 0.889 SV% | 4.18 GAA | SO: 0
S60 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.941 SV% | 8.92 GAA | SO: 0
S61 | IIHF | GP: 2 (1-0-1) | 0.910 SV% | 2.96 GAA | SO: 0
S62 | IIHF | GP: 3 (3-0-0) | 0.974 SV% | 0.67 GAA | SO: 1
S64 | IIHF | GP: 3 (3-0-0) | 0.962 SV% | 1.33 GAA | SO: 0
S65 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.852 SV% | 4.05 GAA | SO: 0
S66 | IIHF | backup goalie in medal round (team won gold)
S67 | IIHF | backup goalie in medal round (team won bronze)
S68 | IIHF | backup goalie in medal round (team won silver)
S46: Drafted #41 overall by Lethbridge (SMJHL)
S46: Signed contract with Lethbridge: 1 year/$3M
S47: Drafted #28 overall by Toronto (SHL)
S47: Signed ELC with Toronto: 2 years/$7M
S49: Signed extension with Toronto: 2 years/$9M
S51: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$5M
S52: Signed extension with Toronto: 6 years/$36M
S58: Signed extension with Toronto: 3 years/$12M (HTD)
S61: Signed extension with Toronto: 2 years/$8M (HTD)
S63: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$4M (HTD)
S64: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$3M (HTD)
S65: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$3M (HTD)
S66: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$2M (HTD)
S67: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$2M (HTD)
S68: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$2M (HTD)
S69: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$1M (HTD)
Lethbridge Lions:
Top Goalie Award (S48)
Monkey D. Luffy Award (Most Dedicated Player) (S48)
Newfoundland Berserkers:
Founding Member
Four Star Cup Winner (as Coach)(S55)
Toronto North Stars:
Team Captain (S50-58, S62-69)
Team Alternate Captain (S59-61)
Mark Harter Award (Best Goalie) (S53-57)
Kristian Eriksson Award (Team MVP) (S53-56)
JJ Krever Award (Best Locker Room Presence) (S57)
Team Goalie Coach (since S71)
SHL All-Star (All-Rookie team): S49
3x SHL All-Star (1st team): S59, S63, S67
2x SHL All-Star (2nd team): S54, S62
SHL All-Star (3rd team): S51
SHL All-Star Game - Team East: S59, S63, S67
Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) - Winner (S67)
2x Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) - Nomination (S55, S62)
3x John McBride Trophy (Best Goalie) Winner (S59, S62, S63)
4x John McBride Trophy (Best Goalie) Nomination (S54, S58, S60, S67)
SHL Hall of Fame (class of 71) - first ballot
IIHF Hall of Fame (class of 75)
Goalie records:
League Record Holder in Shutouts (74) and in GP (1,006)
Former League Record Holder in Wins (479) until S72
Team Finland:
Best Goalie (S60)
Bronze Medal (S61, S67)
Silver Medal (S68)
Gold Medal (S62, S64, S66)
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06-27-2021, 02:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 02:36 AM by hockeyiscool .)
Why is Juni Panda a hero of the people? With all of your knowledge of history in the league is there anyone that did not make the hall of fame that you think should have made it?
Leppish Deep Dives Head
Such a cutie
Can i get a small loan of 50 million?
ztevans Registered
S37 Challenge Cup Champion and zcookiez zdealerz
How does it feel knowing that, even with 400m, you're still the third-best podcast co-host @
Rich has ever had?
Zach Evans || Forward || Winnipeg Jets
Name: Zach Evans
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs
Number: 18
SHL Career Statistics:
S32 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 9, A: 5, P: 14, +/-: -1, PIMS: 12, H: 59
S33 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 8, A: 15, P: 23, +/-: 3, PIMS: 49, H: 106
S34 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 14, A: 14, P: 28, +/-: 7, PIMS: 46, H: 96
S35 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 22, A: 26, P: 48, +/-: -4, PIMS: 23, H: 113
S36 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 28, A: 30, P: 58, +/-: 23, PIMS: 51, H: 140
S37 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 24, A: 27, P: 51, +/-: 2, PIMS: 36, H: 220
S38 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 27. A: 38, P: 65, +/-: 12, PIMS: 45, H: 158
S39 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 15, A: 32, P: 47, +/-: 11, PIMS: 43, H: 85
S40 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 22, A: 31, P: 53, +/-: 11, PIMS: 15, H: 49
S41 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 27, A: 35, P: 62, +/-: 26, PIMS: 34, H: 82
S42 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 16, A: 29, P: 45, +/-: -3, PIMS: 15, H: 6
S43 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 16, A: 29, P: 45, +/-: 11, PIMS: 27, H: 15
S44 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 14, A: 31, P: 45, +/-: 3, PIMS: 17, H: 17
S45 (WPG): GP: 50, G: 15, A: 34, P: 49, +/-: 4, PIMS: 2, H: 27
CAREER: GP: 700, G: 257, A: 376, P: 633, +/-: 105, PIMS: 415, H: 1,173
SHL Playoff Statistics:
S34 (WPG): GP: 5, G: 2, A: 1, P: 3, +/-: 0, PIMS: 4, H: 7
S36 (WPG): GP: 6, G: 0, A: 3, P: 3, +/-: -1, PIMS: 0, H: 16
S37 (WPG): GP: 18, G: 11, A: 14, P: 25, +/-: 19, PIMS: 12, H: 81
S38 (WPG): GP: 13, G: 6, A: 9, P: 15, +/-: 5, PIMS: 4, H: 32
S39 (WPG): GP: 13, G: 5, A: 6, P: 11, +/-: -2, PIMS: 6, H: 31
S40 (WPG): GP: 14, G: 5, A: 4, P: 9, +/-: 1, PIMS: 13, H: 7
S41 (WPG): GP: 13, G: 8, A: 6, P: 14, +/-: 3, PIMS: 9, H: 26
S43 (WPG): GP: 17, G: 4, A: 9, P: 13, +/-: 11, PIMS: 2, H: 4
S44 (WPG): GP: 18, G: 4, A: 15, P: 19, +/-: 7, PIMS: 0, H: 3
S45 (WPG): GP: 4, G: 1, A: 2, P: 3, +/-: -1, PIMS: 0, H: 2
CAREER: GP: 121, G: 46, A: 69, P: 115, +/-: 41, PIMS: 50, H: 209
SMJHL Career Statistics:
S30 (DET): GP: 50, G: 16, A: 12, P: 28, +/-: 8, PIMS: 10, H: 44
S31 (DET): GP: 50, G: 15, A: 23, P: 38, +/-: -2, PIMS: 35, H: 84
CAREER: GP: 100, G: 31, A: 35, P: 66, +/-: 6, PIMS: 45, H: 128
SMJHL Playoff Statistics:
S30 (DET): GP: 5, G: 0, A: 1, P: 1, +/-: -1, PIMS: 2, H: 0
S31 (DET): GP: 13, G: 5, A: 7, P: 12, +/-: 3, PIMS: 0, H: 9
CAREER: GP: 18, G: 5, A: 8, P: 13, +/-: 2, PIMS: 2, H: 9
IIHF Statistics (Russia):
S30: GP: 11, G: 1, A: 0, P: 1, +/-: -1, PIMS: 0, H: 7
S32: GP: 13, G: 1, A: 1, P: 2, +/-: -4, PIMS: 4, H: 17
S33: GP: 11, G: 3, A: 6, P: 9, +/-: 5, PIMS: 4, H: 12
S34: GP: 11, G: 6, A: 2, P: 8, +/-: 2, PIMS: 2, H: 10
S35: GP: 13, G: 5, A: 4, P: 9, +/-: 4, PIMS: 18, H: 22
S36: GP: 11, G: 4, A: 3, P: 7, +/-: -3, PIMS: 2, H: 5
S37: GP: 10, G: 1, A: 1, P: 2, +/-: 0, PIMS: 0, H: 8
S38: GP: 13, G: 3, A: 10, P: 13, +/-: 8, PIMS: 4, H: 5
S39: GP: 10, G: 6, A: 6, P: 12, +/-: 1, PIMS: 2, H: 11
S40: GP: 10, G: 1, A: 2, P: 3, +/-: -6, PIMS: 2, H: 8
S41: GP: 11, G: 4, A: 5, P: 9, +/-: 0, PIMS: 2, H: 7
S42: GP: 10, G: 5, A: 9, P: 14, +/-: 5, PIMS: 0, H: 1
S43: GP: 13, G: 4, A: 7, P: 11, +/-: 6, PIMS: 0, H: 0
S44: GP: 10, G: 4, A: 8, P: 12, +/-: 1, PIMS: 0, H: 0
S45: GP: 10, G: 6, A: 1, P: 7, +/-: -13, PIMS: 0, H: 2
CAREER: GP: 167 G: 54, A: 65, P: 119, +/-: 5, PIMS: 40, H: 105
Transactions and Awards:
Drafted 25th overall by Detroit, S30 SMJHL Entry Draft
S30 Vyacheslav Onoprienko Trophy Winner
Drafted 5th overall by Winnipeg, S31 SHL Entry Draft
S32 Oriens Trophy Winner (Co-GM, Detroit)
S32 IIHF Bronze Medalist
S36 SHL Second-Team All-Star
S37 Challenge Cup Champion
S38 Sergei Karpotsov Trophy Winner
S38 SHL First-Team All-Star
S38 Sarmad Khan Trophy Winner
S38 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
S38 Damian Littleton Trophy Winner
S38 IIHF Gold Medalist
S43 IIHF Silver Medalist
S44 Challenge Cup Champion
Inducted into SHL Hall of Fame, S47
Two things are infinite.
Nikolai Evans || Defenseman || HAM/TBB/TEX
Name: Nikolai Evans
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs
Number: 19
SHL Career Statistics:
S47 (HAM): GP: 50, G: 1, A: 10, P: 11, +/-: -4, SB: 39, H: 32
S48 (HAM): GP: 50, G: 5, A: 9, P: 14, +/1: 6, SB: 57, H: 37
S49 (TBB): GP: 50, G: 9, A: 14, P: 23, +/-: -22, SB: 78, H: 51
S50 (TBB): GP: 50, G: 7, A: 20, P: 27, +/-: 4, SB: 64, H: 39
CAREER: GP: 200, G: 22, A: 53, P: 75, +/-: -16, SB: 238, H: 159
SHL Playoff Statistics:
S48 (HAM): GP: 5, G: 1, A: 0, P: 1, +/-: -1, SB: 6, H: 3
S49 (TBB): GP: 12, G: 0, A: 5, P: 5, +/-: 0, SB: 20, H: 8
S50 (TBB): GP: 19, G: 5, A: 7, P: 12, +/-: 1, SB: 29, H: 6
CAREER: GP: 36, G: 6, A: 12, P: 18, +/-: 0, SB: 55, H: 17
SMJHL Career Statistics:
S45 (MTL): GP: 50, G: 7, A: 13, P: 20, +/-: -1, SB: 60, H: 25
S46 (MTL/HFX): GP: 50, G: 7, A: 20, P: 27, +/-: -1, SB: 47, H: 68
CAREER: GP: 100, G: 14, A: 33, P: 47, +/-: -2, SB: 107, H: 93
SMJHL Playoff Statistics:
S45 (MTL): GP: 6, G: 2, A: 3, P: 5, +/-: -1, SB: 7, H: 4
S46 (HFX): GP: 13, G: 3, A: 2, P: 5, +/-: -4, SB: 18, H: 14
CAREER: GP: 19, G: 5, A: 5, P: 10, +/-: -5, SB: 25, H: 18
IIHF Statistics (Russia):
S45: GP: 10, G: 0, A: 1, P: 1, +/-: -5, SB: 12, H: 2
S46: GP: 12, G: 0, A: 1, P: 1, +/-: -2, SB: 11, H: 2
S47: GP: 12, G: 2, A: 7, P: 9, +/-: 2, SB: 17, H: 12
S48: GP: 12, G: 2, A: 4, P: 6, +/-: -6, SB: 22, H: 0
S49: GP: 15, G: 6, A: 6, P: 12, +/-: -6, SB: 25, H: 7
CAREER: GP: 61, G: 10, A: 19, P: 29, +/-: -17, SB: 87, H: 23
WJC Statistics:
S44 (World): GP: 15, G: 6, A: 7, P: 13, +/-: 8, SB: 18, H: 13
S45 (Russia): GP: 22, G: 2, A: 10, P: 12, +/-: -13, SB: 33, H: 14
S46 (Russia): GP: 28, G: 9, A: 15, P: 23, +/-: 0, SB: 26, H: 14
CAREER: GP: 55, G: 17, A: 32, P: 48, +/-: -5, SB: 77, H: 41
Transactions and Awards:
Drafted 1st overall by Montreal, S45 SMJHL Entry Draft
Drafted 1st overall by Hamilton, S46 SHL Entry Draft
Traded to Halifax Raiders during S46 SMJHL season
Traded to Tampa Bay Barracuda prior to S49 SHL season
S48 Fantasy Global Champion
S50 Mathias Chouinard Trophy Winner
I'll finish updating this at some point
The Russian Prince
Zdenko Beranek || Winger || Quebec City Citadelles
Name: Zdenko Beranek
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs
Number: 27
SMJHL Career Statistics:
S55 (QCC): GP: 50, G: 6, A: 15, P: 21, +/-: -22, PIMS: 6
S56 (QCC): GP: 50, G: 10, A: 27, P: 37, +/-: 9, PIMS: 20
Transactions and Awards:
Drafted 1st overall by Quebec City, S55 SMJHL Entry Draft
Drafted 18th overall by Seattle, S56 SHL Entry Draft
Le Petite Chèvre