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Luketd AMA - First player to reach 400 mil(I think) + 3 year anniversary + anything
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2021, 11:33 AM by luke.)

It me, Luketd. After a long grind, I was able to reach 400 mil, which I am pretty sure the first SHL user to reach it. Specifically because the only other person to come close was Wasty, as no other period of time in the SHL enabled this type of growth. I am say that I am happy grinding this hard, specifically almost 3 years coming up on July 5th. Now 400 mil isnt a specific goal in mind I wanted to hit, but since it is a major milestone to me it is something that I feel like it would be a cool AMA. That plus it is only about a week or so away from 3 years on the site, almost 3 years on Thomason. As a user side I did a lot, Updater, Mentor, SMJHL Co-GM and GM, historian, head historian, PT grader, SHL Co-GM, SMJHL HO, and finally SHL Co-Commish. Felt like I have my hands in many pies throughout my career on the site, coming in at 19, a sophmore in college to now just recently graduated and landing a job. From having all the time in the world, to having to managing my time better, throughout all of that I increased my bank account. Whether that was at the beginning of my media career making shitty list media, or doing more thoughtful pieces like my prospect rankings, or my trade histories. I went from manually tracking TPE the S43 class got each week, to getting Blastmeaway to doing it for me with the updater sheet lmao. The SHL Changed a lot in the past 3 years being on the site. The site is almost doubled from since I joined the SHL, and I am proud to be apart of the community.

[Image: Capture.PNG]

So ask away, about anything of my time in the SHL. From GMing juniors, to being a SHL Gm, or now being co-commish with Nour.

06-26-2021, 11:04 PMFitted2106 Wrote: What's it like using your wealth to run smear campaigns against FITTED HOCKEY NETWORK

Why wouldnt I? SHN is clearly better. FITTED HOCKEY NETWORK CAN DIE

06-26-2021, 11:06 PMhockeyiscool Wrote: Of all of the projects that you've been part of: what's been your most favorite? What's been the thing that you're the most proud of? What are some things that you would have done differently with the power of hindsight?

My most favorite project to work on was Trade Histories, when I did that around S46 ish. I vividly remember watching the flyers on the TV and on my laptop going through each trade in the processed transactions in order to get every trade ever. Through Arty he showed me the old website(Tapatalk), so I was able to get those trades as well. It was a major resource that was lacking, and I dont know any other sim league that has all of their trades tracked. That being said there are probably a couple dozens that I dont have, either through them only showing up in draft threads that I couldnt find, or them getting deleted idk. But having almost all of them, hundreds of trades over a decade + of the league is a good resource to have. Being able to go back and see the trade and click on the actual thread too. Its something that will be even more important as we start to get 12,13,14 years ahead of the original start date.

The thing I am most proud of is recovering the S2 stats. S1 stats I recovered too but that was through the wayback machine so it was easy to copy and paste the player stats. With S2, I had to go into each Play by Player, find the box score, and turn it into something I could use to recover those player stats. It was a lot of hard work and tedious work going through 100+ play by plays, but in the end it was worth it. It showed players like Karpotsov in a better light, Jay McDonald, Ron Mexico's early seasons, and the list can go on and on. From that I also recovered the S1-S4 playoff player stats as well, which is also important as well.

If I had to do something differently is in trade histories I would have asked someone if I could see the official trade section in the SHL GM subforum so I didnt have to comb through the processed transactions, that had thousands of signings. It would have saved me hours of time.

06-26-2021, 11:10 PMZoone16 Wrote: what's the eta on passing the half-billion mark?

Oh god, I dont know. 400 mil was a grind, specifically because I didnt write that much media. Having a podcast helps because its a 1 mil in profit each week. The big thing is jobs where I get like 28 mil from all the different jobs I have (Commish, PT grader, head historian, and then former jobs like Mentor, SHL GM). it will probably be reached, but maybe by carpy? I thought he was going to catch up on me soon

06-26-2021, 11:17 PMImShiny Wrote: when will you finally get off the site

when I get bored probably

06-26-2021, 11:24 PMPremierBromanov Wrote: What that booty do?

booty do work. So that I dont have to worry about my future players

06-26-2021, 11:26 PMtrella Wrote: Aren’t u so happy I was the one to get you over 400m? Smile

What are your best memories from GMing Manhattan?

Why do you love the J?

I am Smile

My best memory is of course winning the challenge cup. Thats the my favorite moment of the site, its great to win with good friends that have been grinding to win. Winning in the last season of STHS was memorable as well. I am happy that I was able to get my team a cup because its hard to win a cup. It was a team effort, everyone pitching in, getting the players in free agency, getting a great locker room, and winning it with friends. Getting wuma his first cup on the site which was 3 years in the making. Getting Symmetrik his 2nd cup. Calling up Z0rem that season and him getting his first cup as his first taste in SHL as well. And then a lot of the old guys that won their first cup, hewasajazzman, gooner, crawfling, finley, and everyone else.

I love the J in a way that its a developmental league. I gmed there, I know how much the GMs want to win. I wanted to win it all because its great to win with the team you created. But at the end of the day everyone is suppose to have fun there, so if winning is being prioritized over fun there then its not worth it.

06-26-2021, 11:31 PMMike Izzy Wrote: How much of that 400 million was from money laundering?

I plead the 6th

06-26-2021, 11:40 PMPremierBromanov Wrote: Also

What's the most rep anyone has ever had

probably higher than you. I know in Jcink there are people with way more because you had someone like Fitted that just upreps someoen everyday or whatever

06-27-2021, 01:07 AMGeekusoid Wrote: How does one get to 400M so that they can do a max earn on a couple players without lifting a finger for media?

Write a lot of media, be lucky enough that you hit on the casino a couple of times. Have some jobs help too. I feel like the first 7 seasons of me being in the SHL almost all the money came from media, the last however many seasons I am at probably coming from the jobs I have/had

06-27-2021, 02:22 AMCarpy48 Wrote: Do you think you could possibly spend all of that money?

Do you remember when I was richer than you and are you afraid that might happen again? Wink

all on the trading cards I hope. Gotta collect them all.

I do remember and I am surprised how much higher than you are right now. I know it will happen again. Your graphics are top tier and you just produced so much that you will catch up. Just like wasty, when you are a graphics god then its easy and fun to earn money. As well as supply the SHL sick sigs.

06-27-2021, 02:34 AMhockeyiscool Wrote: Why is Juni Panda a hero of the people? With all of your knowledge of history in the league is there anyone that did not make the hall of fame that you think should have made it?

Juni Panda will crush everyone, so he is getting back to the old style of hockey of just hitting everything that moves. Anyone that should be in the HOF but not in the HOF..... thats an interesting one. Probably Danny "bananas" Foster. if Turd Ferguson is in it then Foster 100% should be in it. Not through points or anything like that, but through straight hitting and pims.

06-27-2021, 07:06 AMLeppish Wrote: Can i get a small loan of 50 million?

no Smile

06-27-2021, 07:48 AMztevans Wrote: How does it feel knowing that, even with 400m, you're still the third-best podcast co-host @Rich has ever had?

TRUE, I was always recycling co-hosts(King, Evan, you), until Rich hit me up one day and we did it. Now we are 50+ weeks in and still going strong. Still the best podcast around right now

06-27-2021, 10:38 AMmastersheep Wrote: When are you just going to buy your own team already?

If wasty can't I cant. I would like to buy a juniors team. but other than that buying a SHL franchise would just be like hiring a manager. Doesn't really have a purpose. Unless you want to do it in the J where things are less permanent.

06-27-2021, 10:51 AMCementHands Wrote: Why do gritty pfp make the best players?

Hasn't worked for me so far lmao.

06-27-2021, 11:36 AMZema Wrote: What's been the toughest time for you on the site? Where you just want to turn it all off and walk away?

This one is a good question. Toughest time I don't really have that bad of a time. I luckily have a good SHL Career so there isn't really anything to complain about. I never was involved in drama where I got hate so not really tough. I guess the toughest time for me is that S45-S47 time when I was vancouvers Co-Gm/GM. I approached SMJHL Gming in a bad way, and each season's lost really took a toll on me where I didn't want to do it anymore. So then I became SHL GM in S49 so there is that.

As for turning it all off and walk away I never thought about it. I do get burnout though, there has been a couple of times(5 or 6) over the 19 seasons I've been in the SHL that I just didnt have the energy to do much. But I usually take a week or 2 to not doing much but like PT's, and then I am back in it. Luckily for me I have drive to do a bunch of different things, so if I feel burnout in one area I can switch to another area. Like I got burnt out of media so I just didnt focus on that and focused on doing historian things. SHL GMing was always fun so I couldn't really get burned out by that. But I could switch around and find area's of interest that finds the drive again.

But burnout is real, take a week off and relax, dont think about the SHL too much and come back invigorated. Or dont come back at all, your choice lmao.

06-27-2021, 01:52 PMPingy Pingu Wrote: @"luketd" i think the proper grammar is first "user" to get to 400 million agabab

I disagree

06-28-2021, 04:18 PMPatty Wrote: Kinda shameful to make Nour pay us when you're sittin on that kind of stack.

Would you say you've accomplished what you set out to when you took the Co-Commish spot?

kinda, my main goal was to increase parity. That was my day 1 priority, and it is still an issue, but we have taken a lot of steps in the right direction. The job is difficult but rewarding. Especially when implementing a lot of good things into the SHL. Active Backup Goalie, Increase in twitter, update scale, expansion, creating the events team, chaning milestones, creating an audit team, etc

06-30-2021, 02:41 AMDuff101 Wrote: What is the longest continuous amount of time you have spent on a toilet

Probably like 40 minutes? maybe an hour but idk. If I have my phone and im watching something I could spend some time. Especially when its like winter time and there is a vent right next to the toilet so it gets warm

06-30-2021, 10:04 AMTheFlash Wrote: What does the td in Luketd stand for?

The Dog, Thunderdome, Touchdown, etc

[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
Czechoslovakia PROFILE || UPDATE || RAGE. Rage 
[Image: luketd.gif]


What's it like using your wealth to run smear campaigns against FITTED HOCKEY NETWORK

[Image: Fitted_3.png]

2x 4Star Cup Champ s49 s50

1x commissioners excellence award s 50

Of all of the projects that you've been part of: what's been your most favorite? What's been the thing that you're the most proud of? What are some things that you would have done differently with the power of hindsight?

what's the eta on passing the half-billion mark?

[Image: Zoone16.gif]

[Image: 9QVaMRC.png] [Image: canybyK.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

when will you finally get off the site

[Image: ImShiny.gif]

What that booty do?

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

Aren’t u so happy I was the one to get you over 400m? Smile

What are your best memories from GMing Manhattan?

Why do you love the J?

[Image: pppoopoo.gif]
[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

How much of that 400 million was from money laundering?

[Image: OnGNB1G.gif]

[Image: cgv4vCv.png]|[Image: 95lCCDx.png]|[Image: KgwtJeY.png]


What's the most rep anyone has ever had

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

How does one get to 400M so that they can do a max earn on a couple players without lifting a finger for media?

[Image: QsZ1vOb.jpeg]
[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]

Hi Luke

Do u know how to get the beeg yoshi

[Image: gLIi4AC.png]
[Image: beegbeegyoshi.gif]

Do you think you could possibly spend all of that money?

Do you remember when I was richer than you and are you afraid that might happen again? Wink

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @"Capt_Blitzkrieg", @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
[Image: p1gG0LD.png][Image: DKMMlC3.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: ctsxTFg.png]
my portfolio | my sig shop | gfx discord
[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2021, 02:36 AM by hockeyiscool.)

Why is Juni Panda a hero of the people? With all of your knowledge of history in the league is there anyone that did not make the hall of fame that you think should have made it?

Can i get a small loan of 50 million?

[Image: lebbish.gif]

How does it feel knowing that, even with 400m, you're still the third-best podcast co-host @Rich has ever had?

[Image: cBHvvi2.png]


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