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S60 Championship Week

17. (3)

Claiming 3 TPE

15. (6)


7. (9)

Having played in both eras, I can solidly say that if we had just one sim engine, like say Simon our Uncaring Deity, then things would most likely be worse for the overall health of the League and yet somehow parity might potentially be even better than it is currently in some crazy sense of twisted vindication. Should we have remained on Simon, then it would be entirely possible that just about every team would look the exact same with the exact same results potentially despite the individual disparities between them. As many have said before, while Franchise Hockey Manager is a good simulator it is simply not random enough, whereas Simon is incredibly random to the point of being overly so. As such this causes an issue where a League that relies on solely Simon would be able to bring itself to some sort of paradoxical balance between the teams and the universe.

5. (11)

We are indeed adding 2 teams to the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League this offseason. I think that we should not keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone making it and should instead move to take the best 12 teams and let them duke it out. I feel this way because unfortunately that is the only option thanks to the imbalances proposed by the usage of Franchise Hockey Manager and its playoff format options. FHM is not forgiving when it comes to customization which results in needing to go to 12 out of 14 teams making it with the bottom two becoming the primary lottery teams.

13. (13)

Welp I have yet again waited until the last day to grind out my Championship Week and the Challenge Cup finals have long since completed by this time. Congratulations to the Buffalo Stampede for their victory in the full seven games I believe it was, and my vote for series Most Valuable Player should most certainly go to Elizabeth Doyle, the Goaltender for the Buffalo Stampede, and that is most definitely not because they are the first player I could think of for this prompt. Doyle deserves this award over the others because of how mentally difficult being a Goalie is and being able to stand that for so long deserves commendation.

6. (16)


[Image: 59269_s.png]

S66 Damian Littleton

[Image: CsnVET2.png] || [Image: wu5MVvy.png]|| [Image: c8B2LE3.png]
Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 09:38 PM by Kraagenskul.)

1 (3 TPE)
It was a rough season, and getting knocked out of the playoffs the way we did was not how I had hoped it would end.  But there was one bright spot: my sister had a child!  I found out she was going into labor and I was up all night wondering if I was going to be an aunt! Finally, right after our game, Tyler Leavitt Jones was brought into the world and I become an uncle!  I did not get to see him for a while until we traveled to Boston for a game against the Wolfpack.  I made sure to buy every single Platoon souvenir they have for babies to give to him. He is as a cute as a button and has the family nose, or at least that is what my mother keeps saying.

I look forward to having him at future games and teaching him the ways of the hockey.

2 (3 TPE)
Whenever I play Pokemon I generally start off trying to grab every Pokemon I can find and then level off a bit but concentrate on seven or eight key Pokemon for the rest of the game.  That is probably what I would do with the SHL. Grab myself a core group and work those players hard, moving up their TPE and making them the very best.  I would also tell them to throw caution to the wind every game since they can just go visit Nurse Joy to completely heal after every game. How useful is that?

I also assume we would have some cool power-ups as well for each of the player types. Skates of speed, stick of accuracy, glove of saving, and hey maybe the water bottle of recovery. You need to equip your players with good items to make sure you have a competitive edge or at least are even.

5: (2 TPE)
Having every team in the playoffs for the SMJHL is a two edged sword. On one hand, you want teams to earn a spot and have to compete. Finishing dead last or one spot above should not earn you a spot for the Cup. On the other hand, I get why we might want all the teams in the playoffs because it adds to the excitement, especially for new users to the SHL.  The playoffs are fun and we want everyone to experience the thrill of it, especially in an active locker room. I lean towards keeping everyone in, but just in the minor league.

7 (3 TPE)
I read this prompt and thought "What the hell is STHS?" I did a little research and found out that it is either South Tahoe HIgh School or Santa Teresa High School, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, so I added "hockey" to the search and figured the SimonT Hockey Simulator was probably the more likely candidate. Here's the thing: I used to work on a baseball simulator back in the 90s, and that shit is hard. And baseball is actually easier than most simulators because of the nature of the sport. I cannot imagine trying to code a hockey simulator, it must be hell to make it accurate.
FHM can be a cruel mistress, but it can be a great one as well. The big issue is that FHM was never meant to be used for role-playing. If I took my player out of the SMJHL season where I lead the league in +/- and was nominated as defenseman of the year, I might've been an SHL great just from that sim alone. But with the stats being updated manually all the time, it is a different beast that I have to work hard at. I do not know how STHS works, but I can tell you that from the little research I did I think my player might've had more success with less work, which sort of goes against the whole thing this site does, so it makes sense.

15 Trivia (3 TPE)

16 (2 TPE)
First, I am taking Luke to one of those restaurants that have no lighting which supposedly allows you to really taste food but in reality will just be a warehouse I rented and somebody grilling in the back. Now before you think this is me being cheap, I am hiring a professional griller and server and paying good money for steaks, scallop, shrimp, the whole nine yards.

When that is over, it is time for... LASER TAG!!! We will go to the local gaming establishment to play laser tag against a bunch of eight year old kids so Luke can run up a new high score.

[Image: A9nSgBs.gif]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 03:57 PM by Toivo.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

I was hyper focused on playing hockey at the highest level possible, you know being a professional and all. Thus, I never really had time to get worked up over all the shenanigans that cropped up during the season. It was mostly answering emails and complaints that the few but vocal had online. Outside of that, I was playing hockey and trying to focus on doing that, and it was a slow start in a newish setting, and took a bit of time to start firing on all cylinders. A lot of good things happened off the ice during the season. We had the big ol’ family gathering that brought in family from all around. It was great organizing that having good quality family time after we went a while without it. So in short, this season was full of good things despite what the narrative is online which wants to focus on negative events for some reason.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

For the sake of new players joining the league and for fun in general, every team should make the SMJHL playoffs. It was terrible when a new HO came in and changed that format. Why should the juniors be super competitive anyways? Can’t we all just have some fun before the craziness of the SHL is pushed on them. Let the young players play some meaningful hockey in the post-season. Let them develop that feeling for playoffs and then send them up to the SHL.

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

Team Switzerland is going to start off by losing a bunch of games before striking back and eliminating everyone in their path. It’s going to be the Swiss making a lot of noise in this season’s IIHF tournament. There’s a lot of talent that folks around the league aren’t talking about on the Swiss team when they should. Expect big things out of this team which is still maturing into its potential as an international powerhouse. As for teams that are going to fall from the top of the standings, look toward the teams with some aging veterans. It could be a dominant team that everyone expects to win because of how great they have been recently, but consider all the aging plus wear and tear on those older teams. As the tournament progresses, that might cause a few of the teams to falter. With IIHF, it’s difficult to really gauge which countries are going to make a big splash and surprise everyone. That’s just international hockey for you.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

A. Puck luck and bullshittery? I don’t think that is the case when the teams are playing best of 7 series. Maybe a game or two could get squeaked out by some puck luck and bullshittery, but these teams are here because they beat everyone that stood in their paths. They’re the best of this season.
B. Chicago has had an impressive run for being one of the more recent team in the league’s history. Looking back at some expansion teams that seem to be still trying to get where these teams are at, it can’t be chalked up as easy. Would be nice to have the numbers on the appearances to give a detailed comment on this topic.
C. Somebody mentioned how Buffalo looked like John Deere and that is what I have seen ever since. The Chicago branding reminds me of Godfather’s pizza chain, which I had one time and really regretted it. Neither are what I would consider top brandings of the league, but that doesn’t matter so much as they are in the finals and everyone else isn’t.
D. Nolan Sawchuk was a star that lit it up in Chicago. Nobody expected him to be as good as he was with Chicago, but he went in there and would battle for that team everynight on the ice. The fans loved him, the crowds would sob when it was announced he was no longer apart of the franchise.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)



Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
Player Page- Update Page
Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
Player Page - Update Page
Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
Player PageUpdate Page
[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)

So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

This season Panda truly had some struggles within his personal life. He decided he would get with this girl. This girl was pretty cool, unfortunately. He thought it would be a good idea to date her and then get engaged to her. While this doesn't sound all that bad. If you knew Panda, you would know that he has some intriguing quirks. This poor woman had no idea Panda was such a weird guy. His pregame rituals, his love of animals, and finally, his addiction to opening CS:GO cases. Yes you heard that right, Panda Panico has spent over $15,000 dollars over the last six months opening cases. These cases and this girl have filled Panda with lots of love and happiness. Panda even opened some really cool knives. The girl, still confused by Pandas antics, decided to give him an ultimatum before they got married. Either quit gambling, or break up with her (and she keeps the ring to sell). Panda being the genius he is, told her to get lost. 

2. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Pokemon! Everyone loves em, and if you don't, you didn't have a childhood. Or adulthood. Anyways, let's imagine all SHL and SMJHL players are now pokemon. Assemble your team! On top of that, what is your strategy to navigate the POKESHL? Try to get the strongest pokemon and become champion? Catch all of the possible players and complete your pokedex? UwU Breed them? Catch low level juniors players and train them? Or become a gym leader, helping others on their path to greatness? I'd love to hear your approach.
Dwight Knight, Ambacas Cuddles, Tom Fiddler, Michael Fitted, Elwulf Jericson, and finally Jimmy Wagner. On paper, you would think this team is purely offensive fuck your status effects type of team. However, when you start to dig into the movesets these pokemon have, you truly get to see how wonderful and effective it is. With this wonderful lineup of Pokemon I'm going to be able to catch all the new ones I haven't seen yet. Once I have filled the Pokedex then I can start working my way up to become the champion of the SHL region. Hopefully after I've become champion, I can take the ones I want to improve and breed them to have perfect IV's! With this perfect IV Pokemon I'm gonna breed until I get some shinies. Shinies are cool as hell, and I want the team I beat the Pokemon League with in shiny form! Hopefully that wasn't too much of a rollercoaster.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...

Not my favorite movie... but my fiancés favorite at least lol. I am now Jack Kanoff. I think we all know why I decided to switch bodies. Firstly, he is so much better than Panda, so I can at least experience the joy of being a good player on the ice. Secondly, with Pandas mindset in the body of a better player, Buffalo should be able to close this series out in 5 games. Jack Kanoff is going to see numbers they haven't ever seen before. 2 points per game during this finals run. They are coming for every record in the book with Panda Panico's brain controlling this piece of art that is Jack Kanoff's body. After demolishing Chicago every night, Panda is gonna... well you know. Doing that will boost the testosterone and just mess Chicago up even more! When he is holding the cup, its getting thrown across the ice. Panda doesn't want anyone to have it after he has won it. 

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?
Germany wins, Canada loses, everyone rejoices. In all seriousness, I think we are going to see some of these lesser known teams start to do really freakin well in the tournament. Pulling off big wins on teams that normally dominated. The normal teams like Canada, United States of America, Norway, and Finland will most certainly get deep into the IIHF. My true underdog that I think will do well is going to be Great Britain. The Englishman will succeed in taking some nice wins over teams. I bet we see a crazy breakout year from players like Dwight Knight and Jimmy Wagner also. Each will easily be averaging over a point per game, and probably dominating the other teams easily with their sheer skill and will. The most likely thing to happen is that Team Canada absolutely crushes everyone else through the group stage and then struggles slightly in the playoffs. Most likely finishing off against either Germany or Norway and probably crushing them in 5 games. Early on in the playoffs they might actually get knocked out depending on their opponent.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Sadge only 1 milestone +1

16 Total Smile

[Image: panico.png]

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

The brightest spot on the ice for me is the blocks.  I'm setting a new personal record on shot blocks with 256, my previous best was 199 in S58.  This should put me at 3rd all time behind Seger and Garbanzo.

Also did OK on hits, on par with last season but still 100 shy of my peak FHM performance.  For this, I'm only moving to 12th all time, but there are no active skaters above me.

Checking in on milestones, I reached the mark on those two stats along with Takeaways which shows that my game is still how I want as I regress.

The low spot for me is standings and +/-.  We came second to last with just nine points more than New Orleans (one point back from Manhattan).  I almost doubled my personal worst +/-.  I had -45 this season and -23 in S53. 

Obviously the team is in transition with a new GM team so I'm excited to support them as they set the new direction for the team.  There has already been a bit of a changing of the old guard and a fat prospect pool, so we'll see how the climb gets going next season.

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

For keeping the same:
Engagement in the SMJHL is super high and that's the foundational period for an SHL player.  I'm still around 3 years later because I had a crazy good SMJHL experience, especially in the playoffs.  A team that can come in from dead last and pull some crazy upset drives the meme history of the league.

Against keeping the same:
Engagement in the SMJHL is super high which means the regular season gets a lot more attention.  There is a great opportunity for the regular season to actually matter as far as getting a playoff spot, so let's make it exciting.

Other thoughts:
Let's go nuts, maybe 6 and 8 team divisions with promotion / relegation.  Every team can make the playoffs but there are two different brackets, top 2 from the lower division play "prove it" games against the bottom 2 from the top division and potentially swap brackets going into the playoffs.

The teams in the bottom division will still have an exciting time playing for a consolation prize while not diminishing the achievements of the top division team.  The turnaround is so fast in the J that we could see teams shifting divisions every season and the end of the regular season will be an exciting finish for a GM building a strong culture.

This probably isn't possible with FHM, but it's a fun thought.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

I doubt I would be postured so well on the hits and blocks leaderboards if we stayed on STHS, the jump in magnitude is crazy.  My peak shot blocks in STHS was 73 but in S60, after heavy regression, I had 256 shot blocks.  For hits, my peak STHS was 154 and in S60 I had 169.  However, my FHM peak so far is 271 in S58.  I plan on riding this skater for as long as possible, so I may be able to take the top spots on these leaderboards, but I'm in a rough spot.

I spent 8 seasons of my career in STHS racking up low amounts of these stats, then jumped into hyperdrive when we moved to FHM.  If we were in STHS still, I maybe reach somewhere on these leaderboards by the end of my career because of my longevity.  If we were in FHM from the start, I could set the standard on these records by the time I retire.  Now, I may take the top spots for a little while until someone who plays like me comes along with an entirely FHM career.

My niche is only ever being nominated for one league award with no all-star nominations, yet I am about to be 12th all time hits and 3rd all time blocks.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Since I am completing my championship week on the day after the SHL entry draft, I am taking Luke on a nice date to S61 personal coaching.  I am spending $8,500,000 of his money to have my personal trainer show us how to squat correctly. 

Since it's the first time in the new gym, I made sure it was extra romantic.  We had his and his water bottles and sweatbands.  I got him a shirt that said "I'm training with stupid" with an arrow pointed to me.  I had a shirt that said "I'm trying to figure out who stupid is". 

It would have been perfect, but the gym was crowded with everyone else busting in right at opening.  Overall, I feel about 28 points stronger and I bet he does too.

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)


[Image: scrufdaddy2.gif]
credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

Platoon Steelhawks Patriotes Stars Panthers Platoon Specters Platoon Panthers Specters Aurora Jets Usa Scarecrows

[Image: Tqabyfh.png][Image: UDyqktK.png][Image: 1DL5JDX.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 03:58 PM by Steelhead77.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)

Esa Parmborg had a good season, the Dragons went to the conference finals and he was one of the top scorers in the playoffs. He did have to deal with one negative thing though... Management told him he needed to be healthier to help the Dragons go deep in the playoffs so they made him eat a salad. This was devastating for the parm king who is renowned for his love of chicken parm and unhealthy foods, he rarely if ever eats vegetables so when he was forced to eat a salad it was a big pretty big deal. Not to mention he shit for 2 days straight from all that ruffage. So that was a big negative, but he also had a lot of positives, he banged 3 Edmonton players wives after the Dragons swept the rival Blizzard in round 2 of the playoffs. The wives watched Parmborg dominate the series and just had to have him. He may have fathered a couple children but we don't know for sure yet. Other than that he had a lot of fun this season scoring points and winning games with his awesome teammates in Calgary.

4. Written, 3 TPE (60 words min.)

Dragons breath fire
Making other teams perspire
Burying many pucks
Giving zero fucks
They win and they win
Their fans grin and they grin
Marveling at the size of Esa Parmborg's chin
Many parms he has consumed
Over a million it's been assumed
Pamborg had a great playoffs
But now there's a layoff
He relaxes and rests
Googling picks of Salma Hayek's chest
He'll be ready for next season
Bringing the Dragons a cup is always his reason

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)

I haven't put too much thought into this as I haven't been part of the SMJHL for a while now but I think with it ultimately being a development league for new users it's great that all teams get to experience the playoffs. Even if they have low odds of winning and are a bottom seed they get to experience that playoff excitement with their team and I think that's worth it. Some of the most fun users have in these leagues are in the playoffs and that definitely helps people connect with the league and form stronger relationships which is what the SMJHL is all about. Provide a good experience for new members, keep them active and engaged and they will stick around to contribute to the league for a long time. So yes I think everyone making the playoffs in the J is fine. I could see the other side of the argument for sure but ultimately it's a development league.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)

I loved sths and still miss it, I don't think there's any question that if Parmborg's career was entirely in the sths era he would have a couple championships by now. Calgary was winning the cup at a good rate in Sths, making the finals often under former GM Esa Anrikkanen. Odds are they would have won at least one maybe two cups between S53 and S60 in sths. Points would be lower in sths because we would have stayed at 50 games so Parmborg would not have posted those back to back 70+ point seasons and set a record with 60 assists in one season like he did in FHM. So that would have been different but he'd trade that for championships any day. So I'd say the main difference between if he played his entire career in sths or fhm would be he'd have more cups in sths but way more points in the fhm era. I have no complaints though it's been fun to be part of a new sim engine and I've enjoyed FHM as a player and GM, but I do miss sths and especially the old index.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE

[Image: CW60.jpg]

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE

Esa Parmborg +3 Milestones

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
[Image: parmborg.gif]

[Image: steelhead77.gif]

#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 04:18 PM by supertardis101.)


1. Billy absolutely ran into a huge snag this year when he totally wrecked his leg during early pre-season skates this previous year. It happened early in the morning right after he had first gotten on his skates and was doing his warmups. He tried to just do a little bit too much and he totally put all of his weight on a turned knee and jsut destroyed his leg. Billy is a big dude and all that weight just wrecked all of the tendons and bones in Billy's leg. He was bed-ridden for weeks and unable to skate, but he did finally get back on his feet in time to play during the season and he would wind up having the best season of his career. Billy ran into a lot of trouble, but he came out stronger on the otherside for his troubles and played some amazing hockey and he even got to win a four-star cup to cap things off. Go Beserkers! (+3 TPE)

b. Buffalo absolutely deserves to be in the finals as much as they have. THey are just so well managed and so well run I think they absolutely deserve everything that they get. I am very bias to be fair, but I am really excited to go up next year and play with them. Its going to be so much and I am really looking forwarding to winning some cups in the big leagues! (+1 TPE)
c. I think the syndicate/mafia theme for a Chicago team is super cool, but I am very bias on behalf of the Chicago Kingpins in the PBE and I will proudly declare that I think their logo and theming is better than the Syndicate. I think both of our are a similar theme, but I cannot quite explain it, but I just think that the Kingpins are better. SD is involved with both teams at one point so coincidence? I think not! (+1 TPE)

15. Trivia; Verification Word: Done (+3 TPE)

16. We would absolutely have to do something extreme. I find the best way to get to bond with someone while having a great time is doing something scary and to get your serotonin flowing so you guys will fall madly in love. I would take the money and take us skydiving or white water rafting or ziplining or something like that. Any of those would be super cool and we would totally bond and have a great time and never want to leave afterwards. I do not do the standard movie and dinner, because its boring. Very Boring. Do something that is really not boring at all. (+2 TPE)

Milestones +3 TPE

[Image: image0.gif]
[Image: psdforbrookssiganimatedwhitetext.gif]

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?
158 words

For this seasons IIHF tournament, I really hope that I can take home some mor wins with Austria. The young move that started seasons ago are going quite well and we are just a few years away to become as good as team Austria was in the late 30 early 40 seasons. All the young guys that played last season for team Austria already have now made their feed wet in the SHL and are now used to play against the big boys. Looking at the top, there will be not much different this year. Expect Canada, I don’t believe that they will have another bad year like last season. Looking at the players there could be so many that could bring a clutch performance on the ice. Team USA superstar Bobby Lane is just one to be named, never forget about Japan’s old gun Monkey D. Luffy and so many more. We will see what will happen.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?
169 words

Thanks god that we are out of the STHS era don’t get me wrong, it was great time there with my old player, but I am happy that we made the switch to the FHM sim. But for the reason we are hypothetical looking what would have happen if we still would use STHS I will try to give a look. My player probably would have some more success on a personal level. I played my junior years in the STHS and I originally tried to build a real power forward, because that was the build that showed the best success, great hitter with a great shot. That build would have led me to some great individual success but if I would have had a cup under my belt? I would not be sure, because at that time low TPE players could still be very useful and at some point, your build was maxed and would have stayed on that level for quite a long time. Good we changed.

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

a. If you made the finals, you have deserved it one way or another. Looking at those two, they are rightful here. Buffalo eliminated Hamilton on there way and Chicago had to beat up the reign champions Texas Renegades on there way to the finals. Not the easiest way for both of them, so well done. 55 words

b. I don’t want to judge what is more impressive, both is pretty great and shows how great managed the teams are. Making the finals in more or less every season and having a shot at the cup keeps your players hungry and active. On the other hand Chicago just needed a few season to turn into a power house. 59 words.

c. Looking at Buffalo logo I think its outdated a little bit, it looks old and boring compared to some of the new ones that are around now a days. But that’s nothing a new fresh up could change. It’s good to stick with tradition but sometimes a change is needed to stay on the top. 55 words

d. I mean the best ever Buffalo Stampede player is Alexis Metzler, he was the long-time captain of the team and did hold a lot of records at the time he retired. It’s no surprise that he is a member of the hall of fame too. For Chicago is hard to say, the best they have are still playing but it will end with one of Daniel Smeb or Martijn Westbroek being their all-time best in the end. 77 words

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Milestones +3

[Image: wachter3.png]
Alexander Wachter, RW, S51
Carolina Kraken - Texas Renegades - Winnipeg Aurora 
Player Page // Update Page

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

I think you should make it top-8 get into the playoffs. I know we want to give everyone a shot at the playoffs in the SMJHL, but the teams that are in the bottom 3rd of the league know they're not going to win the first round of the playoffs against the best teams. I think it would be more fun to give those teams a race in the regular season. Better to keep everyone engaged during the regular season than have people only care about how the team does for a few days of the season! If a team is really out of it, they're going to be focused on future seasons anyways so I don't think it'll hurt them too badly.

[123 words, +2, 2 total]

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

I think I would have had a much more basic kind of career. I was lucky when we started FHM, I saw that building your player evenly was the most cost-effective way of building your player and I didn't know what the meta was going to be going into the season so I didn't want to accidently make a player who was deficient in an important part of the sim because the face value of the attribute didn't look too important. This resulted in me having some very successful seasons early on in FHM and I've been able to carry forward with the momentum. I may not have had the ideal build but I was able to consistently perform above average in FHM which helped. In STHS, everything was so random. I had a 66 point MVP season, followed by a 39 point disappointment of a season in what was my highest TPE build. I think it would have consistently fluctuated like that and I wouldn't have nearly the point totals I do today.

[174 words, +3, 5 total]

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

b) Sorry Chicago, but it's gotta be Buffalo. I was a member of Buffalo back in the early 30s and their direction wasn't great (I mean, they drafted a bust like me). When I came back to the site, the team was being run by WBF and it's been smooth sailing ever since. You've got to be an impressive GM when anytime someone makes a trade with you all the other teams yell "Why did you do that?". I'm always impressed with what Buffalo has managed to accomplish.

[87 words, +1, 6 total]

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Through the first few games of the series, I thought the obvious MVP was going to be Chicago's goalie Mat Smith. He was putting up incredible numbers and stealing games from Buffalo. However, Buffalo was able to break through at the end of the series which diminished Smith's performance quite a bit. If I had to decide now that the series is over, I'd give it to Aron Hernadivic. Hernadivic was clearly an offensive force for Buffalo putting up 13 goals and 14 assists in 22 games during the playoffs. He put up over a point per game in the finals and really helped Buffalo break through when it came to beating Chicago's stingy goaltending.

[115 words, +2, 8 total]

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


[+3, 11 total]

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

Oh, when you're going out with a boy like Luke, you've gotta treat him right. The first thing we're going is hitting the fine town of Philadelphia. First, we're going to get a Philly cheesesteak from his favourite place (I assume he has one) and then we're going to head off and watch a Philadelphia Flyers game. If I stole Luke's money, we're getting front row seats with the club access. In between the first and second period we enjoy ourselves at the buffet and by the time the game is over, we're heading out to the hottest Philadelphia night clubs. We're gonna get bottle service and be the coolest bros in the Philadelphia club scene. It's gonna be righteous.

[120 words, +2 , 13 total]

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.


[+3, +16 Total]

[Image: TommySalami.gif]

Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard Raptors Blizzard

EDM All-Time Leader in Goals, Assists and Points

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

My first two seasons in the league were right before the last expansion happened with Quebec and Nevada. Only the top 8 teams made the playoffs, and I was with a Maine team that wasn’t quite good enough to make it either season. The first season was a little more fun because we were in a hunt with Carolina for the last spot, but we fell a little short. My 3rd and 4th seasons everyone made the playoffs. I was excited to finally see the post season, but at the same time it took away from the fact we actually would have made the playoffs under an 8-team format. I know there is an argument about the experience for new members, but some teams should miss the playoffs. You need to experience the bad times to appreciate the good ones. A 12-team playoff format would probably be the safest. (149 words)

6. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
What's your prediction for this season's IIHF tournament? Which teams do you expect to do well (or not well)? Which players?

I think you are going to see Canada return to form in this season’s tournament and will be once more taking home the gold medal. Last season they got bounced before the medal rounds after winning four or five straight golds? I expect the same from the United States, and Great Britain. These three teams have dominated seasons of past and for them to fall off like they did is an outlier. I do expect Switzerland and Norway to come back strong this season and at least one of these two teams will be taking home a medal. I don’t think Japan repeats their miracle run of last season.
Sweden will once more be a strong competitor in the round robin games, near the top of the standings but when it comes to where it matters they will drop out early and probably empty handed. Germany, Finland, Czechia, Russia will all be middle of the pack once again and be no threat to take a podium spot. As always Ireland, Latvia, Ireland, and Austria will make up the bottom 4 teams. (182 words)

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?

I predicted Chicago to win the presidents trophy and the Challenge Cup in Season Predictions, and then I had Buffalo winning the Challenge Cup in the Playoff Bracket, so I was pretty happy to see those teams in the finals. They also deserved to be there, both were very good during the regular season and it makes sense it was them in the finals. (64 words)

b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?

I think Buffalo’s ability to stay at the top for as long as they have is more impressive just off the dominance over the rest of the league. Buffalo has been a 15 season dynasty, steamrolling the standings while competing in the same division as Hamilton and Chicago. Chicago’s second appearance in 4 seasons is encouraging that a dynasty is forming, but I’d expect that a well managed team would be at their level 15 seasons into the league. (79 words)

c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.

I love the colours of the Syndicates jerseys, their logo is a little meh to me but’s far from the worst in the league and its also not the worst thing about the jersey. The letter and numbers font just looks so off and doesn’t fit the theme of the team. You are based off the mafia, you have the bold colour scheme of black and yellow. Yet, you have this goofy font that just does belong. The lettering and numbers should be sharp and aggressive. (86 words)

d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

I don’t know the history of these teams or much about their players so this is based just off current rosters, Alexander Roach is in my mind the best player. Roach plays a solid two way game, scoring over a point per game last season while also throwing up a ton of blocked shots and hits. This is the kind of player a team needs to win cups. (68 words)

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

Im picking Aron Hernadivic for series MVP. Hernadivic and Westbroek both had strong playoffs and both performed well in the finals, but Hernadivic scored two big goals in game two to keep Chicago from getting a 2-0 series lead which is big because Chicago would go on to win the next two games. Now facing elimination in game 5, Hernadivic shows up big scoring a goal and adding an assist, and scores the first goal in a 2-1 OT win for Buffalo in game 6, and picked up an assist in the exclamation mark 6-3 game win  to complete the come back. The Stampede needed a leader to step up and lead them out of the hole and give them a chance at the cup that’s what Aron Hernadivic did.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

S60 Milestones (2)

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 11:15 PM by Buster.)

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?[

The worst thing that happened to Oliver Cleary this season was not PR based. The worst thing to happen to Oliver Cleary was once again losing in the second round. For Cleary, round 2 losses have become a habit. When in LA, Oliver Cleary lost in the conference finals, which at that time was round 2, twice in two seasons in a row. In Manhattan, Oliver Cleary lost multiple times in the round second also. After getting traded to BAP, Oliver Cleary was hoping things would be different. Round one was the same, another easy victory. Round 2 against Atlanta saw Baltimore look like the heavy favourites. It just wasn't meant to be though when Atlanta took out the Platoon in 6. Once again, the Cleary second round curse would rear its ugly head. When S61 hits, Cleary is hoping that the worst thing that happens to him is PR based instead of another disappointing season end.

157 words

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body...

If Oliver Cleary could switch with one player in the finals, it would be his former teammate in Manhattan, Jukka Timonen. The reason he would pick Juke is the fact that he would finally teach Juke how to be a good player. Juke has always been a player who has had a lot of hype and just fallen a bit flat. Cleary would finally come in and show him how its done. He would implant the skills needed to be a high impact player. But the most important thing is he would come in game 7. Cleary would just play the way he does in his normal body. He would chip in offensively well playing solid defensively. Though the only issue would be now that Cleary is in Juke's body, Juke would have to deal with the Cleary second round curse. Chicago would instantly lose in the finals and Buffalo would win another cup. Everyone would be sad.

158 words

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

If I had to draft a new SMJHL playoff format, I wouldn't actually go 8 teams or 12 teams. What I would do is an NBA style format with 10 teams. The 7th ranked team would end up facing the 10th ranked team while the 8th and 9th teams would face off against each other. The idea behind this is to have a prove yourself wild card round before the top 8 are set. The winners ranking would be based on season seeding. So if 7 and 9 make it, 7 is the higher seed and faces 2nd. The wild card round would also be best of 3. Make it quick and dirty while making it so each lower seed has to prove they deserve to be in the playoffs.

130 words

13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

I may be tipping my cap a little bit being that I am on the awards committee and have a vote for the MVP award. So I will highlight a player on the losing team. For this playoffs, it is very hard for me to look past the contributions of Martijn Westbroek this playoffs. He did it all for the Syndicate. 13 goals, 30 points while leading the top line for Chicago. Westbroek has been an absolute stud for Chicago for a long time and he is very deserving of the Razov to cap off a Hall of Fame career. Though I am a member of the committee, I do have a hard time imaging I would vote against him had Chicago brought home the W.

126 words

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Oliver Cleary milestones +3


[Image: theziegs.gif]
[Image: buster.gif]

(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 05:04 PM by Leppish.)

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

I think if we had stayed with STHS, my old player Geoff Moore would have had a very different end to his career, i probably would have stayed active with him for longer and possibly had a chance to compete for the cup after being traded from Minnesota to West Kendall, now Baltimore Platoon. If it wouldn't have happened there then i think certainly would have had a big chance at winning with Manhattan Rage where i was traded after that. Also my career point totals probably would have stayed higher in STHS than in FHM, as they dipped quite a bit. Outside of Shot blocks where Moore managed to be top-5 in FHM era for the first couple of seasons. If no exploits were discovered, i think the last several cup wins we've seen could be very different. Especially cause people wouldn't be lining up to go to the obvious top teams now like they do in FHM, since there would be way more teams that could be contenders.

10. Graphic, 3 TPE
Design a Challenge Cup/Four Star Cup Championship banner for one of the teams in the finals, like those which appear on the side of the site.

[Image: WLGp3Zx.png]

12. Written, up to 4 TPE - Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. The salt special: Do these teams deserve to be here? Or were they gifted a trip to the finals through puck luck and bullshittery?
b. Buffalo has been here many times in the past 20 seasons, this is only the second (I think I'm too lazy to check) time for Chicago. Which is more impressive? The continued dominance of Buffalo? Or the solid couple of runs Chicago has made despite the team only being 15 seasons old?
c. Everyone's a critic: Nitpick one thing about either team's logo, jersey, rink design, goal horn, or general site demeanor.
d. Who is the best player to play for either team? Is it a current player? Retired? Traded? Make your case.

A. I think it is what it is, Buffalo has been a good team for a long time and i think a big part is competent management and loyal people, they have a lot of names on their team that stay there all their careers, often times with their recreates as well. Buffalo also magically gets firsts in every deal the make it seems. So hats off to them. Chicago? Idk, i haven't really followed them much.

B. Buffalo Stampede in my opinion, being able to be a dominant, consistently good team is impressive. When you look at a lot of teams on the SHL they have their run, from a few seasons to maybe 10 if done right. Which is already impressive. But being a competing team 20+ seasons in a row and managing to beat out the cheatSteelhawks too, i don't think chicago can beat that.

C. Chicagos logo and colours aren't that good in my opinion, the text in the logo doesn't fit, and the weird background shape only covering the top half just looks ugly. They could've done a way better job than this for Chicago mafia themes. Their uniforms also just look like copies of the NHLs Boston Bruins.

15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Milestones 3 TPE

[Image: lebbish.gif]

1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

The good things that happened to Mikhail Novikov in the SMJHL this season were the following: having a phenomenal regular season, scoring a total of 67 points, which kept in 4th in the league scoring rating as a second year player. It was a great breakout season for the young Russian, who really showed that he was a great pick for the Anchorage Armada. He also had a plus minus rating of thirty two, which meant that he was definitely a net positive for his team outside of just scoring points. Novikov was also a demolisher on the power play, putting up 11 goals and 19 assists. Really good stuff. However, he wasn’t the best defensively, as he has a lot of room to grow defensively and continue to be a good offensive player for the Armada and hopefully help them make another trip to the Four Star Cup finals.


5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

In my opinion, I think that every team should make the SMJHL playoffs. Not only does it give more teams a chance to win the Four Star Cup, it also allows newer players / users on the site to experience what SMJHL Playoffs are all about. I remember previously we didn’t have every team make the playoffs and it was negatively received. The SHL has done a really good job of integrating newer players, and I think that the overall experience of letting everyone at least enjoy the playoffs is a good one.


7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

I think that if Mikhail Novikov were around in the STHS era, he wouldn’t stand out compared to any of the other players since there was not a lot of variance in statistics with the SHL and SMJHL. I reckon that having a more robust system with more options encourages player diversity. I’m not super stoked on the fact that you can essentially max out a player now, but it is an extreme improvement over what we had in STHS. Essentially, we are all still trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. We have good ideas to the best of my knowledge, but I don’t think we have a phenomenal understanding (why we haven’t seen super dynasties or anything to the level of the Dragons long runs in S30-S40)

The fact of the passing exploit (sorry) in STHS made it a sim system that we couldn’t use, and even though I have a lot of positive memories surrounding STHS and what it brought to the site, I don’t think that the league would have grown into the robust league that it is today if we had continued to use it.


13. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Welp, you waited until the last day to grind out your CW and the CC finals are longggggggg over by now. congrats to [TEAM], woo! Reflecting back on the series, who gets your vote for series MVP? Make the case why this player deserves it over any other.

For me, it’s hard not to give the series MVP to Aron Hernadivic. He had a phenomenal showing throughout the entire playoffs, scoring a total of 27 points. He was extremely good at 5v5, scoring 12 goals and putting up 11 assists up at even strength. It’s hard to argue against the fact that the Stampede won the series, even though Martijn Westbroek did score more points, I think that winning the Challenge Cup overrides that.

Additionally, adding on that point: Hernadivic had a phenomenal plus minus rating of 16, showing that we has extremely good defensively too. It was really a clinic in being a key component to a key to help that team win the Challenge Cup. And as a member of the Stampede, I’m super pumped to see it.


15. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)

Goals -> 15 or more (23)
Assists -> 33 or more (44)
Points -> 53 or more (67)

[Image: g7VtVXX.png?1]

[Image: Z8YSDad.gif]

[Image: crutchfield.gif]

17. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. So just link your Milestone claim as task 16 for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
MILESTONES TBD (check back later)


1. Written, 3 TPE, Ups and Downs (150 words min.)
So this was a tough season for everyone in the SHL. Dealing with trolls online, horrible PR from product endorsements, and on top of that all some minor identity fraud to add to the pile. Are these the worst things to happen to your player this season, or did something unimaginably horrible happen? On the flip side, were there any bright spots hidden in the countless nuisances and problems? What good things on and off the ice happened this season for you?

Unfortunately, despite the season being full of horrible things such as identity theft, and horrific abuse from the sponsors, the worst thing to happen to Delver Fudgeson this season was that he lost his love of the game. After an entire lifetime of hockey and driving to be as good as he can be, he has hit a wall. His love of the game is gone, and the only thing that has kept him going is his desire to help his hometown team, the Toronto North Stars. If he was on any other team in the league, he would have likely hung up the skates, but as he is proud to be a member of the Canadian team, he has pushed forward and kept going. He knows he’s been approaching the end of his career, and as these last few seasons have taken their toll on his body, he is finally looking towards the end. This season was a particularly rough one, even though on the ice, it seems no different from the last few. Maybe that’s the problem?

5. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
We're adding 2 teams to the SMJHL this season. Do you think we should keep the current SMJHL playoff format of everyone makes it? Or is it time to just take the best 8 or 12 teams and let em duke it out? Defend your stance.

Start making people fight for the playoffs. Teams should be able to miss. Making the playoffs will be exciting for the lower end teams, and will instill good work ethic in these young players. The SMJHL is meant to prepare them for the life of a professional SHL player, so we might as well start teaching them that there aren’t consolation prizes in the big league. 8 Teams is perfect too, no need for any stupid byes for the top seeded teams. Make everyone earn and grind their way to the playoffs. No more bottom feeders sucking their way to an appearance in the next level.

7. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
We're at a point in the SHL where a good chunk of the playerbase played back in the STHS era, and a good chunk has known nothing but FHM. If you're in the latter part of the league you must have heard the horror stories... so: Let's make a hypothetical.

Players who played in both eras: What would have happened if we just had one sim engine? Posture how your career would have gone if we stayed in STHS (sans exploits). Or what if you had created in FHM the whole time? Would things have gone better or worse?

For you FHM babies: What if we were still in Simon T land? Would your career be where it is now? Or would randomness have stunted the dynasties you may or may not have been part of?

My player had a surprisingly good junior career in STHS, which is strange because my last two guys were bottom 6 grinders for the most part (except for one star season in the SMJHL as Tony Flow). Delver Fudgeson was my first defenceman, and was drafted to a team with no picks and a bad roster. He was a pretty good rookie though, and he followed it up with a pretty respectable junior career, including an IIHF Juniors win with Canada. I played one unremarkable season in the SHL for the Wolf Pack though, and it made me think that my player was in trouble. I’m not a max earner, and I would have struggled to keep up. When we switched to FHM, I was familiar with the game and what worked for builds in the NHL, so I built what I was fairly confident was a good defender. Then, luckily enough, I had a few monster seasons for a mid-low TPE SHLer. Good defensive rating, decent point totals. I’ve been very happy with my player’s career, and I think it’s all owed to SHL, because I saw the writing on the wall with how STHS was going to treat him during my rookie SHL season.

3. Written, 3 TPE (150 words min.)
Freaky Friday.. or Monday. Tuesday? Anyhow, I think the finals will be over by Friday barring some kind of Re-sim :grimace: Anyways, I forgot the plot of the movie but there's something about a fortune cookie and now you're in your mom's body! But actually, it's the body of an SHL player, one from Chicago or Buffalo! (If you are on Buffalo or Chicago, you can't be yourself, pick a teammate or opponent). Now that you are them and they are you, what do you do during the big game? Play amazing and turn a scrub into a superstar? Play like a bum and try to help the other team win? Oggle yourself in the mirror? The world is so exciting in a new body…

It doesn’t matter which player or which team I take over. I am throwing this game. I hate these teams so much. I am trying to find a way to forfeit this game in a way that will end the series resulting in no winner. I would like for neither team to win, so it is troublesome for me to try to find a way to make everyone unhappy at once. I suppose I could use my access to the rink to get there early and burn it to the ground. That’s probably the way to go. Or I could come out and say that they are cheating! That could work too. But how specifically? I guess I could just record their coaches meeting with the players, and just release the findings to the public, because they are definitely cheating (either team, that is) and I would only need to get proof which really exists. No need to falsify anything.

16. slash's secret bonus prompt SHHHHHH. Written, 2 TPE (100 words min.)
Luke let you keep the money you stole from him in the heist, and won't tell the authorities. But you have to take him on a wonderful date using the money. How does your evening go? What dining and activities do you have in store for good ol' Lukey boy?

So I get to keep some bonus money eh? Well I suppose I would spend it on the same thing I spend every contract I earn on: Training. What else am I going to spend money on? I eat great meals prepared for me at the rink, and during the offseason I go home to my billionaire adoptive father and have different great meals prepared for me. So I will spend every dime attempting to keep my body at its “peak” condition. Or, as peak as it can be at my age. I suppose it could be time to start thinking about retirement and saving some of it, but like I said, billionaire adoptive father and all. So it’s going right into my masseuse… I mean… personal trainer...


[Image: Flusso.png]
Sig by @Evil_AllBran

[Image: YztPk3T.png] [Image: 6by0kBi.png]

(This post was last modified: 08-15-2021, 11:05 PM by UrsinZ.)

15) Trivia:

17) 1 TPE

[Image: Bananabread.gif] 

Thank you @Carpy48, @honkerrs

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