Fred wakes up. He goes to the restroom and starts taking a shower. A teammate pulls up in a brown car that looks like it's straight from 1997 and starts honking his horn. He has come to pick up Fred so they can carpool to work together. Fred is still in shower taking his sweet time. He gets out of the shower after 45 minutes and goes to make breakfast. His teammate is still sitting in the car outside. After another 30 minutes of cooking,
Fred has caught the stove on fire. He looks for a fire extinguisher, but he failed to buy one. At least his smoke detector is going off and calling the fire department. Meanwhile, after waiting nearly 2 hours for Fred to join in the carpool, the teammate drives is car top work, without Fred. 30 minutes after the the alarm went off, a lone firefighter arrives on the scene and starts to put out the fire. Immediately after the fire is put out, Fred walks over and starts flirting with the firefighter. Fred goes to work after this eventful day at 3pm. He works until 4pm and returns home. While he is playing video games on his computer, his wall phone starts to ring. He stands up and walks so slowly that he misses the call. It was the firefighter from before, wanting to go on a date, but he wasn't able to pick up the phone. Just another day in the life of Fred Wanesly.
It’s been about 10 years since I last played The Sims. It was Sims 3, I think, which was pretty old even by then :D No idea how manyeth issue of the game has been produced by now. I wonder if they have something with virtual reality goggles by now? :D
Anyhow, Lemo’s days at home would start around 8 AM, when he would get out of bed and wash and make himself some sandwiches and coffee for breakfast. Sometimes his toaster would break down and he’d flail his hands in frustration. After breakfast, if it’s not a game day and the, Lemo would practice some skill or another, like playing the guitar or painting. He is already quite good with the six-string and also with the brush and palette. Good enough, that when his hockey career will inevitably end at some point, he might even consider making a name for himself in one of those areas.
So anyway, at some point in the afternoon, Lemo’s wife and kid return from kindergarten and Lemo gets to playfully toss the kid around and play hide and go seek with him while his wife cooks something for dinner. After dinner they usually try to watch something on the TV, but that seldom goes as planned, because the little one is always finding ways to interrupt them before it’s already time for bed again.
And that’s about it for Lemo’s Sim days, the ones without the SHL sims, that is...
S59 & S62 Challenge Cup Champion - Texas Renegades
S57 Four Star Cup Champion - Anchorage Armada
S57 & S58 WJC / S62, S64 & S66 IIHF Gold Medalist - Team Finland
After 69 shots on net with still no SHL goals to show for it, even the opposition started to feel so sorry for Lemo, that they decided to help him out :D
- Bad pass by Jack Klompus, he gave it right to Lemo Pihl.
- Lemo Pihl rips it to the net...
- Lemo Pihl will find the empty net, that should do it!
Wow this is awkward. I never really played the sims. But just from reading the prompt, I think I can say with a great deal of certainty that I would be spamming flirt. I would be mashing that flirt button as hard and fast as I possibly could be. It seems like a great way to build some relationships and I do really enjoy their company. So it seems only fitting that a little bit of flirting should be involved. I see in the prompt that a promotion is mentioned, but I think I should stay away from that. I am pretty sure I would be a disaster in any kind of leadership position over here. In fact, is it possible to get un-promoted? Having never played the game before, I’d most likely just end up wandering around and probably die to something silly like starvation. I hear it’s relatively easy to trap sims in death traps, and that sounds like something my gullible self would fall into.
Twist wakes up hungry as always. First thing he does is cook up some waffles, his oven is shite though because he's poor so he burns them. As he now has an hour before he has to be at the rink he just has a quick yogurt. He feeds his dog and picks up 8 old newspapers in the driveway before he heads off. He spends the first part of his shift hanging out with coworkers and chilling. Twist is maxed out on Athleticism so he doesn't need to train anymore. His Charisma is also at 8 so he makes friends easily and is a master flirt. There's a hottie in the office he has his eye on but he's waiting to build up his bank before asking her out. Mid hanging out his boss comes in and says he's getting a raise for teaching a youth camp. Twist leads his team to victory and gets another promotion. Life is good.
On each game day, MIkael Choybuk does what might be predictable by Calgary Dragons standards. He wakes up, heats up a chicken parm from his fridge for breakfast, and just demolishes it. Then, he hops in a bath tub full of chicken parm sauce and marinates in it. He likes to absorb the talents and skill you get from previous generations of Dragons, by laying in the chicken parm sauces. Then, he heads out to his nearest restaurant with chicken parm on the menu, and he orders their finest. Mikael Choybuk is not satisfied with just heating up and eating what's in his fridge, so he has to go get a freshly cooked meal. So that's 2 chicken parm meals down the gut before he even gets on the ice to practice. Then he gets to the arena to practice, goes full throttle, and eats what the Dragons staff have in store for him, chicken parm-wise. The Dragons always have some on their meal table for after practice. After that, it's where he and some other Dragons players go pick a lunch spot. You can only guess what he orders for lunch. Don't you worry, he makes sure to get enough workouts in in order to combat all those calories, but he doesn't care about the calories anyways. It's Dragons tradition to eat all the parms they can.
Much like my real life, my Sim's life is basically the same. Wake up, immediately cry about being hungry, tired, and bored. Go to the bathroom, stink but I'm hungry so I just stink all the way down to the kitchen instead of bathing. You would think, hey I just went pee maybe now would be the time to shower but no, my hunger bar was lower. So I smell like a gym bag but I'm getting food. I eat, and now I just take control myself because I mean I smell awful so might as well get the days training done before a shower. Peak efficiency, am I right? Why shower now if I'm just going to have to shower again? Better to collect the days stink and wash it all away at once! So, we train until my neighbors are getting in on the stank and then we take our shower. Shower, get dressed, and spend the rest of the day standing in the corner sobbing. Bog standard day if you ask me. Can barely distinguish it from a real day.
Alucard,Apr 14 2016, 03:33 PM Wrote:May the harvest be with you, young spud.
enigmatic,Aug 26 2016, 10:05 AM Wrote:Jedi could have 1 TPE and still improve any team
First ever Norwegian IIHF Goal!!
2. Team Norway , Jackson Rodgers-Tanaka 1 (Isabella Esparza-Osvaldson, Aleksander Andrezjeck) at 5:50
Special Thanks to Count Chocula for the Hugo G sig <3
Gaia Mormont Registered
S18, S34, S38 Challenge Cup Champion
5:30 am. Get up and play animal crossing as the new day dawns at 5am. Do all chores in Animal Crossing and hopefully get some gold.
6:00 am. No gold, so start scrounging for breakfast. Some blue milk is always available. Love that stuff. Makes your midichlorians tingle in all the right places. Goes well with green vegetables and womp rat.
7:00 am. First nap.
10:00 am. Was supposed to be in the south ridge working on the new condensers with those new droids but one of them got away. Going looking later.
11:00 am. Second breakfast because even in a galaxy far away, it's recognized. Suck it Nazgul we got time
12:00 pm. Second nap.
1:00 pm. Go to arena, look for team but its hard to determine how many are already there because they walked in single file.
3:00 pm. Practice with team. Second half with the blast shield down to increase skills.
7:00 pm. Play game. Save universe. party with wookies.
Rinse and repeat
Jorec Registered
S11, S22, S34, S38 Challenge Cup Champion
A day in the life of the Adrik Baranov Sim. Wake up, try to make some breakfast but somehow start a fire. Run around like a frantic idiot before the fire eventually puts itself out. Then it's off to training for my job, which is all done off screen of course but gives me some solid bumps to my stats. Afterwards it's hitting on the neighbours, chasing down anyone who jogs by for a chat so that I can introduce myself. A flirty style for the ladies and funny style for the men. Then I'll invite over a random group of people for a 'party' where another fire will be started when someone tries to use the microwave. Almost inevitably I'll end up walking in on one of my neighbours using my shower without my permission while another one poops just meters away. Then I kick everyone out and go to bed, only to repeat it all the next day. 160 words.
Andren Akerson (Present)
Adrik Baranov (S55 to S70)
Rurik Razin (S32 to S44)
Roy Razin (S17 to S32) (HOF/Rage HOF)
Audun Wissink (S5 to S15)
My sim's day starts the way you would expect if you have played the game. After barely realizing they needed sleep the night before they wake after a 1 hour power nap and head off to work in the athlete field. The try and make a quick breakfast before leaving but the work tasks sadly takes priority and the pot of mac and cheese will be left on the lit stove for the next 8-9 hours while the sim hopes to earn enough to offset the cost of bills. After a long day at work, they return tired, hungry, and tense. They finish the mac and cheese which did not start a house fire today by some miracle and proceed to play 4 hours of foosball against themselves before passing out 5 feet from their bed due to exhaustion. As they neglected to use the bathroom before passing out they wake up in a puddle of unknown liquid before jumping in the shower. Only 2 hours remain until they have to go back to work so they will spend it wisely by accidentally walking from one end of the house to the other because the person in charge is using a track pad that clicks on different rooms randomly.
FlappyGiraffe Registered
nice guy tries hard loves the game
I would focus training my playmaking, passing and decisions skill to as high as possible. Then took a good nap with Nash and give him some good treats and pets, also don't forget belly rubs, he love it. Then I would go to see a little bit nature and how's things here in Atlanta and preparing my own pet care center to near to my home, where other sims can bring their pets to take care every way. I would also love to spend some time to make sure that my fitness is as good as possible and did some training in my home gym to make sure that I'm at good fit when Inferno will play their next game at Sims. I would also go to see how's things look like at Batuu and have some lightsaber battles with people and of course win them with my silver lightsaber. Then I would go back to home and that's end of the story.
(163 words)
I haven't played the sims in a while, but I'm sure Jimmy's day would run pretty similar to my standard sims routine. First of all, you've got to wake up at 3:30am, because your sleep meter is already full, and it's time to hop right into the shower. Next he moves on to making breakfast, it's still only 4:30am, and the car won't be here to pick him up to take him to the rink for another 12 hours. Shortly after breakfast, around 5am, Jimmy would find himself pretty bored, and start walking around the house aimlessly, cause he hasn't got all his stuff in his rental home in Nevada. If he did have all his stuff, he might play some video games, but since he only has a treadmill it's time for some cardio work. Jimmy could take a nap after the workout too, cause there's still loads of time, and he starts to wonder why he woke up so early in the first place. Before you know it, the car is here to take him to the rink, and when he gets home the cycle repeats itself.
Lev's sim life starts just as any others does. He wakes up, pets the cat, and then heads to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. He burns the toast but eats it anyway. Lev does a small workout in the basement and then proceeds to take a shower. After getting dressed, Lev goes outside to wait for the carpool. Hes a little early so he flirts with the neighbor who is currently watering the dead flowers, a few more days of flirting might finally do the trick. The carpool shows up and Lev is taken to practice. After skating and filling up his activity meter, Lev finishes practice and heads on home. Lev spends the rest of the day filling up his entertainment meter by watching television and making more burnt food for dinner. He finishes the day by calling his friend Makrus and then heading off to bed to start it all over again tomorrow. (156 words)