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S61 PT#4- Attributes

Groggily, Spicy opened one eye, looked at the alarm clock, and reached over to hit the snooze button. “KERRRASH!!!” The alarm clock exploded into a shower of tiny pieces, all while taking the shattered remains of the side table with it. Spicy’s eyes immediately widened and he was fully awake, and wondering what the hell just happened. Never before had he destroyed both an alarm clock and a table at the same time. It was then that he noticed the message light flashing on his phone. Carefully picking up the phone, he read the message from the SHL informing him that his stat numbers had been reversed. Suddenly it all became clear, and thanks to the SHL Spicy was now a God among men with an impressive 41 hitting skill. It was no wonder the clock and table didn’t stand a chance, nor would many of the players on the other teams. Visions of sending players through the glass began to dance in his head. Then suddenly a realization set in, if they swapped his they probably swapped everyone’s. Spicy could see it now, it would be like a bunch of mini Godzillas out on the ice wrecking everything in sight with their might. Glory be to the new age of Hockey!!!

[Image: Spicy_Funko.jpg]
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With the new build changes, Minamino would look like this

Screening: 71
Get Open: 91
Passing: 81
Puckhandling: 91
Shooting Accuracy: 71
Shooting Range: 21
Offensive Read: 91

Checking: 91
Hitting: 61
Positioning: 31
Stickhandling: 61
Faceoff: 50
Defensive Read: 81

Acceleration: 61
Agility: 51
Balance: 81
Stamina: 81
Strength: 91
Fighting: 50

Aggression: 50
Bravery: 11

All in all, nothing really changes too much given the fact that the key strengths of Minamino’s game of offensively being involved with the use of his strength and balance continue to be the main highlights. Even on the defensive end, what might become more noticeable is his inability to be in the right spot despite his elite coverage ability on other players whenever he would show up in the right place. It is interesting to see how much more aggressive he becomes with the 50 in Aggression, though incredibly scared in putting himself out there. Does that mean that he becomes less of a net front presence, less likely to stand up to other players as a leader and more inclined to take pot shots as a talented rat like on a certain other NHL team that also wears black and yellow? Mayhaps.

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Since I did a wonderful prompt 1 but lost it in the transition between copy & paste so I guess I’ll just procrastinate prompt #2 *sad face* I’m looking to build a prototypical defensive 3rd line checking winger. While offensive stats are lovely defense wins championships, and that’s exactly what I plan to contribute for with the Platoon. While I will definitely focus on the defensive side of the ice and making a great defensive player I plan to increase my puck handling and passing to a point where I can be a solid contributor on the offensive end of the ice. I really just plan to mold my player into whatever the team needs to succeed. With my current player in the J I increased faceoffs to 11 since we have a deficiency at center, especially depth wise. I figure I’ll keep it at 11 even in the SHL to win those key top penalty kill short handed faceoffs in the defensive zone

167 words

Prompt 2:

The way I imagine my dream career for this player is being remember as a great shutdown defender who was able to stop offensive juggernauts of his time. More or less a defenseman shadow. To do this I need to maintain speed to ensure that I can even keep up with the other team. Once I do keep up (or even better beat them) I need to be able to win the puck which is where the meat and potatoes of my build are. Things like Puckhandling, Checking, and ability to read the play on both ends of the ice are key. But maintaining a strict training regiment to bolster my physical attributes is probably just as important. Along with this I try to maintain a reasonable level of passing ability. The idea being that I can win the puck and give it to my more offensively minded teammates rather than scoring it myself. Allowing me to live stress free in the other teams players faces.

[Image: Z8yXihx.png]

Prompt 2: The stat that I care about the most that I've already maxed in my career is "getting open." Listen all that matters is that you pass to Bas O'Bigbers. As I've told my teammates multiple times, the best thing you can do is pass to Bas because Bas is a god and he score goals. I want to be the all time Wolfpack goal scorer and in order to do that I'm going to need everyone to pass to Bas all the time. I guess the other thing that I'm working on to make the goal scoring better is balance and shooting accuracy. Listen all I really care about is scoring goals. I don't even care about assists. Sorry to my teammates but if you're not here to feed Bas, you're in the wrong place. So yeah I just want to score goals and in order to do that I need getting open to be 20. I also need to reach the word count for this post. Which I did.

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[Image: X6NDpNM.png][Image: 6eXcLdf.png]
[Image: yuWLBZB.png]

I'd argue the most important skills than any SHL player should have is Fighting, Aggression, and Bravery. The FAB three, if you will. If your player has these three skills handled at a decent level, you will be an unstoppable machine out on the ice. Every player needs to fight, like why even bother playing ice hockey if you're just going to be a push-over on the ice. Stick up for yourself, drop the gloves and knock a few teeth down throats. Aggression is the next staple of an elite SHL player. You need to have an edge when on the ice, you need to have that killer instinct. If you aren't aggressive, how will you ever win puck battles along the boards? Finally, bravery. If you aren't brave, then you aren't aggressive. If you aren't aggressive, you aren't working. If you aren't working, you aren't getting to the point where another player is trying to drive your skull through the ice.

Sven Holmberg

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     Platoon    Timber

Prompt 1

So my new build is this here below. It looks like every single one of my attributes went up significantly. It still looks like I am a strong offensive forward. I should be a solid presence on offense for my team. The only attribute that took a major hit is Shot Blocking, which went from 10 to 1. That is  a huge hit to part of my defensive game. I guess I will have to rely on my positioning and takeaway ability while in the defensive zone. But do not, I repeat, do not expect me to blocking any shots at all. I still think this is a pretty solid build right now. With future training I can focus on those weaknesses to make sure I am not a liability for my team. But I definitely think I would be surefire candidate for All-Star selection. Not quite sure about Hall of Fame just yet. Give me a few more seasons before I start thinking about that.  -168 Words

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 15 - > 51
Getting Open: 18 -> 81 
Passing: 17 -> 71
Puckhandling: 18 -> 81
Shooting Accuracy: 17 -> 71
Shooting Range: 12 -> 21
Offensive Read: 18 ->81

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 17 ->71
Hitting: 15 -> 51
Positioning: 15 -> 51
Stickchecking: 17 -> 71
Shot Blocking: 10 -> 01
Faceoffs: 15 -> 51
Defensive Read: 17 -> 71

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 15 -> 51
Agility: 15 -> 51
Balance: 17 -> 71
Speed: 16 -> 61
Stamina: 17 -> 71
Strength: 18 -> 81
Fighting: 5 -> 51

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 5 -> 51
Bravery: 13 -> 31

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[Image: 9tINabI.png]  [Image: 1DL5JDX.png]  [Image: xc2IPJy.png]  [Image: 1DL5JDX.png]  [Image: wW0VNnL.png]
Thanks to @DELIRIVM @sköldpaddor @Merica for the Sigs

When I first broke into the SHL, I really focused on all my physical traits. They’ve obviously been important, and have been improved. However, within recent seasons I’ve worked on improving my offense. Coach told me I turned the puck over a little too much, so some puck handling drills were going on for a bit. I wanted some more points, so I trained my passing and getting open to become more of a playmaking defender. What happened? I became one of the best defensive defenders on our team. Almost no offense. So I started training some defense, and so comes this season..

I’ve had the best offensive season of my career. Total breakout season. So you know what? I’m not sure at all which attributes I find important. I think it’s all voodoo.

But I guess at this point, I may as well be buying into it. Right? So from now on, I’m going to work towards pushing all my offensive stats to 20. Even that one I’m not allowed to. Maybe fighting, as well.

I am selecting Prompt number two.

When I came into this league the first thing that I did was immediately perform an exhaustive piece of research to figure out what aspect of human physiology and psychology were the most advantageous over the long term career of a human hockey player.  Clearly, the ability to skate fast, and skate with great agility were of utmost important, and thus are a focus for me as well.  However, I also noticed that the ability to stop the puck from going in the net, while lauded as an important skill, was perhaps THE most important thing that I could do.  Due to that finding I decided to devote as much time as possible to the defensive side of the game, with getting a defensive read earmarked as the neural upgrade that I would immediately set to installing within my cortex.  Once I got through all of the basic upgrades, I then turned my attention to become brave and true - like the human fairy tale heroes of old.

[Image: TD6O3KW.png]
Signature courtesy of sulovilen.  May his name be exalted in Sardangian lore.

To me, the most important attributes deal with your availability. As the old saying goes, showing up is half the battle. That's why despite my love of offensive read, passing, puckhandling and all the "sexy attributes", I want to always focus on the core ones like stamina, strength, and balance. If I'm in the best shape possible and can be the strongest and most flexible skater on the ice, I'll always be able to contribute for my team. Even during the times when my shot is off or I'm just a little out of my element game-wise, I'll always have my endurance to keep me going. Plus, I'm trying to be anything but a flash in the pan - I want a decades long career in Hamilton and the best way to make sure that happens is to perpetually be in game-shape and in a position where I can help my team. When I'm an old man and my stick ability and skating speed have long left me, I can still lean in my physical attributes to make sure I'm playing a contributing role for my team.

(186 words)

[Image: pkHEmu9.png]

Filling for prompt one, this change would be disastrous for Nicolae Antonescu's SHL career. While he has a few stats that would become godly (rebound control, glove hand, blocker, and low shots come to mind here), his two highest stats, with positioning and reflexes both at 20, now become 2. No matter how good he is at other aspects of the game and the position of goaltending, having the overall dexterity of a dropped tray of molasses cake and the positioning skills of the Dothraki in S8's Battle of Winterfell would be an instant career killer. Antonescu would quickly become the worst goalteder in the league, possibly SHL history, unable to stop a beach ball and reminding people of a hyperextended, legless, oxygen-deprived Vesa Toskala on the Maple Leafs. Antonescu would quickly lose his spot on the Pride to anyone behind him in the pipeline and be forced overseas to take a job in the 3rd league of the Czech Extraliga, where he will quickly play backup to a goaltender who walks dogs as a second job.

[Image: antonescu.png]
[Image: BKGrppM.png]
Thank you to Ham and Sulo for the sigs!
Scarecrows Chiefs Renegades Dragons Stampede Panthers norway
Scarecrows Specters Switzerland
Scarecrows pride Switzerland
  Armada pride Ireland

Prompt #2:

So ultimately I'd like to make a player that is a two way sniper that focuses on the transition game. Imagine a player that specializes in backchecking then creating a 3 on 2 situation where they end up being the trigger man. So based on that I think the most important stats for my player are Checking and Stickchecking, (in order to get the puck off of opposing players) along with Getting Open and Shooting Accuracy. Then some secondary attributes would be Acceleration and Defensive Read (to help with getting back fast enough to strip a puck off of a player and then make the right play defensively). This season specifically I'm focusing on my defensive game in order to help become a contributing player in the bottom 6, the offense will come later. That means I need to increase my Checking, Positioning, Stickchecking and Defensive Read. I'm not really interested in Hitting or Shot Blocking because I don't think laying big hits is important and I trust my goalies more than myself to block shots.

[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: sN8N4xa.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: snacnei.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

ISFL affiliate

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It's interesting, Yngve Simonsson had an early career where he expected to be a speedy, perimeter scorer that could chip in on the rush and slide off for a change. The biggest items were the shooting accuracy, the speed, the agility, and the puck handling. All those were important to that style of play. Simonsson came into the league and played that exact style. It won him a rookie of the year nomination for his work on the boards and his ability to put the puck in the net. That all came crashing down the next two seasons and Simonsson realized the value of solid play in both ends, and the ability to hold onto the puck on the cycle as the game became more about puck posession. The biggest attribute he would work on in the offseason was strength on the puck, and puck handling, not being able to lose it, and always having it on his stick. He also worked on his ability to work along the boards and win puck battles. He realized that strength and size was important too, and was the only way he would succeed in todays SHL.

Puck handling, strength, and checking

[Image: 8PlNwDd.png]

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