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S63 PT #5: Source Code

Prompt 2:
I think FHM through it's many faults does simulate real hockey well enough, the better teams usually win and the difference in skill between players is very noticeable. That being said, one of it's main faults is that it's boring. There are rarely big upsets and underdog stories like the Blue Jackets sweeping the Lighting (unless you're Maine trying to face Newfoundland). Occasionally you get the games where teams get "goalied" where the team that's greatly outshot ends up winning but that also happens in real life every once in awhile (see the VAN-TOR game from a few weeks ago). On top of that FHM has basically been solved by a select number of people which makes for a lack of parity and makes it even more boring. I think the best way to improve FHM is honestly to just switch to FHM 8, I don't know the programs all that well but people seem to like the new features that the new game adds.

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I would start by switching the goalies on the opposing teams. Actually, let's take a step back. First, I'd script in a command that allows me to play positional players in an opposing team's net. Then I would select the highest TPE player and throw them in there. While that may seem counterintuitive, it's actually a great plan. You get rid of a team's biggest threat, by keeping them at the other side of the rink. In addition, the player doesn't have any goalie skills so it would make it difficult for that player's skills to translate into being a goalie. Next, I'd put in some code that allows me to play a goalkeeper as a positional player. I would then slot that player as the team's first choice centre on offence and all special teams lines. For the same reason as before, this goalie would have no positional player skills, which effectively wastes a player on the ice for the other team at all times they're on the ice.

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Prompt 1:

This is a tough one. I want to do part of a prompt one and change some and on the other hand let AI just do its thing and it even for all players. If I were to change something I would try teams that tend to be very offensive by build and make them defensive playstyle and same for defensive teams make them offensive. It would frustrate those building scorer and shock those who are grinders now scoring goals. There is also a change I swap lines and see worst players usually on line 3 or 4 go to line 1 and 2 TOI and same for top lines becoming 3 and 4 with less TOI. It would all be a huge test to see what would happen for a season but then I would just let it go and see AI take over. You can say it would be even and make teams want to recruit balanced players and it would even out those team who cant keep a GM to be a little more even to those teams who have a really knowledgeable GM. This would be a really fun mix up from your average sim.

(203 Words)

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(This post was last modified: 02-15-2022, 07:18 AM by OrbitingDeath.)

Prompt 1)

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Never returned @Blasoon his pit vipers, knew they would come in handy.

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Update Thread - Player Page
Update Scale

Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


Easily doing Prompt 2 and I have very mixed feelings about this new sim. The regular season just has way too many goals with players averaging way too many points compared to real life hockey in most leagues. One or 2 hit that? Sure! Yeah I can see that quite easily. Half of the dominant teams doing it? Nah, way too many and weaker teams are just abused. The play-offs on the other hand I do like the better teams doing better but just a lack of upsets. I am not talking about having them left, right and centre but 5th beating 4th is not much of an upset and I usually do stupidly well in playoff predictions purely picking the higher seed.

I would like the engine to every now and then throw a proper upset up but thanks to the new regression system these issues may change which is lovely to see. Players actually die now and teams actually get windows instead of being shit for decades of seasons. Things may be on the up.

[178 words]

Raptors Proud S67 - S69 Colorado Raptors Captain  Raptors
Uk S57 Forward of the Season Award winner  Uk

Now I am free <3

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Prompt 2

Sports management sims are pretty much my jam, which I suppose makes me kind of a geek. FHM is not one that I’ve played, however. Being British, it’s mostly the Championship Manager/Football Manager games I’ve played, although I have dabbled in EHM hockey-wise, as it’s from the same company and has a familiar UI.
I think FHM does a decent job of conveying the fast moving chaos of ice hockey. Maybe the one note I do have is FHMs inability to move more than one player on/off the ice at a time, so you end up with some extremely random line/pair combinations, which I feel could affect how your team plays for that brief time, due to unfamiliarity with each other, line chemistry etc. going forward, i definitely think I would like to gain a deeper understanding of FHM and it’s inner workings. Being a GM would be great at some point in the future, but I feel that you need to have a solid understanding of FHM and be able to test etc to really have a chance of being a good GM.

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Prompt 2

I wish Franchise Hockey Manager had a better interface for the actual games. I am tired of the days of dots moving across the screen. I want to see a decent graphical interpretation of the game of hockey with actual players on the screen, similar to the Franchise Manager 22 soccer game. That is what FHM should be. It would make the streams way more interesting to watch, because right now they are just simply boring. While it does statistics very well, the game just needs better visuals. It has been out long enough at this point that the developers should be making better strides toward the future of gaming. While I know there is something to be said to keeping simulation games traditional, the SHL would see a huge boost if the sim engine was improved. Until then, there just isn't much to see on a stream by stream basis. I want the league to be more than just an output of an index. Hopefully soon.

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I would objectively be the best user to discover this hack, as even if we assume that I would want to cheat, I wouldn't know how to. Infamously, I once remarked on what I thought was a visual bug during an SHL stream in which I thought the game was incorrectly displaying that one team didn't have anyone playing LW. The LW was currently out of the game for a penalty, I didn't understand how penalties work in hockey. Any cheating would therefore be extremely base-level and unlikely to seriously hamper other teams or help mine. I might give higher TPE players on rival teams fewer, or even 0 minutes, and see their results suffer as a result - maybe players playing 0 minutes would feel the need to ask for a trade to a different AI-run team and there would be upheaval and frustration around the league. But besides something obvious like that, I wouldn't know how to improve Atlanta or weaken other SHL teams. (165 words)

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Prompt 1

I just have one problem here, I don't have the game. In that scenario I probably have the game, otherwise I'm having a hard time. At first I will not touch whatever Atlanta is running, auto lines probably are kinda good you know. And I don't know anything about the sim, so it's hard to change anything to the better for my team. With that being said, I would change the lineup for every other team, every tactics they are running to get the most hilarious stuff out of the game, all while Atlanta Inferno is going to win like each and every season and making the league a boring mess noone wants to play in anymore. Having one super team that dominates the league year in and year out, think that never happened before. So it's just about right to get win the cup for micool and some other guys here. Also I will give every player all attributes in fighting, as we see some pretty big wrestling matches throughout the season. Make the world burn muhahahaha

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Prompt 1: I know many people would want to change the league to favour their own team, however, for me, I would look to create maximum chaos. The entertainment value is key here. Any changes made would have to be subtle, yet impactful. First off, rivalry games would have player aggression and fighting cranked to the max. Imagine rivalry games with hundreds of minutes of penalties. I think everyone would enjoy watching that. I would implement weird annoyances that appear to be glitches, such as goalies playing as skaters and random players going in net every once in awhile. Come the playoffs, this is where I would really enjoy watching the world burn. Upsets everywhere. Playoff brackets completely destroyed. The team that just squeaks into the playoffs sweeping the expected champs? Done. A random team going on a crazy run of form. Done. A solid team expected to challenge falls down 3 games to nil before coming back in a reverse sweep. I would love it. So much fun!

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Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

ISFL Ultimus Week

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So FHM as a sim obviously has some glaring issues. First, the sim rewards certain stats far too much and makes others useless. Fast players are useless in the sim whereas stronger ones can dominate. Playes who focus solely on passing or shooting accuracy wont be effective if they don’t put more points into offensive read or getting open. However, I suppose that one makes sense as you need to be in the right position to be effective on the ice. In terms of defense certain stats again have more value. You would think positioning would have more value then it does but it’s really just a worse version of defensive read. Checking is not only the best defensive stat but also the best stat period since it makes you better at literally everything for some reason. There is some serious stat imbalance when it comes to FHM but at least the play by play reads like an accurate hockey game.

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Thank you @xjoverax and @phoenix for the sigs!

Graphic Task: Depict your render hacking into the SHL mainframe on a computer, along with some cool sunglasses and a speech bubble that says "I'm in"

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Chaos. Utter fucking chaos. I would use my programming knowledge to create a script that I leave running that constantly changes every single variable for every single team with complete randomness. Is this a disadvantage for me, personally? Of course, but would it be worth it just to see what happens? Absolutely. What happens when the sim does not care about your meta strategies and player builds? What happens when a team that previously had 8 wins becomes the best team in the league? What happens when star players are being sat for no reason? What happens when injuries get enabled? Just imagine. Finally, the SHL has achieved parity. It is okay if it is using less than desirable tactics, but hey, we finally did it. Speaking of the randomness, it would make fantasy really interesting when your player could just suffer a season-ending injury or just be sat for 4 games. Look, all that I am saying is just imagine the possibilities. If it were possible, this could even be an offshoot of the SHL that gets done every season by just simming full seasons out, but I am pretty sure the program does not allow for this sort of game-by-game, minute-by-minute randomness. Oh well lol.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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