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S64 Championship Week
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2022, 06:10 AM by natedoeshockey. Edited 10 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


4. Written, 3 TPE, Origin Story (150 words min.)
Everyone wants the Challenge cup… but how did it get here? Tell me the origin story of the Challenge Cup! Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who forged it? What did it look like in Season 1 vs. now in Season 64? Has it changed a lot? Maybe it has been damaged?

Patya am have thinking of this. Patya am think Challenge Cup am forged many long times ago in much big volcano mountain by magic peoples with pointy ears. Maybe elves, maybe am call themselves other thing. Is not mattering. Anyway, it commissioned by ancient king who am want for have biggest drinking cup for many large celebrations! He am want for show it off! Patya am thinking maybe this compensation but then Patya am also thinking maybe he am just liking fancy things. Legend say that king was killed over Challenge Cup, which is where name coming from, because is why people am challenge for throne. Then one day many years later, cup am for sale as relic of the past and rich man am buy it for giving to players of the hockey! WOWIE! In Season 1, it smaller but still many large, but now is very big from having many champions. Patya am hope for having his name on it soon!

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

Hm, Patya am think much about this many oftens. Patya am thinking league with more prestigious cup is SHL. Patya am go through history of SHL Challenge Cup. SMJHL Four Star Cup am made many newers, when SHL is already exist. Is made for when SMJHL come around, much after SHL. Anyway, Patya am thinking Challenge Cup much harder for wins. Patya am see how many Four Star Cup that angermans am win and am thinking "WOWIE! ANGERMANS ALWAYS FOR WIN FOUR STAR CUP!" Patya am not thinking this for Challenge Cup. This am requiring more skills. This said, Patya am notice people always be for mentioning Hamilton but Patya am not knowing what Lin-Manuel Miranda have to do with SHL hockey? If know, please explain for Patya. So, Patya am thinking SHL much harder for manage, but still think trophy case impressive regardless of what trophy is in it. Patya always say that winning is winning, but Challenge Cup is what Patya am strive for.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

S64 Milestones

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

Patya am not so much choosing Russia as Russia am choosing Patya! This because Patya born in Russia! However, Patya must be saying for what is going on in this part of world right now is make Patya many sads. Patya knowing Russians am good people but am sometimes being blind by power of Putin and Russian oligarchy. Deep down, Patya am knowing Russian peoples am not for war. Patya am sorry for this interrupt, but is for wanting to make clear. Anyway, yes, Patya play for Russia because am having pride in where coming from and want for represent friends and family! Patya am do best for bring joy in sad times.

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

All of first, Patya am not procrastinate. Patya am professional. This only pro that Patya is. Anyway, Patya am see mafias am winning Challenge Cup and have to say, not many surprise. Mafias am very good team and always is playing well. But, Patya am have secret for tell you. Secret is firebirds making finals! WOWIE! MANY SURPRISE FOR PATYA! Patya am not expect for firebirds to be this well playing but Patya am loving for see it! Mafias just too strong for them, but is okay. Maybe firebirds am win next season, Patya am not know. Patya am not having crystal ball. Patya am just having good hockey sense. Patya am proud of mafias and firebirds for making to finals and hoping both play more good next season!

21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Epic Loot (150 words min.)
A hockey gear manufacturer has developed a substance called “Materia” that allows them to imbue hockey gear with incredibly powerful abilities. They’ve come to you to ask for your endorsement, and to help you design your own piece of magical hockey gear. What piece of gear do you design? What do you make it look like? Is it an unassuming piece of equipment that can fly under the radar, or do you go for some wild steampunk thing? What insane magical bonuses and benefits does it give you? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player wearing the piece of gear you designed! Show how its power is benefiting them.

Patya am familiar with this and knowing exact what for wanting! Patya am develop big, beautiful hockey stick! Patya am be calling it "buster stick"! Patya am have to say, if you not get reference, Patya am look at you many funnies. Patya say you need for being more nerdy. Anyway, this being very large stick and very wide! Is look many sillies, almost like goalie stick! Is probably not legal, but is okay. Patya am just wanting for novelty. Is pretty simple looking, is not very much looking like "ultima stick" or anything. It give Patya magical power call "omnishot" which make Patya able to shoot many times many fasts! Is great for generate rebounds that then am put in net for many score! It also am give Patya ability to turn teammates into big strong scary knights who am dominate other team. Maybe Patya call this ability "knights of the round". Patya am think this would being very cool!


Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
[Image: 65011_s.gif]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: 

a.It’s tough to pick a team in this series final as both Atlanta and Chicago have proven they’re both very capable of taking it all. If I had to bet I would go with Chicago as they’ve been through some tough competition and have been able to coach and manage their way to victory so far. They also have a very competent group of players. In saying that, Atlanta is hungry and managed to get past the former Challenge Cup champions so I wouldn’t count them out but they definitely have their work cut out for them.

b. In order for Atlanta to adapt to Chicago's fantastic stick checks and takeaways, Atlanta will need to adjust defensively and hope they’re puck handling is up to par. Another option is for them to get the puck in deep and win battles down low in order to regain possession. If they can get a shot off before the puck is taken from them they should be able to maximize their opportunities.

c. With the recent changes to the league meta, I don’t think discipline will play a big role in this series. Chicago is a very tight defensive unit and should be able to burn off penalties without any issue. Atlanta could certainly take advantage of any opportunity they get but it’s more likely that the penalties will go by quickly with little change in score.

d. I think this season Chicago’s balanced ice time attack will continue to be the superior approach to winning the Challenge Cup. Taking advantage of the full talented roster will play a big role in a big win. Atlanta will have to be cautious as a targeted approach may have been successful this far but the balanced ice time attack has proven multiple times to be superior.

3. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: 
a. If I am Quebec’s head coach, it’s going to be tough to defend such an offensively talented team. I think in order to be able to shut down the offense, Quebec needs to prioritize defense and puck possession. They definitely want to play a tighter game because if at any point they go for a hit and miss they’re likely going to give up a prime scoring opportunity. They’ll have to work the sticks more than the body and hope they cause a turnover.

b. In order for Newfoundland to shut down these top forwards from Quebec, they’re going to have to keep them out of their zone. I think if their defensive forwards can forecheck hard and keep them in the neutral zone they can stop them from generating many offensive chances. Get them to dump and chase or send a pass back to their blue line and keep the passing lanes blocked.

c. I don’t think the PDO is going to matter too much going into this series. Quebec has been fortunate to ride that hot streak but if they’re unable to generate and offense against a top tier team like Newfoundland than it won’t matter at all. Newfoundland has proven they have the talent at all ends to just take the game over.

d. Considering Newfounland is not only coming off multiple Four Star Cups but as well as finishing first in the SMJHL for another season, they should come into this series as confident as ever. There are only a handful of teams that has caused Newfoundland any grief and Quebec has not been one of them. Quebec may have had excellent success this season but there’s no doubt they have a huge challenge ahead of them in Newfoundland.

5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check

In my opinion, I believe the most prestigious cup to be the SHL Challenge Cup. The SMJHL Four Star Cup is a very well respected and also, like any, a difficult trophy to win, but the main goal for the SMJHL is mostly to have a roster of 425 TPE capped players and find a strategy and chemistry that works and maintain it to win a few seasons. The most difficult part is replacing those players once they get called up. For the SHL, teams vary greatly in terms of veterans and very strong players that have reached their prime or other players who are doing their best to maintain their prime but have dropped due to regression. Strategy really plays a key factor in these games in order to get a win and playoff series’ can be so close where an underdog team can manage to beat a top team. With so many more factors I believe the SHL Challenge Cup to be the most prestigious trophy.

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)

I picked my IIHF country Canada as it’s where I’m from. Most Canadians are born with a Hockey Stick placed in their hands and my player and also myself were no exception to that. Hockey has always just been a way of life in Canada and no matter where you live in the country there’s no avoiding it. My player follows that young Canadian dream of a kid from a small town who grows up getting to the thing they love most for their career and getting drafted and signed in a professional league. It’s cool to join a sim league where you can follow that dream and have it feel kind of real with scouting and management and an active locker room presence to feel what it could be like to be part of that dream!

[Image: 3WSeHAA.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 01:01 PM by kentakira. Edited 7 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

12. Graphic, 3 TPE, Benjamin Button
Somehow you caught a stray magic spell while you were out grocery shopping, and now you’re aging backwards! Your mind and skills stay sharp, but your body is getting smaller by the day! Show me your player as a child playing in an SHL game. Is it a surprising advantage? Is your player doing well, or getting absolutely destroyed?

[Image: wVLeSmG.png]

13. Graphic, 2 TPE, Put a Ring On It
No, this task isn’t going away yet. I’ve decided it can stay… for now. Design a championship ring for either team, you may use the fancy ring site. Here's a link:

[Image: 7m5rJd4.png]

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

ok so the reason why i choose Japan as my IIHF country because my father is from japan, i want to play for my country Indonesia, but i think there's no Indonesian User here in SHL except for me, so why not playing for my father country right? even my player name is japanese. Another reason why i choose japan for my IIHF, i think because it make me feels like home at least, Japan is the only Asian teams in IIHF so yeah i think that's the reason why i choose Japan form my IIHF team. i hope japan can win again in IIHF this season, go Samurai!!!!!

PBE Affiliation +3
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 10:51 PM by Drokeep. Edited 4 times in total.)

1- Trivia: Bagel (3TPE) 

 Both cups have their merits, and both have their own separate challenges. The four-star cup I believe is harder to win for the teams due to the quick turnaround of their players. GMs have to rebuild their teams at least every 4 seasons and on top of that they have to base their team around new players who are not sure if they will stick for the long run. They are also at the mercy of early SHL callups, which there has been an increase in since the regression was modified.

That being said the SHL is close in terms of difficulty. There are way more teams and getting to the finals and even the playoffs is as hard if not harder than the J. The advantage is that it is easier to build teams and they stay longer together. The problems arise with the fact that teams seem to have the league figured out better than in the J, so its harder to win against certain opponents

6- (3TPE) 
 The perfect SHL line is currently on the Philadelphia Forge. All lines ae absolutely amazing on every facet possible. The first and most important aspect, is the camaraderie between all members. The amount of chemistry between the players is impossible to measure on human terms. That elevates everyone’s playing level to a whole new level. No look passes and perfectly timed screens are the common day occurrences.

Not only are these lines tightly knit, but they posses technical and athletic prowess beyond human levels. They can move the puck as gracefully as a swan dance and hit has hard as a truck loaded with lead. If you are on the ice beware cause it is going to annihilate you. I would not change my teammates and lines for anything and I cannot wait to lift the challenge cup in the future, because the way we are headed, we are definitely raising some time soon

7-Milestones 1TPE

Well there is a very simple way to make money on this site. Not only is it simple but it is basically proven. I would invest 1.5 million dollars just on the card site. All users seem to keep spending their fake money on it and if it gets a significant upgrade it could be worth real money. People would buy packs by the thousands, even more so when we add an ultimate team that will let you play said cards and create your dream shl lineups.

With the other 500k I will hire a programmer or developer that will make claims and updates automatic. No more having to link every claim, the tpe goes straight into your bank, where you can spend it simply selecting the attribute you want to raise. That would retain a big amount of people that leave just cause of updating. Hell it would also attract a more casual crowd to the game

Materia is going to make waves with their unbelievable new product. But to boost their popularity they'll want to use my design. We are going sleek with a lightsaber hockey stick! This incredible new invention will let you slice through other sticks and shoot laser pucks at the goalie! It'll feel like you are shooting at an empty net! (Or scoochie which is basically the same). Thay being said, goalies will also get their own line, letting them slice and dice any annoying screening a little bit too hard into the blue paint.

This new product will come in a variety of colors that get assigned depending on the team and role of the player. Hamilton will get all reds obviously. The hilts are all customizable and can be exchanged fairly quickly. Certain sets can be made so the team has matching designs. For example, all of phillys will have some sort of philly cheesesteak engraved on the hilt.

Raptors Raptors  Raptors Raptors Raptors Raptors

Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge Forge 

Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 

[Image: drokeep.gif]
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2022, 04:04 PM by CrazyMojito. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

The challenge cup is by far the more prestigious cup to win, I don’t think its even close. Without even thinking two hard I can come up with 2 reasons why this is case. The first being, a J career is only 4 seasons long and there seem to be quite a few career J players in the league. Just keep recreating and winning cups and now your trophy case is full. The other reason I can easily think of is that its just easier to get on a powerhouse team in the J. In the SHL, Atlanta became only the 8th team to reach the finals since S53. This is the first season since the switch to FHM that their isn’t either a Buffalo or Hamilton team in the finals. In the J I know Newfoundland seems to win all the time, but there are gaps in their dominance that allows for other teams to win. Or maybe Im just stuck in an LR with all NL and VAN players and everyone has a 4 star cup but me. (180 words)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones Claim - 3 TPE

15. Written, 3 TPE, IIHF Hype (150 words min.)
Write your predictions for this year's IIHF tournament or WJC! Do you think the same teams will be on top this year, or are we due for some turnover? How are you feeling about your country’s chances this time? Any players that you think will light up the tournament?

My predictions for this seasons IIHF tournament are the same as my predictions every time it comes to write CW. Canada is going to win the gold medal and after that it doesn’t really matter to me who wins silver and bronze. This Canadian team is just loaded and deep with talent from top TPE players to legends like Aaron Wilson and Theo Morgan. I know it’s been a few seasons since this team has been at the top of the podium, but this season is different! After a terrible and extremely frustrating season in Edmonton, you are going to see Kyle Sutton just absolutely unload and lead the way. The only weak spot on this roster if you had to name one, is goal. The goalies are a bit on the underwhelming side of TPE, but since goalie TPE doesn’t matter can I even consider this a weakness? Make no mistake about it, Canada will cruise to a 1st place finish. (162 words)

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

There wasn’t much creativity put into my player when I created him. The nationality I choose was no different, being from Canada I didn’t even think twice about which country I would be representing. I’ve watched the World Juniors for as long as I can remember, seeing the leagues future stars at a young age was always fun. So to be able to partake in the SHL’s version of these tournaments, I wanted to represent my home country. I was even offered to transfer out to another country for IIHF but I declined. It was win with Canada or don’t play at all. So far its been play with Canada but don’t win, but that changes this season. GO CANADA GO! (121 words)

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

The playoffs started off how I expected this season with the only prediction I got wrong being the TBB and ATL series. After the second round my bracket was all shot to hell. I thought we were going to get the matchup we should have had last season between LAP and BAP. Both those teams choked and what we got was a series probably nobody predicted between ATL and CHI. I would have hoped to see these two teams play a tighter, more closer series but it was what it was. I will say that I was way more invested in these playoffs after my team was eliminated. Really felt like we could have had a new champion emerge. If this is a sign of things to come, then maybe the health of the league isnt so dire. (138 words)

[Image: CrazyMojitoSHL.gif]
Canada Blizzard Stars Renegades  Citadelles Citadelles Renegades  Stars Blizzard Canada 
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2022, 05:16 PM by Vulfzilla. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.

a. Atlanta is a recent expansion team reaching it's first finals appearance. Chicago has been a dominant force in the league for a long time now, with their last cup win only seven seasons ago in Season 57. If you're betting on these finals, do you go for the experienced vets in Chicago, or the hungry Atlanta first-timers?  I think in this instance I'd have to take Chicago.  Maybe its just one of those old sports myths but I feel like before you can ascend to the very top of the mountain you have to take a hard fall. Atlanta is a great story and going to be a great team for years to come, but I just think that before they can win it all, they need to have their heart ripped out.  Plus Chicago is just insanely stacked.

b. Chicago's lineup much more active with their sticks than Atlanta's, racking up 97 takeaways to Atlanta's 79. This late in the playoffs, how do you adjust to a team that's so adept at picking your pocket?  Its honestly probably a little too late to change much this season, but I think I'd go into the offseason with a full revamp of how we play the game.  Idk what they'd call it in Canada but something like the tiki taka of Barcelona soccer fame would be a an awesome way to take that out of the game. Lots of quick one touch passes all over the ice would wear out the Chicago players trying to go for the stick pick.

c. Atlanta has only 32 penalty minutes in these playoffs compared to Chicago's 45. With emotions high and the Challenge Cup on the line, do you think discipline will play a big role in this series? Its possible it might play a big role in one game, but thats already usually the case each season.  I honestly think both of these teams will keep their heads and play their best hockey.  I could see how maybe in a game 5 or 6 if the series is slipping away from one of them, there might be the propensity to get carried away, but most likely by that point it will already be nearly over anyways.

d. Similar to last season's finals, we see Chicago running a balanced ice-time attack against Atlanta's targeted approach that has some players seeing sheltered minutes. Last season the more balanced attack won out. Do you think we'll see the same again? Why or why not? I do think the balanced approach will win out. If it was just a one-off game perhaps Atlanta's approach might have more effect but I think that over the course of five, six, or seven games, ice-time balance is going to prove to be very important.  The  flip side of players seeing sheltered minutes is that some other players are playing way too much and will be totally gassed in the most crucial moments of the most crucial games in the series. Many hands make light work.

7. Milestones /// +2

16. Home Country +2

Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!
Most people are shocked I didn't pick Japan since my player is named Cup Noodle but I just didn't think I'd have much of a good time playing on the Japanese national team at these tournaments because I assumed they wouldn't have any players.  I also didn't want to pick the US, Canada, or Russia since I felt like those would be super popular.  At the time I signed up for the league, I was the general manager for a team in reddit based baseball game called Major League Numberball.  The team was called the Oslo Otters and so I think that was the main reason I went with Oslo, Norway. Its turned out to be a great decision because that whole team is filled with really cool people. WC: 129

17. Substitute Teacher +2
Well kid, you're in luck.. Not only am I from Norway, but I'm actually a teacher in real life! One of the coolest facts is that Norway has over 400,000 lakes! Ya'll thought Minnesota had lakes? 14,000 is freaking pedestrian compared to my homeland! Not into lakes? What about medals?! Because Norway has won more medals at the Winter Olympics than ANy OTHER NATION. I know you thought like it had to be the US or Canada or Russia but NOPE. Its Norway!! We're also home to the 6 highest waterfalls in Europe. Come hang out with us and visit the most beautiful country in the world! We celebrate our independence on May 17 so you're just in time to get your party on! WC: 124

22. Be Nice +2
Shout-out to my dude @High Stick King.  Even though we "technically" didn't get drafted together since I joined a bit later, we rolled through 3 seasons of the ANC together, captained the team (I was the alternate), and now have our numbers hanging in the rafters and freaking awards named after us, all of which is dope.  But the real reason I wanted to shout him out is because he's like the greatest sig maker of all time, and super generous with it too. He's taken the time to create no less than like 5 different sigs for me different leagues.  On top of that he's just a solid dude to talk to. I can't tell you how many times I've dm'd him to ask a simple question and we've ended up talking for like an hour just about whatever.  Captain Spack...Good dude! WC:143

Total: 15 TPE

[Image: source.gif]
[Image: zFnlslP.png]

(This post was last modified: 05-08-2022, 12:27 PM by Symmetrik. Edited 2 times in total.)

7. Milestones - 3 TPE

S64 Milestones


5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

I think of course you have to go with the Challenge Cup as being more prestigious. That's the one that counts. It's hard to win a Challenge Cup because there's a lot of good teams in the SHL and it can take a lot of timing and luck to get there. It doesn't mean that it's easy to win a Four Star Cup, but the SMJHL has a much faster cyclical nature than the SHL does. Plus only 2 teams miss the playoffs in the SMJHL. It's a lot of opportunity in the SMJHL to get that timing right, and because of the caps the difference between top and bottom teams is much smaller. In addition, teams with a lot of rookies will slowly catch up over the season because those rookies keep earning and applying TPE while the vets are capped, so by the end of a season even teams lower in the standings can be a lot closer to the teams at the top. There's just overall more opportunity in a given season to win a Four Star. I do think though that a trophy case with 3 Four Star cups is more impressive, because there's just so few opportunities to win them in a career. Across 3 players I've never won a Four Star. So to win 3 in 1 career is very impressive. There's just more time to win 3 Challenge Cups, though that's not to say 3 Challenge Cups isn't impressive either.  (247 words)

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose Finland for a few reasons. Christian Kinsinger hails from Denmark, but as they have no team qualified for the SHL's IIHF tournament, I've had to pick a different nation in order to play in the IIHF tournament. Kinsinger had a few requirements of the IIHF nation he signed with, most importantly being close to his Danish home. While yes, they are generally considered rivals, language barriers can be difficult and keeping languages from similar regions would help. Sweden, Germany, Norway, Finland were all towards the top of the list for Kinsinger. Finland was the only team that reached out, and gave him the opportunity to team up with many of his fellow S62 SHL draftees. (117 words)

13. Graphic, 2 TPE, Put a Ring On It
No, this task isn’t going away yet. I’ve decided it can stay… for now. Design a championship ring for either team, you may use the fancy ring site. Here's a link:

[Image: unknown.png?width=674&height=676]

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

I mean I could say the playoffs went as expected, because overall I don't think it was too surprising that Chicago won... but I did only get like 5 TPE on the playoff predictions. The 1st round went mostly as I expected, I knew a close series would be on the table between SEA/SFP, I picked Seattle but it ultimately went in 7 games to SFP. I also had TBB beating ATL (yeah maybe I can't say it wasn't too surprising, I had a finalist out in the 1st round). They were very close in the standing during the season though and it should have been quite a close series. From that point on I got everything wrong, though largely due to the close series. Aside from the finals, every series went at least 6 games, 3 of them went 7. I had both Texas and Buffalo winning, but knowing those were going to be close series I'm also not that surprised they lost in 7 games.  I had Baltimore as my cup champs, so them dropping to Atlanta in the 2nd round was definitely the biggest surprise. Getting the other series all wrong basically meant I wasn't picking anything like what actually happened. I figured though the winner of TEX/CHI would go to the finals, just got it wrong on TEX. (224 words)

3. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Four Star Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
d. Newfoundland has appeared in all 4 of the last SMJHL finals and won 3 of them. Quebec, a consistently strong presence in the SMJHL, has a lot of playoff success behind them as well, having won several series since their last 4 Star in S58. How do you approach this series mentally on either side? If you're Newfoundland, are you worried your streak can't last forever? If you're Quebec, do you fear that you can't take down a goliath?

I mean despite basically everyone saying otherwise, talking to people who were on Newboundland, I think they were actually worried their streak could end. It's the playoffs and only 7 games, so anything could happen. I think most people believed they just couldn't be stopped, and I think QCC could go in with basically no expectations, but I think Newfoundland may have been the only people who had any doubts. (70 words)

[Image: symmetrik.gif]

Prince George Firebirds GM (S34-S36)
Toronto North Stars GM (S37-S43)
[Image: symmshl.gif]

Task 4 - 3 TPE

There are many rumours that flout around SHL and SMJHL locker rooms about the Challenger Cup and how it came to be. Many have theories about it being a Silver Stein Tankard that only had enough space for the name of the team that won it. Other’s think it was a stack of car hubcaps that were stacked and welded together. A “challenge” to get to hold still in the process. Some even talk about how when Francis H. Manager took over the league, he wanted to bring some seriousness and legitimacy to the league and those who were fans of it by crafting a trophy with a base replaced every year with the team’s name and players who had just won it inscribed with several hockey sticks shooting up out of the base with a hockey puck resting on the heel of all the sticks. Now the Challenger Cup has several rings on it showcasing the names of past winners and teams who had the honour of lifting it. The top of the cup is a silver bowl that many have taken drinks from or even eaten from.

Task 5 - 3 TPE

I think there’s a bit more challenge when it comes to winning the 4-Star Cup compared to the Challenger Cup. In my opinion there is much more that General Manager’s have to focus when it comes to the 4-Star Cup. Paying attention to a draft class to fill in gaps, paying attention to what players and goalies are leaving at the end of the season to go up to the SHL. I will say that having a trophy case full of Challenger Cups does sound more appealing as that’s the trophy everyone is chasing after. The Challenger Cup is what many players dream or raising over their heads one day in celebration, a sign to show that they made it and it was all worth it. I think the value of a trophy also depends on the type of person or player you may be. If you view the SMJHL as just a pitstop for the SHL than you’ll value the Challenger Cup more. If you value the SMJHL as a stepping stone for your future career than winning the 4-Star will be more valuable in that time.

7. Milestones - 3 TPE

Task 16 - 2 TPE 

Great Britain wasn’t my initial country and choice for IIHF and WJC when creating and choosing a country for my player. In the beginning Buck was a prospect for Team Canada in international competition because this is where he is from. It was until only recently where Buck decided to take a step outside of his comfort zone and become a member of Team Great Britain. One of the General Managers reached out to Buck inquiring about a transfer to which Buck was intrigued by. The idea of more play time, potentially more exposure, and definitely more experience were all things that sounded great to Buck. Buck looks forward to his future with Team GB

Task 21 - 3 TPE

The piece of equipment that Buck designs and endorses is actually two pieces that work together. These pieces of equipment are hockey tape and a puck that when they come into contact with each other, both catch fire. The puck would stay on fire until it touches a different stick from a pass, any part of the net after a shot, a different player or the boards around the rink. The magical technology would cause no damage to the stick, puck or ice or even the player. Imagine your favourite player skating up the rink, they get the breakaway pass from their teammate, the puck makes contact and BOOM both the puck and blade of the stick are one fire. Think of the excitement, think of the fear in the goalies eyes watching this approach, think of how cool it would look to see your favourite player pull off a sick deke to score a breakaway goal. Even better think of your favourite player pulling off “The Michigan” with his stick and puck on fire. The possibilities for a new and exciting way of hockey is endless. Buck would ensure that there can be different colours of flame so that players can add their own unique flair.

Task 22 - 2 TPE

I'd like to give a shout out to @RashfordU . I know him in real life and this guy is as genuine as he is online. He's super chill, nice, and will take time for his friends. He’s the one who recruited me into this league and convinced me to join the Soccer Simulation League. It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know him over the past few years and watch his family grow as well. He’s someone I can always count on and trust. So @RashfordU this ones for you bud, keep crushing out there and thank you for all you’ve done for this league.

Total: 16 TPE

[Image: keithley.png]
[Image: mcalister.png]

2. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Challenge Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Atlanta is a recent expansion team reaching it's first finals appearance. Chicago has been a dominant force in the league for a long time now, with their last cup win only seven seasons ago in Season 57. If you're betting on these finals, do you go for the experienced vets in Chicago, or the hungry Atlanta first-timers?
b. Chicago's lineup much more active with their sticks than Atlanta's, racking up 97 takeaways to Atlanta's 79. This late in the playoffs, how do you adjust to a team that's so adept at picking your pocket?
c. Atlanta has only 32 penalty minutes in these playoffs compared to Chicago's 45. With emotions high and the Challenge Cup on the line, do you think discipline will play a big role in this series? 
d. Similar to last season's finals, we see Chicago running a balanced ice-time attack against Atlanta's targeted approach that has some players seeing sheltered minutes. Last season the more balanced attack won out. Do you think we'll see the same again? Why or why not?

A: Well as far as youthful vigor VS Experience its a tough call. Those first timers have to do their best to temper their nerves on this the grandest stage. Not usually something that the guys and gals who have been here before face. On this one, I like the Chicago Syndicate as they've not only been to the mountain top battle, they've claimed that great silver chalice once before.

B: The response to skillful stick play has always and will forever be that high pace, hard checking, physical game. Atlanta here has to try to make the players on Chicago believe in their hearts, that the pain for coming in to take the puck is not worth the victory. Even if only for a second, it will be enough.

C: With a young gang, expect to see these rolls reversed. Particularly in line with my response to question B. To play physically, you will see an increase in penalty minutes to some small degree. Not only that, but getting to the final show down is something that plays havoc on all first timers at any age.

D: These are going to be long, hard games. A team needs a little bit of everything to get on through it all. Heart, toughness, skill, speed, luck, and of course, depth. Chicago seems to have it in spades. That is not to say one cannot win while pushing their best to the absolute limit.

3. Written, up to 4 TPE - Grab Bag: Pick up to 4 Four Star Cup related topics to write about! Each topic is worth 1 TPE. Each answer must be 50+ words.
a. Newfoundland has gotten 25 points in 11 games from two of their top D, Rand al'Thor and Mikko Rashford. If you're Quebec's coach, how do you adjust to Newfoundland having guys on the blue line that are just as offensively dangerous as the wingers?
b. Quebec has three players shooting 20% or better in Bertrand, Utah, and Kidd. If you're the Newfoundland defense, how do you find a way to bottle up three forwards that can't seem to miss the back of the net?
c. Looking at each teams' PDO, we see that Quebec is riding a bit of a hot streak while Newfoundland has actually been a bit unlucky. Do you think this a is a good thing for either team? Is Newfoundland bound to find some luck, or are they going to get stuck in a rut? Is Quebec going to come back down to Earth, or did they get hot at the right time?
d. Newfoundland has appeared in all 4 of the last SMJHL finals and won 3 of them. Quebec, a consistently strong presence in the SMJHL, has a lot of playoff success behind them as well, having won several series since their last 4 Star in S58. How do you approach this series mentally on either side? If you're Newfoundland, are you worried your streak can't last forever? If you're Quebec, do you fear that you can't take down a goliath?

A: It wont be easy, weather its shots from the point or stretch passes to their deadly forwards. You are going to have to intercept things on the come up, and or be ready to make the forwards taking that pass pay. It's not going to feel so nice getting them. Might have to block more of those point shots if that's where its coming from.

B: Get in the way and block those shots. Don't give them the clear shots that they can't seem to miss on. Get them off their game by being dogs on raw meat if you must. Just have to remove them as shooting options. Their luck may come down on it's own, but that's not something you want to leave to chance no matter how good your keeper is.

C: NEW can find comfort in the fact that they should be due for some success if they stick to their game and make Quebec figure it out. To get to the finals on bad luck suggests that they are ready to right the tables. On the other hand, of all times to get hot, now is it for QUE. The finals are where everyone dreams of being on top of their game and then some. Its going to be a hell of a series.

D: The fears on both sides are valid. As we have seen with the SHL, eventually something has to give when one team consistently makes it. This is often sped up in the J due to the quick turnover of rosters. That said, its awfully intimidating to have to be going up against the giant who has yet to be beat.

4. Written, 3 TPE, Origin Story (150 words min.)
Everyone wants the Challenge cup… but how did it get here? Tell me the origin story of the Challenge Cup! Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who forged it? What did it look like in Season 1 vs. now in Season 64? Has it changed a lot? Maybe it has been damaged?

The absolutely gorgeous, hourglass shaped Challenge cup is made of mainly silver with ornate designs along its sides and a thick gold band around it's waist. It rests on a Walnut varnished base of which is it's original. Its been remarkably resistant to dents and scratches in spite of it's use and abuse over such a long time. For example, Season 5 Champion Abdullah Muhammad Jabir of the West Kendal Platoon lost it in a sandstorm while on tour through the Arabian Desert. This magnificent trophy was forged by Austrian Artisan Blacksmith Ferdinand Physt V, Grandfather of Richard Physt and his wife Annetta, who was a master carpenter and woodsmith. Ferdinand is said to have used silver and gold theorized to be from the peak of Weißkugel Mountain and the skills of the Blacksmiths Guild in Fucking, Austria. It took three whole years to hand craft. This venture was done by the GMs of the first teams as well as the original commissioner.

9. Graphic, 3 TPE, Cup Runneth Over
You won the cup! Or maybe you didn’t! Either way you somehow got your hands on the cup for a day, and you can’t wait to show it off at a big party. But what’s this? Every pot, pan, bowl, and serving dish has gone missing? Guess you have to cook your victory meal in the cup! Show me your player making a big meal in the challenge cup. What are you cooking? Does the cup actually work surprisingly well for it, or is it a big disaster?

[Image: 7zlhFX0.png]

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

Well as it is well known, Ruslan Zaporozhets is from the Ukraine. Specifically the city of Zaporizhzhia. Given that his native home does not host it's own team, he needed a place to go. Growing up, he played his junior years in Moscow, Russia for the Red Army team until being Drafted by the St. Louis Scarecrows of the SMJHL. Here he met all sorts of players and learned of all sorts of nations. Of this, the Czechoslovakian team (Now Czechia) drew his attention. The decision was easy as it is a fellow Slavic nation and featured an idol in Ziggy Palffy.

[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: CptSquall.gif]

1. (+3TPE)  Trivia Word:  juiceisloose

2.  (+4TPE)
A. I think this is Chicago’s year honestly.  They have amazing star power up front and great depth to rely on late in games.  I think they will get it done this year, and I don’t know if it will be all that close either.  I guess we will have to wait and see if Atlanta can win their first.
B.  Chicago is great at getting into passing lanes and having amazing team defense.  They always play with their heads on a swivel and their sticks on the ice.  Atlanta is going to have to shift to a carry into the zone style of hockey.  They have the young speed in their top lines to do so, so I think it can be managed.
C.  Discipline always takes on an important role, but more importantly how do the special teams look? If Chicago is taking a lot of penalties, are they limiting shorthanded goals?  How is Atlanta’s power play shaping up?  There are a lot of possibilities when it comes to special teams and how much ice time they get.
D.  I think the balanced attack is the only way to win a seven game series, especially this deep into the playoffs.  Both teams may be a little worn down because of previous physical matchups, but if Atlanta is needing big games from a select few in order to win, it may more adversely affect them.  Depth is an important element to any championship caliber team.

3.  (+4TPE)
A.  I think the key is to play a high possession percentage style of game.  Neutralize their star players by limiting how much they get the puck.  Win face offs, set up shop in the offensive zone, limit rush chances, have strong counterattacks when they do happen.  These are all thing that Quebec can do to succeed at this level.
B.  I think for New Foundland it is important to have your defensemen play a more defense orientated game.  We know their defense can wheel and snipe, but it may be time to adjust and adapt to their opponents.  This may not be a concern for New Foundland, considering they usually try to set the pace of the game anyway.
C.  In the playoffs, I typically go with whatever team is the hottest at the moment.  Quebec has been red hot throughout these playoffs, and it shows with their position.  As far as New Foundland is concerned, a low PDO is of no concern when you have the playoff experience they do.  They have a number of veterans who are ready to take charge and show the young guys how to play through a cold streak.
D.  I think this is one of New Foundland’s last years to compete, so they are going to take full advantage.  Quebec has a number of young players trying to uphold the legacy of those who came before them, but New Foundland has been a proven winning force the past five seasons.  It will be interesting to see how the series shakes up between these two, but I think my money is on New Foundland.

16. (+2TPE)
I chose Ireland because I figured it would make sense for a player with the name of Ty Murphy.  I don’t really remember why I chose it specifically, but I think it was because when I went inactive around season 53 I remember Ireland being successful.  The team is struggling right now, but the pendulum always swings back and we have a great group of people running things for our nation.  I think Ireland will surprise some people in about four to five seasons when our young guns rise through the ranks. I won a gold with the British Isles in the WJC, so it would be awesome to win a gold with Ireland in the IIHF.

17.  (+2TPE)
Ty Murphy is from Drogheda, Ireland.  It is a city about thirty-five miles north of Dublin on the East coast.  A few fun facts about Ireland: it used to be its own country/nationality primarily of the descendants of the Celts who moved there in the early 600s.  It was this way iuntil the British began to invade in the mid to late 1100s.  Many of these invasions were religiously charged, ironically, and to this day many Irish people hold resentment towards the English.  They also make a hell of a cup of tea!  My personal favorite is an Irish Breakfast, noted specifically for its strong character.  Go Ireland!

Milestones (+1TPE per the sheet)


[Image: murphy2.png]
[Image: NI78UUy.png?width=400&height=267]
[Image: Skree.gif]
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2022, 09:57 PM by HanTheMan_.)

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

Milestones +3

12. Graphic, 3 TPE, Benjamin Button
Somehow you caught a stray magic spell while you were out grocery shopping, and now you’re aging backwards! Your mind and skills stay sharp, but your body is getting smaller by the day! Show me your player as a child playing in an SHL game. Is it a surprising advantage? Is your player doing well, or getting absolutely destroyed?

[Image: 12.png]

[Image: VGl3CB4.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2022, 01:14 AM by unconfident69. Edited 3 times in total.)

PBE Affiliate +3

Quote:1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
Word: Lebron

Quote:5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)

Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?
I think it’s pretty obvious that the challenge cup is the most prestigious cup to win, it’s the big league cup and really the real reason about 99.9% of us do this, work hard enough to make a player good enough to contribute for the challenge cup. However, I wouldn’t say with ease that it’s the harder of the 2 cups to win. Ignoring the recent dominance of Newfoundland, winning a 4 star cup is hard as your player has much less time to accomplish the task and teams and their landscapes are constantly changing meaning that you could go from cup contender powerhouse to absolute trash can in just one season, or spend a majority of your 4 seasons not competing at all. Of course the challenge cup is also very difficult and you need to get yourself in a good situation to win it but you have a lot longer to do that than in the J.

Quote:7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.
Milestones +3

Quote:16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)

Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!
I decided to transfer to the great nation of Austria because one, playing for big baddy Canada is boring and also because there are people on Austria who I am friends with and I would like to play with them. while Austria is not some elite nation it’s kinda cool playing for a smaller one and I’d much rather do that then Mollywop everyone with a large country. I also knew I could get play time right away with Austria which wouldn’t happen on Canada so that’s pretty cool, even if I won’t be the best playing is still great and I appreciate that I can do that with Austria.

Quote:17. Written, 2 TPE, Substitute Teacher (100 words min.)

Hello! I am 11 years old, and as a part of the SHL Community Outreach Program– you, a famous hockey player, have to teach my Geography class in 15 minutes! You have to tell me and my classmates a couple of fun facts about your player’s IIHF country! Jump on Wikipedia or whatever and search up something weird or fun about where your player is from that I wouldn’t know! Get wacky, or get scholarly for all I care! Maybe you’ll actually learn something cool!
Hello 11 year old kid and others of the geography class, here’s some information about Austria from their Wikipedia page

- Austria has the 14th highest gdp in the world at 64,750. That’s pretty neat

-the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand was what ultimately tipped off the start of World war 1

-the German name for Austria is derived from the old high German word for “eastern realm”

-the word Austria however, is a latinisation of the German word and was first recorded in the 12th venture

-Mozart was Austrian and he was a big influence on music

-Austria is also where a bunch of nerds helped nuclear research
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2022, 09:42 PM by Kyamprac. Edited 6 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.

Verification word: hoot

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.

+3 from Milestones

8. Graphic, 3 TPE, Recovery
Whether you’re in the playoffs or not, you’ve gotta' find time to heal up some of the injuries you’ve earned over the season. Show me your player doing their favourite relaxation or resting routine, whether it’s for physical wear-and-tear or mental exhaustion, how do you fix yourself up?

[Image: CW8_copy.png]

12. Graphic, 3 TPE, Benjamin Button
Somehow you caught a stray magic spell while you were out grocery shopping, and now you’re aging backwards! Your mind and skills stay sharp, but your body is getting smaller by the day! Show me your player as a child playing in an SHL game. Is it a surprising advantage? Is your player doing well, or getting absolutely destroyed?

[Image: CW12_copy.png]

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose Canada as my IIHF country because both I and my player are from there. It would have felt weird selecting a different country for my first player, and I'm bad at roleplaying anyways. Despite all that though sometimes I wish I had picked a different country for the hell of it because a lot of my friends created in SHL after I joined and there are times I wish I was on one of their their IIHF teams. I'm pretty indifferent to the tourney, but it seems like they have a lot of fun in random countries that have nothing to do with their players or where they live personally.

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

I am SHOCKED the Chicago Syndicate won the Challenge Cup. Except not really, because if it's not Hamilton, Buffalo, or Texas it's probably going to be them. While I have to give some serious kudos to Atlanta for taking it all the way and I was kind of rooting for them from afar (but honestly not really paying much attention), I would be surprised if anyone expected a different outcome here. Aside from proving themselves time and time again in the playoffs, the Syndicate continue to be a well built team with a lot of depth that's difficult to match, especially by a newer team like the Inferno.

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2022, 08:41 AM by notoriousTRON. Edited 6 times in total.)

PBE affiliate claim

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.


5. Written, 3 TPE, Cup Check (150 words min.)
Which league has the more prestigious cup in your opinion, the SHL or the SMJHL? Which cup is harder to win? A lot is said about the different skill sets required to GM in each league, so which do you personally think is tougher to manage? Is a trophy case with three Four Star Cups as cool as a trophy case with three Challenge Cups? Maybe you think it’s even cooler. Why?

I know a lot of people would say that it's much harder to be a successful GM in the minor leagues because of a lot of factors. These include the higher probability of users going inactive after drafting them, players going pro rather than sticking around for a cup run, managing a locker room that keep people engaged and earning, and the hand holding that goes along with teaching users that are brand new to sim leagues how to do some of the tasks on the forums. I'd love to say that it's tougher in SMJHL because I won a cup there with the Outlaws in S52.

However, it's much harder to win in the SHL. For one thing, it's harder to keep a locker room engaged for the amount of time necessary to build a cup contending team. Then if you're able to get a team whose core is peaking at the right time and whose salaries fit under the cap, you have to compete with the FHM nerds who know the engine inside and out and try to beat them at their own game. A Challenge Cup might be the most difficult sim league trophy to win.

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+2 TPE

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

Chicago beat Atlanta for the cup. I'm not surprised that Chicago won. They've consistently been one of the best teams for the majority of my career and this season is no different. I suppose there were some surprises. I expected Hamilton to be one of the finals teams. You know, because they kind of always are. Seeing Atlanta make a run was exciting, especially when they beat some high quality teams like Baltimore and Hamilton along the way. That's quite an impressive run for a team that many, myself included, didn't see as a serious contender going into this season. Hats off to the Inferno for a great run and I wish you could have beat Chicago.

21. Written / Graphic, 3 TPE, Epic Loot (150 words min.)
A hockey gear manufacturer has developed a substance called “Materia” that allows them to imbue hockey gear with incredibly powerful abilities. They’ve come to you to ask for your endorsement, and to help you design your own piece of magical hockey gear. What piece of gear do you design? What do you make it look like? Is it an unassuming piece of equipment that can fly under the radar, or do you go for some wild steampunk thing? What insane magical bonuses and benefits does it give you? ALTERNATIVELY for a graphic task, show me your player wearing the piece of gear you designed! Show how its power is benefiting them.

The hockey gear manufacturer reached out to me to help them design a piece of hockey equipment made out of their new proprietary material. The SHL hasn't had a chance to review this material and it's unclear if this will be governed under their "performance enhancing substances" policy. However, they're offering me a shit load of money for this and since I'm late in my career I figured "what's the worst that can happen?"

I decided that I'm going to go with a jock strap since that's the most discreet piece of equipment and thus has the lowest chance of being noticed by the league while we're in development and testing. However, the downside of a minor piece of equipment is that it has limited areas that it can effect. Currently, the super power that I can boast when I wear the jock strap is that I don't feel the urge to urinate while I wear it. Which on one hand is nice. I have to take less trips to the locker room between shifts. However, I think it still needs some work because I've peed my pants a couple of times while wearing it. I think it only controls the urge, not the actual need to pee.

The company won't call me back and their 1-800 number goes to some call center in India and I can't get any info from them. Also they haven't paid me so I'm starting to have my doubts about this whole thing.

[Image: notoriousTRON.gif]
Sig Cred: Carpy, ML, RainDelay, Donini & Geekusoid
[Image: gs89eGV.png]
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2022, 11:05 AM by GCool. Edited 5 times in total.)

1. CW TRIVIA, 3 TPE max - 1 TPE for participation, 0.5 TPE for each correct answer. This is completed through a Google form linked below. Make sure to spell your answers correctly or you will not get credit. Post your verification word in your CW post.
verification word: yeah

7. Milestones, up to 3 TPE
Milestones are folded in with CW. Just link your Milestone claim below this task for up to 3 TPE towards your 16 total.
Post your claim in the milestones thread for tpe earned per stat, and then link that post in your CW submission. This is done because the person who grades CW will be a different person than double-checks milestones.

+3 Milestones

16. Written, 2 TPE, Home Country (100 words min.)
Why did you choose your IIHF country? Is it where you’re actually from? Is it where your friends play? Was it for a specific role play reason? I want to know how you decided where your player comes from!

I chose Russia as my IIHF country mostly because I had a lot of fun with my previous player, Jerry Mander. When I got to Russia this time around, it definitely wasn't as lively a locker room. But to feel a little bit better about the selection, I made it clear in one of my initial posts about Donair that his mother is Russian and he is competing for Russia because he's allowed to and it means a lot to his extended family. I like having that pretty insignificant bit of lore around going there as opposed to making it easy and going to the USA. It adds something to IIHF for me personally, and it's clear that there aren't many other ways to get yourself interested in IIHF to be honest. (136)

17. Written, 2 TPE, Substitute Teacher (100 words min.)
Hello! I am 11 years old, and as a part of the SHL Community Outreach Program– you, a famous hockey player, have to teach my Geography class in 15 minutes! You have to tell me and my classmates a couple of fun facts about your player’s IIHF country! Jump on Wikipedia or whatever and search up something weird or fun about where your player is from that I wouldn’t know! Get wacky, or get scholarly for all I care! Maybe you’ll actually learn something cool!

One of the most interesting things about Russia that isn't exactly covered in mainstream media (and has nothing, directly, to do with their global diplomatic position) is that they have SIX different types of states throughout the Russian Federation. The most common kind is an oblast, and there are 46 of these throughout Russia. That means that they have a governor and locally selected legislature. There are nearly two dozen republics, and most of them have an ethnic minority residing in them; they defer to the federal government when it comes to international affairs. There are also three federal cities - that behave as regions, "krais" - which are older oblasts that sort of represent a much older frontier or traditional geographical border, and a single autonomous oblast - the Jewish Autonomous Oblast! (131)

18. Written, 2 TPE - The Procrastinator Special! (100 words min.)
Congratulations, procrastinator!  Through your terrible time management skills, you’ve unlocked a special task! [TEAM] has won it all! Were the playoffs as you expected this year, or were there some surprises? Did anything stand out to you about this season’s final series?

Y'know, I was really sure that the Los Angeles Panthers, after all of the success of last season and the S56 gang just getting better, would at least make it to the Conference Finals. Instead, we lost a nail-biting, intense series to the San Francisco Pride (only to watch them get absolutely bodied in the next round). It really hurt because it was mostly based on one goalie standing on his head for five hard-fought games. As for the finals teams, I'm really happy for Atlanta; they're one of the newest teams in the league and they built very intelligently to give Chicago a run for their money. I'm not surprised the more experienced team took it, though. (124)

20. Written, 3 TPE, Ruthless Capitalist (150 words min.)
Someone that looks like the Monopoly guy just gave you two million dollars and a two year deadline to make the SHL a growing and profitable business. What do you do with that seed money to make this an online platform that facilitates you milking as much money as possible from the users? ALTERNATIVELY, if you don’t want to be malicious, what would you do with 2 million dollars to improve the site and make it the best sim league in the world?

Well I think the easiest angle is to make SHL a purely pay-to-win experience. Inflate the update scale to something absolutely astronomical, make TPE able to be bought beyond the standard training and equipment, and remove the salary cap. THEN, make an exchange rate for SHL dollars and real dollars. People will absolutely be buying as much TPE as they can to have a dominant 30+ season career. It's sad, but it's true - look at FIFA and Madden! The less malicious angle involves an airtight bot system that handles all of the claiming/PTs/etc. No more forum! Just a very large set of Discord servers. I think that's how it has to go anyway, discourse-wise; there's too much fragmentation for all of us to come together. If bots controlled not just the PTs and activity checks, but a set schedule that doesn't rely on human error to change lines and simulate games - that would be really cool. But it'd likely require an actual fiscal investment into developers, rather than just keep letting those volunteers do whatever they want and hopefully get to it eventually. (194)

22. Written, 2 TPE, Be Nice (100 words min.)
I’ve seen this prompt used from time to time and I think the end of my first full season as PT director is as good of a time as any. Use this 100 words to give a compliment to someone in the community that you appreciate! Whether it’s a friend, a GM, a PT director, or one of those amazing folks that designed the card website– try to make someone smile with some kind words!

My annual thank you to the LA Panthers organization for being, without a doubt, the best place for me to end up in this new SHL era. I'm very thankful this season especially because I reached 2000 TPE and actually have to participate in a meaningful regression for the first time in my sim league careers (with the small exception of Ned Sommers, and I don't consider the Danny Foster regressions meaningful because I knew exactly what to do). I've thanked 7, AS360, and Faelax a whole lot, but I don't know if I have thanked @hockeyiscool personally yet? He's certainly the most light-hearted of our crew when it comes to ... everything? But whenever I feel like I'm getting too mad about stuff going on with the league, I try to channel my inner Dwight Knight and ask myself what he would think. It is very often a stupid joke, and for that, I appreciate him. He also cashed in a disc golf tournament for the first time ever last weekend so he deserves a big congrats. (184)

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