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S66 PT #0: Passion Project

Player Prompt

In the offseason, Kev Kevens enjoys honing his skills of extreme ironing. He goes to remote areas or does obscure activities while simultaneously ironing clothes. This hobby involves the burden of carrying a full ironing board with you to arrive at whatever location you want to iron at and then proceeding to do one of the most mundane tasks known to modern humans. Of course the majority of these situations don't actually allow for proper ironing of clothes due to lack of available electrical outlets in the area, and is mainly just a ridiculous reason to carry extra weight around during the day to remain fit in the offseason. Either way, of all the places Kevens has been with his family or teammates, most of the time he can also say he has done some extreme ironing during the trip. Ironing from the top of a mountain? Check. Ironing while scuba diving? Check. Ironing at home? Also check, but is technically lacking the "extreme" label.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

Written Task: What's a skill or ability that you'd like to add to your players arsenal over the summer?

Shiny Shuckle's been working on a little bit of everything. Mental resilience, stamina, blocking skills, reflexes--- the biggest stuff is where he's had the most space for improvement, and entering the prime of his J career, he'll need to up his game if he wants to win a Four Star Cup with the Raptors. While he is improving, his showing for Finland at the WJC Tournament suggests that he needs to find an extra dimension to his game. Given that he originally learned to play hockey from the Manhattan version of the LA street hockey team in Mighty Ducks: D2, Shuckle has decided to play dirty hockey.

Offensive, provocative gestures? Check. Slashes and cross checks in the crease? Check. Unmooring the net when the other team is on a breakaway? Check. Punching other players and then playing the victim when they retaliate? CHECK.

Remember kids, defense wins championships, and the best defense is also offensive. Never be afraid to punch a Garbage Collector or Screener in the head.

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!


The non hockey passion for one Zayne Dangle is none other than... collecting stamps. Who would have thought that something so old school and that a lot of old people do is something a 6'6'' hockey player would do. Dangle enjoys the quieter more relaxing things in life. Have you every collected stamps? There are so many different kinds form all across the world. Animal stamps and car stamps are some of Dangle's favorites. He really enjoys the old collectible car stamps. He has even gone to stamp cons and spent way to much of his signing bonuses on them. When it comes to animal stamps, his favorite are puppies. I mean who does not like puppies. If you say "I don't like puppies" then you can leave. Sadly as Dangle has become a star in the SHL he has had less time to travel and add to his stamp collection. Hopefully Buffalo or Detroit have a stamp convention or something soon.

162 words

[Image: dangle.png]
     Sig Credit: Ragnar
[Image: vaxlare.png]
Sig Credit: Moosey

Falcons  |  Raptors | Stampede |  Patriotes |  Czechia
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Liam Slate of the Seattle Argonauts franchise in the Simulation Hockey League's western conference's non-hockey passion is being able to do some gardening in his backyard as well as the neighborhood community garden. Liam Slate of the Seattle Argonauts in the Simulation Hockey League enjoys everything about gardening. Liam Slate of the Seattle Argonauts enjoys being able to be outside and enjoys planting things and getting the garden ready. Gardening is not only good for his physical health, but it is also good for Liam Slate's mental health. Liam Slate of the Seattle Argonauts finds the activity relaxing. It also helps save money, and Liam Slate does donate some of his vegetables to local charities and does let members of the community take from his patch of the community garden. Liam Slate of the Seattle Argonauts does not take anything from his community garden spot, it is there to grow for the community and for others to benefit from it.

(160 Words)

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Made by Rindiee, rum_ham & Carpy

Jacob Mueller S5-S
Julien Dupont S6-S13
S9 Challenge Cup - Calgary Dragons
IIHF Gold - Germany
Rufus Reinhart S13-S24
S14 Challenge Cup - Texas Renegades
Christoffer Björnsson - S25-S35
S25 Four Stars Cup
S26 Tom Corcoran Trophy - SMJHL Top Goalie

Sami Owens - S36-S52
S38 IIHF Bronze - Canada
S39 IIHF Gold - Canada
S42 IIHF Silver - Canada
S51 Challenge Cup Champion - HAM

Liam Slate - S54-Present
S53 WJC Bronze - British Isles
S54 WJC Silver - British Isles
S55 Four Star Cup Champion - Newfoundland Berserkers
S57 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S58 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S60 IIHF Silver - Great Britain
S61 IIIHF Gold - Great Britain
S67 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
S68 Challenge Cup Champion - Seattle Argonauts
Triple Gold Club


Seamus likes the idea that off-season means that he can train a whatever he wants. No more skate here skate there. He can finally do things like passing and pun... Hitting. Definitely hitting. What does an average day look like for this Irish legend? Wake up and practice passing out the saucer plates for some morning brew. Then he heads to the pub where he works a shift as a dishwasher to pass some steins to the barkeeps so they can score some fat tips. Then he gets to the ice and practices passing out hockey sticks. Then after all of that he gets some pucks out and the heads to the gym to lift weights. Then he gets back and checks to see who has taken his specially marked picks and then practices checks and hitting against those people. Then at the end of the day. He practices passes with his teammates. Miraculously, everyone wants to take his pass after a few checks. But he loves his team so it's ok.

[Image: seamus.png]

Credit to Vulfzilla for the awesome render pic
[Image: gXlAFBa.png]|| [Image: 8CbZQAJ.png]

You've got 8 weeks of uninterrupted training time where you can work on whatever you want without your coach telling you what to do. What's a skill or ability that you'd like to add to your players arsenal over the summer? For example if your player is known as a big passer, maybe next season they want to be more of a shooting threat. Maybe you've joined a new team or just been called up to the SHL and you want to build a new identity. What skills or talents are you going to develop to make a big impression and surprise some folks next season? (150+ words)

Hank Stopper's training goal over the offseason was to regain form from previous seasons. After posting a terrible 10-25 record, allowing a 4.29 GAA to go along with a dismal .894 save percentage. Stopper's career as a backstop had been on a decline ever since they enter the league during S62. Their save percentage has declined, going from .925 in S62, to .918 in S63, to taking on a fringe starting role and posting a .913 save percentage. None of this was necessarily bad. It was all ok until Stopper's final season. It seems the training regimens have been successful, as Stopper performed well in the WJC, with a 2.08 GAA and a .931 save percentage. In the WJC playoffs, Stopper did take the loss but did great, stopping 42 of 44 shots, a .955 save percentage. Now entering the SHL, Stopper has been training hard to be less terrible at preventing the puck from going in the net. (AKA being better at their job)

Boots' non-hockey passion is spending time with family. But I think I went over this before on another off-season post. Now Boots is home and has a bit of extra time on his hands. Spending a bit of time on the internet, Boots discovers another hockey league, but not one he can be drafted to in real life. He can create a hockey player just like real life and add stat points to be whatever kind of player they'd like to be. Then after creating said player you can be scouted by other people on this fake hockey league and then drafted onto a hockey team! They call it a simulation hockey league! Boots has spent quite a bit of time on it this off season but is now currently waiting for the next season to start. Hopefully this won't interfere with their actual season. Strange, all of this seems somehow familiar...

[Image: 3WSeHAA.png]

Player Prompt
Jay O'Neil was a big fan of Charlie Moore growing up (as is every teen growing up in the greater Boston area) so Jay would spend the offseason learning how to fish at his summer home in Nahant. Thankfully now that Jay is a famous hockey player he knows a guy that knows a guy that knows Charlie so he's gonna take him out on the water to teach him everything he knows. Jay is gonna spend these eight weeks waking up every morning, downing a large dunkin iced coffee and sucking down a lobstah roll for lunch before going out on the water, drinking beers and fishing off his beach house hopefully catching some big ones after learning from the best in the industry. He'd then grill up whatever he catch for dinner before starting it all over again the next day. Jay is probably gonna look like his baseball hero Eckersley after all that sun but at least he'll get some time off.

[Image: riU14F5.gif]



Player Prompt - Passion Project

Mikko Rashford would probably spend his time heading to different countries and looking for places to build new Disc Golf courses.  Mikko has found a love for getting out into nature and tossing a piece of plastic as far as he can.  Maybe more importantly he has found it an amazing opportunity to spend time with friends and teammates while getting to know them better.  Part of the process is finding a good piece of land that is unique enough and has enough change in vegetation, landscape, and ideally some water to make it interesting.

Ideally there would be a good local group of players that would be able to maintain the course long-term and provide much needed structure and leadership to a future league or tournament.  Mikko would love to be able to come back each and every year to see the change in the course over the years, while also running clinics to teach new players, and share his passion


Player Prompt

Having returned to the land of the dead following the end of the SMJHL season, Manny decided that instead of wallowing in boredom for 8 plus weeks, he would get back into the casino business. A business he hadn't delved into since his 4-year journey across the underworld when he and Glottis operated his 'Calavera Cafe' in Rubacava. Anyway, he decided to name his new cafe 'the Glottis' to honor his demon friend who he was separated from all those years ago. As time functions differently in the underworld, Manny was able to plan and build his new spot very quickly, and by the time the preseason came around 'the Glottis' had already seen thousands of patrons. For so long Manny had been focusing entirely on hockey that he forgot all the other wonders death has to offer and on the night before preseason, Manny found himself alone at the Glottis' rooftop bar smoking a cigarette reflecting on the summer break and his death in general, while overlooking the vast skyline of el Ciudad del Cielo. Manny returned to the casino floor to inform the people that he would close the place down for the season but ensured the regular patrons he, and the Glottis,  would be back next summer.

Player Prompt

As someone who has lived in the USA for so many years on a professional athlete's salary, Kaarlo Kekkonen has developed a taste for high quality wine. Visiting vineyards across the country and sampling their wares has become something that he's really enjoyed doing as he's gotten older and during the long offseason after the Forge's elimination from the playoffs, Kaarlo began work on his project; opening his own vineyard in Texas. After spending so many years with the Renegades organisation, Kaarlo kept a house in the area and decided it would be a great location to open his own vineyard and winery to pass on what he's learnt over the years and share it with customers. The first vintage should be available for purchase before too long, and Kaarlo is very excited to enter into a project that will likely occupy a lot of his time when he steps away from the game in the future also.

158 words

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(This post was last modified: 07-12-2022, 06:37 AM by tomtommen. Edited 1 time in total. Edit Reason: Had to write some more and add the prompt )

PLAYER PROMPT - It's the offseason! Whether you've been in the playoffs or not, you've got some time on your hands now. You're back, wherever you spend your off season, and you're staring down 8 weeks before the start of the preseason. You gotta' do something to pass the time this summer! What'll it be?

Written Task: What's your player's non-hockey passion? What kind of project would they take on with 8 weeks off and nothing else to do? Is it something related to another sport, like trying to golf under par on 18 holes for the first time? Something with your hands, like building a whole dining set from scratch? Maybe you want to catalogue every bird in McMillan Marsh, WI? Heck if I know! You tell me! (150+ words)

As those that follow Tom Pedersen on social media knows he is really into TV-series and movies. Lately it has been mostly TV-series that's been binged while working out for the next season. The shows that has been seen this off-season and are worth mentioning are The Boys and The Terminal List.

The Boys, are for those that do not know, a superhero show were the superheroes or supes as they are called have questionable morally compasses. As you often see in people who gets too much power. 3 seasons has been made and they get better and better. This show is on Tom Pedersen's highly recommended list. But be aware. Strictly 18+ due to violence, sex and drugs. To be true quite a lot of it as well.
Official Trailer (youtube).

The Terminal List is Chris Pratt's Navy Seals TV-Show were he as the lone survivor from an attack in Syria goes rampage after returning to the States to revenge his fallen soldiers and trying to find out what went wrong. They have clearly spent a load of money on making this series, but you know what's coming all through the series. Nothing new, just same old story as you've seen many times before. The plots were guessed in the first episodes. Nothing remarkable at all. The one thing that stood most out is the underwear fighting scene. Chris Pratt joked about it in an interview, but the entire scene is a joke. SPOILER ALERT! They fight inside the MRI room. They have a radiation warning on the door. Chris Pratt is not being still in the tube while scanning so the quality of the exam would be poor. They bring metal objects into the magnet field and they have two doctors to operate the machine. Not recommended.
Official Trailer (youtube).

Words: 329

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Anyone that has ever read anything that Lacksamus does in his spare time will know it is all cheese based. Although Lacksamus's offseason was shorter than most (a good thing as DET won that cup! SKREE!), he still put in quite a bit of eating time trying some various cheeses. With COVID being COVID and the craziness happening in eastern europe Lacksamus didn't do much traveling, but was able to find some great cheese importers that allowed him to get some of his favorites and also try some new stuff. However, with Lackasmus moving to the SHL this season he had to take care to not add TOO much fat so there was also a heavy amount of workouts going on. Using the new player grading in the SHL he was able to get a massive bump in his ratings and hopes to really show improvements in the coming season. Though with the new sim it will be tough to say how that will pan out.

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King



With new access to more developed training facilities, Gallen has decided to work on the puck handling aspect of his game. Last season, he felt like the puck handling aspect of his game was severely lacking and caused his team to be caught off-guard if the puck was stripped or lost. If he can keep the puck on his stick better, he can keep plays alive for longer and set up more chances for either his team to score or for Gallen himself to score. Hamilton's assistant coaches have been aiding Gallen in this task and noticed some serious improvement from the time they started these training drills. With this improved confidence, Gallen believes that he can really impress Hamilton and Vancouver's upper management and improve upon his fantastic rookie season. The path to making the SHL is a long one, but Gallen wants to make it as easy and stress-free as possible for himself, and fixing those glaring issues in his game are a great start.

[Image: leblaVa.gif]
Shoutout to @adamantium for the sig! <3

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