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S67 PT #3: It Wasn't Me Due: October 9th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

player prompt the written one

well binko of house koivu (sorry i have been watching house of the dragon where everyone's families are houses which is kind of a weird way to call them since a house is not really a family it's more of a building or a place or a dwelling or a habitat as some would say, also it is pretty cringe to call it house koivu i only really wrote that so i could write this spiel and take up some words) would absolutely fight with the referee! and i'm not talking about an argument, i'm talking about straight up telling the ref to drop the mitts and and square up so that binko can swing his fists right into the referee's crotch while the ref is still pre-occupied with dropping the mitts and cannot defend his family (or house) jewels! and then the team veterans like angus @micool132 mcpipe and pueblo selling my cheese @Jepox skated over and started yelling at binko being like you can't do that man! even the general manager @hotdog yelled at poor binko!

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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Hockey prompt -

I like the replay system that is in place now. I would like more camera angles. Every player should have an isolated camera on them when they are on the ice to make it even more better. I got into an argument two weeks ago about a similar subject. I was tired dog shitty ball and strike calls by one particular umpire during a Yankees game. I said they need to have balls and strikes called by a robot or computer or whatever. People umps can call everything else. Just balls and strikes. I was met with some of the most boomer shit.
“The human element is part of the game” is the laziest weakest fucking take.
If this is your opinion. You are wrong. It’s not debatable. You are wrong. You have teams out on the ice. Each team is getting paid 80 million dollars and the guy making 100k gets to determine the outcome of a game? Gets to affect people’s bonuses? I don’t think so. 95% of the time, sure. But that 5% of error is not good enough. If they are wrong it needs to be reviewed and overturned. Hockey needs its checks and balances.

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Hockey Prompt:
Two sticks definitely legal, right?
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Credit to @Symmetrik
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PT Pass

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Kahn on PBE Hockey Prompt
The video review can disrupt the flow of the game. That’s a fair and valid criticism. But, I don’t like the idea of games being decided by missed calls from the refs and linesmen. They’re not perfect, and we don’t really expect them to be (or at least most of us realize they’re human). So, I think it’s necessary to have some sort of video review to make sure we are getting these things called correctly. I am okay with reviewing most stuff, goaltender interference, offsides, whether the puck crossed the line or not. So I support these uses. I don’t think we should rely just on human judgement. I think too much is at stake for these games to be decided by human error. It might slow the game down a little bit, but it isn’t adding a half hour on the game or anything crazy like that. It’s a few minutes to make sure the game goes the way it’s actually playing out. (165 words)

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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Prompt 1

Patya am telling you that Patya would argue with ref over bad call. Patya would convince coach for take challenge for prevent Patya going to box for serving for penalty Patya have not commit! Patya okay with going for penalty box if Patya am being bad boy, but in this case, Patya am good boy and not do it! Patya think maybe linesman come in and tell ref what is happen too, because maybe they am have better angle. Patya say to referee, "Why is try for call penalty on Patya? Patya am not do this! Patya am just good player and am get puck for go on breakaway and score!" Maybe ref am not believing Patya but Patya know in heart that Patya am right. Patya have relationship with everyone in SHL because am friendly guy and everyone like Patya! This mean Patya know that this must be misunderstanding and Patya very big on integrity of the game.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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I don't mind the idea behind video reviews in hockey but the thing that bothers me is that the refs go to review a play and they pull out these 7 inch screens and squint at it for 10 minutes. Taking that long staring at such a tiny screen is what bothers me more than anything. They really should put a bigger display in the penalty box for them to look at. I can definitely understand not getting things right in the moment and having to fix it through a review of the play, it does slow the game down but in some cases that call can be crucial to one of the teams. Maybe they should have more video review, or even auto detecting offsides, put a chip in the luck and have it know when it crosses the blue line, it could be more precise than a ref standing there staring. Might even speed up reviews.

[Image: DrunkenTeddy.gif]

[Image: Tqabyfh.png]  |  [Image: sXDU6JX.png]

Hockey Prompt

Video review, as it works currently in the NHL, is a damn shame. In theory, the use of instant replay makes sense. No human is capable of seeing every little thing that happens on the ice let alone be correct 100 percent of the time. The fault in the system as it exists is the length of the reviews. Sometimes these reviews take minutes to be resolved. I know that accuracy is the goal of having these reviews, but if the infraction takes minutes to deliberate upon with the aid of multiple camera angles, slow motion, and all the other tools available then maybe it is not that big of a deal that it was missed. The focus of the review process should be for flagrant missed calls. It really grinds my gears that coach’s calling for a review has become just another tactic. The penalty assessed to a team whose challenge does not overturn a decision is too light in my opinion. Hockey rules because of the speed at which it is played. The review process has devolved in such a way that it actively makes games worse to watch.

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[Image: uDjThoa.png]

Player Prompt: Makrus started his career as a gentlemen player. He was the player that would help players on the other team get back up. Makrus was playing with some aggressive defenseman that seemed to always be slamming people into the boards. He prided himself on helping the other team up, patting them on the back, and whispering in their ear the next time they touch the puck they will get slammed harder. Like a true gentleman. Until the last game of his rookie season. He got a high stick penalty that was completely uncalled for. It even cost him an award that season. From that day forward Makrus went from the gentlemen player to a hothead. Makrus will argue with the ref about anything he can. Penalties for either team will surely get Makrus mouthing off. Even if he isn’t on the ice. When Makrus gets called for tripping when he knows he didn’t, there is no way he doesn’t get thrown out of that game. Makrus would say something like “what are you going to do throw me out of the game?” to then be promptly thrown out of the game.

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I 100% am arguing that call, it's bullshit and the ref knows it. Of course a call like that would happen in an away game, you can't tell me the refs here aren't a part of the teams staff. The defensemen is that clumsy that myself blowing by him caused his feet to get tangled up and fall? Sounds like someone shouldn't even be in this league. I've seen kids in novice that have better skating technique then him. I don't know who that player has dirt on that he's been in the league as long as he has, but it's gotta be something real dirty. Maybe it's the ref themself and they are in cahoots. The ref knows he fucked up, smiling as he skates me over to the box the whole time with me telling him what a complete idiot he is and no wonder he's reffing the J. He'll never see the show with calls like that.

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(This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 07:41 AM by Dangles13. Edited 1 time in total.)

Written Task

Video reviews in hockey are just about as messed up as everything else in hockey these days.  Spending several minutes on an offside call that was maybe off by half an inch, it's just  stupid. If it's not affecting the play just let it go, Same thing without a player who's skating out of his own, let it go who cares?

I'd rather get the refs off the ice into a booth with many camera angles and let them call stuff as it happens. Just one official on the ice who stops the play, does the faceoffs and communicates to the players and coaches.  I'd also like to see a lot more of the rules made more black-and-white so there's not 4 guys on the ice trying to have a committee to decide what is goalie interference.  Make the life of the
Referees easier, make it easier for players to know what is right and what is wrong and it would speed the game for the fans too.

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I am so fucking heated about this. How DARE this fucking scum bag ref call me for a trip when I was clearly no where near this fucking idiot when he fell? I am so furious that I immediately head to the Buffalo bench and grab the patented Buffalo Brand Shovel and I bring it onto the ice. I drag it across the ice like in a horror movie when the serial killer drags an axe across the ground to create tension. I skate up to the unsuspecting ref and I wind that fucking Buffalon Stampede brand shovel like I’m Barry Bonds at the plate and I smash that fucking ref in his head so hard with the shovel that his head immediately explodes like a water balloon. Blood and brains and skull fragments fly everywhere. Children are crying. Players are vomiting. I am laughing maniacally as I head to the penalty box.

Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab Gnome Dab
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Sigs by Me, Merica, High Stick King, Rum_Ham, Jess, vulfzilla, enigmatic, and Carpy
Stampede  Kraken
❤!! RIP to the big homies 701 and Mac !!❤

I have been playing hockey long enough to know that sometimes referees, players and coaches all make mistakes. In this particular case, this referee has made an error and I will politely let him know on my way to the box that he should probably take a look at the replays from the room in intermission. Why don’t I argue and throw a tantrum? Well, its quite simple really. In all of the years that I have been around the game of hockey, I’ve never seen a player or coaching staff complain and manage to get the call to change. In fact, usually the only additional changes that may occur as a result of screaming at the referee staff is finding yourself with another bench minor. Talk about a two for one negative.

So, I am going to let the ref know he missed the call and try to encourage the rest of my teammates and coaches to do the same in a respectful but serious manner. Then maybe in the third period, that traffic cone of a ref might open his blind eyes Wink

[Image: ho-lee-smokes-iihf.png]
Thanks Jove for my sig

I think the video review process is generally a good idea, although of course there are always areas that you could fine tune. I think the most important aspect of it is to find the balance between justice and practicality. Everyone strives for justice and fairness in theory and officiating that maximizes that would theoretically be possible - if we reviewed every single situation and corrected every possible mistake the referees made at some point, which obviously isn't practical at all. So you have to sacrifice some of that justice for the constraints that reality and competitive sports put on us and limit it to those kinds of situations that matter the most, usually that means plays that directly result in a goal (not) being scored or substantial penalties that are (not) called. I would suggest sticking to the most glaring examples there but then also applying a challenge rule that allows coaches to force a review as well - at the risk of them losing their right to challenge in further situation in case they are wrong. And there is one other specific aspect of the video review process that I would like to add to this as well: The length of reviewable scenes, especially when it comes to offside decisions. Keep it short, I think it doesn't help the sport one bit if we nullify goals because the zone entry 20 seconds ago was slightly offside. Only review those kinds of offsides situations if they are directly part of the creation of the goal.

Evan Winter
Edmonton Blizzard
Player Page - Update Page

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Hockey Prompt.

Well, personally, speaking from my own experience about these things, I feel like the idea of implementing video review is generally pretty useful as long as the coordination presented by the officials is good enough to the point where one has not to have to worry about whether it was the right call or not. I feel like it puts the onus on the referee to behave correctly, which while somewhat more of a pressure on the referee himself does help with the product itself since the arguability of a call no longer mars you. The time taken might be a handful but I think it's more beneficial for the game in the long run. The sole reason I wouldn't say we should do away with referees is that I don't believe machines are quite capable enough to do the task of refereeing a sport on their own, there are too many factors that a machine has yet to be fully trained on. I do think that it'll be a thing in the long run but probably not while we're still alive.

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Scarecrows Dragons Czechia
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Former Players: Yoshimitsu McCloud (LW, #64) - Outlaws pride Platoon Jets Aurora Ireland
Won a Four Star Cup once, knew ninjutsu, picture editors hated him, never tried free agency
Anton Harrier (LW, #90) - Battleborn Rage Ireland
Won WJC gold, liked skateboarding a lot, went to the finals with Manhattan, kept his seat glued in LR

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