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S67 PT #5: A Nice Big Bonus Cheque Due: October 23rd @ 11:59 PM (PST)

I think the first thing I would do was be surprised, because I was a -43, yet I still got a performance bonus. Once that initial surprise is over, then the first thing I would do is probably put the money towards a house. I would make sure that my house had a bunch of amenities for me to remain in shape and continue working out and training during down periods between seasons.

Secondly, I would definitely help my parents out with whatever they may need to pay off. Once all is said and done, I would get them a new car, since they currently share one and each having one would make their lives a lot easier.

Lastly, I would probably invest most of the rest. Start building up a portfolio of wealth so that I never have to worry about money in the future, even after my career is over. Athletes usually struggle, but I want to make sure that’s not the case for me.

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CREATIVE PROMPT Written Task: It is no secret that Mats Marner was not very prudent when it came to his finances at the height of his career. Marner would make some quite interesting luxury purchases with his seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar end of regular season player bonus. First Marner would follow in the footsteps of Mike Tyson and buy a trio of genetically deficient white Bengal tigers, and keep them as pets, as one of his better investments. Following the theme of exotic animals Mats Marner spent a small fortune on the construction of the massive aquarium. He then stocked the tank with ridiculously expensive great white sharks to be pets as well. Finally Mats Marner wanted to get some exotic birds including flamingos, American bald eagles, and some colorful hawks that he would keep in a large room that is like a giant open cage. In addition, Mats Marner wanted to get his own elephants he could ride them in his backyard.

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[Image: leafsftw1967.gif] 

Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

Creative Prompt – Written task

When Angry was given his end-of-season bonus, he wanted to give it back to his community. As such, he chose to invest it all into his own charity “Skate with Angry”.

The goal of his charity is to allow less fortunate kids up to 21 to play hockey and to have a place to go beyond the streets. Every dollar that is invested into the foundation is reinvested into the community. The charity gives hockey equipment, help found hockey league and build arena and outside rinks in less fortunate neighbourhoods. Kids are sometimes invited to hockey game as well. 

Angry frequently collaborate with other hockey players to host events to promote the benefits off sports on the health and the general lifestyle impact they have. These events can take the form of charity gala or celebrity hockey games.

With the 750 000 $ he got from his bonus, Angry’s charity will be able to begin construction off a state-of-the-art arena in an isolated region of northern Saskatchewan.

Getting ready because there is only 364 days before the next hockey team selection   Renegades

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Eriksen's already budgeted his salary perfectly, so some extra money on top of that? You better believe he's gonna be spending it fast. First thing he's gotta get is his dream car, which is a Lamborghini Aventador. Immediately after that, he's immediately booking a flight to Italy and spending a month out there during the offseason. He's going to bring all of the extra money in cash, leave his cards, at home, and blow as much as possible on luxury drinks, food, and accommodations. If there's any money left after balling out on the Amalfi Coast, Rome, Milan, and Venice, it'll be sushi on the menu for every dinner possible. Should Eriksen donate some of this money to charity? Probably, but luckily there's a lot of time left in his career, a lot more earnings to be had, and a lot more chances to actually do the right thing with his money.

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Player prompt

Let's have a look. I'm at a point in my career where I'm clearly not improving anymore given I'm in regression and all that stuff. That's why I won't really look at my on-ice numbers and try to negotiate anything around that. Sure, they were pretty good this season, but I don't think I can pull that off again or make it even better. It's more likely that I will take a step back. I think my off-ice work as captain and my leadership qualities are more important for the team and that's an area I can use in the negotiations. So what kind of bonus? Money is absolutely not an issue anymore (have you seen my bank account?) and I've already been taking home town discounts for a number of seasons. However, we do need to improve locker room coffee supply. Badly. I talked with our old GM years ago about this and got a nice machine, but that was... well years ago - so it's really time we get up to date with technology here. Our team loves coffee and is spoiled (I wonder where that comes from?) so let's get us some better equipment in here!

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sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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With a bonus of 750k at the end of the season I will do several things.

Help families in need
With the current inflation and energy crisis lots of families are in need of some financial stimulus. I will donate 250k of my bonus to families in my local area that need help paying their electric and heating bills so they don't have to freeze during the upcoming winter.

Help Ukrainian refugees
Another 250k will be donated towards helping Ukrainian refugees get settled. Wether they need clothes, furniture or help applying for a job. We need to show solidarity to these people, because they are getting slaughtered in their home country for absolute bullshit reasons.

Maintenance to the local rink
The final 250k of my bonus will be donated towards the local rink to help them maintain and renovate the local rink. After years of neglegance the rink has decayed a lot and it needs a lot of work to function again.

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Barracuda Germany Scarecrows Knights

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S50 Challenge Cup Finals Game 7
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ISFL Affiliate
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2022, 07:28 AM by tomtommen.)

CREATIVE PROMPT - As the regular season comes to a close, you're called into the office for a quick chat with management. They let you know you hit your performance bonuses this year, and a cool $750 000 cheque will be hitting your account tomorrow! Nice!

Written Task: What do you do with you $750k end-of-season bonus? Buy stuff? Like a fancy
new car or an indoor pool? Donate it? What kind of charity would you be looking for? Does your player have their own foundation? If so what does it do? Tell me what you plan to do with the money! (150+ words)

If Tom Pedersen would receive a bonus cheque of $750 000 he would spend it on two things. First he would pay IIHF to remove Russia from the competition as they have no reason to be there at all. As long as they are engaged in war criminality and are the aggressor of this war they shouldn’t be participating. No hate towards Russians, but the country should not be allowed to participate in any competitions for as long as the war goes on and until they have removed soldiers from all occupied territories. And the $749 999 that should be left would go to ammunition, medical supplies, food, water or whatever the Ukrainians decide they will need to spend it on. The most important thing would be to help Ukraine stand up to that bully Putin and his followers.

You would think that we had come so far that we could unite to fix the problems we have in this world for the better for everybody.

Words: 166

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Player Prompt 

So, bonuses? Now, as a background to this, Daryl was a decent SHL defenseman, picking up mid-to-high-30s in points, even while on the 3rd pair. Also playing a nice physical game and making blocks as well. Anyway, the past 2 seasons, this season and last, for some reason his performance has dropped right off, with no explanation. A paltry 17 points last season, headlined by a single solitary goal. This season has been a little better, but still nowhere near the kind of performances he had on much less TPE on the old sim. So, how about reverse bonuses? Sneaking in the small print, with an asterisk, that he picks up an extra million dollars for 30+ points* (* - less than). Something like that maybe? Then when he has yet another underwhelming season as he slips further into regression, he’ll at least be rolling in it and can grant his SHL career the sweet release of death.

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Player Prompt

I am going to ask for something that might not be what the team is looking for but is something that stats people and the public who are fans of round numbers will like. Kaarlo Kekkonen scored 20 goals and recorded 30 assists during the season; two very round numbers which combine for a very aesthetically pleasing 50 points in total. The significance of this might not be felt by all, but it's something that I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate and might even notice when they're scanning down the points totals in the season. Because of this, I think that the management of the team should decide to reward this added intrigue with a fiscal incentive for Kaarlo and other players to try and replicate this achievement in the future and make a few people out there give a slight smile or raised eyebrow when looking at point totals. I did not struggle at anything this season so the second point of this task is irrelevant.

169 words

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Creative Prompt

Dusty Rhodes somehow managed to get a 750K bonus? Sweet! Rhodes knows just what he'll do with that money. He plans on opening the polka dot diner in his adopted home town of Anchorage. Rhodes has for the past couple years been scouring for a location and he thinks he's come upon a great one, a former hunting lodge located right on the fringes of town where a major highway went through pretty much ruining any chance for hunting in the immediate area. Rhodes loved the homey feel of the place and has decided to completely redo the inside while keeping the rustic look of the exterior of the building. The menu will be your typical diner food with heavy emphasis on the Texas favorites Rhodes grew up with. Polka Dot Pancakes will highlight the menu but in the evening the menu will trend towards seafood items fished from the teeming local waters. Rhodes hopes to make it a destination for all the visiting teams as well as the locals. $750K will go quite a long way in establishing Rhodes vision.

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[Image: rhodes.png]


Well I don't think it would be too difficult to convince management to give me a big bonus check on my next contract. I have been taking league minimum rates since joining the tampa bay cudas, I am currently on a home town discount and I have been with the team since being drafted there in S58. I would think at this point that I could probably ask for a bonus if I wanted one. With how this playoffs is going so far I am not 100 percent certain that I will be sticking with tampa bay after this current contract is over. Who knows, maybe I will go cup hunting and that team will be the one I am asking for this big contract bonus, but lets be honest, I don't think I'll be taking a big contract in my career, I will continue to play for cheap and help my team anyway I can.

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Getting only a $750,000 bonus would be an absolute slap in the face to Adelie de Pengu. As the most premiere penguin in all of sports as well as having literally millions of mouths to feed as he has tried to take over making sure all penguins of the world are safe and fed, a measly $750,000 wouldn't be enough. All season long Pengu was one of the best players for Chicago and until the final week he led the team in +/- impact when he was on the ice. This is despite being on the second line! When Pengu was in, the team was winning. It was that simple. Much of this has to do with Pengu's massive difference in giveaways and takeaways. He's so small as a penguin that he easily gets his stick on the puck when no one knows he's even there. Its a skill that no one else could replicate and Pengu definitely feels like he should be compensated for bringing such a unique skill to the team! Instead he'd settle for one meal for every hungry penguin on the planet. Feels like a more fair bonus!


Vegas Baby! Thats the short answer. But the long answer would be ringing up a couple of my close buddies and my family and telling them that there is now an all inclusive payed vacation to Las Vegas with the whole crew. All restaurants would be covered by me, all parties aswell would be one bill handed to Bruno Tooyo and yes of course, every individual invited would be given a 10k stack to start and gamble with. If they lose it, I would most likely give them another one, just depends how dumb the people are with it. If they go and put the 10k on red expecting to be given another stack, I think I would let that person wait it out until the next day. Or maybe since I would be in a good mood, I would just toss it to him or maybe do like a double or nothing and put 20k on black or red to make it a little more interesting, maybe even one thousand on the 0 and 00 to really cover more bases.

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Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

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