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S67 PT #5: A Nice Big Bonus Cheque Due: October 23rd @ 11:59 PM (PST)

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Creative Prompt - Graphic Task: Show me what your player gets up to with their $750k.

A god pizza party at chuck e cheese!

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Whalers Whalers Whalers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack
Finland / Germany  
Big thanks to Pythonic(first sig evah), Sloth(first LAP sig<3) and Ragnar for their sigs<3
Two time playoffs MVP and two time nominee
Triple gold club
Discord: asska

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My cool new 750,000 dollars would definitely be a mix of saving and spending. There's a lot of stuff I could use to help my game out some but my bank account is starting to dwindle as I am still on some minor deals this early in my career. I could use some new workout equipment to help me stay in shape on non game days and to help me do some strength training as I get ready to go up to Winnipeg in the future. Also need to put on some weight so I can survive the cold up there. I'll sell my house in Vegas when called up since I won't be down there as much when I'm no longer on Nevada but it probably won't offset all the costs of buying a new one in Winnipeg so that will also help secure that sometime in the future. Mostly it's just going to make my bank account not look so pitiful though after all the money I spent as a kid making the big show.

177 words

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Something plaguing many of the sports worlds at the moment involves domestic abuse and sexual violence. As a firm believer in the importance of consent, and that professional athletes and public figures should be far better than anyone else, Melvin would use this money to donate to RAINN and other such foundations to help combat sexual violence and domestic abuse, as well as try to provide support for victims of these crimes. Someone is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds in the United States, and Melvin finds it very important to make sure that those voices are heard on a regular basis. While Melvin himself doesn't quite understand the intricacies of this human world, he often wants to be strive to be better, and for those around him to be better. He has seen his friends hurting due to the violent nature of these crimes, and he would like nothing more than to make sure there is enough financial support for victims to receive therapy, police to receive support to process these crimes as well.

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PT Pass

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

What I would do with a $750,000 check. I would put most of it into an investment fund to buy stocks and such to help boost the fund, can never be too smart with your money. Part of it would go the family to pay off some bills for them. The other portions I would give some to a charity that is near and dear to me and the Montreal organization. I would also go and buy a few things for around the house. It would be more of working out at home stuff for an at home gym, than anything else. Getting a treadmill, weights, bench, anything you can really think of in a gym. Then the rest would go into savings and fixing up things around the house projects and stuff. Remodeling parts of the house. A new shiny contract on the horizon not leaving Montreal anytime soon, so it’s quite critical to do what you can around the house.

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Oles prides himself on having the best playmaking two way game on the entire team. He finished 2nd in assist on Yukon and had the best plus minus during the regular season. In fact his plus minus was so good that he more than doubled his rating compared to the second highest player on the team. For reaching these milestones, Oles was given a 750,000 check that also with permission from the federal government of Canada avoids taxes! So the young rising SHL start just got a coo 750K, what does he do with hit? Oles flies out to Ukraine as the war continues to go on. He sees where the solider have set up and what their current living conditions are like. Oles donates the full bonus towards the brave souls that are fighting for the peace in Europe. As most money has gone towards weapons and training, Oles made sure this 750k went towards making living conditions as good as one can be while in an active war.

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First ever Yukon Malamute draft pick (1st overall S65)

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(This post was last modified: 10-22-2022, 02:57 PM by erikvm. Edited 1 time in total.)

Creative Prompt:

Getting $750,000 will definitely add to my goal of creating a horse breeding ranch back in my home state of Kentucky. If I wasn’t so darn good at hockey, and 6’3”, my goal would have been to be a horse jockey. After hockey is over, my only goal in life would be to be the mastermind behind breeding a triple crown winner. That’s the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes. His name will be the Odyssey because his journey will be fantastical in nature. This is a big goal, so I can’t put all of my checks into my dream, some of the leftover money will go into various charities in my hometown and the great city of Great Falls, Montana. The charities I think will go towards promoting education, because while I believe in the power of sports as a way to build yourself up, you got to always better yourself mentally and physically.

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Signature by @enigmatic

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Prompt 1

Patya knowing exactly what for doing with much nice bonus! Patya have much expensive taste, as can see from past purchases! Patya have documentation for you to read about cars of Patya! Anyway, Patya am thinking maybe house need become bigger because Patya and Kristen maybe plan for starting family before getting much older! Patya am excite for this idea, and family am always needing room to grow. Maybe this am sounding selfish because Patya have nice house, but Patya want best of best for family. Patya maybe not use all of it because Patya already well paid, and Patya can donate some of this. Patya would donate to local businesses that be supporting Ukraine. Maybe you say "Patya, you am from Russia!" Yes, this true, but Russia am committing atrocity by trying to reclaim Ukraine once again. Ukraine am having this happen many times throughout history due to position of country. Patya support Ukrainian independence and want for them to live happy life free from control. Most Russian people not wanting war, and country is controlled by leaders and oligarchs. Patya say no more.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Sophie Bordeleau's bonus would probably go into helping her and Jamie get set and on the ground for moving to San Francisco this offseason. It's an expensive place to live, and the pair would want to get themselves settled in and comfortable before the SHL season really gets going. While the two still want to build their dream house to live in and are saving money for that, the $750,000 bonus would help them a lot with getting a down payment or for rent on a place to live. Some of the rest would be invested to give the pair a nest egg for far down the line for Sophie's retirement. Finally, some of the money would be donated to LGBTQ+ charities like the Trevor Project. Having both grown up queer and Jamie having troubles coming out in her youth, the cause of assisting LGBTQ+ teens in difficult situations and providing knowledge and resources is one that is very near and dear to both of them.

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$750,000??  Damn, tell ya what I'd like to think I would do.  I'd pick a local school district and donate that money with the specific request that it goes to a raise in teacher's salaries.  Teacher's are so criminally underpaid, and if the government refuses to do anything about it then fuck it, I will.  If that isn't an option, I'd love to donate that money to a local library.  Get something absolutely bitchin.  Like an entire section of rare encyclopedia's or something.  Or create a community center near a library.  I dont know, I think it would be cool to do something for the community with that money.  In reality, I'd probably end up using it for myself through buying new cars, a new house, hell maybe even my own private ice rink.  Maybe I'd dump it into an investment account and sit on it as it grows 10% each year and I would never have to work again.  THe possibilities are endless, would be a lot cooler if it happened.

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Player prompt:

Yannick Svoboda has always been seen as more of a playmaker than anything. This was true in his junior career, as well as in his first two seasons in the big leagues. In his first two seasons Svoboda put up 70 assists but only 30 goals. This season he scored way more goals than anyone expected after putting up 29. When negotiating his new contract, Svoboda will be sure to put up his goal scoring talent, and that he's a more diverse player than management initially thought. With that in mind, he's also hoping management won't look at his shooting %. After having a career shooting % of around 8, that jumped to over 14% this season. He's worried they might think this goal scoring might not be terribly sustainable. Regardless, after increasing his point production steadily each season, from 42 to 58 to 71, he'll certainly be expecting a nice pay rise in his next contract.

155 words




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