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S69 PT #3: Dive February 12th @ 11:59 PM (PST)


I think the referees have to have the opportunity to hand out embellishment penalties. Just so that nobody will be tempted to pull any ridiculous dives without a direct consequence. If the consequences were just fines or suspensions, you could get away with basically anything in a game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals - a suspension early next season wouldn't really hurt you.

From what I have seen, the embellishment calls are 50 % justified and 50 % unjustified. A lot of embellishments go unpunished, and at the same time the refs pick up situations where the player just genuinely trips. So seems that it is very hard to judge the situations from the ice-level, at real-time speed.

I understand that players to everything that's within the rules to gain an advantage, and embellishing unfortunately is one of these tricks. High sticks especially would go way more often not called if players didn't whip their head back and put their glove on their face. So yeah, it's not easy.

Personally I would hand out way harsher penalties than the ridiculously small fines afterwards. If you get caught embellishing, it should be a 3+ game suspension immediately. That way we would at least make some kind of a real effort to reduce embellishing.

[Image: sulov.gif]

Player Prompt - Jarrod Lakemore is a natural agitator, so you may think he would take the dive with no hesitation since drawing penalties is certainly a part of the game he considers important. Lakemore however takes a more long-term view and the answer is not so simple. In the long run, Lakemore knows he'll often be a target of and a victim of penalties, and it is in his best interest to avoid getting a reputation as a player who embellishes. So, even though it may be an important regular season game, it still is a regular season game and Lakemore won't automatically take the dive the way he might in a crucial point in a playoff game. However, if the perpetrator is someone Lakemore knows has a short fuse and a long memory, then he might consider it worth it if it's going to cause some mental damage not just for this game, but in future meetings as well. It is a fine line Lakemore must walk, but it is important to his role to pick and choose wisely when it is truly worth it to take the dive. (192 words)

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

Hockey Prompt

As far as I've seen, embellishment penalties are extremely rare in the NHL and the vast majority of players seem to respect the integrity of the game and their opponents enough not to embellish calls to an unreasonable degree. Of course there are still instances of slight overselling, but the game is fast paced and the refs can't always see every interaction between two players, so making the penalty more visible to them doesn't hurt the integrity of the game most of the time. Of course it's good that the embellishment rule still exists so that obvious selling is kept in check, but there's a good balance and a known difference between making the presence of a penalty clear to the refs and rolling on the ice in pain after a light slash. I don't know of any specific players who abuse this rule and I'm sure that having a reputation of excessive embellishment isn't supported by other players in the league so overall I feel like it's in a good state.

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

Hockey Prompt:

I think there should be a review available for embellishing - in challengeable circumstances. Obviously the refs can't be everywhere all the time and see everything,  but there are some things they don't see that are obviously embellishment. For example, in the situations outlined in the above player prompt - there are times that stick doesn't touch the face but there is a whiplashing head. There should be a process for challenging those plays where the other player swears it didn't touch them and their coach can back them up. Those cases could be pivotal as one team would go on the PP instead of the other. These calls could change the whole game. In reality though, these calls don't happen too often so its not such a big deal. Sometimes it goes your way and sometimes it doesn't. It all evens out in the end, mostly. I think most teams are honest and don't embellish much. For the players that do repeatedly, I think the hammer should come down hard.

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Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs

Let me just say, hockey is an incredibly difficult game to officiate. The game is incredibly fast, with large human beings skating around at high speed, wearing baggy clothing and carrying weapons made of carbon fiber and wood while they try and fire a little piece of vulcanized rubber at over a hundred miles per hour. All of that creates a difficult scenario to accurately call a game and notice when there is some form of illegal play happening. It is no surprise, then, that diving and serious embellishment made their way to the hockey game. Some times, it can be the only method you can use to get the attention of the referee. In hockey, embellishing seems to be called roughly the right amount of time. There's still times when they miss it, or occasions when an embellishment call is made when it is actually not warranted. But due to the speed, violence, and momentum of the game, the referees and officials are doing the best they can.

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Hockey Prompt -

Honestly, there is nothing worse in the NHL than people who embellish things to try to get calls. Overreacting to potential penalties is the absolute worst thing in sports as a whole. Nothing is worse than seeing a safety make a great play in the NFL and to see the receiver start pretending to throw a flag like it had to be a penalty. Soccer? What’s worse than seeing a player lose the ball, only to act like they got shot and electrocuted at the same exact time? In a sport that raves about being the toughest people around (you see a LOT of memes where a player stubs a toe in the NBA and misses four weeks whereas a hockey player gets his eye knocked out with a puck and plays the next period) its a really pathetic look for these guys to be drawing calls like that. I’m glad the referees are starting to call embellishment penalties more often already, in hopes that it will slow people from doing it. But there are players who exist to just draw penalties, so it’ll never be out of the game. Those players that get that bad reputation for being a diver are usually hated by fans, although they get that “hate the player but love him on my team” type praise. Overall, its just a really shitty look and I hate it. (232)

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Player Page

There's no love lost for me when it comes to winning vs losing. If I've got a chance to get me team the dub, I'm gonna take it. Does the stick make contact? Maybe. Is it enough contact for me to jump in the air holding my chin as I furiously scratch at my face to try and create a little blood to make it a 4 minute double minor rather than a 2 minute standard minor? Maybe. Did the ref call the penalty? Yes. So the answer to my first two questions is an emphatic YES. I respect the refs and will honor their wishes for the other team to serve a penalty (in which I will score). You know it's gonna be one of those scenarios. The player who draws the questionable penalty is the one that gets the winner. That's how sports work. Villains conquer. I have no problem being a villain to the opposing team's fans if it's what also makes me the hero for my team. Everyone loves a winner, and that's what I am.

[Image: puddlesoduck2.gif]

Player Prompt:

Nah man, that shit is so dumb.  Be a man (in the traditional sense of the saying, a person with integrity).  That shit belongs in soccer or baseball, maybe even basketball.  Hockey is one of the few remaining sports that penalizes embellishments and that's the way it should be.  That shit has no place in hockey.  Players in soccer do it all the time because so often it gives their team some kind of unfair advantage.  How can you even play a game knowing the win or loss could stem from an embellished call?  Bullshit.  Embellishments can also lead to player injuries as well.  Next thing you know you have guys taking falls for fake tripping calls and ramming into the boards potentially ruining the rest of their seasons.  It just has no place in my opinion.  Can you imagine if hockey players did embellish as blatantly as soccer players did though?  What would viewership be like?  Soccer is apparently the most watched sport in the world despite how its played.

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Oh absolutely, If a guys stick comes anywhere near my face im going down, I really dont care what the situation is. because number 1 that's a high stick to begin with. Number 2 If i can get the ref to think he hit me with intent because I sell it and go down like a sack of logs I might get a 5 minute major for the guy vs if I dont go down I may not get anything at all. There is no flopping rule or anything, so no reason not to do it. Because if the ref isn't gonna see me unless I do it im gonna do it so the ref sees it because he has to. Because he cant not see a guy go down like a sack of bricks. Absoultly sell it and im not blaming others for going down to. it's just how it works nowadays 

156 words

Prompt 1

Oh let Patya tell you, Patya would embellish this very much for try and get power play for team. Patya like for playing fair, but Patya knowing other team am do same thing for try and get power play. This much important against division rivals in time of making points for playoffs, so Patya know maybe is unfair but this must be having done. Patya take the chance for winning if it presenting itself. Am have learned much over years of playing of the ice hockeys and know how this work. Patya also knowing this is business, and winning is name of the game! Now, this not saying Patya dirty player who play on line for hitting peoples for do much damage and try not for get suspension, just that Patya understand how to play the game. Plus, now that am thinking about this, technically Patya not doing anything wrong. If stick grazing chin, this still high sticking, no? If stick hitting Patya face, this am penalty. If stick hitting face much serious, then is major penalty, but stick just touching face still a 2-minute minor. You am trying for trick Patya with this question? Ha! Patya am not falling for tricks!

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]

Head Referee: So let me get this straight Mx Tesla. You are saying that in the process of fighting for a puck your player Dave Heinrich was high sticked so hard that his jaw was broken in more places than can be counted in the decimal mathematical system as we know it and that is what caused him to vomit blood all over the ice? And not what the opponent claims where you forced Dave to play with an unknown number of blood packs in his cheeks that he was to pop at the first opportunity he saw in hopes of drawing a penalty?

Agent Tesla: I believe if you check the film of the game in question you will see that it happened exactly as I have described and if you check the court records will readily see that I am suing the opponent for their slanderous claims. That brute Redacted von Redacted maliciously attacked my client and I would argue it was with an intent to kill based on the damage done.

Head Referee: Funny you mention checking the film of the game as it seems that every single recording of the game was replaced with Shania Twain music videos. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?

Agent Tesla: That is quite the odd coincidence. I confess the only thing I know about that is whoever did it has good taste in music.

Head Referee sighs as Agent Tesla continues to stare at him blankly.

Head Referee: Look we know what happened here, we know you covered it up after the fact, but your boy got the penalty in the moment. Just don't have him do it again alright cause we'll be looking for it from now on. So can we agree you won't stuff his mouth with blood packs in the future whether you did so in the past or not?

Agent Tesla: I can agree to that yes. Thank you for seeing things my way. I've been meaning to practice my costume dentistry anyway.

Head Referee: What was that last bit?

Agent Tesla: Nothing!

Word Count: 351

Player Prompt:

The crowd watches as Luca’s head snaps backwards as his left head instantly comes up to his mouth. A whistle fills the rink as a ref’s hand is in the air as he points to Luca’s opponent who just got careless with his stick. A high stick is a high stick, regardless of how bad it hurts. Did Luca embellish a bit? Maybe, but that does not change the fact that a stick came up and hit a player in the face. Besides, drawing a penalty here could change the outcome of this game. A third period power play is exactly what the team needs to succeed and you bet your ass that Luca is going to sell that. In fact, I would expect my opponent to embellish if I, or another teammate, were the culprit. I think there would be a problem if the ref did not make a call on a clear high stick.


[Image: Niktox.gif]
Specters Monarchs Berserkers Scarecrows [Image: italian-flag.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=tO...eKFgvtgqU=]

Specters Armada Scarecrows Czechia
Panthers Specters Jets Scarecrows Usa [Image: 4star.png] [Image: challengecup.png] [Image: challengecup.png]
RIP Dangel #AD26  |  RIP TDZ

What do Marty McSorley and Brett Hull have in common? They've both taken the FATTEST of L's in crucial moments of the games that eventually would see their team cry in pain as their nemesis in the finals hoisted the cup. Specifically in McSorley's case, a penalty he took would lead Montreal to the promise land as he put his team in quite the pickle with an illegal curve. So its an obvious no brainer that you play hard and try to catch them lacking, benefit from a moment of snoozy time to get the extra man on the ice, pot the goal, take the L and bathe in eternal glory as Four Star Cup champions!

Uh, maybe got ahead of myself here, we're not in the finals... YET. So nah, we're good enough as is that we don't need to default to such strategies, we ain't wimps, WE'RE SQUIDS, WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON BEING SQUIDS AND WILL WIN AS SUCH. NO EOTTIRD'S LADS AND LADETTES, THE KRAKEN AINT TAKING NO CRAP FROM NOBODY.

(174 words)

[Image: image.png]  [Image: lap-teamsig.png]
@jason kranz sig elite / @sulovilen elite sig
[Image: 7MO9RpC.png] [Image: G1cbXSf.png] [Image: gdppv5N.png]
Panthers Ireland Highlanders
[Image: YBIH.png]

Player Prompt

It is definitely a tough call on if I would take the embellishment or not and it also comes down to the stick contact and how close it is or it actually touches. By the question of it grazing my chin, if it touches and I can feel it then my head is going back regardless of that is seen as embellishing the call or fear because a giant piece of wood just touched my chin. I do not think I would be one to fall to the ice and go full soccer mode over something like that but I would 100% be trying to earn that call. It's a fine line though because if it just swings near my face and doesn't touch I might flinch out of fear but it wouldn't be trying to draw a penalty. However, thats up to the refs if they call a penalty because of that or not and I'm not going to argue against one if it went my way even if it was wrong.

173 words

[Image: thedangazone.gif]


I have to say that I would absolutely be the dog to embelish the penalty. From birth Nash was taught to perform tricks and embellishing ever so slightly is something worth accomplishing for the good of the team. For me its more of a hey i need to show you that this really happened. THe stick is close, i'm gonna flinch and do my best to protect myself out on the ice. i'm not past giving someone a tap on the back of the leg, but I do draw the line at biting. Thats what the cages and face masks are for right? So we can't bite? Even though Detroit is coming off a 4 star cup win, I would do anything for my team to make sure that we can go and hoist that cup once again. There is no better honor and I am willing to put it all on the (blue) line, to get us there. SKREEE!

[Image: topalo2.png] [Image: sig-nash.png]
[Image: Rangerjasegmailcom.gif]

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