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Chirper #7 (AC Week #465)

This is crazy

[Image: frankenstero.png]
Thanks Ragnarr!

Hockey maybe?

[Image: frankenstero.png]
Thanks Ragnarr!

The race for 1st overall pick is really heating up

I am going full Chirp someone hold me back

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

Konché congratulé awardé

[Image: lespoils.gif]

Both my teams are off to rough starts here. But that cool because it time for a Mighty Ducks level come back montage!

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

Ounté Holmé

[Image: lespoils.gif]

What kind of media would interest you? What would make you read it? No, getting paid is not an option.

04-01-2023, 12:31 AMSeany148 Wrote: What kind of media would interest you? What would make you read it? No, getting paid is not an option.

In general, I think people only read media if it's done by a friend or teammates, or it is specifically about their player or team. I imagine the majority of us are not professional writers or journalists; it's hard to write entertaining pieces that people would like to read if it isn't directly about them. Part of the problem is media pay is based on length, which tends to reduce quality and in many cases the likeliness that a third party would be interested in reading it.

Citadelles  S68 - Jarrod Lakemore - C Stampede

Thanks to the Awards team, this was a great show tonight.

And congrats to @Matty7478 's Jacob Fournier for the Best Defensive Forward award!

Ekaterina Valieva - Baltimore Platoon
Co-GM - Maine Timber

[Image: ekaterina-valieva-spotlight.png]
Thanks @xjoverax for the sig!

Season is definitely moving along faster

[Image: the5urrealshl.gif]

[Image: 9TttCL9.png][Image: kPo7Awc.png][Image: M98Qi4H.png]

First week of the regular season done Smile

Finally weekend. But no SHL?

[Image: TomPedersenCD.jpg]
[Image: cgv4vCv.png][Image: 3Kip7R0.png][Image: ivBf7yq.png][Image: cEbgUph.png]

What are the favourite thing to eat on weekends? I like taco Norwegian style

[Image: TomPedersenCD.jpg]
[Image: cgv4vCv.png][Image: 3Kip7R0.png][Image: ivBf7yq.png][Image: cEbgUph.png]

First GWG last night! More to come!

[Image: lq0SFPP.png]

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