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S76 PT #5: Push it to the limit Due: Sunday, May 12th @ 11:59 PM PST


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Option 2:

Denebor Milasch was playing the best hockey of his career at the end the regular season and is ready to gear up for the Carolina Kraken in the playoffs. The most important thing to Denebor is to keep his usual routine before games and not treat playoff hockey any different. He still gets up early for an early morning work out, some tea, and a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries. He then will go the rink  and work on his hand eye by bouncing a ball off the wall in the locker room next to his stall. Once the rest of the team is around he will join them for the morning skate and go through his usual drills before leaving the ice early to speak with the trainers about anything nagging him or needing to be worked on. After that he heads home and takes and eats a carbohydrate heavy lunch and takes a nap before the game. Once its closer to game time he goes back to the rink, suits up, and gets focused for the up coming game. Its worked for 40 games thus far this season and it will see him to playing his best in the post season in his final run with the Kraken.

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Thank you @Ragnar  for the Sig!
Previously: Patrick Shepherd (S52 - S64)

Option 2:

Being a rookie, I knew going in that my production wouldn't be where I wanted. The SHL is a tough league to jump into in your first season, especially as a defenceman. Offensively, I really struggled to find the score sheet, but I felt my defensive game was acceptable. Each game, I was more and more comfortable and finding my groove on the ice. Going into the playoffs, I was happy with my play.

Now that the playoffs are here, I definitely think there is another level I can hit. There is a ton of room for improvement on the offensive side. We always talk about depth being key in any playoff run and I think if I can take a step on the offensive side it could help turn a series in our favour. Defensively, I feel confident that I can continue to improve. I've been working tirelessly on my strength and positioning which I find is helping me separate the opposition from the puck. If I can step my game up, that will really help the depth of our defence and solidify this roster for a deep playoff run.

(191 words)

Guy Incognito - D - #24
Texas Renegades
Season 79
Regular Season - [G 0] [A 0] [Pts 0] [+/- 0] [PIM 0] [Hits 0] [SB 0]

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It's no secret that the SHL boasts some of the toughest and most resilient athletes in the game, but what's their secret to staying injury-free? Look no further than SHL Kush, the premier supplements website trusted by SHL players for maintaining peak performance and durability on the ice. With SHL Kush, players have access to a wide range of high-quality supplements designed to support their physical and mental well-being. From recovery aids to energy boosters, SHL Kush offers everything athletes need to stay at the top of their game. And now, in celebration of Augustus Wang's SHL Hall of Fame induction, SHL Kush is offering an exclusive discount code: WANG20 - only available for use on With this code, players and fans alike can enjoy 20% off their entire purchase, making it easier than ever to experience the benefits of SHL Kush for themselves. So whether you're looking to enhance your performance, speed up recovery, or simply maintain your competitive edge, trust SHL Kush to help you stay injury-free and ready to dominate the ice.

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

Simmer PT Pass

Written Option 2: Playoffs are here and it is time to put in the next gear. Do you think your player can up their game to next level and how do they do it? If they were already playing their best hockey during the regular season, how do they ensure they can keep up the level of play through all of the playoffs?

Somehow Furious Chicken managed to be the defender with the most amount of goals during the regular season. Now the goal is finding out how this came to be and keep repeating this. But that is mainly for the coaching staff, and for next season. For now it is mainly continue “just” playing like Chicken used to, and not think too much about all of the circumstances around his many goals. Of course this is for the attacking portion of play, in the defensive portion Furious Chicken still has quite a lot to learn all-around the board. After the first round Chicken’s goals did not stay high anymore, but one thing he has become good in is getting assists, and hey whether it is an assist or a goal it does not really matter, as long as he manages to help his team winning as many games as possible. Now the first round is over the Buffalo Stampede is getting ready for the Hamilton Steelhawks.

165 words

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Option 1: there is no secret behind how no one gets injured they are just so good that they never get injured they never even get sick they just eat healty and are fit what makes them able to play for so much i mean have you eaten not healty and switched to helaty you can clearly see the diffrence that you get less sick and to avoid injuries they just wear their stuff propelly and with an extra protection to avoid injuries from areas where you would ussualy get that also some players just straight up aren't human so they can avoid injuries much easier then most people but for humans they just eat healty workout etc whatever you can think of to make you avoid more injuries they do it don't question it the league tottaly isn't trying to hide their really good doctors and drugs what they are giving to t he player

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(This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 10:33 AM by chetib.)

Option 1: It truly is a marvel of the medical world. The Simulation Hockey League, has never once in its history ever had an injury. Not a concussion, not a pulled muscle not even a scratch. Some league are jealous and don't understand how the SHL has been so fortunate to keep all their players so healthy. Well it can be partially attributed to the world class medical staff each team employees. Each medical professional needs to be the absolute best in their field and offer the highest end of pre-injury care. Players are given daily physicals with the latest in medical technology so injuries can be prevented before they occur. On top of this there is also a world of respect for each player from the opposing team. So while there can be some heavy hitting players in the league they do so with the knowledge that we don't injure because everyone has a life to go home to. Players are taught how to give and take a hit so everyone is on the same page. The SHL is truly the envy of every other league.

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

PT Pass

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06-11-2021, 05:33 PMKenitohMenara Wrote: [Image: BLUE.jpeg]
Welcome to the hall, Ben!


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hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

SMJHL Stats || SHL Stats
[Image: YZjkK9Q.png] PORTAL [Image: rwqM7d3.png]
Berserkers Elk Falcons Renegades Germany

Stats Pre-S53 || Stats S53+
[Image: yXVPZSm.png] [Image: updates2.png]
Outlaws Switzerland Wolfpack
S53 All-Star and Richan Trophy Nominee
S60 Jeff Dar Trophy Winner
Never forget
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 11:10 AM by spidey. Edited 1 time in total.)


I think Logan Webb has reached his peak for this season. 40 goals, 43 assists, 83 points and lead the league in plus/minus. It was one hell of a season for a second line forward on second line power play time. While there is another gear or two yet to come in his career as he is still relatively young in the SHL, he just has not reached his peak, not yet. This season he reached his current limit.

Bad news, this is the best we will see out of him for the playoffs. Good news the best is pretty damn good. He should be able to replicate those numbers once again in the playoffs, his support crew has gotten better as he had during the regular season. And while the competition will be in general tougher in the playoffs, Logan Webb typically plays against a softer opponent as he typically lines up against second and third line rivals.

The big question can the entire Pride keep up their historical franchise pace, and the answer should be yes.

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Sig by Lazyeye
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Sig by DaBoot
Knights Timber pride

Option 2: This concept of "finding a new gear" and "pushing your game higher" is alien to Simo. Every game matters, from the first time the puck drops on a season to the final whistle, because everything plays into league position and setting the team up for as easy a playoff run as possible - under those conditions, why would you NOT play as if each game were critical? Moreover, as far as Simo is concerned, slacking off against anybody is setting a bad example for the young players who look at him as a grizzled (22-year-old) veteran, because if he starts phoning it in how can he possibly hold the rookies accountable when they do the same thing? 

Of course, next season this isn't going to be the case, Simo will graduate and find himself a fresh-faced rookie. Is that going to stop him? God no. Then it'll be him pushing the pace and forcing the veterans to keep up. No such thing as a day off in Simotown.

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(This post was last modified: 05-09-2024, 01:14 PM by CreHuf8. Edited 2 times in total.)

Written #1: [247 words]

It is true that in the SHL, players tend to aviod injuries, but that dosent mean that we should not prepare for the instance where one may occur. Colorado Raptors Defenseman Chuff D'Lee has it down to a science. And though we are not positive that what he does has any effect on staying healthy or not, we are here today to share his secret training. Sources say Chuff has been seen stainding naked in the Great Basin desert during a sand storm. When asked to comment, Chuff stated that this helps form a full body callus. "Your skin is your first layer of defense" he told reporter Ted Taylor. A close friend says that Chuff will often visit Niagra Falls and do pullups under the waterfall, though this has not been documented. Some say that Chuff will often strap himself onto the wings of a duster plane and get flown around during high winds and sleet. When looking for where he performs this, we found several trips a year to Kansas marked in his day planner. Ted Taylor hopes to record the event next time it occurs. What we do know is Chuff will never touch lotion. He wont even go into the beauty section of the grocery store in fear that some could touch him. Are all these practices aiding twords his durability? Who knows, but what we do know is Chuff can take a hit and sure can give a strong one back.

Graphic 1 - Robo Sven recovering after blocking more than 1 shot in a game

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Option 1:

I personally think in a world like the SHL where Pokemon can play hockey, I honestly think the reason that there are no injuries in the league is due to some kind of healing magic. Basically, the doctors in the league have spells that alleviate pain and stop injuries just so that the stars in the league can keep on playing and there are no down periods in the league when it comes to star power. The doctor all have to first go to medical training and then they have to go through training in both magic healing and ways to keep players from becoming too exhausted.

Every team is given thier own team of doctors that follow the team around, and the doctors are also different species depending on what species the players are. For example, Sir Devoir sometimes needs the help of an Audino pokemon or two and a Nurse Joy to keep him in top shape and always ready to step onto the ice and play up to his best.

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[Image: Darby-Reznor-MET-sig.jpg]

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