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S77 PT #2: Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger Due: Sunday, June 23rd @ 11:59 PM PST

Sometimes the opponent is just going to be better than you; whether that be physical gifts, mental gifts, or a combination of the two. The key for Edouard Lavoie is to remain consistent. Trust in the game plan provided by the coaches, focus on the fundamentals, and play as reliably as possible to create the best sum total you can for your team. If you can do that on a regular basis, you can overcome individual superstars on the other team. Edouard, himself, may not be able to match up against Inge Baardsen physically or against Tomas Suchanek on his own in the open ice, but with his teammates he is confident that he can beat any opposing player and any opposing team. Edouard's game is not about Edouard, it is about coming together as a unit to perform better as a group than as the sum of the individual parts. He has always believed that the team is more important than the individual ever since he started playing the game.

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Mia Lavoie relies pretty heavily on her abilities to speed down the ice and shoot with precision. In cases where she can't outrace her opponent, she takes whatever actions she can to out-maneuver them and find some open ice to set her apart from other skaters or give her some room to make a solid play. In situations where that's not possible and Mia has trouble winning the puck battle, she looks to her linemates for more support. Hockey is a team sport, and Maine has a strong group that gels together well. JJ Frankie JJ is usually close by to bring the body and match the big guys physically, while Edouard Lavoie is ready to get in the dirty areas and take advantage of the next quick pass or bounce that comes his way. Defenders on the roster, like Deth Klaw and Jacppo Nummilavin, are also ready to step up and bring a more physical aspect to the game when they're called upon to do so.

[Image: kyamprac1.gif]
thank you amid, swoosh and eni for sigs! <3

PBE affiliate

Ekaterina Valieva - Baltimore Platoon
Co-GM - Maine Timber

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Thanks @xjoverax for the sig!

Written Option 1: Your player has been chosen to undergo a player enhancement program à la Captain America in order to create the next super SHL player to make the league more entertaining for fans. How does your player gain their newfound abilities? What sort of superhuman abilities does this program give your player? What would be their peak TPE?

Tom Pedersen, the left winger playing right wing on the Calgary Dragons, has been chosen to undergo a revolutionary player enhancement program, reminiscent of Captain America. This cutting-wedge program, designed to elevate the SHL's entertainment value, involves a series of advanced bio-engineering procedures and rigorous physical conditioning. It is called the Captain America Trainingz program. The only thing missing in the acronym is HE which Tom Pedersen will add.

How this program works is quite evil. All TPE assignments get five extra TPE on grading and all fixed attributes like leadership and such are changed to 20.

With these enhancements, Tom's peak TPE will pop over 2k, making him a force to be reckoned with again, even with post menopause regression symptoms. The fans are thrilled as they witness a new era of hockey, with Tom Pedersen leading the charge, transforming the sport into a spectacle of sheer excitement and athletic athleticism.

Words: 152

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Option 2:

Beck plays mind games. If someone is bigger or better or faster or stronger (unlikely, but still), then he takes the mind approach. "Smarter" was left off this list for a reason because Beck is smarter than most of his opponents. And mind games don't always have to be clean and proper. Some cheap shots here, some holds and spears there keeps them in line. Other players can't skate very well if they just got a crosscheck to the back, now can they? Since the refs are already in the pocket of Winnipeg, they let him get away with anything he likes to hurt the opponent. It is most evident with the new blood, the young rookies. They don't know the situation up here and often run into the chopping block before they even know what is happening. Sure, the younger kids may be better, but it pays to be smart and sly too. Smile

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Credit to enigmatic, Merica, tweedledunn, and jaypc8237 for sigs


Option 2:

Throughout his hockey career, Marek Carda has been praised for his awareness and general hockey mind. He’s often used his brain to either keep up with or take control of the play throughout his ascension to the SHL level, oftentimes leaning on it to compensate for other areas – most notably physicals, where he was behind developmentally until only recently. Given that he is a heady player, he is often quick to assess both those on his own team as well as the opponent and can make snap decisions on how to counter what anyone is bringing to the table – which evolves on a game by game or opponent by opponent basis. Sometimes tight coverage is required, while sometimes Carda will back off and let the opponent come to him. Sometimes it’s about giving or taking away space in the right areas or forcing the opposition into pick plays. Marek’s second most notable trait is his work ethic. Once again, like his brain, he grew up as one of the less skillful players and made up for it in other areas, including outworking everyone else. He used a combination of hockey instinct and brute force to get this far into his career and so far, it’s paid off. There may be a time when more responsibility falls to him in the SHL and he’ll need to add more skillful elements to his game, but it is not this day. For now, out-thinking and out-working the opponents is still paying off in third-line matchups.

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Sometimes in sports, no matter how hard you train and try, you may not be the best player on the ice, which is why hockey is such an amazing team sport. To answer the question, it is definitely relying on my brains more than my actual skills, and working with my teammates on the daily to be able to practice how to handle the top players all around the ice. As more of a scoring defenseman, I really need to trust that my teammates will be where the need to be on the ice at all times, so always being aggressive myself will also help myself win those battle with those top players. I wish I could say I had a secret weapon, but truly it is just working hard with my team mates each day and making sure I can keep my speed as high as possible to keep up with the speediest of players. 

The league is following the world in terms of AI and is creating its first superhuman SHL player. They have chosen wolf off the New Orleans spectres and he will be undergoing his procedure later this week. Here is what they have planned.:

Iron Man. They’re going to take out some of the parts inside of him and replace them with technology made from Elon musk and Nvidia. It’s even been rumoured that they’ve been talking with Apple to have communication systems built into his mind with the coach. He’s going to be micro chipped up with the version of AI. He will be able to see analysis and data with his eyes and control a lot of things with his mind in terms of his performance. it will make him stronger and smarter. It’s also rumoured that it is going to be solar powered, and there will be a minor solar panel built into him, but the area at this time is disclosed. It’s going to be minimal and the charging will have to be very small. While the system does use a lot of energy, the battery life is very strong and charges fast from minimal sunlight.


Option 2:
My player if they are facing against somone who outmatches them in one skill try to counter it with a skill he himself is better at like as an example if for example somone is far superior in hitting and puck figthing i would try to avoid him so he cant use his skills to his advantage at all this means i would be playing better since if i could avoid those kind of things i just overall play a better game. And my player tries to win battles with a better physical battle by trying to avoid them in the first place since you can't lose them if you don't fight them but if he would be forced to he would try to tire the opponent out and win the fight that way so when the oppoent is better i could still play better at the end since the opponent is more tired then i

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Ace Lightning should be at the peak of his game heading into his fifth SHL season, and if his training has gone correctly, there should be no player better than him or able to get past him in the defensive zone. Some players do end up getting around him though, and Ace allows them one free one, but if they outsmart him or get past him a second time, Lightning makes sure he feels it with a stick to the shins. A third time? How about a crosscheck to the ribs, followed by a face wash after the whistle. Ace Lightning is a dirty player and he’s not afraid to admit it off camera. But Ace is known for a secret weapon that explains why his defensive stats are so good and nobody dares try getting past him anymore, and that’s the butt end of the stick. When the ref isn’t looking, a well place butt end can make all the difference.

Opt 1

When at first Georg N'Zola was offered to be a part of the new build-a-player protocol SHL and especially @Canadice had been working on for a long while it took him a while to decide but eventually decided to join the program, you know.. for science..
Given one of the two options to either enhance the players physical skill or individual hockey skill, N'Zola chose physical skill for certain. After his treatment he is now able to accelerate his skating to a whopping 100 miles an hour on the long run, on top of being able to make sharp turns at 60mph speed. The length of his skills can simply be demonstrated by a simple fact that N'Zola can now skate from one end of the rink to the other end of the rink in just 4 strokes. Nobody can now challenge the puck on either ends of the ice near any boards because they are guaranteed to get hit by a truck in the form of a player

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Will Tomlander decides to get an experimental surgery which implants rubber bands on his arms as well as his legs. This gives him extra power when he winds up for a slap shot, and also for when he jumps to try to grab a puck. Unfortunately in order to do this he needs to wind himself up so it takes a little while to do and is very situational. On the bright side this procedure has also made him more bouncy and durable so that he can take more hits from opposing players, so that is a nice bonus.

One downside is that he has been feeling a little more stringy because of the style of the implants. The doctors have assured him that this is normal and that he can get used to the sensation in time. The next generation of rubber bouncy implants are said to be ball shaped and offer more protection for those that dish out or take a lot of hits, and he might try that next.

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It isn’t exactly a new revelation that Olivija Agate is part of a superhuman testing program. She came from the middle of nowhere in Latvia, obviously she’s a superhuman. The goal is for her to reach several thousand TPE, should her physical form be able to handle it. Her mental capacity is already through the roof, and her brain is growing every week. It is actually starting to get a bit concerning, as her skull is out of room to hold such a massive, wrinkly supercomputer.

How did she get into this program you might ask? Well everyone is! They just have to be really subtle about it, particularly on the international hockey stage so that people don’t get too suspicious. They let Canada and the USA have their fun, while they send NHL All-Star Zemgus Girgensons to keep people off their scent. In fact his superhuman ability is to get people off Latvia’s scent. It’s a whole thing.

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