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S78 PT #5: Playoff Woahs and Woes Due: Sunday, September 15th @ 11:59 PM PST
(This post was last modified: 09-15-2024, 11:33 PM by Fluberwusterdinge.)

Written Option 1:

It's true that every player is looking out for a chance to shine. Some positions have an easier time, and some players try harder than others too.

Andrea definitely is one who would rather not miss the opportunity if given a chance. While he takes on a more active role in rather defensive roles in regards to some of his partners, he's one who sees the field, and can only start thinking on ways to get a play going, a goal scored, a pass secured, in other words, get things to happen.

Sure, it's nice to be the star of the game, or a peak scorer. But Andrea takes great enjoyment in his role as a counter-attacking forward and playmaker. He'd go to hefty lengths to secure a risky puck or pass, to make something uncanny and unlikely culminate into something great and memorable. And just like food, there's no better way to get it, than with friends and partners. Those who he'll he reliably looking after, often allowing for them to share the moment and merit of a great play by letting them be the ones to conclude the play.

Written option 2 (172 words):

The way that Cal Juice deals with the pressure of the trying to be one of the best is by not putting that pressure on himself. Yes everyone in the SHL wants to be the best, but the reality is that only one team gets to the lift the cup at the end of the season. Regardless of the expectations the odds are stacked against you so you can't you put that on yourself. You just have to get to the end of the season knowing that you trained and played as hard as you could and whatever happens beyond that is out of your control. There are 16 other players on the team beside yourself and 17 players on the other team in every game. You could do literally everything right and still end up losing. That's true in life and it's true in hockey. Losing is just a part of playing games, but if you can end your career having won at least one cup then that's pretty darn sweet!

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[Image: doubtfulalpha.gif]
[Image: 0XJkcN5.png]
[Image: vHNIXVO.png][Image: 639861613880541184.png] Cal Juice [Image: 639861613880541184.png][Image: RyzkmSj.png]
[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] Tomas Zadina
[Image: tkMQzhf.png] Brady McIntyre
[Image: ice-level.svg]

Mary's playoff performances in Regina were routinely horrible. She also has not made the playoffs in her time with Manhattan (granted, it has been one season so far). During her time with the Elkses (may they rest in piss ice), Mary put up some horrible numbers. This was despite the fact that she was often one of the primary offensive options for her team. I guess you could say that she has a bit of a reputation at this point for being some sort of regular season merchant. Maybe she was trying to put on a show for the crowd, and that's what led to her horrible numbers. The rare playoff goals that she did score could lend some credence to that theory. I distinctly remember one of her playoff goals being some sort of bizarre wraparound thing. That was pretty sick. Maybe if she cut that out and tried to be normal for once they would have had more success. What a flop of a captain.

Elk  Rage
[Image: cLeHjn1.png]
Sig by sulovilen!
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isfl pt

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credit to Qwest

Option #1: Hoang doesn’t believe this is true at all, and in fact, he tries his hardest to bury the flashier part of his game for the playoffs in order to be more conservative. While a flashier game certainly gets the crowd on their feet and can lead to some goals, it also makes you a bigger target for physical play, making your efforts to make plays later in the season more difficult. What wins you games in the playoffs is a lack of mistakes, make the conservative play, ensure that you capitalize on opportunities. Don’t stick your neck out too far or paint a large target on your back. Ensure that you only break out your flashy skillset when it won’t come back to bite you and your team down the line. A playoff series is a grind, everyone’s locked in to be the cog in the better team. Maybe cool off on the Michigan attempts.

[Image: TRVzgUB.png][Image: dEdEwDx.png]



Written Option 2:

The pressure of winning the cup is always a big facotr in micool"s house, meaning for the legacies of Nathangus McExplosion. The motto of the house is im gonna win the cup. Repeating it many times a day, and in public, also comes with the pressure to perform when playoffs arrive. This is also a very relaxing mantra as it keeps the focus on the future and not in the past. Nathangus from the Colorado Raptors of the simulation junior major hockey league is excited to paly the falcons this week and surely his team will beat them and move on to the semi finals and get closer to the cup as he will elevate his play and carry his team as the captain deep into the playoffs. Also, his clone father Angus Mcfife is co-gm of the atlanta inferno of the simulation hockey league. The pressure also comes to the co-gm as he really wants to see his players win the cup and also win it as a management piece. He thinks the best way to win the cup is by max earning (whatever that means lmao) and to also keep a positive vibe in the locker room because everyone knows toxic locker rooms never win cups.

Character Page RD- Quarterback
[Image: micool132.gif]

Retired players:
-Toki Wartooth
-Nathan Explosion btw
-Angus McFife XVIII

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Edouard Lavoie knows that it is a long shot to win anything. He has been part of very strong teams that arguably had a chance at winning it all and he has yet to do so. Despite these setbacks, Edouard knows that if he puts his head down and keeps working there is always a chance that it will be his team eventually. As long as he keeps working hard and surrounds himself with a culture of people who all want to win and are willing to put in the effort to do so, they will eventually get there. He does his best to motivate his teammates when possible and help them get better. He also relies on his teammates to improve himself. Lavoie is not much of a golfer, and prefers to take a few weeks off to recover and then get right back on the ice and begin working on improvement for the next season. He knows that the more prepared he is, the better results he will get.

[Image: MittschiffsSHL.gif]

Prompt 1

Patya understand question, but is kind of silly Patya think. Patya ALWAYS trying for impress crowd, especially in playoffs. Is Patya specialty for do things that is impressive, even now when Patya am very much gotten old. Patya try for cool dangles around defenders, like put puck between their legs, and tricky setups for shots on goalies. Patya also go for very neat passes to teammates for them for score goals. Patya still have hands and try for be unpredictable. Patya love for make crowd roar, either alone or with teammates. Is what Patya am living for! Now that you mentioning it, Patya do think he raise intensity in playoffs. Patya play heavier game because Patya packing pounds now from eat so much snacks.  Even with this, Patya still try for remain focus because focus much important for such high level of hockey playing. Patya just try his hardest for win every game because Patya love for win and this what drive Patya for be best he can be!

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]

With the odds stacked against my player, he wants to put not only himself but also his teammates in the best position to win a championship in both the SMJHL and the SHL. My player was able to win an SMJHL championship with the Raptors and it was an amazing experience, however there was a lot of pressure to make sure that my player was there to support his teammates both on and off the ice. Being a younger player on the team, my player challenged himself to be a vocal leader throughout the playoff run and it paid off tremendously for the team. My player has won a lot in his young career so far, however there has also been some defeats that left him asking "what more could I have done?". This was the question asked when the Raptors failed in their attempt to repeat and win back to back cups. It was a very tough offseason for my player but he motivated himself by constantly training and working out in the gym.

Vadim Askerov Player Page
Vadim Askerov Update Thread

Written Option 2

Thank s just might be the last chance for a Four Star Cup. Not just a Four Star Cup for Lyle Odelein IV, but s Four Star Cup for the entire Odelein family. This is the only trophy that hasn't been hosted by either Odelein.Coming into the younger Odelein's career, this was the one thing that he really wanted to achieve and he may not get another chance to do it. This seasons playoff exits is probably the hardest for Lyle, not only because this might have been his last chance, but also the way the Armada were eliminated. Due to an administration error, the first few games of the playoffs had to be replayed. This was announced after the Armada had already won their first two games, well on their way to starting a great playoff run. But luck was yet again, not on their side. They lost those first to games the second time around, and went on to lose the next two games as well, being swept in the first round of the S78 SMJHL playoffs. So, as it stands now, the Odelein's will still not be able to raise that Four Star Cup

[Image: Ci4nm13.png]sig by @Bruins10 
Scarecrows   Specters   Canada 

isfl pt

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Mr. Woggins does not feel the need to appeal to the fans. The fans do not matter. Only "they" matter. To appease "them" Mr. Woggins must mantain pinnacle focus and precision as a defenseman. To this end he has found himself a certain method to maintain focus, precision, and effectiveness for his own performance. Whenever he enters the arena, Mr. Woggins will focus upon the 98 Disciplines of "Them" reciting these disciplines in his mind. As the games become more intense over the course of the season, and as they ramp up in speed and difficulty, Mr. Woggins will often mutter these disciplines to himself as to put his focus into the game. For if no outside information reaches his brain, then Mr. Woggins may focus upon the game and the task at hand. Ensuring a strong and solid defense. This focus whilst he recites "Their" 98 Disciplines served Mr. Woggins well after his first cup win with Vancouver, and he has proclaimed a strong desire to continue his focus on the disciplines given to him in order to help his career in the future.


Option 2:

Losing in the playoffs simply is not an option.  But Rashford has found it hard given he's having to carry the likes of Derek Martin @Frenchie along.  Rashford finds himself spending more time motivating the young kid than he does thinking about the many, many, many times he has lost a cup final.  Some say it is a stain on Rashford's career.  Making the final quite a few times but only walking away with 1 Challenge cup Win.  Who knows, he hopes to get back to the final's someday soon but time will tell if he is able to contribute in any way like he used to in the past.  Hopefully the team isn't dragged down by Martin who is somehow not leading the entire SHL in playoff points right now.  Thankfully the Panthers were able to get past the Pride, and hope to keep the good times rolling in a tough battle against the crew from Texas


Leo has always been against flashy play. Yes it works for some people but when you’re 6’6, and not very good at skating and puckhandling you kind of have to play to the basics. That’s what he does best though. He’s also just a quiet personality so it wouldn’t really make sense for him to showboat a lot, and with the stakes so high in playoffs he especially wouldn’t take those risks. One thing fans do love about him is how he uses his size and he seems to do it even better during playoffs. His hits are bigger and sometimes there’s a fear he’ll break the glass, but he doesn’t throw these supermassive hits in regular season(even if his hits are still big then because ya know, 6’6…) and he makes even more dangerous blocks during the playoffs but somehow always comes out unscathed. He took a puck to the head once during his time in Quebec during the playoffs and it was stated he should’ve gotten brain damage from it but somehow it didn’t even leave a mark. Funny how that works.

[Image: Rn4Vt1E.png]

Written Option 2:

Oliver Castillon has experienced both lifting the cup and making a first round exit in his time in the SHL. It always stings to lose a playoff series, especially a drubbing, but he tries to take heart in some key ideas. One of them is, indeed, that the odds are stacked against him and his teammates. Another is that he tries to give as much as he can on the ice, leaving no regrets but accepting room for improvement. While that may change as he gets older, the prospect of continuing to grow and work toward being a better player is currently the focus that has helped him the most. That said, he does take a reprieve from hockey after the playoffs and before the IIHF to go golfing and unwind with his teammates in LA, and then spends time at his vineyards and distillery after the international tournament. It helps him reset and renew before diving back into the grind of professional hockey.
(164 Words)

[Image: olivercastillon.gif]

Thanks @enigmatic, @Carpy48, @Bayley, @Ragnar, @sulovilen, & @dasboot for the signatures!

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