01-05-2023, 12:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2023, 02:41 PM by awils13 . Edited 2 times in total.)
Whether you do your own research in an attempt to make an educated guess, submit random answers or just copy someone else, there is a lot of luck involved when it comes to PTs like mock draft, award predictions, etc.
If you consistently overperform or underperform in these PTs, it could in theory affect your peak TPE and career longevity.
But my guess is that no one is consistently bad in these PTs because even if you feel like you don't know what you're doing, you can always ask your LR for help or just copy someone else, which is fine, and it averages out, I'd assume most people are around the average.
On the other hand, there are users who usually put more effort into it, I know some people tend to do a lot of research before drafts and often have good mocks, but since drafts are difficult to predict and PTs like season predictions or playoff bracket depend on a multitude of variables and sim luck, my guess is that these users aren't that much better than league average tpe as well.
Basically, my hypothesis is that no matter what you do, you're gonna get the league average tpe for that task more often than not.
I feel like that makes sense, but let's look at the data for each type of task, specifically:
Mock drafts
Season predictions
Award predictions
IIHF predictions
Playoff bracket
I recorded how much tpe everyone got for these PTs over the last 10 seasons, and here are the results
Ctrl/Cmd + F search your name to see where you rank
*Note: if you have changed your user name, your old and new names will appear here separately as if it were different users. There's not much I can do about that, but name changes are probably rare enough not to skew the results.
Spreadsheet here
Mock drafts
Average tpe season by season
S59: 9.40
S60: 6.54
S61: 8.52
S62: 7.32
S63: 6.65
S64: 5.85
S65: 5.96
S66: 7.10
S67: 7.41
S68: 6.36
Total TPE last 10 seasons
1. jepox | 87.00
2. leafsftw1967 | 85.50
3. nhamlet | 83.00
4. halkohol | 82.00
5. keven | 82.00
6. sulovilen | 81.00
7. sve7en | 80.00
8. askedmadden | 79.50
9. z-whiz | 79.50
10. sfresh3 | 79.00
11. evok | 78.50
12. bdu754 | 78.00
13. rich | 78.00
14. valorx77 | 78.00
15. micool132 | 77.50
16. wearingabear | 77.50
17. raymond3000 | 77.00
18. slothfacekilla | 77.00
19. zaynzk | 77.00
20. jumbobone19 | 76.50
21. mementomori | 76.50
22. festinator | 75.50
23. gaby | 75.50
24. 5ympathies | 75.00
25. norwegiandemon | 75.00
26. jt3 | 74.00
27. tylar | 74.00
28. drunkenteddy | 73.50
29. jamestruong | 73.50
30. romaneseuntdomus | 73.50
31. fluw | 73.00
32. sköldpaddor | 73.00
33. steveoiscool | 73.00
34. lime | 72.50
35. marco999 | 72.00
36. carpy48 | 71.50
37. zombiewolf | 71.00
38. mr.finland | 70.00
39. crazymojito | 69.50
40. thewozy | 69.50
41. leviadan | 69.00
42. lilstifler | 69.00
43. raven | 69.00
44. salming | 69.00
45. ruggsy | 68.50
46. sakrosankt | 68.50
47. zoottx | 68.50
48. slashacm | 68.00
49. evil_allbran | 67.50
50. ronniewalker | 67.00
51. bendover | 67.00
52. leppish | 66.00
53. bluesfan55 | 65.50
54. aaronwilson | 65.00
55. by-tor | 64.50
56. captaincamel | 64.50
57. kyamprac | 64.00
58. qwest | 64.00
59. gurbs | 63.50
60. leafs4ever | 63.50
61. rangerjase | 63.50
62. acapitalchicago | 63.00
63. roastpuff | 63.00
64. briedaqueduc | 62.50
65. zeagle1 | 62.00
66. tweedledunn | 62.00
67. fantobens | 61.50
68. jeffie43 | 61.50
69. lmao | 61.50
70. goonerbear | 61.00
71. lordbirdman | 61.00
72. opera_phantom | 61.00
73. charlieconway | 60.50
74. grum | 60.50
75. taterswc | 60.50
76. notorioustron | 60.00
77. orbitingdeath | 60.00
78. otrebor13 | 60.00
79. retuperkele | 59.50
80. thelastheraclid | 59.50
81. segi | 59.00
82. picklejuice | 59.00
83. schwarznarr | 59.00
84. withthemoose | 59.00
85. amidships | 58.50
86. faelax | 58.50
87. krazko | 58.50
88. urq660 | 58.50
89. efischermann | 58.50
90. jay2233 | 58.50
91. toivo | 58.00
92. gwdjohnson | 57.50
93. blasoon | 57.00
94. mer | 57.00
95. sopath | 56.50
96. natedoeshockey | 56.50
97. kalesalad | 56.00
98. ragnar | 56.00
99. lespoils | 55.50
100. mazatt | 55.50
101. grapehead | 55.50
102. countchocula | 55.00
103. huck24 | 55.00
104. shmurph | 55.00
105. visceralpotamus | 55.00
106. fishy | 54.50
107. serpex13 | 54.50
108. gaiamormont | 54.00
109. golden_apricot | 54.00
110. mooty99 | 54.00
111. drokeep | 54.00
112. bruins10 | 53.50
113. the5urreal | 53.50
114. bk1689 | 53.00
115. gifterofbikes | 53.00
116. sewingwithnancy | 53.00
117. juke | 52.50
118. leafs1997 | 52.50
119. nerio | 52.50
120. vaxlare | 52.50
121. gordieboom | 52.00
122. ohtaay | 52.00
123. thunfish | 52.00
124. renojacksonhs | 52.00
125. bbjygm | 51.50
126. gordonbombay | 51.50
127. dextaria | 51.00
128. matteo | 51.00
129. zoone16 | 51.00
130. g2019 | 51.00
131. rum_ham | 50.50
132. steelhead77 | 50.50
133. dankoa | 50.00
134. vandy | 50.00
135. cementhands | 49.50
136. delirivm | 49.50
137. mylittlehexx | 49.50
138. highhaschdi | 49.50
139. bignewff | 49.50
140. sburbine | 49.50
141. 3lewsers | 49.00
142. jericson | 49.00
143. renomitsu | 49.00
144. crunk | 49.00
145. arkz | 48.50
146. hhh81 | 48.50
147. kylrad | 48.50
148. esso2264 | 48.00
149. juniped | 48.00
150. wumaduce | 48.00
151. symmetrik | 48.00
152. enigmatic | 47.50
153. exilate | 47.50
154. kentakira | 47.50
155. buster | 47.00
156. highstickking | 47.00
157. rankle | 46.50
158. mn_moosey | 46.50
159. ckroyal92 | 46.00
160. katth | 46.00
161. supertardis101 | 46.00
162. mcpumpkin | 46.00
163. jorec | 45.50
164. patty | 45.50
165. c9van | 45.00
166. canes2112 | 45.00
167. accka | 45.00
168. skeletonparty | 44.50
169. o4l | 44.50
170. andy | 44.00
171. gcool | 44.00
172. kenvald | 44.00
173. kenitohmenara | 43.50
174. canadianduck | 43.00
175. dogwoodmaple | 43.00
176. fever95 | 43.00
177. kierkan | 43.00
178. toast | 43.00
179. zomp | 43.00
180. inverted | 42.50
181. nike | 42.50
182. trashae | 42.50
183. lorec | 42.50
184. stadiumgambler | 42.00
185. capt_blitzkrieg | 41.50
186. the__y-man__100 | 41.50
187. trautner | 41.50
188. goilers | 41.50
189. lb3737 | 41.00
190. brickwall35 | 41.00
191. thunder39 | 41.00
192. grimreaper | 40.50
193. spartangibbles | 40.50
194. unconfident69 | 40.50
195. r1c3bowl22 | 40.50
196. bongo | 40.00
197. projectsaint | 40.00
198. basedminkus | 39.50
199. kikish18 | 39.50
200. tapdancingnecrons | 39.50
201. jss331 | 39.50
202. ramenamen | 39.50
203. boom | 39.00
204. fitted2106 | 39.00
205. mediocre_fred | 39.00
206. rancidbudgie | 39.00
207. tesla | 39.00
208. karlssens | 38.50
209. r0tzbua | 38.50
210. dmuda11 | 38.50
211. wannabefinn | 38.50
212. snuffalupagus | 38.00
213. theflash | 38.00
214. thesparkydee | 38.00
215. aw13 | 37.50
216. cptsquall | 37.50
217. damienj10 | 37.50
218. nour | 37.50
219. artermis | 37.50
220. canadice | 37.00
221. flappygiraffe | 37.00
222. jumpierpegasus | 37.00
223. overdoo | 37.00
224. siddhus | 37.00
225. keygan | 37.00
226. flowseidon | 36.50
227. frick_nasty | 36.50
228. jaythegreat | 36.50
229. rotticusscott | 36.50
230. academydropout | 36.50
231. juosu | 36.00
232. luketd | 36.00
233. crutch | 36.00
234. inf1d3l | 36.00
235. .laser | 36.00
236. thiefofcheese | 36.00
237. bjkman | 35.50
238. waters | 35.50
239. njbadapple | 35.50
240. barnabascollins | 35.00
241. mooney | 35.00
242. premierbromanov | 35.00
243. nictox | 35.00
244. crazylemire | 35.00
245. mp7 | 34.50
246. mutedfaith | 34.50
247. sebster | 34.50
248. z0rem | 34.50
249. blastmeaway | 34.00
250. juliotokolosh | 34.00
251. rabidsponge21 | 34.00
252. spooked | 34.00
253. tnlastatine | 34.00
254. traphag | 34.00
255. xleafer | 34.00
256. aephino | 33.50
257. muford | 33.50
258. spartan | 33.00
259. tommytightpants | 33.00
260. vic03 | 33.00
261. suavemente | 32.50
262. takethehorizon | 32.50
263. tayjay | 32.50
264. scrufdaddy | 32.50
265. aircrou | 32.50
266. badwolf | 32.00
267. jobin | 32.00
268. leoben | 32.00
269. negs77 | 32.00
270. finnrhys | 31.50
271. campinkiller | 31.50
272. kraagenskul | 31.50
273. advenny4 | 31.50
274. wildfiremicro | 31.00
275. punk42ae | 31.00
276. shylo_moxii | 30.50
277. jonnytsunami | 30.00
278. grok | 30.00
279. southpaw | 30.00
280. thecc | 30.00
281. aleris | 29.50
282. blix900 | 29.50
283. caltroit_red_flames | 29.00
284. peej2189 | 29.00
285. st4rface | 29.00
286. tubbytim69 | 29.00
287. jimmysmo27 | 29.00
288. capncooper | 29.00
289. jss | 28.50
290. cptgoosar | 28.50
291. secondsucks22 | 28.00
292. simo_393 | 28.00
293. dangles13 | 28.00
294. ferda | 27.50
295. hewasajazzman | 27.50
296. kalakar | 27.50
297. duff101 | 27.50
298. vikian | 27.50
299. merica | 27.50
300. gooney | 27.50
301. holtzfan10 | 27.50
302. talls | 27.00
303. velevra | 27.00
304. mayuu | 26.50
305. naosu | 26.50
306. trempale | 26.50
307. valpix | 26.50
308. cyanide | 26.00
309. grannypanpan | 26.00
310. eynhallow | 26.00
311. zema | 26.00
312. dewalt27 | 25.50
313. .bojo | 25.00
314. bayley | 25.00
315. honkerrs | 25.00
316. durden | 25.00
317. dollarandadream | 24.50
318. geekusoid | 24.50
319. jruutu | 24.00
320. darkcanuck29 | 24.00
321. larrythemvp | 24.00
322. thegreattoejam | 24.00
323. moreorless89 | 23.50
324. benpachi | 23.50
325. hantheman_ | 23.50
326. cobbenstein | 23.00
327. redderder15 | 23.00
328. mastersheep | 23.00
329. ericncsu | 22.50
330. massivecoiler | 22.50
331. bibleman19 | 22.50
332. brewskyboy | 22.00
333. kc15 | 22.00
334. soulja | 22.00
335. wasty | 22.00
336. jaywhy | 22.00
337. dagumpa | 21.50
338. sivart | 21.50
339. graydonsanatomy | 21.50
340. justice | 21.50
341. tonzy | 21.50
342. esilverm | 21.50
343. henrik | 21.50
344. ddrector | 21.00
345. emeril | 21.00
346. ctots | 20.50
347. hallsyy | 20.50
348. gumbaman | 20.00
349. jtam | 20.00
350. seymoursnatches | 20.00
351. hordle | 19.50
352. hoovuh | 19.00
353. chris-mczehrl | 19.00
354. captaincrazy | 18.50
355. iamslm22 | 18.50
356. mcgriddleluver | 18.50
357. wongy | 18.50
358. chevy | 18.50
359. gucci | 18.00
360. jearim | 18.00
361. mook | 18.00
362. tommysalami | 18.00
363. tacocat2 | 18.00
364. caleb_h | 18.00
365. runningman434 | 18.00
366. rev | 17.50
367. stamkosfan | 17.50
368. dylanjj37 | 17.50
369. allegiant | 17.50
370. frazzle14 | 17.00
371. randominoe | 17.00
372. yonggarius | 17.00
373. monochroma | 17.00
374. muerto | 17.00
375. washed-uptrash | 17.00
376. whitecap | 17.00
377. habsfanfromontario | 17.00
378. adamantium | 17.00
379. blakec1414 | 17.00
380. tomtommen | 17.00
381. mrstennett | 16.50
382. cheerfulbender20 | 16.50
383. ztevans | 16.50
384. dhoop | 16.50
385. samsungvirtualassistant | 16.50
386. gr4vy | 16.50
387. jala | 16.00
388. byrdeman | 16.00
389. deng | 16.00
390. evident_rogue | 16.00
391. omniscius | 16.00
392. armthesharks | 16.00
393. jogurtaa | 15.50
394. keenan | 15.50
395. mika_kandinsky | 15.50
396. bfine | 15.50
397. johnnypatey | 15.50
398. anthique | 15.50
399. jackers41 | 15.00
400. majesiu | 15.00
401. teztify | 15.00
402. bbp | 15.00
403. matty7478 | 15.00
404. banackock | 15.00
405. _blitz_ | 15.00
406. erikvm | 15.00
407. scorycory | 14.50
408. greencityny | 14.50
409. michiganonymous | 14.50
410. sdcore | 14.00
411. thisseemsfishy | 14.00
412. vrtxl4s3r | 14.00
413. jajaswegdingdong | 13.50
414. ashes | 13.50
415. jackkmart | 13.50
416. lazyeye | 13.00
417. drb1gmack | 13.00
418. theroopehintzeffect | 13.00
419. curbeecurbs | 13.00
420. legend | 13.00
421. dannyc | 12.50
422. ml002 | 12.50
423. rockybaljoa | 12.50
424. romancebrownjr | 12.50
425. froste39 | 12.50
426. itsfrenchie | 12.50
427. minaj27 | 12.50
428. nyr73 | 12.50
429. sloppypainter | 12.50
430. bolobill | 12.00
431. pythonic | 12.00
432. jumpseat | 12.00
433. frijolhead | 11.50
434. mee | 11.50
435. yagoyi | 11.50
436. finch | 11.50
437. vulfzilla | 11.50
438. arctic | 11.50
439. thedangazone | 11.50
440. lore | 11.50
441. 124715 | 11.00
442. ace | 11.00
443. acsolap | 11.00
444. cahtahhaht | 11.00
445. emiko | 11.00
446. jnh | 11.00
447. thehammer43 | 11.00
448. alemanpete | 11.00
449. 39alaska39 | 10.50
450. fleshbagsoup | 10.50
451. paq | 10.50
452. reid | 10.50
453. xtri | 10.50
454. ntg | 10.50
455. ajwllmsn | 10.50
456. liebolda | 10.50
457. lordbolo | 10.00
458. snoopdogg | 10.00
459. tate | 10.00
460. bilbo | 9.50
461. dasboot | 9.50
462. demolish | 9.50
463. geckoeygecko | 9.50
464. habsfan6776 | 9.50
465. mavfatha | 9.50
466. mcp_ | 9.50
467. podzilla111 | 9.50
468. slappydoodle | 9.50
469. tomhanks | 9.50
470. lobbanet | 9.50
471. lsufan101 | 9.50
472. tanner | 9.50
473. kast3rborous | 9.50
474. marcul_le_depanneur | 9.50
475. algringo | 9.00
476. h0ppy75 | 9.00
477. ursinz | 9.00
478. duffleman2002 | 9.00
479. jlutz14 | 9.00
480. jstmaro | 8.50
481. littleb | 8.50
482. lukstins88 | 8.50
483. guriinwoodo | 8.50
484. jjlangabeer | 8.50
485. katarn22 | 8.50
486. tmuse | 8.50
487. dmills3 | 8.50
488. namelessnate | 8.50
489. shan3p | 8.50
490. beaver | 8.50
491. feeler | 8.50
492. jmacncheese | 8.50
493. mcal95 | 8.50
494. narb111 | 8.50
495. pat | 8.00
496. cleanandreikostitsyn | 8.00
497. simplyincorrect | 8.00
498. avakael | 8.00
499. formuleun | 8.00
500. mdavidson | 8.00
501. austin623 | 8.00
502. noname | 8.00
503. vbottas17 | 8.00
504. boucherfan12 | 7.50
505. faded | 7.50
506. villagebc | 7.50
507. bubbatree | 7.50
508. edgerocks1 | 7.50
509. staticshocked | 7.50
510. justanotherhockeyfan | 7.50
511. cd12 | 7.00
512. outoftoast | 7.00
513. uberbj | 7.00
514. agentsmith630 | 7.00
515. sleepy | 7.00
516. sambam229 | 7.00
517. atox | 7.00
518. d0lph1nb0y | 6.50
519. wally | 6.50
520. bauer | 6.50
521. cyclo | 6.50
522. good_ole_kimmy | 6.50
523. sash | 6.50
524. twigs | 6.50
525. alyxander | 6.00
526. jedi | 6.00
527. sabresfan | 6.00
528. adison | 6.00
529. dangler7000 | 6.00
530. thevoicelesscreator | 6.00
531. jfett85 | 6.00
532. mystick | 6.00
533. peskypenguin | 6.00
534. wheels | 6.00
535. hazack | 5.50
536. vin | 5.50
537. w19eaver | 5.50
538. whikadoodle | 5.50
539. efiug | 5.50
540. smd414 | 5.50
541. vik | 5.50
542. dindog | 5.50
543. jsteele14 | 5.50
544. sarah | 5.50
545. icebear32 | 5.50
546. mikeliut | 5.50
547. scudmuffin19 | 5.50
548. simmiz | 5.50
549. tonyw19 | 5.50
550. boomcheck | 5.00
551. emlbcommish | 5.00
552. fiveforfighting | 5.00
553. mrruihu | 5.00
554. philip3242 | 5.00
555. ryancvit | 5.00
556. lowlycrib | 5.00
557. blbertrand | 5.00
558. rashfordu9. | 5.00
559. nobody | 5.00
560. plutoniumdom | 5.00
561. diacope | 5.00
562. jbay7 | 5.00
563. lamplighter | 5.00
564. dollabill | 4.50
565. minnesotafine | 4.50
566. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 4.50
567. tomasnz | 4.50
568. philliesphan96 | 4.50
569. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 4.50
570. lukamagic | 4.50
571. dirtyboygrease | 4.50
572. jaypc8237 | 4.50
573. aneeqs | 4.50
574. caylon | 4.50
575. .simo | 4.00
576. leatherneckmike | 4.00
577. mamab | 4.00
578. petralikesbaseball | 4.00
579. sergeantens | 4.00
580. seymour | 4.00
581. thatguy91 | 4.00
582. weretarantula | 4.00
583. jr95 | 4.00
584. jdinino | 4.00
585. downer | 4.00
586. eddiesnothere | 4.00
587. roobacca | 4.00
588. jiggly_333 | 3.50
589. nyumbayangu | 3.50
590. linsangeles | 3.00
591. mrprime | 3.00
Total TPE last 5 seasons
1. jepox | 44.00
2. sve7en | 44.00
3. gordonbombay | 43.00
4. jamestruong | 42.50
5. leafsftw1967 | 42.50
6. mer | 41.50
7. sköldpaddor | 40.00
8. wearingabear | 39.50
9. ramenamen | 39.50
10. keven | 39.00
11. wannabefinn | 38.50
12. 5ympathies | 38.00
13. captaincamel | 37.50
14. briedaqueduc | 37.00
15. vaxlare | 37.00
16. kenvald | 37.00
17. halkohol | 36.50
18. nhamlet | 36.50
19. thelastheraclid | 36.50
20. opera_phantom | 36.50
21. micool132 | 36.00
22. norwegiandemon | 36.00
23. z-whiz | 36.00
24. sburbine | 36.00
25. drunkenteddy | 35.50
26. evil_allbran | 35.50
27. natedoeshockey | 35.50
28. g2019 | 35.50
29. njbadapple | 35.50
30. goonerbear | 35.00
31. sfresh3 | 35.00
32. sulovilen | 35.00
33. thewozy | 35.00
34. jumbobone19 | 34.50
35. valorx77 | 34.50
36. zaynzk | 34.50
37. bendover | 34.50
38. efischermann | 34.50
39. jay2233 | 34.50
40. z0rem | 34.50
41. askedmadden | 34.00
42. jt3 | 34.00
43. salming | 34.00
44. slothfacekilla | 34.00
45. zombiewolf | 34.00
46. crunk | 34.00
47. fluw | 33.50
48. rich | 33.50
49. tylar | 33.50
50. by-tor | 33.50
51. urq660 | 33.50
52. schwarznarr | 33.50
53. the5urreal | 33.50
54. withthemoose | 33.50
55. tesla | 33.50
56. bdu754 | 33.00
57. evok | 33.00
58. ronniewalker | 33.00
59. gaby | 32.50
60. orbitingdeath | 32.50
61. mcpumpkin | 32.50
62. r1c3bowl22 | 32.50
63. leviadan | 32.00
64. brickwall35 | 32.00
65. festinator | 31.50
66. lime | 31.50
67. mementomori | 31.50
68. raymond3000 | 31.50
69. highstickking | 31.50
70. advenny4 | 31.50
71. dankoa | 31.00
72. marco999 | 31.00
73. slashacm | 31.00
74. steveoiscool | 31.00
75. bignewff | 31.00
76. thiefofcheese | 31.00
77. punk42ae | 31.00
78. crazymojito | 30.50
79. lilstifler | 30.50
80. dmuda11 | 30.50
81. shylo_moxii | 30.50
82. raven | 30.00
83. picklejuice | 30.00
84. symmetrik | 30.00
85. jeffie43 | 29.50
86. tweedledunn | 29.50
87. drokeep | 29.50
88. .laser | 29.50
89. blix900 | 29.50
90. romaneseuntdomus | 29.00
91. serpex13 | 29.00
92. boom | 28.50
93. carpy48 | 28.50
94. flowseidon | 28.50
95. leafs4ever | 28.50
96. lmao | 28.50
97. mr.finland | 28.50
98. qwest | 28.50
99. kyamprac | 28.00
100. dangles13 | 28.00
101. otrebor13 | 27.50
102. sakrosankt | 27.50
103. waters | 27.50
104. gooney | 27.50
105. holtzfan10 | 27.50
106. matteo | 27.00
107. retuperkele | 27.00
108. zoottx | 27.00
109. grapehead | 26.50
110. thunder39 | 26.50
111. vic03 | 26.50
112. trempale | 26.50
113. valpix | 26.50
114. aaronwilson | 26.00
115. juniped | 26.00
116. roastpuff | 26.00
117. ruggsy | 25.50
118. renojacksonhs | 25.50
119. sebster | 25.50
120. spartangibbles | 25.50
121. artermis | 25.00
122. unconfident69 | 25.00
123. acapitalchicago | 24.50
124. rangerjase | 24.50
125. gifterofbikes | 24.00
126. gurbs | 24.00
127. larrythemvp | 24.00
128. thegreattoejam | 24.00
129. sewingwithnancy | 23.50
130. southpaw | 23.50
131. fantobens | 23.00
132. leppish | 23.00
133. ragnar | 23.00
134. supertardis101 | 23.00
135. toivo | 23.00
136. zomp | 23.00
137. mastersheep | 23.00
138. bbjygm | 22.50
139. gordieboom | 22.50
140. grum | 22.50
141. katth | 22.50
142. the__y-man__100 | 22.50
143. keygan | 22.50
144. bibleman19 | 22.50
145. aw13 | 22.00
146. bluesfan55 | 22.00
147. faelax | 22.00
148. gwdjohnson | 22.00
149. lespoils | 22.00
150. lordbirdman | 22.00
151. thunfish | 22.00
152. jss331 | 22.00
153. jaywhy | 22.00
154. 3lewsers | 21.50
155. cementhands | 21.50
156. nour | 21.50
157. esilverm | 21.50
158. henrik | 21.50
159. bruins10 | 21.00
160. zeagle1 | 21.00
161. charlieconway | 20.50
162. gaiamormont | 20.50
163. mazatt | 20.50
164. inf1d3l | 20.50
165. o4l | 20.50
166. ctots | 20.50
167. hallsyy | 20.50
168. ohtaay | 20.00
169. segi | 20.00
170. shmurph | 20.00
171. cptgoosar | 20.00
172. c9van | 19.50
173. dogwoodmaple | 19.00
174. kentakira | 19.00
175. taterswc | 19.00
176. lorec | 19.00
177. arkz | 18.50
178. visceralpotamus | 18.50
179. accka | 18.50
180. highhaschdi | 18.50
181. chevy | 18.50
182. scrufdaddy | 18.00
183. academydropout | 18.00
184. caleb_h | 18.00
185. runningman434 | 18.00
186. bk1689 | 17.50
187. steelhead77 | 17.50
188. tommytightpants | 17.50
189. allegiant | 17.50
190. dextaria | 17.00
191. vandy | 17.00
192. adamantium | 17.00
193. blakec1414 | 17.00
194. tomtommen | 17.00
195. notorioustron | 16.50
196. eynhallow | 16.50
197. gr4vy | 16.50
198. blastmeaway | 16.00
199. patty | 16.00
200. mn_moosey | 16.00
201. armthesharks | 16.00
202. amidships | 15.50
203. cptsquall | 15.50
204. wumaduce | 15.50
205. aleris | 15.50
206. bfine | 15.50
207. johnnypatey | 15.50
208. anthique | 15.50
209. countchocula | 15.00
210. rancidbudgie | 15.00
211. wildfiremicro | 15.00
212. tacocat2 | 15.00
213. banackock | 15.00
214. _blitz_ | 15.00
215. erikvm | 15.00
216. leafs1997 | 14.50
217. tonzy | 14.50
218. fishy | 14.00
219. honkerrs | 14.00
220. krazko | 14.00
221. lb3737 | 14.00
222. nike | 14.00
223. merica | 14.00
224. ckroyal92 | 13.50
225. esso2264 | 13.50
226. sopath | 13.50
227. spartan | 13.50
228. duff101 | 13.50
229. capncooper | 13.50
230. ashes | 13.50
231. jackkmart | 13.50
232. blasoon | 13.00
233. kalesalad | 13.00
234. nerio | 13.00
235. aircrou | 13.00
236. crazylemire | 13.00
237. theroopehintzeffect | 13.00
238. curbeecurbs | 13.00
239. legend | 13.00
240. barnabascollins | 12.50
241. bjkman | 12.50
242. gcool | 12.50
243. golden_apricot | 12.50
244. huck24 | 12.50
245. jericson | 12.50
246. secondsucks22 | 12.50
247. thecc | 12.50
248. jimmysmo27 | 12.50
249. chris-mczehrl | 12.50
250. ml002 | 12.50
251. rockybaljoa | 12.50
252. romancebrownjr | 12.50
253. froste39 | 12.50
254. itsfrenchie | 12.50
255. minaj27 | 12.50
256. nyr73 | 12.50
257. sloppypainter | 12.50
258. kylrad | 12.00
259. jumpseat | 12.00
260. juke | 11.50
261. massivecoiler | 11.50
262. theflash | 11.50
263. trashae | 11.50
264. samsungvirtualassistant | 11.50
265. finch | 11.50
266. vulfzilla | 11.50
267. arctic | 11.50
268. thedangazone | 11.50
269. lore | 11.50
270. enigmatic | 11.00
271. mooty99 | 11.00
272. zoone16 | 11.00
273. thehammer43 | 11.00
274. alemanpete | 11.00
275. dhoop | 10.50
276. ajwllmsn | 10.50
277. liebolda | 10.50
278. goilers | 10.00
279. durden | 10.00
280. redderder15 | 10.00
281. habsfanfromontario | 10.00
282. damienj10 | 9.50
283. tayjay | 9.50
284. justice | 9.50
285. kast3rborous | 9.50
286. marcul_le_depanneur | 9.50
287. fever95 | 9.00
288. premierbromanov | 9.00
289. zema | 9.00
290. jlutz14 | 9.00
291. andy | 8.50
292. bayley | 8.50
293. kikish18 | 8.50
294. rotticusscott | 8.50
295. crutch | 8.50
296. hantheman_ | 8.50
297. tubbytim69 | 8.50
298. dylanjj37 | 8.50
299. jmacncheese | 8.50
300. mcal95 | 8.50
301. narb111 | 8.50
302. exilate | 8.00
303. omniscius | 8.00
304. austin623 | 8.00
305. noname | 8.00
306. vbottas17 | 8.00
307. canadianduck | 7.50
308. negs77 | 7.50
309. edgerocks1 | 7.50
310. staticshocked | 7.50
311. justanotherhockeyfan | 7.50
312. caltroit_red_flames | 7.00
313. delirivm | 7.00
314. jorec | 7.00
315. juosu | 7.00
316. kenitohmenara | 7.00
317. rankle | 7.00
318. renomitsu | 7.00
319. rum_ham | 7.00
320. trautner | 7.00
321. dewalt27 | 7.00
322. agentsmith630 | 7.00
323. sleepy | 7.00
324. sambam229 | 7.00
325. atox | 7.00
326. jobin | 6.50
327. stadiumgambler | 6.50
328. michiganonymous | 6.50
329. cyclo | 6.50
330. good_ole_kimmy | 6.50
331. sash | 6.50
332. twigs | 6.50
333. adison | 6.00
334. dangler7000 | 6.00
335. thevoicelesscreator | 6.00
336. jfett85 | 6.00
337. mystick | 6.00
338. peskypenguin | 6.00
339. wheels | 6.00
340. buster | 5.50
341. canes2112 | 5.50
342. ericncsu | 5.50
343. juliotokolosh | 5.50
344. jumpierpegasus | 5.50
345. kierkan | 5.50
346. mylittlehexx | 5.50
347. projectsaint | 5.50
348. bbp | 5.50
349. geekusoid | 5.50
350. dindog | 5.50
351. jsteele14 | 5.50
352. sarah | 5.50
353. icebear32 | 5.50
354. mikeliut | 5.50
355. scudmuffin19 | 5.50
356. simmiz | 5.50
357. tonyw19 | 5.50
358. karlssens | 5.00
359. sdcore | 5.00
360. nobody | 5.00
361. plutoniumdom | 5.00
362. diacope | 5.00
363. jbay7 | 5.00
364. lamplighter | 5.00
365. fitted2106 | 4.50
366. snuffalupagus | 4.50
367. teztify | 4.50
368. velevra | 4.50
369. lukamagic | 4.50
370. dirtyboygrease | 4.50
371. jaypc8237 | 4.50
372. aneeqs | 4.50
373. caylon | 4.50
374. flappygiraffe | 4.00
375. mooney | 4.00
376. r0tzbua | 4.00
377. skeletonparty | 4.00
378. traphag | 4.00
379. algringo | 4.00
380. benpachi | 4.00
381. kraagenskul | 4.00
382. bubbatree | 4.00
383. .simo | 4.00
384. leatherneckmike | 4.00
385. mamab | 4.00
386. petralikesbaseball | 4.00
387. sergeantens | 4.00
388. seymour | 4.00
389. thatguy91 | 4.00
390. weretarantula | 4.00
391. jr95 | 4.00
392. jdinino | 4.00
393. downer | 4.00
394. eddiesnothere | 4.00
395. roobacca | 4.00
396. wally | 3.00
397. mrprime | 3.00
Of course, if you missed a season because you joined at a later date or you just missed it for another reason, then you're probably pretty far down these lists.
It makes sense to compare data only between users who did every PT in the last 10 seasons (or last 5)
Exactly 36 people did every mock draft in the last 10 seasons, seems like a decent enough sample size. Let's see how they did:
1. jepox | 87.00
2. leafsftw1967 | 85.50
3. nhamlet | 83.00
4. halkohol | 82.00
5. keven | 82.00
6. sulovilen | 81.00
7. askedmadden | 79.50
8. z-whiz | 79.50
9. sfresh3 | 79.00
10. bdu754 | 78.00
11. valorx77 | 78.00
12. micool132 | 77.50
13. wearingabear | 77.50
14. raymond3000 | 77.00
15. zaynzk | 77.00
16. jumbobone19 | 76.50
17. festinator | 75.50
18. gaby | 75.50
19. norwegiandemon | 75.00
20. jt3 | 74.00
21. tylar | 74.00
22. drunkenteddy | 73.50
23. romaneseuntdomus | 73.50
24. fluw | 73.00
25. steveoiscool | 73.00
26. marco999 | 72.00
27. carpy48 | 71.50
28. zombiewolf | 71.00
29. leviadan | 69.00
30. lilstifler | 69.00
31. raven | 69.00
32. salming | 69.00
33. zoottx | 68.50
34. ragnar | 56.00
35. gifterofbikes | 53.00
36. 3lewsers | 49.00
Mean: 74
Median: 75.25
Max: 87
Min: 49
Standard deviation: 8.06
I wish I paid more attention in statistics class, I kind of understand the values above and the charts below, but I'm not 100% sure, so correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm surprised the difference between first and last here is 38 tpe, that's a lot from just one task.
But with the exception of a few outliers, everyone is within 8 tpe of mean, which doesn't seem like much over 10 seasons.
I tried to plot some charts in excel but they ended up kind of weird looking, maybe 36 people isn't a big enough sample size.
Charts for the last 5 seasons (88 users) look nicer so I'll share them next.
Total TPE last 5 seasons (only users who did every mock draft)
1. jepox | 44.00
2. sve7en | 44.00
3. gordonbombay | 43.00
4. jamestruong | 42.50
5. leafsftw1967 | 42.50
6. mer | 41.50
7. sköldpaddor | 40.00
8. wearingabear | 39.50
9. ramenamen | 39.50
10. keven | 39.00
11. wannabefinn | 38.50
12. 5ympathies | 38.00
13. captaincamel | 37.50
14. briedaqueduc | 37.00
15. vaxlare | 37.00
16. kenvald | 37.00
17. halkohol | 36.50
18. nhamlet | 36.50
19. thelastheraclid | 36.50
20. opera_phantom | 36.50
21. micool132 | 36.00
22. norwegiandemon | 36.00
23. z-whiz | 36.00
24. sburbine | 36.00
25. drunkenteddy | 35.50
26. evil_allbran | 35.50
27. natedoeshockey | 35.50
28. g2019 | 35.50
29. njbadapple | 35.50
30. sfresh3 | 35.00
31. sulovilen | 35.00
32. jumbobone19 | 34.50
33. valorx77 | 34.50
34. zaynzk | 34.50
35. bendover | 34.50
36. efischermann | 34.50
37. jay2233 | 34.50
38. askedmadden | 34.00
39. jt3 | 34.00
40. salming | 34.00
41. zombiewolf | 34.00
42. crunk | 34.00
43. fluw | 33.50
44. tylar | 33.50
45. by-tor | 33.50
46. urq660 | 33.50
47. schwarznarr | 33.50
48. the5urreal | 33.50
49. withthemoose | 33.50
50. tesla | 33.50
51. bdu754 | 33.00
52. ronniewalker | 33.00
53. gaby | 32.50
54. orbitingdeath | 32.50
55. mcpumpkin | 32.50
56. r1c3bowl22 | 32.50
57. leviadan | 32.00
58. brickwall35 | 32.00
59. festinator | 31.50
60. raymond3000 | 31.50
61. highstickking | 31.50
62. advenny4 | 31.50
63. dankoa | 31.00
64. marco999 | 31.00
65. steveoiscool | 31.00
66. thiefofcheese | 31.00
67. punk42ae | 31.00
68. lilstifler | 30.50
69. shylo_moxii | 30.50
70. raven | 30.00
71. picklejuice | 30.00
72. symmetrik | 30.00
73. tweedledunn | 29.50
74. drokeep | 29.50
75. romaneseuntdomus | 29.00
76. carpy48 | 28.50
77. flowseidon | 28.50
78. leafs4ever | 28.50
79. dangles13 | 28.00
80. zoottx | 27.00
81. grapehead | 26.50
82. vic03 | 26.50
83. renojacksonhs | 25.50
84. artermis | 25.00
85. gifterofbikes | 24.00
86. sewingwithnancy | 23.50
87. ragnar | 23.00
88. 3lewsers | 21.50
Mean: 33.4
Median: 33.5
Max: 44
Min: 21.5
Standard deviation: 4.62
Once again the difference between first and last is significant, but standard deviation is pretty low, which means most people are around average.
Bell curve:
Season predictions
Average tpe by season
S59: 7.92
S60: 7.52
S61: 8.64
S62: 7.87
S63: 8.87
S64: 8.90
S65: 7.64
S66: 9.59
S67: 8.94
S68: 7.68
Avg tpe actually increased a little in fhm 8 which I didn't expect (although it's only been 3 seasons)
Total TPE last 10 seasons
1. kenvald | 98.00
2. jepox | 97.50
3. leafsftw1967 | 97.50
4. nhamlet | 96.50
5. mastersheep | 95.50
6. carpy48 | 94.50
7. tomen | 94.50
8. aaronwilson | 94.00
9. raymond3000 | 94.00
10. jss331 | 93.50
11. ohtaay | 93.50
12. sakrosankt | 93.50
13. velevra | 93.50
14. keven | 93.00
15. zwhiz | 92.50
16. lordbirdman | 91.50
17. jt3 | 91.00
18. mr.finland | 91.00
19. sfresh3 | 91.00
20. zombiewolf | 91.00
21. captaincamel | 90.50
22. leafs4ever | 90.00
23. leviadan | 90.00
24. marco999 | 90.00
25. tylar | 90.00
26. jumbobone19 | 89.50
27. lime | 89.50
28. amidships | 89.00
29. sulovilen | 89.00
30. halkohol | 88.50
31. 5ympathies | 88.00
32. canadice | 88.00
33. dankoa | 88.00
34. golden_apricot | 88.00
35. hockeyiscool | 88.00
36. wearingabear | 88.00
37. dextaria | 87.50
38. grum | 87.50
39. lmao | 87.50
40. goldenglutes | 87.00
41. festinator | 86.50
42. kentakira | 86.50
43. steveoiscool | 86.50
44. bdu754 | 86.00
45. charlieconway | 85.50
46. ronniewalker | 85.50
47. renojacksonhs | 85.50
48. agentsmith630 | 85.00
49. dogwoodmaple | 85.00
50. kyamprac | 85.00
51. notorioustig | 85.00
52. trashae | 85.00
53. 3lewsers | 84.50
54. askedmadden | 84.00
55. crazymojito | 84.00
56. sopath | 84.00
57. gurbs | 83.50
58. kalesalad | 83.50
59. otrebor13 | 83.50
60. sve7en | 83.50
61. acsolap | 83.00
62. huck24 | 83.00
63. leppish | 83.00
64. jamestruong | 82.50
65. jkortesi81 | 82.50
66. gaby | 82.50
67. sewingwithnancy | 82.00
68. toast | 82.00
69. norwegiandemon | 82.00
70. gwdjohnson | 81.50
71. hallsy | 81.50
72. o4l | 81.50
73. rotticusscott | 81.50
74. mementomori | 81.50
75. roastpuff | 80.50
76. spartangibbles | 80.50
77. raven | 80.50
78. wannabefinn | 80.50
79. countchocula | 80.00
80. gcool | 80.00
81. notorioustron | 80.00
82. lilstifler | 79.50
83. ragnar | 79.50
84. slothfacekilla | 79.50
85. spartan | 79.50
86. wally | 79.50
87. micool132 | 79.50
88. faelax | 79.00
89. retuperkele | 79.00
90. takethehorizon | 79.00
91. evok | 78.50
92. honkerrs | 78.00
93. hotdog | 78.00
94. jaywhy | 78.00
95. juosu | 78.00
96. muerto | 78.00
97. spooked | 77.50
98. valorx77 | 77.50
99. zoottx | 77.50
100. jnh | 77.00
101. scrufdaddy | 77.00
102. salming | 76.50
103. acapitalchicago | 76.00
104. fluw | 76.00
105. orbitingdeath | 76.00
106. qwest | 76.00
107. lorec | 76.00
108. matteo | 75.50
109. romaneseuntdomus | 75.50
110. bytor | 75.50
111. drunkenteddy | 75.00
112. zaynzk | 75.00
113. bjkman | 74.50
114. boom | 74.50
115. cementhands | 74.50
116. flappygiraffe | 74.50
117. nerio | 74.50
118. canes2112 | 74.00
119. lespoils | 74.00
120. mazatt | 74.00
121. mp7 | 74.00
122. steelhead77 | 74.00
123. urq660 | 73.50
124. bluesfan55 | 73.00
125. enigmatic | 73.00
126. leafs1997 | 73.00
127. rich | 73.00
128. supertardis101 | 73.00
129. traphag | 73.00
130. hhh81 | 72.50
131. taterswc | 72.50
132. briedaqueduc | 72.00
133. katth | 72.00
134. rankle | 72.00
135. sdcore | 72.00
136. sköldpaddor | 72.00
137. zomp | 71.50
138. kylrad | 71.50
139. segi | 71.00
140. thelastheraclid | 70.00
141. arkz | 69.50
142. toivo | 69.50
143. accka | 69.50
144. evil_allbran | 69.50
145. picklejuice | 69.50
146. ericncsu | 69.00
147. juke | 69.00
148. pythonic | 69.00
149. rangerjase | 68.50
150. c9van | 68.00
151. grok | 68.00
152. patty | 68.00
153. zoone16 | 68.00
154. tweedledunn | 68.00
155. mutedfaith | 67.50
156. nike | 67.50
157. benpachi | 67.50
158. slashacm | 67.00
159. thunfish | 67.00
160. jeffie43 | 66.50
161. trautner | 66.00
162. serpex13 | 65.00
163. goonerbear | 65.00
164. inf1d3l | 65.00
165. mn_moosey | 64.50
166. renomitsu | 64.50
167. bk1689 | 64.00
168. bfine | 64.00
169. schwarznarr | 64.00
170. withthemoose | 64.00
171. cptsquall | 63.50
172. highhaschdi | 63.50
173. ruggsy | 63.00
174. junped | 62.50
175. skeletonparty | 62.50
176. gifterofbikes | 62.50
177. bendover | 62.50
178. vandy | 62.00
179. zeagle1 | 62.00
180. efischermann | 62.00
181. jay2233 | 62.00
182. thedangazone | 61.50
183. visceralpotamus | 61.50
184. drokeep | 61.50
185. opera_phantom | 61.50
186. keygan | 61.00
187. thecc | 61.00
188. thewozy | 61.00
189. puolivalmiste | 60.50
190. campinkiller | 60.50
191. goilers | 60.50
192. bbjygm | 60.00
193. delirivm | 60.00
194. dewalt27 | 60.00
195. gordieboom | 60.00
196. hantheman_ | 60.00
197. exilate | 60.00
198. fantobens | 59.50
199. fever95 | 59.50
200. darkcanuck29 | 59.50
201. crunk | 59.50
202. luketd | 59.00
203. stadiumgambler | 59.00
204. natedoeshockey | 59.00
205. mer | 59.00
206. bongo | 58.50
207. juliotokolosh | 58.50
208. kikish18 | 58.50
209. krazko | 58.50
210. reid | 58.50
211. blasoon | 58.50
212. ace | 58.00
213. citizenofadraa | 58.00
214. projectsaint | 58.00
215. brickwall35 | 58.00
216. rashfordu | 58.00
217. redcapediver | 57.50
218. crazylemire | 57.50
219. buster | 57.00
220. lb3737 | 57.00
221. gordonbombay | 57.00
222. thunder39 | 57.00
223. rum_ham | 56.50
224. snuffalupagus | 56.50
225. tayjay | 56.50
226. flowseidon | 56.00
227. damienj10 | 55.50
228. karlssens | 55.50
229. mcgriddleluver | 55.50
230. mcpumpkin | 55.50
231. basedminkus | 55.00
232. ckroyal92 | 55.00
233. geekusoid | 55.00
234. jericson | 55.00
235. kraagenskul | 55.00
236. rabidsponge21 | 55.00
237. sburbine | 55.00
238. unconfident69 | 55.00
239. rancidbudgie | 54.50
240. tommysalami | 54.50
241. aw13 | 54.50
242. naosu | 54.00
243. artermis | 54.00
244. sivart | 53.50
245. juniped | 53.50
246. soulja | 53.00
247. fishy | 52.50
248. g2019 | 52.50
249. cobbenstein | 52.00
250. fuzzshl | 52.00
251. sebster | 52.00
252. vaxlare | 52.00
253. jr95 | 51.00
254. the5urreal | 51.00
255. muford | 50.50
256. symmetrik | 50.50
257. whitecap | 50.50
258. highstickking | 50.00
259. capncooper | 49.50
260. thatguy91 | 49.00
261. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 49.00
262. mooty99 | 49.00
263. blastmeaway | 48.50
264. jtam | 48.50
265. nictox | 48.50
266. cptgoosar | 48.50
267. caltroit_red_flames | 48.00
268. jonnytsunami | 48.00
269. st4rface | 48.00
270. kenitohmenara | 48.00
271. aleris | 48.00
272. bilbo | 47.50
273. mooney | 47.50
274. ferda | 47.00
275. tnlastatine | 47.00
276. gaiamormont | 47.00
277. tesla | 47.00
278. vic03 | 47.00
279. bruins10 | 46.00
280. duff101 | 46.00
281. fitted2106 | 46.00
282. mylittlehexx | 46.00
283. mikeizzy | 45.50
284. r1c3bowl22 | 45.50
285. canadianduck | 45.00
286. grimreaper | 45.00
287. eynhallow | 45.00
288. frazzle14 | 44.50
289. kierkan | 44.50
290. andy | 44.00
291. jumpierpegasus | 44.00
292. mediocre_fred | 44.00
293. brewskyboy | 43.50
294. bignewff | 43.50
295. advenny4 | 43.00
296. r0tzbua | 43.00
297. wumaduce | 43.00
298. grapehead | 43.00
299. habsfanfromontario | 43.00
300. aephino | 42.50
301. kalakar | 42.50
302. massivecoiler | 42.50
303. the__yman__100 | 42.00
304. thesparkydee | 42.00
305. thiefofcheese | 42.00
306. suavemente | 41.50
307. trella | 41.50
308. premierbromanov | 41.00
309. siddhus | 41.00
310. crutch | 40.50
311. frick_nasty | 39.50
312. seymoursnatches | 39.50
313. tommytightpants | 39.50
314. dangles13 | 39.50
315. hordle | 39.00
316. jorec | 39.00
317. tacocat2 | 39.00
318. finnrhys | 38.50
319. uberbj | 38.50
320. mcal95 | 38.50
321. bayley | 38.00
322. leoben | 38.00
323. shmurph | 38.00
324. theflash | 38.00
325. njbadapple | 38.00
326. esso2264 | 37.50
327. aircrou | 37.50
328. redderder15 | 37.50
329. ramenamen | 37.50
330. peej2189 | 37.00
331. seymour | 37.00
332. waters | 37.00
333. talls | 37.00
334. badwolf | 36.50
335. gooney | 36.50
336. ztevans | 36.50
337. jearim | 36.00
338. yagoyi | 36.00
339. luke | 36.00
340. valpix | 36.00
341. good_ole_kimmy | 35.50
342. hoovuh | 35.50
343. simo_393 | 35.50
344. lukstins88 | 35.50
345. .bojo | 35.00
346. jss | 35.00
347. kluster | 35.00
348. moreorless89 | 35.00
349. esilverm | 35.00
350. z0rem | 34.50
351. durden | 34.50
352. jruutu | 34.00
353. mayuu | 34.00
354. laser | 34.00
355. punk42ae | 33.50
356. kc15 | 33.00
357. overdoo | 33.00
358. zema | 33.00
359. dollarandadream | 33.00
360. michiganonymous | 33.00
361. dagumpa | 32.50
362. grannypanpan | 32.50
363. academydropout | 32.50
364. barnabascollins | 32.00
365. chrismczehrl | 32.00
366. stamkosfan | 31.50
367. ursinz | 31.50
368. 39alaska39 | 31.50
369. wildfiremicro | 31.50
370. santej29 | 31.00
371. xleafer | 31.00
372. jobin | 30.50
373. ddrector | 30.00
374. hewasajazzman | 30.00
375. vikian | 30.00
376. cyanide | 29.50
377. jackkmart | 29.50
378. majesiu | 29.50
379. southpaw | 29.50
380. merica | 29.50
381. trempale | 29.50
382. keenan | 29.00
383. philliesphan96 | 29.00
384. henrik | 29.00
385. snussu | 29.00
386. kasterborous | 28.50
387. banackock | 28.50
388. (clean)andreikostitsyn | 28.00
389. holtzfan10 | 28.00
390. shylo_moxii | 27.50
391. blix900 | 27.50
392. capt_blitzkrieg | 26.50
393. jala | 26.50
394. jimmysmo27 | 26.50
395. bubbatree | 26.50
396. fleshbagsoup | 25.50
397. bolobill | 25.50
398. captaincrazy | 25.00
399. deng | 25.00
400. ml002 | 25.00
401. .laser | 25.00
402. jaypc8237 | 25.00
403. dr.b1gmack | 24.50
404. ajwllmsn | 24.50
405. vulfzilla | 24.50
406. armthesharks | 24.50
407. allegiant | 24.00
408. iamslm22 | 24.00
409. jajaswegdingdong | 24.00
410. jaythegreat | 24.00
411. thisseemsfishy | 24.00
412. theroopehintzeffect | 24.00
413. emlbcommish | 23.50
414. tate | 23.50
415. gucci | 23.50
416. wongy | 23.00
417. graydonsanatomy | 23.00
418. jsteele14 | 23.00
419. hazack | 22.50
420. mee | 22.50
421. bbp | 22.50
422. cheerfulbender20 | 22.50
423. monochroma | 22.50
424. mook | 22.50
425. tapdancingnecrons | 22.00
426. tubbytim69 | 22.00
427. nour | 22.00
428. littleb | 21.50
429. mrstennett | 21.50
430. nyumbayangu | 21.50
431. vrtxl4s3r | 21.50
432. byrdeman | 21.50
433. guriinwoodo | 21.50
434. tomhanks | 21.00
435. mika_kandinsky | 20.50
436. bloomeygb | 20.00
437. jedi | 20.00
438. randominoe | 20.00
439. dhoop | 20.00
440. chevy | 20.00
441. secondsucks22 | 19.50
442. jogurtaa | 19.00
443. mamab | 19.00
444. dannyc | 18.50
445. cd12 | 18.50
446. negs | 18.50
447. pauadrian | 18.50
448. larrythemvp | 18.50
449. lairdbutler | 18.00
450. caleb_h | 18.00
451. froste39 | 18.00
452. thegreattoejam | 18.00
453. dapollos | 17.50
454. canuckles | 17.50
455. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 17.50
456. avakael | 17.50
457. mdavidson | 17.50
458. johnnypatey | 17.50
459. unconfident | 17.50
460. dmuda11 | 17.50
461. bibleman19 | 17.50
462. d0lph1nb0y | 17.00
463. tomasnz | 17.00
464. greencityny | 17.00
465. _blitz_ | 17.00
466. jmacncheese | 17.00
467. kast3rborous | 17.00
468. marcul_le_depanneur | 17.00
469. demolish | 16.50
470. minnesotafine | 16.50
471. dmills3 | 16.50
472. sly92 | 16.50
473. rindiee | 16.50
474. algringo | 16.00
475. geckoeygecko | 16.00
476. w19eaver | 16.00
477. arturs33 | 16.00
478. xtri | 16.00
479. faded | 16.00
480. anthique | 16.00
481. gumbaman | 15.50
482. jstmaro | 15.50
483. lordbolo | 15.50
484. mrruihu | 15.50
485. treant | 15.50
486. wasty | 15.50
487. noname | 15.50
488. joycon | 15.50
489. washeduptrash | 15.50
490. fourfour | 15.50
491. ctots | 15.50
492. adamantium | 15.50
493. tomtommen | 15.50
494. rev | 15.00
495. snoopdogg | 15.00
496. kingtag1999 | 15.00
497. blakec1414 | 15.00
498. plutoniumdom | 15.00
499. mcp_ | 14.50
500. shiny | 14.50
501. omniscius | 14.50
502. vbottas17 | 14.00
503. yonggarius | 14.00
504. h0ppy75 | 14.00
505. slappydoodle | 13.50
506. thebigsandeenie | 13.50
507. shutdown | 13.50
508. emeril | 13.50
509. sergeantens | 13.50
510. roamus | 13.00
511. sabremike | 13.00
512. flinch | 13.00
513. justice | 12.50
514. twigs | 11.50
515. frostbite | 11.00
516. bigtittysmitty | 11.00
517. delrivm | 11.00
518. shnarlydude | 11.00
519. captiancamel | 11.00
520. rotticuscott | 11.00
521. samsungvirtualassistant | 11.00
522. briedaqeduc | 11.00
523. whikadoodle | 10.50
524. tmuse | 10.50
525. curbeecurbs | 10.50
526. gr4vy | 10.50
527. romancebrownjr | 10.50
528. ashes | 10.50
529. dewalt | 10.00
530. fiveforfighting | 10.00
531. katarn22 | 10.00
532. kyle | 10.00
533. locagiess | 10.00
534. blbertrand | 10.00
535. ntg | 10.00
536. off | 10.00
537. azjha_59 | 10.00
538. leatherneckmike | 10.00
539. lukamagic | 10.00
540. waers | 10.00
541. inverted | 9.50
542. pat | 9.50
543. jjlangabeer | 9.50
544. matty7478 | 9.50
545. bauer | 9.50
546. imshiny | 9.50
547. namelessnate | 9.50
548. sabresfan | 9.50
549. opera_phanton | 9.50
550. staticshocked | 9.50
551. jumpseat | 9.50
552. andrewwarren13 | 9.00
553. jason97 | 9.00
554. mavfatha | 9.00
555. outoftoast | 9.00
556. titan | 9.00
557. fetchwell | 9.00
558. dude_man | 9.00
559. cyclo | 9.00
560. thevoicelesscreator | 9.00
561. tonzy | 9.00
562. erikvm | 9.00
563. annah | 8.50
564. jumpuerpegasus | 8.50
565. simplyincorrect | 8.50
566. lazyeye | 8.50
567. williambrooks | 8.50
568. gage2 | 8.50
569. koty_k | 8.50
570. aneeqs | 8.50
571. austin623 | 8.50
572. runningman434 | 8.50
573. thehammer43 | 8.50
574. twosocks | 8.50
575. jiggly_333 | 8.00
576. frithjofr | 8.00
577. lobbanet | 8.00
578. season | 8.00
579. bigbluex02 | 7.50
580. cb2212 | 7.50
581. mack | 7.50
582. teztify | 7.50
583. 124715 | 7.50
584. boomcheck | 7.50
585. dollabill | 7.50
586. frijolhead | 7.50
587. smd414 | 7.50
588. scorycory | 7.50
589. ant | 7.50
590. themoonlark | 7.50
591. arctic | 7.50
592. jdinino | 7.50
593. legend | 7.50
594. nokazoa | 7.00
595. vin | 7.00
596. michaellum30 | 7.00
597. shan3p | 7.00
598. villagebc | 7.00
599. will3 | 7.00
600. nobody | 7.00
601. petralikesbaseball | 7.00
602. narb111 | 7.00
603. justanotherhockeyfan | 7.00
604. peskypenguin | 7.00
605. sarah | 7.00
606. bdonini | 6.50
607. donutdefender | 6.50
608. eagle_brand | 6.50
609. boucherfan12 | 6.50
610. cakequest | 6.50
611. dasboot | 6.50
612. habsfan6776 | 6.50
613. paq | 6.50
614. steve | 6.50
615. philip3242 | 6.50
616. lsufan101 | 6.50
617. reapercomepepegaaim | 6.50
618. rory | 6.50
619. doritomancer | 6.50
620. joshuacorcorantwitch | 6.50
621. kearim | 6.50
622. kettellkorn | 6.00
623. fnorespect | 6.00
624. jackers41 | 6.00
625. connorm123 | 6.00
626. efiug | 6.00
627. evident_rogue | 6.00
628. junior | 6.00
629. lowlycrib | 6.00
630. duffleman2002 | 6.00
631. agentasmith630 | 6.00
632. mrmom | 6.00
633. itsswitchh | 6.00
634. sleepy | 6.00
635. diacope | 6.00
636. johjeff | 6.00
637. lmcm86 | 5.50
638. negs77 | 5.50
639. dirtyboygrease | 5.50
640. finch | 5.50
641. roobacca | 5.50
642. drodger91 | 5.00
643. platanocat | 5.00
644. popecoswi | 5.00
645. drb1gmack | 5.00
646. dindog | 4.50
647. weretarantula | 4.50
648. cahtahhaht | 4.00
649. dude | 4.00
650. wawazat | 4.00
651. sly | 4.00
652. coswi | 4.00
653. slav1cthor | 3.50
Total TPE last 5 seasons
1. nhamlet | 54.00
2. leafsftw1967 | 52.00
3. jepox | 50.00
4. keven | 50.00
5. goonerbear | 50.00
6. crunk | 50.00
7. mer | 49.50
8. carpy48 | 49.00
9. thunder39 | 49.00
10. dankoa | 48.50
11. jamestruong | 48.50
12. mr.finland | 48.50
13. tomen | 48.50
14. tylar | 48.50
15. jt3 | 48.00
16. jumbobone19 | 48.00
17. renojacksonhs | 48.00
18. steveoiscool | 48.00
19. benpachi | 48.00
20. lorec | 48.00
21. brickwall35 | 48.00
22. kenvald | 47.50
23. mastersheep | 47.50
24. velevra | 47.50
25. gaby | 47.50
26. captaincamel | 47.00
27. leviadan | 47.00
28. marco999 | 47.00
29. ohtaay | 47.00
30. raymond3000 | 47.00
31. scrufdaddy | 47.00
32. accka | 47.00
33. rashfordu | 47.00
34. sburbine | 47.00
35. tesla | 47.00
36. vic03 | 47.00
37. lime | 46.50
38. sfresh3 | 46.50
39. wearingabear | 46.50
40. zwhiz | 46.50
41. norwegiandemon | 46.50
42. bfine | 46.50
43. gordonbombay | 46.50
44. kyamprac | 46.00
45. muerto | 46.00
46. sakrosankt | 46.00
47. spartan | 46.00
48. zombiewolf | 46.00
49. bytor | 46.00
50. opera_phantom | 46.00
51. kentakira | 45.50
52. leafs4ever | 45.50
53. sköldpaddor | 45.50
54. micool132 | 45.50
55. raven | 45.50
56. picklejuice | 45.50
57. jay2233 | 45.50
58. unconfident69 | 45.50
59. 3lewsers | 45.00
60. aaronwilson | 45.00
61. canadice | 45.00
62. dextaria | 45.00
63. festinator | 45.00
64. jss331 | 45.00
65. mementomori | 45.00
66. tweedledunn | 45.00
67. schwarznarr | 45.00
68. withthemoose | 45.00
69. mcpumpkin | 45.00
70. hockeyiscool | 44.50
71. thelastheraclid | 44.50
72. drokeep | 44.50
73. efischermann | 44.50
74. amidships | 44.00
75. gurbs | 44.00
76. lmao | 44.00
77. retuperkele | 44.00
78. toast | 44.00
79. valorx77 | 44.00
80. wannabefinn | 44.00
81. evil_allbran | 44.00
82. g2019 | 44.00
83. sulovilen | 43.50
84. urq660 | 43.50
85. bdu754 | 43.00
86. charlieconway | 43.00
87. juosu | 43.00
88. lordbirdman | 43.00
89. serpex13 | 43.00
90. spartangibbles | 43.00
91. crazylemire | 43.00
92. symmetrik | 43.00
93. habsfanfromontario | 43.00
94. 5ympathies | 42.50
95. notorioustig | 42.50
96. sve7en | 42.50
97. darkcanuck29 | 42.50
98. cptgoosar | 42.50
99. vaxlare | 42.50
100. askedmadden | 42.00
101. briedaqueduc | 42.00
102. zoottx | 42.00
103. thiefofcheese | 42.00
104. ragnar | 41.50
105. trashae | 41.50
106. natedoeshockey | 41.50
107. capncooper | 41.50
108. citizenofadraa | 41.00
109. crazymojito | 41.00
110. drunkenteddy | 41.00
111. orbitingdeath | 41.00
112. taterswc | 41.00
113. highstickking | 41.00
114. whitecap | 41.00
115. golden_apricot | 40.50
116. grum | 40.50
117. gwdjohnson | 40.50
118. halkohol | 40.50
119. qwest | 40.50
120. campinkiller | 40.50
121. artermis | 40.50
122. countchocula | 40.00
123. honkerrs | 40.00
124. o4l | 40.00
125. ronniewalker | 40.00
126. agentsmith630 | 39.50
127. jaywhy | 39.50
128. jkortesi81 | 39.50
129. notorioustron | 39.50
130. slothfacekilla | 39.50
131. dangles13 | 39.50
132. bendover | 39.00
133. tacocat2 | 39.00
134. arkz | 38.50
135. dogwoodmaple | 38.50
136. evok | 38.50
137. goldenglutes | 38.50
138. leppish | 38.50
139. lilstifler | 38.50
140. nike | 38.50
141. aw13 | 38.50
142. slashacm | 38.50
143. inf1d3l | 38.50
144. mcal95 | 38.50
145. acsolap | 38.00
146. kalesalad | 38.00
147. roastpuff | 38.00
148. sewingwithnancy | 38.00
149. takethehorizon | 38.00
150. kylrad | 38.00
151. thunfish | 38.00
152. njbadapple | 38.00
153. r1c3bowl22 | 37.50
154. ramenamen | 37.50
155. hallsy | 37.00
156. matteo | 37.00
157. salming | 37.00
158. highhaschdi | 37.00
159. sebster | 37.00
160. nerio | 36.50
161. supertardis101 | 36.50
162. boom | 36.00
163. faelax | 36.00
164. gcool | 36.00
165. romaneseuntdomus | 36.00
166. vandy | 36.00
167. exilate | 36.00
168. luke | 36.00
169. valpix | 36.00
170. huck24 | 35.50
171. zaynzk | 35.50
172. zomp | 35.50
173. acapitalchicago | 35.00
174. bjkman | 35.00
175. otrebor13 | 35.00
176. sopath | 35.00
177. flowseidon | 34.50
178. fluw | 34.50
179. jnh | 34.50
180. mazatt | 34.50
181. ace | 34.00
182. rotticusscott | 34.00
183. goilers | 34.00
184. the5urreal | 34.00
185. laser | 34.00
186. punk42ae | 33.50
187. hotdog | 33.00
188. steelhead77 | 33.00
189. wally | 33.00
190. aleris | 33.00
191. sdcore | 32.50
192. segi | 32.50
193. traphag | 32.50
194. leafs1997 | 32.00
195. mutedfaith | 32.00
196. gifterofbikes | 32.00
197. flappygiraffe | 31.50
198. mcgriddleluver | 31.50
199. projectsaint | 31.50
200. blastmeaway | 31.00
201. c9van | 31.00
202. katth | 31.00
203. lespoils | 31.00
204. spooked | 31.00
205. cementhands | 30.50
206. cptsquall | 30.50
207. jeffie43 | 30.50
208. eynhallow | 30.50
209. tommytightpants | 30.50
210. enigmatic | 30.00
211. pythonic | 30.00
212. keygan | 29.50
213. rankle | 29.50
214. seymour | 29.50
215. zoone16 | 29.50
216. trempale | 29.50
217. dewalt27 | 29.00
218. mp7 | 29.00
219. lb3737 | 29.00
220. yagoyi | 29.00
221. henrik | 29.00
222. snussu | 29.00
223. michiganonymous | 28.50
224. banackock | 28.50
225. bluesfan55 | 28.00
226. rich | 28.00
227. waters | 28.00
228. esilverm | 28.00
229. holtzfan10 | 28.00
230. canes2112 | 27.50
231. toivo | 27.50
232. visceralpotamus | 27.50
233. shylo_moxii | 27.50
234. blix900 | 27.50
235. damienj10 | 27.00
236. gooney | 27.00
237. juke | 27.00
238. junped | 27.00
239. kikish18 | 27.00
240. juniped | 27.00
241. redderder15 | 27.00
242. ericncsu | 26.50
243. bubbatree | 26.50
244. advenny4 | 26.00
245. caltroit_red_flames | 26.00
246. hhh81 | 26.00
247. durden | 26.00
248. bk1689 | 25.50
249. good_ole_kimmy | 25.50
250. grok | 25.50
251. mn_moosey | 25.50
252. chrismczehrl | 25.00
253. z0rem | 25.00
254. .laser | 25.00
255. jaypc8237 | 25.00
256. fever95 | 24.50
257. kasterborous | 24.50
258. ajwllmsn | 24.50
259. vulfzilla | 24.50
260. armthesharks | 24.50
261. zeagle1 | 24.00
262. bignewff | 24.00
263. theroopehintzeffect | 24.00
264. rangerjase | 23.50
265. renomitsu | 23.50
266. ruggsy | 23.00
267. blasoon | 23.00
268. aircrou | 23.00
269. jsteele14 | 23.00
270. juliotokolosh | 22.50
271. jericson | 22.00
272. patty | 21.50
273. merica | 21.50
274. bbjygm | 21.00
275. hantheman_ | 21.00
276. thecc | 21.00
277. gaiamormont | 20.50
278. dhoop | 20.00
279. chevy | 20.00
280. wumaduce | 19.50
281. grapehead | 19.50
282. philliesphan96 | 19.50
283. buster | 19.00
284. fantobens | 19.00
285. tayjay | 19.00
286. trautner | 19.00
287. mooty99 | 19.00
288. mamab | 19.00
289. gordieboom | 18.50
290. jackkmart | 18.50
291. puolivalmiste | 18.50
292. snuffalupagus | 18.50
293. wildfiremicro | 18.50
294. larrythemvp | 18.50
295. allegiant | 18.00
296. fuzzshl | 18.00
297. jearim | 18.00
298. jimmysmo27 | 18.00
299. caleb_h | 18.00
300. froste39 | 18.00
301. thegreattoejam | 18.00
302. krazko | 17.50
303. skeletonparty | 17.50
304. ml002 | 17.50
305. southpaw | 17.50
306. academydropout | 17.50
307. johnnypatey | 17.50
308. unconfident | 17.50
309. dmuda11 | 17.50
310. bibleman19 | 17.50
311. delirivm | 17.00
312. _blitz_ | 17.00
313. jmacncheese | 17.00
314. kast3rborous | 17.00
315. marcul_le_depanneur | 17.00
316. ckroyal92 | 16.50
317. the__yman__100 | 16.50
318. nour | 16.50
319. rindiee | 16.50
320. bongo | 16.00
321. rancidbudgie | 16.00
322. thewozy | 16.00
323. anthique | 16.00
324. jr95 | 15.50
325. kenitohmenara | 15.50
326. theflash | 15.50
327. ctots | 15.50
328. adamantium | 15.50
329. tomtommen | 15.50
330. reid | 15.00
331. thedangazone | 15.00
332. blakec1414 | 15.00
333. plutoniumdom | 15.00
334. mook | 14.50
335. omniscius | 14.50
336. geekusoid | 14.00
337. karlssens | 14.00
338. mylittlehexx | 14.00
339. uberbj | 14.00
340. crutch | 14.00
341. dr.b1gmack | 14.00
342. luketd | 13.50
343. lukstins88 | 13.50
344. sergeantens | 13.50
345. stadiumgambler | 13.00
346. flinch | 13.00
347. duff101 | 12.50
348. kraagenskul | 12.50
349. muford | 12.50
350. basedminkus | 12.00
351. hordle | 12.00
352. leoben | 12.00
353. mediocre_fred | 12.00
354. rabidsponge21 | 12.00
355. vikian | 12.00
356. fishy | 11.50
357. redcapediver | 11.50
358. soulja | 11.50
359. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 11.50
360. greencityny | 11.50
361. twigs | 11.50
362. cobbenstein | 11.00
363. fitted2106 | 11.00
364. rum_ham | 11.00
365. sivart | 11.00
366. rotticuscott | 11.00
367. samsungvirtualassistant | 11.00
368. briedaqeduc | 11.00
369. tnlastatine | 10.50
370. curbeecurbs | 10.50
371. gr4vy | 10.50
372. romancebrownjr | 10.50
373. ashes | 10.50
374. dapollos | 10.00
375. naosu | 10.00
376. grimreaper | 10.00
377. byrdeman | 10.00
378. guriinwoodo | 10.00
379. talls | 10.00
380. azjha_59 | 10.00
381. leatherneckmike | 10.00
382. lukamagic | 10.00
383. waers | 10.00
384. sabresfan | 9.50
385. opera_phanton | 9.50
386. staticshocked | 9.50
387. jumpseat | 9.50
388. kierkan | 9.00
389. simo_393 | 9.00
390. tommysalami | 9.00
391. trella | 9.00
392. pauadrian | 9.00
393. fetchwell | 9.00
394. dude_man | 9.00
395. cyclo | 9.00
396. thevoicelesscreator | 9.00
397. tonzy | 9.00
398. erikvm | 9.00
399. nictox | 8.50
400. avakael | 8.50
401. williambrooks | 8.50
402. gage2 | 8.50
403. koty_k | 8.50
404. aneeqs | 8.50
405. austin623 | 8.50
406. runningman434 | 8.50
407. thehammer43 | 8.50
408. twosocks | 8.50
409. badwolf | 8.00
410. jobin | 8.00
411. jumpierpegasus | 8.00
412. massivecoiler | 8.00
413. st4rface | 8.00
414. thatguy91 | 8.00
415. seymoursnatches | 8.00
416. monochroma | 8.00
417. mdavidson | 8.00
418. season | 8.00
419. justice | 7.50
420. shmurph | 7.50
421. vbottas17 | 7.50
422. noname | 7.50
423. fourfour | 7.50
424. ant | 7.50
425. themoonlark | 7.50
426. arctic | 7.50
427. jdinino | 7.50
428. legend | 7.50
429. bruins10 | 7.00
430. jss | 7.00
431. mikeizzy | 7.00
432. mooney | 7.00
433. wongy | 7.00
434. xleafer | 7.00
435. emeril | 7.00
436. will3 | 7.00
437. nobody | 7.00
438. petralikesbaseball | 7.00
439. narb111 | 7.00
440. justanotherhockeyfan | 7.00
441. peskypenguin | 7.00
442. sarah | 7.00
443. canadianduck | 6.50
444. bbp | 6.50
445. cd12 | 6.50
446. doritomancer | 6.50
447. joshuacorcorantwitch | 6.50
448. kearim | 6.50
449. (clean)andreikostitsyn | 6.00
450. barnabascollins | 6.00
451. finnrhys | 6.00
452. hoovuh | 6.00
453. tubbytim69 | 6.00
454. agentasmith630 | 6.00
455. mrmom | 6.00
456. itsswitchh | 6.00
457. sleepy | 6.00
458. diacope | 6.00
459. johjeff | 6.00
460. dirtyboygrease | 5.50
461. finch | 5.50
462. roobacca | 5.50
463. thesparkydee | 5.00
464. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 5.00
465. ntg | 5.00
466. off | 5.00
467. drb1gmack | 5.00
468. algringo | 4.50
469. andy | 4.50
470. kingtag1999 | 4.50
471. dindog | 4.50
472. weretarantula | 4.50
473. coswi | 4.00
65 people did every season predictions PT in the last 10 seasons, which is a bigger sample size than for mock drafts, I guess people forget to do mock drafts more often than season predictions which makes sense.
(actually it doesn't lol, I just remembered that GMs don't do mock drafts)
For these 65 people:
Mean: 87.39
Median: 88
Max: 98
Min: 75
Standard deviation: 5.91
Once again the mean is almost equal to median, which (I think?) proves that this is a normal distribution, meaning data points cluster around the middle
(continued below)
Player info |
Updates |
Aaron Wilson - C/LW/RW
Challenge Cup x6 (S51, S53, S56, S58, S61, S63)
Sergei Karpotsov - Most points - x2 (S55, S61)
Anton Razov - Playoff MVP (S58)
Ron Mexico - League MVP (S61)
Sarmad Khan - League MVP (S61)
First all-star team x3 (S55, S60, S61)
Second all-star team x2 (S52, S59)
Third all-star team (S53)
Four Star Cup (S48)
Playoff MVP (S48)
Playoff points leader (S48)
IIHF Gold x4 (S54, S56, S57, S58)
IIHF Silver x2 (S61, S62)
IIHF Bronze x4 (S50, S55, S63, S64)
WJC Gold (S48)
WJC Bronze (S46)
S46: Drafted 37th overall by Vancouver Whalers
S47: Drafted 17th overall by Hamilton Steelhawks
S46: Signed a 1 year x 3M contract with Vancouver
S47: Signed a 3 year x 500k contract with Hamilton
S50: Signed a 3 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S53: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S55: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S57: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S60: Signed a 1 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S61: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
Award predictions
Award predictions are always hit or miss, so I'm curious what the data will be like
Average tpe by season
S59: 5.45
S60: 4.61
S61: 5.16
S62: 5.71
S63: 4.22
S64: 3.54
S65: 4.62
S66: 3.98
S67: 3.27
S68: 4.21
Total TPE last 10 seasons
Pls ignore that numbering starts from 6
6. keven | 48.00
7. agentsmith630 | 47.00
8. drunkenteddy | 47.00
9. lordbirdman | 47.00
10. mastersheep | 47.00
11. aaronwilson | 46.00
12. wearingabear | 45.00
13. canadice | 44.00
14. hockeyiscool | 44.00
15. kyamprac | 44.00
16. kylrad | 44.00
17. lime | 44.00
18. nhamlet | 44.00
19. roastpuff | 44.00
20. sewingwithnancy | 44.00
21. tomen | 44.00
22. halkohol | 43.00
23. kentakira | 43.00
24. marco999 | 43.00
25. ragnar | 43.00
26. trashae | 43.00
27. zombiewolf | 43.00
28. askedmadden | 42.00
29. faelax | 42.00
30. fluw | 42.00
31. jkortesi81 | 42.00
32. jumbobone19 | 42.00
33. kalesalad | 42.00
34. kenvald | 42.00
35. lmao | 42.00
36. matteo | 42.00
37. nerio | 42.00
38. raymond3000 | 42.00
39. retuperkele | 42.00
40. ronniewalker | 42.00
41. salming | 42.00
42. tylar | 42.00
43. velevra | 42.00
44. zaynzk | 42.00
45. carpy48 | 41.00
46. festinator | 41.00
47. flappygiraffe | 41.00
48. golden_apricot | 41.00
49. jepox | 41.00
50. leafs4ever | 41.00
51. nike | 41.00
52. otrebor13 | 41.00
53. sakrosankt | 41.00
54. zwhiz | 41.00
55. cementhands | 40.00
56. charlieconway | 40.00
57. gwdjohnson | 40.00
58. mr.finland | 40.00
59. notorioustron | 40.00
60. ohtaay | 40.00
61. sfresh3 | 40.00
62. toast | 40.00
63. gaby | 40.00
64. 3lewsers | 39.00
65. 5ympathies | 39.00
66. crazymojito | 39.00
67. evok | 39.00
68. leviadan | 39.00
69. lilstifler | 39.00
70. spooked | 39.00
71. sulovilen | 39.00
72. takethehorizon | 39.00
73. toivo | 39.00
74. scrufdaddy | 39.00
75. zoottx | 39.00
76. countchocula | 38.00
77. gurbs | 38.00
78. leafs1997 | 38.00
79. lespoils | 38.00
80. muerto | 38.00
81. rangerjase | 38.00
82. rotticusscott | 38.00
83. slothfacekilla | 38.00
84. dextaria | 38.00
85. raven | 38.00
86. valorx77 | 38.00
87. amidships | 37.00
88. bbjygm | 37.00
89. c9van | 37.00
90. dogwoodmaple | 37.00
91. gcool | 37.00
92. hotdog | 37.00
93. huck24 | 37.00
94. jnh | 37.00
95. jt3 | 37.00
96. juliotokolosh | 37.00
97. mp7 | 37.00
98. mutedfaith | 37.00
99. o4l | 37.00
100. snuffalupagus | 37.00
101. sopath | 37.00
102. spartangibbles | 37.00
103. sve7en | 37.00
104. zoone16 | 37.00
105. gifterofbikes | 37.00
106. acsolap | 36.00
107. briedaqueduc | 36.00
108. damienj10 | 36.00
109. enigmatic | 36.00
110. hallsy | 36.00
111. katth | 36.00
112. ruggsy | 36.00
113. steelhead77 | 36.00
114. supertardis101 | 36.00
115. zomp | 36.00
116. mementomori | 36.00
117. micool132 | 36.00
118. taterswc | 36.00
119. wannabefinn | 36.00
120. cptaincamel | 35.00
121. orbitingdeath | 35.00
122. rich | 35.00
123. spartan | 35.00
124. urq660 | 35.00
125. vandy | 35.00
126. qwest | 35.00
127. accka | 35.00
128. bytor | 35.00
129. arkz | 34.00
130. bdu754 | 34.00
131. boom | 34.00
132. cptsquall | 34.00
133. dankoa | 34.00
134. goldenglutes | 34.00
135. grok | 34.00
136. grum | 34.00
137. honkerrs | 34.00
138. juosu | 34.00
139. krazko | 34.00
140. mazatt | 34.00
141. mn_moosey | 34.00
142. traphag | 34.00
143. norwegiandemon | 34.00
144. renojacksonhs | 34.00
145. steveoiscool | 34.00
146. evil_allbran | 34.00
147. lorec | 34.00
148. picklejuice | 34.00
149. bluesfan55 | 33.00
150. flowseidon | 33.00
151. jamestruong | 33.00
152. naosu | 33.00
153. rankle | 33.00
154. serpex13 | 33.00
155. sköldpaddor | 33.00
156. thesparkydee | 33.00
157. wally | 33.00
158. notorioustig | 33.00
159. campinkiller | 33.00
160. tweedledunn | 33.00
161. ace | 32.00
162. ericncsu | 32.00
163. fitted2106 | 32.00
164. jaywhy | 32.00
165. jss331 | 32.00
166. mylittlehexx | 32.00
167. benpachi | 32.00
168. highhaschdi | 32.00
169. acapitalchicago | 31.00
170. canes2112 | 31.00
171. delirivm | 31.00
172. dewalt27 | 31.00
173. puolivalmiste | 31.00
174. renomitsu | 31.00
175. thedangazone | 31.00
176. thelasttheraclid | 31.00
177. captaincamel | 31.00
178. bfine | 31.00
179. darkcanuck29 | 31.00
180. drokeep | 31.00
181. bk1689 | 30.00
182. fantobens | 30.00
183. gordieboom | 30.00
184. hantheman_ | 30.00
185. pythonic | 30.00
186. segi | 30.00
187. thewozy | 30.00
188. bjkman | 30.00
189. goonerbear | 30.00
190. slashacm | 30.00
191. natedoeshockey | 30.00
192. andy | 29.00
193. aw13 | 29.00
194. bongo | 29.00
195. juke | 29.00
196. keygan | 29.00
197. kikish18 | 29.00
198. leppish | 29.00
199. patty | 29.00
200. rum_ham | 29.00
201. skeletonparty | 29.00
202. fever95 | 29.00
203. gaiamormont | 29.00
204. goilers | 29.00
205. artermis | 29.00
206. opera_phantom | 29.00
207. schwarznarr | 29.00
208. withthemoose | 29.00
209. advenny4 | 28.00
210. jericson | 28.00
211. shmurph | 28.00
212. siddhus | 28.00
213. tayjay | 28.00
214. trautner | 28.00
215. exilate | 28.00
216. inf1d3l | 28.00
217. crazylemire | 28.00
218. efischermann | 28.00
219. caltroit_red_flames | 27.00
220. ckroyal92 | 27.00
221. jumpierpegasus | 27.00
222. muford | 27.00
223. redcapediver | 27.00
224. sivart | 27.00
225. stadiumgambler | 27.00
226. thatguy91 | 27.00
227. blasoon | 27.00
228. thelastheraclid | 27.00
229. bendover | 27.00
230. eynhallow | 27.00
231. merica | 27.00
232. whitecap | 27.00
233. bayley | 26.00
234. bruins10 | 26.00
235. kraagenskul | 26.00
236. peej2189 | 26.00
237. thecc | 26.00
238. zeagle1 | 26.00
239. lb3737 | 26.00
240. visceralpotamus | 26.00
241. grapehead | 26.00
242. thunfish | 26.00
243. brickwall35 | 26.00
244. mcpumpkin | 26.00
245. barnabascollins | 25.00
246. basedminkus | 25.00
247. canadianduck | 25.00
248. jorec | 25.00
249. kierkan | 25.00
250. r0tzbua | 25.00
251. rabidsponge21 | 25.00
252. rancidbudgie | 25.00
253. theflash | 25.00
254. jay2233 | 25.00
255. sebster | 25.00
256. cptgoosar | 25.00
257. g2019 | 25.00
258. highstickking | 25.00
259. r1c3bowl22 | 25.00
260. sburbine | 25.00
261. symmetrik | 25.00
262. esso2264 | 24.00
263. geekusoid | 24.00
264. luketd | 24.00
265. mikeizzy | 24.00
266. mooney | 24.00
267. moreorless89 | 24.00
268. soulja | 24.00
269. st4rface | 24.00
270. mooty99 | 24.00
271. capncooper | 24.00
272. rashfordu | 24.00
273. vaxlare | 24.00
274. finnrhys | 23.00
275. fishy | 23.00
276. frick_nasty | 23.00
277. jruutu | 23.00
278. massivecoiler | 23.00
279. the5urreal | 23.00
280. thunder39 | 23.00
281. aphino | 22.00
282. brewskyboy | 22.00
283. chrismczehrl | 22.00
284. frazzle14 | 22.00
285. jtam | 22.00
286. nictox | 22.00
287. premierbromanov | 22.00
288. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 22.00
289. grimreaper | 22.00
290. gordonbombay | 22.00
291. unconfident69 | 22.00
292. .bojo | 21.00
293. bilbo | 21.00
294. cobbenstein | 21.00
295. ferda | 21.00
296. jeffie43 | 21.00
297. jonnytsunami | 21.00
298. juniped | 21.00
299. majesiu | 21.00
300. suavemente | 21.00
301. tnlastatine | 21.00
302. uberbj | 21.00
303. vikian | 21.00
304. aircrou | 21.00
305. bignewff | 21.00
306. crunk | 21.00
307. seymour | 21.00
308. thiefofcheese | 21.00
309. vic03 | 21.00
310. badwolf | 20.00
311. capt_blitzkrieg | 20.00
312. duff101 | 20.00
313. hoovuh | 20.00
314. jr95 | 20.00
315. kc15 | 20.00
316. sdcore | 20.00
317. mer | 20.00
318. fuzzshl | 19.00
319. leoben | 19.00
320. overdoo | 19.00
321. 39alaska39 | 19.00
322. projectsaint | 19.00
323. henrik | 19.00
324. hordle | 18.00
325. keenan | 18.00
326. seymoursnatches | 18.00
327. zema | 18.00
328. aephino | 18.00
329. lukstins88 | 18.00
330. xleafer | 18.00
331. shylo_moxii | 18.00
332. hewasajazzman | 17.00
333. kluster | 17.00
334. stamkosfan | 17.00
335. trella | 17.00
336. ursinz | 17.00
337. ztevans | 17.00
338. durden | 17.00
339. tommytightpants | 17.00
340. tesla | 17.00
341. ramenamen | 17.00
342. snussu | 17.00
343. valpix | 17.00
344. blastmeaway | 16.00
345. cyanide | 16.00
346. ddrector | 16.00
347. gooney | 16.00
348. jss | 16.00
349. kalakar | 16.00
350. romaneseuntdomus | 16.00
351. z0rem | 16.00
352. grannypanpan | 16.00
353. kenitohmenara | 16.00
354. tapdancingnecrons | 16.00
355. wumaduce | 16.00
356. crutch | 16.00
357. talls | 16.00
358. academydropout | 16.00
359. jimmysmo27 | 16.00
360. michiganonymous | 16.00
361. cleanandreikostitsyn | 15.00
362. good_ole_kimmy | 15.00
363. jaythegreat | 15.00
364. jedi | 15.00
365. mcgriddleluver | 15.00
366. the__yman__100 | 15.00
367. wongy | 15.00
368. hhh81 | 15.00
369. dagumpa | 15.00
370. dollarandadream | 15.00
371. esilverm | 15.00
372. mediocre_fred | 15.00
373. cd12 | 15.00
374. luke | 15.00
375. redderder15 | 15.00
376. habsfanfromontario | 15.00
377. mcal95 | 15.00
378. dangles13 | 15.00
379. njbadapple | 15.00
380. captaincrazy | 14.00
381. iamslm22 | 14.00
382. jearim | 14.00
383. bbp | 14.00
384. deng | 14.00
385. wildfiremicro | 14.00
386. .laser | 14.00
387. ajwllmsn | 14.00
388. chevy | 14.00
389. trempale | 14.00
390. jala | 13.00
391. jobin | 13.00
392. mika_kandinsky | 13.00
393. nyumbayangu | 13.00
394. tomasnz | 13.00
395. negs77 | 13.00
396. monochroma | 13.00
397. nour | 13.00
398. banackock | 13.00
399. punk42ae | 13.00
400. algringo | 12.00
401. tomhanks | 12.00
402. reid | 12.00
403. bolobill | 12.00
404. cheerfulbender20 | 12.00
405. ml002 | 12.00
406. kasterborous | 12.00
407. philliesphan96 | 12.00
408. yagoyi | 12.00
409. tacocat2 | 12.00
410. armthesharks | 12.00
411. fleshbagsoup | 11.00
412. jstmaro | 11.00
413. vbottas17 | 11.00
414. aleris | 11.00
415. citizenofadraa | 11.00
416. mook | 11.00
417. mamab | 11.00
418. jaypc8237 | 11.00
419. allegiant | 11.00
420. blix900 | 11.00
421. holtzfan10 | 11.00
422. larrythemvp | 11.00
423. waters | 11.00
424. jajaswegdingdong | 10.00
425. mee | 10.00
426. tate | 10.00
427. dannyc | 10.00
428. wasty | 10.00
429. 5 | 10.00
430. byrdeman | 10.00
431. canuckles | 10.00
432. tubbytim69 | 10.00
433. washeduptrash | 10.00
434. bubbatree | 10.00
435. dhoop | 10.00
436. johnnypatey | 10.00
437. dapollos | 9.00
438. gumbaman | 9.00
439. hazack | 9.00
440. littleb | 9.00
441. mayuu | 9.00
442. mcp_ | 9.00
443. roamus | 9.00
444. thebigsandeenie | 9.00
445. karlssens | 9.00
446. tommysalami | 9.00
447. graydonsanatomy | 9.00
448. scorycory | 9.00
449. greencityny | 9.00
450. h0ppy75 | 9.00
451. kingtag1999 | 9.00
452. bibleman19 | 9.00
453. dmuda11 | 9.00
454. tomtommen | 9.00
455. demolish | 8.00
456. rev | 8.00
457. sabremike | 8.00
458. teztify | 8.00
459. thisseemsfishy | 8.00
460. w19eaver | 8.00
461. arturs33 | 8.00
462. randominoe | 8.00
463. dmills3 | 8.00
464. secondsucks22 | 8.00
465. avakael | 8.00
466. ntg | 8.00
467. samsungvirtualassistant | 8.00
468. _blitz_ | 8.00
469. adamantium | 8.00
470. anthique | 8.00
471. jackkmart | 8.00
472. kast3rborous | 8.00
473. d0lph1nb0y | 7.00
474. geckoeygecko | 7.00
475. lordbolo | 7.00
476. snoopdogg | 7.00
477. treant | 7.00
478. frostbite | 7.00
479. mrstennett | 7.00
480. noname | 7.00
481. shutdown | 7.00
482. whikadoodle | 7.00
483. xtri | 7.00
484. faded | 7.00
485. guriinwoodo | 7.00
486. ryancvit | 7.00
487. lobbanet | 7.00
488. drb1gmack | 7.00
489. fourfour | 7.00
490. mdavidson | 7.00
491. off | 7.00
492. pauadrian | 7.00
493. sergeantens | 7.00
494. ctots | 7.00
495. rindiee | 7.00
496. vulfzilla | 7.00
497. jsteele14 | 7.00
498. blakec1414 | 7.00
499. caleb_h | 7.00
500. jmacncheese | 7.00
501. plutoniumdom | 7.00
502. thegreattoejam | 7.00
503. theroopehintzeffect | 7.00
504. jogurtaa | 6.00
505. gucci | 6.00
506. tmuse | 6.00
507. azjha_59 | 6.00
508. dude_man | 6.00
509. joshuacorcorantwitch | 6.00
510. omniscius | 6.00
511. will3 | 6.00
512. finch | 6.00
513. marcul_le_depanneur | 6.00
514. annah | 5.00
515. bklman | 5.00
516. buster | 5.00
517. cahtahhaht | 5.00
518. cb2212 | 5.00
519. dexteria | 5.00
520. donutdefender | 5.00
521. drodger91 | 5.00
522. dude | 5.00
523. eagle_brand | 5.00
524. jason97 | 5.00
525. mavfatha | 5.00
526. mrruihu | 5.00
527. slappydoodle | 5.00
528. titan | 5.00
529. vrtxl4s3r | 5.00
530. leafsftw1967 | 5.00
531. jackers41 | 5.00
532. jjlangabeer | 5.00
533. matty7478 | 5.00
534. junior | 5.00
535. lowlycrib | 5.00
536. michaellum30 | 5.00
537. slav1cthor | 5.00
538. villagebc | 5.00
539. arctic | 5.00
540. austin623 | 5.00
541. dirtyboygrease | 5.00
542. jumpseat | 5.00
543. legend | 5.00
544. peskypenguin | 5.00
545. runningman434 | 5.00
546. southpae | 5.00
547. twosocks | 5.00
548. bdonini | 4.00
549. bigbluex02 | 4.00
550. inverted | 4.00
551. jakey.peach | 4.00
552. mack | 4.00
553. vin | 4.00
554. 124715 | 4.00
555. boucherfan12 | 4.00
556. dasboot | 4.00
557. dollabill | 4.00
558. habsfan6776 | 4.00
559. larkstongue | 4.00
560. outoftoast | 4.00
561. efiug | 4.00
562. fiveforfighting | 4.00
563. katarn22 | 4.00
564. lmcm86 | 4.00
565. shnarlydude | 4.00
566. smd414 | 4.00
567. lairdbutler | 4.00
568. lazyeye | 4.00
569. locagiess | 4.00
570. platanocat | 4.00
571. sly | 4.00
572. blbertrand | 4.00
573. coswi | 4.00
574. duffleman2002 | 4.00
575. imshiny | 4.00
576. namelessnate | 4.00
577. shan3p | 4.00
578. simo_393 | 4.00
579. sly92 | 4.00
580. sean | 4.00
581. petralikesbaseball | 4.00
582. weretarantula | 4.00
583. cyclo | 4.00
584. gr4vy | 4.00
585. lukamagic | 4.00
586. romancebrownjr | 4.00
587. tonzy | 4.00
588. twigs | 4.00
589. diacope | 4.00
590. hope | 4.00
591. jdinino | 4.00
592. justanotherhockeyfan | 4.00
593. roobacca | 4.00
594. sarah | 4.00
595. thehammer43 | 4.00
596. boomcheck | 3.00
597. cakequest | 3.00
598. emlbcommish | 3.00
599. fnorespect | 3.00
600. frijolhead | 3.00
601. jiggly_333 | 3.00
602. minnesotafine | 3.00
603. paq | 3.00
604. philip3242 | 3.00
605. emeril | 3.00
606. .simo | 3.00
607. deletedatuserrequest | 3.00
608. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 3.00
609. sabresfan | 3.00
610. ant | 3.00
611. doritomancer | 3.00
612. nobody | 3.00
613. camel | 3.00
614. curbeecurbs | 3.00
615. goledn_apricot | 3.00
616. thevoicelesscreator | 3.00
617. ashes | 3.00
618. froste39 | 3.00
619. koty_k | 3.00
620. sleepy | 3.00
621. southpaw | 3.00
622. aneeqs | 3.00
623. erikvm | 3.00
624. justice | 3.00
Total TPE last 5 seasons
1. toast | 25.00
2. gaby | 24.00
3. drunkenteddy | 23.00
4. nhamlet | 23.00
5. whitecap | 23.00
6. askedmadden | 22.00
7. carpy48 | 22.00
8. lime | 22.00
9. lordbirdman | 22.00
10. muerto | 22.00
11. nike | 22.00
12. ragnar | 22.00
13. salming | 22.00
14. sewingwithnancy | 22.00
15. wearingabear | 22.00
16. zoottx | 22.00
17. evil_allbran | 22.00
18. darkcanuck29 | 22.00
19. drokeep | 22.00
20. brickwall35 | 22.00
21. briedaqueduc | 21.00
22. canadice | 21.00
23. mastersheep | 21.00
24. mr.finland | 21.00
25. tomen | 21.00
26. zaynzk | 21.00
27. valorx77 | 21.00
28. campinkiller | 21.00
29. picklejuice | 21.00
30. tweedledunn | 21.00
31. natedoeshockey | 21.00
32. g2019 | 21.00
33. highstickking | 21.00
34. mcpumpkin | 21.00
35. r1c3bowl22 | 21.00
36. sburbine | 21.00
37. seymour | 21.00
38. thiefofcheese | 21.00
39. vic03 | 21.00
40. aaronwilson | 20.00
41. fluw | 20.00
42. hockeyiscool | 20.00
43. kenvald | 20.00
44. keven | 20.00
45. kyamprac | 20.00
46. otrebor13 | 20.00
47. raymond3000 | 20.00
48. retuperkele | 20.00
49. roastpuff | 20.00
50. ronniewalker | 20.00
51. serpex13 | 20.00
52. sfresh3 | 20.00
53. sköldpaddor | 20.00
54. trashae | 20.00
55. velevra | 20.00
56. zombiewolf | 20.00
57. scrufdaddy | 20.00
58. accka | 20.00
59. benpachi | 20.00
60. bfine | 20.00
61. artermis | 20.00
62. capncooper | 20.00
63. cptgoosar | 20.00
64. rashfordu | 20.00
65. symmetrik | 20.00
66. vaxlare | 20.00
67. 5ympathies | 19.00
68. agentsmith630 | 19.00
69. arkz | 19.00
70. charlieconway | 19.00
71. flappygiraffe | 19.00
72. flowseidon | 19.00
73. halkohol | 19.00
74. kentakira | 19.00
75. leafs1997 | 19.00
76. marco999 | 19.00
77. matteo | 19.00
78. spooked | 19.00
79. sulovilen | 19.00
80. tylar | 19.00
81. zwhiz | 19.00
82. mementomori | 19.00
83. micool132 | 19.00
84. norwegiandemon | 19.00
85. raven | 19.00
86. renojacksonhs | 19.00
87. taterswc | 19.00
88. wannabefinn | 19.00
89. lorec | 19.00
90. crazylemire | 19.00
91. efischermann | 19.00
92. thunder39 | 19.00
93. henrik | 19.00
94. acsolap | 18.00
95. cementhands | 18.00
96. golden_apricot | 18.00
97. gwdjohnson | 18.00
98. hallsy | 18.00
99. jamestruong | 18.00
100. jepox | 18.00
101. jumbobone19 | 18.00
102. leafs4ever | 18.00
103. lilstifler | 18.00
104. lmao | 18.00
105. nerio | 18.00
106. notorioustron | 18.00
107. ohtaay | 18.00
108. orbitingdeath | 18.00
109. sakrosankt | 18.00
110. sve7en | 18.00
111. takethehorizon | 18.00
112. thelasttheraclid | 18.00
113. vandy | 18.00
114. zomp | 18.00
115. dextaria | 18.00
116. gifterofbikes | 18.00
117. goonerbear | 18.00
118. qwest | 18.00
119. thelastheraclid | 18.00
120. bytor | 18.00
121. opera_phantom | 18.00
122. schwarznarr | 18.00
123. withthemoose | 18.00
124. gordonbombay | 18.00
125. unconfident69 | 18.00
126. shylo_moxii | 18.00
127. 3lewsers | 17.00
128. advenny4 | 17.00
129. aw13 | 17.00
130. chrismczehrl | 17.00
131. crazymojito | 17.00
132. dogwoodmaple | 17.00
133. evok | 17.00
134. festinator | 17.00
135. honkerrs | 17.00
136. jkortesi81 | 17.00
137. jnh | 17.00
138. jss331 | 17.00
139. juosu | 17.00
140. kalesalad | 17.00
141. kylrad | 17.00
142. leviadan | 17.00
143. rotticusscott | 17.00
144. snuffalupagus | 17.00
145. spartangibbles | 17.00
146. urq660 | 17.00
147. notorioustig | 17.00
148. crunk | 17.00
149. tesla | 17.00
150. ramenamen | 17.00
151. snussu | 17.00
152. valpix | 17.00
153. amidships | 16.00
154. boom | 16.00
155. c9van | 16.00
156. cptaincamel | 16.00
157. cptsquall | 16.00
158. faelax | 16.00
159. gcool | 16.00
160. jaywhy | 16.00
161. jt3 | 16.00
162. juliotokolosh | 16.00
163. rangerjase | 16.00
164. sopath | 16.00
165. spartan | 16.00
166. steelhead77 | 16.00
167. captaincamel | 16.00
168. steveoiscool | 16.00
169. goilers | 16.00
170. highhaschdi | 16.00
171. inf1d3l | 16.00
172. jay2233 | 16.00
173. sebster | 16.00
174. mer | 16.00
175. michiganonymous | 16.00
176. countchocula | 15.00
177. gurbs | 15.00
178. hotdog | 15.00
179. huck24 | 15.00
180. lespoils | 15.00
181. mazatt | 15.00
182. slothfacekilla | 15.00
183. supertardis101 | 15.00
184. toivo | 15.00
185. thunfish | 15.00
186. the5urreal | 15.00
187. habsfanfromontario | 15.00
188. mcal95 | 15.00
189. dangles13 | 15.00
190. njbadapple | 15.00
191. ace | 14.00
192. bdu754 | 14.00
193. dankoa | 14.00
194. enigmatic | 14.00
195. goldenglutes | 14.00
196. grum | 14.00
197. mp7 | 14.00
198. mutedfaith | 14.00
199. rich | 14.00
200. traphag | 14.00
201. zoone16 | 14.00
202. bjkman | 14.00
203. lb3737 | 14.00
204. bendover | 14.00
205. eynhallow | 14.00
206. merica | 14.00
207. .laser | 14.00
208. ajwllmsn | 14.00
209. chevy | 14.00
210. trempale | 14.00
211. bbjygm | 13.00
212. caltroit_red_flames | 13.00
213. grok | 13.00
214. keygan | 13.00
215. leppish | 13.00
216. o4l | 13.00
217. grapehead | 13.00
218. tommytightpants | 13.00
219. banackock | 13.00
220. punk42ae | 13.00
221. damienj10 | 12.00
222. good_ole_kimmy | 12.00
223. gooney | 12.00
224. ruggsy | 12.00
225. exilate | 12.00
226. slashacm | 12.00
227. aircrou | 12.00
228. durden | 12.00
229. tacocat2 | 12.00
230. armthesharks | 12.00
231. acapitalchicago | 11.00
232. canes2112 | 11.00
233. dewalt27 | 11.00
234. jeffie43 | 11.00
235. katth | 11.00
236. mn_moosey | 11.00
237. puolivalmiste | 11.00
238. rankle | 11.00
239. renomitsu | 11.00
240. romaneseuntdomus | 11.00
241. thesparkydee | 11.00
242. z0rem | 11.00
243. esilverm | 11.00
244. visceralpotamus | 11.00
245. bignewff | 11.00
246. luke | 11.00
247. redderder15 | 11.00
248. mamab | 11.00
249. jaypc8237 | 11.00
250. allegiant | 11.00
251. blix900 | 11.00
252. holtzfan10 | 11.00
253. larrythemvp | 11.00
254. waters | 11.00
255. bluesfan55 | 10.00
256. ericncsu | 10.00
257. fantobens | 10.00
258. fitted2106 | 10.00
259. hantheman_ | 10.00
260. kikish18 | 10.00
261. krazko | 10.00
262. mylittlehexx | 10.00
263. pythonic | 10.00
264. sdcore | 10.00
265. hhh81 | 10.00
266. blasoon | 10.00
267. fever95 | 10.00
268. gaiamormont | 10.00
269. bubbatree | 10.00
270. dhoop | 10.00
271. johnnypatey | 10.00
272. delirivm | 9.00
273. jearim | 9.00
274. trautner | 9.00
275. uberbj | 9.00
276. mooty99 | 9.00
277. vikian | 9.00
278. bibleman19 | 9.00
279. dmuda11 | 9.00
280. tomtommen | 9.00
281. bk1689 | 8.00
282. blastmeaway | 8.00
283. gordieboom | 8.00
284. juniped | 8.00
285. segi | 8.00
286. thewozy | 8.00
287. projectsaint | 8.00
288. jimmysmo27 | 8.00
289. nour | 8.00
290. kasterborous | 8.00
291. philliesphan96 | 8.00
292. yagoyi | 8.00
293. _blitz_ | 8.00
294. adamantium | 8.00
295. anthique | 8.00
296. jackkmart | 8.00
297. kast3rborous | 8.00
298. bongo | 7.00
299. jericson | 7.00
300. juke | 7.00
301. kraagenskul | 7.00
302. muford | 7.00
303. naosu | 7.00
304. patty | 7.00
305. rancidbudgie | 7.00
306. tayjay | 7.00
307. the__yman__100 | 7.00
308. thecc | 7.00
309. thedangazone | 7.00
310. vbottas17 | 7.00
311. wally | 7.00
312. reid | 7.00
313. bbp | 7.00
314. theflash | 7.00
315. wildfiremicro | 7.00
316. ml002 | 7.00
317. academydropout | 7.00
318. citizenofadraa | 7.00
319. mook | 7.00
320. sergeantens | 7.00
321. ctots | 7.00
322. rindiee | 7.00
323. vulfzilla | 7.00
324. jsteele14 | 7.00
325. blakec1414 | 7.00
326. caleb_h | 7.00
327. jmacncheese | 7.00
328. plutoniumdom | 7.00
329. thegreattoejam | 7.00
330. theroopehintzeffect | 7.00
331. barnabascollins | 6.00
332. ckroyal92 | 6.00
333. mcgriddleluver | 6.00
334. skeletonparty | 6.00
335. stadiumgambler | 6.00
336. wongy | 6.00
337. zeagle1 | 6.00
338. lukstins88 | 6.00
339. byrdeman | 6.00
340. crutch | 6.00
341. greencityny | 6.00
342. azjha_59 | 6.00
343. dude_man | 6.00
344. joshuacorcorantwitch | 6.00
345. omniscius | 6.00
346. will3 | 6.00
347. finch | 6.00
348. marcul_le_depanneur | 6.00
349. massivecoiler | 5.00
350. rabidsponge21 | 5.00
351. redcapediver | 5.00
352. arctic | 5.00
353. austin623 | 5.00
354. dirtyboygrease | 5.00
355. jumpseat | 5.00
356. legend | 5.00
357. peskypenguin | 5.00
358. runningman434 | 5.00
359. southpae | 5.00
360. twosocks | 5.00
361. algringo | 4.00
362. andy | 4.00
363. badwolf | 4.00
364. basedminkus | 4.00
365. bruins10 | 4.00
366. dapollos | 4.00
367. finnrhys | 4.00
368. fishy | 4.00
369. fuzzshl | 4.00
370. geekusoid | 4.00
371. hoovuh | 4.00
372. jorec | 4.00
373. jumpierpegasus | 4.00
374. kierkan | 4.00
375. leoben | 4.00
376. luketd | 4.00
377. nictox | 4.00
378. rum_ham | 4.00
379. shmurph | 4.00
380. siddhus | 4.00
381. sivart | 4.00
382. soulja | 4.00
383. tnlastatine | 4.00
384. trella | 4.00
385. grimreaper | 4.00
386. mediocre_fred | 4.00
387. noname | 4.00
388. wumaduce | 4.00
389. cd12 | 4.00
390. guriinwoodo | 4.00
391. talls | 4.00
392. monochroma | 4.00
393. avakael | 4.00
394. kingtag1999 | 4.00
395. ntg | 4.00
396. sean | 4.00
397. petralikesbaseball | 4.00
398. weretarantula | 4.00
399. cyclo | 4.00
400. gr4vy | 4.00
401. lukamagic | 4.00
402. romancebrownjr | 4.00
403. tonzy | 4.00
404. twigs | 4.00
405. diacope | 4.00
406. hope | 4.00
407. jdinino | 4.00
408. justanotherhockeyfan | 4.00
409. roobacca | 4.00
410. sarah | 4.00
411. thehammer43 | 4.00
412. bayley | 3.00
413. canadianduck | 3.00
414. duff101 | 3.00
415. jobin | 3.00
416. jr95 | 3.00
417. jss | 3.00
418. mooney | 3.00
419. st4rface | 3.00
420. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 3.00
421. xleafer | 3.00
422. tubbytim69 | 3.00
423. aleris | 3.00
424. drb1gmack | 3.00
425. fourfour | 3.00
426. mdavidson | 3.00
427. off | 3.00
428. pauadrian | 3.00
429. samsungvirtualassistant | 3.00
430. .simo | 3.00
431. deletedatuserrequest | 3.00
432. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 3.00
433. sabresfan | 3.00
434. ant | 3.00
435. doritomancer | 3.00
436. nobody | 3.00
437. camel | 3.00
438. curbeecurbs | 3.00
439. goledn_apricot | 3.00
440. thevoicelesscreator | 3.00
441. ashes | 3.00
442. froste39 | 3.00
443. koty_k | 3.00
444. sleepy | 3.00
445. southpaw | 3.00
446. aneeqs | 3.00
447. erikvm | 3.00
448. justice | 3.00
55 people didn't miss award predictions in the last 10 seasons which is 10 fewer than season predictions even though you usually do both together before the season
Now I'm questioning if something's wrong with my parser, or wait, do award committee members do award predictions? If not, that would explain it
Anyway, for the dataset of these 55 users,
Mean: 42.15
Median: 42
Max: 48
Min: 37
Standard deviation: 2.53
Very low deviation from mean which makes sense because you're lucky to get more than 2 awards correctly
IIHF predictions
Average tpe by season
S59: 4.22
S60: 3.59
S61: 3.66
S62: 4.17
S63: 5.00
S64: 3.63
S65: 4.58
S66: 3.48
S67: 3.08
S68: 4.33
Total TPE last 10 seasons
1. marco999 | 45.00
2. hockeyiscool | 44.50
3. raymond3000 | 44.00
4. notorioustron | 43.50
5. salming | 43.50
6. dogwoodmaple | 43.00
7. jumbobone19 | 42.00
8. mastersheep | 42.00
9. retuperkele | 42.00
10. sakrosankt | 42.00
11. 3lewsers | 41.50
12. leafsftw1967 | 41.50
13. sulovilen | 41.50
14. aaronwilson | 41.00
15. kenvald | 40.50
16. zwhiz | 40.50
17. renojacksonhs | 40.50
18. carpy48 | 40.00
19. halkohol | 40.00
20. leviadan | 40.00
21. vandy | 40.00
22. sfresh3 | 39.50
23. charlieconway | 39.00
24. keven | 39.00
25. tylar | 39.00
26. hotdog | 38.50
27. kalesalad | 38.50
28. sköldpaddor | 38.50
29. slothfacekilla | 38.50
30. steveoiscool | 38.50
31. fluw | 38.00
32. muerto | 38.00
33. nhamlet | 38.00
34. taterswc | 38.00
35. agentsmith630 | 37.50
36. askedmadden | 37.50
37. festinator | 37.50
38. ronniewalker | 37.50
39. cementhands | 37.00
40. goldenglutes | 37.00
41. rich | 37.00
42. golden_apricots | 36.50
43. leafs4ever | 36.50
44. lespoils | 36.00
45. lilstifler | 36.00
46. mooney | 36.00
47. acapitalchicago | 35.00
48. arkz | 35.00
49. bluesfan55 | 35.00
50. drunkenteddy | 35.00
51. lime | 35.00
52. lordbirdman | 35.00
53. bdu754 | 34.50
54. kentakira | 34.50
55. matteo | 34.50
56. ragnar | 34.50
57. romaneseuntdomus | 34.50
58. micool132 | 34.50
59. zoottx | 34.50
60. jamestruong | 34.00
61. mr.finland | 34.00
62. mutedfaith | 34.00
63. raven | 34.00
64. scrufdaddy | 34.00
65. crazymojito | 33.50
66. nike | 33.50
67. spartangibbles | 33.50
68. bfine | 33.50
69. ace | 33.00
70. dextaria | 33.00
71. gurbs | 33.00
72. zombiewolf | 33.00
73. captaincamel | 32.50
74. orbitingdeath | 32.50
75. golden_apricot | 32.50
76. evil_allbran | 32.50
77. briedaqueduc | 32.00
78. c9van | 32.00
79. hhh81 | 32.00
80. jkortesi81 | 32.00
81. segi | 32.00
82. valorx77 | 32.00
83. 5ympathies | 31.50
84. leafs1997 | 31.50
85. nerio | 31.50
86. ohtaay | 31.50
87. otrebor13 | 31.50
88. sve7en | 31.50
89. toast | 31.00
90. wearingabear | 31.00
91. natedoeshockey | 31.00
92. thelastheraclid | 30.50
93. evok | 30.50
94. gaby | 30.50
95. norwegiandemon | 30.50
96. bytor | 30.50
97. darkcanuck29 | 30.50
98. jt3 | 30.00
99. kyamprac | 30.00
100. mn_moosey | 30.00
101. rangerjase | 30.00
102. sewingwithnancy | 30.00
103. spooked | 30.00
104. urq660 | 30.00
105. wannabefinn | 30.00
106. efischermann | 30.00
107. opera_phantom | 30.00
108. bbjygm | 29.50
109. jnh | 29.50
110. puolivalmiste | 29.50
111. lorec | 29.50
112. drokeep | 29.50
113. countchocula | 29.00
114. damienj10 | 29.00
115. picklejuice | 29.00
116. acsolap | 28.50
117. boom | 28.50
118. rancidbudgie | 28.50
119. roastpuff | 28.50
120. bendover | 28.50
121. schwarznarr | 28.50
122. the5urreal | 28.50
123. withthemoose | 28.50
124. dankoa | 28.00
125. gordieboom | 28.00
126. accka | 28.00
127. highhaschdi | 28.00
128. fitted2106 | 27.50
129. jepox | 27.50
130. jss331 | 27.50
131. lmao | 27.50
132. fantobens | 27.00
133. eynhallow | 27.00
134. benpachi | 27.00
135. brickwall35 | 27.00
136. o4l | 26.50
137. jay2233 | 26.50
138. tweedledunn | 26.50
139. bjkman | 26.00
140. canadianduck | 26.00
141. karlssens | 26.00
142. katth | 26.00
143. luketd | 26.00
144. rotticusscott | 26.00
145. visceralpotamus | 26.00
146. amidships | 25.50
147. grum | 25.50
148. notorioustig | 25.50
149. spartan | 25.50
150. thedangazone | 25.50
151. slashacm | 25.50
152. grapehead | 25.50
153. mementomori | 25.50
154. crunk | 25.50
155. gordonbombay | 25.50
156. highstickking | 25.50
157. caltroit_red_flames | 25.00
158. faelax | 25.00
159. kylrad | 25.00
160. takethehorizon | 25.00
161. steelhead77 | 25.00
162. honkerrs | 24.50
163. campinkiller | 24.50
164. gifterofbikes | 24.50
165. capncooper | 24.50
166. g2019 | 24.50
167. vaxlare | 24.50
168. flappygiraffe | 24.00
169. geekusoid | 24.00
170. premierbromanov | 24.00
171. theflash | 24.00
172. toivo | 24.00
173. zaynzk | 24.00
174. aw13 | 24.00
175. thunfish | 24.00
176. bongo | 23.50
177. enigmatic | 23.50
178. tomen | 23.50
179. symmetrik | 23.50
180. rabidsponge21 | 23.00
181. thatguy91 | 23.00
182. sburbine | 23.00
183. cptsquall | 22.50
184. hantheman_ | 22.50
185. goilers | 22.50
186. juosu | 22.50
187. whitecap | 22.50
188. krazko | 22.00
189. leppish | 22.00
190. mikeizzy | 22.00
191. snuffalupagus | 22.00
192. gaiamormont | 22.00
193. inf1d3l | 22.00
194. crazylemire | 22.00
195. sebster | 22.00
196. rashfordu | 22.00
197. tesla | 22.00
198. thiefofcheese | 22.00
199. canadice | 21.50
200. canes2112 | 21.00
201. stadiumgambler | 21.00
202. thecc | 21.00
203. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 21.00
204. renomitsu | 20.50
205. ruggsy | 20.50
206. sdcore | 20.50
207. sopath | 20.50
208. st4rface | 20.50
209. zoone16 | 20.50
210. r1c3bowl22 | 20.50
211. mcpumpkin | 20.50
212. advenny4 | 20.00
213. gcool | 20.00
214. serpex13 | 20.00
215. tayjay | 20.00
216. qwest | 20.00
217. redderder15 | 20.00
218. barnabascollins | 19.50
219. juke | 19.50
220. kierkan | 19.50
221. thesparkydee | 19.50
222. mazatt | 19.00
223. mp7 | 19.00
224. zomp | 19.00
225. seymour | 19.00
226. andy | 18.50
227. kikish18 | 18.50
228. patty | 18.50
229. gwdjohnson | 18.50
230. basedminkus | 18.00
231. duff101 | 18.00
232. flowseidon | 18.00
233. kraagenskul | 18.00
234. reid | 18.00
235. thewozy | 18.00
236. zeagle1 | 18.00
237. unconfident69 | 18.00
238. njbadapple | 18.00
239. bk1689 | 17.50
240. siddhus | 17.50
241. trella | 17.50
242. velevra | 17.50
243. fever95 | 17.50
244. lb3737 | 17.50
245. tommytightpants | 17.50
246. vulfzilla | 17.50
247. delrivm | 17.00
248. jr95 | 17.00
249. blasoon | 17.00
250. mamab | 17.00
251. ramenamen | 17.00
252. .bojo | 16.50
253. huck24 | 16.50
254. talls | 16.50
255. blastmeaway | 16.00
256. dagumpa | 16.00
257. massivecoiler | 16.00
258. muford | 16.00
259. trashae | 16.00
260. trautner | 16.00
261. chevy | 16.00
262. dangles13 | 16.00
263. jeffie43 | 15.50
264. suavemente | 15.50
265. nictox | 15.50
266. durden | 15.50
267. thunder39 | 15.50
268. aephino | 15.00
269. bayley | 15.00
270. cobbenstein | 15.00
271. ericncsu | 15.00
272. juniped | 15.00
273. seymoursnatches | 15.00
274. traphag | 15.00
275. supertardis101 | 15.00
276. henrik | 15.00
277. kluster | 14.50
278. pythonic | 14.50
279. shmurph | 14.50
280. tommysalami | 14.50
281. wally | 14.50
282. xleafer | 14.50
283. tapdancingnecrons | 14.50
284. aleris | 14.50
285. habsfanfromontario | 14.50
286. finnrhys | 14.00
287. frick_nasty | 14.00
288. jonnytsunami | 14.00
289. jruutu | 14.00
290. redcapediver | 14.00
291. ursinz | 14.00
292. punk42ae | 14.00
293. bruins10 | 13.50
294. hewasajazzman | 13.50
295. jorec | 13.50
296. soulja | 13.50
297. juliotokolosh | 13.50
298. artermis | 13.50
299. hallsy | 13.00
300. delirivm | 13.00
301. goonerbear | 13.00
302. academydropout | 13.00
303. kc15 | 12.50
304. mcgriddleluver | 12.50
305. naosu | 12.50
306. peej2189 | 12.50
307. r0tzbua | 12.50
308. exilate | 12.50
309. uberbj | 12.50
310. tacocat2 | 12.50
311. shylo_moxii | 12.50
312. brewskyboy | 12.00
313. cyanide | 12.00
314. dollarandadream | 12.00
315. ferda | 12.00
316. mylittlehexx | 12.00
317. zema | 12.00
318. nour | 12.00
319. banackock | 12.00
320. valpix | 12.00
321. holtzfan10 | 12.00
322. southpaw | 12.00
323. bilbo | 11.50
324. fuzzshl | 11.50
325. jumpierpegasus | 11.50
326. 39alaska39 | 11.50
327. kenitohmenara | 11.50
328. dewalt27 | 11.50
329. drb1gmack | 11.50
330. ntg | 11.50
331. snussu | 11.50
332. larrythemvp | 11.50
333. capt_blitzkrieg | 11.00
334. grok | 11.00
335. sivart | 11.00
336. dhoop | 11.00
337. vic03 | 11.00
338. fishy | 10.50
339. tomhanks | 10.50
340. vrtxl4s3r | 10.50
341. vikian | 10.50
342. merica | 10.50
343. chrismczehrl | 10.50
344. kasterborous | 10.50
345. trempale | 10.50
346. blakec1414 | 10.50
347. blix900 | 10.50
348. esilverm | 10.50
349. michiganonymous | 10.50
350. gumbaman | 10.00
351. jericson | 10.00
352. mook | 10.00
353. wildfiremicro | 10.00
354. greencityny | 10.00
355. cptgoosar | 10.00
356. esso2264 | 9.50
357. leoben | 9.50
358. littleb | 9.50
359. the__yman__100 | 9.50
360. waters | 9.50
361. monochroma | 9.50
362. yagoyi | 9.50
363. ajwllmsn | 9.50
364. bignewff | 9.50
365. marcul_le_depanneur | 9.50
366. badwolf | 9.00
367. bloomeygb | 9.00
368. gucci | 9.00
369. jtam | 9.00
370. tate | 9.00
371. jaywhy | 9.00
372. mooty99 | 9.00
373. skeletonparty | 9.00
374. grimreaper | 9.00
375. ckroyal92 | 8.50
376. kalakar | 8.50
377. mediocre_fred | 8.50
378. moreorless89 | 8.50
379. skoldpaddor | 8.50
380. mer | 8.50
381. jmacncheese | 8.50
382. tomtommen | 8.50
383. jajaswegdingdong | 8.00
384. majesiu | 8.00
385. overdoo | 8.00
386. rankle | 8.00
387. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 8.00
388. crutch | 8.00
389. keygan | 8.00
390. lukstins88 | 8.00
391. adamantium | 8.00
392. mee | 7.50
393. outoftoast | 7.50
394. rum_ham | 7.50
395. grannypanpan | 7.50
396. cheerfulbender20 | 7.50
397. tubbytim69 | 7.50
398. aircrou | 7.50
399. dmuda11 | 7.50
400. mcal95 | 7.50
401. anthique | 7.50
402. buster | 7.00
403. captaincrazy | 7.00
404. vin | 7.00
405. dmills3 | 7.00
406. omniscius | 7.00
407. armthesharks | 7.00
408. caleb_h | 7.00
409. iamslm22 | 6.50
410. tnlastatine | 6.50
411. minnesotafine | 6.50
412. ztevans | 6.50
413. mrmom | 6.50
414. z0rem | 6.50
415. jackkmart | 6.50
416. d0lph1nb0y | 6.00
417. keenan | 6.00
418. slappydoodle | 6.00
419. jobin | 6.00
420. bubbatree | 6.00
421. luke | 6.00
422. good_ole_kimmy | 6.00
423. joek | 6.00
424. boomcheck | 5.50
425. jaythegreat | 5.50
426. mrruihu | 5.50
427. mrstennett | 5.50
428. (clean)andreikostitsyn | 5.50
429. jsteele14 | 5.50
430. roobacca | 5.50
431. fleshbagsoup | 5.00
432. frazzle14 | 5.00
433. geckoeygecko | 5.00
434. jala | 5.00
435. jss | 5.00
436. mayuu | 5.00
437. bauer | 5.00
438. coswi | 5.00
439. emeril | 5.00
440. flooglehorn | 5.00
441. imshiny | 5.00
442. jss33 | 5.00
443. kingtag1999 | 5.00
444. mdavidson | 5.00
445. namelessnate | 5.00
446. off | 5.00
447. shan3p | 5.00
448. vulfgravy | 5.00
449. wongy | 5.00
450. allegiant | 5.00
451. thegreattoejam | 5.00
452. aneeqs | 5.00
453. sarah | 5.00
454. demolish | 4.50
455. hazack | 4.50
456. jearim | 4.50
457. jogurtaa | 4.50
458. mika_kandinsky | 4.50
459. snoopdogg | 4.50
460. taxman100 | 4.50
461. treant | 4.50
462. acsolpa | 4.50
463. lobbanet | 4.50
464. reapercomepepegaaim | 4.50
465. nobody | 4.50
466. spartingibbles | 4.50
467. ashes | 4.50
468. negs77 | 4.50
469. runningman434 | 4.50
470. ddrector | 4.00
471. emlbcommish | 4.00
472. frijolhead | 4.00
473. inverted | 4.00
474. jstmaro | 4.00
475. mcp_ | 4.00
476. sabremike | 4.00
477. w19eaver | 4.00
478. lordbolo | 4.00
479. washeduptrash | 4.00
480. johnnypatey | 4.00
481. thundered | 4.00
482. .laser | 4.00
483. boucherfan12 | 3.50
484. hoovuh | 3.50
485. mavfatha | 3.50
486. nyumbayangu | 3.50
487. stamkosfan | 3.50
488. yonggarius | 3.50
489. scorycory | 3.50
490. deng | 3.50
491. lairdbutler | 3.50
492. lowlycrib | 3.50
493. dapollos | 3.50
494. rindiee | 3.50
495. curbeecurbs | 3.50
496. engyngameover | 3.50
497. gr4vy | 3.50
498. tonzy | 3.50
499. staticshocked | 3.50
500. arctic | 3.50
501. esk | 3.50
502. itsfrenchie | 3.50
503. dannyc | 3.00
504. noname | 3.00
505. projectsaint | 3.00
506. bolobill | 3.00
507. xtri | 3.00
508. faded | 3.00
509. feeler | 3.00
510. graydonsanatomy | 3.00
511. lazyeye | 3.00
512. santej29 | 3.00
513. azjha_59 | 3.00
514. hordle | 3.00
515. joshuacorcorantwitch | 3.00
516. unconfident | 3.00
517. ctots | 3.00
518. ml002 | 3.00
519. thehammer43 | 3.00
520. froste39 | 3.00
521. kast3rborous | 3.00
522. matty86 | 3.00
523. twosocks | 3.00
524. diacope | 3.00
525. jumpseat | 3.00
526. whikadoodle | 2.50
527. arturs33 | 2.50
528. byrdeman | 2.50
529. canuckles | 2.50
530. weretarantula | 2.50
531. citizenofadraa | 2.50
532. sergeantens | 2.50
533. koty_k | 2.50
534. cyclo | 2.50
535. erikvm | 2.50
536. legend | 2.50
537. rory | 2.00
538. velekry | 2.00
539. vbottas17 | 2.00
Total TPE last 5 seasons
1. hockeyiscool | 22.50
2. salming | 22.50
3. bfine | 22.50
4. renojacksonhs | 22.00
5. evil_allbran | 22.00
6. brickwall35 | 22.00
7. tesla | 22.00
8. thiefofcheese | 22.00
9. jumbobone19 | 21.50
10. leviadan | 21.50
11. zoottx | 21.50
12. leafsftw1967 | 21.00
13. sköldpaddor | 21.00
14. scrufdaddy | 21.00
15. taterswc | 21.00
16. natedoeshockey | 21.00
17. dogwoodmaple | 20.50
18. marco999 | 20.50
19. notorioustron | 20.50
20. raymond3000 | 20.50
21. thelastheraclid | 20.50
22. steveoiscool | 20.50
23. grapehead | 20.50
24. darkcanuck29 | 20.50
25. opera_phantom | 20.50
26. schwarznarr | 20.50
27. withthemoose | 20.50
28. crunk | 20.50
29. gordonbombay | 20.50
30. highstickking | 20.50
31. mcpumpkin | 20.50
32. 3lewsers | 20.00
33. askedmadden | 20.00
34. carpy48 | 20.00
35. lespoils | 20.00
36. muerto | 20.00
37. orbitingdeath | 20.00
38. retuperkele | 20.00
39. efischermann | 20.00
40. keven | 19.50
41. mastersheep | 19.50
42. nhamlet | 19.50
43. sakrosankt | 19.50
44. sulovilen | 19.50
45. zombiewolf | 19.50
46. bytor | 19.50
47. capncooper | 19.50
48. g2019 | 19.50
49. vaxlare | 19.50
50. festinator | 19.00
51. fluw | 19.00
52. jamestruong | 19.00
53. matteo | 19.00
54. spartangibbles | 19.00
55. norwegiandemon | 19.00
56. drokeep | 19.00
57. seymour | 19.00
58. aaronwilson | 18.50
59. briedaqueduc | 18.50
60. kenvald | 18.50
61. zwhiz | 18.50
62. campinkiller | 18.50
63. tweedledunn | 18.50
64. symmetrik | 18.50
65. jss331 | 18.00
66. wearingabear | 18.00
67. benpachi | 18.00
68. the5urreal | 18.00
69. sburbine | 18.00
70. njbadapple | 18.00
71. advenny4 | 17.50
72. charlieconway | 17.50
73. leafs4ever | 17.50
74. ronniewalker | 17.50
75. sfresh3 | 17.50
76. micool132 | 17.50
77. raven | 17.50
78. valorx77 | 17.50
79. juosu | 17.50
80. whitecap | 17.50
81. vulfzilla | 17.50
82. captaincamel | 17.00
83. dextaria | 17.00
84. halkohol | 17.00
85. kentakira | 17.00
86. vandy | 17.00
87. bendover | 17.00
88. jay2233 | 17.00
89. sebster | 17.00
90. rashfordu | 17.00
91. mamab | 17.00
92. ramenamen | 17.00
93. hotdog | 16.50
94. jt3 | 16.50
95. aw13 | 16.50
96. ace | 16.00
97. arkz | 16.00
98. cementhands | 16.00
99. crazymojito | 16.00
100. drunkenteddy | 16.00
101. gurbs | 16.00
102. nike | 16.00
103. roastpuff | 16.00
104. romaneseuntdomus | 16.00
105. tylar | 16.00
106. lorec | 16.00
107. gifterofbikes | 16.00
108. chevy | 16.00
109. dangles13 | 16.00
110. acsolap | 15.50
111. cptsquall | 15.50
112. kyamprac | 15.50
113. lime | 15.50
114. mutedfaith | 15.50
115. steelhead77 | 15.50
116. picklejuice | 15.50
117. r1c3bowl22 | 15.50
118. goldenglutes | 15.00
119. lilstifler | 15.00
120. accka | 15.00
121. wannabefinn | 15.00
122. redderder15 | 15.00
123. henrik | 15.00
124. agentsmith630 | 14.50
125. bdu754 | 14.50
126. kalesalad | 14.50
127. spooked | 14.50
128. habsfanfromontario | 14.50
129. 5ympathies | 14.00
130. flowseidon | 14.00
131. jkortesi81 | 14.00
132. lmao | 14.00
133. notorioustig | 14.00
134. o4l | 14.00
135. slothfacekilla | 14.00
136. tomen | 14.00
137. highhaschdi | 14.00
138. thunfish | 14.00
139. punk42ae | 14.00
140. honkerrs | 13.50
141. lordbirdman | 13.50
142. mr.finland | 13.50
143. ragnar | 13.50
144. rich | 13.50
145. sewingwithnancy | 13.50
146. thecc | 13.50
147. visceralpotamus | 13.50
148. acapitalchicago | 13.00
149. jnh | 13.00
150. katth | 13.00
151. nerio | 13.00
152. toast | 13.00
153. evok | 13.00
154. gaby | 13.00
155. qwest | 13.00
156. eynhallow | 13.00
157. mementomori | 13.00
158. unconfident69 | 13.00
159. bluesfan55 | 12.50
160. dankoa | 12.50
161. zomp | 12.50
162. crazylemire | 12.50
163. goilers | 12.50
164. tommytightpants | 12.50
165. tacocat2 | 12.50
166. shylo_moxii | 12.50
167. c9van | 12.00
168. leafs1997 | 12.00
169. sve7en | 12.00
170. supertardis101 | 12.00
171. banackock | 12.00
172. valpix | 12.00
173. holtzfan10 | 12.00
174. southpaw | 12.00
175. damienj10 | 11.50
176. fantobens | 11.50
177. mooney | 11.50
178. rangerjase | 11.50
179. toivo | 11.50
180. snussu | 11.50
181. larrythemvp | 11.50
182. bbjygm | 11.00
183. hhh81 | 11.00
184. takethehorizon | 11.00
185. gaiamormont | 11.00
186. inf1d3l | 11.00
187. dhoop | 11.00
188. vic03 | 11.00
189. blastmeaway | 10.50
190. enigmatic | 10.50
191. serpex13 | 10.50
192. goonerbear | 10.50
193. durden | 10.50
194. thunder39 | 10.50
195. chrismczehrl | 10.50
196. kasterborous | 10.50
197. trempale | 10.50
198. blakec1414 | 10.50
199. blix900 | 10.50
200. esilverm | 10.50
201. michiganonymous | 10.50
202. golden_apricots | 10.00
203. otrebor13 | 10.00
204. zaynzk | 10.00
205. golden_apricot | 10.00
206. urq660 | 10.00
207. caltroit_red_flames | 9.50
208. countchocula | 9.50
209. grum | 9.50
210. hallsy | 9.50
211. karlssens | 9.50
212. spartan | 9.50
213. velevra | 9.50
214. lb3737 | 9.50
215. gwdjohnson | 9.50
216. yagoyi | 9.50
217. ajwllmsn | 9.50
218. bignewff | 9.50
219. marcul_le_depanneur | 9.50
220. faelax | 9.00
221. fitted2106 | 9.00
222. kylrad | 9.00
223. luketd | 9.00
224. rancidbudgie | 9.00
225. nour | 9.00
226. boom | 8.50
227. mn_moosey | 8.50
228. ohtaay | 8.50
229. sdcore | 8.50
230. segi | 8.50
231. slashacm | 8.50
232. academydropout | 8.50
233. jmacncheese | 8.50
234. tomtommen | 8.50
235. jepox | 8.00
236. rotticusscott | 8.00
237. ruggsy | 8.00
238. adamantium | 8.00
239. bjkman | 7.50
240. duff101 | 7.50
241. gordieboom | 7.50
242. mcgriddleluver | 7.50
243. puolivalmiste | 7.50
244. snuffalupagus | 7.50
245. sopath | 7.50
246. theflash | 7.50
247. thewozy | 7.50
248. merica | 7.50
249. uberbj | 7.50
250. dmuda11 | 7.50
251. mcal95 | 7.50
252. anthique | 7.50
253. shmurph | 7.00
254. juliotokolosh | 7.00
255. wildfiremicro | 7.00
256. armthesharks | 7.00
257. caleb_h | 7.00
258. hantheman_ | 6.50
259. waters | 6.50
260. dewalt27 | 6.50
261. drb1gmack | 6.50
262. ntg | 6.50
263. mrmom | 6.50
264. z0rem | 6.50
265. jackkmart | 6.50
266. amidships | 6.00
267. jeffie43 | 6.00
268. leppish | 6.00
269. kenitohmenara | 6.00
270. bubbatree | 6.00
271. luke | 6.00
272. good_ole_kimmy | 6.00
273. joek | 6.00
274. gcool | 5.50
275. jsteele14 | 5.50
276. roobacca | 5.50
277. barnabascollins | 5.00
278. flappygiraffe | 5.00
279. renomitsu | 5.00
280. thatguy91 | 5.00
281. thedangazone | 5.00
282. cptgoosar | 5.00
283. allegiant | 5.00
284. thegreattoejam | 5.00
285. aneeqs | 5.00
286. sarah | 5.00
287. andy | 4.50
288. jr95 | 4.50
289. kierkan | 4.50
290. massivecoiler | 4.50
291. mazatt | 4.50
292. traphag | 4.50
293. exilate | 4.50
294. aleris | 4.50
295. nobody | 4.50
296. spartingibbles | 4.50
297. ashes | 4.50
298. negs77 | 4.50
299. runningman434 | 4.50
300. bk1689 | 4.00
301. canadice | 4.00
302. fuzzshl | 4.00
303. geekusoid | 4.00
304. kraagenskul | 4.00
305. naosu | 4.00
306. thesparkydee | 4.00
307. blasoon | 4.00
308. jaywhy | 4.00
309. crutch | 4.00
310. aircrou | 4.00
311. artermis | 4.00
312. keygan | 4.00
313. johnnypatey | 4.00
314. thundered | 4.00
315. .laser | 4.00
316. canadianduck | 3.50
317. canes2112 | 3.50
318. huck24 | 3.50
319. juniped | 3.50
320. kikish18 | 3.50
321. krazko | 3.50
322. muford | 3.50
323. patty | 3.50
324. reid | 3.50
325. the__yman__100 | 3.50
326. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 3.50
327. fever95 | 3.50
328. mer | 3.50
329. dapollos | 3.50
330. rindiee | 3.50
331. curbeecurbs | 3.50
332. engyngameover | 3.50
333. gr4vy | 3.50
334. tonzy | 3.50
335. staticshocked | 3.50
336. arctic | 3.50
337. esk | 3.50
338. itsfrenchie | 3.50
339. jumpierpegasus | 3.00
340. rankle | 3.00
341. st4rface | 3.00
342. trashae | 3.00
343. vin | 3.00
344. wally | 3.00
345. zoone16 | 3.00
346. omniscius | 3.00
347. lukstins88 | 3.00
348. azjha_59 | 3.00
349. hordle | 3.00
350. joshuacorcorantwitch | 3.00
351. unconfident | 3.00
352. ctots | 3.00
353. ml002 | 3.00
354. thehammer43 | 3.00
355. froste39 | 3.00
356. kast3rborous | 3.00
357. matty86 | 3.00
358. twosocks | 3.00
359. diacope | 3.00
360. jumpseat | 3.00
361. bongo | 2.50
362. bruins10 | 2.50
363. juke | 2.50
364. sergeantens | 2.50
365. koty_k | 2.50
366. cyclo | 2.50
367. erikvm | 2.50
368. legend | 2.50
369. rory | 2.00
370. velekry | 2.00
371. vbottas17 | 2.00
Number of users who did every PT of this type in the last 10 seasons: 28
Mean: 40.57
Median: 40.75
Max: 45
Min: 35
Standard deviation: 2.6
Last 5 seasons: 84
Mean: 19.42
Median: 19.5
Max: 22.5
Min: 15
Standard deviation: 1.74
IIHF tournaments are fairly random and difficult to predict, at least recently, so these numbers make sense. Low deviation and only a 10 tpe difference over 10 seasons between first and last.
(continued below)
Player info |
Updates |
Aaron Wilson - C/LW/RW
Challenge Cup x6 (S51, S53, S56, S58, S61, S63)
Sergei Karpotsov - Most points - x2 (S55, S61)
Anton Razov - Playoff MVP (S58)
Ron Mexico - League MVP (S61)
Sarmad Khan - League MVP (S61)
First all-star team x3 (S55, S60, S61)
Second all-star team x2 (S52, S59)
Third all-star team (S53)
Four Star Cup (S48)
Playoff MVP (S48)
Playoff points leader (S48)
IIHF Gold x4 (S54, S56, S57, S58)
IIHF Silver x2 (S61, S62)
IIHF Bronze x4 (S50, S55, S63, S64)
WJC Gold (S48)
WJC Bronze (S46)
S46: Drafted 37th overall by Vancouver Whalers
S47: Drafted 17th overall by Hamilton Steelhawks
S46: Signed a 1 year x 3M contract with Vancouver
S47: Signed a 3 year x 500k contract with Hamilton
S50: Signed a 3 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S53: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S55: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S57: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S60: Signed a 1 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S61: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
Playoff bracket
Average tpe by season
S59: 4.97
S60: 6.69
S61: 7.67
S62: 6.68
S63: 6.92
S64: 6.26
S65: 7.08
S66: 6.81
S67: 5.86
S68: 6.06
Total TPE last 10 seasons
1. 3lewsers | 71.50
2. raymond3000 | 71.50
3. kenvald | 71.00
4. raven | 71.00
5. jt3 | 70.50
6. ohtaay | 70.50
7. sfresh3 | 70.50
8. steveoiscool | 70.50
9. sulovilen | 70.50
10. keven | 70.00
11. marco999 | 70.00
12. norwegiandemon | 70.00
13. zwhiz | 70.00
14. hotdog | 69.50
15. leafs4ever | 69.50
16. nhamlet | 69.50
17. 5ympathies | 69.00
18. leviadan | 69.00
19. mastersheep | 69.00
20. sakrosankt | 69.00
21. festinator | 68.50
22. jepox | 68.00
23. taterswc | 68.00
24. leafsftw1967 | 67.50
25. matteo | 67.50
26. zoottx | 67.50
27. tylar | 66.50
28. gaby | 66.00
29. jumbobone19 | 66.00
30. ronniewalker | 66.00
31. sve7en | 66.00
32. aaronwilson | 65.50
33. bdu754 | 65.50
34. canadice | 65.50
35. carpy48 | 65.50
36. mementomori | 65.50
37. valorx77 | 65.50
38. dogwoodmaple | 64.50
39. jkortesi81 | 64.00
40. kyamprac | 64.00
41. retuperkele | 64.00
42. notorioustig | 63.50
43. spooked | 63.50
44. renojacksonhs | 63.00
45. tomen | 62.50
46. askedmadden | 62.00
47. dextaria | 62.00
48. halkohol | 62.00
49. kalesalad | 62.00
50. muerto | 62.00
51. tweedledunn | 62.00
52. hockeyiscool | 61.50
53. salming | 61.50
54. wearingabear | 61.50
55. lilstifler | 61.00
56. bytor | 61.00
57. scrufdaddy | 61.00
58. gurbs | 60.50
59. lime | 60.50
60. romaneseuntdomus | 60.50
61. evil_allbran | 60.50
62. drunkenteddy | 60.00
63. faelax | 60.00
64. micool132 | 60.00
65. ragnar | 60.00
66. arkz | 59.50
67. jamestruong | 59.00
68. slothfacekilla | 59.00
69. captaincamel | 59.00
70. notorioustron | 58.50
71. bluesfan55 | 58.00
72. goldenglutes | 58.00
73. mr.finland | 58.00
74. rangerjase | 58.00
75. toast | 58.00
76. campinkiller | 58.00
77. crazymojito | 57.50
78. grum | 57.50
79. kentakira | 57.50
80. hallsy | 57.00
81. jss331 | 57.00
82. bendover | 57.00
83. natedoeshockey | 57.00
84. amidships | 56.50
85. evok | 56.50
86. roastpuff | 56.50
87. slashacm | 56.50
88. opera_phantom | 56.50
89. bbjygm | 56.00
90. cementhands | 56.00
91. fluw | 56.00
92. bfine | 56.00
93. sköldpaddor | 55.50
94. jay2233 | 55.00
95. acsolap | 54.50
96. briedaqueduc | 54.50
97. lordbirdman | 54.50
98. otrebor13 | 54.50
99. thelastheraclid | 54.50
100. traphag | 54.50
101. leafs1997 | 54.00
102. qwest | 54.00
103. spartangibbles | 54.00
104. steelhead77 | 54.00
105. zombiewolf | 54.00
106. wannabefinn | 54.00
107. golden_apricot | 53.50
108. velevra | 53.50
109. benpachi | 53.50
110. supertardis101 | 53.50
111. thunfish | 53.50
112. bjkman | 53.00
113. accka | 53.00
114. acapitalchicago | 52.50
115. ace | 52.50
116. caltroit_red_flames | 52.50
117. countchocula | 52.50
118. jnh | 52.50
119. highhaschdi | 52.50
120. schwarznarr | 52.50
121. withthemoose | 52.50
122. katth | 52.00
123. pythonic | 52.00
124. hhh81 | 51.00
125. mn_moosey | 51.00
126. orbitingdeath | 51.00
127. lmao | 51.00
128. leppish | 50.50
129. mooney | 50.50
130. nike | 50.50
131. the5urreal | 50.50
132. agentsmith630 | 50.00
133. kylrad | 50.00
134. rich | 50.00
135. gcool | 49.50
136. artermis | 49.50
137. darkcanuck29 | 49.00
138. gwdjohnson | 48.00
139. spartan | 48.00
140. zoone16 | 48.00
141. goilers | 48.00
142. drokeep | 48.00
143. gordonbombay | 48.00
144. rashfordu | 48.00
145. efischermann | 47.50
146. crunk | 47.50
147. nerio | 47.00
148. sopath | 47.00
149. brickwall35 | 47.00
150. highstickking | 47.00
151. sburbine | 47.00
152. boom | 46.50
153. mazatt | 46.50
154. mutedfaith | 46.50
155. thedangazone | 46.00
156. sebster | 46.00
157. capncooper | 46.00
158. fever95 | 45.50
159. zeagle1 | 45.50
160. fuzzshl | 45.50
161. mcpumpkin | 45.50
162. symmetrik | 45.50
163. charlieconway | 45.00
164. rotticusscott | 45.00
165. sdcore | 45.00
166. snuffalupagus | 45.00
167. toivo | 45.00
168. c9van | 44.00
169. mer | 44.00
170. juliotokolosg | 43.50
171. wally | 43.50
172. gifterofbikes | 43.00
173. krazko | 43.00
174. sewingwithnancy | 43.00
175. crazylemire | 43.00
176. lorecy | 43.00
177. g2019 | 43.00
178. r1c3bowl22 | 42.50
179. goonerbear | 42.00
180. juke | 42.00
181. juosu | 42.00
182. trautner | 42.00
183. visceralpotamus | 42.00
184. cptsquall | 41.50
185. gordieboom | 41.50
186. tayjay | 41.50
187. thewozy | 41.50
188. inf1d3l | 41.50
189. picklejuice | 41.50
190. buster | 41.00
191. flappygiraffe | 41.00
192. mp7 | 41.00
193. vandy | 41.00
194. thiefofcheese | 41.00
195. fantobens | 40.50
196. ericncsu | 40.00
197. honkerrs | 40.00
198. kraagenskul | 40.00
199. lespoils | 40.00
200. advenny4 | 40.00
201. karlssens | 39.50
202. mcgriddleluver | 39.50
203. skeletonparty | 39.50
204. vaxlare | 39.50
205. whitecap | 39.50
206. canes2112 | 39.00
207. tesla | 39.00
208. flowseidon | 38.50
209. rancidbudgie | 38.50
210. st4rface | 38.50
211. juliotokolosh | 38.50
212. dankoa | 37.00
213. jaywhy | 37.00
214. grapehead | 37.00
215. urq660 | 36.50
216. ckroyal92 | 36.00
217. puolivalmiste | 36.00
218. enigmatic | 36.00
219. academydropout | 36.00
220. andy | 35.50
221. delirivm | 35.50
222. naosu | 35.50
223. redcapediver | 35.50
224. crutch | 35.50
225. fitted2106 | 35.00
226. lorec | 35.00
227. thunder39 | 35.00
228. muford | 34.50
229. ramenamen | 34.50
230. juniped | 34.00
231. segi | 34.00
232. eynhallow | 34.00
233. michiganonymous | 34.00
234. serpex13 | 34.00
235. njbadapple | 34.00
236. takethehorizon | 33.50
237. seymour | 33.50
238. punk42ae | 33.50
239. kierkan | 32.50
240. o4l | 32.50
241. trashae | 32.50
242. aircrou | 32.50
243. henrik | 32.50
244. valpix | 32.50
245. blasoon | 32.00
246. talls | 32.00
247. vulfzilla | 32.00
248. damienj10 | 31.50
249. vikian | 31.50
250. wumaduce | 31.50
251. vic03 | 31.50
252. keygan | 31.00
253. jeffie43 | 31.00
254. thatguy91 | 30.50
255. huck24 | 30.00
256. luketd | 30.00
257. shmurph | 30.00
258. dangles13 | 30.00
259. larrythemvp | 30.00
260. gaiamormont | 29.50
261. soulja | 29.50
262. stadiumgambler | 29.50
263. tacocat2 | 29.50
264. thecc | 29.00
265. zomp | 29.00
266. snussu | 29.00
267. z0rem | 29.00
268. rankle | 28.50
269. reid | 28.50
270. bruins10 | 28.00
271. canadianduck | 28.00
272. suavemente | 28.00
273. tapdancingnecrons | 28.00
274. jericson | 28.00
275. cobbenstein | 27.50
276. theflash | 27.50
277. projectsaint | 27.50
278. bignewff | 27.50
279. habsfanfromontario | 27.50
280. bongo | 27.00
281. fishy | 27.00
282. lb3737 | 27.00
283. jumpierpegasus | 26.50
284. rabidsponge21 | 26.50
285. thesparkydee | 26.50
286. (clean)andreikostitsyn | 26.50
287. tommytightpants | 26.50
288. blakec1414 | 26.50
289. holtzfan10 | 26.50
290. basedminkus | 26.00
291. ruggsy | 26.00
292. yagoyi | 26.00
293. merica | 25.50
294. unconfident69 | 25.50
295. badwolf | 25.00
296. grannypanpan | 25.00
297. kenitohmenara | 25.00
298. rum_ham | 25.00
299. wildfiremicro | 25.00
300. zaynzk | 25.00
301. lukstins88 | 25.00
302. .laser | 25.00
303. luke | 25.00
304. mamab | 25.00
305. blix900 | 25.00
306. barnabascollins | 24.50
307. jr95 | 24.50
308. jtam | 24.50
309. mooty99 | 24.50
310. seymoursnatches | 24.50
311. aleris | 24.50
312. kalakar | 24.00
313. geekusoid | 24.00
314. citizenofadraa | 24.00
315. capt_blitzkrieg | 23.50
316. mylittlehexx | 23.50
317. esilverm | 23.50
318. bk1689 | 23.00
319. duff101 | 23.00
320. premierbromanov | 23.00
321. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 23.00
322. omniscius | 23.00
323. mikeizzy | 22.50
324. tubbytim69 | 22.50
325. cptgoosar | 22.50
326. sergeantens | 22.50
327. kikish18 | 22.00
328. aephino | 21.50
329. redderder15 | 21.50
330. waters | 21.50
331. nyumbayangu | 21.00
332. r0tzbua | 21.00
333. dollarandadream | 21.00
334. chevy | 21.00
335. trempale | 21.00
336. thegreattoejam | 21.00
337. finnrhys | 20.50
338. jruutu | 20.50
339. peej2189 | 20.50
340. renomitsu | 20.50
341. tommysalami | 20.50
342. graydonsanatomy | 20.50
343. hantheman_ | 20.50
344. massivecoiler | 20.50
345. gooney | 20.50
346. adamantium | 20.50
347. anthique | 20.50
348. ztevans | 20.00
349. ajwllmsn | 20.00
350. brewskyboy | 19.50
351. patty | 19.50
352. .bojo | 19.50
353. durden | 19.50
354. mcal95 | 19.50
355. aw13 | 19.00
356. bilbo | 19.00
357. frick_nasty | 19.00
358. grimreaper | 19.00
359. inverted | 19.00
360. jorec | 19.00
361. tnlastatine | 19.00
362. theroopehintzeffect | 19.00
363. caleb_h | 19.00
364. southpaw | 19.00
365. overdoo | 18.50
366. kc15 | 18.50
367. jmacncheese | 18.50
368. tomtommen | 18.50
369. 39alaska39 | 18.00
370. bayley | 18.00
371. wongy | 18.00
372. leoben | 17.50
373. mee | 17.50
374. tomasnz | 17.50
375. nhlbesstmode_7777 | 17.50
376. shylo_moxii | 17.50
377. trella | 17.00
378. nour | 17.00
379. bolobill | 16.50
380. moreorless89 | 16.50
381. the__yman__100 | 16.50
382. ferda | 16.50
383. mediocre_fred | 16.50
384. dmuda11 | 16.50
385. vrtxl4s3r | 16.00
386. banackock | 15.50
387. hewasajazzman | 15.00
388. jearim | 15.00
389. exilate | 15.00
390. samsungvirtualassistant | 15.00
391. allegiant | 15.00
392. chrismczehrl | 15.00
393. cyanide | 14.50
394. mayuu | 14.50
395. dmills3 | 14.50
396. xleafer | 14.50
397. lazyeye | 14.50
398. bibleman19 | 14.50
399. staticshocked | 14.50
400. dhoop | 14.00
401. marcul_le_depanneur | 14.00
402. runningman434 | 14.00
403. minnesotafine | 13.50
404. sivart | 13.50
405. monochroma | 13.50
406. jackkmart | 13.50
407. dagumpa | 13.00
408. jonnytsunami | 13.00
409. keenan | 13.00
410. xtri | 13.00
411. dewalt27 | 13.00
412. kingtag1999 | 13.00
413. ml002 | 13.00
414. armthesharks | 12.50
415. thehammer43 | 12.50
416. byrdeman | 12.00
417. captaincrazy | 12.00
418. jogurtaa | 12.00
419. majesiu | 12.00
420. nictox | 12.00
421. rindiee | 12.00
422. siddhus | 12.00
423. dr.b1gmack | 12.00
424. uberbj | 12.00
425. good_ole_kimmy | 12.00
426. aneeqs | 12.00
427. erikvm | 12.00
428. gucci | 11.50
429. jajaswegdingdong | 11.50
430. zema | 11.50
431. dannyc | 11.50
432. secondsucks22 | 11.50
433. mook | 11.50
434. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 11.50
435. themoonlark | 11.50
436. esso2264 | 11.00
437. littleb | 11.00
438. tomhanks | 11.00
439. grok | 11.00
440. azjha_59 | 11.00
441. mrmom | 11.00
442. jimmysmo27 | 11.00
443. fleshbagsoup | 10.50
444. frazzle14 | 10.50
445. hordle | 10.50
446. santej29 | 10.50
447. simo_393 | 10.50
448. blastmeaway | 10.50
449. iamslm22 | 10.00
450. mrstennett | 10.00
451. tate | 10.00
452. kasterborous | 10.00
453. eddiesnothere | 10.00
454. vbottas17 | 10.00
455. philliesphan96 | 9.50
456. diacope | 9.50
457. shiny | 9.00
458. ursinz | 9.00
459. evident_rogue | 9.00
460. jobin | 9.00
461. scorycory | 8.50
462. cobbebstein | 8.00
463. avakael | 8.00
464. whikadoodle | 7.50
465. canuckles | 7.50
466. crazymojtio | 7.50
467. faded | 7.50
468. gumbaman | 7.50
469. jjlangabeer | 7.50
470. luksrins88 | 7.50
471. simplyincorrect | 7.50
472. negs | 7.50
473. ranidsponge21 | 7.50
474. jaypc8237 | 7.50
475. shylo | 7.50
476. _blitz_ | 7.50
477. curbeecurbs | 7.50
478. gr4vy | 7.50
479. tonzy | 7.50
480. froste39 | 7.50
481. jdinino | 7.50
482. legend | 7.50
483. rotti | 7.50
484. deng | 7.00
485. kluster | 7.00
486. lobbanet | 7.00
487. namelessnate | 7.00
488. shan3p | 7.00
489. leatherneckmike | 7.00
490. ashes | 7.00
491. ctots | 7.00
492. peskypenguin | 7.00
493. sarah | 7.00
494. alexistexasranger | 7.00
495. frostbite | 6.50
496. vulfgravy | 6.50
497. sabresfan | 6.50
498. unconfident | 6.50
499. evpl | 6.50
500. johnnypatey | 6.50
501. jumpseat | 6.50
502. alemanpete | 6.50
503. atox | 6.50
504. dasboot | 6.50
505. faradian | 6.50
506. jbay7 | 6.50
507. justanotherhockeyfan | 6.50
508. teztify | 6.50
509. pingypingu | 6.00
510. randominoe | 6.00
511. bloomeygb | 6.00
512. capt_blitzkreig | 6.00
513. negs77 | 6.00
514. blbertrand | 6.00
515. pickle | 6.00
516. villagebc | 6.00
517. bubba | 6.00
518. weretarantula | 6.00
519. tacocat | 6.00
520. ajw | 6.00
521. caylon | 6.00
522. downer | 6.00
523. itsfrenchie | 6.00
524. lamplighter | 6.00
525. leafstw1967 | 6.00
526. loosh | 6.00
527. lore | 6.00
528. matty86 | 6.00
529. mikeliut | 6.00
530. minaj27 | 6.00
531. mystick | 6.00
532. roobacca | 6.00
533. simmiz | 6.00
534. sloppypainter | 6.00
535. wheels | 6.00
536. emlbcommish | 5.50
537. lordbolo | 5.50
538. stamkosfan | 5.50
539. washeduptrash | 5.50
540. coswi | 5.50
541. mstrefe1 | 5.50
542. mattyoce971 | 5.50
543. finch | 5.50
544. flappgiraffe | 5.50
545. cuffy | 5.50
546. liebolda | 5.50
547. d0lph1nb0y | 5.00
549. jackers41 | 5.00
550. jss | 5.00
551. jstmaro | 5.00
552. cheerfulbender20 | 5.00
553. hoovuh | 5.00
554. outoftoast | 5.00
555. ephensstsa | 5.00
556. romancebrownjr | 5.00
557. plutoniumdom | 5.00
558. windsavon | 5.00
559. cakequest | 4.50
560. hazack | 4.50
561. jaythegreat | 4.50
562. larkstongue | 4.50
563. bauer | 4.50
564. ntg | 4.50
565. koty_k | 4.50
566. cyclo | 4.50
567. narb111 | 4.50
568. arturs33 | 4.00
569. jedi | 4.00
570. thisseemsfishy | 4.00
571. cd12 | 4.00
572. lairdbutler | 4.00
573. off | 4.00
574. sly92 | 4.00
575. hallsyy | 4.00
576. kast3rborous | 4.00
577. lumosityfan | 4.00
578. mrprime | 4.00
579. tonyw19 | 4.00
580. mrruihu | 3.50
581. dirtyboygrease | 3.50
582. greencityny | 2.50
583. jsteele14 | 2.50
584. theseajebus | 2.50
Total TPE last 5 seasons
1. steveoiscool | 36.00
2. sulovilen | 36.00
3. keven | 35.50
4. mastersheep | 35.50
5. zoottx | 35.50
6. thelastheraclid | 35.00
7. thiefofcheese | 35.00
8. 3lewsers | 34.50
9. bdu754 | 34.50
10. flowseidon | 34.50
11. jt3 | 34.50
12. norwegiandemon | 34.50
13. ohtaay | 34.50
14. romaneseuntdomus | 34.50
15. taterswc | 34.50
16. advenny4 | 34.50
17. opera_phantom | 34.50
18. ramenamen | 34.50
19. acsolap | 34.00
20. carpy48 | 34.00
21. muerto | 34.00
22. raven | 34.00
23. sfresh3 | 34.00
24. sköldpaddor | 34.00
25. bytor | 34.00
26. jay2233 | 34.00
27. natedoeshockey | 34.00
28. brickwall35 | 34.00
29. rashfordu | 34.00
30. njbadapple | 34.00
31. 5ympathies | 33.50
32. hotdog | 33.50
33. jepox | 33.50
34. kenvald | 33.50
35. leafsftw1967 | 33.50
36. matteo | 33.50
37. sakrosankt | 33.50
38. tomen | 33.50
39. bfine | 33.50
40. gordonbombay | 33.50
41. mcpumpkin | 33.50
42. punk42ae | 33.50
43. festinator | 33.00
44. leafs4ever | 33.00
45. marco999 | 33.00
46. micool132 | 33.00
47. nhamlet | 33.00
48. ronniewalker | 33.00
49. valorx77 | 33.00
50. zwhiz | 33.00
51. ragnar | 33.00
52. highstickking | 33.00
53. sburbine | 33.00
54. whitecap | 33.00
55. tesla | 33.00
56. canadice | 32.50
57. jamestruong | 32.50
58. jumbobone19 | 32.50
59. juosu | 32.50
60. lilstifler | 32.50
61. orbitingdeath | 32.50
62. raymond3000 | 32.50
63. tweedledunn | 32.50
64. sebster | 32.50
65. crunk | 32.50
66. henrik | 32.50
67. valpix | 32.50
68. goldenglutes | 32.00
69. leviadan | 32.00
70. renojacksonhs | 32.00
71. evil_allbran | 32.00
72. thunfish | 32.00
73. wearingabear | 32.00
74. schwarznarr | 32.00
75. withthemoose | 32.00
76. aaronwilson | 31.50
77. tylar | 31.50
78. scrufdaddy | 31.50
79. supertardis101 | 31.50
80. capncooper | 31.50
81. g2019 | 31.50
82. symmetrik | 31.50
83. fluw | 31.00
84. gaby | 31.00
85. halkohol | 31.00
86. darkcanuck29 | 31.00
87. briedaqueduc | 30.50
88. drunkenteddy | 30.50
89. campinkiller | 30.50
90. mer | 30.50
91. fuzzshl | 30.00
92. dangles13 | 30.00
93. larrythemvp | 30.00
94. dogwoodmaple | 29.50
95. goonerbear | 29.50
96. jkortesi81 | 29.50
97. sve7en | 29.50
98. bendover | 29.50
99. benpachi | 29.50
100. drokeep | 29.50
101. artermis | 29.00
102. r1c3bowl22 | 29.00
103. snussu | 29.00
104. z0rem | 29.00
105. kalesalad | 28.50
106. salming | 28.50
107. ace | 28.00
108. jss331 | 28.00
109. mcgriddleluver | 28.00
110. mementomori | 28.00
111. kentakira | 28.00
112. caltroit_red_flames | 27.50
113. gwdjohnson | 27.50
114. kyamprac | 27.50
115. notorioustig | 27.50
116. retuperkele | 27.50
117. spooked | 27.50
118. the5urreal | 27.50
119. askedmadden | 27.00
120. hockeyiscool | 27.00
121. toast | 27.00
122. captaincamel | 27.00
123. dextaria | 26.50
124. faelax | 26.50
125. gurbs | 26.50
126. notorioustron | 26.50
127. qwest | 26.50
128. wannabefinn | 26.50
129. picklejuice | 26.50
130. vaxlare | 26.50
131. seymour | 26.50
132. blakec1414 | 26.50
133. holtzfan10 | 26.50
134. agentsmith630 | 26.00
135. hhh81 | 26.00
136. rangerjase | 26.00
137. slothfacekilla | 26.00
138. accka | 26.00
139. spartangibbles | 25.50
140. efischermann | 25.50
141. tacocat2 | 25.50
142. lime | 25.00
143. roastpuff | 25.00
144. crazylemire | 25.00
145. vulfzilla | 25.00
146. blix900 | 25.00
147. cptsquall | 24.50
148. nike | 24.50
149. vic03 | 24.50
150. arkz | 23.50
151. grapehead | 23.50
152. lmao | 23.50
153. esilverm | 23.50
154. bluesfan55 | 23.00
155. cementhands | 23.00
156. crazymojito | 23.00
157. boom | 22.50
158. grum | 22.50
159. mutedfaith | 22.50
160. slashacm | 22.50
161. nerio | 22.00
162. spartan | 22.00
163. toivo | 22.00
164. bbjygm | 21.50
165. evok | 21.50
166. hallsy | 21.50
167. mr.finland | 21.50
168. traphag | 21.50
169. highhaschdi | 21.50
170. lorecy | 21.50
171. lorec | 21.50
172. michiganonymous | 21.50
173. habsfanfromontario | 21.50
174. waters | 21.50
175. sopath | 21.00
176. steelhead77 | 21.00
177. serpex13 | 21.00
178. thunder39 | 21.00
179. chevy | 21.00
180. trempale | 21.00
181. thegreattoejam | 21.00
182. thewozy | 20.50
183. velevra | 20.50
184. bignewff | 20.50
185. mamab | 20.50
186. gooney | 20.50
187. adamantium | 20.50
188. anthique | 20.50
189. acapitalchicago | 20.00
190. jaywhy | 20.00
191. zombiewolf | 20.00
192. ajwllmsn | 20.00
193. amidships | 19.50
194. bjkman | 19.50
195. lordbirdman | 19.50
196. pythonic | 19.50
197. sdcore | 19.50
198. zomp | 19.50
199. gifterofbikes | 19.00
200. academydropout | 19.00
201. theroopehintzeffect | 19.00
202. caleb_h | 19.00
203. southpaw | 19.00
204. jnh | 18.50
205. leafs1997 | 18.50
206. wally | 18.50
207. .laser | 18.50
208. citizenofadraa | 18.50
209. luke | 18.50
210. jmacncheese | 18.50
211. tomtommen | 18.50
212. katth | 18.00
213. leppish | 18.00
214. otrebor13 | 18.00
215. mn_moosey | 17.50
216. rich | 17.50
217. goilers | 17.50
218. ruggsy | 17.50
219. aircrou | 17.50
220. shylo_moxii | 17.50
221. golden_apricot | 17.00
222. naosu | 16.50
223. dmuda11 | 16.50
224. countchocula | 16.00
225. sewingwithnancy | 16.00
226. sergeantens | 16.00
227. segi | 15.50
228. jeffie43 | 15.50
229. banackock | 15.50
230. redderder15 | 15.00
231. allegiant | 15.00
232. chrismczehrl | 15.00
233. fever95 | 14.50
234. juniped | 14.50
235. kylrad | 14.50
236. mooney | 14.50
237. o4l | 14.50
238. wildfiremicro | 14.50
239. crutch | 14.50
240. bibleman19 | 14.50
241. staticshocked | 14.50
242. gordieboom | 14.00
243. mazatt | 14.00
244. marcul_le_depanneur | 14.00
245. runningman434 | 14.00
246. vandy | 13.50
247. tommytightpants | 13.50
248. mcal95 | 13.50
249. jackkmart | 13.50
250. dankoa | 13.00
251. gcool | 13.00
252. mp7 | 13.00
253. massivecoiler | 13.00
254. merica | 13.00
255. ml002 | 13.00
256. barnabascollins | 12.50
257. charlieconway | 12.50
258. huck24 | 12.50
259. rancidbudgie | 12.50
260. snuffalupagus | 12.50
261. thedangazone | 12.50
262. visceralpotamus | 12.50
263. inf1d3l | 12.50
264. yagoyi | 12.50
265. armthesharks | 12.50
266. thehammer43 | 12.50
267. duff101 | 12.00
268. honkerrs | 12.00
269. rotticusscott | 12.00
270. the__yman__100 | 12.00
271. zeagle1 | 12.00
272. zoone16 | 12.00
273. eynhallow | 12.00
274. projectsaint | 12.00
275. good_ole_kimmy | 12.00
276. aneeqs | 12.00
277. erikvm | 12.00
278. unconfident69 | 11.50
279. themoonlark | 11.50
280. flappygiraffe | 11.00
281. mrmom | 11.00
282. jimmysmo27 | 11.00
283. andy | 10.50
284. juliotokolosg | 10.50
285. lespoils | 10.50
286. juliotokolosh | 10.50
287. blastmeaway | 10.50
288. c9van | 10.00
289. nour | 10.00
290. kasterborous | 10.00
291. eddiesnothere | 10.00
292. vbottas17 | 10.00
293. diacope | 9.50
294. thecc | 9.00
295. aw13 | 8.50
296. omniscius | 8.50
297. cptgoosar | 8.00
298. dhoop | 8.00
299. canadianduck | 7.50
300. jaypc8237 | 7.50
301. shylo | 7.50
302. _blitz_ | 7.50
303. curbeecurbs | 7.50
304. gr4vy | 7.50
305. tonzy | 7.50
306. froste39 | 7.50
307. jdinino | 7.50
308. legend | 7.50
309. rotti | 7.50
310. jr95 | 7.00
311. kraagenskul | 7.00
312. rindiee | 7.00
313. enigmatic | 7.00
314. fitted2106 | 7.00
315. wumaduce | 7.00
316. leatherneckmike | 7.00
317. ashes | 7.00
318. ctots | 7.00
319. peskypenguin | 7.00
320. sarah | 7.00
321. alexistexasranger | 7.00
322. damienj10 | 6.50
323. fantobens | 6.50
324. juke | 6.50
325. jumpierpegasus | 6.50
326. luketd | 6.50
327. mee | 6.50
328. mylittlehexx | 6.50
329. shmurph | 6.50
330. tayjay | 6.50
331. trautner | 6.50
332. jericson | 6.50
333. aleris | 6.50
334. uberbj | 6.50
335. evpl | 6.50
336. johnnypatey | 6.50
337. jumpseat | 6.50
338. alemanpete | 6.50
339. atox | 6.50
340. dasboot | 6.50
341. faradian | 6.50
342. jbay7 | 6.50
343. justanotherhockeyfan | 6.50
344. teztify | 6.50
345. blasoon | 6.00
346. bruins10 | 6.00
347. buster | 6.00
348. ckroyal92 | 6.00
349. karlssens | 6.00
350. krazko | 6.00
351. theflash | 6.00
352. tubbytim69 | 6.00
353. lukstins88 | 6.00
354. dr.b1gmack | 6.00
355. wongy | 6.00
356. weretarantula | 6.00
357. tacocat | 6.00
358. ajw | 6.00
359. caylon | 6.00
360. downer | 6.00
361. itsfrenchie | 6.00
362. lamplighter | 6.00
363. leafstw1967 | 6.00
364. loosh | 6.00
365. lore | 6.00
366. matty86 | 6.00
367. mikeliut | 6.00
368. minaj27 | 6.00
369. mystick | 6.00
370. roobacca | 6.00
371. simmiz | 6.00
372. sloppypainter | 6.00
373. wheels | 6.00
374. canes2112 | 5.50
375. gaiamormont | 5.50
376. keygan | 5.50
377. skeletonparty | 5.50
378. takethehorizon | 5.50
379. urq660 | 5.50
380. hantheman_ | 5.50
381. lb3737 | 5.50
382. nhlbesstmode_7777 | 5.50
383. secondsucks22 | 5.50
384. azjha_59 | 5.50
385. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 5.50
386. philliesphan96 | 5.50
387. mattyoce971 | 5.50
388. finch | 5.50
389. flappgiraffe | 5.50
390. cuffy | 5.50
391. liebolda | 5.50
392. ericncsu | 5.00
393. st4rface | 5.00
394. trashae | 5.00
395. durden | 5.00
396. romancebrownjr | 5.00
397. plutoniumdom | 5.00
398. windsavon | 5.00
399. koty_k | 4.50
400. cyclo | 4.50
401. narb111 | 4.50
402. jobin | 4.00
403. hallsyy | 4.00
404. kast3rborous | 4.00
405. lumosityfan | 4.00
406. mrprime | 4.00
407. tonyw19 | 4.00
408. dirtyboygrease | 3.50
409. jsteele14 | 2.50
410. theseajebus | 2.50
Among users who did every playoff bracket in the last 10 seasons (41 users)
Mean: 67.63
Median: 68.5
Max: 71.5
Min: 60
Standard deviation: 3.04
Same but last 5 seasons (99 users)
Mean: 32.75
Median: 33
Max: 36
Min: 28
Standard deviation: 1.69
Very low deviation here, which could be explained by the fact that early rounds of the playoffs are usually easy to predict.
You get 2 tpe for participation and 0.5 tpe for correctly predicting a series winner, so on average users predict correctly 8 series out of 15.
This took way more time than I expected so it's not as detailed as I initially wanted it to be, but we looked at the 5 kinds of point tasks that are done every season, and:
● Award predictions & IIHF predictions: mostly random, do your best and you're probably gonna be wrong just like everyone
● Mock drafts & Season predictions: more skill based, for mocks you can obviously talk to people and try to figure out who's getting drafted where, and for season predictions you can try to analyze rosters, etc. And this could get you extra 10-20 tpe for your career, but if you don't want to invest that much time, just make sure you get close to the average result.
● Playoff bracket: easy to get the average result by predicting first 2 rounds, difficult to predict the next rounds, so most people will be wrong and get close to average
Which is probably nothing new and was obvious before
Player info |
Updates |
Aaron Wilson - C/LW/RW
Challenge Cup x6 (S51, S53, S56, S58, S61, S63)
Sergei Karpotsov - Most points - x2 (S55, S61)
Anton Razov - Playoff MVP (S58)
Ron Mexico - League MVP (S61)
Sarmad Khan - League MVP (S61)
First all-star team x3 (S55, S60, S61)
Second all-star team x2 (S52, S59)
Third all-star team (S53)
Four Star Cup (S48)
Playoff MVP (S48)
Playoff points leader (S48)
IIHF Gold x4 (S54, S56, S57, S58)
IIHF Silver x2 (S61, S62)
IIHF Bronze x4 (S50, S55, S63, S64)
WJC Gold (S48)
WJC Bronze (S46)
S46: Drafted 37th overall by Vancouver Whalers
S47: Drafted 17th overall by Hamilton Steelhawks
S46: Signed a 1 year x 3M contract with Vancouver
S47: Signed a 3 year x 500k contract with Hamilton
S50: Signed a 3 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S53: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S55: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S57: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S60: Signed a 1 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S61: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
sve7en SMJHL GM
Littleton Award Winner
Mock draft gods unite
Jimmy Wagner || Seattle Argonauts || Carolina Kraken || RW || S53 || 1002 cTPE || 2295 pTPE (7th all time)
6'1 || 190 lbs || Perg, Austria || Swedish passport
S52 SMJHL Draft - 6th Overall - Carolina Kraken
S53 SHL Draft - 5th Overall - Los Angeles Panthers
- - - - - -
SHL Season Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S56 | LAP | 50 | 6 | 16 | 22 | -10 | 108 | 24 |1023 // A /
S57 | LAP | 66 | 16 | 25 | 41 | -13 | 167 | 24 |1508 // A /
S58 | LAP | 66 | 15 | 31 | 46 | -3 | 173 | 12 |1485 // A /
S59 | LAP | 66 | 22 | 26 | 48 | -19 | 208 | 12 |1576 // A /
S60 | LAP | 66 | 25 | 31 | 56 | 13 | 214 | 10 |1380 // A /
S61 | LAP | 66 | 19 | 35 | 54 | -10 | 251 | 16 |1436 // C /
S62 | LAP | 66 | 38 | 48 | 86 | 12 | 330 | 14 |1481 // C / MVP Nominee, Breakout Nominee, 2nd Team All-SHL
S63 | LAP | 66 | 20 | 40 | 64 | 5 | 292 | 22 |1442 // C /
S64 | LAP | 66 | 32 | 38 | 70 | 40 | 256 | 16 |1387 // C /
S65 | LAP | 66 | 18 | 27 | 45 | 25 | 209 | 10 |1310 // C /
S66 | LAP | 66 | 31 | 28 | 59 | 24 | 183 | 38 |1198 // C /
S67 | SEA | 66 | 21 | 39 | 60 | 32 | 194 | 24 |1120 // /
S68 | SEA | 66 | 30 | 37 | 67 | 46 | 146 | 22 |1176 // /
S69 | SEA | 66 | 21 | 38 | 59 | 42 | 147 | 28 |1188 // /
S70 | SEA | 66 | 14 | 23 | 37 | 13 | 134 | 32 |1154 // /
S71 | LAP | 66 | 21 | 55 | 55 | -17 | 142 | 22 |1267 // /
- - - - - -
Challenge Cup Playoff Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S56 | LAP | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | -6 | 11 | 0 | 111 // A /
S57 | LAP | 6 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 21 | 0 | 137 // A /
S58 | LAP | 6 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 142 // A /
S59 | LAP | 6 | 1 | 4 | 5 | -2 | 21 | 2 | 150 // A /
S60 | LAP | 6 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -3 | 8 | 0 | 123 // A /
S61 | LAP | 5 | 1 | 3 | 4 | -4 | 15 | 0 | 113 // C /
S62 | LAP | 17 | 8 | 12 | 20 | 13 | 63 | 2 | 390 // C /
S63 | LAP | 22 | 6 | 13 | 19 | 3 | 74 | 0 | 502 // C /
S64 | LAP | 12 | 6 | 6 | 12 | 6 | 59 | 2 | 274 // C /
S65 | LAP | 20 | 3 | 15 | 18 | 19 | 50 | 0 | 413 // C / ⟅ⅬⅩⅤ⟆ CHALLENGE CUP CHAMPION ⟅ⅬⅩⅤ⟆
S66 | LAP | 9 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 17 | 2 | 173 // C /
S67 | SEA | 23 | 5 | 15 | 20 | 20 | 53 | 6 | 409 // / ⟅ⅬⅩⅤII⟆ CHALLENGE CUP CHAMPION ⟅ⅬⅩⅤII⟆
S68 | SEA | 21 | 6 | 13 | 19 | 16 | 48 | 10 | 418 // / ⟅ⅬⅩⅤIII⟆ CHALLENGE CUP CHAMPION ⟅ⅬⅩⅤIII⟆
S69 | SEA | 16 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 20 | 28 | 4 | 310 // /
S70 | SEA | 13 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 16 | 33 | 4 | 221 // /
S71 | LAP | 12 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 29 | 4 | 235 // /
- - - - - -
SMJHL Season Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S52 | CAR | 50 | 6 | 8 | 14 | +5 | 63 | 6 | 569 // /
S53 | CAR | 50 | 10 | 20 | 30 | -2 | 125 | 8 | 916 // C /
S54 | CAR | 50 | 24 | 29 | 53 | 20 | 171 | 12 | 943 // C / MVP, Scoring Leader, 1st Team All-SMJHL
S55 | CAR | 50 | 17 | 26 | 43 | 30 | 145 | 10 | 876 // C /
- - - - - -
Four Star Cup Playoff Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S52 | CAR | 11 | 0 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 8 | 2 | 118 // /
S53 | CAR | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -3 | 7 | 0 | 75 // C /
S54 | CAR | 20 | 5 | 9 | 14 | 3 | 60 | 4 | 419 // C / FOUR STAR CUP CHAMPIONS
S55 | CAR | 11 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 4 | 28 | 4 | 203 // C /
- - - - - -
WJC Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S51 |PRWR | 19 | 4 | 8 | 12 | -6 | 45 | 4 | 357 // M / Andani Award Nominee
S52 |DACH | 15 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -2 | 8 | 2 | 100 // M /
S53 |DACH | 13 | 4 | 3 | 7 | -2 | 21 | 0 | 186 // /
S54 |DACH | 13 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -3 | 16 | 0 | 219 // /
S55 |DACH | 13 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 3 | 28 | 4 | 221 // /
- - - - - -
IIHF Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S54 | AUT | 13 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 121 // /
S55 | AUT | 13 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 124 // /
S56 | AUT | 12 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 13 | 4 | 218 // /
S57 | AUT | 12 | 3 | 2 | 5 | -8 | 30 | 2 | 220 // /
S58 | International hiatus
S59 | International hiatus
S60 | SWE | 14 | 8 | 6 | 14 | 5 | 43 | 6 | 221 // / IIHF BRONZE
S61 | SWE | 13 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 1 | 55 | 0 | 228 // /
S62 | SWE | 13 | 0 | 3 | 3 | -11 | 33 | 2 | 192 // C /
S63 | SWE | 13 | 12 | 8 | 20 | 7 | 56 | 0 | 229 // A / TOP FORWARD AWARD
S64 | SWE | 15 | 7 | 6 | 13 | 11 | 39 | 0 | 239 // / IIHF SILVER
S65 | SWE | 12 | 2 | 4 | 6 | -3 | 21 | 6 | 183 // /
S66 | SWE | 15 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 2 | 33 | 2 | 182 // /
S67 | SWE | 15 | 3 | 10 | 13 | 11 | 22 | 0 | 200 // /
S68 | SWE | 15 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 7 | 21 | 6 | 198 // / ⟅1st⟆ IIHF GOLD ⟅1st⟆
S69 | SWE | 15 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 4 | 19 | 6 | 198 // / IIHF SILVER
S70 | SWE | 13 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 16 | 6 | 163 // / IIHF SILVER
- - - - - -
S51 - WJC - Alex Andani Award Nominee (Top Rookie)
S52 - CAR - Jordan Nugent Hall Award for the Most Dedicated Player
S52 - CAR - Alonzo Garbonzo Award for the Top Rookie
S53 - CAR - Named Captain
S53 - SMJHL - Eastern Conference All Star
S53 - CAR - Kain Webb Award for Team Leadership
S53 - CAR - Cristoph Klose Award for the Top Forward
S53 - CAR - Michael Fitted Award for Team Values
S54 - SMJHL - Eastern Conference All Star
S54 - CAR - Kain Webb Award for Team Leadership
S54 - CAR - Cristoph Klose Award for the Top Forward
S54 - CAR - Kurtis Hunter Award for the Team's MVP
S54 - SMJHL - 1st Team All-League
S54 - SMJHL - Jared Hanson Award (Scoring Champ)
S54 - SMJHL - Ideen Fallah Trophy (Committee MVP)
S54 - SMJHL - Zach Miller Trophy Finalist (Most Dedicated)
S54 - SMJHL - Elias Armia Award (Commisioner's Award of Excellence)
S55 - SMJHL - Eastern Conference All Star
S55 - CAR - Jordan Nugent Hall Award for the Most Dedicated Player
S55 - SMJHL - Zach Miller Trophy Finalist (Most Dedicated)
S56 - LAP - Named Alternate Captain
S58 - SHL - Damien Littleton Winner (Most Dedicated)
S60 - SWE - Bronze Medal
S61 - LAP - Named Captain
S62 - LAP - Phillip Winter Award (Team MVP)
S62 - SHL - 2nd Team All-SHL
S62 - SHL - Aidan Richan Award Finalist (Most Improved Player)
S62 - SHL - Ron Mexico Award Finalist (MVP)
S62 - SWE - Named Captain
S63 - LAP - Western Conference Champions
S62 - IIHF - Top Forward Award
S64 - SWE - Silver Medal
S65 - LAP - Western Conference Champions
S67 - SEA - Western Conference Champions
S68 - SEA - Western Conference Champions
S68 - SWE - ⟅1st⟆ IIHF GOLD MEDAL ⟅1st⟆
S69 - SWE - Silver Medal
S70 - SWE - Silver Medal
Chris Conner || Carolina Kraken || General Manager
- - - - - -
S54 | CAR | Coach | 32-13-5 | 69 pts | 3rd in reg season, ★★★★ FOUR STAR CUP CHAMPION ★★★★
S55 | CAR | CoGM | 37-12-1 | 75 pts | 2nd in reg season
S56 | CAR | GM | 31-17-2 | 64 pts | 2nd in reg season
S57 | CAR | GM | 26-32-8 | 60 pts |
S58 | CAR | GM | 26-39-1 | 53 pts |
S59 | CAR | GM | 32-30-4 | 68 pts |
S60 | CAR | GM | 36-26-4 | 76 pts | Division title
S61 | CAR | GM | 42-20-4 | 88 pts | Division title
S62 | CAR | GM | 41-20-5 | 87 pts | Division title
S63 | CAR | GM | 39-26-1 | 79 pts |
S64 | CAR | GM | 22-36-8 | 52 pts |
S65 | CAR | GM | 29-32-5 | 63 pts |
S66 | CAR | GM | 20-40-6 | 46 pts |
S67 | CAR | GM | 24-36-6 | 54 pts |
S68 | CAR | GM | 43-22-1 | 87 pts | 2nd in reg season, postseason under protest
S69 | CAR | GM | 37-26-3 | 77 pts |
S70 | CAR | GM | 30-31-5 | 65 pts |
S71 | CAR | GM | 34-28-4 | 72 pts |
- - - - - -
S56 | LAP | Offseason Interim GM
S68 | CAR | GM of the Year Nominee
sve7en SMJHL GM
Littleton Award Winner
This is actually really cool data though, thanks
Jimmy Wagner || Seattle Argonauts || Carolina Kraken || RW || S53 || 1002 cTPE || 2295 pTPE (7th all time)
6'1 || 190 lbs || Perg, Austria || Swedish passport
S52 SMJHL Draft - 6th Overall - Carolina Kraken
S53 SHL Draft - 5th Overall - Los Angeles Panthers
- - - - - -
SHL Season Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S56 | LAP | 50 | 6 | 16 | 22 | -10 | 108 | 24 |1023 // A /
S57 | LAP | 66 | 16 | 25 | 41 | -13 | 167 | 24 |1508 // A /
S58 | LAP | 66 | 15 | 31 | 46 | -3 | 173 | 12 |1485 // A /
S59 | LAP | 66 | 22 | 26 | 48 | -19 | 208 | 12 |1576 // A /
S60 | LAP | 66 | 25 | 31 | 56 | 13 | 214 | 10 |1380 // A /
S61 | LAP | 66 | 19 | 35 | 54 | -10 | 251 | 16 |1436 // C /
S62 | LAP | 66 | 38 | 48 | 86 | 12 | 330 | 14 |1481 // C / MVP Nominee, Breakout Nominee, 2nd Team All-SHL
S63 | LAP | 66 | 20 | 40 | 64 | 5 | 292 | 22 |1442 // C /
S64 | LAP | 66 | 32 | 38 | 70 | 40 | 256 | 16 |1387 // C /
S65 | LAP | 66 | 18 | 27 | 45 | 25 | 209 | 10 |1310 // C /
S66 | LAP | 66 | 31 | 28 | 59 | 24 | 183 | 38 |1198 // C /
S67 | SEA | 66 | 21 | 39 | 60 | 32 | 194 | 24 |1120 // /
S68 | SEA | 66 | 30 | 37 | 67 | 46 | 146 | 22 |1176 // /
S69 | SEA | 66 | 21 | 38 | 59 | 42 | 147 | 28 |1188 // /
S70 | SEA | 66 | 14 | 23 | 37 | 13 | 134 | 32 |1154 // /
S71 | LAP | 66 | 21 | 55 | 55 | -17 | 142 | 22 |1267 // /
- - - - - -
Challenge Cup Playoff Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S56 | LAP | 5 | 1 | 2 | 3 | -6 | 11 | 0 | 111 // A /
S57 | LAP | 6 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 21 | 0 | 137 // A /
S58 | LAP | 6 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 142 // A /
S59 | LAP | 6 | 1 | 4 | 5 | -2 | 21 | 2 | 150 // A /
S60 | LAP | 6 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -3 | 8 | 0 | 123 // A /
S61 | LAP | 5 | 1 | 3 | 4 | -4 | 15 | 0 | 113 // C /
S62 | LAP | 17 | 8 | 12 | 20 | 13 | 63 | 2 | 390 // C /
S63 | LAP | 22 | 6 | 13 | 19 | 3 | 74 | 0 | 502 // C /
S64 | LAP | 12 | 6 | 6 | 12 | 6 | 59 | 2 | 274 // C /
S65 | LAP | 20 | 3 | 15 | 18 | 19 | 50 | 0 | 413 // C / ⟅ⅬⅩⅤ⟆ CHALLENGE CUP CHAMPION ⟅ⅬⅩⅤ⟆
S66 | LAP | 9 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 17 | 2 | 173 // C /
S67 | SEA | 23 | 5 | 15 | 20 | 20 | 53 | 6 | 409 // / ⟅ⅬⅩⅤII⟆ CHALLENGE CUP CHAMPION ⟅ⅬⅩⅤII⟆
S68 | SEA | 21 | 6 | 13 | 19 | 16 | 48 | 10 | 418 // / ⟅ⅬⅩⅤIII⟆ CHALLENGE CUP CHAMPION ⟅ⅬⅩⅤIII⟆
S69 | SEA | 16 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 20 | 28 | 4 | 310 // /
S70 | SEA | 13 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 16 | 33 | 4 | 221 // /
S71 | LAP | 12 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 29 | 4 | 235 // /
- - - - - -
SMJHL Season Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S52 | CAR | 50 | 6 | 8 | 14 | +5 | 63 | 6 | 569 // /
S53 | CAR | 50 | 10 | 20 | 30 | -2 | 125 | 8 | 916 // C /
S54 | CAR | 50 | 24 | 29 | 53 | 20 | 171 | 12 | 943 // C / MVP, Scoring Leader, 1st Team All-SMJHL
S55 | CAR | 50 | 17 | 26 | 43 | 30 | 145 | 10 | 876 // C /
- - - - - -
Four Star Cup Playoff Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S52 | CAR | 11 | 0 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 8 | 2 | 118 // /
S53 | CAR | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -3 | 7 | 0 | 75 // C /
S54 | CAR | 20 | 5 | 9 | 14 | 3 | 60 | 4 | 419 // C / FOUR STAR CUP CHAMPIONS
S55 | CAR | 11 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 4 | 28 | 4 | 203 // C /
- - - - - -
WJC Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S51 |PRWR | 19 | 4 | 8 | 12 | -6 | 45 | 4 | 357 // M / Andani Award Nominee
S52 |DACH | 15 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -2 | 8 | 2 | 100 // M /
S53 |DACH | 13 | 4 | 3 | 7 | -2 | 21 | 0 | 186 // /
S54 |DACH | 13 | 1 | 1 | 2 | -3 | 16 | 0 | 219 // /
S55 |DACH | 13 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 3 | 28 | 4 | 221 // /
- - - - - -
IIHF Stats
Szn |Team | GP | G | A | P | +/- | Sht | PM | TOI
S54 | AUT | 13 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 121 // /
S55 | AUT | 13 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 2 | 124 // /
S56 | AUT | 12 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 13 | 4 | 218 // /
S57 | AUT | 12 | 3 | 2 | 5 | -8 | 30 | 2 | 220 // /
S58 | International hiatus
S59 | International hiatus
S60 | SWE | 14 | 8 | 6 | 14 | 5 | 43 | 6 | 221 // / IIHF BRONZE
S61 | SWE | 13 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 1 | 55 | 0 | 228 // /
S62 | SWE | 13 | 0 | 3 | 3 | -11 | 33 | 2 | 192 // C /
S63 | SWE | 13 | 12 | 8 | 20 | 7 | 56 | 0 | 229 // A / TOP FORWARD AWARD
S64 | SWE | 15 | 7 | 6 | 13 | 11 | 39 | 0 | 239 // / IIHF SILVER
S65 | SWE | 12 | 2 | 4 | 6 | -3 | 21 | 6 | 183 // /
S66 | SWE | 15 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 2 | 33 | 2 | 182 // /
S67 | SWE | 15 | 3 | 10 | 13 | 11 | 22 | 0 | 200 // /
S68 | SWE | 15 | 7 | 3 | 10 | 7 | 21 | 6 | 198 // / ⟅1st⟆ IIHF GOLD ⟅1st⟆
S69 | SWE | 15 | 5 | 2 | 7 | 4 | 19 | 6 | 198 // / IIHF SILVER
S70 | SWE | 13 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 16 | 6 | 163 // / IIHF SILVER
- - - - - -
S51 - WJC - Alex Andani Award Nominee (Top Rookie)
S52 - CAR - Jordan Nugent Hall Award for the Most Dedicated Player
S52 - CAR - Alonzo Garbonzo Award for the Top Rookie
S53 - CAR - Named Captain
S53 - SMJHL - Eastern Conference All Star
S53 - CAR - Kain Webb Award for Team Leadership
S53 - CAR - Cristoph Klose Award for the Top Forward
S53 - CAR - Michael Fitted Award for Team Values
S54 - SMJHL - Eastern Conference All Star
S54 - CAR - Kain Webb Award for Team Leadership
S54 - CAR - Cristoph Klose Award for the Top Forward
S54 - CAR - Kurtis Hunter Award for the Team's MVP
S54 - SMJHL - 1st Team All-League
S54 - SMJHL - Jared Hanson Award (Scoring Champ)
S54 - SMJHL - Ideen Fallah Trophy (Committee MVP)
S54 - SMJHL - Zach Miller Trophy Finalist (Most Dedicated)
S54 - SMJHL - Elias Armia Award (Commisioner's Award of Excellence)
S55 - SMJHL - Eastern Conference All Star
S55 - CAR - Jordan Nugent Hall Award for the Most Dedicated Player
S55 - SMJHL - Zach Miller Trophy Finalist (Most Dedicated)
S56 - LAP - Named Alternate Captain
S58 - SHL - Damien Littleton Winner (Most Dedicated)
S60 - SWE - Bronze Medal
S61 - LAP - Named Captain
S62 - LAP - Phillip Winter Award (Team MVP)
S62 - SHL - 2nd Team All-SHL
S62 - SHL - Aidan Richan Award Finalist (Most Improved Player)
S62 - SHL - Ron Mexico Award Finalist (MVP)
S62 - SWE - Named Captain
S63 - LAP - Western Conference Champions
S62 - IIHF - Top Forward Award
S64 - SWE - Silver Medal
S65 - LAP - Western Conference Champions
S67 - SEA - Western Conference Champions
S68 - SEA - Western Conference Champions
S68 - SWE - ⟅1st⟆ IIHF GOLD MEDAL ⟅1st⟆
S69 - SWE - Silver Medal
S70 - SWE - Silver Medal
Chris Conner || Carolina Kraken || General Manager
- - - - - -
S54 | CAR | Coach | 32-13-5 | 69 pts | 3rd in reg season, ★★★★ FOUR STAR CUP CHAMPION ★★★★
S55 | CAR | CoGM | 37-12-1 | 75 pts | 2nd in reg season
S56 | CAR | GM | 31-17-2 | 64 pts | 2nd in reg season
S57 | CAR | GM | 26-32-8 | 60 pts |
S58 | CAR | GM | 26-39-1 | 53 pts |
S59 | CAR | GM | 32-30-4 | 68 pts |
S60 | CAR | GM | 36-26-4 | 76 pts | Division title
S61 | CAR | GM | 42-20-4 | 88 pts | Division title
S62 | CAR | GM | 41-20-5 | 87 pts | Division title
S63 | CAR | GM | 39-26-1 | 79 pts |
S64 | CAR | GM | 22-36-8 | 52 pts |
S65 | CAR | GM | 29-32-5 | 63 pts |
S66 | CAR | GM | 20-40-6 | 46 pts |
S67 | CAR | GM | 24-36-6 | 54 pts |
S68 | CAR | GM | 43-22-1 | 87 pts | 2nd in reg season, postseason under protest
S69 | CAR | GM | 37-26-3 | 77 pts |
S70 | CAR | GM | 30-31-5 | 65 pts |
S71 | CAR | GM | 34-28-4 | 72 pts |
- - - - - -
S56 | LAP | Offseason Interim GM
S68 | CAR | GM of the Year Nominee
Sburbine IIHF Federation Head
That boy ain't right
I'm in this picture and I don't like it, time to copy @"James Truong" for every PT
JamesT Moderators
Cozy Connoisseur
01-05-2023, 01:19 AM Sburbine Wrote: I'm in this picture and I don't like it, time to copy @"James Truong" for every PT
Nice analysis. The only one that's probably not as accurate as it theoretically could be is a time-critical PT like the mock draft. If people can edit it until just before the draft and talk to others and the draft doesn't happen in the middle the night for those people then they have a small advantage over those that sleep.
Rhett "Shaggy" Carpet | G | Winnipeg Aurora | Team Finland
Height: 6'4" | Weight: 215 lbs
Birthplace: Helsinki, Finland
Number: 70
SHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S73 | TOR | GP: 51 (18-23-5) | 0.895 SV% | 4.40 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 73
S74 | WPG | GP: 26 (13-8-2) | 0.890 SV% | 3.29 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 65
S75 | WPG | GP: 28 (18-5-0) | 0.917 SV% | 2.24 GAA | SO: 6 | GR: 73
S76 | WPG | GP: 57 (32-20-2) | 0.910 SV% | 3.19 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 77
S77 | WPG | GP: 56 (22-29-3) | 0.901 SV% | 3.78 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 75
S78 | WPG | GP: 56 (24-22-5) | 0.904 SV% | 3.71 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 76
S79 | WPG | GP: 56 (22-32-4) | 0.879 SV% | 4.37 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 66
S80 | WPG | GP: 58 (21-29-3) | 0.895 SV% | 4.25 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 73
SHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S73 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-3-1) | 0.885 SV% | 6.60 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 70
S74 | WPG | GP: 3 (1-0-0) | 0.950 SV% | 1.43 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 56 (backup)
S75 | WPG | backup goalie during playoffs, didn't play games
S76 | WPG | GP: 15 (9-6-0) | 0.913 SV% | 3.15 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 79
S77 | WPG | GP: 5 (1-4-0) | 0.852 SV% | 6.50 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 57
S78 | WPG | GP: 4 (0-3-1) | 0.864 SV% | 5.73 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 64
S79 | WPG | GP: 4 (0-3-1) | 0.885 SV% | 5.13 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S80 | WPG | GP: 4 (0-4-0) | 0.900 SV% | 4.79 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 81
SMJHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S69 | NL | GP: 22 (14-6-2) | 0.897 SV% | 2.15 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 66
S70 | NL | GP: 32 (14-15-1) | 0.883 SV% | 3.69 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 65
S71 | NL | GP: 48 (30-13-2) | 0.903 SV% | 3.20 GAA | SO: 5 | GR: 73
S72 | NL | GP: 51 (26-18-3) | 0.883 SV% | 4.02 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 66
SMJHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S69 | NL | backup goalie during playoffs (lost in 3rd round)
S70 | NL | GP: 2 (0-0-0) | 0.868 SV% | 4.02 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 57 (won cup)
S71 | NL | GP: 16 (8-6-2) | 0.916 SV% | 2.73 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 76 (lost in final)
S72 | NL | GP: 12 (6-6-0) | 0.918 SV% | 3.14 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 84
International Statistics (with Team Finland):
S69 | WJC | GP: 9 (3-5-0) | 0.902 SV% | 3.84 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 74
S70 | WJC | GP: 9 (4-4-0) | 0.907 SV% | 2.91 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 76
S70 | IIHF | GP: 3 (1-1-1) | 0.913 SV% | 2.33 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 76
S71 | WJC | GP: 9 (5-2-1) | 0.919 SV% | 2.29 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 74
S71 | IIHF | GP: 4 (3-1-0) | 0.911 SV% | 2.00 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 70
S72 | WJC | GP: 7 (2-4-1) | 0.902 SV% | 3.69 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 77
S72 | IIHF | GP: 5 (3-1-0) | 0.847 SV% | 4.95 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 54
S73 | IIHF | GP: 5 (1-4-0) | 0.874 SV% | 4.87 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 65
S74 | IIHF | GP: 8 (2-5-0) | 0.890 SV% | 3.96 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 68
S75 | IIHF | GP: 10 (6-1-2) | 0.913 SV% | 2.90 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 76
S76 | IIHF | GP: 9 (7-1-0) | 0.898 SV% | 3.14 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 69
S77 | IIHF | GP: 9 (4-5-0) | 0.892 SV% | 3.78 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 72
S78 | IIHF | GP: 10 (4-5-0) | 0.897 SV% | 3.03 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 67
S79 | IIHF | GP: 8 (2-6-0) | 0.869 SV% | 4.10 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 61
S80 | IIHF | GP: 9 (8-1-0) | 0.929 SV% | 1.89 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 78
International Statistics Medal Rounds (with Team Finland):
S70 | WJC | GP: 2 (1-1-0) | 0.922 SV% | 2.51 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 80
S71 | WJC | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.874 SV% | 3.67 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 62
S73 | IIHF | backup goalie during medal round - won bronze
S74 | IIHF | GP: 3 (1-2-0) | 0.893 SV% | 3.72 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 74
S75 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.945 SV% | 3.02 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 98
S76 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.891 SV% | 5.02 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 81
S77 | IIHF | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.935 SV% | 2.00 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 87
S78 | IIHF | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.899 SV% | 3.35 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 72
S80 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.739 SV% | 8.80 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 27
S69: Drafted #5 overall by Newfoundland (SMJHL)
S69: Signed contract with Newfoundland: 1 year/$2M (+$2M bonus)
S70: Drafted #23 overall by Toronto (SHL)
S70: Signed ELC contract with Toronto: 1 year/$3M
S71: Signed extension with Toronto: 3 years/$9M (NTC)
S72: Signed extension with Toronto: 3 years/$9M (NTC)
S74: Traded to Winnipeg Aurora
S76: Signed extension with Winnipeg: 3 years/$18M (NTC)
S79: Signed extension with Winnipeg: 2 years/$8M (NTC, HTD)
Zach Miller Award (Most Dedicated User) - Nomination (S69)
Won Four Star Cup with Newfoundland (S70)
Named Alternate Captain for Newfoundland (S71-S72)
Cedric Robinson Trophy (Best Goalie) - Nomination (S71, S72)
SMJHL All-Star (1st team): S71
SMJHL All-Star (All Defense team): S71
Won WJC Bronze Medal with Finland (S71)
Peter Larson Award (Best WJC Goalie) - Nomination (S71)
Won IIHF Bronze Medal with Finland (S73, S77)
Won IIHF Silver Medal with Finland (S78)
Won Cole Reinhart Trophy with Winnipeg (S74)
2x Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) (nomination S75, S77)
Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) Winner (S78)
Best IIHF Goalie - Nomination (S75)
All-Star Skills Competition (S76)
2nd All-Star Team (S76)
John McBride Trophy (Best Goalie) Nomination (S76)
Team Captain (Winnipeg Aurora) (S78-79)
Assistant Captain (Winnipeg Aurora) (S80-)
League Jobs/Positions:
Graphic Grader (S46-S50)
SMJHL Lethbridge/Newfoundland Team Advisor/Coach (since S49)
IIHF Finland Co-Fed Head (S50-S60)
Graphic Graders Department Head (since S51)
IIHF Finland Fed Head (since S61)
Trading Card Team Management Advisor (since S68)
sigs either by @Wasty , @Nokazoa , @sulovilen , @"Capt_Blitzkrieg", @sköldpaddor , @Ragnar , @enigmatic , @Lime or myself
Harry Carpet | Toronto North Stars | Team Finland | Goalie S46-S69 | SHL HOF
Height: 6'3" | Weight: 208 lbs
Birthplace: Turku, Finland
Player Type: Hybrid Goalie
Number: 48
Peak TPE: 2138 (first 2k+ goalie in SHL history)
SHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S47 | TOR | GP: 1 (1-0-0) | 0.897 SV% | 3.00 GAA | SO: 0
S48 | TOR | GP: 5 (4-1-0) | 0.893 SV% | 3.16 GAA | SO: 0
S49 | TOR | GP: 44 (18-24-2) | 0.904 SV% | 3.34 GAA | SO: 2
S50 | TOR | GP: 44 (23-19-2) | 0.907 SV% | 3.29 GAA | SO: 1
S51 | TOR | GP: 44 (18-23-3) | 0.914 SV% | 3.03 GAA | SO: 3
S52 | TOR | GP: 44 (19-18-7) | 0.915 SV% | 3.08 GAA | SO: 2
---change from STHS to FHM6---
S53 | TOR | GP: 46 (5-34-3) | 0.906 SV% | 4.84 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 73
S54 | TOR | GP: 46 (10-30-2) | 0.922 SV% | 3.47 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 78
S55 | TOR | GP: 48 (10-33-1) | 0.916 SV% | 3.98 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 77
S56 | TOR | GP: 45 (19-23-2) | 0.917 SV% | 2.95 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 75
S57 | TOR | GP: 50 (26-17-4) | 0.918 SV% | 2.57 GAA | SO: 6 | GR: 73
S58 | TOR | GP: 48 (33-10-5) | 0.918 SV% | 2.38 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 73
S59 | TOR | GP: 54 (38-13-3) | 0.925 SV% | 2.40 GAA | SO: 8 | GR: 79
S60 | TOR | GP: 54 (34-14-6) | 0.919 SV% | 2.60 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 78
S61 | TOR | GP: 58 (30-21-3) | 0.916 SV% | 2.59 GAA | SO: 8 | GR: 71
S62 | TOR | GP: 55 (28-22-5) | 0.928 SV% | 2.49 GAA | SO: 9 | GR: 79
S63 | TOR | GP: 54 (31-19-4) | 0.926 SV% | 2.67 GAA | SO: 5 | GR: 80
S64 | TOR | GP: 56 (18-33-2) | 0.917 SV% | 3.79 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 79
S65 | TOR | GP: 51 (27-21-3) | 0.913 SV% | 3.19 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 75
---change from FHM6 to FHM8---
S66 | TOR | GP: 52 (29-21-2) | 0.891 SV% | 3.29 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 68
S67 | TOR | GP: 40 (27-11-2) | 0.918 SV% | 2.30 GAA | SO: 4 | GR: 75
S68 | TOR | GP: 31 (22-6-1) | 0.884 SV% | 3.60 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 66
S69 | TOR | GP: 36 (9-24-0) | 0.896 SV% | 4.85 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 73
SHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S49 | TOR | did not qualify
S50 | TOR | GP: 12 (6-6-0) | 0.912 SV% | 3.34 GAA | SO: 0
S51 | TOR | did not qualify
S52 | TOR | GP: 4 (0-4-0) | 0.883 SV% | 5.25 GAA | SO: 0
---change from STHS to FHM6---
S53 | TOR | did not qualify
S54 | TOR | did not qualify
S55 | TOR | did not qualify
S56 | TOR | did not qualify
S57 | TOR | did not qualify
S58 | TOR | GP: 19 (11-6-2) | 0.912 SV% | 2.35 GAA | SO: 3 | GR: 70
S59 | TOR | did not qualify
S60 | TOR | GP: 4 (0-3-1) | 0.912 SV% | 4.03 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S61 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-2-2) | 0.939 SV% | 2.33 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 87
S62 | TOR | GP: 4 (0-4-0) | 0.911 SV% | 4.51 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 84
S63 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-2-2) | 0.920 SV% | 3.39 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 82
S64 | TOR | GP: 5 (1-4-0) | 0.916 SV% | 5.11 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 77
S65 | TOR | GP: 6 (2-4-0) | 0.905 SV% | 4.19 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 73
---change from FHM6 to FHM8---
S66 | TOR | GP: 10 (4-5-1) | 0.902 SV% | 3.34 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S67 | TOR | GP: 11 (6-5-0) | 0.880 SV% | 3.82 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 66
S68 | TOR | GP: 6 (2-3-0) | 0.872 SV% | 5.32 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 62
S69 | TOR | did not qualify
SMJHL Career Statistics (Regular Season):
S46 | LET | GP: 14 (5-6-2) | 0.891 SV% | 2.59 GAA | SO: 1
S47 | LET | GP: 22 (7-6-3) | 0.879 SV% | 2.87 GAA | SO: 1
S48 | LET | GP: 44 (22-21-1) | 0.886 SV% | 3.05 GAA | SO: 1
SMJHL Career Statistics (Playoffs):
S48 | LET | GP: 12 (6-5-1) | 0.880 SV% | 2.66 GAA | SO: 0
International Statistics (with Team Finland):
S46 | WJC | GP: 27 (6-19-2) | 0.894 SV% | 3.04 GAA | SO: 1
S46 | IIHF | GP: 2 (1-0-0) | 0.976 SV% | 0.74 GAA | SO: 0
S47 | WJC | GP: 27 (13-13-1) | 0.890 SV% | 2.89 GAA | SO: 2
S48 | WJC | GP: 14 (7-7-0) | 0.905 SV% | 2.36 GAA | SO: 2
S48 | IIHF | GP: 9 (1-6-0) | 0.882 SV% | 3.51 GAA | SO: 0
S49 | IIHF | GP: 12 (6-6-0) | 0.914 SV% | 3.02 GAA | SO: 0
S50 | IIHF | GP: 12 (2-8-2) | 0.889 SV% | 3.62 GAA | SO: 0
S51 | IIHF | GP: 12 (3-7-2) | 0.893 SV% | 3.27 GAA | SO: 0
S52 | IIHF | GP: 12 (5-7-0) | 0.889 SV% | 4.13 GAA | SO: 1
---change from STHS to FHM6---
S53 | IIHF | GP: 12 (4-8-0) | 0.894 SV% | 4.18 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 69
S54 | IIHF | GP: 12 (4-5-3) | 0.914 SV% | 3.27 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 75
S55 | IIHF | GP: 12 (2-8-2) | 0.894 SV% | 4.51 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 68
S56 | IIHF | GP: 6 (2-3-1) | 0.922 SV% | 3.28 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 80
S57 | IIHF | GP: 10 (4-5-0) | 0.911 SV% | 3.87 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 75
S58 | IIHF | GP: 7 (2-5-0) | 0.900 SV% | 3.82 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 73
S59 | IIHF | GP: 9 (4-4-1) | 0.932 SV% | 2.41 GAA | SO: 2 | GR: 83
S60 | IIHF | GP: 8 (5-3-0) | 0.941 SV% | 2.00 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 87
S61 | IIHF | GP: 8 (6-1-1) | 0.909 SV% | 2.92 GAA | SO: 1 | GR: 70
S62 | IIHF | GP: 9 (5-2-2) | 0.901 SV% | 2.40 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 62
S63 | IIHF | GP: 5 (0-4-0) | 0.875 SV% | 3.90 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 57
S64 | IIHF | GP: 5 (3-1-1) | 0.915 SV% | 2.91 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 74
S65 | IIHF | GP: 7 (7-0-0) | 0.888 SV% | 2.49 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 61
S66 | IIHF | GP: 4 (2-1-1) | 0.880 SV% | 3.67 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 64
S67 | IIHF | GP: 4 (3-1-0) | 0.896 SV% | 2.46 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 67
S68 | IIHF | GP: 4 (4-0-0) | 0.930 SV% | 1.75 GAA | SO: 0 | GR: 77
S69 | IIHF | GP: 3 (2-1-0) | 0.876 SV% | 4.00 GAA | SO: 0| GR: 66
International Statistics Medal Round (with Team Finland):
S47 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-0-0) | 0.889 SV% | 4.18 GAA | SO: 0
S60 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.941 SV% | 8.92 GAA | SO: 0
S61 | IIHF | GP: 2 (1-0-1) | 0.910 SV% | 2.96 GAA | SO: 0
S62 | IIHF | GP: 3 (3-0-0) | 0.974 SV% | 0.67 GAA | SO: 1
S64 | IIHF | GP: 3 (3-0-0) | 0.962 SV% | 1.33 GAA | SO: 0
S65 | IIHF | GP: 1 (0-1-0) | 0.852 SV% | 4.05 GAA | SO: 0
S66 | IIHF | backup goalie in medal round (team won gold)
S67 | IIHF | backup goalie in medal round (team won bronze)
S68 | IIHF | backup goalie in medal round (team won silver)
S46: Drafted #41 overall by Lethbridge (SMJHL)
S46: Signed contract with Lethbridge: 1 year/$3M
S47: Drafted #28 overall by Toronto (SHL)
S47: Signed ELC with Toronto: 2 years/$7M
S49: Signed extension with Toronto: 2 years/$9M
S51: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$5M
S52: Signed extension with Toronto: 6 years/$36M
S58: Signed extension with Toronto: 3 years/$12M (HTD)
S61: Signed extension with Toronto: 2 years/$8M (HTD)
S63: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$4M (HTD)
S64: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$3M (HTD)
S65: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$3M (HTD)
S66: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$2M (HTD)
S67: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$2M (HTD)
S68: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$2M (HTD)
S69: Signed extension with Toronto: 1 year/$1M (HTD)
Lethbridge Lions:
Top Goalie Award (S48)
Monkey D. Luffy Award (Most Dedicated Player) (S48)
Newfoundland Berserkers:
Founding Member
Four Star Cup Winner (as Coach)(S55)
Toronto North Stars:
Team Captain (S50-58, S62-69)
Team Alternate Captain (S59-61)
Mark Harter Award (Best Goalie) (S53-57)
Kristian Eriksson Award (Team MVP) (S53-56)
JJ Krever Award (Best Locker Room Presence) (S57)
Team Goalie Coach (since S71)
SHL All-Star (All-Rookie team): S49
3x SHL All-Star (1st team): S59, S63, S67
2x SHL All-Star (2nd team): S54, S62
SHL All-Star (3rd team): S51
SHL All-Star Game - Team East: S59, S63, S67
Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) - Winner (S67)
2x Damian Littleton Award (Most Dedicated Member) - Nomination (S55, S62)
3x John McBride Trophy (Best Goalie) Winner (S59, S62, S63)
4x John McBride Trophy (Best Goalie) Nomination (S54, S58, S60, S67)
SHL Hall of Fame (class of 71) - first ballot
IIHF Hall of Fame (class of 75)
Goalie records:
League Record Holder in Shutouts (74) and in GP (1,006)
Former League Record Holder in Wins (479) until S72
Team Finland:
Best Goalie (S60)
Bronze Medal (S61, S67)
Silver Medal (S68)
Gold Medal (S62, S64, S66)
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Keven Fantasy League Manager
Posting Freak
Maybe it's just because I saw my name near the top of most of these lists, but I really wanted to know who earned the most from these tasks throughout the 10 seasons and how big the gap is between people who completed all the tasks. Of the 10 users who completed 50/50 tasks, the gap was 48 TPE. Here's some more cool lists I assembled based on the data:
Total TPE earned (.5s always rounded up) | Total tasks completed
1. keven | 340 | 50
2. nhamlet | 338 | 49
3. raymond3000 | 337 | 50
4. jepox | 330 | 48
5. sulovilen | 329 | 49
6. sfresh3 | 328 | 50
7. marco999 | 326 | 50
8. halkohol | 325 | 49
8. jumbobone19 | 325 | 50
10. carpy48 | 324 | 50
11. sakrosankt | 323 | 49
12. tylar | 321 | 48
13. aaronwilson | 320 | 49
14. festinator | 317 | 49
14. leviadan | 317 | 50
16. 5ympathies | 313 | 48
16. askedmadden | 313 | 49
16. jt3 | 313 | 46
19. leafs4ever | 312 | 49
20. steveoiscool | 311 | 46
20. wearingabear | 311 | 47
22. lime | 309 | 47
23. bdu754 | 308 | 48
23. leafsftw1967 | 308 | 41
23. ronniewalker | 308 | 48
26. kenvald | 306 | 46
26. sve7en | 306 | 44
28. gaby | 304 | 46
29. salming | 303 | 50
30. slothfacekilla | 302 | 44
31. drunkenteddy | 301 | 49
31. mr.finland | 301 | 46
31. raven | 301 | 46
31. zombiewolf | 301 | 47
35. valorx77 | 300 | 47
36. norwegiandemon | 298 | 46
36. retuperkele | 298 | 47
36. zoottx | 298 | 46
39. micool132 | 297 | 47
40. lordbirdman | 296 | 44
41. fluw | 295 | 49
41. ohtaay | 295 | 45
43. 3lewsers | 294 | 50
44. kyamprac | 293 | 44
44. mementomori | 293 | 43
46. crazymojito | 292 | 44
46. evok | 292 | 42
46. jamestruong | 292 | 45
46. lilstifler | 292 | 50
50. kalesalad | 290 | 43
51. notorioustron | 289 | 47
52. gurbs | 288 | 45
53. captaincamel | 287 | 44
54. mastersheep | 285 | 43
55. renojacksonhs | 284 | 46
56. ragnar | 283 | 48
56. taterswc | 283 | 45
58. roastpuff | 282 | 45
59. dogwoodmaple | 280 | 44
59. rich | 280 | 41
61. dextaria | 279 | 43
61. lmao | 279 | 42
61. matteo | 279 | 47
61. sköldpaddor | 279 | 44
65. charlieconway | 278 | 46
65. kentakira | 278 | 44
67. otrebor13 | 277 | 40
68. golden_apricot | 275 | 42
69. amidships | 274 | 42
70. faelax | 273 | 40
71. bluesfan55 | 272 | 43
71. evil_allbran | 272 | 42
71. grum | 272 | 41
74. romaneseuntdomus | 268 | 40
75. acapitalchicago | 267 | 42
75. briedaqueduc | 267 | 43
77. cementhands | 266 | 45
77. rangerjase | 266 | 42
79. toast | 264 | 40
80. canadice | 262 | 40
80. countchocula | 262 | 43
82. orbitingdeath | 261 | 42
83. sewingwithnancy | 259 | 44
84. leafs1997 | 258 | 41
84. leppish | 258 | 39
84. tweedledunn | 258 | 40
87. arkz | 257 | 44
88. nerio | 256 | 41
89. jss331 | 255 | 39
89. qwest | 255 | 39
89. slashacm | 255 | 41
92. lespoils | 254 | 42
92. spartangibbles | 254 | 44
94. gwdjohnson | 252 | 37
94. scrufdaddy | 252 | 40
96. bendover | 251 | 38
96. sopath | 251 | 37
96. thelastheraclid | 251 | 39
96. zwhiz | 251 | 39
100. steelhead77 | 250 | 42
101. spooked | 249 | 38
101. zaynzk | 249 | 41
103. wannabefinn | 248 | 37
104. kylrad | 246 | 37
105. opera_phantom | 245 | 37
105. toivo | 245 | 37
107. dankoa | 244 | 39
107. urq660 | 244 | 40
107. hockeyiscool | 244 | 38
110. nike | 242 | 42
111. bbjygm | 241 | 40
112. natedoeshockey | 240 | 37
112. schwarznarr | 240 | 37
112. velevra | 240 | 36
112. withthemoose | 240 | 37
116. gcool | 239 | 38
116. muerto | 239 | 38
116. picklejuice | 239 | 39
119. katth | 238 | 37
120. accka | 236 | 40
120. mazatt | 236 | 36
122. vandy | 235 | 43
123. agentsmith630 | 234 | 38
123. c9van | 234 | 41
125. mn_moosey | 233 | 37
125. rotticusscott | 233 | 36
125. segi | 233 | 37
125. supertardis101 | 233 | 38
129. drokeep | 232 | 37
129. efischermann | 232 | 36
129. jay2233 | 232 | 36
132. boom | 231 | 39
132. highhaschdi | 231 | 34
134. thunfish | 230 | 37
134. zoone16 | 230 | 36
134. tomen | 230 | 34
137. huck24 | 229 | 34
137. hotdog | 229 | 37
137. jkortesi81 | 229 | 36
140. gifterofbikes | 228 | 40
140. o4l | 228 | 37
142. bjkman | 227 | 37
142. spartan | 227 | 35
142. thewozy | 227 | 33
145. fantobens | 225 | 38
145. mutedfaith | 225 | 39
145. trashae | 225 | 35
148. enigmatic | 224 | 33
148. lorec | 224 | 36
150. ruggsy | 223 | 34
150. goldenglutes | 223 | 35
152. flappygiraffe | 222 | 37
152. hhh81 | 222 | 32
152. zeagle1 | 222 | 35
155. gordieboom | 221 | 34
155. juke | 221 | 33
157. krazko | 220 | 32
158. juosu | 219 | 35
159. acsolap | 218 | 34
159. visceralpotamus | 218 | 36
161. traphag | 217 | 35
162. goonerbear | 216 | 33
162. takethehorizon | 216 | 35
164. campinkiller | 215 | 36
164. canes2112 | 215 | 33
166. jnh | 214 | 34
166. serpex13 | 214 | 33
166. notorioustig | 214 | 35
169. mp7 | 212 | 32
169. the5urreal | 212 | 33
171. gordonbombay | 211 | 31
172. benpachi | 210 | 37
172. bytor | 210 | 32
174. crunk | 209 | 32
175. honkerrs | 207 | 30
176. goilers | 206 | 33
177. cptsquall | 205 | 35
177. sburbine | 205 | 32
177. zomp | 205 | 30
180. bfine | 204 | 33
180. snuffalupagus | 204 | 36
182. brickwall35 | 203 | 31
183. g2019 | 202 | 32
183. highstickking | 202 | 32
183. jeffie43 | 202 | 28
186. fever95 | 201 | 32
186. mcpumpkin | 201 | 31
188. darkcanuck29 | 200 | 32
188. trautner | 200 | 28
190. inf1d3l | 199 | 32
190. symmetrik | 199 | 31
190. vaxlare | 199 | 31
193. mooney | 198 | 32
194. blasoon | 197 | 30
195. damienj10 | 196 | 38
196. delirivm | 194 | 28
196. grapehead | 194 | 34
198. ace | 193 | 33
198. bk1689 | 193 | 31
198. mer | 193 | 28
198. rancidbudgie | 193 | 32
198. rankle | 193 | 30
198. hallsy | 193 | 29
204. crazylemire | 192 | 31
204. renomitsu | 192 | 29
206. artermis | 189 | 31
206. gaiamormont | 189 | 33
208. flowseidon | 188 | 32
208. skeletonparty | 188 | 29
210. caltroit_red_flames | 187 | 32
210. fitted2106 | 187 | 32
210. juliotokolosh | 187 | 31
213. patty | 186 | 29
214. ericncsu | 185 | 30
215. bongo | 184 | 29
215. stadiumgambler | 184 | 29
217. sebster | 183 | 29
217. tayjay | 183 | 30
217. wally | 183 | 27
220. pythonic | 182 | 30
221. jaywhy | 181 | 27
221. luketd | 181 | 26
223. thedangazone | 180 | 29
224. r1c3bowl22 | 179 | 31
225. ckroyal92 | 178 | 28
225. juniped | 178 | 27
227. andy | 177 | 28
227. capncooper | 177 | 29
227. kraagenskul | 177 | 30
230. jericson | 176 | 29
230. sdcore | 176 | 29
230. thunder39 | 176 | 26
233. kikish18 | 175 | 32
234. karlssens | 174 | 27
234. lb3737 | 174 | 27
236. fishy | 173 | 26
236. thecc | 173 | 28
238. bruins10 | 172 | 26
238. canadianduck | 172 | 28
238. rum_ham | 172 | 24
238. shmurph | 172 | 27
242. keygan | 171 | 26
243. aw13 | 170 | 27
243. kierkan | 170 | 28
245. advenny4 | 169 | 30
245. basedminkus | 169 | 26
245. exilate | 169 | 24
245. mylittlehexx | 169 | 27
245. tesla | 169 | 27
250. muford | 168 | 28
250. rabidsponge21 | 168 | 25
250. thiefofcheese | 168 | 27
253. eynhallow | 166 | 34
253. naosu | 166 | 24
253. st4rface | 166 | 28
253. unconfident69 | 166 | 26
257. mooty99 | 165 | 27
257. thesparkydee | 165 | 27
259. buster | 162 | 22
259. whitecap | 162 | 24
261. hantheman_ | 161 | 28
261. puolivalmiste | 161 | 25
263. grok | 159 | 25
264. theflash | 157 | 26
265. geekusoid | 156 | 27
265. rashfordu | 156 | 23
267. bignewff | 154 | 23
268. jumpierpegasus | 152 | 24
268. projectsaint | 152 | 24
270. kenitohmenara | 149 | 22
270. premierbromanov | 149 | 23
270. ramenamen | 149 | 22
270. vic03 | 149 | 24
274. jorec | 148 | 23
275. soulja | 147 | 22
276. mcgriddleluver | 146 | 23
277. dewalt27 | 145 | 24
277. njbadapple | 145 | 22
277. r0tzbua | 145 | 22
280. suavemente | 144 | 22
281. cobbenstein | 142 | 21
281. wumaduce | 142 | 20
283. crutch | 141 | 21
284. barnabascollins | 140 | 23
284. duff101 | 140 | 24
284. siddhus | 140 | 22
287. cptgoosar | 139 | 23
288. academydropout | 138 | 21
288. grimreaper | 138 | 20
288. tommytightpants | 138 | 23
288. redcapediver | 138 | 20
292. aircrou | 137 | 22
292. frick_nasty | 137 | 21
292. thatguy91 | 137 | 21
295. nictox | 136 | 21
296. aephino | 135 | 20
296. dangles13 | 135 | 22
296. esso2264 | 135 | 20
299. fuzzshl | 133 | 20
300. reid | 131 | 19
300. talls | 131 | 19
300. tnlastatine | 131 | 19
303. aleris | 130 | 21
303. blastmeaway | 130 | 20
303. jonnytsunami | 130 | 20
303. punk42ae | 130 | 22
307. finnrhys | 129 | 20
307. massivecoiler | 129 | 21
307. peej2189 | 129 | 20
307. sivart | 129 | 20
311. badwolf | 128 | 21
312. capt_blitzkrieg | 127 | 20
312. mediocre_fred | 127 | 20
312. valpix | 127 | 20
315. ferda | 126 | 18
315. jtam | 126 | 19
315. vikian | 126 | 21
318. bayley | 125 | 22
318. tapdancingnecrons | 125 | 21
318. z0rem | 125 | 17
321. merica | 124 | 23
321. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 124 | 18
323. brewskyboy | 123 | 19
324. kalakar | 122 | 17
325. habsfanfromontario | 121 | 22
325. henrik | 121 | 20
325. redderder15 | 121 | 19
328. .bojo | 120 | 21
328. jr95 | 120 | 20
328. leoben | 120 | 18
331. jruutu | 119 | 21
331. overdoo | 119 | 17
331. tommysalami | 119 | 17
334. seymoursnatches | 118 | 20
334. waters | 118 | 18
336. seymour | 117 | 21
336. wildfiremicro | 117 | 22
338. xleafer | 116 | 20
338. mikeizzy | 116 | 19
340. tacocat2 | 115 | 20
341. durden | 114 | 18
342. bilbo | 112 | 17
342. michiganonymous | 112 | 20
344. grannypanpan | 110 | 17
344. moreorless89 | 110 | 18
344. shylo_moxii | 110 | 20
347. dollarandadream | 109 | 18
347. esilverm | 109 | 18
347. holtzfan10 | 109 | 17
347. kc15 | 109 | 20
351. .laser | 108 | 15
352. blix900 | 106 | 17
352. hewasajazzman | 106 | 16
354. nour | 105 | 17
354. trempale | 105 | 17
354. zema | 105 | 16
357. cyanide | 103 | 18
357. gooney | 103 | 16
359. dagumpa | 102 | 17
360. frazzle14 | 101 | 16
361. larrythemvp | 99 | 16
361. citizenofadraa | 99 | 14
363. lukstins88 | 98 | 19
363. southpaw | 98 | 14
363. yagoyi | 98 | 15
363. ztevans | 98 | 15
367. vulfzilla | 96 | 16
368. trella | 95 | 15
369. 39alaska39 | 94 | 15
369. chevy | 94 | 19
369. jobin | 94 | 16
372. tubbytim69 | 93 | 15
372. uberbj | 93 | 16
374. hordle | 92 | 17
374. mcal95 | 92 | 15
376. dmuda11 | 91 | 15
376. jss | 91 | 13
376. mayuu | 91 | 12
376. snussu | 91 | 16
380. jearim | 90 | 15
381. jaythegreat | 88 | 12
381. majesiu | 88 | 14
383. banackock | 87 | 14
383. the__yman__100 | 87 | 14
385. hoovuh | 86 | 15
386. jimmysmo27 | 85 | 14
386. keenan | 85 | 14
388. chrismczehrl | 84 | 17
388. luke | 84 | 13
390. ursinz | 83 | 14
391. inverted | 82 | 11
391. z-whiz | 82 | 9
393. ajwllmsn | 81 | 14
393. simo_393 | 81 | 11
395. blakec1414 | 80 | 14
395. mamab | 80 | 18
395. wongy | 80 | 12
398. captaincrazy | 78 | 12
398. graydonsanatomy | 78 | 12
398. stamkosfan | 78 | 12
398. thegreattoejam | 78 | 12
402. good_ole_kimmy | 77 | 13
402. monochroma | 77 | 12
404. kluster | 76 | 11
405. allegiant | 75 | 15
405. armthesharks | 75 | 13
405. iamslm22 | 75 | 12
405. jackkmart | 75 | 13
405. mook | 75 | 12
410. ddrector | 73 | 12
411. adamantium | 72 | 12
411. dhoop | 72 | 15
411. mee | 72 | 13
414. bolobill | 71 | 12
414. gucci | 71 | 12
414. tomtommen | 71 | 12
417. anthique | 70 | 11
417. caleb_h | 70 | 11
417. jajaswegdingdong | 70 | 11
417. vrtxl4s3r | 70 | 12
421. secondsucks22 | 69 | 9
422. deng | 68 | 10
422. omniscius | 68 | 10
424. by-tor | 67 | 9
424. ml002 | 67 | 11
424. tomhanks | 67 | 11
427. bibleman19 | 65 | 10
427. cheerfulbender20 | 65 | 12
427. tate | 65 | 12
427. theroopehintzeffect | 65 | 10
427. junped | 65 | 7
432. byrdeman | 64 | 9
432. fleshbagsoup | 64 | 11
432. gumbaman | 64 | 9
432. mrstennett | 64 | 10
432. negs77 | 64 | 10
432. nyumbayangu | 64 | 11
438. jala | 62 | 9
438. jmacncheese | 62 | 10
438. littleb | 62 | 11
438. (clean)andreikostitsyn | 62 | 10
438. kasterborous | 62 | 12
443. jogurtaa | 59 | 9
444. dannyc | 57 | 9
444. dmills3 | 57 | 9
444. marcul_le_depanneur | 57 | 10
444. philliesphan96 | 57 | 9
448. greencityny | 55 | 10
448. johnnypatey | 55 | 8
448. mika_kandinsky | 55 | 9
448. tomasnz | 55 | 10
452. ctots | 54 | 9
453. bbp | 53 | 10
454. bubbatree | 52 | 10
454. randominoe | 52 | 7
454. runningman434 | 52 | 7
454. samsungvirtualassistant | 52 | 8
454. sergeantens | 52 | 9
454. xtri | 52 | 9
460. thisseemsfishy | 51 | 8
461. jaypc8237 | 50 | 9
462. _blitz_ | 49 | 7
462. hazack | 49 | 8
462. wasty | 49 | 8
465. jedi | 47 | 10
465. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 47 | 9
465. tonzy | 47 | 7
465. vbottas17 | 47 | 8
469. froste39 | 46 | 7
469. minnesotafine | 46 | 8
469. ntg | 46 | 10
469. santej29 | 46 | 7
473. cd12 | 45 | 8
473. jsteele14 | 45 | 7
473. jstmaro | 45 | 10
473. lazyeye | 45 | 7
473. scorycory | 45 | 7
473. juliotokolosg | 45 | 6
479. emeril | 44 | 7
479. gr4vy | 44 | 6
479. kingtag1999 | 44 | 7
479. lorecy | 44 | 5
483. lordbolo | 43 | 7
483. the__y-man__100 | 43 | 5
485. avakael | 42 | 6
485. d0lph1nb0y | 42 | 7
485. emlbcommish | 42 | 7
485. erikvm | 42 | 7
485. faded | 42 | 6
485. kast3rborous | 42 | 8
491. rev | 41 | 6
491. thehammer43 | 41 | 7
493. ashes | 40 | 6
493. curbeecurbs | 40 | 6
493. demolish | 40 | 6
493. rindiee | 40 | 7
497. geckoeygecko | 39 | 6
497. justice | 39 | 7
497. teztify | 39 | 6
497. canuckles | 39 | 6
501. algringo | 38 | 8
501. guriinwoodo | 38 | 5
501. jumpseat | 38 | 6
501. legend | 38 | 6
501. mcp_ | 38 | 6
501. mdavidson | 38 | 6
501. golden_apricots | 38 | 7
508. drb1gmack | 37 | 8
508. lobbanet | 37 | 5
508. snoopdogg | 37 | 6
508. staticshocked | 37 | 5
508. dr.b1gmack | 37 | 5
513. mrruihu | 36 | 7
513. bloomeygb | 36 | 7
513. washeduptrash | 36 | 6
516. namelessnate | 35 | 5
516. slappydoodle | 35 | 5
516. w19eaver | 35 | 6
516. whikadoodle | 35 | 8
516. yonggarius | 35 | 5
516. laser | 35 | 4
516. cptaincamel | 35 | 8
523. aneeqs | 34 | 6
523. noname | 34 | 6
523. outoftoast | 34 | 7
526. romancebrownjr | 33 | 5
527. evident_rogue | 32 | 4
527. h0ppy75 | 32 | 5
527. jackers41 | 32 | 5
527. jjlangabeer | 32 | 4
527. plutoniumdom | 32 | 6
527. shan3p | 32 | 5
527. arturs33 | 32 | 7
534. azjha_59 | 31 | 6
534. dapollos | 31 | 5
534. thelasttheraclid | 31 | 8
537. finch | 30 | 6
537. matty7478 | 30 | 4
537. lairdbutler | 30 | 5
540. arctic | 29 | 5
540. sarah | 29 | 5
540. delrivm | 29 | 5
543. cyclo | 28 | 5
543. dasboot | 28 | 4
543. diacope | 28 | 6
543. mavfatha | 28 | 4
543. treant | 28 | 5
543. unconfident | 28 | 3
549. bauer | 27 | 4
549. frijolhead | 27 | 4
549. negs | 27 | 3
552. justanotherhockeyfan | 26 | 4
552. roobacca | 26 | 5
552. sabresfan | 26 | 4
552. tmuse | 26 | 3
552. villagebc | 26 | 4
552. off | 26 | 6
552. pauadrian | 26 | 4
559. blbertrand | 25 | 4
559. hallsyy | 25 | 4
559. peskypenguin | 25 | 4
559. simplyincorrect | 25 | 3
559. frostbite | 25 | 5
559. sabremike | 25 | 5
559. sly92 | 25 | 4
566. jdinino | 24 | 4
566. vin | 24 | 5
566. mrmom | 24 | 5
566. shiny | 24 | 2
570. 124715 | 23 | 3
570. boucherfan12 | 23 | 4
570. cleanandreikostitsyn | 23 | 6
570. itsfrenchie | 23 | 3
570. katarn22 | 23 | 3
570. twigs | 23 | 3
570. fourfour | 23 | 4
570. roamus | 23 | 4
570. thebigsandeenie | 23 | 4
579. austin623 | 22 | 3
579. boomcheck | 22 | 4
579. weretarantula | 22 | 5
579. aphino | 22 | 4
583. habsfan6776 | 21 | 3
583. leatherneckmike | 21 | 3
583. narb111 | 21 | 4
583. paq | 21 | 3
583. shutdown | 21 | 4
588. cahtahhaht | 20 | 3
588. chris-mczehrl | 20 | 3
588. dirtyboygrease | 20 | 4
588. lowlycrib | 20 | 4
588. nobody | 20 | 4
588. koty_k | 20 | 4
588. themoonlark | 20 | 3
595. duffleman2002 | 19 | 3
595. fiveforfighting | 19 | 3
595. lukamagic | 19 | 3
595. minaj27 | 19 | 2
595. sloppypainter | 19 | 2
595. coswi | 19 | 4
595. imshiny | 19 | 3
602. alemanpete | 18 | 2
602. dylanjj37 | 18 | 2
602. lore | 18 | 2
602. pat | 18 | 3
602. smd414 | 18 | 3
602. thevoicelesscreator | 18 | 3
602. nhlbesstmode_7777 | 18 | 2
609. dollabill | 17 | 3
609. liebolda | 17 | 2
609. lsufan101 | 17 | 2
609. washed-uptrash | 17 | 2
609. twosocks | 17 | 3
614. efiug | 16 | 3
614. sleepy | 16 | 3
614. joshuacorcorantwitch | 16 | 3
614. joycon | 16 | 1
618. jiggly_333 | 15 | 3
618. petralikesbaseball | 15 | 3
618. philip3242 | 15 | 3
618. cakequest | 15 | 3
618. dude_man | 15 | 2
618. shnarlydude | 15 | 2
624. atox | 14 | 2
624. eddiesnothere | 14 | 3
624. annah | 14 | 2
624. flinch | 14 | 2
624. jason97 | 14 | 2
624. locagiess | 14 | 2
624. titan | 14 | 2
631. nyr73 | 13 | 1
631. rockybaljoa | 13 | 2
631. cb2212 | 13 | 2
631. will3 | 13 | 3
635. feeler | 12 | 2
635. jbay7 | 12 | 2
635. mikeliut | 12 | 2
635. mystick | 12 | 2
635. ryancvit | 12 | 2
635. simmiz | 12 | 2
635. wheels | 12 | 2
635. bigbluex02 | 12 | 2
635. donutdefender | 12 | 2
635. eagle_brand | 12 | 2
635. mack | 12 | 2
635. michaellum30 | 12 | 2
635. reapercomepepegaaim | 12 | 2
635. vulfgravy | 12 | 1
649. caylon | 11 | 2
649. dindog | 11 | 2
649. emiko | 11 | 1
649. lamplighter | 11 | 2
649. ant | 11 | 2
649. bdonini | 11 | 2
649. bigtittysmitty | 11 | 1
649. briedaqeduc | 11 | 1
649. captiancamel | 11 | 1
649. junior | 11 | 2
649. rotticuscott | 11 | 1
660. downer | 10 | 2
660. podzilla111 | 10 | 1
660. tanner | 10 | 1
660. tonyw19 | 10 | 2
660. dewalt | 10 | 1
660. doritomancer | 10 | 2
660. drodger91 | 10 | 2
660. kyle | 10 | 1
660. lmcm86 | 10 | 2
660. opera_phanton | 10 | 1
660. waers | 10 | 1
671. beaver | 9 | 1
671. jlutz14 | 9 | 1
671. andrewwarren13 | 9 | 1
671. dude | 9 | 2
671. fetchwell | 9 | 1
671. fnorespect | 9 | 2
671. gage2 | 9 | 1
671. jumpuerpegasus | 9 | 1
671. platanocat | 9 | 2
671. rory | 9 | 2
671. slav1cthor | 9 | 2
671. williambrooks | 9 | 1
671. larkstongue | 9 | 2
671. matty86 | 9 | 2
671. skoldpaddor | 9 | 2
686. edgerocks1 | 8 | 1
686. formuleun | 8 | 1
686. frithjofr | 8 | 1
686. season | 8 | 1
686. sly | 8 | 2
686. cobbebstein | 8 | 1
686. crazymojtio | 8 | 1
686. luksrins88 | 8 | 1
686. ranidsponge21 | 8 | 1
686. rotti | 8 | 1
686. shylo | 8 | 1
697. .simo | 7 | 2
697. mrprime | 7 | 2
697. sambam229 | 7 | 1
697. sash | 7 | 1
697. kearim | 7 | 1
697. nokazoa | 7 | 1
697. steve | 7 | 1
697. alexistexasranger | 7 | 1
697. evpl | 7 | 1
697. faradian | 7 | 1
707. adison | 6 | 1
707. alyxander | 6 | 1
707. dangler7000 | 6 | 1
707. icebear32 | 6 | 1
707. jfett85 | 6 | 1
707. scudmuffin19 | 6 | 1
707. vik | 6 | 1
707. agentasmith630 | 6 | 1
707. connorm123 | 6 | 1
707. itsswitchh | 6 | 1
707. johjeff | 6 | 1
707. kettellkorn | 6 | 1
707. joek | 6 | 1
707. ajw | 6 | 1
707. bubba | 6 | 1
707. capt_blitzkreig | 6 | 1
707. cuffy | 6 | 1
707. flappgiraffe | 6 | 1
707. leafstw1967 | 6 | 1
707. loosh | 6 | 1
707. mattyoce971 | 6 | 1
707. mstrefe1 | 6 | 1
707. pickle | 6 | 1
707. pingypingu | 6 | 1
707. tacocat | 6 | 1
732. rashfordu9. | 5 | 1
732. popecoswi | 5 | 1
732. bklman | 5 | 1
732. dexteria | 5 | 1
732. southpae | 5 | 1
732. acsolpa | 5 | 1
732. flooglehorn | 5 | 1
732. jss33 | 5 | 1
732. spartingibbles | 5 | 1
732. taxman100 | 5 | 1
732. ephensstsa | 5 | 1
Percent of tasks which got rounded up (basically how lucky you were) (minimum 25/50 tasks completed) | Total tasks completed
1. gordieboom | 0.559 | 34
2. juke | 0.545 | 33
3. leafsftw1967 | 0.537 | 41
4. ruggsy | 0.529 | 34
5. urq660 | 0.525 | 40
6. toivo | 0.514 | 37
7. lespoils | 0.500 | 42
7. steelhead77 | 0.500 | 42
7. toast | 0.500 | 40
7. supertardis101 | 0.500 | 38
11. retuperkele | 0.489 | 47
12. thelastheraclid | 0.487 | 39
13. zeagle1 | 0.486 | 35
14. enigmatic | 0.485 | 33
14. bytor | 0.485 | 33
16. mcpumpkin | 0.484 | 31
17. juniped | 0.481 | 27
17. shmurph | 0.481 | 27
19. arkz | 0.477 | 44
20. bendover | 0.474 | 38
20. wannabefinn | 0.474 | 38
22. leafs4ever | 0.469 | 49
23. fitted2106 | 0.469 | 32
23. highstickking | 0.469 | 32
23. kikish18 | 0.469 | 32
23. rancidbudgie | 0.469 | 32
27. zoottx | 0.468 | 47
28. briedaqueduc | 0.465 | 43
29. jeffie43 | 0.464 | 28
29. muford | 0.464 | 28
31. luketd | 0.462 | 26
32. carpy48 | 0.460 | 50
33. jkortesi81 | 0.459 | 37
34. jt3 | 0.457 | 46
34. kenvald | 0.457 | 46
36. gaiamormont | 0.455 | 33
36. serpex13 | 0.455 | 33
38. acapitalchicago | 0.452 | 42
38. lmao | 0.452 | 42
40. gordonbombay | 0.452 | 31
41. renomitsu | 0.448 | 29
41. trautner | 0.448 | 29
43. gcool | 0.447 | 38
44. jamestruong | 0.444 | 45
44. slothfacekilla | 0.444 | 45
44. aw13 | 0.444 | 27
44. mylittlehexx | 0.444 | 27
44. thesparkydee | 0.444 | 27
44. thiefofcheese | 0.444 | 27
50. huck24 | 0.441 | 34
51. whitecap | 0.440 | 25
52. leafs1997 | 0.439 | 41
53. 5ympathies | 0.438 | 48
54. boom | 0.436 | 39
55. advenny4 | 0.433 | 30
55. ericncsu | 0.433 | 30
55. kraagenskul | 0.433 | 30
58. bjkman | 0.432 | 37
58. drokeep | 0.432 | 37
60. captaincamel | 0.432 | 44
61. drunkenteddy | 0.429 | 49
61. evok | 0.429 | 42
61. andy | 0.429 | 28
61. st4rface | 0.429 | 28
61. thecc | 0.429 | 28
61. wally | 0.429 | 28
67. faelax | 0.425 | 40
67. scrufdaddy | 0.425 | 40
69. thewozy | 0.424 | 33
70. basedminkus | 0.423 | 26
70. fishy | 0.423 | 26
72. gurbs | 0.422 | 45
72. roastpuff | 0.422 | 45
74. salming | 0.420 | 50
75. crazylemire | 0.419 | 31
75. vaxlare | 0.419 | 31
75. zomp | 0.419 | 31
78. bdu754 | 0.417 | 48
78. ragnar | 0.417 | 48
78. ronniewalker | 0.417 | 48
78. campinkiller | 0.417 | 36
78. visceralpotamus | 0.417 | 36
83. nerio | 0.415 | 41
84. bongo | 0.414 | 29
84. jericson | 0.414 | 29
86. gaby | 0.413 | 46
87. eynhallow | 0.412 | 34
87. grapehead | 0.412 | 34
87. jnh | 0.412 | 34
90. kentakira | 0.409 | 44
91. fluw | 0.408 | 49
92. karlssens | 0.407 | 27
92. lb3737 | 0.407 | 27
94. crunk | 0.406 | 32
94. fever95 | 0.406 | 32
94. inf1d3l | 0.406 | 32
94. mp7 | 0.406 | 32
94. symmetrik | 0.406 | 32
99. thunfish | 0.405 | 37
100. micool132 | 0.404 | 47
101. leviadan | 0.400 | 50
101. cementhands | 0.400 | 45
101. gifterofbikes | 0.400 | 40
101. romaneseuntdomus | 0.400 | 40
101. takethehorizon | 0.400 | 35
101. notorioustig | 0.400 | 35
101. grok | 0.400 | 25
108. mastersheep | 0.395 | 43
109. agentsmith630 | 0.395 | 38
110. ace | 0.394 | 33
111. ckroyal92 | 0.393 | 28
111. kierkan | 0.393 | 28
113. renojacksonhs | 0.391 | 46
114. c9van | 0.390 | 41
114. slashacm | 0.390 | 41
116. lorec | 0.389 | 36
116. mazatt | 0.389 | 36
116. goldenglutes | 0.389 | 36
119. halkohol | 0.388 | 49
119. tylar | 0.388 | 49
121. crazymojito | 0.386 | 44
121. spartangibbles | 0.386 | 44
123. leppish | 0.385 | 39
123. bruins10 | 0.385 | 26
123. keygan | 0.385 | 26
123. unconfident69 | 0.385 | 26
127. valorx77 | 0.383 | 47
127. zombiewolf | 0.383 | 47
129. evil_allbran | 0.381 | 42
130. patty | 0.379 | 29
130. stadiumgambler | 0.379 | 29
132. kylrad | 0.378 | 37
132. mn_moosey | 0.378 | 37
132. opera_phantom | 0.378 | 37
132. schwarznarr | 0.378 | 37
132. segi | 0.378 | 37
132. withthemoose | 0.378 | 37
138. jepox | 0.375 | 48
138. darkcanuck29 | 0.375 | 32
138. flowseidon | 0.375 | 32
138. g2019 | 0.375 | 32
142. kalesalad | 0.372 | 43
142. mementomori | 0.372 | 43
142. rangerjase | 0.372 | 43
145. juosu | 0.371 | 35
145. traphag | 0.371 | 35
147. tesla | 0.370 | 27
148. raven | 0.370 | 46
148. steveoiscool | 0.370 | 46
150. sakrosankt | 0.367 | 49
151. blasoon | 0.367 | 30
151. honkerrs | 0.367 | 30
151. hallsy | 0.367 | 30
154. sve7en | 0.364 | 44
155. matteo | 0.362 | 47
156. velevra | 0.361 | 36
157. jumbobone19 | 0.360 | 50
157. rabidsponge21 | 0.360 | 25
159. dankoa | 0.359 | 39
160. amidships | 0.357 | 42
160. canadianduck | 0.357 | 28
160. delirivm | 0.357 | 28
163. artermis | 0.355 | 31
163. bk1689 | 0.355 | 31
163. juliotokolosh | 0.355 | 31
166. benpachi | 0.351 | 37
166. gwdjohnson | 0.351 | 37
166. natedoeshockey | 0.351 | 37
169. bbjygm | 0.350 | 40
169. zwhiz | 0.350 | 40
171. bluesfan55 | 0.349 | 43
171. countchocula | 0.349 | 43
171. dextaria | 0.349 | 43
174. charlieconway | 0.348 | 46
174. mr.finland | 0.348 | 46
174. taterswc | 0.348 | 46
177. aaronwilson | 0.347 | 49
178. theflash | 0.346 | 26
179. caltroit_red_flames | 0.344 | 32
179. sburbine | 0.344 | 32
181. cptsquall | 0.343 | 35
181. spartan | 0.343 | 35
181. trashae | 0.343 | 35
184. damienj10 | 0.342 | 38
184. fantobens | 0.342 | 38
186. grum | 0.341 | 41
186. rich | 0.341 | 41
188. dogwoodmaple | 0.341 | 44
189. 3lewsers | 0.340 | 50
189. raymond3000 | 0.340 | 50
191. wearingabear | 0.333 | 48
191. ohtaay | 0.333 | 45
191. nike | 0.333 | 42
191. efischermann | 0.333 | 36
191. rotticusscott | 0.333 | 36
191. rankle | 0.333 | 30
191. geekusoid | 0.333 | 27
191. mooty99 | 0.333 | 27
191. thunder39 | 0.333 | 27
200. askedmadden | 0.327 | 49
200. festinator | 0.327 | 49
202. otrebor13 | 0.325 | 40
203. katth | 0.324 | 37
203. o4l | 0.324 | 37
203. sopath | 0.324 | 37
203. hotdog | 0.324 | 37
207. highhaschdi | 0.324 | 34
207. the5urreal | 0.324 | 34
209. r1c3bowl22 | 0.323 | 31
210. hantheman_ | 0.321 | 28
210. mer | 0.321 | 28
212. keven | 0.320 | 50
212. sfresh3 | 0.320 | 50
212. sulovilen | 0.320 | 50
215. lime | 0.319 | 47
216. lordbirdman | 0.318 | 44
216. sewingwithnancy | 0.318 | 44
216. sköldpaddor | 0.318 | 44
216. vandy | 0.318 | 44
220. tweedledunn | 0.317 | 41
221. muerto | 0.316 | 38
222. tomen | 0.314 | 35
223. mooney | 0.313 | 32
224. sdcore | 0.310 | 29
224. thedangazone | 0.310 | 29
226. orbitingdeath | 0.310 | 42
227. picklejuice | 0.308 | 39
227. qwest | 0.308 | 39
227. hockeyiscool | 0.308 | 39
227. puolivalmiste | 0.308 | 26
231. snuffalupagus | 0.306 | 36
231. zoone16 | 0.306 | 36
233. canes2112 | 0.303 | 33
233. goonerbear | 0.303 | 33
235. lilstifler | 0.300 | 50
235. canadice | 0.300 | 40
235. pythonic | 0.300 | 30
235. tayjay | 0.300 | 30
239. notorioustron | 0.298 | 47
240. acsolap | 0.294 | 34
241. nhamlet | 0.286 | 49
241. golden_apricot | 0.286 | 42
241. zaynzk | 0.286 | 42
244. norwegiandemon | 0.283 | 46
245. jss331 | 0.282 | 39
245. mutedfaith | 0.282 | 39
247. jay2233 | 0.278 | 36
248. capncooper | 0.276 | 29
249. accka | 0.275 | 40
250. kyamprac | 0.273 | 44
250. goilers | 0.273 | 33
252. spooked | 0.263 | 38
253. brickwall35 | 0.258 | 31
254. krazko | 0.250 | 32
255. flappygiraffe | 0.243 | 37
256. bfine | 0.242 | 33
257. sebster | 0.241 | 29
257. skeletonparty | 0.241 | 29
259. marco999 | 0.240 | 50
260. jaywhy | 0.222 | 27
261. hhh81 | 0.188 | 32
TPE earned per task completed (minimum 25/50 tasks completed) | Total tasks completed
1. leafsftw1967 | 7.512 | 41
2. jeffie43 | 7.214 | 28
3. luketd | 6.962 | 26
4. sve7en | 6.955 | 44
5. evok | 6.952 | 42
6. hhh81 | 6.938 | 32
7. delirivm | 6.929 | 28
8. otrebor13 | 6.925 | 40
9. honkerrs | 6.900 | 30
10. nhamlet | 6.898 | 49
11. trautner | 6.897 | 29
12. mer | 6.893 | 28
13. thewozy | 6.879 | 33
14. jepox | 6.875 | 48
14. krazko | 6.875 | 32
16. rich | 6.829 | 41
17. faelax | 6.825 | 40
18. mementomori | 6.814 | 43
19. gwdjohnson | 6.811 | 37
20. gordonbombay | 6.806 | 31
21. jt3 | 6.804 | 46
22. keven | 6.800 | 50
23. highhaschdi | 6.794 | 34
24. enigmatic | 6.788 | 33
25. sopath | 6.784 | 37
26. steveoiscool | 6.761 | 46
27. kalesalad | 6.744 | 43
28. raymond3000 | 6.740 | 50
29. huck24 | 6.735 | 34
30. lordbirdman | 6.727 | 44
31. rabidsponge21 | 6.720 | 25
32. slothfacekilla | 6.711 | 45
33. jaywhy | 6.704 | 27
34. romaneseuntdomus | 6.700 | 40
35. juke | 6.697 | 33
36. velevra | 6.667 | 36
37. kyamprac | 6.659 | 44
38. fishy | 6.654 | 26
39. kenvald | 6.652 | 46
40. kylrad | 6.649 | 37
41. lmao | 6.643 | 42
42. crazymojito | 6.636 | 44
43. grum | 6.634 | 41
44. halkohol | 6.633 | 49
45. mastersheep | 6.628 | 43
46. mp7 | 6.625 | 32
47. opera_phantom | 6.622 | 37
47. toivo | 6.622 | 37
49. renomitsu | 6.621 | 29
50. leppish | 6.615 | 39
50. bruins10 | 6.615 | 26
52. zomp | 6.613 | 31
53. gaby | 6.609 | 46
54. bendover | 6.605 | 38
55. toast | 6.600 | 40
56. juniped | 6.593 | 27
57. sakrosankt | 6.592 | 49
58. sulovilen | 6.580 | 50
59. keygan | 6.577 | 26
60. lime | 6.574 | 47
61. tomen | 6.571 | 35
62. blasoon | 6.567 | 30
63. sfresh3 | 6.560 | 50
64. ruggsy | 6.559 | 34
65. ohtaay | 6.556 | 45
65. mazatt | 6.556 | 36
67. spooked | 6.553 | 38
68. tylar | 6.551 | 49
69. canadice | 6.550 | 40
70. brickwall35 | 6.548 | 31
71. golden_apricot | 6.548 | 42
72. goonerbear | 6.545 | 33
73. mr.finland | 6.543 | 46
73. raven | 6.543 | 46
75. jss331 | 6.538 | 39
75. qwest | 6.538 | 39
77. wally | 6.536 | 28
78. crunk | 6.531 | 32
79. aaronwilson | 6.531 | 49
80. wannabefinn | 6.526 | 38
81. amidships | 6.524 | 42
82. captaincamel | 6.523 | 44
83. 5ympathies | 6.521 | 48
84. marco999 | 6.520 | 50
85. thunder39 | 6.519 | 27
86. canes2112 | 6.515 | 33
87. jumbobone19 | 6.500 | 50
87. gordieboom | 6.500 | 34
87. basedminkus | 6.500 | 26
90. jamestruong | 6.489 | 45
91. dextaria | 6.488 | 43
92. natedoeshockey | 6.486 | 37
92. schwarznarr | 6.486 | 37
92. withthemoose | 6.486 | 37
95. spartan | 6.486 | 35
96. serpex13 | 6.485 | 33
97. mcpumpkin | 6.484 | 31
98. skeletonparty | 6.483 | 29
99. carpy48 | 6.480 | 50
99. whitecap | 6.480 | 25
101. wearingabear | 6.479 | 48
102. norwegiandemon | 6.478 | 46
103. evil_allbran | 6.476 | 42
104. rotticusscott | 6.472 | 36
105. festinator | 6.469 | 49
106. efischermann | 6.444 | 36
106. jay2233 | 6.444 | 36
106. karlssens | 6.444 | 27
106. lb3737 | 6.444 | 27
110. thelastheraclid | 6.436 | 39
111. rankle | 6.433 | 30
111. hallsy | 6.433 | 30
113. katth | 6.432 | 37
114. trashae | 6.429 | 35
115. vaxlare | 6.419 | 31
116. bdu754 | 6.417 | 48
116. ronniewalker | 6.417 | 48
118. patty | 6.414 | 29
119. acsolap | 6.412 | 34
120. sburbine | 6.406 | 32
121. zombiewolf | 6.404 | 47
122. gurbs | 6.400 | 45
123. zoone16 | 6.389 | 36
124. askedmadden | 6.388 | 49
125. unconfident69 | 6.385 | 26
126. valorx77 | 6.383 | 47
127. shmurph | 6.370 | 27
128. leafs4ever | 6.367 | 49
129. dogwoodmaple | 6.364 | 44
129. bytor | 6.364 | 33
131. grok | 6.360 | 25
132. acapitalchicago | 6.357 | 42
132. ckroyal92 | 6.357 | 28
134. bongo | 6.345 | 29
134. stadiumgambler | 6.345 | 29
136. zeagle1 | 6.343 | 35
137. sköldpaddor | 6.341 | 44
138. retuperkele | 6.340 | 47
138. zoottx | 6.340 | 47
140. leviadan | 6.340 | 50
141. bluesfan55 | 6.326 | 43
142. andy | 6.321 | 28
143. micool132 | 6.319 | 47
144. kentakira | 6.318 | 44
145. g2019 | 6.313 | 32
145. highstickking | 6.313 | 32
147. sebster | 6.310 | 29
148. scrufdaddy | 6.300 | 40
149. mn_moosey | 6.297 | 37
149. segi | 6.297 | 37
151. aw13 | 6.296 | 27
152. jnh | 6.294 | 34
153. leafs1997 | 6.293 | 41
153. tweedledunn | 6.293 | 41
155. gcool | 6.289 | 38
155. muerto | 6.289 | 38
157. fever95 | 6.281 | 32
158. zwhiz | 6.275 | 40
159. drokeep | 6.270 | 37
160. roastpuff | 6.267 | 45
161. mylittlehexx | 6.259 | 27
161. tesla | 6.259 | 27
163. juosu | 6.257 | 35
164. dankoa | 6.256 | 39
164. hockeyiscool | 6.256 | 39
166. darkcanuck29 | 6.250 | 32
167. nerio | 6.244 | 41
168. goilers | 6.242 | 33
169. the5urreal | 6.235 | 34
170. bk1689 | 6.226 | 31
171. lorec | 6.222 | 36
171. thiefofcheese | 6.222 | 27
173. slashacm | 6.220 | 41
174. inf1d3l | 6.219 | 32
174. symmetrik | 6.219 | 32
176. thunfish | 6.216 | 37
177. orbitingdeath | 6.214 | 42
178. briedaqueduc | 6.209 | 43
179. thedangazone | 6.207 | 29
180. traphag | 6.200 | 35
181. goldenglutes | 6.194 | 36
182. crazylemire | 6.194 | 31
183. puolivalmiste | 6.192 | 26
184. hotdog | 6.189 | 37
184. jkortesi81 | 6.189 | 37
186. mooney | 6.188 | 32
187. rangerjase | 6.186 | 43
188. bfine | 6.182 | 33
189. thecc | 6.179 | 28
190. renojacksonhs | 6.174 | 46
191. takethehorizon | 6.171 | 35
192. ericncsu | 6.167 | 30
193. o4l | 6.162 | 37
194. agentsmith630 | 6.158 | 38
195. taterswc | 6.152 | 46
196. notorioustron | 6.149 | 47
197. drunkenteddy | 6.143 | 49
197. canadianduck | 6.143 | 28
199. bjkman | 6.135 | 37
200. supertardis101 | 6.132 | 38
201. picklejuice | 6.128 | 39
202. notorioustig | 6.114 | 35
203. mooty99 | 6.111 | 27
203. thesparkydee | 6.111 | 27
205. capncooper | 6.103 | 29
206. urq660 | 6.100 | 40
206. tayjay | 6.100 | 30
208. artermis | 6.097 | 31
209. countchocula | 6.093 | 43
210. kierkan | 6.071 | 28
211. jericson | 6.069 | 29
211. sdcore | 6.069 | 29
213. pythonic | 6.067 | 30
214. salming | 6.060 | 50
215. visceralpotamus | 6.056 | 36
216. lespoils | 6.048 | 42
217. charlieconway | 6.043 | 46
218. theflash | 6.038 | 26
219. juliotokolosh | 6.032 | 31
220. rancidbudgie | 6.031 | 32
221. bbjygm | 6.025 | 40
222. fluw | 6.020 | 49
223. flappygiraffe | 6.000 | 37
223. muford | 6.000 | 28
225. campinkiller | 5.972 | 36
226. steelhead77 | 5.952 | 42
227. matteo | 5.936 | 47
228. zaynzk | 5.929 | 42
228. st4rface | 5.929 | 28
230. boom | 5.923 | 39
231. fantobens | 5.921 | 38
232. cementhands | 5.911 | 45
233. accka | 5.900 | 40
233. kraagenskul | 5.900 | 30
235. ragnar | 5.896 | 48
236. sewingwithnancy | 5.886 | 44
237. 3lewsers | 5.880 | 50
238. flowseidon | 5.875 | 32
239. cptsquall | 5.857 | 35
240. ace | 5.848 | 33
241. caltroit_red_flames | 5.844 | 32
241. fitted2106 | 5.844 | 32
243. arkz | 5.841 | 44
244. lilstifler | 5.840 | 50
245. geekusoid | 5.778 | 27
246. r1c3bowl22 | 5.774 | 31
247. spartangibbles | 5.773 | 44
248. mutedfaith | 5.769 | 39
249. nike | 5.762 | 42
250. hantheman_ | 5.750 | 28
251. gaiamormont | 5.727 | 33
252. c9van | 5.707 | 41
253. grapehead | 5.706 | 34
254. gifterofbikes | 5.700 | 40
255. benpachi | 5.676 | 37
256. snuffalupagus | 5.667 | 36
257. advenny4 | 5.633 | 30
258. kikish18 | 5.469 | 32
259. vandy | 5.341 | 44
260. damienj10 | 5.158 | 38
261. eynhallow | 4.882 | 34
Thanks to @enigmatic , @Matteo , @sulovilen , @zeagle1 , @TheOPSquid , and @MN_Moosey for all the sigs!
S76 C || Ylib Kove || MAN || 1400+ TPE
Seasons (Regular | Playoff | Playoff Round (Missed -> Cup Win))
YUM | S75-S78 | 264GP 65G 117A 182P | 36GP 14G 17A 31P | 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0
MAN | S79-S80 | 132GP 41G 56A 97P | 11GP 5G 7A 12P | 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0
WOR | S75-S75 | 12GP 2G 5A 7P | 3GP 0G 0A 0P | 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0
CZE | S76-S78 | 36GP 12G 15A 27P | 3GP 0G 2A 2P | 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0
CZE | S77-S80 | 48GP 7G 16A 23P | 4GP 0G 2A 2P | 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
S75 | YUM | Drafted 9th Overall
S75 | YUM | Pupper Award
S76 | MAN | Drafted 4th Overall
S77 | YUM | Voted Alternate Captain
S77 | YUM | Lead Dog Award
S78 | YUM | Voted Captain
S78 | YUM | Brandon Holmes Award Nominee
S78 | YUM | SMJHL All Defense Team
Portal Player ID: 1380
SMJHL Player ID: 2466
SHL Player ID: 4749
WJC Player ID: 1566
IIHF Player ID: 1628
S56 W || Kev Kevens || Retired S75 || 2075 Peak TPE
Seasons (Regular | Playoff | Playoff Round (Missed -> Cup Win))
QCC | S55-S58 | 232GP 43G 84A 127P | 46GP 9G 16A 25P | 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1
SFP | S59-S67 | 594GP 211G 272A 483P | 66GP 23G 24A 47P | 0, 7, 1, 1, 0, 0
CHI | S68-S75 | 528GP 211G 376A 587P | 79GP 26G 35A 61P | 0, 3, 4, 1, 0, 0
CAN | S56-S58 | 36GP 5G 13A 18P | 4GP 0G 1A 1P | 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1
CAN | S61-S74 | 168GP 40G 69A 109P | 23GP 3G 7A 10P | 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1
S55 | QCC | Drafted 79th Overall
S56 | SFP | Drafted 46th Overall
S56 | QCC | Jack Cross Award Nominee
S56 | CAN | WJC Gold Medal
S57 | QCC | Laurifer Trophy | 107 points
S58 | QCC | Voted Alternate Captain
S58 | QCC | Four Star Cup
S60, S66 | SFP | SHL All-Star
S60, S65 | SFP | Pride of the Pride Award
S61, S64 | SFP | Geronimo Otto Award
S62, S64-65, S67 | SFP | Voted Alternate Captain
S64 | QCC | First player entry drafted by Quebec City to reach 2000 TPE
S66 | SFP | Voted Captain
S66 | SFP | 3rd Team All-Star
S66 | SFP | Kelly Rivet Award
S68 | SFP/CHI | Traded from San Francisco to Chicago
S69 | CAN | IIHF Gold Medal
S74 | CHI | 18th player in SHL history to reach 1000 points (1049GP, 400G, 600A)
S75 | CHI | 11th highest all-time points total at time of retirement (1070P)
Portal Player ID: 16
SMJHL Player ID: 572
SHL Player ID: 1464
WJC Player ID: 262
IIHF Player ID: 1353 & 191
Keven || Site Jobs
S62-Present | Fantasy Manager
S72-Present | IIHF Fantasy Organizer
S72-S78 | Graphics Assistant
S73-Present | Filework Backup
S78-Present | Fantasy Co-Head
01-05-2023, 04:31 AM Keven Wrote: Maybe it's just because I saw my name near the top of most of these lists, but I really wanted to know who earned the most from these tasks throughout the 10 seasons and how big the gap is between people who completed all the tasks. Of the 10 users who completed 50/50 tasks, the gap was 48 TPE. Here's some more cool lists I assembled based on the data:
Total TPE earned (.5s always rounded up) | Total tasks completed
1. keven | 340 | 50
2. nhamlet | 338 | 49
3. raymond3000 | 337 | 50
4. jepox | 330 | 48
5. sulovilen | 329 | 49
6. sfresh3 | 328 | 50
7. marco999 | 326 | 50
8. halkohol | 325 | 49
8. jumbobone19 | 325 | 50
10. carpy48 | 324 | 50
11. sakrosankt | 323 | 49
12. tylar | 321 | 48
13. aaronwilson | 320 | 49
14. festinator | 317 | 49
14. leviadan | 317 | 50
16. 5ympathies | 313 | 48
16. askedmadden | 313 | 49
16. jt3 | 313 | 46
19. leafs4ever | 312 | 49
20. steveoiscool | 311 | 46
20. wearingabear | 311 | 47
22. lime | 309 | 47
23. bdu754 | 308 | 48
23. leafsftw1967 | 308 | 41
23. ronniewalker | 308 | 48
26. kenvald | 306 | 46
26. sve7en | 306 | 44
28. gaby | 304 | 46
29. salming | 303 | 50
30. slothfacekilla | 302 | 44
31. drunkenteddy | 301 | 49
31. mr.finland | 301 | 46
31. raven | 301 | 46
31. zombiewolf | 301 | 47
35. valorx77 | 300 | 47
36. norwegiandemon | 298 | 46
36. retuperkele | 298 | 47
36. zoottx | 298 | 46
39. micool132 | 297 | 47
40. lordbirdman | 296 | 44
41. fluw | 295 | 49
41. ohtaay | 295 | 45
43. 3lewsers | 294 | 50
44. kyamprac | 293 | 44
44. mementomori | 293 | 43
46. crazymojito | 292 | 44
46. evok | 292 | 42
46. jamestruong | 292 | 45
46. lilstifler | 292 | 50
50. kalesalad | 290 | 43
51. notorioustron | 289 | 47
52. gurbs | 288 | 45
53. captaincamel | 287 | 44
54. mastersheep | 285 | 43
55. renojacksonhs | 284 | 46
56. ragnar | 283 | 48
56. taterswc | 283 | 45
58. roastpuff | 282 | 45
59. dogwoodmaple | 280 | 44
59. rich | 280 | 41
61. dextaria | 279 | 43
61. lmao | 279 | 42
61. matteo | 279 | 47
61. sköldpaddor | 279 | 44
65. charlieconway | 278 | 46
65. kentakira | 278 | 44
67. otrebor13 | 277 | 40
68. golden_apricot | 275 | 42
69. amidships | 274 | 42
70. faelax | 273 | 40
71. bluesfan55 | 272 | 43
71. evil_allbran | 272 | 42
71. grum | 272 | 41
74. romaneseuntdomus | 268 | 40
75. acapitalchicago | 267 | 42
75. briedaqueduc | 267 | 43
77. cementhands | 266 | 45
77. rangerjase | 266 | 42
79. toast | 264 | 40
80. canadice | 262 | 40
80. countchocula | 262 | 43
82. orbitingdeath | 261 | 42
83. sewingwithnancy | 259 | 44
84. leafs1997 | 258 | 41
84. leppish | 258 | 39
84. tweedledunn | 258 | 40
87. arkz | 257 | 44
88. nerio | 256 | 41
89. jss331 | 255 | 39
89. qwest | 255 | 39
89. slashacm | 255 | 41
92. lespoils | 254 | 42
92. spartangibbles | 254 | 44
94. gwdjohnson | 252 | 37
94. scrufdaddy | 252 | 40
96. bendover | 251 | 38
96. sopath | 251 | 37
96. thelastheraclid | 251 | 39
96. zwhiz | 251 | 39
100. steelhead77 | 250 | 42
101. spooked | 249 | 38
101. zaynzk | 249 | 41
103. wannabefinn | 248 | 37
104. kylrad | 246 | 37
105. opera_phantom | 245 | 37
105. toivo | 245 | 37
107. dankoa | 244 | 39
107. urq660 | 244 | 40
107. hockeyiscool | 244 | 38
110. nike | 242 | 42
111. bbjygm | 241 | 40
112. natedoeshockey | 240 | 37
112. schwarznarr | 240 | 37
112. velevra | 240 | 36
112. withthemoose | 240 | 37
116. gcool | 239 | 38
116. muerto | 239 | 38
116. picklejuice | 239 | 39
119. katth | 238 | 37
120. accka | 236 | 40
120. mazatt | 236 | 36
122. vandy | 235 | 43
123. agentsmith630 | 234 | 38
123. c9van | 234 | 41
125. mn_moosey | 233 | 37
125. rotticusscott | 233 | 36
125. segi | 233 | 37
125. supertardis101 | 233 | 38
129. drokeep | 232 | 37
129. efischermann | 232 | 36
129. jay2233 | 232 | 36
132. boom | 231 | 39
132. highhaschdi | 231 | 34
134. thunfish | 230 | 37
134. zoone16 | 230 | 36
134. tomen | 230 | 34
137. huck24 | 229 | 34
137. hotdog | 229 | 37
137. jkortesi81 | 229 | 36
140. gifterofbikes | 228 | 40
140. o4l | 228 | 37
142. bjkman | 227 | 37
142. spartan | 227 | 35
142. thewozy | 227 | 33
145. fantobens | 225 | 38
145. mutedfaith | 225 | 39
145. trashae | 225 | 35
148. enigmatic | 224 | 33
148. lorec | 224 | 36
150. ruggsy | 223 | 34
150. goldenglutes | 223 | 35
152. flappygiraffe | 222 | 37
152. hhh81 | 222 | 32
152. zeagle1 | 222 | 35
155. gordieboom | 221 | 34
155. juke | 221 | 33
157. krazko | 220 | 32
158. juosu | 219 | 35
159. acsolap | 218 | 34
159. visceralpotamus | 218 | 36
161. traphag | 217 | 35
162. goonerbear | 216 | 33
162. takethehorizon | 216 | 35
164. campinkiller | 215 | 36
164. canes2112 | 215 | 33
166. jnh | 214 | 34
166. serpex13 | 214 | 33
166. notorioustig | 214 | 35
169. mp7 | 212 | 32
169. the5urreal | 212 | 33
171. gordonbombay | 211 | 31
172. benpachi | 210 | 37
172. bytor | 210 | 32
174. crunk | 209 | 32
175. honkerrs | 207 | 30
176. goilers | 206 | 33
177. cptsquall | 205 | 35
177. sburbine | 205 | 32
177. zomp | 205 | 30
180. bfine | 204 | 33
180. snuffalupagus | 204 | 36
182. brickwall35 | 203 | 31
183. g2019 | 202 | 32
183. highstickking | 202 | 32
183. jeffie43 | 202 | 28
186. fever95 | 201 | 32
186. mcpumpkin | 201 | 31
188. darkcanuck29 | 200 | 32
188. trautner | 200 | 28
190. inf1d3l | 199 | 32
190. symmetrik | 199 | 31
190. vaxlare | 199 | 31
193. mooney | 198 | 32
194. blasoon | 197 | 30
195. damienj10 | 196 | 38
196. delirivm | 194 | 28
196. grapehead | 194 | 34
198. ace | 193 | 33
198. bk1689 | 193 | 31
198. mer | 193 | 28
198. rancidbudgie | 193 | 32
198. rankle | 193 | 30
198. hallsy | 193 | 29
204. crazylemire | 192 | 31
204. renomitsu | 192 | 29
206. artermis | 189 | 31
206. gaiamormont | 189 | 33
208. flowseidon | 188 | 32
208. skeletonparty | 188 | 29
210. caltroit_red_flames | 187 | 32
210. fitted2106 | 187 | 32
210. juliotokolosh | 187 | 31
213. patty | 186 | 29
214. ericncsu | 185 | 30
215. bongo | 184 | 29
215. stadiumgambler | 184 | 29
217. sebster | 183 | 29
217. tayjay | 183 | 30
217. wally | 183 | 27
220. pythonic | 182 | 30
221. jaywhy | 181 | 27
221. luketd | 181 | 26
223. thedangazone | 180 | 29
224. r1c3bowl22 | 179 | 31
225. ckroyal92 | 178 | 28
225. juniped | 178 | 27
227. andy | 177 | 28
227. capncooper | 177 | 29
227. kraagenskul | 177 | 30
230. jericson | 176 | 29
230. sdcore | 176 | 29
230. thunder39 | 176 | 26
233. kikish18 | 175 | 32
234. karlssens | 174 | 27
234. lb3737 | 174 | 27
236. fishy | 173 | 26
236. thecc | 173 | 28
238. bruins10 | 172 | 26
238. canadianduck | 172 | 28
238. rum_ham | 172 | 24
238. shmurph | 172 | 27
242. keygan | 171 | 26
243. aw13 | 170 | 27
243. kierkan | 170 | 28
245. advenny4 | 169 | 30
245. basedminkus | 169 | 26
245. exilate | 169 | 24
245. mylittlehexx | 169 | 27
245. tesla | 169 | 27
250. muford | 168 | 28
250. rabidsponge21 | 168 | 25
250. thiefofcheese | 168 | 27
253. eynhallow | 166 | 34
253. naosu | 166 | 24
253. st4rface | 166 | 28
253. unconfident69 | 166 | 26
257. mooty99 | 165 | 27
257. thesparkydee | 165 | 27
259. buster | 162 | 22
259. whitecap | 162 | 24
261. hantheman_ | 161 | 28
261. puolivalmiste | 161 | 25
263. grok | 159 | 25
264. theflash | 157 | 26
265. geekusoid | 156 | 27
265. rashfordu | 156 | 23
267. bignewff | 154 | 23
268. jumpierpegasus | 152 | 24
268. projectsaint | 152 | 24
270. kenitohmenara | 149 | 22
270. premierbromanov | 149 | 23
270. ramenamen | 149 | 22
270. vic03 | 149 | 24
274. jorec | 148 | 23
275. soulja | 147 | 22
276. mcgriddleluver | 146 | 23
277. dewalt27 | 145 | 24
277. njbadapple | 145 | 22
277. r0tzbua | 145 | 22
280. suavemente | 144 | 22
281. cobbenstein | 142 | 21
281. wumaduce | 142 | 20
283. crutch | 141 | 21
284. barnabascollins | 140 | 23
284. duff101 | 140 | 24
284. siddhus | 140 | 22
287. cptgoosar | 139 | 23
288. academydropout | 138 | 21
288. grimreaper | 138 | 20
288. tommytightpants | 138 | 23
288. redcapediver | 138 | 20
292. aircrou | 137 | 22
292. frick_nasty | 137 | 21
292. thatguy91 | 137 | 21
295. nictox | 136 | 21
296. aephino | 135 | 20
296. dangles13 | 135 | 22
296. esso2264 | 135 | 20
299. fuzzshl | 133 | 20
300. reid | 131 | 19
300. talls | 131 | 19
300. tnlastatine | 131 | 19
303. aleris | 130 | 21
303. blastmeaway | 130 | 20
303. jonnytsunami | 130 | 20
303. punk42ae | 130 | 22
307. finnrhys | 129 | 20
307. massivecoiler | 129 | 21
307. peej2189 | 129 | 20
307. sivart | 129 | 20
311. badwolf | 128 | 21
312. capt_blitzkrieg | 127 | 20
312. mediocre_fred | 127 | 20
312. valpix | 127 | 20
315. ferda | 126 | 18
315. jtam | 126 | 19
315. vikian | 126 | 21
318. bayley | 125 | 22
318. tapdancingnecrons | 125 | 21
318. z0rem | 125 | 17
321. merica | 124 | 23
321. yourmothersfavoritegoalie | 124 | 18
323. brewskyboy | 123 | 19
324. kalakar | 122 | 17
325. habsfanfromontario | 121 | 22
325. henrik | 121 | 20
325. redderder15 | 121 | 19
328. .bojo | 120 | 21
328. jr95 | 120 | 20
328. leoben | 120 | 18
331. jruutu | 119 | 21
331. overdoo | 119 | 17
331. tommysalami | 119 | 17
334. seymoursnatches | 118 | 20
334. waters | 118 | 18
336. seymour | 117 | 21
336. wildfiremicro | 117 | 22
338. xleafer | 116 | 20
338. mikeizzy | 116 | 19
340. tacocat2 | 115 | 20
341. durden | 114 | 18
342. bilbo | 112 | 17
342. michiganonymous | 112 | 20
344. grannypanpan | 110 | 17
344. moreorless89 | 110 | 18
344. shylo_moxii | 110 | 20
347. dollarandadream | 109 | 18
347. esilverm | 109 | 18
347. holtzfan10 | 109 | 17
347. kc15 | 109 | 20
351. .laser | 108 | 15
352. blix900 | 106 | 17
352. hewasajazzman | 106 | 16
354. nour | 105 | 17
354. trempale | 105 | 17
354. zema | 105 | 16
357. cyanide | 103 | 18
357. gooney | 103 | 16
359. dagumpa | 102 | 17
360. frazzle14 | 101 | 16
361. larrythemvp | 99 | 16
361. citizenofadraa | 99 | 14
363. lukstins88 | 98 | 19
363. southpaw | 98 | 14
363. yagoyi | 98 | 15
363. ztevans | 98 | 15
367. vulfzilla | 96 | 16
368. trella | 95 | 15
369. 39alaska39 | 94 | 15
369. chevy | 94 | 19
369. jobin | 94 | 16
372. tubbytim69 | 93 | 15
372. uberbj | 93 | 16
374. hordle | 92 | 17
374. mcal95 | 92 | 15
376. dmuda11 | 91 | 15
376. jss | 91 | 13
376. mayuu | 91 | 12
376. snussu | 91 | 16
380. jearim | 90 | 15
381. jaythegreat | 88 | 12
381. majesiu | 88 | 14
383. banackock | 87 | 14
383. the__yman__100 | 87 | 14
385. hoovuh | 86 | 15
386. jimmysmo27 | 85 | 14
386. keenan | 85 | 14
388. chrismczehrl | 84 | 17
388. luke | 84 | 13
390. ursinz | 83 | 14
391. inverted | 82 | 11
391. z-whiz | 82 | 9
393. ajwllmsn | 81 | 14
393. simo_393 | 81 | 11
395. blakec1414 | 80 | 14
395. mamab | 80 | 18
395. wongy | 80 | 12
398. captaincrazy | 78 | 12
398. graydonsanatomy | 78 | 12
398. stamkosfan | 78 | 12
398. thegreattoejam | 78 | 12
402. good_ole_kimmy | 77 | 13
402. monochroma | 77 | 12
404. kluster | 76 | 11
405. allegiant | 75 | 15
405. armthesharks | 75 | 13
405. iamslm22 | 75 | 12
405. jackkmart | 75 | 13
405. mook | 75 | 12
410. ddrector | 73 | 12
411. adamantium | 72 | 12
411. dhoop | 72 | 15
411. mee | 72 | 13
414. bolobill | 71 | 12
414. gucci | 71 | 12
414. tomtommen | 71 | 12
417. anthique | 70 | 11
417. caleb_h | 70 | 11
417. jajaswegdingdong | 70 | 11
417. vrtxl4s3r | 70 | 12
421. secondsucks22 | 69 | 9
422. deng | 68 | 10
422. omniscius | 68 | 10
424. by-tor | 67 | 9
424. ml002 | 67 | 11
424. tomhanks | 67 | 11
427. bibleman19 | 65 | 10
427. cheerfulbender20 | 65 | 12
427. tate | 65 | 12
427. theroopehintzeffect | 65 | 10
427. junped | 65 | 7
432. byrdeman | 64 | 9
432. fleshbagsoup | 64 | 11
432. gumbaman | 64 | 9
432. mrstennett | 64 | 10
432. negs77 | 64 | 10
432. nyumbayangu | 64 | 11
438. jala | 62 | 9
438. jmacncheese | 62 | 10
438. littleb | 62 | 11
438. (clean)andreikostitsyn | 62 | 10
438. kasterborous | 62 | 12
443. jogurtaa | 59 | 9
444. dannyc | 57 | 9
444. dmills3 | 57 | 9
444. marcul_le_depanneur | 57 | 10
444. philliesphan96 | 57 | 9
448. greencityny | 55 | 10
448. johnnypatey | 55 | 8
448. mika_kandinsky | 55 | 9
448. tomasnz | 55 | 10
452. ctots | 54 | 9
453. bbp | 53 | 10
454. bubbatree | 52 | 10
454. randominoe | 52 | 7
454. runningman434 | 52 | 7
454. samsungvirtualassistant | 52 | 8
454. sergeantens | 52 | 9
454. xtri | 52 | 9
460. thisseemsfishy | 51 | 8
461. jaypc8237 | 50 | 9
462. _blitz_ | 49 | 7
462. hazack | 49 | 8
462. wasty | 49 | 8
465. jedi | 47 | 10
465. nhlbeastmode_7777 | 47 | 9
465. tonzy | 47 | 7
465. vbottas17 | 47 | 8
469. froste39 | 46 | 7
469. minnesotafine | 46 | 8
469. ntg | 46 | 10
469. santej29 | 46 | 7
473. cd12 | 45 | 8
473. jsteele14 | 45 | 7
473. jstmaro | 45 | 10
473. lazyeye | 45 | 7
473. scorycory | 45 | 7
473. juliotokolosg | 45 | 6
479. emeril | 44 | 7
479. gr4vy | 44 | 6
479. kingtag1999 | 44 | 7
479. lorecy | 44 | 5
483. lordbolo | 43 | 7
483. the__y-man__100 | 43 | 5
485. avakael | 42 | 6
485. d0lph1nb0y | 42 | 7
485. emlbcommish | 42 | 7
485. erikvm | 42 | 7
485. faded | 42 | 6
485. kast3rborous | 42 | 8
491. rev | 41 | 6
491. thehammer43 | 41 | 7
493. ashes | 40 | 6
493. curbeecurbs | 40 | 6
493. demolish | 40 | 6
493. rindiee | 40 | 7
497. geckoeygecko | 39 | 6
497. justice | 39 | 7
497. teztify | 39 | 6
497. canuckles | 39 | 6
501. algringo | 38 | 8
501. guriinwoodo | 38 | 5
501. jumpseat | 38 | 6
501. legend | 38 | 6
501. mcp_ | 38 | 6
501. mdavidson | 38 | 6
501. golden_apricots | 38 | 7
508. drb1gmack | 37 | 8
508. lobbanet | 37 | 5
508. snoopdogg | 37 | 6
508. staticshocked | 37 | 5
508. dr.b1gmack | 37 | 5
513. mrruihu | 36 | 7
513. bloomeygb | 36 | 7
513. washeduptrash | 36 | 6
516. namelessnate | 35 | 5
516. slappydoodle | 35 | 5
516. w19eaver | 35 | 6
516. whikadoodle | 35 | 8
516. yonggarius | 35 | 5
516. laser | 35 | 4
516. cptaincamel | 35 | 8
523. aneeqs | 34 | 6
523. noname | 34 | 6
523. outoftoast | 34 | 7
526. romancebrownjr | 33 | 5
527. evident_rogue | 32 | 4
527. h0ppy75 | 32 | 5
527. jackers41 | 32 | 5
527. jjlangabeer | 32 | 4
527. plutoniumdom | 32 | 6
527. shan3p | 32 | 5
527. arturs33 | 32 | 7
534. azjha_59 | 31 | 6
534. dapollos | 31 | 5
534. thelasttheraclid | 31 | 8
537. finch | 30 | 6
537. matty7478 | 30 | 4
537. lairdbutler | 30 | 5
540. arctic | 29 | 5
540. sarah | 29 | 5
540. delrivm | 29 | 5
543. cyclo | 28 | 5
543. dasboot | 28 | 4
543. diacope | 28 | 6
543. mavfatha | 28 | 4
543. treant | 28 | 5
543. unconfident | 28 | 3
549. bauer | 27 | 4
549. frijolhead | 27 | 4
549. negs | 27 | 3
552. justanotherhockeyfan | 26 | 4
552. roobacca | 26 | 5
552. sabresfan | 26 | 4
552. tmuse | 26 | 3
552. villagebc | 26 | 4
552. off | 26 | 6
552. pauadrian | 26 | 4
559. blbertrand | 25 | 4
559. hallsyy | 25 | 4
559. peskypenguin | 25 | 4
559. simplyincorrect | 25 | 3
559. frostbite | 25 | 5
559. sabremike | 25 | 5
559. sly92 | 25 | 4
566. jdinino | 24 | 4
566. vin | 24 | 5
566. mrmom | 24 | 5
566. shiny | 24 | 2
570. 124715 | 23 | 3
570. boucherfan12 | 23 | 4
570. cleanandreikostitsyn | 23 | 6
570. itsfrenchie | 23 | 3
570. katarn22 | 23 | 3
570. twigs | 23 | 3
570. fourfour | 23 | 4
570. roamus | 23 | 4
570. thebigsandeenie | 23 | 4
579. austin623 | 22 | 3
579. boomcheck | 22 | 4
579. weretarantula | 22 | 5
579. aphino | 22 | 4
583. habsfan6776 | 21 | 3
583. leatherneckmike | 21 | 3
583. narb111 | 21 | 4
583. paq | 21 | 3
583. shutdown | 21 | 4
588. cahtahhaht | 20 | 3
588. chris-mczehrl | 20 | 3
588. dirtyboygrease | 20 | 4
588. lowlycrib | 20 | 4
588. nobody | 20 | 4
588. koty_k | 20 | 4
588. themoonlark | 20 | 3
595. duffleman2002 | 19 | 3
595. fiveforfighting | 19 | 3
595. lukamagic | 19 | 3
595. minaj27 | 19 | 2
595. sloppypainter | 19 | 2
595. coswi | 19 | 4
595. imshiny | 19 | 3
602. alemanpete | 18 | 2
602. dylanjj37 | 18 | 2
602. lore | 18 | 2
602. pat | 18 | 3
602. smd414 | 18 | 3
602. thevoicelesscreator | 18 | 3
602. nhlbesstmode_7777 | 18 | 2
609. dollabill | 17 | 3
609. liebolda | 17 | 2
609. lsufan101 | 17 | 2
609. washed-uptrash | 17 | 2
609. twosocks | 17 | 3
614. efiug | 16 | 3
614. sleepy | 16 | 3
614. joshuacorcorantwitch | 16 | 3
614. joycon | 16 | 1
618. jiggly_333 | 15 | 3
618. petralikesbaseball | 15 | 3
618. philip3242 | 15 | 3
618. cakequest | 15 | 3
618. dude_man | 15 | 2
618. shnarlydude | 15 | 2
624. atox | 14 | 2
624. eddiesnothere | 14 | 3
624. annah | 14 | 2
624. flinch | 14 | 2
624. jason97 | 14 | 2
624. locagiess | 14 | 2
624. titan | 14 | 2
631. nyr73 | 13 | 1
631. rockybaljoa | 13 | 2
631. cb2212 | 13 | 2
631. will3 | 13 | 3
635. feeler | 12 | 2
635. jbay7 | 12 | 2
635. mikeliut | 12 | 2
635. mystick | 12 | 2
635. ryancvit | 12 | 2
635. simmiz | 12 | 2
635. wheels | 12 | 2
635. bigbluex02 | 12 | 2
635. donutdefender | 12 | 2
635. eagle_brand | 12 | 2
635. mack | 12 | 2
635. michaellum30 | 12 | 2
635. reapercomepepegaaim | 12 | 2
635. vulfgravy | 12 | 1
649. caylon | 11 | 2
649. dindog | 11 | 2
649. emiko | 11 | 1
649. lamplighter | 11 | 2
649. ant | 11 | 2
649. bdonini | 11 | 2
649. bigtittysmitty | 11 | 1
649. briedaqeduc | 11 | 1
649. captiancamel | 11 | 1
649. junior | 11 | 2
649. rotticuscott | 11 | 1
660. downer | 10 | 2
660. podzilla111 | 10 | 1
660. tanner | 10 | 1
660. tonyw19 | 10 | 2
660. dewalt | 10 | 1
660. doritomancer | 10 | 2
660. drodger91 | 10 | 2
660. kyle | 10 | 1
660. lmcm86 | 10 | 2
660. opera_phanton | 10 | 1
660. waers | 10 | 1
671. beaver | 9 | 1
671. jlutz14 | 9 | 1
671. andrewwarren13 | 9 | 1
671. dude | 9 | 2
671. fetchwell | 9 | 1
671. fnorespect | 9 | 2
671. gage2 | 9 | 1
671. jumpuerpegasus | 9 | 1
671. platanocat | 9 | 2
671. rory | 9 | 2
671. slav1cthor | 9 | 2
671. williambrooks | 9 | 1
671. larkstongue | 9 | 2
671. matty86 | 9 | 2
671. skoldpaddor | 9 | 2
686. edgerocks1 | 8 | 1
686. formuleun | 8 | 1
686. frithjofr | 8 | 1
686. season | 8 | 1
686. sly | 8 | 2
686. cobbebstein | 8 | 1
686. crazymojtio | 8 | 1
686. luksrins88 | 8 | 1
686. ranidsponge21 | 8 | 1
686. rotti | 8 | 1
686. shylo | 8 | 1
697. .simo | 7 | 2
697. mrprime | 7 | 2
697. sambam229 | 7 | 1
697. sash | 7 | 1
697. kearim | 7 | 1
697. nokazoa | 7 | 1
697. steve | 7 | 1
697. alexistexasranger | 7 | 1
697. evpl | 7 | 1
697. faradian | 7 | 1
707. adison | 6 | 1
707. alyxander | 6 | 1
707. dangler7000 | 6 | 1
707. icebear32 | 6 | 1
707. jfett85 | 6 | 1
707. scudmuffin19 | 6 | 1
707. vik | 6 | 1
707. agentasmith630 | 6 | 1
707. connorm123 | 6 | 1
707. itsswitchh | 6 | 1
707. johjeff | 6 | 1
707. kettellkorn | 6 | 1
707. joek | 6 | 1
707. ajw | 6 | 1
707. bubba | 6 | 1
707. capt_blitzkreig | 6 | 1
707. cuffy | 6 | 1
707. flappgiraffe | 6 | 1
707. leafstw1967 | 6 | 1
707. loosh | 6 | 1
707. mattyoce971 | 6 | 1
707. mstrefe1 | 6 | 1
707. pickle | 6 | 1
707. pingypingu | 6 | 1
707. tacocat | 6 | 1
732. rashfordu9. | 5 | 1
732. popecoswi | 5 | 1
732. bklman | 5 | 1
732. dexteria | 5 | 1
732. southpae | 5 | 1
732. acsolpa | 5 | 1
732. flooglehorn | 5 | 1
732. jss33 | 5 | 1
732. spartingibbles | 5 | 1
732. taxman100 | 5 | 1
732. ephensstsa | 5 | 1
Percent of tasks which got rounded up (basically how lucky you were) (minimum 25/50 tasks completed) | Total tasks completed
1. gordieboom | 0.559 | 34
2. juke | 0.545 | 33
3. leafsftw1967 | 0.537 | 41
4. ruggsy | 0.529 | 34
5. urq660 | 0.525 | 40
6. toivo | 0.514 | 37
7. lespoils | 0.500 | 42
7. steelhead77 | 0.500 | 42
7. toast | 0.500 | 40
7. supertardis101 | 0.500 | 38
11. retuperkele | 0.489 | 47
12. thelastheraclid | 0.487 | 39
13. zeagle1 | 0.486 | 35
14. enigmatic | 0.485 | 33
14. bytor | 0.485 | 33
16. mcpumpkin | 0.484 | 31
17. juniped | 0.481 | 27
17. shmurph | 0.481 | 27
19. arkz | 0.477 | 44
20. bendover | 0.474 | 38
20. wannabefinn | 0.474 | 38
22. leafs4ever | 0.469 | 49
23. fitted2106 | 0.469 | 32
23. highstickking | 0.469 | 32
23. kikish18 | 0.469 | 32
23. rancidbudgie | 0.469 | 32
27. zoottx | 0.468 | 47
28. briedaqueduc | 0.465 | 43
29. jeffie43 | 0.464 | 28
29. muford | 0.464 | 28
31. luketd | 0.462 | 26
32. carpy48 | 0.460 | 50
33. jkortesi81 | 0.459 | 37
34. jt3 | 0.457 | 46
34. kenvald | 0.457 | 46
36. gaiamormont | 0.455 | 33
36. serpex13 | 0.455 | 33
38. acapitalchicago | 0.452 | 42
38. lmao | 0.452 | 42
40. gordonbombay | 0.452 | 31
41. renomitsu | 0.448 | 29
41. trautner | 0.448 | 29
43. gcool | 0.447 | 38
44. jamestruong | 0.444 | 45
44. slothfacekilla | 0.444 | 45
44. aw13 | 0.444 | 27
44. mylittlehexx | 0.444 | 27
44. thesparkydee | 0.444 | 27
44. thiefofcheese | 0.444 | 27
50. huck24 | 0.441 | 34
51. whitecap | 0.440 | 25
52. leafs1997 | 0.439 | 41
53. 5ympathies | 0.438 | 48
54. boom | 0.436 | 39
55. advenny4 | 0.433 | 30
55. ericncsu | 0.433 | 30
55. kraagenskul | 0.433 | 30
58. bjkman | 0.432 | 37
58. drokeep | 0.432 | 37
60. captaincamel | 0.432 | 44
61. drunkenteddy | 0.429 | 49
61. evok | 0.429 | 42
61. andy | 0.429 | 28
61. st4rface | 0.429 | 28
61. thecc | 0.429 | 28
61. wally | 0.429 | 28
67. faelax | 0.425 | 40
67. scrufdaddy | 0.425 | 40
69. thewozy | 0.424 | 33
70. basedminkus | 0.423 | 26
70. fishy | 0.423 | 26
72. gurbs | 0.422 | 45
72. roastpuff | 0.422 | 45
74. salming | 0.420 | 50
75. crazylemire | 0.419 | 31
75. vaxlare | 0.419 | 31
75. zomp | 0.419 | 31
78. bdu754 | 0.417 | 48
78. ragnar | 0.417 | 48
78. ronniewalker | 0.417 | 48
78. campinkiller | 0.417 | 36
78. visceralpotamus | 0.417 | 36
83. nerio | 0.415 | 41
84. bongo | 0.414 | 29
84. jericson | 0.414 | 29
86. gaby | 0.413 | 46
87. eynhallow | 0.412 | 34
87. grapehead | 0.412 | 34
87. jnh | 0.412 | 34
90. kentakira | 0.409 | 44
91. fluw | 0.408 | 49
92. karlssens | 0.407 | 27
92. lb3737 | 0.407 | 27
94. crunk | 0.406 | 32
94. fever95 | 0.406 | 32
94. inf1d3l | 0.406 | 32
94. mp7 | 0.406 | 32
94. symmetrik | 0.406 | 32
99. thunfish | 0.405 | 37
100. micool132 | 0.404 | 47
101. leviadan | 0.400 | 50
101. cementhands | 0.400 | 45
101. gifterofbikes | 0.400 | 40
101. romaneseuntdomus | 0.400 | 40
101. takethehorizon | 0.400 | 35
101. notorioustig | 0.400 | 35
101. grok | 0.400 | 25
108. mastersheep | 0.395 | 43
109. agentsmith630 | 0.395 | 38
110. ace | 0.394 | 33
111. ckroyal92 | 0.393 | 28
111. kierkan | 0.393 | 28
113. renojacksonhs | 0.391 | 46
114. c9van | 0.390 | 41
114. slashacm | 0.390 | 41
116. lorec | 0.389 | 36
116. mazatt | 0.389 | 36
116. goldenglutes | 0.389 | 36
119. halkohol | 0.388 | 49
119. tylar | 0.388 | 49
121. crazymojito | 0.386 | 44
121. spartangibbles | 0.386 | 44
123. leppish | 0.385 | 39
123. bruins10 | 0.385 | 26
123. keygan | 0.385 | 26
123. unconfident69 | 0.385 | 26
127. valorx77 | 0.383 | 47
127. zombiewolf | 0.383 | 47
129. evil_allbran | 0.381 | 42
130. patty | 0.379 | 29
130. stadiumgambler | 0.379 | 29
132. kylrad | 0.378 | 37
132. mn_moosey | 0.378 | 37
132. opera_phantom | 0.378 | 37
132. schwarznarr | 0.378 | 37
132. segi | 0.378 | 37
132. withthemoose | 0.378 | 37
138. jepox | 0.375 | 48
138. darkcanuck29 | 0.375 | 32
138. flowseidon | 0.375 | 32
138. g2019 | 0.375 | 32
142. kalesalad | 0.372 | 43
142. mementomori | 0.372 | 43
142. rangerjase | 0.372 | 43
145. juosu | 0.371 | 35
145. traphag | 0.371 | 35
147. tesla | 0.370 | 27
148. raven | 0.370 | 46
148. steveoiscool | 0.370 | 46
150. sakrosankt | 0.367 | 49
151. blasoon | 0.367 | 30
151. honkerrs | 0.367 | 30
151. hallsy | 0.367 | 30
154. sve7en | 0.364 | 44
155. matteo | 0.362 | 47
156. velevra | 0.361 | 36
157. jumbobone19 | 0.360 | 50
157. rabidsponge21 | 0.360 | 25
159. dankoa | 0.359 | 39
160. amidships | 0.357 | 42
160. canadianduck | 0.357 | 28
160. delirivm | 0.357 | 28
163. artermis | 0.355 | 31
163. bk1689 | 0.355 | 31
163. juliotokolosh | 0.355 | 31
166. benpachi | 0.351 | 37
166. gwdjohnson | 0.351 | 37
166. natedoeshockey | 0.351 | 37
169. bbjygm | 0.350 | 40
169. zwhiz | 0.350 | 40
171. bluesfan55 | 0.349 | 43
171. countchocula | 0.349 | 43
171. dextaria | 0.349 | 43
174. charlieconway | 0.348 | 46
174. mr.finland | 0.348 | 46
174. taterswc | 0.348 | 46
177. aaronwilson | 0.347 | 49
178. theflash | 0.346 | 26
179. caltroit_red_flames | 0.344 | 32
179. sburbine | 0.344 | 32
181. cptsquall | 0.343 | 35
181. spartan | 0.343 | 35
181. trashae | 0.343 | 35
184. damienj10 | 0.342 | 38
184. fantobens | 0.342 | 38
186. grum | 0.341 | 41
186. rich | 0.341 | 41
188. dogwoodmaple | 0.341 | 44
189. 3lewsers | 0.340 | 50
189. raymond3000 | 0.340 | 50
191. wearingabear | 0.333 | 48
191. ohtaay | 0.333 | 45
191. nike | 0.333 | 42
191. efischermann | 0.333 | 36
191. rotticusscott | 0.333 | 36
191. rankle | 0.333 | 30
191. geekusoid | 0.333 | 27
191. mooty99 | 0.333 | 27
191. thunder39 | 0.333 | 27
200. askedmadden | 0.327 | 49
200. festinator | 0.327 | 49
202. otrebor13 | 0.325 | 40
203. katth | 0.324 | 37
203. o4l | 0.324 | 37
203. sopath | 0.324 | 37
203. hotdog | 0.324 | 37
207. highhaschdi | 0.324 | 34
207. the5urreal | 0.324 | 34
209. r1c3bowl22 | 0.323 | 31
210. hantheman_ | 0.321 | 28
210. mer | 0.321 | 28
212. keven | 0.320 | 50
212. sfresh3 | 0.320 | 50
212. sulovilen | 0.320 | 50
215. lime | 0.319 | 47
216. lordbirdman | 0.318 | 44
216. sewingwithnancy | 0.318 | 44
216. sköldpaddor | 0.318 | 44
216. vandy | 0.318 | 44
220. tweedledunn | 0.317 | 41
221. muerto | 0.316 | 38
222. tomen | 0.314 | 35
223. mooney | 0.313 | 32
224. sdcore | 0.310 | 29
224. thedangazone | 0.310 | 29
226. orbitingdeath | 0.310 | 42
227. picklejuice | 0.308 | 39
227. qwest | 0.308 | 39
227. hockeyiscool | 0.308 | 39
227. puolivalmiste | 0.308 | 26
231. snuffalupagus | 0.306 | 36
231. zoone16 | 0.306 | 36
233. canes2112 | 0.303 | 33
233. goonerbear | 0.303 | 33
235. lilstifler | 0.300 | 50
235. canadice | 0.300 | 40
235. pythonic | 0.300 | 30
235. tayjay | 0.300 | 30
239. notorioustron | 0.298 | 47
240. acsolap | 0.294 | 34
241. nhamlet | 0.286 | 49
241. golden_apricot | 0.286 | 42
241. zaynzk | 0.286 | 42
244. norwegiandemon | 0.283 | 46
245. jss331 | 0.282 | 39
245. mutedfaith | 0.282 | 39
247. jay2233 | 0.278 | 36
248. capncooper | 0.276 | 29
249. accka | 0.275 | 40
250. kyamprac | 0.273 | 44
250. goilers | 0.273 | 33
252. spooked | 0.263 | 38
253. brickwall35 | 0.258 | 31
254. krazko | 0.250 | 32
255. flappygiraffe | 0.243 | 37
256. bfine | 0.242 | 33
257. sebster | 0.241 | 29
257. skeletonparty | 0.241 | 29
259. marco999 | 0.240 | 50
260. jaywhy | 0.222 | 27
261. hhh81 | 0.188 | 32
TPE earned per task completed (minimum 25/50 tasks completed) | Total tasks completed
1. leafsftw1967 | 7.512 | 41
2. jeffie43 | 7.214 | 28
3. luketd | 6.962 | 26
4. sve7en | 6.955 | 44
5. evok | 6.952 | 42
6. hhh81 | 6.938 | 32
7. delirivm | 6.929 | 28
8. otrebor13 | 6.925 | 40
9. honkerrs | 6.900 | 30
10. nhamlet | 6.898 | 49
11. trautner | 6.897 | 29
12. mer | 6.893 | 28
13. thewozy | 6.879 | 33
14. jepox | 6.875 | 48
14. krazko | 6.875 | 32
16. rich | 6.829 | 41
17. faelax | 6.825 | 40
18. mementomori | 6.814 | 43
19. gwdjohnson | 6.811 | 37
20. gordonbombay | 6.806 | 31
21. jt3 | 6.804 | 46
22. keven | 6.800 | 50
23. highhaschdi | 6.794 | 34
24. enigmatic | 6.788 | 33
25. sopath | 6.784 | 37
26. steveoiscool | 6.761 | 46
27. kalesalad | 6.744 | 43
28. raymond3000 | 6.740 | 50
29. huck24 | 6.735 | 34
30. lordbirdman | 6.727 | 44
31. rabidsponge21 | 6.720 | 25
32. slothfacekilla | 6.711 | 45
33. jaywhy | 6.704 | 27
34. romaneseuntdomus | 6.700 | 40
35. juke | 6.697 | 33
36. velevra | 6.667 | 36
37. kyamprac | 6.659 | 44
38. fishy | 6.654 | 26
39. kenvald | 6.652 | 46
40. kylrad | 6.649 | 37
41. lmao | 6.643 | 42
42. crazymojito | 6.636 | 44
43. grum | 6.634 | 41
44. halkohol | 6.633 | 49
45. mastersheep | 6.628 | 43
46. mp7 | 6.625 | 32
47. opera_phantom | 6.622 | 37
47. toivo | 6.622 | 37
49. renomitsu | 6.621 | 29
50. leppish | 6.615 | 39
50. bruins10 | 6.615 | 26
52. zomp | 6.613 | 31
53. gaby | 6.609 | 46
54. bendover | 6.605 | 38
55. toast | 6.600 | 40
56. juniped | 6.593 | 27
57. sakrosankt | 6.592 | 49
58. sulovilen | 6.580 | 50
59. keygan | 6.577 | 26
60. lime | 6.574 | 47
61. tomen | 6.571 | 35
62. blasoon | 6.567 | 30
63. sfresh3 | 6.560 | 50
64. ruggsy | 6.559 | 34
65. ohtaay | 6.556 | 45
65. mazatt | 6.556 | 36
67. spooked | 6.553 | 38
68. tylar | 6.551 | 49
69. canadice | 6.550 | 40
70. brickwall35 | 6.548 | 31
71. golden_apricot | 6.548 | 42
72. goonerbear | 6.545 | 33
73. mr.finland | 6.543 | 46
73. raven | 6.543 | 46
75. jss331 | 6.538 | 39
75. qwest | 6.538 | 39
77. wally | 6.536 | 28
78. crunk | 6.531 | 32
79. aaronwilson | 6.531 | 49
80. wannabefinn | 6.526 | 38
81. amidships | 6.524 | 42
82. captaincamel | 6.523 | 44
83. 5ympathies | 6.521 | 48
84. marco999 | 6.520 | 50
85. thunder39 | 6.519 | 27
86. canes2112 | 6.515 | 33
87. jumbobone19 | 6.500 | 50
87. gordieboom | 6.500 | 34
87. basedminkus | 6.500 | 26
90. jamestruong | 6.489 | 45
91. dextaria | 6.488 | 43
92. natedoeshockey | 6.486 | 37
92. schwarznarr | 6.486 | 37
92. withthemoose | 6.486 | 37
95. spartan | 6.486 | 35
96. serpex13 | 6.485 | 33
97. mcpumpkin | 6.484 | 31
98. skeletonparty | 6.483 | 29
99. carpy48 | 6.480 | 50
99. whitecap | 6.480 | 25
101. wearingabear | 6.479 | 48
102. norwegiandemon | 6.478 | 46
103. evil_allbran | 6.476 | 42
104. rotticusscott | 6.472 | 36
105. festinator | 6.469 | 49
106. efischermann | 6.444 | 36
106. jay2233 | 6.444 | 36
106. karlssens | 6.444 | 27
106. lb3737 | 6.444 | 27
110. thelastheraclid | 6.436 | 39
111. rankle | 6.433 | 30
111. hallsy | 6.433 | 30
113. katth | 6.432 | 37
114. trashae | 6.429 | 35
115. vaxlare | 6.419 | 31
116. bdu754 | 6.417 | 48
116. ronniewalker | 6.417 | 48
118. patty | 6.414 | 29
119. acsolap | 6.412 | 34
120. sburbine | 6.406 | 32
121. zombiewolf | 6.404 | 47
122. gurbs | 6.400 | 45
123. zoone16 | 6.389 | 36
124. askedmadden | 6.388 | 49
125. unconfident69 | 6.385 | 26
126. valorx77 | 6.383 | 47
127. shmurph | 6.370 | 27
128. leafs4ever | 6.367 | 49
129. dogwoodmaple | 6.364 | 44
129. bytor | 6.364 | 33
131. grok | 6.360 | 25
132. acapitalchicago | 6.357 | 42
132. ckroyal92 | 6.357 | 28
134. bongo | 6.345 | 29
134. stadiumgambler | 6.345 | 29
136. zeagle1 | 6.343 | 35
137. sköldpaddor | 6.341 | 44
138. retuperkele | 6.340 | 47
138. zoottx | 6.340 | 47
140. leviadan | 6.340 | 50
141. bluesfan55 | 6.326 | 43
142. andy | 6.321 | 28
143. micool132 | 6.319 | 47
144. kentakira | 6.318 | 44
145. g2019 | 6.313 | 32
145. highstickking | 6.313 | 32
147. sebster | 6.310 | 29
148. scrufdaddy | 6.300 | 40
149. mn_moosey | 6.297 | 37
149. segi | 6.297 | 37
151. aw13 | 6.296 | 27
152. jnh | 6.294 | 34
153. leafs1997 | 6.293 | 41
153. tweedledunn | 6.293 | 41
155. gcool | 6.289 | 38
155. muerto | 6.289 | 38
157. fever95 | 6.281 | 32
158. zwhiz | 6.275 | 40
159. drokeep | 6.270 | 37
160. roastpuff | 6.267 | 45
161. mylittlehexx | 6.259 | 27
161. tesla | 6.259 | 27
163. juosu | 6.257 | 35
164. dankoa | 6.256 | 39
164. hockeyiscool | 6.256 | 39
166. darkcanuck29 | 6.250 | 32
167. nerio | 6.244 | 41
168. goilers | 6.242 | 33
169. the5urreal | 6.235 | 34
170. bk1689 | 6.226 | 31
171. lorec | 6.222 | 36
171. thiefofcheese | 6.222 | 27
173. slashacm | 6.220 | 41
174. inf1d3l | 6.219 | 32
174. symmetrik | 6.219 | 32
176. thunfish | 6.216 | 37
177. orbitingdeath | 6.214 | 42
178. briedaqueduc | 6.209 | 43
179. thedangazone | 6.207 | 29
180. traphag | 6.200 | 35
181. goldenglutes | 6.194 | 36
182. crazylemire | 6.194 | 31
183. puolivalmiste | 6.192 | 26
184. hotdog | 6.189 | 37
184. jkortesi81 | 6.189 | 37
186. mooney | 6.188 | 32
187. rangerjase | 6.186 | 43
188. bfine | 6.182 | 33
189. thecc | 6.179 | 28
190. renojacksonhs | 6.174 | 46
191. takethehorizon | 6.171 | 35
192. ericncsu | 6.167 | 30
193. o4l | 6.162 | 37
194. agentsmith630 | 6.158 | 38
195. taterswc | 6.152 | 46
196. notorioustron | 6.149 | 47
197. drunkenteddy | 6.143 | 49
197. canadianduck | 6.143 | 28
199. bjkman | 6.135 | 37
200. supertardis101 | 6.132 | 38
201. picklejuice | 6.128 | 39
202. notorioustig | 6.114 | 35
203. mooty99 | 6.111 | 27
203. thesparkydee | 6.111 | 27
205. capncooper | 6.103 | 29
206. urq660 | 6.100 | 40
206. tayjay | 6.100 | 30
208. artermis | 6.097 | 31
209. countchocula | 6.093 | 43
210. kierkan | 6.071 | 28
211. jericson | 6.069 | 29
211. sdcore | 6.069 | 29
213. pythonic | 6.067 | 30
214. salming | 6.060 | 50
215. visceralpotamus | 6.056 | 36
216. lespoils | 6.048 | 42
217. charlieconway | 6.043 | 46
218. theflash | 6.038 | 26
219. juliotokolosh | 6.032 | 31
220. rancidbudgie | 6.031 | 32
221. bbjygm | 6.025 | 40
222. fluw | 6.020 | 49
223. flappygiraffe | 6.000 | 37
223. muford | 6.000 | 28
225. campinkiller | 5.972 | 36
226. steelhead77 | 5.952 | 42
227. matteo | 5.936 | 47
228. zaynzk | 5.929 | 42
228. st4rface | 5.929 | 28
230. boom | 5.923 | 39
231. fantobens | 5.921 | 38
232. cementhands | 5.911 | 45
233. accka | 5.900 | 40
233. kraagenskul | 5.900 | 30
235. ragnar | 5.896 | 48
236. sewingwithnancy | 5.886 | 44
237. 3lewsers | 5.880 | 50
238. flowseidon | 5.875 | 32
239. cptsquall | 5.857 | 35
240. ace | 5.848 | 33
241. caltroit_red_flames | 5.844 | 32
241. fitted2106 | 5.844 | 32
243. arkz | 5.841 | 44
244. lilstifler | 5.840 | 50
245. geekusoid | 5.778 | 27
246. r1c3bowl22 | 5.774 | 31
247. spartangibbles | 5.773 | 44
248. mutedfaith | 5.769 | 39
249. nike | 5.762 | 42
250. hantheman_ | 5.750 | 28
251. gaiamormont | 5.727 | 33
252. c9van | 5.707 | 41
253. grapehead | 5.706 | 34
254. gifterofbikes | 5.700 | 40
255. benpachi | 5.676 | 37
256. snuffalupagus | 5.667 | 36
257. advenny4 | 5.633 | 30
258. kikish18 | 5.469 | 32
259. vandy | 5.341 | 44
260. damienj10 | 5.158 | 38
261. eynhallow | 4.882 | 34
Nice! I wanted to add tpe for all tasks like in your first list but kinda forgot to do it.
48 tpe is a lot, that's impressive
Player info |
Updates |
Aaron Wilson - C/LW/RW
Challenge Cup x6 (S51, S53, S56, S58, S61, S63)
Sergei Karpotsov - Most points - x2 (S55, S61)
Anton Razov - Playoff MVP (S58)
Ron Mexico - League MVP (S61)
Sarmad Khan - League MVP (S61)
First all-star team x3 (S55, S60, S61)
Second all-star team x2 (S52, S59)
Third all-star team (S53)
Four Star Cup (S48)
Playoff MVP (S48)
Playoff points leader (S48)
IIHF Gold x4 (S54, S56, S57, S58)
IIHF Silver x2 (S61, S62)
IIHF Bronze x4 (S50, S55, S63, S64)
WJC Gold (S48)
WJC Bronze (S46)
S46: Drafted 37th overall by Vancouver Whalers
S47: Drafted 17th overall by Hamilton Steelhawks
S46: Signed a 1 year x 3M contract with Vancouver
S47: Signed a 3 year x 500k contract with Hamilton
S50: Signed a 3 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S53: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S55: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S57: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S60: Signed a 1 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S61: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
01-05-2023, 12:14 AM luke Wrote: Aaron I’m going to be annoying but can you merge luketd and luke
You got 95 tpe for season predictions which is 6th best result
39 awards
32 iihf
55 playoff
Player info |
Updates |
Aaron Wilson - C/LW/RW
Challenge Cup x6 (S51, S53, S56, S58, S61, S63)
Sergei Karpotsov - Most points - x2 (S55, S61)
Anton Razov - Playoff MVP (S58)
Ron Mexico - League MVP (S61)
Sarmad Khan - League MVP (S61)
First all-star team x3 (S55, S60, S61)
Second all-star team x2 (S52, S59)
Third all-star team (S53)
Four Star Cup (S48)
Playoff MVP (S48)
Playoff points leader (S48)
IIHF Gold x4 (S54, S56, S57, S58)
IIHF Silver x2 (S61, S62)
IIHF Bronze x4 (S50, S55, S63, S64)
WJC Gold (S48)
WJC Bronze (S46)
S46: Drafted 37th overall by Vancouver Whalers
S47: Drafted 17th overall by Hamilton Steelhawks
S46: Signed a 1 year x 3M contract with Vancouver
S47: Signed a 3 year x 500k contract with Hamilton
S50: Signed a 3 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S53: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S55: Signed a 2 year x 3M contract with Hamilton
S57: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S60: Signed a 1 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
S61: Signed a 3 year x 4M contract with Hamilton
luke SHL GM
Admiral of the Data Seas
Darn name change victim. Numbers combined though I'm always in the high 170's so, okay I guess.
Very cool data though! I dig this!