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S50 PT#2 - Phobias

PBe PT Username: AW13

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Prince Devitt ever since he was a child growing in Bray County Wicklow Ireland has been afraid of Spiders and has developed Arachnophobia which is the proper term for the fear of Spiders. This being the case Prince Devitt has stated in interviews that his Demon persona was to combat the fear of Spiders at first like how Bruce Wayne used his fear of Bats to create the Batman. He also uses it to instill fear in big high pressure games to his opponents to help his team. He's also states that he hates Spiderman and stands for his fear being magnified and praised by Stan Lee in the Marvel Comic Universe. He prefers the DC Comic Universe instead and his hate of the Web'd superhero is the cause of that. Fortunately living in Kelowna means that Spiders aren't very common as it's not one of the warmest of places in Western Canada over the course of the SMJHL season and his eventual move to Calgary is also not of the warmest places too, as it's already starting to snow over there, so he wouldn't have to worry about Spiders for a long time.

200 Words

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Thanks to prettyburn, TML, Carpy, JNH, Jepox, Engi, Karey, Flappy, Skolpadder, Mook, DollarAndADream, Smirnov and Toe for the sigs.

Crossfit's First Career SHL Goal, 4. Manhattan Rage , Crossfit Jesus 1 (Pedro Sarantez, Nucky Toohoots) at 5:51

Devitt's First Career SHL Goal, 5. Calgary Dragons , Prince Devitt 1 (Barry Batsbak 21, Mike Izzy 14) at 10:43

I've tried to make my player an extension of me with the glaring exception of no matter how hard I try I will never be Alexei Markov. My player, like me is deathly afraid of spiders. This fear came to life when he was bit by a spider on his leg in 2005 and nearly lost it because of the brown recluse bite. It's a fear that I hope no one would have to go through, having been told you are going to lose your leg then going through the tests and scans and near surgery only to find out you wouldn't. All from a creature the size of a quarter that you can't see sometimes unless you're right on top of it. So because of that reason above, both myself and my player hate spiders.

I would be much happier living in a place where spiders are extinct no matter how much it would screw up the environment.

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If there’s anything that Joe K is truly afraid of, it is 100% heights. I’ve had a fear of heights since I was a small child. I don’t recall any traumatic scenario that caused this, I’ve just been scared of being too high up for as long as I can remember. For a long time it stopped from doing things like going on rollercoasters and things like that because I was convinced that I’d fall to my death. Even now, being too high up and near “the edge” of something will cause my stomach to turn and tingle. The only thing I’ve been able to do consistently (which is good for a hockey player that travels a lot) is be able to fly on an airplane. That was also very scary at the beginning of my career, but now I’m so used to flying that I’m able to look down from the window seat and everything. I feel safe there. But anywhere else? Not so much. (166)

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Gangsta rap is one of my biggest fears. The mixture of the beats and aggressive lyrics causes me to almost freeze, so you can maybe guess how awkward it potentially is when I´m in public. I believe it all started when I was just a kid in Finland, my grandparents used to live close, so I and my brothers visited at least a few times every week.

Sometimes we happened to pop in just before they were heading out to buy food or whatever from the supermarket, so they took us along. During those car rides my grandma used to blast NWA, Cypress Hill, Tupac, etc from the Volvo speakers. The music was so loud that you could not honestly hear anything even if you screamed. I had to sit there fingers in my ears, just waiting for the ride to end. I think my grandpa knew how much it bothered me, but since my brothers were fine with it and our grandma enjoyed it so much - I had to deal with it.

Gangsta rap and having to listen to it is mostly a mental thing and a minor inconvenience but controls my life in those moments completely.

AOV's phobia of Zambonis... It started here... Because of Mom. @Pris

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(This post was last modified: 10-11-2019, 05:09 PM by nykonax.)

Jules Watt is deathly afraid of @kit, a member of an online hockey roleplay site, but he isn't just afraid of kit, no, kit is harmless. He's afraid of kit's league of legends play. The first time he encountered it was about a week into joining the team, where he queued up a match with the alleged user and immediately regretted it. Not even 3 minutes into the game and kit had 3 deaths and 0 kills. The fear took hold of Watt, and it affected his hockey gameplay for 5 games, only getting back to shape after playing with @SDCore. Now he tries to avoid kit at all costs, but kitras97 is always asking him to play and carry him in the video game. Whenever he plays league, he always makes sure that a qualified individual like @Kylrad or fellow teammate @Naosu is with him when he queues up.

FR Finn-Rhys is afraid of NOTHING....except for a penetrating fear of water, also called hydrophobia. This is actually, the biggest reason why FR decided to play hockey. Not only is the water frozen, but because it is frozen it is not liquid anymore and hence why FR can surmount his crippling fear of liquid water. So terrified of water is he that he refuses to take baths because the body of water is too big. Thankfully for all his teammates and the lone girlfriend he has had in his life, FR is fine with showers, but that's really about it. No lakes, oceans, pools, jacuzzis or buckets of water, none of it.

No one really knows where FR's phobia stems from, but it was discovered early on when he freaked out looking at the album cover for Nirvana's Nevermind. From then on, FR has always had a tough time around bodies of water. The only way he seems to handle the fear is by simply avoiding it, or closing his eyes and clenching his teeth until he's away from it.

WolfpackBlizzardRaptors  raiders Switzerland  FINN RHYS  Switzerland raiders Raptors Blizzard Wolfpack

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Bobby Lane has one strange fear, but it doesn’t come up that often. It is definitely not something that he has to deal with regularly. He has a fear that something will be stuck between the twists that some pastries have in them. When he was young, he had a cinnamon twist pastry. One of the twists was a bit loose, and he found a small bug hidden between one of the twists. It probably crawled in and died while the cinnamon twist had been sitting in the display case. It really grossed him out, at the time. Now, he can’t really eat anything like that without pulling it apart, making sure that there is nothing hiding on the inside. He knows that it is silly, and there is no real reason to worry. At this point, it is more of a habit. It doesn’t look that strange, so people probably wouldn't notice. He just pulls off a piece then eats it, rather than taking a bite out of it.

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Thanks to sulovilen for the sigs!
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I was always afraid of water, not as in drinking water but like the ocean, pools, any body of water and anything that involves swimming. The idea of swimming and drowning were always in nightmares. I guess it all started because I nearly drowned on a class field trip to the beach in second grade. It was terrifying, just the cold blue water surrounding me, pulling me under, the feeling of drifting away. The blurred edges creeping in at the edge of my vision. I had never felt closer to death, and it’s an experience I never want to have again. I had to confront my fear one time at a team pool party, when everyone was swimming at Perry Morgan’s house. I didn’t want to look lame and I was peer pressured into going swimming. For the most part though I can avoid swimming thankfully, and I usually do steer clear of any instances involving water.

hodOOOOr'hOOOdoooooooor hoooodor hOOdOOORRRR, Hooooooodooooorrrr HoooooddddddddoooooooRRRR

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Anders Christiansen main phobia will probably come as a big surprise to everyone, since it is not a phobia that is common among people. Anders is afraid of mushrooms. Anders Christiansen first contact with them was when he was 4 years old and he saw them in a cabin that his family had rented for a weekend vacation near a massive lake in Norway. Anders saw them in a corner in the bedroom in which he was supposed to sleep, but they afraid him to a point where he ended up sleeping in the same bed as his parents. Since then, he tries to avoid getting too close to them. He mostly comes in contact with them when he goes on hike in the forest. When he was in his late teens, he finally decides to face his fear when his mother decided to cook mushrooms for him. He went ahead and taste one, but absolutely hated it and it adds to his fear of mushrooms.
166 words

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A newly acquired fear Nick Connolly has developed is a sincere fear of anything potato. After seeing the Hot Potato run rampant in the league during the past few seasons, anything that even remotely reminds him of a potato sends shivers down his spine. He doesn’t hit often and his checking skill is quite lacking, so if he ever finds himself holding the potato he knows he might be in for the long haul. Especially seeing this past transformation with Ronlain of Halifax where the Potato drove him basically to the point of insanity. This terrifies Connolly. Each team dinner everyone on Anaheim has to make sure that the dishes they get contain no potato products or even resemble anything of a potato in nature. This does cause somewhat of a big rift between the team as certain players on Anaheim really love their french fries. Maybe this fear will go away one day, but that’s uncertain.

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syndicate Outlaws Switzerland

Luckily my player doesn't have any extreme phobias but there is still one thing that can make him quite uncomfortable: Heights. Standing near a ledge more than a few meters from the ground, near an open window in a high story building or even on a rooftop - those really aren't things that Philipp likes. The same is true for open air staircases, natural cliffs or viewing balconies. The open-air aspect seems to be an important part of it because things like glass floors or being high up in a skyscraper don't cause him any issues at all as long as doors and windows are closed. Philipp likes to argue that his fear is somewhat rational and that he is only really afraid in situations where there is at least somewhat of a risk of actually falling through an unfortunate stumble or an accidental (or intentional) bump from behind. Interestintly enough though, one thing that Philipp doesn't have any problems with at all is flying, a situation where it is impossible to actually fall through any fault of his own.

Guy Zheng has always been scared of finishing last in the regular season. We're not really sure where this fear came from, since he has never actually finished at the bottom of the standings, but we also fear that his fear may finally materialize. In fact, we're fearing the day when Guy Zheng eventually has to confront his fear, and that fear may very well be confronted at the end of this season. Perhaps it's a fear of failure, or a fear of humiliation, or simply a fear of fear itself (we're not sure how that last one makes any sense but this whole situation doesn't make any sense anyway). Anyway, Zheng is playing his heart out to try to avoid facing his greatest fear, but we're not sure if it'll be enough. After all, it takes more than one man to carry a generational sandbag like Eko Van Otter, and although Dick Clapper is also trying his best to handle the load, the rest of the team will be needed to help alleviate Zheng's fears as well.

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Signatures by Vulfzilla, Jepox, Jess, rum_ham, Ragnar, and myself
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Stevenson Jr's biggest phobia is spiders. Creepy crawly things are all over and the phobia started when he was only 4 years old. He found a pair of his dad's old hockey gloves in the garage and decided to put them on to play. His hand went in, the spider had nowhere to go and so it bit him. Of course this isn't the spider's fault but he didn't care. Spiders scare him because he knows behind that creepy tiny little body there is a pain that is hard to describe if they get to close and get uncomfortable. I'm not saying Stevenson Jr. would be caught running and screaming like hes going to die if there were a spider around but I am sure if you google it long enough you will be able to find the video of him doing just that on a road trip in season 47.

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