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S68 PT #2: Monstars Due: December 4th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Creative Prompt
In order to successfully complete my talent heist, I must begin to understand what they like to do. I'm assuming that the talent beam will be largely difficult to detect.. in other words it won't emit any radiation that would be visible to people. Given that, I have to find a way to point a sort of ray-gun (I'm imagining this is what it would look like) at another hockey player. In order to complete the skill heist, Loosh would have the team create a "player personality" series that follows him as he "pranks" the members of the opposite team. In this bit, he dresses as an alien pointing a futuristic ray gun at opposing players, getting their reactions and having a little laugh. In this bit, while laughing it off, Loosh would carefully select who to steal skills from and would do it hiding in plain sight! To complete the heist, Loosh would hide the skills he steals and incorporate them as he sees fit. He would also position himself as a creative director of the series so he has control over who he's got the opportunity to take powers from.

Creative prompt:

There are so many good players in the SHL and SMJHL that I would love to “borrow” their skills. There’s something you could learn from almost every member of the league. Finn wouldn’t be up for stealing from others without lots of convincing unless the team doctor convinced him that it was just for a competitive advantage. He would have to change up the way he stole the skills every single time so as to not risk getting caught. Someone would eventually catch on if he just kept inviting the most skilled players in the league and then the next day they didn’t have that skill and Finn did. The best way to go about this is the play the long con and transfer someone whose strength was Finn’s weakest or mediocre skill. This would be the best way to test if it worked. He could just invite the player to dinner and point it at them under the table. After seeing that it worked, you would have to do some sort of elaborate scheme where you hired an elite agent to transfer the skill to himself and then eventually to you. Dressing up as the team doctor seems like a really good idea too. This method could be costly and take time but feels like the best way to play it safe

Player Prompt:

Overall I like the way that my player is coming along with his skills, but there is always room for improvements. To make my player the best that he can possibly be I want to look at what the league leaders are doing. To improve my goal scoring ability I would want to take the goal scoring abilities of the league leader Alexi Piastri who has 33 goals on the year so far. To improve my passing ability I would want to look at the assist leader Jarrod Lakemore who has 36 assists on the season and take his passing skills. I want my player to be good all around on the ice so to improve myself defensively I would want to take the hitting ability and shot blocking abilities of the league leaders. I would want to take the shot blocking ability of Isaac Forty-One who has 115 shots blocked and the hitting ability I would take is from Daniel Swift who leads the league with 106 hits. If I could take all of those abilities and add them to my current build I think my player would be a dominant force to be reckoned with.

Graphic Task: Show me your player stealing another players skills via energy beam!

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(This post was last modified: 12-05-2022, 12:51 AM by dogwoodmaple. Edited 1 time in total.)

PBE affiliate

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Player Prompt

Honestly one of the first players I'd take from is none other  than Lev Lebedev. Lev has consistently been one of the top goal scorers in and around the league for a while. Clearly they have it figured out or stole someone else's goal scoring ability. So it only makes sense to steal from them in order to become a top goal scorer in the league year after year after year. Other candidates to be selected to steal their abilities would be Chimkin Wing or Markus The Tater Jager. Both of these players sit among the top 5 in points in the league currently so again they must be doing something right. By taking their goal scoring and play making abilities Buck would be such an offensive threat to other teams. Other than that I'd probably take from someone who has a lot of takeaways. As a two-way forward this would help my game out, a lot

[Image: keithley.png]
[Image: mcalister.png]

Oh boy, now this is hard because I absolutely admire the Chicago players and I’d love to have their skills but if I steal them, i’m actively making the team worse. And so I must look elsewhere. Firstly it’ll be to Eero Makela. I don’t really know much about them at all but I’ve picked them first overall in fantasy the last two seasons so probably something about how they play defense. Next I’d find that Willie dude on Seattle and take his puck blocking abilities. It’s always good to be able to block shots as a dman and also the less pucks he’s stopping, the better for Chicago. Next we’re headed over to San Fran and we’re sapping Jukka Timonen of his scoring abilities. While we’re happy for him that’s he’s found them - we’d like to ensure he’s able to focus one hundred percent of his energy on face punching. He can keep his hips tho - we both know the aches of bad hips.

[Image: NCQjJT2.png]
Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

I would take Jolmi Koivu's ability to be a cute little man. He is my good friend named Jolmi and he is really nice to me. His best ability is to be from Ohio (or another place) and he is actually crazy at hockey. I wish i could score goals like him but at last i can not do that as I am a defender on the steelhawks. Jolmi can also skate like the rushing wind and fly across the ice at mach speed. it is really fun to watch him play and do the game I hope some day that I can do it as good as he can? well look here I have a beam to steal his powers. YES Yes yoinkies give me that crown dude. thank you jolmi i am now as good as you are at the game. I will give your powers back after you grow then you will be double cracked. good job tommi and jolmi good frinds.

[Image: rotti.gif]

Hockey players are easy to bait into doing whatever you want. Their ego check, and their simplistic minds would be their downfall. I would start by telling them that they have stone hands, and were unable to stick handle through this obstacle course I created. I would offer them an award or prize as well, because we all know their competitive natures. You can make the bait even sweeter by telling them their rival or another superstar in the league successfully completed this no problem. From there it is just getting them to accept the award, and stealing their powers from underneath their grasp. What is the award you might ask? Well, after a lot of thought and deliberation was put into it. We decided to pick up a trophy from the local thrift shop. They don't need to know it says participation award for local league timbits hockey. The things people will do for their ego.

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Prompt 1

Well Patya am thinking first thing he would take is Max Manning ability for score goals this season. Manning going kind of wild and Patya am not sure if sustainable but is crazy. Patya want for score this much because is Patya favorite thing for doing! Patya also take Eero Makela shotblocking because he is absorb so many pucks! Patya play with him briefly in Carolina and not see it nearly as much as now! WOWIE! Patya notice am leading league for hits but not having many penalty minutes! Patya thinking maybe someone would take this ability from Patya. Maybe this a little silly, but Patya want for steal speed from peak Jimmy Wagner. Wags was many fasts! WOWIE! Maybe Patya also taking Gonzo Gobbledygook skill at scoring shorthanded. He am have many shorthanded goals! Patya thinking if he take all of these, he am being much stronger player because am having many elite skill, but Patya am already elite so maybe not needing them.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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(This post was last modified: 12-05-2022, 01:11 AM by JMacNCheese. Edited 1 time in total.)

Quote:CREATIVE PROMPTSo if you're going to have to get close to other players and fire this beam at them to take their skills... how do you actually do that?

Written Task:  You can't do it in the middle of a game, it would be too obvious. So how are you going to get close to the leagues best players and beam the talent out of them without anyone noticing? Are you setting a trap? Are you sneaking into their house in the dead of night? Hiding under their table at a restaurant? Forget the skills you want, tell me how you're actually going to pull off the talent heist! (150+ words)

If Bnana NWaffles was able to obtain this highly experimental "skill stealing energy beam", it would take a lot of preparation to pull off. I take it that he would be on his own and have no help from the mad sports doctor/team, so time will have to be key. The preparation leading up to even the first victim of the "skill stealing energy beam", NWaffles will have to do recon and surveillance for three whole days and maybe one or two nights in his car, with all kinds of snacks. Since everyone will be different and lives a different life, it will be person by person case. Bnana will know when to strike, like in the person’s house, day or night depending on the recon. May have to trap someone or find out who to "flashbang" them so they are dazed and blinded. But the suggestion of hiding under a table in the superstar’s favorite coffee shop/diner is not off the table and some good advice I will pass along to Mr. NWaffles, wink wink!

(176 words)

[Image: BnanaNWaffles.gif]
Sig by @Ragnar / Avatar by @leviadan
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to make the perfect player, I would be looking for some-one that has the best all round game, someone that is the fastest player on the ice too, and not just high milage fast but someone who could get to 1-60 in a milisecond. I would someone with amazing hands like Datsyuk, someone that could create something out of nothing. Also would like to have someone that is wide and happy and someone that would be hard to play against in terms of size. Someone that is going to take 2-3 people to guard and try and take the puck away, someone who can pass it like draisaitl and create something out of nothing with his passing plays. I would like someone to have a cannon of a shot so they could fire piss missles like ovechkin does. Lastly I would like someone who has a quick release with their shots too which is the most important thing for shooting.

[Image: hallsy.png]


If i could steal abilities from any player in the league, first i would chose the passing abilities from Salzberger Lillehammersson of the Atlanta Inferno. salsbubger has great hands and can find you the puck from anywhere on the ice which makes his passing skill a massive asset. Next i would take the goal scoring touch of Pablo Salvatici from the atlanta Inferno for my own arsenal. Pablo is a true sniper and his shot would compliment my skillset greatly. After that i'd get my grubby lil thieving hands on defensive capabilities of Angus McFife XVIII of the Atlanta Inferno. Agnus is so good at defense, he crushes his opponents into dust. so yea naturally i'm gonna steal that and basically be a god player with perfect all around attributes. all will fall before the might of Kezia and those who stand opposed will be deleted from the league. Long live Kezia (152 Words)

[Image: kezia-elk4-smol.png]
sig by me (:

Kezia MacKenzie - LW - Regina Elk - Atlanta Inferno


Slip McScruff has actually been involved in this league wide practice for his long career. When you first hit regression, you are brought into a secret meeting with your GM, your coach, and the rest of the regression class to be indoctrinated into the process. Every season, older players are required to submit to the skill beam for some scaling amount based on their age. It has to be discrete enough that no one suspects anything, but they really start to ratchet it up as you get older and older.

The real trick is feeding that skill back into the younger players once it has been harvested. There is a balance of skill in the universe and they only grow as the older players shrink. Slip's favorite method is actually the ice bath skill machine which can pull and push skill. It beams underwater and you never notice it because of the freezing cold. Young players come out of the bath feeling refreshed and energized, now you know why. For older players, the ice numbs the loss and they let you drink beer in there.

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credit to Flappy, ToeDragon, and Carpy

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