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S69 PT #2: Contract Talks February 5th @ 11:59 PM (PST)

Creative Prompt:

My contract would be pretty basic to be honest.  It would have a casual no trade list, probably 12 teams, maybe even a no movement clause if I really thought I was hot shit.  Also, I would put something in there about the team captain.  My perfect idea of a team captain would be someone decided by a physical and academic tournament, sort of like a decathlon. Each game, this tournament will be held shortly before to decide the team captains for that game.  This would ensure a healthy rotation, with the most competitive of the players probably winning the most captain slots.  Not just that, I would also probably put something in there about a private chef of my own choosing.  I would just give someone I know a job tho, I don't actually need a private chef.  Rally's does 2 for $5 big bufords so I'd be set with that probably.

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Justin Time entered the SMJHL without a lot of knowledge when it came to financial decisions and contracts, and he certainly didn't have an agent. When his draft stock rose unexpectedly, he found himself on a flight to Quebec City without even knowing how contracts in the league worked! Luckily he found himself in a great environment with experienced GMs and teammates who showed him the ropes and made sure his rookie deal was large enough to cover any expense he could think of, and he went into his SHL contract negotiations with a lot more confidence, working out the details of his next two contracts by himself, even getting a full no movement clause added to his latest deal, keeping him in Edmonton for the long haul where he wants to be. This tactic hasn't led to a financial windfall like others have had, but Time has never been one to chase big money, instead trying to do everything in his power to help his team thrive. He's even been involved in contract discussions for some of his fellow players, helping ensure that their needs are met, and the team is prepared financially for future success. There may come a time when Time seeks outside help or advice from an agent, but in the meantime the money he's saved by not paying an agent for assistance has made up for any potential losses he's incurred by not getting the biggest deal available to him. With the salary cap looking to remain tight and his eyes still firmly on a future championship, he's just fine with that.

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sig credit: Ragnar, Sulovilen, Enigmatic, Bayley
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Okay, Patya am let you in on much secrets. Firstly, Patya need for having more English lessons for getting more better talking to peoples. Patya always put this in contracts. Patya also like special snacks! Patya always putting in contract for needing unlimited supply of Cheez-Its. Patya loving this little cheese cracker! Am not much allowed for having in Russia, but now Patya much famous and having many monies so Patya can indulge in delicious little morsel. You like this word, morsel? Patya am just learn! Anyway, Patya not caring much what kind of coffee is in machine because Patya only take coffee black like much famous Dale Cooper from show Twin Peaks! This one of Patya favorite shows! Patya also need for tape his own stick, because Patya am not trust for leave this to trainer. Trainer is much great but Patya am have to wrap, you understand. Also, Patya always make sure for get good performance bonus so Patya have even more reason for play much well!

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Player Prompt:

Contract talks have not come super often for joans in his career as he has been mostly signing long term contracts for his entire career, but the last season I think was a bit of a struggle since it was the first time that he was an unrestricted free agent. He wasn't sure how to go about it and ended up signing back with the team he was with, the Argos, as they were still elite but also because they were the first team to come back and contact him with an offer. Thank goodness he did because him and the argos are having a baller season, but i believe the next time it comes around, He will be talking to friends and family and former teammates and deciding from there where his future lies. It will depend on where he thinks he can go to succeed both personally and teamwise. Being on Seattle has definitely spoiled him, so other teams would have to really offer something big or seattle would have to really regress from him to leave,

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Sig by @Ragnar

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Creative Prompt:

Chris is incredibly low maintenance and rarely has specific requests within his contracts. One of the key things he does routinely ask for, however, is that he has a few specific days off from practice if they happen to align with those dates; specifically, his parents birthdays. Every year he makes it a point to travel back to his hometown to spend those days with his parents. In the future, should Chris find someone and get married, he'll probably have the some type of request for his spouses birthday and/or their anniversary. While the season can be long, and the travel arduous, Chris still wants to make sure that he takes the time and makes the effort to be with family when it's important. If any of those dates happen to align with a scheduled game, Chris also asks for tickets to that game for this parents so that he can fly them out to attend the game, so he can at least spend time with them afterwards.

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So every time the negotiations come around I try to let my agent handle all the back and forth. I know generally what I think I am worth on the open market but that does not mean it is actually what I would get if I were to go to free agency or even if I was in free agency already my worth to me might not be what the market is dictating at the time. In the end it is still my call on teams and the final number if I want to accept it or not but I trust my agent very much to get the most worth out of me while also giving me the best shot at success in the league for the future. I want that payday but I also want those cups and awards and a lot of times they do not go hand in hand, at least not for long.

157 words

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With my past player, I always liked having a player option at the end of my deal to make sure that I can decide what to do with my future. it is a player driven league and I wanted to be in the driver seat of the career of Kaspars Claude.
Now, a couple years older and somewhat a little wiser, I think with Bruno Tooyo I just want to let the career take its course for the most part. But, at the same time, treat me right. I want to have a fresh kitchen for the whole team and make sure there is always food stocked up for the boys.
Also, along with that contract, the team must pay for a team dinner once a month, whether it is at a fancy restaurant or maybe at a club after a nice road win. The goal would be to have the contract benefit not just me, but also my teammates and make sure I am remembered as one of the best team mates in the league.

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Thanks to @enigmatic , @Ragnar and @sulovilen for the sexy Signature

Creative Prompt

There are several things that Buck asks for in contract negotiations. When Buck arrives to the arena whether it's for practice or for a game, Buck would like a Mocha with whip cream on top sitting, waiting and ready for him. As for a snack on arrival Buck wants to have a banana and some toast with peanut butter, to keep his energy up for the game or practice. Following a game, Buck usually asks for a sport drink of sorts to be in his locker. If Buck does interviews, following those interviews Buck will get a Banana Bread Beer and some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. If he has no interviews or media appearances than the beer and peanut butter cups are waiting for him post game. These are the items and conditions that Buck asks for whenever he is negotiating his contract no matter where he is

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Since Tiberius Kane is the leader of a massive underground-but-not-so-underground cult-but-not-so-cult, he has access to billions of dollars worth of manpower and weaponry. As such, he doesn't require much from his team. He's more interested in helping the team with a friendly contract, but not trying to get claimed or impact the contracts of his peers. But still, some of the clauses have significant monetary value. For one, he requires to be picked up from his secret great falls home in a black and red scorpion shaped car. The car must be a 2003 honda civic with customizations. Additionally, he needs corn dogs on demand at practice. I'm talking deep fryers in the bench. You need a stick? Your equipment manager has one in an instant. Likewise, if you need a corn dog, your corn dog manager has one ready at all times. Sometimes this means making dozens of corndogs that otherwise wont get eaten by Kane, so that he always has a fresh one if he skates by. A corndog can be out of the fryer no more than 2 minutes before it is too chilled. Thankfully, the rest are given to the homeless but in the least dignifying way possible as per the regulations of the great state of Montana.

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Fuck the penaltys
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When it comes to contract talks Hugh Manius generally does not make a lot of waves. He simply goes into his agent’s office explains where he is in his life and tells him what he needs to survive. Good thing for Hugh his agent does not pay attenuation to all that junk, He essentially just nods along with Hugh and entertains him and sends him on his way. Then Manius’s representation contact the teams and fight kick and snarl to get Hugh the biggest contact possible along with negotiating a few perks build into it that are not the norm in you standard SMJHL contact, to provide the big man some entertainment. Such as the after-hour use of the rink along with a super fly towel set that is extra fluffy. So fluffy in fact it tickles Hugh’s nether region every time he is drying himself from the showers to the bemusement of his teammates.


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Sigs by @FlappyGiraffe,  @Steelhead77,  @ToeDragon84, @slothfacekilla, @Wasty and other dude I need to find your name

Lil' Manius

Big Manius


Viktor Krunk prides himself on his tough and competitive spirit, but off the ice he is a bit of a diva -  this means he negotiated some unusual stipulations in his contract.

He has a clause that allows him to leave the team if he is not satisfied with the quality of the food served in the cafeteria - this means they have to make borscht every single day, and only he eats it. He has the requirement for Russian Standard vodka to be supplied in the locker room - he only drinks lightly before the games, but he demands the highest quality of vodka. Also, three times a year, his entire family must be flown out from Siberia to watch the Inferno play, on times of his choosing.

Perhaps his most bizarre contract stipulation though is that he can never be looked in the eyes directly by teammate Puddles O'Duck. They even have a screen between their lockers in the locker room. Viktor Krunk hates ducks.

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Player Prompt

When it comes to contract negotiations, Bastien either relies on himself to talk money on his own or relies on his manager and eternal council for advice. Who is that man one wonders? None other than Bastien's father himself Sebastien Primeau. The old man has been helping his youngest son for years throughout his hockey career and while he doesn't always get involved in contract negotiations he is always there for his son. His goal when in charge of contract talks is not to make the most money but to get the numbers that feel right for his son based on his performance. Bastien doesn't play for a paycheck, he plays for the love of the game and to be able ( And his old man knows it ) to outplay his old man even if Sebastien and son don't play in the same position. Bastien plays for the love of the game, putting pucks in the net and win Championships.

Shl - = - Falcons - = - Aurora - = - Canada - = - Shl
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Living in Winnipeg for the rest of my career could be a logistical nightmare when it comes to having family fly in for the holidays or just simply enjoying the weather. So keeping that in mind, I would want my player agent to negotiate a special contract bonus that rewards Petr Vrána with a certain amount of money each time the temperature dips below a certain negative degree. This would subsidize the fact that Vrána is showing loyalty to the team that drafted him even though he could move to a much warmer climate by signing with teams like Los Angeles, Texas, or San Francisco.

Aside from taking note of the weather inside his contract, Vrána would also ensure that his favorite snacks from his home country were in constant supply in the locker room. An example of this would be his favorite dessert growing up Krupicová kaše would need to be served in the team cafeteria.


Nash always requires special permissions to be written into his contract. First and foremost is always a separate marketing deal within the city. its very important to Nash that he gets his name out in the public. Lots of candid picture appearances (that are really just marketing ploys) and he has to be seen around the town. Everything of course requires Nash's special SEAL of approval. Most importantly in Detroit which is his home away from home. Still playing in the minors, having a big name appearance is going to be important for Buffalo going forward. Nash loves other animals and is always volunteering his time with local animal shelters and other dog friendly events all around the area. Making sure that both teams provide donations and have at least one seasons "pet friendly" event is really important. Some of Nash's biggest fans are animals and pets and its really important for them to be able to show their support for Nash as well.

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