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S61 PT#4- Attributes

Prompt 2.

Unfortunately, this is just a dream I'll never be able to fulfill. Between salary caps, forced lines, and logs of other stuff. In an ideal world, I'd love to just build a goon. A pure fucking goon. I'm talking strength, checking, fighting, speed, agility. Work on maxing them in that order. Finish the season with more PIM than minutes played. This is the kind of player that will only have a point if he's on the ice at the wrong time, or he's in the wrong place. It's just about having fun, punching people in the face, and getting paid to do so. Weekly training? Nah. Season equipment? Why do I need it? I'm going to punch people in the face. I don't want to score, I don't want to be an asset on defense. I want you to know that if I'm out there, I'm going to get a penalty. Most likely, that penalty is going to be bashing your face in. And I'll fucking do it again when you're out of the box.

[Image: FJPVyys.png]

oh no my attributes have been flipped around how bad can this be????? well it's actually kinda good for the most part. my shooting range is now 1 which kinda sucks, my puck handling, (which at a 20 is my strongest attribute) goes down to 2 which actually sucks a lot, and my bravery is 21 which is my second lowest stat (but have i ever really been brave? the answer is no). but that's really the extent of my stats kinda sucking. i have a 50 and some 51s but i also have 4 91s in getting open (good this is good), passing (good this is good), strength (this is very good i am strong man now) and checking (league prepare for me imma hit u). my shooting accuracy is 71 which means that i can most likely score bar downski if i get open which i will since my getting open is a 91. those attributes are nice i guess

Armada Monarchs Germany

Armada Steelhawks Switzerland

Armada Specters Wolfpack Steelhawks Forge Switzerland

Scarecrows pride Chiefs Riot Stars Blizzard Ireland

Prompt 1:

This HO parity decision transformed Nystrom from a scoring power forward into an absolute psychopath with no regard for his own physical well-being whatsoever. His two highest stats are now a whopping 90, the second-highest possible under the new system, in Shotblocking and Bravery. Nystrom will launch himself from redline to blueline with the explicit intent of taking a slapshot to the face, all so his goalie doesn't have to suffer the inconvenience of facing a low danger knucklepuck. It makes a certain amount of sense that his next-highest stat is aggression at 80, since you'd have to have a certain amount of pent-up negative emotions and some kind of traumatic backstory in tandem to justify that kind of decision making. Unfortunately, with a statline full of some of the lowest possible scores a player can have in this brave new world, Nystrom is hot dog doodoo on defense and whenever asked to pass a puck. Fortunately, his bread and butter scores of getting open and shooting the damn thing are still decent at 51. And, rationally, he clocks with a 50 in fighting. Given that this league is suddenly full of Mike Tyson wannabees with fighting scores in the 60s and 70s, this isn't necessarily a big deal, but given also that the game's intended maximum is 20, getting into a fight with some plebian AI player would still constitute an assault charge, if not a murder charge. GG HO. Nystrom went from a top two-way player in the junior league to a mediocre fighter and shot-blocker. Time to kiss my contract goodbye.

[276 words]

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Looking at Rinky McDangle, he is currently in his third season in the SMJHL.  He has 424 TPE applied, so, at this point, he cannot apply any more TPE.  Rinky was originally cast as a Screener.  So he has high skill levels in Screening, Getting Open, Puck Handling and Shooting Accuracy.  These are the skills that I had focused on in Rinky’s early development.   However, what I wanted was for Rinky to be a point producer as well as being defensively responsible.  So I worked on some of the defensive attributes, but ran into the TPE limitations as mentioned above.  He does have decent Defensive Read numbers and is capable in the area of Faceoffs, but some of the other defensive skills could use a bump as Rinky heads off to the majors. 

I also wanted Rinky to be a guy who would “take one for the team”.  Hence I increased his Bravery to a certain extent.  

If I were able to add some skill levels, I think it would initially be in his Physical Ratings.  I think he has to be faster and be able to get up to speed in a hurry.  Overall Rinky is pretty well-rounded and his development will continue in that direction.

Word Count = 207

[Image: Rinky-sig.jpg]

Prompt 2:

I think overall I've had a pretty successful career on Parker. Definitely my best player but Barkov would probably still have the edge if I hadn't retired him so early into regression and played a few more seasons with the Dragons. I've accomplished a lot with Parker, won a Stevens, been nominated three times and probably should've been nominated a 4th time but those are the breaks with voted on awards. That said I've also won two FHM d-man of the year which is pretty cool and the FHM awards are something I'd like to see taken into account going forward especially with HOF voting, it's like the NHL having the Hart trophy for the media and the Lindsay trophy for the players, since FHM is going to have them either way we might as well use them. I'm pretty happy with my career and would like to end it with the Syndicate, I think I can still produce as a top defender but also see that those days are probably behind me on a stacked team like Chicago. I'm probably still going to keep fighting regression but if the day comes that the Syndicate need to replace me I'm not sure if I'd retire or keep playing, but if I kept playing I'd likely go to a middle of the pack team that could use me on their top pair.

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SMJHL Commisioner S17-S26
Calgary Dragons GM S14-S23

Prompt 2

If you had asked me this question at the start of my career, the answer would have been very different. My initial idea was to be more of a playmaker, leading counter attacks from the back, firing pucks around, picking up As for fun. I very much evolved as a player in St Louis though. The requirements of the team were different and I adapted to fill the need of the team, over my own initial aspirations.
As a more defensively minded player now, my big one is Defensive Read. Not being blessed with huge size, nor particularly impressive physicals, on account of a period of inactivity, being able to pre-empt what the forward might do is a big leveller. It lets me get in place to break up the play before they are right in my face. As I develop, I will hopefully get better at this! I also believe Stickchecking to be much more important than hitting. For starters, the downside of missing a stickcheck, and the recovery time before you can try again, are much less than whiffing on a hit. I’m not a spectacular, highlight-reel player, I want to be a team guy, unspectacular but reliable. Well, my hatty v Texas might suggest otherwise, but I’m serious!

[Image: A3AlstA.png]

Prompt #2
I think the FHM attributes that I value in my player our currently my speed which was only brought up too having my D partners speed at 5, but it is most defintally my best Attribute. Over my Career i hope too mold a player with amazing speed and wicked shot and is well rounded for decenseman. I hope too be a leader in many dressing rooms and lead a great amount of teams too successful championships while playing my hardest and putting my best foot forward i immange this is very easily possible for young Defenseman Kayden Pale too Accoplish. He has alot of hopes and dreams and things he wants to be able too make happy and possible with the game of hockey. Pale will contuieing too be faster than competion and try his hardest too keep his other stats level as well. Im really exicted for the future of my player and cant wait to see if i can win it all with Quebec this season.


Prompt - 2

Oh I'm glad you asked me that buddy.. I've been looking to train my agility and speed a bit more, I need to hit the treadmill and bike a bit more. I want to be the most agile goaltender there is out there, there was out there and there will ever be out there.
Another attribute I'd like to improve in is my arm agility and reflex. Grab all those shots with the glove and block them blocks with the blockers, you know the deal. I wanna be remembered as the one and done, I don't know what that means, but if you're the one, then that's good, right? I wanna be known as the guy that was always in shape, or maybe as the guy that liked to eat some pizza with mayo before every game, I don't really know, it doesn't matter to me, I just wanna play. Dab on them.

[Image: 64377_v.gif]
Whalers Whalers Whalers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Panthers Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack Wolfpack
Finland / Germany  
Big thanks to Pythonic(first sig evah), Sloth(first LAP sig<3) and Ragnar for their sigs<3
Three time playoffs MVP and two time nominee
Triple gold club
Discord: asska
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2021, 08:50 PM by NorwegianDemon.)

Prompt 1: My biggest increase would be in bravery with a massive increase. I have now started diving headfirst into incoming shots to block them. I would also all of the sudden become one of the best players at faceoffs on my team, even if I would still be considered as a winger. After these changes, the coach told me that I would be one of his go to guy for important faceoff in the defensive zone. Surprisingly, my hitting as stay the same, which I appreciated and happily for me, I don’t any attribute with a 10 as a rating, so I don’t have to suffer through this hard regression. Other than bravery which is now my strongest attribute, my strongest other attributes remain the same, which means my shoot and my puckhandling are still killer as well as my balance, my strength and my ability to check. I would also be a lot more aggressive as a player.

160 words

Nor Ge
Norway Citadelles Forge

Salzberger Lillehammersson
Norway Inferno World Falcons

Anders Christiansen
[Image: inferno.png] [Image: dragons.png] [Image: wolfpack2.png] [Image: stars.png] [Image: Dxdffra.png] [Image: hGKuRrv.png] [Image: sAx3Llh.jpg] [Image: firebirds.png]

Prompt 1

Unfortunately (for the hypothetical in this PT anyways) I've maxed out on the two most important attributes for a goalie to have, reflexes and positioning. So this means that I'll be going from a McBride finalist to probably the worst goalie in the league. On the bright side though my blocker, glove, low shots, rebound, recovery, mental toughness, and stamina would all be 71. I just hope this doesn't happen a few seasons from now when most if not all of these attributes are at 20. Also interestingly enough all the unimportant stats, passing, poke check, puck handling, and skating, will all stay at 11. This is because I put 10 more TPE in each of them than I needed to, or else they'd each be going to 90. So I guess I'll be incredibly confident and be able to play a full game without breaking a sweat. I'd also be able to stop any shot at any place if I was ever in the right place or was fast enough to get there.

[Image: Mat10Man.gif]

pt pass

Drafted 2nd round 21st Pick by the Winnipeg Jets in S55 SHL Entry Draft 
GM of the UCORCAL in the WJC S55
S55 WJC Gold Medalist GM/Player for UCORCAL
Management Role for Russia in the IIHF
Management Role / Head Coach for Winnipeg Aurora in SHL 
Co-GM St. Louis Scarecrows S57-S60
GM of the St. Louis Scarecrows S61-S72
S72 Challenge Cup Champion - GM
Co-GM Toronto North Stars S81
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[Image: YatU179.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2021, 09:37 PM by ValorX77.)

Prompt 1:

It was one day at practice, and Videl Valor felt confident as ever, she just signed a new contract with the Calgary Dragons, before there was a glitch in the matrix. All the sudden, every player froze then felt different faster than anyone could react, everyone felt their abilities shift.
Videl tried to land a hit on a fellow whaler, only for the player to completely lose consciousness and shatter the entire boards on impact. The next thing she tried to do is do some center ice shots, strangely enough, every single shot got past Olof Karasko, she then wondered, is it her, or was her team’s goalie not even trying?

She wasn’t the only one feeling the rift, Karasko was making save after save as you couldn’t get pass his glove side, but, to makes things worse, Zak Wilson also had a similar affect too, but with literal bone-crushing hits.

So how did the changes affect Videl?

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 80
Getting Open: 31
Passing: 51
Puckhandling: 51
Shooting Accuracy: 21
Shooting Range: 01
Offensive Read: 51

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 31
Hitting: 50
Positioning: 11
Stickchecking: 11
Shot Blocking: 11
Faceoffs: 11
Defensive Read: 31

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 51
Agility: 51
Balance: 41
Speed: 41
Stamina: 51
Strength: 31
Fighting: 50

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 50
Bravery: 50
*Determination: 51
*Team Player: 51
*Leadership: 51
*Temperament: 51
*Professionalism: 51
(235 words)

[Image: Mumei-NOLA-Sig.png]
[Image: FThunMn.png]

Prompt 2 -

As a defenseman I feel like there are so many ways to go. The important things for me though have never waivered. I want to be able to be responsible in my own end, I want to be able skate faster than anyone on the ice and I want to be able to distribute the puck better than anyone out there. I don't care if I have 0 goals in a season, as long as I have a ton of assists, I will be happy. I want to scare the shit out of the other team with my passing ability, never knowing where the puck is going to go. Part of that though is being faster than anyone out there. The beginnings of that build is in affect at the SMJHL level, and I can not wait to release this menace on the SHL level with Seattle once that time comes. For now though, I will help lead Vancouver to one of, if not the best season in SMJHL history. We are the best, and we are about to prove that to everyone else.


187 words

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S61 Four Star Cup - Game-Winning Goal in the clinching Game 4

[Image: efischermann.gif]
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2021, 12:24 AM by natedoeshockey.)

Patya am for purpose of this much choosing prompt #1.

Here am being new stats for Patya!

Offensive Ratings
Screening: 01
Getting Open: 51
Passing: 31
Puckhandling: 51
Shooting Accuracy: 31
Shooting Range: 90
Offensive Read: 51

Defensive Ratings
Checking: 31
Hitting: 01
Positioning: 11
Stickchecking: 31
Shot Blocking: 50
Faceoffs: 50
Defensive Read: 31

Physical Ratings
Acceleration: 41
Agility: 31
Balance: 31
Speed: 31
Stamina: 31
Strength: 31
Fighting: 50

Mental Ratings
Aggression: 50
Bravery: 80
*Determination: 51
*Team Player: 51
*Leadership: 51
*Temperament: 51
*Professionalism: 51

WOWEE! Patya am getting many stats big! Am now FOR SURE winner big! Am become greatest player SHL ever seen! Am become bestest player of Russia like Patya am dreaming! Even being better than glorious Vladimir Putin! Patya am see attitude change much though. Patya am many braves, many aggressives, and much for wanting fight other player. Patya am for clearly dipping into Not So Clean Andrei's stash, no? Weird though because Patya am not much for hitting or screening. Patya sometime like much hitting other player. Want make sure other player am know Patya is here for play physical. WOWEE! Patya shooting range am being 90! WOWEE WOWEE! PATYA AM SCORE FROM NOSEBLEEDS! PATYA AM SHOOTING PUCKS AFTER GAME INTO STANDS FOR TAKE HOME MUCH SOUVENIRS! PATYA AM BECOMING MOST POPULAR SHL PLAYER! EVERYONE AM GIVING MANY LOVES TO ME! Patya am looking like pure scorer, which is what Patya love to do! This make Patya many happies! This make HO many not happies because Patya stat is much inflated. HO say to Patya, "Patya, cannot do this." Patya be many sads for HO saying this. But is okay, Patya am knowing am become dominant force of player anyway. Nothing am stopping Patya time!

Also, Patya am not sure if mental states that normally not for changing am for changing now, but Patya am change anyway.

Lore: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png]   [Image: HKi05IH.png]   [Image: gs89eGV.png]

So basically, the closer you are to 10 or 20 without actually hitting those values, the better off you are. Let's take a look at Malik's attributes. Firstly, his Stamina is a 16 right now which turns into a 61. This isn't great, considering he's tasked with top line duties as well as special units as well on NOLA. He'd be quite tired, real quick. Also, he might as well transition into a Center, considering his 9 Faceoffs will transform into a 90. Not sure how that would rank among his teammates, but at the very least, Malik would be able to take faceoffs when needed. Starting more in the defensive zone might be useful as well, since his 8 shot blocking will turn into an 80. That's isn't excellent per say, but quite good for a forward. However, Malik probably wouldn't be able to lead his team in points if he's starting in the defensive zone more. Besides that, he'd turn into a pretty mediocre player. Hopefully this never actually happens.

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[Image: Eo2nBCt.png] [Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: QtEp67y.png]

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