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S77 mPT #4: Well Inspired Due: Sunday, July 7th @ 11:59 PM PST

I think FHM is just not realistic. Look at the goalies, I wish goalies mattered more in FHM like it does in NHL. That would be the thing I would change to be more like it. Other than that, I think the league is pretty good.

[Image: huNeCNb.png]
Thank you OrbitingDeath! <3

I would love to see unit tactics in the shl. It would allow you to customize your team and make players more unique with thier builds. unit tactics give a team a better identity.

[Image: fFccrkD.png][Image: SNCAGza.png]

I saw a post earlier mention suspensions in the SHL for players and that is a brilliant idea and also would definitely cause people to quit. Same sort of thing for injuries, it would be a fun idea for about half a day until you wanted to get back in and start playing again.

[Image: lqfXIpe.jpeg]
[Image: FThunMn.png]

I'd wish for suspensions and injuries to be a thingy. Just to make everyone have bigger squads and do more trading/roster changes. But I guess nobody wants be the scratched person

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Something the SHL does that the NHL doesn't do well is not having any injuries. Injuries suck whenever it happens and I'm glad we don't have any injuries for our sim league.

(32 words)

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[Image: KS8UYv9.png] [Image: zFE0mSA.png] [Image: IhVx0wj.png] [Image: sXDU6JX.png]
Thank you @Stadacona for the Chaewon player sig!


We want goalie goals! STHS had goalie assists, but FHM has none of them, it should be a thing. They're rare in the NHL, but they do happen and hence should be added to the SHL too. I don't know if this was really the question, but anyway.

[Image: zS2lCMp.png] 

[Image: carpy48.gif]
sigs either by @Wasty, @Nokazoa, @sulovilen, @Capt_Blitzkrieg, @sköldpaddor, @Ragnar, @enigmatic, @Lime or myself

Stars Lions Berserkers
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[Image: 3GX9nYb.png]
[Image: AfpXX8l.png]

It will never happen, but maybe in a different league, but I think it would be cool to have in acting, the 'SMJHL' be farm teams to the SHL, where the SMJHL gets prospects for the SHL GM to scour through and bring up, etc, like the AHL to the NHL.

[Image: iQSPFuj.jpeg]
[Image: z6GYaGE.gif]

I do like that SHL does have a fairly active free agency versus some of the other sim leagues, as I think the players feel like they have a bit more agency without letting a team down

[Image: zootshl.gif]
Sig credits: OrbitingDeath & enigmatic

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Timber Scarecrows pride Aurora France

I think the 7 game playoff series that the SHL adopted from the NHL is a great element of the league as in my opinion it makes sure the best team wins

[Image: apSD6uj.gif]
[Image: leafsftw1967.gif] 

Malamutes  Stars Malamutes  Stars

I am going to echo some of what was already stated in I think we should have more player movement between teams. I am not sure if that's more salary cap related, less strict tampering rules, or what but would be nice to have things shaken up a bit more than they are now.

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King


I think its good that we have different rules for the salary cap related to goalie cause we all know that a high tpe goalie will play just as poorly as the star predicts while the IA bot with 155 will play godlike, so the fact we can get some discount on the cap is great.

[Image: Evok.gif]

[Image: merha.gif]

One thing that I would change that isn't similar to the NHL but more similar to junior leagues like the CHL, is change the SHL draft year by 1 season. From a rp perspective you enter the SMJHL at 15/16 and enter the draft at 16/17, if you push it back by one season it lines up to real life more where you would get drafted to the SHL at 17/18. But due to different peak times in your career and patience of people, it is understandable that you get drafted after your first SMJHL season.

[Image: TheOPSquid.gif]
[Image: v2ZHYxx.png]

I would agree with some of the above in reference to media posts or the requirement for PT. It would be cool to get a better insight into some of your favorite teams and players if they had to answer silly questions or open up more about who they are on and off the ice.

[Image: yxRlGdj.png]

I'm really not sure on all the nuances on what is and isn't exactly similar to the NHL's format. But an earlier comment about the SHLs playoff format matching that of the NHLs. @puolivalmiste had a good point that the objective of the playoffs for the NHL are very different from that of the SHL and ours should focus more on objective good ways to run it.

I think the draft system works pretty nicely in mimicking the excitement and uncertainty that we see in the NHL. Live drafting can be chaotic having experienced it first hand across my many years of scouting and GMing, but still quite the enjoyable endeavour from a prospect POV

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[Image: beegbeegyoshi.gif]

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